KSGU:Volume 10 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Part 1

The metallic walls kept sliding, covering the sky. After a relative distance of 2km, the space colony no longer resembled a building. The silver cylinder that had a little cyan to it flashed numerous warning lights, forever maintaining itself as a self operating planet--the 'world' that encompassed millions of lives within exerted its presence, on a similar level to the Earth and the moon, upon the people viewing it. Unlike the typical space colonies that are usually opened to the outside, this 'Industrial 7' space colony, shielded by a metallic wall, exerbated such a presence. A quarter length of this sealed colony was covered by a colony builder unit called the 'Rokuro', and the cylinder it was building floated in space silently, as though the chaos that happened within the past hour never existed. The zero gravity industrial area facing Earth was completely silent, with nary a transport ship nor a space shuttle to be seen. There were no lights of the linear cars traveling by, only the solar panels surrounding the space colony reflecting some light upon the cylinder.

"Even the subway's down...?"

To the people living within the inner walls of the cylinder, the linear cars that run underground--the outer walls are the easiest way for the residents living inside the space colony to connect with the outside world. The linear cars stopped moving for some unnatural reason, and surely it had to be related with the current predicament. Feeling somewhat startled, Otto looked at the outer walls of 'Industrial 7'. Though located within the shoal region, the area around the space colony was cleared, and there were no signs of space debris to be seen from the bridge. The thoroughly battered 'Nahel Argama' silently wandered through the space that had no ships around, welding lights flashing as emergency repairs were made all over the ship.

"Port management remains silent. I'm guessing it's way more likely that the comms system are blocked by some way rather than them being hushed up. The residents living there are completely sealed inside."

Liam held the straw of the nutritional jelly with one hand as she commented, looking at the outer walls of the colony. It had been ten minutes since the air pressure within the ship was maintained with the assistance of the emergency response teams, and that orders were made for rations to be given to the entire crew. The mobile suits escorting the ship returned, and the relief after the prior perilous events left the atmosphere in the ship relaxed, but the abnormal situation of 'Industrial 7' isolated from the outside world triggered a new wave of uneasiness. Mihiro faced the communications panel, her petite body quivering, "Is it the work of Anaheim...the Vist Foundation?" she muttered, her face showing an anxiety completely different from a battle.

"It's possible...but it feels like there's a stronger force at work. Maybe it's the 'Magallanica' controlling the systems of the space colony."

Liam answered as she directed her stare beyond the ‘Rokuro’, where the colony faced the Moon. If the self-rotational residential area was the shell, and generated its own gravity through self-rotation like a colony, then shape of the ‘Magallanica’ itself could be described as similar to a horned snail. Otto finished the tasteless nutritional jelly as he stared at the rocky cliffs gathered upon the shell of the colony builder. The colossal structure extracted materials from the rocky plates formed upon the rotational residential area, along with the space debris floating nearby, creating a massive structure from the ‘Rokuro’. This structure, possessing the power to create a ‘world’, remained silent along with ‘Industrial 7’. The docking bay within the cylindrical core remained in lockdown, and there was no response despite many calls. Warning lights at various places continued to flicker regularly, but there were faint lights blinking at the windows of the bridge located at the head of the snail, and one could not dismiss the notion that the shell was completely empty.

Previously, they managed to enter through Alberto’s word, but it seemed not to be the case this time. If it did contain the ‘Laplace Box’, there might be several traps or defensive installations designed to fight off intruders. Otto’s eyes drifted towards the Type-94 Base Jabber approaching the docking bay. Conroy and the ECOAS vanguard were riding upon it, managed to meet the ‘Unicorn’, the latter merely a little speck compared to the ‘Magallanica’ as it drifted in a corner of the screen. The white frame of the ‘Unicorn’ was kneeling there, looking down at the massive gates of the docking bay, and to a bystander, it resembled a heavily-armored knight of the Middle Ages facing the gates. This master of the city had passed through many tribulations, and finally returned with the key to open the ‘box’—

“Return of the King, huh…?”

He blurted out, and Liam turned to look at him in surprise, “Is there any movements from the ‘Magallanica’?” Otto asked Mihiro,

“Nothing. The ECOAs tried to enter, but it seemed the airlock was shut off. They said it’s likely they’ll have to burn it down with a burner.”

“No other choice. Can’t turn back now when we’ve come this far. What about our pursuers?”

“Density of the Minovsky particles is decreasing. No signs of the Neo Zeon fleet approaching on the optical sensors.”

The sensor operator answered. “Our friendlies?” Though knowing it sounded sarcastic from him, Otto asked,

“It appears the fleet stationed by the Moon has taken action. Also, while beyond our range, we have detected trackers coming from the Moon. The forces that sent in the second ‘Unicorn’ unit.”

The intentional voice from the sensor operator caused Otto, who was exchanging looks with Liam, to look over to Mihiro. “Any response from Ensign Riddhe after that?” Otto asked, “Nothing.” And Mihiro answered with a softer voice.

“A communicator can probably reach him. Keep calling…Ensign Mihiro, reach out for him with your words.”

After adding on to his words with his look, “Yes…” Mihiro softly responded, and went back to work on the operator. The wireless signal from the ‘Banshee’ was not the only thing she received. She heard his ‘voice’. Otto repeated the many ‘voices’ he heard, once again experiencing a surreal feeling he was unsure off, stood away from the Captain’s seat, and looked towards the window.

That ‘voice’, turbulent like a storm, was no longer around. After a torrent of madness, a terrifying silence of space engulfed the ‘Nahel Argama’. The vacuum of endless darkness engulfed Lieutenant Marida, along with the lives of many. Ensign Riddhe, who had lost his way and was drifting around, was also in this darkness—

“Is that alright? He is an enemy who attacked us.”

Liam stood by Otto’s side, asking with a volume only audible to him. He turned his eyes towards her,

“Vice Captain, you did hear it, didn’t you? That ‘voice’.”

“…It sounded like he’s crying.” Liam immediately averted her eyes sheepishly, only to posture a hardened stance back at him, “But, that has no—”

“I know.

“I know. There is nothing to prove it's reality. If that's caused by the resonance of the psycoframes, our position requires us to doubt if the enemy predicted this and used it to jam our signals." "Yeah."

"But at the same time, there's no proof that it isn't reality."

Otto could hear Liam gulp down the urge to argue back, and turned his sights outside. Once again, he closed his eyes, the mysterious lights flickering within his eyes returning to darkness. "We've come this far." He said silently.

"I'm not going to ask everyone to believe blindly, but we shouldn't decide with our old-fashioned minds, lest we miss out on many important things in this critical moment."

Liam's little snort was the answer, and Otto stared at her sidelong face, her silence affirming that answer. He exhaled, and looked back at the "Magallanica"

"We can only accept what has happened. Before us is a secret that can topple the world──"

"Something's happening to the "Magallanica"!"

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A shout suddenly occurred, and the sadness from before instantly vaporized. While every bridge member froze, "What's going on?" Liam's voice echoed through the space. Otto hurriedly returned to the captain seat, "It's the docking bay. The space hatch opened!" and once the sensor operator responded, he hastily looked to the monitor.

Like an old-fashioned shutter camera from ages before, the circular-shaped wings of metallic plates slowly slid away. Otto stared at the visuals sent from the dispatch team, along with the "Magallanica", "Any other movements?" muttering away, "No changers...no, beacon's signalling". The officer reported. "No response in the commns. Command block is quiet." Mihiro's voice came. The gates were open at this time, little beacons of last flicking on the transmitted footage..

"ECOAS said they're going in to investigate."

"Let them go. Our fleet will approach the "Magallanica", and keep watch on the perimeter."

Otto gave the order without hesitation, and stared at the slightly blurred visuals. The port had scars from the battle a month ago, but it did not look any different from before. Beyond the space gate was the central port, along with the docks for massive ships, and beyond that partition was the industrial block forming the core of the "Magallanica". Was someone controlling within? Or that the "Magallanica" recognized the return of its owner? In any case, there was no shop docked at the central, and neither was there working personnel. The base jabber continued to ferry the "Unicorn" slightly through the round gates. The vast space of the port was magnified on the monitors, and once the contrast adjusted to the darkness, one could see scorch marks all over the walls.

"…Let's go in a look."

Otto's little blurt had Liam raising an eyebrow, "Captain?" Otto didn't look away from the monitor as he continued, "If the port facilities can still be used, we can use it for emergency repairs."

"The "Nahel Argama" is at its limit. It can't fight against any pursuers. If we get in before the port closes, the "Magallanica" can act as a shield."

"Is that so…"

"It's equally dangerous to stay here. I want to make sure that we can remain as safe as possible."

Both sides knew well that their ships could barely remain airtight. Neither could expect their fighting strength to recover. Liam herself had no desire for more casualties, her eyes giving a look of agreement, "Wait." but another voice interrupted them.

"If we all enter now, our external surveillance will weaken. We should stay and wait for the "Unicorn"."

Zimmerman stomped in through the bridge door, bellowing. "Captain…" Liam's response was terse, probably worried that Zimmerman was still highly affected by the destruction of the "Kshatriya". Nevertheless, the former was unperturbed as he went to the captain seat with eyes upon him. "I just checked on the situation", he said with a relieved look, and Otto stared back into the eyes that had seemingly washed away their anguish and hesitation.

"The emergency team is working hard. We're back to a state where we can duke it out with the Zeon ships."

"But there's a limit to how much we can repair in vacuum. We have to recover till full strength as much as possible while the 'Sleeves' aren't able to move—"

"The "Rewloola" is still out there."

He responded, giving a look to Otto who had apparently forgotten about this. "The Federation has been dragging their toes, and I'm concerned about that too." he continued, drifting towards the window.

"They might be thinking of how to eliminate us all at once. It's best for the ship to remain outside, so that no matter what happens, we can deal with it as best as we can."

"I know that logic…"

"Marida told me that."

The eyes looking over the shoulder were giving off a clear light, stinging into Otto's heart. "Something's aiming for us." While Otto was still speechless, Zimmerman continued,

"We'll wait for the "Unicorn". It's time for us as adults to protect him."

He looked into the void, his eyes withstanding everything despite not having lost everything. If they were to remain defensive, all their sacrifices would be in vain. Now is the time for us to step up, is that what you're saying? Otto muttered as he looked at the back of the one who sacrificed more than anyone else, before looking over to the "Unicorn" that was gradually sucked into the "Magallanica".

