Mushi Uta:Volume 7

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Novel Illustrations[edit]

0.00 The Others[edit]

The 4K LCD screen showed the image of an embankment during sunset.

While in filming mode, the screen displayed the remaining memory on the device and the current time. The current pixel count was low due to it prioritizing the video length.

A light blinked to inform of the low remaining memory.

The power was turned off instantly.

The memory card nimbly replaced.

The camera was turned on and restarted.

The time needed to replace the memory card was about 30 seconds. A new personal record.

"Clear water in a beautiful river. Mighty cherry trees that symbolize the breath of spring—"

The video was being narrated.

The image switched from the river flowing by to the blooming cherry trees along the bank.

 "And an orange veil dyeing the skies."

The image turned to the sky. The brightness was automatically adjusted, allowing filming the sun setting over the distant mountains.

"The wind is serene, as if to symbolize that this country is dozens of years removed from war and famish…"

The narrating voice was that of a somewhat young-sounding girl.

"Peace. This word is so casually used by people. However, does it really exist in our country?!"

The girl's tone of narration grew stronger still.

"The answer is no. I shall emphasize this as a mere journalist—hello there. What a cute doggy."

A woman walking near the river appeared on film. The camera zoomed into the face of the Yorkshire terrier at the bashful woman's feet.

The unauthorized filming seemed to have upset the dog. It started barking, exposing its canines toward the camera. The image shook as if being intimidated.

"E-even such a small, lovely pet can feel the danger looming in the country. Why don't we lend our ears to their loyalty?"

Seeing the woman leave the place with a bitter smile, the image returned to background of the bank.

"…It's not like I hate peace."

The girl's voice softened. Her emotive voice mixed with the orange sunset and flowed over the river.

"I we pretend not to notice, we can keeping living with this transient peace."

The image suddenly rotated around. It started filming the rural town with its small shopping district in front of the station in the center, with residential districts and single-track railways.

In the suburbs further distanced from the town was a tower piercing the darkening sky.

A radio tower.

It was a simple building surrounded by four support poles in the shape of a quadrangular pyramid, with three scaffolds on the summit. All sorts of antennas, both small and large, enclosed them.

It was the symbol of the rural town fearing being left behind with the times.

This structure was built in order to receive satellite transmissions, with cooperation of the local broadcasting station and the neighborhood council. This out-of-place high-spec radio tower was always closed because the profits couldn't keep up with the costs of maintenance. Now there were cables from the neighboring town, sending everything through wire.

"There exists a certain secret organization in this country. It conceals the cracks in the fabricated peace and continues to hide the truth that could shake the entire world. —And what is the truth they are hiding?"

The wind blew.

Further beyond the radio tower, around the area of a large natural park, a sandstorm swirled.


The sandstorm gradually grew in scale.

The blowing wind was also growing in intensity.

"As well as those possessed by them, the people called Mushitsuki."


A supernatural existence that possessed adolescent boys and girls, preying on their hosts' dreams and hopes and thereby growing—

The rumors about Mushi among the populace started about a decade ago. Since their appearance resembled insects they were called Mushi, and there were many eyewitnesses.

Yet at present, the government persisted in their stance that "there are no such things as Mushi".

However, the rumors about Mushi and the Mushitsuki who were their hosts persisted.

Since they were possessed by the incomprehensible Mushi and able to control supernatural abilities, people at present looked at the existence of Mushitsuki with eyes full of fear and discrimination.

"The secret organization concealing the existence of Mushi is powerful. Even a master journalist such as me had almost yielded the false peace. If I'd turned a blind eye to the Mushi they were hiding, I would've been able to live quietly in this town…"

The narration continued with a detached tone.

"—However, I have noticed a being far more terrible than that secret organization. Perhaps owing to my mission as a True Journalist, I can feel that I am the only one who is able to stand up to them. I shall have to rise up again and put an end to this conspiracy."

Inside the image, the sandstorm rising from the park was blown away.

Bending trees and splashing the pond water around, a storm pierced the heavens.

"This existence arriving in our town is none other than—"

With sprays of water and dust reflecting the setting sun, the storm swinging toward the sky resembled a gigantic sword. An orange beam of light was shot off, causing a powerful gale to blow over the town.

"The Demon Lord."

The wind stopped blowing within a few seconds.

The town returned being as tranquil as it was before.

"As Chronicler, I swear I shall record the fight against the Demon Lord, as well as the real truth."

As if nothing happened, the image focused on the bank again.

The momentum of this movement caused a bag to temporarily obstruct the view. The emblem attached to the bag had the name of the town's lone private high-school as well as the owner's full name on it.

"True Journalist – Haemori Ako"—

Chronicler's name, along with the unnecessary title, will not remain in many people's memories, past or future.

She had no way of knowing the future, obviously, but she felt so.

Even if she was hated by everyone—

Even if she was thought of as nothing but a fool—

Ako felt that was fine.

"Now for some ramen."

The film captured by the mumbling girl now showed the peaceful scenery one could find anywhere.

0.01 The Others[edit]

A girl was running frantically through a dim woodland path.

"Hah…! Hah…!"

Adding to her plain appearance of wearing a shirt and jeans, her eyes with their black-rimmed glasses were hidden by her bangs. The more the tall girl ran, the more the leather suitcase she was grasping with both hands shook.

"I can't do this! Why is this even—"

Her mouth adorned by a small beauty mark warped in agony. Her teeth chattered, more out of fatigue than of fear. She seemed likely to fall down at any moment, but she still held on tight to the old-fashioned suitcase. The rack attached to it rattled annoyingly.

She stuck her shaking hand into her pocket, retrieving a cellphone.

"Loci-chan…! I-is that monster still after us?"