The bonfire-like beacon lights flickered, guiding the white armor through its city gates. Judgment has arrived, so this thought suddenly occurred, causing Otto goosebumps.

Part 2

The many feathers gathered in a circle slowly closed as they opened. The hole leading to the outside world shrank, concealing the light beacons and the white frame of the "Nahel Argama" drifting in space.

"The hatch is closing. Can we still make contact?"

Conroy's voice came from the Type 94 Base Jabber behind. '"Actuator, confirmed." Banagher heard Lieutenant Gariety's voice as he turned his eyes left and right. The spacious spaceport swallowed the "Unicorn" and the base jabber, filling the vision of the all view monitor. He saw the charred marks of the beam rifle, back at the 500m wide rectangular space, and the partition gate slid apart. The space behind the gate seemingly invited them in, and was relatively dim compared to the port. There should be some docks for massive ships, but the lighting was heavily dimmed.

"Is someone controlling it?"

"No, looks like it's a machine response. Did the "Magallanica" systems identify the "Unicorn"? Looks like we can only go in."

Banagher heard the conversation between Conroy and Gael, passing through the partition wall large enough for the "Nahel Argama" to pass through. The first impression he had of this place was the scorched hole. Most of the lighting was faulty, unable to illuminate the port, along with the cranes that had collapsed and drifted in space; all of these were scars of the battle a month ago. The partition gate too had a hole, but it was patched up, with signs of the bare minimal repairs involving air pressure.

It appeared the drones had executed repairs. The hole however was covered with new steel, and Banagher recalled it being the mark the "Unicorn" punctured through, the hole he made that instant when he was tossed into the cockpit without knowing what was going on, just trying to eliminate Marida's "Kshatriya".

There were similar, obvious looking patch marks. Opposite it was an industrial block, along with the hangar of the “Unicorn”. Was that man’s corpse lying somewhere in this darkness? The new memories suddenly filled Banagher’s heart, his hand on the joystick frozen. However, another hand reaching from the side was placed on his. The warmth reached him through the glove, as though siphoning away the extra strength.

Audrey leaned forward from the co-pilot seat, gently nodding to him. Her eyes were affirming to him, I am here, and he nodded back, suppressing his rising feelings as he looked forward. The latch behind them closed, and the massive wall before them began to slide. The ‘Base Jabber’ remained on standby, and on Conroy’s command, the two “Lotos” accompanying it accelerated, moving before the “Unicorn”.

The ECOAS special units had transformed into mobile suits, and passed the partition into the next block. The 920 wielding the anti-aircraft machine gun on the right shoulder was occupied by Conroy and the others, while the 729 “Loto” with the gatling gun was one boarded by Gael. The “Unicorn” followed the two 12m tall units, passed through the doors, and the hatch 200m wide began to close. The four walls concealed the Base Jabber, the flowing winds pelting upon the “Unicorn”. As the winds continued to shuffle from everywhere, Banagher descended to the bridge with the “Lotos” flanking him.

Air was gushing in and filling the massive space, allowing for the booster thrusters and mobile frames to be heard in the cockpit, along with many others. Banagher’s ears were long used to the vacuum, and while feeling a sharp pain from the air, he let the “Unicorn” advance to the partition. The “Loto” hooked their feet anchors into the grooves of the ground, allow their brown units to move forward. The air finished filling before the three units arrived at the partition, so large it dwarfed the mobile suits as it slowly slid aside.

Before them was the industrial block that was always filled with air. The space looked extremely dark, a forest of steel formed by countless overlapping cranes and conveyor belts. Most of them were violently severed, their charred remains floating in zero gravity, the WIP materials drifting in the darkness. Naturally, there was no functioning facility, and all communications with “Industrial 7” seemed to have ceased. There appeared to be nary any human activity, let alone repair works. There were piles of cold debris in the bottomless darkness, and a time-stopping silence roamed in the core of the”Magallanica”.

They would see the “Laplace Box” at the end of this darkness. There was a warmth lingering in his chest, neither fear nor excitement, as he looked through this wasteland of an industrial block. The 729 on the shoulder took a step forward. “There’s an elevator to the gravity area”, so Gael said.

“There’s probably a cargo lift for mobile suits to use. Let’s go.”

The 729 “Loto” pushed aside the twisted debris with its manipulator, moving further in. While the “Unicorn” tailed it, the 920 “Loto” advanced with footsteps ringing. “Don’t let your guard down”. Conroy’s tense voice echoed through the wireless. The three units spaced themselves sufficiently such that they would not be shot at once, advancing through the dim industrial block. Banagher raised the Beam Magnum, currently with two rounds, and advanced while making sure the unit did not deviate off course.

‘There’s the hiding place of Vist Foundation founder beneath this mansion…a cryo room? I can believe it exists, but I don’t understand why it does.”

Conroy’s tentative murmur echoed through the wireless as they passed the industrial block and reached the path leading to the elevator block. “You mean?” Gael answered.

“The construction of the “Magallanica” is by itself part of the Founder’s plans, but even though the plans that were leaked, I don’t understand why he hid his residence in such a simple place like a basement. That woman called Martha had checked through all the Foundation’s facilities thorough, right”

“You searched through the mansion during your prior operation, but you found nothing.”

“That is true…”

“There are blind spots, like the bottom of a lamp, and features not easily detected. It’s not wrong to say it is beneath the mansion, but not completely correct.”

Conroy did not respond further to Gael’s deliberately obfuscated words. The three units arrived at the elevator block, and stopped before the spiral doors the size of a mobile suit.

Their current position was located at the core of the rotating residence area, and they descended at least 500m down the elevator. The gravity block was located within the inner walls of the ‘snail’ shell, and within it was the mansion the Vist family transported from Earth. Banagher pressed the button using the mechanical arm protruding from the elbow,. The 729 “Loto” had boarded, and moved aside to let the “Unicorn” in. The 920 “Loto” took a step back, “We’ll wait here.” Conroy’s voice came through the wireless.

“Banagher, keep communicating, and no matter what happens, deal with it calmly. Don’t forget, we got your back covered.”

The guiding voice was truly Conroy’s way of guidance. Banagher felt a little relaxed, “Yes”, and replied thus. The spiral gates closed, and the elevator began to descend. The 920 “Loto” instantly flowed upwards, and once the elevator doors shielded their vision, all that were left were fleeting lights at regular intervals.

“I can’t say that I know everything. This “Magallanica” is managed by the organization directly affiliated to the leader. Even the colony management familiar with Master Cardeas has no idea of the actual layout.”

The weight of gravity bore upon the blood pressure along with the descending ceiling. Banagher had the “Unicorn” turn its head about, looking down at the “Loto” that was merely as tall as the “Unicorn” waist.

“If Master Cardeas had not informed me of this failsafe, even I would not have known about this cryo. The Founder himself has equivalent value to the “Box” given his knowledge of all the secrets.”

So he had to spend his life fending against assassins? Banagher sensed another reason why his blood pressure rose, muttering, “Founder of the Vist Foundation…Syam Vist.” This seemingly unacquainted name resonated with Alberto’s words, the man who killed his own son. “He is your great-grandfather.” Gael continued, but every single fact was so hard to accept, the fragmented words merely dancing in Banagher’s heart.

“I’m not going to say what kind of person he is. Do determine with your own eyes. What I can say now is my guess, the “Laplace Box” is with Master Syam. I never thought the cryo and the ‘box’ would be at the same place, but since the La+ Program points to this place, I can’t think of any other. Looking at the simple structure of the cryo, I don’t think there’s an additional place to hide”

“A secret hidden within a secret. He lived a hundred years using such a dangerous thing like cryo…”

Audrey muttered with amazement and pity. The emotion Banagher had once gulped rose again, “That has nothing to do with this.” And he retorted with a stiff voice,

“Many…too many have died. If that thing is not worth the sacrifice…”

The heat being suppressed in the heart was scorching his organs, tormenting him to the point of breathlessness. Banagher could sense Audrey being tentative to tell him something as he kept staring at the lights flowing down to up. A little while later, the lights stopped, and another dazzling light filled the all-view monitor. The spacious artificial air and earth of the gravity block revealed itself before the “Unicorn”.

The ceiling 200m tall or so was projecting blue skies and clouds, and one could see a large arching grassland from above. Despite this, it was a dazzling sight to the eyes that had just trevassed the vacuum battlefield, the vibrant colors and lights melting away all tension at once. The elevator slid through the transparent, plastic well, slowly landing upon the gravity block covered in plantation. Banagher felt slightly dizzy as he was unaccustomed to the sudden change in visuals, and the elevator, having arrived at the lowest level, let out a dull metallic buzz.

The spiral hatch opened, and the “Unicorn” exited the elevator, taking a large step forward. The empty space before the elevator was trampled upon, and there were grass patches to the flanks of the barren dirt road. It seemed they had arrived at a more distant block, for the Vist residence was nowhere to be seen. A flock of birds, probably terrified by the footsteps of the two large giants, left the trees and flew into the artificial sky in a unified arch. It was a month ago when Banagher met Audrey; his memories of the encounter awoke as he basked in that fresh greenness for the time being.

His hair was a little longer, and physically, he was no different. However, he was a completely different person in terms of how he viewed things, and how he rationalized them. He could not comprehend how it affected it, “We’ll wait here.” So Gael said, the miniature “Loto” behind Banagher taking a step back.

“Please guide the “Unicorn” forward. The seal of the La+ Program has been released. You should be able to get a reaction by going close.”

Gael did not hint further, for he probably was still servient to Cardeas, and swore to keep the cryo a secret. The “Unicorn” would determine its most appropriate pilot, and lead the way to “Laplace Box”. Banagher recalled the words Cardeas said, exchanged nods with Audrey, opened the throttles, and stepped on the pedal.

The thruster jets blew upon the still “Loto”. The “Unicorn” stomped off the ground, racing through the short blue sky. Banagher watched the altimeter as he stuck close to the ceiling, descending and hopping whenever he saw an empty space, moving through the round, donut-like scenery. Looking down from above, he saw that there were more empty spaces than he had assumed. The were empty spaces before the elevators spaced apart regularly, along with the forests and grassland. There were paths big enough for large trucks to pass through. The forest boundaries were clearly trimmed, and there were artificial objects wherever he landed. These were likely to be portholes, shared tunnels that would provide supplies to any places with signs of life.

“Banagher, this is…”

“Yeah…this isn’t an ordinary space. Feels like it’s designed to be capable of holding an additional warehouse or school or large facility.”