She groaned toward the cellphone. However, let alone not even making any call with it, the flip phone wasn't even open.

The one to answer the girl's question was a white object hanging from the phone's strap.

It had a spherical body with a lustrous surface that looked like it could be either plastic or metal. With two glass-bead-like eyes and two folded sickles, it was a toy shaped like a deformed insect.

The little toy shook.

Rising slowly, it pulled at the cellphone as if pointing behind the girl.


The girl's face distorted in despair. She was able to perceive an ominous presence pursuing her. She hurriedly put the phone back in her pocket.

She breathed in deeply while running. The clear air of April left her nose.

She looked up to the sky dyed by sunset and yelled.

"I HATE Mushi!"

A giant shadow swooped down from behind. An impact not unlike that of a falling meteor shook the area.

Coming from the sky was a large monster.

Its short and stout body was divided into multiple joints and it had more than ten legs sporting sharp claws. On its back a pair of crest-like wings expanded. One could look at it as a cross between a butterfly and an arthropod, yet its size was incomparable to a normal insect.

A human figure stood on the back of this foul monster that was three times the girl's height. It was a boy with a beastly expression. It was obvious from a glance at his face that his mental condition was abnormal.

The monster closed in on the girl with much quicker movements than its appearance indicated was possible. Unable to fit inside the narrow road, its solid carapace collapsed the trees around as it passed.

The monster roared. Its harpoon-like legs were launched at the girl.


Holding her glasses with one hand, the girl jumped frantically.

The drill-like leg was a hairsbreadth away from piercing the girl. It crushed the ground and split the road with a deafening roar.

"I can't—I hate Mushi—they'd never gotten crazy like this—you monster…!"

With her teeth chattering, the girl mumbled to herself. She was desperately running away so even she didn't understand what she was saying.

"Where's the Spirit Zone…!"

As she rushed through the road, suddenly the field of her vision opened up.

The center of the nature park came to a small pond.

"Umm, if I recall correctly the Zone here has a wind-controlling ability… I think the activation method was by stimulating the pond—"

The monster launched its leg at the same time the girl took a pebble and threw it into the pond.

The pebble fell inside, creating ripples.


The fallen leaves covering the area all started dancing at once.

With a gale bursting at her feet, the girl's body was thrown to the air. The monster's leg pierced the space the girl had occupied just a split second before.

It wasn't only the girl that had been thrown away by the tornado; the boy riding on the monster's back was also lightly blown away from the surface.

"You monsterrr!!!"

The girl swung her suitcase with all of her power toward the monster in front of her.

In the end she only had human strength. She obviously couldn't inflict damage to a monster. She could merely slightly divert its path while it was caught by the wind.

Using just that, the girl was able to reach a completely different conclusion.

Blown away by the tornado, the girl was pounded against a tall tree. The impact from falling down numbed her whole body, but she didn't break any bones.

"Hah…! Hah…!"

Raising her leaf-covered face, she fixed her glasses.

The girl knew all about the supernatural phenomenon that had assaulted the surroundings just now. Both how it happened and what course the wind would take.

And so the girl had sent the monster to a different direction than her.

To where the worst conclusion awaited it.


Unable to escape the tornado, the monster was sucked into the center of the raging wind.

A flash of light pierced the skies.

A condensed lance of wind pierced the monster's body. Its death throes echoed around.

Somewhat belatedly, the monster's master—the boy—crashed into the ground. Probably having lost his consciousness, he didn't move.

When the flash of light was gone, the wind also stopped.

All that remained was the dying monster.

"Hah… I thought I was dead for sure this time…"

The girl approached the tree while hugging her suitcase. She lifted up her bangs covering the glasses and gazed up the orange sky.

"Yeah, I knew I wasn't good enough…"

Escaping her predicament, her head was once again filled with her own complex.

She was slightly taller than other girls her age, but had no other way to distinguish herself. Due to her nearsightedness she couldn't let go of her glasses, and her personality was not bright. She didn't know how to take care of her hair, and all of her clothes were plain and not eye-catching at all.

"Can I really beat the Demon Lord like this…?"

Satou Youko.

Even her name was one that could be found anywhere.

Perhaps that was too big of a burden for someone like her.

"Being the Hero isn't easy."

Youko's sigh dispersed the glowing residue of the wind.

1.00 Akatsuki Part 1[edit]

The beings that possessed adolescent boys and girl and devoured their dreams to grow—Mushi.

Although at first there were only limited sightings, these grew with time.

This meant that Mushi, or rather the Mushitsuki possessed by them, have experienced an explosive growth. Mushitsuki stirred up trouble for the populace at every opportunity, so people gradually started fearing them.

It is said that in the initial stages, the military had been employed in order to restrain the increasing numbers of Mushitsuki.

However, normal soldiers had difficulties against the wide range of Mushitsuki abilities. Also, since the military's movements caused unrest in the public, they weren't suited to the purpose of concealing Mushi.

Finally, a certain method had been suggested, then employed.

Fighting fire with fire—

By training the captured Mushitsuki, they would be able to stealthily capture the Mushitsuki blending in with the populace.

A government agency was formed to capture, train, and at times isolate and research Mushitsuki. On the surface their actions would never come to light, and behind the scenes they managed everything related to Mushi.

The Special Environmental Preservation Bureau.

Called the SEPB for short, this organization was deployed throughout the entire country and managed to acquire many Mushitsuki subordinates. Due to the work of the SEPB, the current public awareness of Mushi was able to preserve the delicate balance between truth and fiction.

Why was there a need to conceal Mushi that even led to that organization being formed?

The reason for that wasn't revealed even to the SEPB members.

"—'A town where Mushi disappear', huh?"

Special Environmental Preservation Bureau, East Central Branch.

A faint, sweet fragrance drifted through the conference room located inside the building. It probably came from the flower vase near the wall.

"Sounds like the title of some B-grade horror movie."

The size of the conference room was about that of the classroom of his previous high school. It had a square table and a chair made of some unknown material.

The room was dreary and the only things that could be called furnishing were just about the plain file cabinet, the projector placed in the further end of the room and its slides. That was why the vase at the front was so conspicuous.

His face reflected on the polished wall behind the vase.

"…So, what does that have to do with me?"

Seeing his face, he thought he looked like a ghost.

During these last months he grew taller and his body became fitter, perhaps owing to his training. His long hair was parted for convenience, but that still irritated him upon seeing it.  He still hadn't gotten used to the dark coat that darkened his expression so much.

If his past friends were to see him now, would they be able to recognize him as Ogata Akatsuki?

He'd already lost all of his friends that he could laugh along with. —And that very reality caused Akatsuki to smile less and less.

"Umm, the truth is that the North Central Branch—oh! That vase? Someone from the West Central Branch brought it when they were helping with the repairs here. Creation abilities are really amazing, aren't they? This place'd been completely trashed by Harukiyo but they've managed to fix it all up perfectly. The interior's also a work of art—well, I'm glad Nene-san's restored all of this, but maybe we should've left this to a specialist?"

While Akatsuki stood at the door, the woman sitting on a chair on the other side of the room spoke happily.

She was wearing a business suit, but one button was put into the wrong hole. She didn't look like an adult in her early twenties due to her bed hair and not wearing any makeup.

She was Akatsuki's boss, Goroumaru Touko. She served as the Acting Branch Director, and the fact that she held the most authority within the East Central Branch here seemed like a bad joke. Although the original Branch Director Haji Keigo had retired due to his grievous injuries, it still seemed impossible.

"The person herself apparently said 'Art is inorganic! Plants are philosophy! Die, humans!'  She's just handsome enough to fall in love with—well, but she's a girl."

"Stop there, Acting Branch Director. He's getting angry."

The one who stopped Touko from talking was a middle-aged man sitting on a chair in the corner, smoking a cigarette. Although he was wearing a fancy suit, his face looked unattractive while he played with his white-mottled hair. Position-wise he was Touko's subordinate, but he never spoke politely to her.

The incompetent Acting Branch Director and her detached Assistant Branch Director. It was his first time to be summoned while they were both present. Akatsuki hoped he wasn't called here just to get annoyed.

A calm voice rose from immediately next to Akatsuki.

"Can we return to the matter at hand, Acting Branch Director?"

He could feel the warmth in his hand.

The girl clad in the same coat as Akatsuki, Haji Senri, wore a serious expression. Her long, blue hair shone as it reflected the light. Her slightly drooping eyes were gazing at empty air even as she spoke to Touko.

Due to her congenital blindness, Senri lost all her sense of sight. She was one of Akatsuki's friends and had become a member of the East Central Branch this year. In addition to being a Mushitsuki, she was also the younger sister of the previous Branch Director.

"Let's leave, Senri. This is probably not a big deal."

He had no idea what the matter was, but had no intention of watching his boss's comedy routine.

Akatsuki came to the East Central Branch in order to protect Senri. He hadn't the slightest of intentions to either grow used to or become friends with the SEPB that used Mushitsuki to capture other Mushitsuki.

He prioritized protecting the lone survivor, Senri—

That was his tacit agreement with his dead friends.

And there was another reason.

Akatsuki had yet to fulfill the other objective he'd joined the East Central Branch for.


Senri made no move. She looked up to his face and shook her head. He furrowed his brows.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Right, that's not what I wanted to talk about."

Touko cleared her throat, finally recalling what she wanted to say.

"Akatsuki-san. Do you understand the situation in the East Central Branch?"

"Who knows? I am not really interested."

He replied immediately. Whatever happened to the SEPB or to the East Central Branch he belonged to was of no interest to him. He was simply going to follow orders.

"A few days ago, Chiharu-san and Ubuki-san have vanished."

Akatsuki made no response. Neither of them had anything to do with him.

"Since there were signs they had contacted someone from the outside, it appears that Chiharu-san had already intended to join up with someone. I believe that Ubuki-san has followed her voluntarily."

"I said I was not interested."

Even while responding in an apathetic manner, he still felt dubious. The two people Touko spoke of were important. And yet they have slipped through all security and vanished.

Had someone let them escape on purpose…?

Thinking so might have been reasonable, but he still didn't care either way.

"I'd sent Kabuto out on a search mission, but since he was unable to find anything in these few days I gave up and recalled him. Since Ubuki-san's involved, it's better to assume that they have gone beyond our jurisdiction. —Oh, so is that another one of my mistake as Branch Director? Will I get another salary cut?"

"I was on leave until yesterday so it has nothing to do with me. Bear the responsibility by yourself, miss Acting Branch Director."

"Ugh, you only treat me like your superior when it suits you… Oh, and the intelligence unit's also a bit of a mess. Maimai-san took a lot of independent actions. You see, it's because she really admires Wanko—err, Asagi. The person from the West Central Branch I mentioned before was also apparently her disciple… I found out something bad."

"What exactly do you mean by something bad? Is this about the Instructor?"

Senri bent forward, curious.

Central Headquarters Special Class Rank 3 member Asagi, Shishidou Inuko. This girl had the bizarre appearance of wearing a raincoat and brandishing a hockey stick, but she unexpectedly showed up in the East Central Branch a few times that winter.

Inuko, as part of her special mission of educating combatants, made Senri go through training when she lacked real battle experience. And just like when she had appeared, she also vanished suddenly.