Banagher nearly blurted out words like base or barracks or the like, but swallowed it back as he looked forward. There was a foundation to rebuild the world after the ‘box’ was opened. He recalled Gael’s words as Cardeas’ dreams unfolded before him, and he felt a slight chill. Beyond the holographic clouds, the Vist family’s mansion appeared.

The trimmed garden and the Earth-weathered artificial stone structures were exactly the same as they were during his last visit a month ago. Banagher saw a driveway at the porch, “We’re landing”, and had the “Unicorn” descend before Audrey could not. The short bursts of the thrusters caused the unit to decelerate and descend in an arch. The “Unicorn” landed while facing the house, captured by gravity as its feet sank into the porch, the thruster winds blowing upon the garden.

The little shrubs in the garden swayed slightly, the water bursting from the fountain splashing apart. The windows shook, but not massively so for this 100m building. Despite being a three storey building, each level was extraordinarily tall, the roof taller than the “Unicorn”. Looking over from the main camera in the head, he could see the sculpture right above the main entrance, the clock in the middle pointing to 11.30pm.

The windows curtains were all pulled down, and there was no presence to be felt. Banagher wondered if there would be anyone welcoming them in, “Shall we go…?” Audrey asked, and they exchanged looks, but the main monitor suddenly showed the “La+” words, and Banagher felt a gust rising from beneath his feet, striking his shull

──You found it?

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The gust became a voice, flashing through his forehead as a light. The kind voice sounded so familiar. Who is it? So Banagher quietly called out, but the visuals on the all-view monitors vanished, and the cockpit fell into brief darkness. Banagher instinctively grabbed Audrey’s hand, and when a screen was switched on again, he saw a picture.

There was a lady standing before a little tent, putting her jewellery into the box of a waiting lady. Flanking her sides with a unicorn and a lion, pulling the entrance aside as they raised their front legs, inviting her in. It was no simple painting; every pattern and animal on the crimson background was stitched on the cloth. These were the six tapestries, the last of them depicting the lady and the unicorn together…Banagher recalled the words Cardeas said to him, that the other five tapestries symbolized the human five senses, and nobody knew what the last called the ‘tent’ meant. That person told him that as they did not know, they had to draw, to think, to seek the unspeakable knowledge and truth, and to understand the meaning of the ancient words ‘à mon seul désir’.

“My only desire…”

The ‘voice’ that had asked if he had found it permeated through his body again, exploding in light. Banagher could not answer except for an inexplicable expression as he stared at the ‘tent’, and there was a heavy rumbling rising from beneath his feet.

It was not the “Unicorn” trembling, but the plates of the gravity block. The earthquake tremor shook the unit, the auto balancers twirling their bodies around, the strong gusts blowing loudly on the external amplifiers. “Banagher…”Audrey groaned, and Banagher grabbed her hand as he stared at the tapestry broadcasted on the all-view monitors. The tent opened before the lady was shaking, as though there was a darkness swallowing secrets rumbling away.

Part 3

It all started before a familiar man made a call.

‘You really haven’t improved at all. You’re the commander of Londo Bell, and you still can’t negotiate with the politicians? Any soldier in this situation should be looking for a senator to help and prepare for elections now, are you?”

Kai Shiden was never one to mince his words, and in the same phone call, briefed three issues. First, Senator Ronan Marcenas had summoned him to Dakar, trying to involve him in the political conflict against the Vist Foundation. Second, the senator mentioned Bright by name in an attempt to gain leverage. Finally, this current senator was so desperate to deal with the “Laplace Box”, it seemed the military and the Senate were planning to end it once and for all, in a certain manner, though half of that last point was conjecture.

As a reporter, all Kai could do was to discern through the state of the world, but he, who had served alongside Bright on “White Base”, would never say such empty conjectures. Bright made a few phone calls to affirm the information provided, and though he was reassigned, they could not cut off his contacts altogether. His deputy Meran was still on the ”Ra Cailum” that was under repair, and through his assistance, he grasped the situation without the assistance of Luio & Co, to whom he owed a huge favor to.

It became widely known that Martha led several of the highest ranking senators into the migration council. Through the defense forces of Dakar, Bright learned that she dragged Ronan out of the senate onto a private flight to Cheyenne Base in North America, but no further clues. What were the leaders of the Vist Foundation and the Settlement Issues Council planning to do, hiding in the Cheyenne Base that was a relic of the old century? Bright had no means of contacting the ”Nahel Argama”, and it seemed there was limited information on what he could convey verbally. Thus, he chose the reckless action of taking the flight prepared by the temporary commander of Londo Bell towards the scene.

Using his reputation as the captain of the ”White Base”, hero of the One Year War, he broke through the security perimeter with various hasty excuses like ‘emergency support’, ‘don’t you know who I am’, and practically barged into the control room, seeing a massive monitor clearly displaying their conspiracy. There were “Industrial 7”, the “Nahel Argama”, and the infamous colony laser of the Gryps Conflict. Behind the communication officers at the controls, Ronan and Martha were scowling away, the base commander in name hastily checking on the battle and their faces. Bright was in no mood to check the tanned face of Commander Aidres, nor did he look at a stunned looking Martha. Instead, he stared intently at the unflinching Ronan, whose back was turned on him

Bright tidied the collar that was messed from tussling with the guards, flattened his hair, and with a calm voice, he spoke once again, “What’s going on?” Ronan continued to face the monitor, unfazed.

“I didn’t know the colony laser was repaired, let alone directing it at a civilian colony—”

“We shall limit its damage to the minimum, only at the “Magallanica”. It is under the colony management committee, but it is still property of the Vist Foundation”

Martha spoke up for the unmoving Ronan. “And so you have the right to destroy it?” Bright retorted, leaving Martha to ruffle her hair with an impatient look, turning away to look at the monitor behind her. Bright then pointed to the high seat of the commander, “This is clearly illegal”, pointingly directing his words at Aibres.

“Cease firing immediately. If you refuse, I shall report.”

“Captain Bright, this is an emergency measure to maintain our security, and approved after much planning. Please leave this room. You are now illegally interfering with classified military information and command. ”

“What excuse are you using to appeal to the public this time!? Are you going to burn down a colony because it contains secrets that threaten the Federation!? This is what Zeon and the Titans did!”

“You are the cause of this situation.”

Aibres’ nonchalant expression was almost at its limit, and Martha turned back, causing Bright to turn back to her as though he was checkmated.

“It’s you who allowed the “Unicorn” and Mineva Zabi to escape, and rendezvous with the “Nahel Argama”. The nerve of you to say such words when our options were taken. ”

“The premise of this was that you are not allowed to interfere with the military. I’m just going along with the situation.”

“Yes. You act on emotions; unlike us, who act to maintain the necessary order. ”

Her eyes and voice had Bright momentarily doubting if he was in the wrong. “We are not taking this lightly.” She continued without a pause, now turning towards Bright.

“Correcting things will simply crumble the entire system, and collapse the world order. You have family too, no? How about you be smarter and think for your children’s sake?”

“I just want to be a father who won’t bring shame to my own children.”

Even in the clash of words, Bright had no intention to budge, causing Martha to look increasingly heinous. “Seriously…men are truly unreasonable creatures.” So she muttered, her devious tone causing Bright to shiver.

“Such vanity and expression of ego is the source of all conflicts. Why have you not realized? Humans are conceited, thinking they can do better, to have whatever they want, and walked down the wrong path. Are we do is to develop knowledge to mitigate the fragileness of the flesh, no different from other creatures. All we need to do is to simply repeat the cycles of life and death. There is no need to do foolish things like murdering each other. We should be content with whatever we can reach …”

Bright saw Martha’s fingertips tense up as they twirled her bangs. She was not directly those words at him, but to a certain person who was not present, and Bright stared at her sidelong face while withholding his trepidation.

“But it is difficult for men who live in such ways…the males of humanity, to do so. While there were some tendencies towards the feminine in the old age, the males have forgotten their lessons once they got to space, and repeated their mistakes again. For the females to be the rulers is—”

“Madam Martha, this isn’t a good place to debate.”

Ronan suddenly spoke, and Martha’s seemingly possessed eyes shivered. She blinked, seemingly oblivious to her whereabouts, and recovered, muttering, “…Yes. My apologies.” Bright stared at the unexpected response of the leader of the Vist Foundation, realizing that she was not just a woman coveting power. However, he immediately diverted his eyes towards Ronan, whose back was facing him.

He was the only one Bright could have a proper conversation with. “Senator Ronan.” Ronan turned his massive neck slightly in response to Bright’s words.

“I shall contact the”Nahel Argama” and expedite the situation. Please do not be hasty to decide. We should be able to contact them directly through relay satellites given the facilities here. ”

“And what will you do after contacting them? Tell them that the colony laser is aimed at them?”

Ronan turned back, his eyes basically lamenting, I would have done so if it was me. That stare had Bright dumbfounded, before it looked aside, “It appears no advice will work.” He quipped with a blank look.

“One single ship tore its way through the Neo Zeon fleet, reaching its destination. They probably acted without knowing what the contents of the ‘Box’ is…as I said, the choice is theirs, not ours.”


“Nevertheless, they will be dumbfounded to see the true identity of the ’Box’. ”

The slightly lowered sidelong face was filled with the self-deprecation of one who understood the truth. Bright remained speechless, and Ronan looked at him, before looking over at Martha watching with bated breath, before looking over at “Industrial 7” on the monitor.

“By itself, it has no value, and there is nothing impressive about knowing it. But we have to admit that the moment we recognize its existence, the Federation will collapse. We cannot let the ‘Box’ open, not in this reality where the ‘possibility’ of Newtypes exist…”

Bright could not understand what he was saying. No, his instincts were telling that if he knew, there would be no turning back, and that left him speechless, taking a step back as he trembled in fear. Martha’s eyes narrowed, her eyes showing a dim light, seemingly realizing something. “Is it…” the moment she spoke, “target’s showing anomaly!” the operator yelled, causing the mood in the room to freeze.

“Expand the visual.” Aibres said. One of the six monitors showed an expanded live visual of “Industrial 7”. Connected at an end of the long, narrow cylinder was the colony builder, the “Magallanica” primed as the target of the colony laser by the personnel at this base. Bright stared at the visuals that were constantly being corrected by CG, becoming clearer, looking as though there was magic causing him to blink constantly.