Akatsuki recalled that before she vanished, Inuko had seen him while he was with Senri and ridiculed him.

—You sure look like a newbie. Seeing your face makes me depressed.

Rolling a lollipop inside her mouth, she laughed at the person higher in rank than her.

—The Acting Branch Director also asked me to look after you, but nope. I only teach "warriors", not avengers. Do wash your face and turn a new leaf.

I didn't want it, either, he thought. He'd heard that this raincoat girl had once fought alongside that guy. He wanted no lessons from someone like her.

Ignoring Akatsuki who was opposed to this, Senri had grown unbelievably strong. She developed new abilities one after another as if losing all restraints. Although her personality was twisted, the raincoat girl's teaching skills were apparently the real deal.

"Rather than bad maybe it's horrible… the ones that produced the candies that served as Wanko-san's lifeline are the West Central Branch. But apparently the production was put to a stop. The one to issue this order was the Vice-Director—"

Senri's hand that was held within Akatsuki's tensed.

"The Vice-Director—"

A red light burned inside the room.

As Senri widened her unseeing eyes, red sparks flew around. The table, the chairs, and the flowers in the vase were all covered by insect-like sparks.

Mushi Uta 7 p029.jpg

"So the Instructor died because of Central Headquarters…?!"

Although she'd gotten stronger, her awareness of her abilities was still rather new. She couldn't fully control her Mushi yet.

"C-calm down, Senri-san! Hot, it's hot! Ah, even my suit…!"

"The direct cause of death was wounds caused by battle. According to the report it was a result of her fighting Shinpu. Even so, the process that led there…"

Branch Director Assistant Ishimaki spoke calmly while nimbly avoiding the sparks.

He heard that Shishidou Inuko had reported about finding Shinpu and was subsequently killed in action. Shinpu was one of the original Prototype Mushi that gave birth to all Mushitsuki.

"Senri, calm down."

When Akatsuki whispered to her Senri was taken aback. The red sparks around vanished.

"A-anyway, Maimai-san's gotten angry because of that… We managed to somehow calm her down for now, but it's only a matter of time until the other disciples find out. I mean, we've also asked Wanko-san for help now and again, but she really was someone great. Seems like her death has plenty of effects, tahaha."

"You sure have it easy."

In contrast to Touko's amicable laugh, Akatsuki directed a derisive smile at her.

"Even if one Mushitsuki dies—no, no matter how many people die, you can laugh it away in a safe place."

"I don't think that's the proper way of speaking to a superior, Kaguya-kun. You'll get demoted."

"Could you please not refer to me using that name? I'm Ogata Akatsuki."

"Adults really are horrible. How annoying; when all sorts of things happen and children younger than us die we can't even cry. Tahaha."

While scratching her bed hair, Touko wore a pitiful smile.

"I can't even bring up memories of Wanko-san just because I can't allow myself to cry in front of my subordinates. I've talked about a lot with her, and she can hold her liquor, too. Oh, that's against the law, isn't it. Oops, can't think about that. Tahaha."

Midway through her speech Touko's ears reddened. She pretended to fix her glasses and her bangs covered her face.

"Haji-senpai sure is amazing. I was supposed to be prepared for this but losing a single person makes me want to run away…"

"Even if you reminiscence about people who're gone nothing will advance. You're the one pulling the East Central Branch together. You can't show your weakness to your subordinates. And it's not like our branch lost its manpower."

Receiving Ishimaki's admonishment, Touko mumbled "R-right" and straightened her back.

Even seeing Touko hold back her tears, Akatsuki felt nothing.

It didn't matter at all.

No matter what happened around him, it had nothing to do with him. He had no interest in any changes.

"Sorry for disrupting the conversation again. Umm, so, on that note, Akatsuki-san."

Raising her face, Touko went back to herself and smiled amicably.

"You will go to the North Central Branch."


Akatsuki's expression froze. He couldn't immediately grasp the meaning of Touko's words.

"Apparently there have been strange phenomena occurring in the area under the North Central Branch's jurisdiction. Oh, do you know about them? They're very disciplined, have plenty of strong members and their mission completion rate is high. That's amazing when thinking about the large area under their care."

"They're the Central Headquarters' lapdogs. In contrast to our Branch of rebels and South's shut-ins, they're living the good life. They're similar in essence to West who are simply happy creating anything."

"How blunt… A-anyway, a reinforcement request came from North Central Branch. It looks like the branch's higher-ranked members unfortunately have their hands full, so they want more Ranked members. Since you're a Blaze Class Rank 2 I believe you fit their requirements to a tee."

"Is that mission about the 'town where Mushi disappear' you've mentioned earlier?"

Akatsuki glanced at Senri in surprise. She hadn't seemed surprised at this sudden order.

"Exactly. Umm, actually, rather than Mushi disappearing, it's more like aren't any Mushitsuki in the first place, or that there's some cause—"

"W-wait a minute!"

Akatsuki finally wrung out his voice.

"Why are you making us go help the North Central Branch or whatever? And of all times, during this period—"

"'Us'? Tahaha, it's rare for you to mishear things like that, Akatsuki-san. Didn't I say that you're going there? You're going alone, Akatsuki-san."

Having Touko laugh at him made him snap.

"D-don't joke with me! You're leaving Senri to someone and sending me to the North Central Branch by myself? I will obviously not obey such an order!"

"Hah, so it's no good?"

"You told me to come to the East Central Branch to protect Senri—hadn't you invited me here for that?! I won't let you say you forgot! And now you're telling me to go to the North Central Branch? Don't screw with me!"


Senri pulled the infuriated Akatsuki's hand.

"I asked this of the Acting Branch Director. I asked her if she could give you missions from the outside."


I don't understand anything anymore. He grabbed Senri's shoulders, still confused.

"You know I'm here in place of Iori-kun or Azu, right? I can't be separated from you, Senri. So why—"

"Please calm down, Akatsuki-san."

I am calm!

He wanted to shout this, but shut his mouth.

Although she smiled friendlily until now, Touko now looked at him with a sad expression.

Taken aback and looking at Senri, his friend also bit her lower lip forlornly. As for Ishimaki, he simply lit up his next cigarette with an exasperated expression.

Akatsuki couldn't understand why they were all looking at him like that. He felt as if he was being subjected to some malicious prank.

"You don't understand even after our conversation just now? Really, can't you feel it?"

Touko said in a calm tone.

"Are you talking about Chiharu-san running away and about Maimai and the other disciples? Other than it being your carelessness, what else is there to feel—"

"The next major battle is approaching."


"What made Chiharu-san move was probably a new force other than the Central Headquarters or Mushibane. It's probably one of the few others organizations, lurking in the shadows or perhaps waiting patiently for the right time to come… I do not know."

Touko stuck out her fist toward the silent Akatsuki. She lifted up her pointing finger and then her middle one.

"Mushibane's movements also changed a few weeks ago. They returned to their activities of protecting wild Mushitsuki as if all their hatred for the SEPB was gone. Even when we found and attacked them there was no reply. Even when they had victims among their allies. There is only one explanation—they probably have a new leader."

Touko kept lifting her fingers.

"Wanko-san's disciples will also begin to move. They were only taught one thing—to fight. Those who inherited that will are going to rise to the stage of battle. Even the South Central Branch, despite being shut-in like we've just said, appears to be on the movie. Also, even Harukiyo's group's starting to act gradually more exposed."

After spreading all five fingers, she once again clenched them into a tight fist.

"Central Headquarters are gathering power in preparation for inducing something. The other branches, Mushibane, other groups like the ones who are moving Chiharu-san, and Harukiyo will all be striking from the sides. And in the end, where will Central Headquarters receive that decisive blow?"


"Anywhere's fine. This is simply an opportunity."

Touko brought her clenched fist to her chest. As if she was keeping it from swinging down with sheer force of will.

"But the ones who'll finish up this fight are us, the East Central Branch. This duty alone we will never hand to anyone else…!"

Senri nodded strongly next to Akatsuki. As for Ishimaki, he merely shrugged with a complex expression.

"…What about Kakkou?"

A low mutter escaped Akatsuki's mouth. He glared at Touko and then asserted.

"I don't care what anyone else does right now. Where is he right now and what is he doing? It isn't far-fetched to think he'd already recovered from the wounds he suffered against Oogui. Even so, never mind his whereabouts, I haven't heard anything about him!"

He raised his voice without noticing. He now dumped out the true reason for his smoldering rage.

In the battle against Oogui, one of the Original Three who birthed Mushitsuki, the boy called Kakkou was wounded grievously. The major secret that spilled out of his mouth during the fight would surely spread to the entire Special Environmental Preservation Bureau.

The reason for Akatsuki to stay in the East Central Branch other than Senri.

That was Kakkou's existence.

That Mushitsuki had taken a life that was dear to him as much as Senri's. —And so Akatsuki kept living and serving the SEPB just so that he could take his revenge.

"We've been talking about something completely different but he's the only thing you can think about, huh…"

Touko lowered her fist, her expression clouding over. Akatsuki gritted his teeth.

"Isn't that strange?! If the next fight's about to start, isn't Kakkou going to fight as well? There's no way that demon wouldn't! Is he trying to kill someone right now? Where's Kakkou!"


Senri clung to his arm with teary eyes.

"Please… Stop already…"

"Senri! You're being deceived, Senri! Wake up already!"

"You are the one who needs to wake up, Akatsuki-san."

Speaking in this harsh tone was Touko.

"Do you still not understand? Now that everyone's heading toward the next fight, you're the only one still being bound by the past."

"I don't give a fuck about the next fight! I—"

"It's been that way ever since your battle with Oogui at Shiou City. Your desire for revenge against Kakkou burns even brighter."

His heart skipped a beat. He wanted to deny it, but his throat suddenly clamped down.

"You found out the truth that Kakkou-san is trying to end all fighting. And when you saw this, you wondered whether or not he had killed Mushibane's previous leader, Lady Bird—Tachibana Rina-san."


"Oogui can use the abilities of all Minion Type Mushitsuki she'd given birth to—did you wonder why Haji-senpai alone, as the biggest supporter, kept this fact close to his chest? I have obviously asked Kakkou about it. I inquired him if he didn't think that the best method to simply defeat Oogui would be to make all the powerful Mushitsuki, including Lady, fight amongst themselves and destroy each other."

Touko smiled. It wasn't her usual amicable smile, but a complex smile like that of someone taking care of a problem child.

"'I just have to become the strongest Mushitsuki'—that was his answer."

Akatsuki gulped.

Taking on Oogui was the same as fighting against all Minion Types at the same time. And he still intended on winning by himself despite knowing this?

How foolish.

Yet Kakkou was deadly serious. That was why he was the strongest and able to survive this long.

It was as though the other Mushitsuki had all been looking at the wrong thing—is what he thought.

"Tahaha… we can say that Kakkou-san's the only one looking at the right enemy. Yet letting him fight all alone makes me a bit angry. He never easily shows his true heart to anyone, and he's apparently the type of guy to hold more secrets the closer he is to you. I wonder if all Fusion Type Mushitsuki are like that?"

Fixing her glasses, the unreliable boss wore her amicable smile again.