Atop the long and slim main body exceeding 6,500 meters was the residential block shaped like a snail snail. Its ring slowed down greatly, as though snared by something. The ring with diameter exceeding 1,600 meters spun in the opposite direction from the exterior impact belt 50m thick, negating the rotational torque, and causing it to stop. “The gravity block…!”“Is it stopping?” Bright stared at the large monitor in cold sweat. The gravity block no smaller than a massive space colony stopped in its tracks, and to any Spacenoids, it was akin to a planet ceasing to revolve. The centrifugal force was gone, preventing all lifeforms from moving; it was similarly destructive to a hole punctured in a colony’s outer walls.

It was not the only change however, as the inner cylinder that had once stopped began to spin in the opposite direction. The exterior impact belt too spun, half of what the cylinder did, like a safe deposit box code of the past. The double ring structure kept spinning and stopping, the massive snail structure changing massively.

“What’s going on!?”

“The revolving residential block is moving irregularly─”

“I know that! Investigate the reason”

Aibres roared with all his might. Bright did not look over at the perturbed comms operator, but towards Martha standing next to her. He had expected her to have some anticipation of this, that she would unabashedly declare the “Magallanica” to be possession of the Foundation. However, she merely looked up at the monitor skeptically. The white dot of the “Nahel Argama” continued to drift at the docking bay, located in the core as the residential block continued to spin. This strange motion continued to spin and stop, as though unlocking a tip of the colony itself—

“Is the seal broken…?”

Ronan groaned as he stared at the anomaly happening 300,000km away. With a look of trepidation, Bright stared at the monitor intently.

Part 4

The gusts within the gravity block hammered away at the “Unicorn”, the water of the severed fountain blowing down, the forests surrounding the Vist residence, the trees too rumbled, the windows shaking, almost sounding like they were about to break, the noises echoing throughout the porch..

Banagher, having climbed out of the cockpit and was about to descend the simple ladder, was met with an unexpectedly strong gust of wind, causing him to be blown back and pinned onto the “Unicorn” No artificial installation could have caused such a massive gale, nothing would have, except for a breach in the outer wall. Letting air escape into vacuum—

“You’re saying this will happen every time?”

“Yes. Once the gravity block stops revolving, the air will move on inertia, and the cryo…will…’

The howling noises of the wind jammed the signal, and Banagher could not hear Conroy and Gael’s words completely, “Mr Gael!” Banagher called. “Banagher, look!” But Audrey’s voice rang, and he looked into the cockpit.

“The fountain’s water…!”

The all-view monitor covered the cockpit, showing the fountain behind the “Unicorn”. The water spewing out was scattered aside into countless droplets, and the basin receiving the water was throbbing like jelly. “Has gravity weakened?” banagher muttered, and clearly felt the force weaken on his body. The residential block stopped spinning, resulting in loss of gravity, and the air that flowed became strong gales, but what did that have to do with the cryo? The tremors at the feet continued, and as Banagher looked around with skeptical eyes, “Oh…!” Audrey’s sudden cry had him jolted.

“It’s like an old styled rotary lock. This revolving residential block is a double structure.”

“A double structure?”

“There’s another residential area outside of where we are, and normally, both sides spin in different directions. They only stop when the cryo’s going to open, so the entrances in the outside block and here are connected. ”

Is she referring to the impact belt? After some thought, “Is the cryo in the outer block?” Banagher figured it out “Probably.” Audrey answered, passing through the cockpit hatch.

“Both sides usually move in opposite directions, so that side’s moving quickly at relative velocity underground. It’s not wrong to say that it’s beneath the house, but not completely incorrect either…they couldn’t find the cryo, because it’s not at a single place. ”

Banagher shielded Audrey from the incoming gales, looking at his feet. The gravity block of the ”Magallanica” was half the size of a typical colony, revolving at 200km per hour. If the cryo was located in the impact belt revolving in the other direction, it would mean it was revolving beneath this gravity block at a high relative velocity. Only when both blocks stopped, when the house was connected to the cryo, would the door leading there open. “Mr Gael!” Audrey exclaimed, ignoring Banagher as he finally understood this.

“Where is the entrance to the cryo? We have to hurry in while it’s still connected…!”

The noise got dire, fudging Gael’s usual voice… “The seal of the ‘Box’…is opened…” Banagher stared at the wall that was no more than 10maway from him, then at the second floor window pelted by the wind. The shut window was shaking, probably because the wind had seeped through the gap, like the seals were slowly being unraveled—

“…Over there. ”

The tapestry image he imagined shot through his mind as an instinct of firm belief. “Banagher?” Audrey lifted her head, and Banagher held her hand, taking a step out of the cockpit, looking at the front entryway of the house at his feet. Luckily, the wind was blowing towards the residence, and the “Unicorn” would shield them as they went down. “Let’s go.” So Banagher said with this thought, and Audrey held his hand, nodding firmly, looking towards the front entryway. He cupped her shoulder, held his breath, and stepped off the cockpit hatch.

With his head looking down to the ground, Banagher went down the machine. Though they were caught in the currents, but he and Audrey stomped off the “Unicorn” knee, practically rolling into the corridor before the entryway. They were in no mood to check the door rings shaped as lions, and nudged aside the unlocked doors, shoved in by the gales, passing through the entryway before their feet could land.

The air they scented upon was the same as it was a month ago, the icy scent lifted by the incoming gales, causing the grand chandeliers hanging upon the high ceilings to sway slightly. As they drifted as though they were upon an alien spaceship drifting in space, Banagher removed his helmet, and before he could call for Audrey, she called out, “I know. That one, isn’t it?” She closed the door, hopped off the floor, and drifted with the momentum into the corridor. Banagher gave chase after the spacesuit that showed no hesitation, kicking his legs towards the room.

They passed the entryway, glancing aside at the garden with various sculptures, and moved along the long corridor. They entered the connected building, made a trn, went down another corridor, and arrived at the tall room with six tapestries. Banagher was driven by the memories of this residence a month ago—no, the days he spent living here much earlier, and walked towards the mahogany doors. There was no other place he remembered. Within this room, his mother was playing the piano, his father’s voice narrating about the depictions of the tapestries. He opened the heavy doors with bated breath, and his legs weakened as he saw the scenery before him.

There was the wall with the six tapestries hanging upon them, along with the grand piano placed in a corner. It was no different from his memories.

The photo fame atop the piano had Alberto and his mother giving seemingly reproaching looks at the intruders, but it was not the reason why his legs were buckling. Suddenly protruding in the room was a conical, tent-like thing resembling the tapestry. The stone structure three meters tall opened a dark hole, probably leading to the underground. It appeared to be a structure lying underground, floating up as the changes occurred in the gravity block. While Banagher was mentally prepared for this, he was momentarily unable to process this development, and cautiously stepped into the room with his heart throbbing wildly.

Atop the conical structure were the embossed words ‘A Mon Seul Desir’. This structure akin to the ‘tent’ was too dark, and large enough for a person to pass through, but there did not appear to be stairs leading to the underground. Faced with this opening of the darkness, Banagher and Audrey exchanged looks. The latter’s emerald eyes were saying that they had to do, and Banagher nodded back, took a deep breath, and leapt into the darkness. For a moment, he felt himself floating in the air, and then there was the roar of a beat, the two of them instantly sucked underground, a falling sensation engulfing them.

It was not that gravity had returned. One could sense a shaft, or a similar machine, being activated, pulling them down. Unable to see anything in the darkness, Banagher grabbed Audrey’s hand to his chest, shriveling as much as he could to endure the fear of falling. The entrance above his head instantly vanished, and they were probably tugged around in the tunnel. He had lost all sense of direction, not knowing whether he was going down or up. They were moving at high speeds down the dark corridor, the wind pressure delivering them further into the abyss.

A minute later, or shorter, the sensation suddenly stopped, and both of them were tossed into darkness devoid of noise. They stared at the darkness, their eyes not blinking. Soon after, there was a weak light by their feet, lights forming one after another, drawing a straight line. At the same time, the lights on both walls to the sides were lit, and only then did they realize they were floating on a narrow path.

There was a wall behind him, the floor and ceiling showing no signs of an exit. There was only a metal door at the very end of this windowless path, and they had no idea where they were, how they got here. Having witnessed this pitch dark space, Banagher and Audrey exchanged looks, their elbows hitting the wall. Once they touched, the gravity bogged their bodies down, their floating bodies dragged to the floor.

“Gravity has returned…”

“This is the outer block…isn’t it?”

It was half a G, but the sudden gravity left them with the heaviness of flesh and blood being ripped from their bodies. Holding themselves up, their feet stepped on the lit path as they once again looked at the metal door 30 meters away, blocking their path. This was the cryo room of the Vist Foundation’s leader, where the “Laplace Box” rested. They grabbed each other’s shoulders, their palms showing tension as they gulped, before they gingerly took the first step forward.

The lights vanished one after another as they walked on, the path behind them erased by the darkness. Since gravity had occurred again, the spinning function of the residential block should be back to normal, and there was no option to return to the Vist residence. Seemingly pursued by the darkness, Banagher stopped before the slightly curved door. The final light extinguished, and the door slid aside like a sigh. Beyond it was a space as pitch dark as the path, the returning darkness covering their eyes.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

There was a voice coming from deep within the darkness, the echoing voice seemed to imply a massive space. Their shoulders shook, their still bodies frozen in place.

“All to tell you one thing.”

A weak light seeped through, stinging the eyes already used to the darkness. Countless silver lights were flickering, and one could tell those were stars of the galaxy. There was nothing distinguishing the floor, walls and ceiling, all everything within the eyes was an endless sea of stars, that one would have a feeling of being tossed into space. With Audrey’s shoulder as his only vantage point, Banagher took a firm step on the floor he could not see. The door slammed shut behind him, and it too showed the stars. The gaps on the floor could not be seen, and a panorama view of the starry space surrounded the two of them.

No, not two. There was a source of the voice in the darkness, and with focused intent, banagher stared at the starry space with a high detailed definition. Banagher convinced himself that it was simply a ridiculously oversized all-view monitor, easing himself from panic, but there was a black shadow appearing in his eyes. Center of what was probably a spherical cryo was the shape of a bed, illuminated by the surrounding stars, a lone shadow there. Banagher could tell there was a person on it.

On the slightly tilted bed was an old man with his hands outside the blanket, looking back at them. Banagher was instantly reminded of Cardeas Vist’s eyes, his still body quaking.

Banagher could not voice out, not because he was overly shocked, but that the moment he saw the eyes, the searing emotions in his chest exploded, the scattering shrapnel stuffing his throat. He clenched his fights, looking back at the eyes similar to his own reflection. Standing next to him, Audrey eked out a hoarse voice, “So you are the leader, Syam Vist…am I correct?” The old man remained on the bed, still motionless as he turned his eyes towards Audrey. The head brace functioning as a vitals control glittered like the stars, his frail face making a smile or sorts. There was an irresistible impression within Banagher’s heart that told him, yes, he knew this man.

“The descendant who inherits our bloodline, and the Princess of Zeon…there are none more worthy to inherit the ‘Laplace Box’ than you.”

An earnest smile appeared on his lips, the dark brown eyes giving a look of geniality and kindredness. That forlorn smile stabbed deeply into Banagher’s heart, but he did not look away from the face of Syam Vist. The eyes lost no sharpness despite the smile, shining a sharp glint back at him. There was no trace of intimidation, merely a silent stare faltering unwittingly, shone a lonely glint after a passage of years.

Part 5

The residential block had once ceased to revolve, and it slowly began to revolve. It did not stop at any point, but continued at how it usually did, gradually accelerating, giving the impression that it was completely over.

The impact belt surrounding the cylinder began to move in the opposite direction, accelerating its relative velocity, and everything appeared to be returning back to normal. Riddhe exhaled, and looked forward from the massive dryer-looking residential block of the “Magallanica”. Whatever happened could only be left up to imagination, but the anomaly that happened surely had something to do with the “Box”. So Banagher had arrived, so he vaguely convinced himself. His eyes had nowhere to go as they drifted in the empty voice, and the “Banshee” drifted towards “Industrial 7” lifelessly, acting as part of the space debris.

The closer he got towards the space colony, the thicker the space debris. If he kept drifting he might end up leaving the meteor cluster he was hiding in. Riddhe was in no mood to fear the opening of the “Box”, and he did not know what he should do thereafter. The reason for his presence, for his arrival, had become ambiguous. He callously looked over at the “Industrial 7” the size of his arm, and perhaps it was due to him being on the other side that he could not see the healed scars on the outer wall a month after it was damaged in the battle. The white silhouette of the “Magallanica caused Riddhe’s numb heart to ache again.

I heard your voice too. Everyone’s waiting for you. Come back, Ensign Riddhe—Mihiro’s voice kept calling for him, but he could not hear it. Everyone was too distracted due to the anomaly of the “Magallanica” , but Riddhe found himself to be lucky. How can I go back now? I could have shot at the bridge of the “Nahel Argama” if not for her…Marida Cruz. I could have killed everyone on the ship, including Mihiro. How can I possibly go back now? To whom do I beg for forgiveness? Looking away from the ship that caused his eyes to sear, Riddhe pulled the joystick, and let the drifting “Banshee” turn around, wanting to leave the scene before they called for him, only to see another unit beyond the countless debris.

It was a Base Jabber, their identification tags indicating they belonged to the “General Revil”, but was not the one ferrying the “Banshee”. Riddhe expanded the visual, saw the many crates it ferried, and gasped upon instant realization. Feeling much pain in his heart again, he tried to flee the scene, “Is that you, Riddhe?” but a familiar man’s voice rang through the wireless.

Riddhe could not move upon hearing this voice; he had no answer for “Alberto……”Riddhe groaned, looking at the seemingly floating Base Jabber.

He had no idea why Alberto would enter the battlefield while ferrying a spare psycoframe, but Riddhe did sense that he ignored his own family problems, his grudge against Banagher, and had the utmost desire to seek a certain person. The passing thoughts linked together, the countless ‘voices’ of yearning, loss and pain echoed distantly, causing ripples in Riddhe’s heart again. The latter looked away from the flat looking Base Jabber. The pain, the guilt he could not shift, they were all what he deserved, for he did something that could not be taken back …

“Sorry, I…she—”

“Don’t mention it.”

Riddhe’s eyelids twitched once he was interrupted by the terse voice, “This isn’t what I’m talking about.” the heavy voice rang through the wireless.

“It doesn’t matter now…”

A heavy silence beckoned. The guilt grew in his heart, the blame he could not shift as he clamped up, having no right to say anything. The two units had no intention to approach, and no intention to separate as they simply drifted in the void. Time merely passed on, allowing them to recognize the importance of their losses. The surrounding debris seemed still, “Industrial 7” and the “Magallanica” merely flickering as they continued to move endlessly.

“…I investigated the movements of the “Magallanica”.

After a while, Alberto muttered, and Riddhe lifted his lowered head.

“The strange movement is to allow the residential block and the impact belt to resonate and interact at a certain point., opening the path from the residential block into the impact belt. It’s like the leader’s cryo is inside there.”

Riddhe’s mind was not fully sober, but he too felt it was the most plausible explanation. He stared at the revolving residential block with multiple layers of the snail-like “Magallanica”, “And that’s not all.” So Alberto continued.

“‘I can see the outer layer of the impact belt moving, so it’s probably three layers. This part is usually fixed to the outer shell, and it looks like it covers the gaps of the revolving block—”

“The space where the “Laplace Box” is hidden…?”

Riddhe answered. The residential block, impact belt, and the secret layer on the outermost sidelined together, creating a massive passcode. After a terse silence, “So the seal has been undone.” Alberto’s heavy voice sounded so pessimistic.

“Everything will come to an end…can you tell me now?”

There was no pretense, no spite. Riddhe’s eyes looked towards the relatively tilted Base Jabber.

“Before the contents of the “Box”…the true identity of the curse that binds us vanishes.”

Vanishes. This saying was not simply a metaphor, but Riddhe was in no mood to question further, the word ‘curse’ instead resonated in his empty heart. Whatever, since the seal of the “Box” had been undone, since everything will be cleared up, Alberto too had the right to know earlier. He too was bogged down by the gravity of his family, by that overly serious personality of his, leaving him with nowhere to escape. Even the one wish he wanted to fulfill could no longer be done. Alberto was a man who, the more he sought, the more he lost. Riddhe too felt much empathy as he looked at the “Magallanica” that was covered in rocks. Countless beacon lights flickered like fireflies, along with the connector at the wheel, and other items. There was an intense white light brighter than the beacons, a needle-like flash—

“Light signal…?”

It was a flash probing on its own, ignoring the various beacon lights. A different angle caused it to be blocked by the “Magallanica”. Riddhe tried to pursue it in his “Banshee”, only for a shrill siren to echo in the cockpit, and in his shock, he looked towards where it indicated.

There were two lights moving at high speeds, passing through the debris and approaching “Industrial 7”. Riddhe saw the lights instantly enter the connector, and after a brief silence, explosions of light occurred.

The fireballs expanded wordlessly, illuminating the “Magallanica” silhouette along with the space colony shrouded by the ‘wheel’. It was too far for the impact to be felt, but the light remained bright, and the visor could not filter it completely, vaporizing the shrapnel caused by the explosion pressure , and illuminating the floating debris and Base Jabber.


There was no other possibility. Someone fired at the “Magallanica” , the long range missiles hitting the colony connector. Riddhe had the “Banshee” raise its beam rifle, seeking the enemy towards where the missiles came from “What? What came flying!?” Alberto yelled flustered, and several beams shot through the void. The mega particles flew in from the same direction as the missiles, becoming thinner due to the long distance, yet still causing another explosion on the “Magallanica” and the space colony.

Part 6

The multi-sided monitors positioned before them caught sight of a strong flash upon “Industrial 7”. The massive light showed it was a direct hit, and once it vanished, the noise that occurred thickened the particle density, the long range visual erratic as a result.

“A direct hit! Targeting error range is 0.1. ”

The radar operator’s report echoed throughout the battle bridge of the “Rewloola”, which was located right beneath the normal bridge, the ceiling only tall enough for a person to not bend over, and there was no empty space beyond the seven sections and the panels. Hill Dawson stared at the wide-viewed monitor specifically for captain usage, “What’s the signal from the Captain?” the comms operator reported “Code 10S, active. Continue attack.” Hill had the urge to remove the helmet from his spacesuit, and slam it onto the floor.

It was a terrible feeling. No spacenoids could remain calm at the prospect of firing missiles or beams at a colony. It was an iron-clad rule that even in battle, they would not attack enemies whose backs were facing the colony, and nobody would dare to think of using the colonies as shields unless they were at tremendous disadvantage. The silver cylinder contained millions, even tens of millions of lives, and bombarding it would add new guilt to the old Republic military.

But several minutes ago, they detected a light signal, one fired from a corner of “Industrial 7” before it entered firing range, indicating that they were to attack the colony. Using the base position of the L1 Lagrange, the space colony’s absolute coordinates were calculated. The signal was a decoy, and the long ranged missiles were fired upon the connector between the colony and the builder. There were lots of debris in the trajectory, and it felt like a needle shooting through a hole, but once the trajectory was aligned, it was much easier to make a second shot. No matter the reason for this forbidden act, the important thing to Hill was that it was an instruction given by Full Frontal. The light signal was clearly from Frontal, the instruction given once he detected the “Rewloola”.

It had been half a day since the original rendezvous destination at L1 Lagrange was devastated and they proceeded to the shoal space region. During this time, this flagship of the ”Sleeves” had clashed with the “Mock Trojan Horse”, and were almost completely annihilated. Most of their fleet had been ravaged, and this “Rewloola”, along with two other Musaka-class, were the only ones battle ready. They had lost contact with Angelo and the rest of Frontal’s guards, and if they had no chance to regroup, they would lose the crux of their fighting strength, the backbone.

In a mere half day, the situation had changed completely. After the changes over the previous night, they lost contact with Monaghan Bakharov of the Zeon Republic, and at this point, Neo Zeon was losing its guise as a military organization. There was no one leading them, no directive given. However, as long as Frontal remained alive, the Red Comet, the Second Coming of Char, they had a chance to see the light of day again. Hill lifted his head from the monitor, “What’s the “Mock Trojan Horse” response?” asking the radar operator, Unable to detect. It’s hiding behind the colony builder, not moving. ” Hill then stared at the CGI corrected visual.

“So the Captain’s aiming for the “Laplace Box”…”

“The “Mock Trojan Horse” has predicted where we’ll be attacking from, and is hidden in a blind spot. Since they were not moving, it appeared Frontal had a different objective in ordering the bombardment. The colony builder contained the “Laplace Box”, which meant the game was not over yet. Hill had no doubt, “Main cannons 1 and 2, fire at the same target.” He ordered, putting on the helmet .