"It isn't that Kakkou got called a demon because he liked it. He simply fought and fought to protect his promise with a certain girl. —Yet he ended up with too many burdens along the way. If he'd revealed the secret it was possible that even Lady Bird and all other Mushitsuki would become his enemies. Yet he didn't do so…"

Akatsuki couldn't argue against Touko's words.

"Also, Lady's death was sad. He probably hesitated until the very final moment. And his hesitation caused Lady's Mushi to reach Maturation. Because he felt this way, he announced that he'd killed her. —Although that's the source of his strength, I don't want to think about this anymore…"

"You've probably realized this after fighting Oogui, right? Yet you couldn't accept it, instead fanning the flames of revenge inside your heart."

Ishimaki moved the cigarette in his mouth with an insolent expression.

"Can you not accept Lady's death unless it's someone's fault? Even Mushibane that you belonged to already got over her death and started something new. We don't need such half-hearted combatants at the East Central Branch."

Touko, Ishimaki and Senri all looked at Akatsuki.

"This is an order. Ogata Akatsuki-san—East Central Branch Blaze Class Rank 2 member, Kaguya. Please head out to the North Central Branch. You will receive further details about your mission on site."

"Since this is another branch's mission, we won't be seriously involved. Get your head cooled off on the countryside."

Both of his superiors spoke while leaving him no choice.


Senri looked like she wanted to say something, but stayed silent. She silently let go of Akatsuki's hand.

He clenched his fist that was now floating in air.

Akatsuki couldn't say anything.

1.01 Akatsuki Part 2[edit]

The town was located near the capital.

However, since it was surrounded by the mountains and sea, it had a small population.

There was no traffic network. Even the train had only simple iron rails, and no one drove in the highway. Although the ocean was nearby there wasn't a lot of area to swim in, and there was no port for large boats.

With a car it was possible to reach Akamaki City, for example, in two hours. This countryside near the capital was a forgotten town.

Directly in front of the small station was a shopping district. On the rusted billboard in front of the station was a map of the town. The locations of exhibition halls, museums and schools were roughly written on it.

The tower visible from afar was a radio tower that could also receive satellite signals. According to the data, it had been abandoned due to the problem of maintenance fees. There were apparently also talks about moving it to the neighboring town.

The bus setting out from the station was almost completely deserted.

The only passenger was Ogata Akatsuki who'd just come from Ouka City. Carrying a large sports bag, he sat in a double seat on the fifth row to the right.


This was nothing like Houzawa Town where he'd lived together with his friends Senri, Endou Iori and Sunakozaka Azu. It was much more rural, but the sense of time not passing by was the same.

Thinking of it, he realized that he'd completely forgotten the name of the town.

Oh well—

He tried recalling it but soon gave up. He was simply staying there temporarily for his mission anyway. Once he returned to Ouka City he'd never think about it again.

An administrative-like announcement chimed in the bus. But since no one boarded the bus and Akatsuki hadn't pressed the stop button, the bus kept driving through the shopping district.

The man driving called out to him, "You awake, man? We'll be leaving town soon," he asked him.

"Oh… sorry, please take me to the park."

When Akatsuki replied the driver nodded while saying, "Oh, I see. How rare." Apparently not many people used that natural park. Akatsuki resumed looking out of the window.

When he gazed absently at the townscape, his own face was reflected on the dusty glass window.

His complexion was better than when he'd been handed this mission back at his branch. The uniform of the local school he needed to go to in order not to stand out fit him perfectly so there were no discrepancies.

During these last couple of weeks where he did nothing but prepare to leave Ouka City, he thought of everything he could think of. He thought hard about what his boss had told him and of Senri's sad expression.

Just thinking wouldn't do any good. He couldn't understand their true meaning.

However, these last few weeks… since Senri hadn't come to see him even once, he felt lonely. He was also tired of worrying about that.

Let's stop thinking for now—

After betraying the Mushitsuki resistance group Mushibane, he joined the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau in order to protect Senri.

Now that even Senri had no need for him, Akatsuki had nothing left.

Even his reasons for fighting Kakkou were becoming vague.

And he had no reason in the first place to join the fights ahead, whatever they were.

Or perhaps Akatsuki was already—more than half-retired from the battles of Mushitsuki.


A mischievous voice appeared from nearby.

Busy with his thoughts, Akatsuki thought that perhaps this was another passenger speaking on their phone and so ignored it.

"Has your dream come true yet?"

It was the voice of a girl making fun of him. Hidden beneath her malicious tone was a beautiful voice that never left his memory. It was a terribly nostalgic voice—


He came back to his senses with a start.

The bus was as empty as always. No other passengers have boarded ever since they passed the shopping district.

Glancing around the empty bus, Akatsuki sighed. It was probably his imagination. —No, since he could hear it so clearly, it was probably an auditory illusion.

He felt as if he'd heard the voice of the girl with whom he discussed dreams on a bus just like this one.

What a nice dream.

The girl who smiled while hearing about Akatsuki's dream of "not wanting to fight" was no longer in this world.

Thinking about it, perhaps it was since then that Akatsuki had plunged himself into battle.

Why had he started fighting?

If he hadn't tagged along with the girl perhaps he'd have fulfilled his dream long ago. He would be able to live by himself without fighting with anyone.

What had he thought of, that day, as he reached a resolution in opposition to his dream?

Looking at the entrance of the approaching park, Akatsuki lightly shook his head.

He should reach a conclusion only once he came back to Ouka City. If Senri didn't need him even once he returned to the East Central Branch, he could just retire from battle there.

Fortunately, he received permission that he could take it easy during his stay in the town. He'd probably heard the illusion because he was thinking about it too much.

He would simply spend boring days in the countryside for a few weeks.

By the time he left this town, the fatigue of his heart should be healed.

"Thank you very much."

Paying the bus fare, he thanked the driver and got off.