“We’re out of range, but we should be able to hit the outer wall of the colony. Make sure we don’t hit “Industrial 7”. Just aim for the connector linking the colony and the builder.”

Voiced repeated his command, echoing in the cramped battle fridge, and the second wave of rounds were primed. His crew functioned as his limbs, able to quickly react, giving power to his commands. Neo Zeon itself had a military hierarchy, and if the organization crumbled for a third time, orderliness and command would be gobbled up by chaos. When the crew lacked hierarchy and a chain of command, they would be overwhelmed by the desire to live, and fall into the chaos thereafter. Hill quietly yelled to himself that he would never see this again. “Correcting error.” “Ready to fire.” Once these voices were called out, he exerted strength into his lower abdomen that was filled with anxiety and fury.


The main cannons loaded on the flanks of the bright red ship, firing two consecutive charged beams from their cannons. At that moment, the light ignited in the form of mega particles at maximum range, and the four beams were fired from the”Rewloola”, flying at sub-light speed through the gap between the debris, stabbing into “Industrial 7” a sub-second later. An explosion appeared on the long ranged visual, noise appearing on the monitor that was not CG corrected in time.

Part 7

The expanding explosion illuminated the revolving residential block of the “Magallanica”, showing countless charred shrapnel. The shockwaves then knocked down the round scout units, causing the main monitor visuals to be filled with noise.

“Confirming direction! It’s from where the”Rewloola” is attacking!”

The operator quickly tapped at the panel, readjusting the position of the ball-shaped camera connected by steel wires to the bridge of the “Nahel Argama”, which had hidden behind the “Magallanica” to avoid the ”Rewloola” offenses. The remote ball camera was the only way they could eliminate the blind spot. Before visuals were regained, “How close are they?” Otto yelled, “About 10,000! Location and speed unchanged!” The operator answered with a volume rivalling Otto, and the ship shook slightly due to the shock waves.

“It’s completely beyond firing range. They’re attacking from far range after affirming the absolute coordinates…are they trying to shoot down the colony and lure us out?”

The dispersal weakened the power, but it was still a beam weapon. The connector between the “Magallanica” and “Industrial 7” took direct hits from the missiles and the cannons, showing the biggest possible crack spanning hundreds of meters, embittering blueish-white sparks. Right at this moment…Otto gritted his teeth as he looked towards Liam standing next to him. His deputy could not answer to his guess as she looked back, “Are we sending out the MS squads?”

“How many units can we mobilize?”

“Romeo 010 can be deployed immediately. Golf 001 can be deployed in 5 minutes. ”

In other words, they could only deploy a weary “ReZEL” and a “Geara Zulu”. Such firepower was insufficient against a “Rewloola” leading two Musaka-class. Otto resisted the urge to click his tongue as he muttered, “Shall we pull the “Unicorn” back…?” The revolving residential block stopped eerily, and the “Magallanica maintained a terrifying calm. The seal to the “Box” might have been undone, and nobody could guarantee that the next strike would not pierce the revolving residential block. Liam’s eyes were lamenting that they could only rely on the “Unicorn” at this point, but immediately agreed wordlessly at the next moment. She was about to brief the dispatch team, but Zimmerman’s gruff voice interjected, “No, it’s just a direction.”

“It’s not normal for them to just attack a colony carelessly…to be forced to do such a thing. My guess is that they’re trying to get their ally in, or to get us to leave the colony, one of the reasons. ”

Zimmerman’s definitive voice had Otto shivering. There’s an enemy blasting a hole through the “Magallanica” and trying to invade it—“Is that…”Liam groaned, “There’s no confirmation he’s downed.” Zimmerman continued, his voice suppressing his anxiety.

“Tell ECOAS to watch out! If that’s the case, he’s already—”

“We received an emergency notification from friendlies!”

A sudden yell had Zimmerman silenced from shock. “Friendlies?” Liam barked, and Otto looked back at the communicator operator seat. Mihiro was nervously holding the headset with the communicator connected,

“They call themselves the Tri-Stars of Londo Bell, now pursuing an enemy unit suspected to be the Red Comet. They’re requesting to speak to the commander.”

Mihiro repeated monotonously, her wavering eyes looking towards Otto. “A group of Tri-Stars? Why are they here…?” Liam muttered, and the radar operator reported. “Two high heat sources approaching. One of them is a new Federation unit in the “Unicorn” database. Otto did not hear it completely, merely thinking of the term ‘Red Comet’; he exchanged looks with Zimmerman, and barked at Mihiro with a changed tone,

“Get the comms back online!”

Part 8

‘…Yes. We have no intention to attack your ship now. We’re working together with the “Unicorn”!’

An incensed Daryl yapped away at the wireless, and Nigel was in no mood to hear what the captain of the”Nahel Argama” answered, his eyes focused on the outer walls of “Industrial 7. The shrapnel caused by the bombardment drifted by, and nothing else moving. There was nothing detected on the radar, merely the allied “Jesta” flying net to him being marked..

There’s no way he disappeared. Nigel clearly saw a red machine hiding amongst the debris, approaching “Industrial 7”. They were shaken off his tail, and within five minutes, a ship cannon’s beam attacked the place the red machine disappeared at, the connector linking to the colony builder, so they had to be related. Nigel had a vague idea of why the connector was attacked

“We are stationed at a similar point as the “Banshee”, but we’re acting independently. This isn’t a view our squad agree with, just a platoon…

Daryl’s explanation was increasingly erratic, but it was to be expected, for the positions both sides had was complicated beyond words. “I’ll leave the explanation to you, Daryl>” Nigel said, and piloted his “Jesta”, taking caution to evade the bombardment on the outer wall as he closed in on the colony builder.

Once he passed the outer wall of the ‘wheel’ that was different in color, he moved along the slightly round tip, and saw the connector covering the entire docking bay. The structure should be more appropriately called the sky corridor, a round pillar exceeding a 1km diameter that connected the colony and the builder, often still and not revolving on its own. Its walls showed fresh scorch marks from the beam, the massive cracks rendering bluish-white gases visible. It wasn’t scorched red, but the melted, distorted hole had yet to cool, the surrounding shrapnel floating around scorched by the after-heat, the heat sensor showing countless reactions, like lights dancing about.

The red machine, the “Sinanju”, had completely disappeared. Nigel clicked his tongue as he peered at the crack large enough for a mobile suit to pass through

“Are we too late…?”

Is the ambush in the colony? Or the builder? If Nigel was to be wary of ambush, he could only give up on giving pursuit. He, left with no choice, looked up at the revolving residential block of the colony builder. The residential block was reminiscent of a snail shell when looked from afar, and the hole in the shell exposed the revolving layer, forming a massive wall before the”Jesta”.

Part 9

The crawlers located on the inner sides of the calves slid, the belts covering 4 wheels spun with a rumbling sound. The wheels beneath the feet too spun, lots of dust sputtering by the feet of the “Loto”. The tank form belts were used as roller skates, and the waist was lowered in humanoid form, rolling on the ground. The dust flew high due to low gravity, and the “Loto” with the numbers 729 on the shoulder slid into the elevator, sparks flying on the floor as the frame slammed the brakes

“We’ll begin patrol near the connector. 729 will be stationed near the elevator. There appears to be one enemy approaching, but don’t let your guard down. It’s hard to communicate once the cryo opens.”

The spiral hatch closed, and until the elevator began to ascend, they could hear Conroy’s voice through the wireless, but the noise was cluttered. After the cryo was opened, there was a jamming of the comms akin to the release of Minovsky particles “Magallanica” all over the place. “Roger that. On alert around the elevator.” The leader responded, and Gael, whose back was turned on him, looked towards the personal monitor of the co-driver. The sensors and other apparatus were affected by the electromagnetic waves, almost all failing. Perhaps there was a system preventing any eavesdropping protecting the cryo while the “Box” seal was undone.

What concerned Gael most was the “Unicorn” that was unmanned, parked before the Vist residence. Its mission as the key to the “Box” was over, yet it was an indispensable armor that could continue to protect Banagher Links. Shall we leave the scouting to Conroy and the others in the 920 and stay inside the residence instead? While Gael was thinking, the "Loto” scaled the elevator exceeding 500 meters, leapt off the floor, and floated towards the zero gravity block. Gael tapped at the keyboard on the monitor, logging into the “Magallanica” security system.

The crew carrier hatch in the back opened, and the 8 ECOAS members quickly scattered with land movers on their backs. There were eight cargo elevators linking from the equivalent of the revolving residential block core. There were at least double the elevators for human use, however. These elevators were situated within the inner walls of the revolving residential bloc, and it was impossible to supervise all the positions given the massive circular path, let alone the countless elevators there might be. Gael continued to tap at the keyboard, not listening to the reports of the crew. The leader, upon seeing Gael fighting hard, asked with an anxious voice, “Can’t we just cut off the power to the elevator”

“I’m trying, but it’s difficult. It seems all controls are delegated to the cryo. Even my password’s rejected.”

The word ‘rejected’ appeared and disappeared over and over again, the security system showed no signs of opening. If they could intercept the surveillance footage within the facility, they could at least do something. The leader’s eyes continued to stare at the periscope, “Now that the secret of the century’s going to be opened, this is going to be expected.” This undaunted voice had Gael stop typing for a moment, and look over. The leader had lost his commander during the battle of “Palau”, and based on hierarchy, he took command of ECOAS 729. His age and rank were no higher than Conroy, but he had the dignity to lead a platoon. Neither had given their names, but Gael found comfort in knowing he could entrust his life to the man, especially in this clueless situation.

As it was a loop, the path to the elevator block was like an endless uphill, and their eyes were already used to the brightness of the gravity block, the pathway looking relatively dim. One third of the lights were extinguished as power was being conserved, resulting half the ceiling exceeding 100m in height being shrouded in darkness, the outer wall of the shaft unable to be seen. Vision on the infrared camera was poor, and they could only rely on their naked eye, the “Loto” flickering its flashlights on the right shoulder, slowly drifting down the corridor as it looked around. The trio inside the machine watched with bated breath when the leader suddenly spoke up, “Which force were you from?” Gael gave a wry smile upon hearing that definitive voice. Ever since they regrouped on the “Nahel Argama”, Gael had never mentioned his personal information, but it appeared the habits he was ingrained with would show themselves in his actions.

“I did a lot of things during the war. After the war, I was at the intelligence branch for 3 years or so.”

“Of course…” The leader answered, giving a wry smile. This ECOAS member, a self-admitted worker of the Federation’s dirty deeds, might have imagined the intelligence branch had some unspeakable work. “Not used to life after the war?” He continued to chat, “I don’t have the willpower.” Gael too answered in a leisurely tone.

“So I once decided not to follow my Masters…but things don’t always go as planned.”

“Well, I get that. Those rotten ones who betray everyone can’t do this job. We’re dogs, but top dogs.”

The driver said, half-joking, and Gael smirked, wrinkles forming on his face, only for a cold air to suddenly descend above him, passing through the spacesuit, his hairs standing.

No, it was not the air. It was a sneering presence hidden somewhere in the darkness, looking down upon them. It was mocking them for merely being dogs, dispelling the cordial mood as it instantly engulfed the “Loto”. Before they could wonder if they were overimagining “What…?” the leader muttered, his eyes looking from from the periscope, while the driver next to him turned the main camera up, shining upon the ceiling, the strange-shaped object hidden in the cavity of the wall deeply engraved into Gael’s eyes.

For a moment, Gael assumed it was a statue warding against demons. It was a giant as serene as a god, yet strangely deformed. The monoeye flickered on its scorched face, leering away, reminding Gael of the source of that cold presence. There was a masked man with lush blond hair, and Gael froze upon realizing they might not be able to escape. The next moment, the strangely shaped giant, now with the loss of an arm, flickered its burners, blending into the darkness like an illusion.

“The Red Comet…!”

The leader yelled, and the driver tried to evade, but it was too late, even for Gael who tried to report into the wireless. The “Sinanju” quickly escaped the range of the flashlight, and drew its beam saber. The light particles buzzed as it flashed, momentarily showing the red armor with melted marks all over it. Following that, Gael’s senses were engulfed in the intense light and explosion.

The “Sinanju” beam saber swung horizontally, lopping off the “Loto” above its chest. The generator did not explode, but in an instant, it lost its head and hands, the legs and scorched severed surface of the body left behind. Gael ducked in time, and did not die immediately, but he saw the burned lower bodies of the driver and leader upon the charred seats. Everything was blown away by the rushing heat wave, countless shrapnel blending into the darkness. The “Sinanju” raised the beam saber, its massive frame in his eyes.

Half its face mask was severed, the monoeye range and cables exposed, resembling an eyeball rumbling madly. The scorched armor swayed like a tumor, and the humanoid machine devoid of its left arm struck from above. Gael lost his lost vestiges of consciousness, his body engulfed by the beam saber before his eyes, thrown into the seat of the scorching light.

Part 10

A shockwave occurred far away, the cryo filled with stars shaking on its floor. It was much weaker than when the “Magallanica” was shaking, but Banagher instinctively realized it was closing in.

“More pursuers…”

Syam seemed to sense the slight tension, and spoke up. He looked up at the unwavering starry space, the eyes made it difficult to determine if he was similarly a human, his speaking voice seemingly amassed with ‘time’. Banagher continued to listen as he watched the former’s shrivelled body reclined in the bed. This man knows, so his heart of stone muttered. Syam knew of what was happening, what had happened, and what might happen in the future.

“You saw it?”

Banagher took a step forward, saying subconsciously. So Syam looked over, and Audrey seemed tensed up.

“Have you seen everything…that happened to us, all from here?”

The heat suppressed in his chest oozed from his mouth in a hiss. If this was truly the case, the man was no different from Full Frontal, secretly hiding in this underground bunker, watching sacrifice after sacrifice occur, waiting like a god awaiting the winner after all the elimination.

Syam’s head, buried in the pillow twitched, and he did not answer immediately, instead looking towards the ceiling. His slightly wavering eyes were covered by his eyelids, and he opened them again, staring into the illusion of stars. “Yes, I did.” The response flew like a wind, the heat in Banagher’s heart throbbing wildly.

“Not everything though, just what I can know from here…”

There was no arrogance, no reproach. It was the voice, the expression of a man who had to endure everything. Banagher sensed the throbbing heat in his heart suffocating him, and was about to take a step forward, only to stop as his arm was grabbed from behind.

Audrey did not let go of his arm, and instead, she took a step forward, looking towards Syam. “It was an intense war.” She eked out a repressed voice.

“We sacrificed the people who were bewitched by the “Laplace Box”, and many other innocents. Who we are, what bloodlines we inherit, these do not matter. I hope you understand that we stand here representing the casualties of this war.”

The warmth flowing from the palm was telling Banagher to calm down, and he took a deep breath, relaxing his fists. Syam’s eyes squinted to the point of nothingness. “I have heard your words.” His heavy voice echoed through the cryo.

“But despite that, I have to express my thanks. It is because of someone like you that he is able to make it here safely.”

Saying that, he gave Banagher a familial look, only to erase his emotions immediately. “I shall tell you everything then.” So he said, a cruel glint appearing in his eyes. Once again, Banagher clenched his relaxed hands.

“You shall have to choose the price however. To open the “Box”, or to keep it sealed, or to destroy it without care for the consequences. You may also leave without asking.”

The probing eyes were looking at Banagher, who exerted strength into his practically trembling legs, looking back.

“The decision lies in your hand. You understand?”

After exerting strength for the last time, Audrey’s hand finally let go of Banagher, who took a step forward, nodding towards the expression reminiscent of Cardeas. Syam’s eyes flickered as he reached his hand beyond the bed. A cylindrical panel silently rose from the floor, and the hand that was seemingly weathered over a century was placed on it, like there was a side table fixed to the table.

Banagher sensed a tremor rising up from the floor, potentially causing him to shiver. The floor right before the bed stopped projecting space, and there was a 3 meters wide quadrilateral hole, rising next to the space hologram. Banagher and Audrey stepped back in unison, staring at the object rising from the abyss. The faint light from the star cluster shone upon its glossy surface, though not particularly distinct, as it gradually showed itself. It was a hexagonal block placed on a pedestal. Banagher had an impression of it. Perhaps it was similar to something he had seen before?

With a tremendous throbbing in his heart, Banagher looked towards the object that rose from the floor. The hexagon approximately 1 meter in length had countless words on it, resembling a honeycomb. The object giving off a silver glint was—

“The stone tablet, of the Universal Century charter…?”

Audrey eked a hoarse voice. “It used to be called the Laplace Charter.” Syam answered, and Banagher went towards the stone tablet with quite a few damages.

On the day the Universal Century started, it was the foundation of the Federation government as they declared the change of calendar. Representatives of various countries, led by the Premier, engraved their own signatures on the hexagonal Charter with many chapters. Banagher saw the same thing in the Central Senate Hall at Dakar. Loni Garvey said it was a replica, and the original stone tablet was destroyed during the “Laplace Incident”.

So, in other words, this was the original? But so what? Banagher could not understand at all. This thing, this, was the “Laplace Box”—? His thoughts froze momentarily, and was about to turn into rage, “Banagher, look!”Audrey’s tense voice entered his ears.

“It is different from what we know. There is an additional chapter.”

Audrey pointed at the Charter, her finger shaking. Banagher himself learned of it in school, but he was never the model student to memorize it all. “Beneath article 14, chapter 7.” So with Audrey prompting, Banagher looked towards the engraved text ‘Chapter 7 Future’. The words were engraved into his eyes as he focused his will on understanding it.

Chapter 7. Future.

The Earth Federation needs lots of hopes and expectations, and have prepared the following articles for Humanity’s future.

Article 15.

1, The Earth Federation shall broaden research and preparation to defend any biological emergencies beyond the Earth celestial sphere.

2. In future, if the existence of new space-adapting humans is confirmed, their inclusion in the running of the government is to be prioritized.

“If the existence of new space-adapting humans is confirmed, their inclusion in the running of the government is to be prioritized…”

Audrey’s monotonous voice as she recited the message exploded in Banagher’s mind, his heart jolting. While she was mesmerized and not leaving the tablet at all, Banagher turned his back on her as he stared at Syam unflinchingly. It happened all because of this, this one thing…Banagher could not stop his thoughts from running wild, and Syam took on that confusion as his eyes flicked silently, the face sunk into the pillow staring into the distant stars.

“This is the “Laplace Box” the truth to the curse binding us over a hundred years.”

The sigh that encapsulated a hundred eyes shook the air in the cryo, piercing through the body and heart. It seemed the object called time was speaking as Banagher’s eyes returned to the stone tablet floating in the void.

“At the same time…it was a prayer.”

Syam continued. These words overlapped with the voice of the ghost Banagher heard at “Laplace”, and unwittingly approached the tablet, reaching his hands towards the relatively scarred hexagon. The polished stone reflected himself wearing the white pilot suit, the reflected silhouette becoming an unknown youth who similarly reached his hand towards this stone tablet a hundred years ago, and their hands touched across time—

Part 11


The voice eked out was unwittingly hoarse, shaking. Alberto subconsciously moved his head, checking the pilot seat of the dim Base Jabber, and his wavering eyes looked towards the window before him. The lieutenant driving never returned from the engine room, and right beyond the window was the face of the “Banshee” that was up close. The “Magallanica” half hidden behind it was no longer bombarded into oblivion, the strange snail shell-like appearance quietly floating in space.

Yes, nothing would change. Even with the erased article from original tablet, he found the world would not really change. Is that truly the secret capable of overturning the Federation government? All the plotting and enduring, the countless sacrifices that could not be recovered, all those for this thing? Alberto showed neither rage nor anguish, nor was he truly flustered; his mind was simply blank. His eyes returned to the “Banshee” informing him of the truth, and the back mask was staring into a spot in space. “It’s not the biggest reason.” Riddhe’s heavy voice echoed once again.

“But Ricardo Marcenas did use the sealed space called “Laplace” to insert this article, the “Laplace” that formed the prime minister’s residence drifting in space, the land where the Universal Century began…the tablet with the Charter was supposed to have the signatures of each country’s representative. They planned for it to be held in “Laplace”, hoping that no dissident forces would have the change to interfere. The government had universally felt that even if there was a possibility, they should not promise the spacenoid too much power. Yet Ricardo, who added this article despite it all, could be said to be a true idealist. His personality, and the truth of this Universal Century…was simply a disguise to the brazen truth of an abandonment policy—”

“But he became an obstacle, to the people who felt there was no need for additional humans to join the government.”