The entrance to the natural park was so crude that he wouldn't find it without the signboard. He only suddenly noticed a grassy road that led inside.

Lowering the sports bag from his back, he walked the road surrounded by trees.


While he proceeded straight ahead, Akatsuki knit his brows.

At a certain point the forest was destroyed. The trees around were collapsed and cracks ran through the asphalt.

He reached a small pond. As he thought, the place had been destroyed unnaturally and fallen leaves were scattered around. He thought it could be the scene of a direct typhoon hit, but the damage was much too constrained.

"Are these traces of battle…?"

Approaching the fences, he peeked into the pond. He could see koi fish swimming inside the surface filled with floating algae.

—I've said this before, but the North Central Branch is very stubborn about something.

He recalled the words of Branch Director Assistant Ishimaki from just before he'd left Ouka City.

—They use a certain method to ensure such a high mission completion rate. In exchange for helping other branches in troubles that they judge to be comparably safe, they get help from them in missions that seem dangerous in the area under their jurisdiction. As a result, even if there any casualties it's the other branches that suffer. Moreover, they even complain that they'd gotten incompetent members and use the fruits of the victims' investigation to safely complete the mission.

His superior Ishimaki spent his days disparaging other people. Akatsuki's only impression of him was that of a foolish middle manager, but what he said was true.

—Rather than obsessing over loss and profit, they trained their sense of smell regarding danger. Since it's probably like that in your case as well, don't go along with them too much. You're only deployed there for a limited time, so you can just pretend to investigate. "I couldn't find out anything, I'm sorry"—just finish it like this. The one who'll get scolded is Goroumaru-kun anyway.

Incidentally, while talking of this Goroumaru Touko had also been present. She laughed while saying, "That's how it is. My specialty is getting scolded." How could he put it… wasn't the most uncertain part of the East Central Branch their superiors?

Although the North Central Branch viewed it as dangerous, it was a mission he didn't need to get involved too deeply with.

How vague and half-hearted.

For Akatsuki who was in the same position, this was the perfect job.

"Yo, I'm Orion, seventeen years old! Nice to meetcha!"


Someone suddenly pushed his back. When he turned around in surprise, he saw a girl saluting him.

She was slender and wore a white shirt and necktie that seemed unfitting for the current early spring. She wore spats underneath her short skirt, as well as leather boots and gloves. Perhaps having bleached her hair, the ponytail swaying on her neck was tea-colored. Her eyes which probably looked cute while fully open were half-closed arrogantly.

"North Central Branch, Blaze Class Rank 6 member! My most attractive feature is my curves; aren't they impressive? I'm the angel of the monitor squad, seducing boys with just a sexy look! Since I LOVE the 10-yen chocolate loaded with additives they sell in front of the station, if you ever treat me to one I'll make it really worth your time~~"

The random and hectic girl hugged herself and blew a kiss at him. Her strange way of speaking was extremely annoying.

"I mean something for adults, meow!"

Even as she winked to him, Akatsuki could do nothing but stare in blank amazement.

Standing frozen without knowing what to say, the girl who introduced herself as Orion made a small jump. She once again bowed at Akatsuki.

"Yo, I'm Orion, seventeen years old! Nice to meetcha! North Central Branch—"

"I-I got it! I got it, you don't need to repeat yourself. I am the East Central Branch's Blaze Class Rank 2 member Ogata Akatsuki. I came here by request of your—"

"If you heard me you shoulda said so."

Orion grinned. She stuck her hand in the pocket of her skirt, pulling out objects and hurling them at Akatsuki one after another.

"C'mon, let's go. Lodging expenses! The dormitory key! Material data! Student handbook of the school you'll blend into! A swimsuit picture of me so ya won't get lonely at night! It's a premium!"

"Uwa, uwawa. T-that's too much—wait, isn't a taking photos of yourself a breach of the rules…? Ah, is this the student handbook?"

"Whoopsy daisy. That chocolate's a mistake, so gimme. Got everything? Then let's go!"

Wrapping everything up in her personal pace, Orion returned to the road.

"Please wait a minute! I would like to investigate this area a bit more. I heard that this was where they found the first Fallen in the successive incidents—"

"Wow, you just came here and you're a workaholic already, meow? We're already done investigating so it's a waste of time~~"

Spreading her arms and wobbling like a jellyfish, Orion walked away. Whether she was ridiculing him or not, she was acting far too suspicious.

Although pissed off at her acting so unprofessionally, Akatsuki followed after the girl.

"Since I waited for three hours at the station I wanted to kill some time. I heard that North Central Branch members are all excellent… can't say I'm pleased at the welcome I'm receiving, though."

"You're wrong, mister elite Blaze Class Rank 2 meow. How impressive~~"

"…Could you please stop speaking like this? I feel like I'm being made fun of."

Finally catching up to her, he spoke without hiding his displeasure. Orion grinned.

"In this countryside, even if you act all stiff nothing good'll come out of it, meow. The most important thing is to have fun! Also, I'm just a small fry at North Central, y'know? If you let me get to ya it's your loss, meow."

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"Have you not gone too far with that suffix…?"

"There weren't any victims, so ya can just kill some time and go home. Are all elites like this?"

Akatsuki could do nothing but stay silent. She'd seen right through him.

"Rather than that, you should sink yourself in the rural atmosphere, meow! Fresh air! Blue sky! Your kindly neighbors! Everything's completely different from the city! Allow them to heal your heart!"

Orion wagged her finger around. She felt no anxiousness toward the mission or anything. With his shoulders sagging a bit, perhaps he really was irritated just like the girl thought.

"That being said, if we don't call the branch they'll get angry at me~~"

Orion once again shook her arms. A completely meaningless action.