Alberto continued without realizing, clasping together the fingers as his blood stilled. They started with the space migration plan to ensure the longevity of Earth, heavily burned by global warming and population explosion. It was fated for the Federation to exert merciless arrogance, to alleviate the impacts on every country, every person. The largest authoritative organization in human history required Ricardo Marcenas as an ideal face…as his heart chilled increasingly, looked towards the “Banshee”. The golden horns dropped slightly, “Yes.” And Alberto had an impression that the “Banshee” was the one talking.

“But it was really as they wished. I think the conservatives never truly viewed thought that the people adapting to space would be deemed a danger. Too many people feel that the liberal advocate Ricardo was being too obstructive, and the tablet presented an opportunity to strike. So they decided to begin the assassination, disguising it as a terrorist attack done by separatists. That was the grand place to destroy “Laplace” at the change of the calendar, along with the representatives allied to Ricardo. At the same time, it was the perfect plan to quell the rising call for terrorism, eliminate the separatists, and strengthen the Federation’s authority. So to execute this plan, they hired some terrorists that were to be disposed of. Syam Vist…your great grandfather, was one of them, and the representative acting as main conspirator was George Marcenas. The man commonly known as Marcenas Junior, the third prime minister, Ricardo Marcenas’s son.”

George Marcenas took over the will of his assassinated father, and after taking over as acting deputy prime minister, he became the prime minister. His call of “Never forget Laplace” involved hardline stances against terrorism for another 20 years until ‘all conflicts on Earth was annihilated’. The Federation government inherited the vices of an overly massive organization, cronyism distinct from society rampant, but there was quick, if not overwhelming brutality against the dissidents. The Federation maintained this nature all because George’s administration had cultured this. Because of the assassination, Junior and the others had the expected outcome of the Federation maintaining Emergency Relief Authority.

Alberto was speechless. Filicide, patricide—it all continued as gears of cause and effect, but to think it all started from then. He realized he was part of this cause and effect, and understood how Riddhe, who called this a real ‘curse’, was brooding over it. Once again, he looked towards the “Banshee” speechlessly, and saw the bitter look on the sidelong face. “The plan worked, except for a minor miscalculation” His voice seemingly vanished into the darkness as he continued.

“Nobody knew how Syam Vist survived…and how he obtained the Laplace tablet. It was over ten years since the incident when Syam first contacted the government, and the original tablet he had consisted of the article the current one doesn’t have. It’s just a prayer to be entrusted to the future, but it concerned the future of the spacenoid, and one could imagine that the manner to deliberately eliminate and assassinate was all a government conspiracy…you can now imagine how the conspirators panicked. They probably had at least a hundred plans to assassinate Syam, but Syam was a smart man. Even though he would blackmail the government, he would not demand too much. Instead, he would ask for a little convenience compared to the main problem at hand, to invest in a certain startup back then called Anaheim Electronics. He would not appear on the surface, but remain as a back of that company, the Vist Foundation that was established, and dabble in the essentials industry—”

“That started a coexistence relationship with the Federation, a system maintained by hiding the original tablet…the “Laplace Box”. It didn’t matter what it was. The “Box” became the symbol of world order …”

The ex-terrorist scaled up the social ranks through the capital of the secret he somehow obtained, and the Federation government chose to coexist with him instead. Alberto and Riddhe were living in the results formed by this twisted history. All ambitions and plotting they had had vaporized, and they were simply ordinary people who wanted to protest the interests they already had—the currently existing world. Once he learned of the fact that it all started from his relative, Alberto let out a heavy sigh.

“At first, it was merely blackmail material on the government. Even if the truth was revealed, it would not topple the Federation government, and would not have any big effect on the space migration policies. The government did also have the option to recognize the original stone tablet and rerelease the clause. At least 20 years later however, when the Federation and the Vist Foundation had their coexistence relationship stabilized, problematic thought. His ideas soon spread over the Earth celestial sphere, changing the meaning of the “Box” completely.”

The eked voice landed in Alberto’s heart, causing his heart to jump. He widened his eyes, staring at the “Banshee” sidelong face while it looked afar.

This was the true meaning of the magic of the “Box”. Riddhe had said, “When the One Year War happened…everything changed” “Syam, and the others who walked down the path he paved, realized the significance of what they did, and discovered the real ‘power’ of the “Laplace Box”.” Looking over at where the “Banshee” was looking at, Alberto saw the moon flicking amongst the debris, and once he realized what Riddhe was getting at, he was shocked speechless.

They could not see from here, but there was no doubt it was the colony cluster behind the moon. A certain man brought his troublesome ideas and spread it across the Earth celestial sphere, on a certain Side 3—

"The Newtype theory Zeon Deikum advocated was that mankind can continue to evolve, and it was an attractive idea to the spacenoids who were abandoned citizens to begin with. That idea, along with the spacenoids movement to gain independence, brought about the whole new concept, and the “Box” became a real taboo. If the existence of new space-adapting humans is confirmed, their inclusion in the running of the government is to be prioritized…what was supposed to be a prayer for the distant future became reality within half a century, and became a curse toppling the Federation government…”

Part 12

With the moon as the backdrop, an endless array of ships fired their cannons in unison. Tens, hundreds of ships fired beams through the space of eternal night, shooting into the opposing fleet, and rings of light of various sizes lit up like lights.

The counterattack trail of fire continued to fly through the fireballs appearing and vanishing, crossing the second wave of beam barrages as the mega particle cannons scorched space. The lights spreading above their heads were so dazzling, Banagher had the urge to cover his eyes, his still body faltering. A Zeon Principality Musai-class ship took a direct hit, and exploded, and a Federation ship got hit in the hull by missiles, engulfed in a fireball. A flare exploded from a Federation’s ship engine, crashing into its allied units, and another side, a platoon of Zakus fired their handheld bazookas, the ammunition pulling its gaseous trails as they blew up the bridge of the ship, the other combatants caught in the shockwave being more of the Zaku’s accomplishments.

There was no Federation mobile suit to be seen. Before the War, the Federation army knew that Zeon was developing these weapons called mobile suits, but they were said to have committed the cardinal sin of underestimating the enemy, resulting in their complete defeats during the preliminary stages of the One Year War. Banagher quietly noted to himself that this might have been a record of that era as he saw the battlefield projected in the cryo. The Federation ships were buried one after another, and they were headed towards an open space colony. The Musai-class ships seemed small like peanuts compared to the massive colony they surrounded, its massive cylinder appearing in the space battlefield, not fixated at its position. On its other end, there were nuclear pulse engines blaring, moving slowly along with the Musai-class ships. The three mirrors on the cylinder had been severed, the silver outer walls stained with countless scorch marks, but the cylinder 30km in length continued to accelerate.

It was headed towards the sphere with the blue atmosphere, Earth. It was getting close. Earth, entering the camera along with the colony, might not appear so big, but the powerful gravity was already at work, and it appeared the colony was pulled in by Earth. The attacks of the pursuing Federation fleet was useless, and the colony approaching with the Zeon fleet kept accelerating, finally entering the planet’s silhouette, becoming an arrow as it shot a long trail upon the atmosphere like a blackened stain.

“I remember when the colony fell.”

Syam noted quietly, his bed seemingly floating on Earth’s silhouette. Next to Banagher, Audrey seemingly tensed up, but he stared at Syam’s sidelong face.

“20 years passed since we heard of Zeon’s name. The nightmare we feared would happened finally happened on that day. But what I remembered clearly was neither fear nor anguish, but clear condescension. The feeling I felt when I first saw this…yes, I did see the imagery of the colony falling. Just as I did 100 years ago…the day “Laplace” was blown up.”

Earth’s reflective light showed Audrey’s astounded frowning face. The words ‘“Laplace” was blown up’ had Banagher reeling greatly, but he continued to look at Syam, who was covered by the backlight.

“I always thought it was an illusion. Even I had forgotten about the matter until I saw that scene become reality. But I did see the demon-like “Zaku” army along with the colony burned by the atmosphere. Back then, the term mobile suit did not exist…that was a scene of the future the ghosts of “Laplace” showed me. They wanted me to stop it, to use the “Laplace Box”—the true Universal Century Charter, to prevent this destructive development…”

The tip of the colony approaching Earth touched the atmosphere. Its body was scorched red and torn apart by friction, the peeling outer walls becoming an elongated tail as it sank into the atmosphere. The colony as it was could no longer be seen, the scorching tip causing it to resemble a massive arrow, covered by grey dust as it tore through the atmosphere, landing onto the earth. It formed an ugly scar upon the Earth, and became an unprecedented event of a colony crashing into the earth.

“I once had a chance to stop it. If I had opened the “Box” before the One Year War, if I had proven that the original Federation government…had a provision for space-adapting humans to join the Central government, there might have been a different future. The ‘supposed future’ sealed in the “Box”…was truly in my hands.”

The eyes were reflecting the tragedy before him, but Syam’s flickering eyes were looking at something else. At this moment, the ‘power’ to topple the Federation finally materialized in Banagher’s heart, and he looked towards the “Laplace Box”—the stone tablet with the original Charter of the Universal Century.

Zeon Zum Deikun had advocated that space-adapting humans could evolve into Newtypes, and became the hope of the people who were abandoned in space. The Federation government only knew to suppress him, but the original Federation had hopes for space-adapting humans—Newtypes, and had wished for them to coexist with the government. Result-wise the Federation personally buried the existence of this ideal along with the “Laplace Incident” till this day. If the spacenoids who believed in Zeon knew of this Truth that could have changed their futures—

“But I forgot about the illusion that day, or I might say, deliberately chose to forget. The Vist Foundation was founded for the “Box” to be entrusted to the future, but it lost its objective without knowing, just becoming bigger and bigger…I, along with the organization that should be part of identity, lost ‘my only desire’. We merely held onto the blood-stained present, and not reached our hands towards the future …”

Syam brought his withered hands before him, and behind him, the colony vanished beyond the horizon, a flash forming as it landed, bright like the morning sun as it scorched the Earth a burning color.

Audrey pursed her lips, turning her head aside in disgust. Banagher looked towards Syam’s hands that were lit by the light. The palms that had killed his own son, crushed the ‘promised future’ had eased down, the fingertips left with an emptiness that could not grasp anything. The light of the colony calmed soon after the flash of the colony drop, leaving behind the darkness of the stars shrouding the sultry sidelong face of the old man.

Part 13

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