"As you can see, nothing major happens in this town. Yet lately strange things started happening. You probably know, but the North Central Branch has members with the ability to sense the existence of Mushi. When they ended patrolling the town by chance, they felt Oogui around. —Well, this part happens a lot."

"So you can speak normally…"

"Meow! Naturally, there should have been some Mushitsuki created by Oogui. Yet by the time the member arrived at the scene, never mind Oogui herself, no Mushitsuki was there. And this repeated several times. When they sensed Oogui and headed there, there was nothing. Even though she appeared so much, it looked like not even a single Mushitsuki had been created. There were also no reports of people with Fallen-like symptoms appearing in hospitals. It was the first time that the North Central Branch had seen something like that, so we were really confused."

"A town where Mushitsuki disappear"—

This was the target of the investigation mission handed to Akatsuki, meaning the strange phenomenon of this town.

Since Oogui appeared, it was strange for Mushitsuki to not appear. Even so, there weren't any new Mushitsuki reported at all.

"Since there weren't any victims, we just monitored the situation at first. I've also been in this town for a few years for my monitoring mission, but nothing like this ever happened. Since nothing happened with the investigation, we wanted to drop the state of alert, but—"

"The first Fallen had been found in this park."

Akatsuki continued for her. Orion sighed and dropped her shoulders.

"Meow. Although this was the same phenomenon, a Fallen appeared just this time. What this meant was that—most likely, there were still Mushitsuki being created. Then where have they gone to? And if they were created, the numbers were incredible. If such a large number of Mushitsuki all vanish at once it would become a huge incident. It is a mystery, meow."

"So that means that another sensor was lying in wait and they took some measures before your branch arrived, or something?"

"Our sensor has a wide range, but no mobility at all~~ So there's always a time lag until we dispatch the members there… but according to them, after they feel what seems to be Oogui, a reaction like that of a Mushi appears and then instantly disappears, so it's a bit tricky. Even if there was a Mushitsuki like Asagi who could both sense Mushi and move quickly, they wouldn't have been able to take care of them that quickly~~"

It was indeed so. It was doubtful that Mushitsuki had even been created this far. If a just-born Mushitsuki went on a rampage, they wouldn't be able to avoid combat.

"…This mission really doesn't fit me."

Akatsuki groaned to himself.

Although he was powerful as a Mushitsuki, he was able to employ most of his power on the battlefield. Meaning he was like a tactical weapon. He had no abilities relevant to infiltrating or monitoring.

After her training with Asagi (aka Shishidou Inuko), Senri had started awakening to her sensing powers. She could have excellently performed this mission, but Akatsuki knew fully well the East Central Branch couldn't afford to let go of their one and only sensor.

"But the fact there are almost no victims is the same, meow. Since not even the North Central Branch really wants to do it, there's no way the East would~~!"

For some reason Orion waved her finger energetically again. Akatsuki sighed.

His superiors dispatched him here for a breather. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about poking his head into other branches' affairs.

"Oh boy. Looks like it's going to be a really boring mission…"

"If you're bored why don'tcha play with meow? I'll show you around town. There's this cool art gallery right out of town meow. It's about to close and it's not open on weekdays, but I'm a regular customer~~"

"I'd like for you to stop talking like that, though."

Sunlight fell on Akatsuki's wry smile.

They exited the forest road.

A Hornet motorcycle was parked nearby. It was a standard, two-wheeled type.

"You're the one who seems to be working too hard~~"


"You're cute when you smile, meow."

Grinning, Orion threw a half-helmet at him. Akatsuki grabbed it and then stared.

"Where are we going? The North Central Branch?"

"Our main office's way too far, meow. We're heading to your new school~~ We might make it in time for afternoon classes, meow."

"I more or less figured it out when you handed me that student handbook earlier, but… do I have to transfer to that school?"

"If you go around this small town with another school uniform you'll actually stand out more, meow. After finishing all the paperwork and greeting and all that you can decide if you want to come to school~~"

Wearing the helmet, Akatsuki sat behind Orion.

"You can take advantage of the ride and 'accidentally' touch me in all sorts of places, meow."

"I-I will not touch you."

Before finishing this exchange, the motorbike sounded its motor engines and launched ahead.

When he realized there was nothing he could do, all his anxiousness was gone.

There were no other people on the road enclosed by rusty guardrails except some old person walking by from time to time. Even the regular bus stops were empty. In front of the station and shopping district he could see the radio tower that was visible from afar. Even further behind it towered the green mountains.

They stopped at a stoplight in an empty crossroads. Stopping even when there were no other cars was out of a sense of obligation.

"It's a nice town."

The Hornet's engine noises mixed with Akatsuki's mutter. He simply said it, not even sure if this was how he truly felt or if he was just being polite.

Nevertheless Orion looked happy. She turned back to Akatsuki, smiling.

"Meow! It's a peaceful and quiet town after all. I look like this, but even I once fought in the capital as a combatant, meow. But I came here for a mission and it was love at first sight! Ever since applying to be moved here, I haven't fought even once. Peace is the best, meow. C'mon, give me a touch. Since I don't get enough exercise I'm getting quite chubby around here~~ Look at all that flab, meow."

"G-green! The light's green!"

Riding pleasantly on the empty roads, they reached the school in no time.

At a glance it was obviously an old, run-of-the-mill school. Its fences were rusted and the net in the sports ground was in tatters.

"I'm gonna catch up on some sleep at the art gallery~~" announced Orion and left. She was apparently enrolled in this school, but it seemed that she didn't take it seriously. And if only customers like her came there, it was no wonder that that gallery was on the brink of closing down.

Left with no choice he entered the school building alone, changed into slippers he found nearby and headed to the staff room.

It was apparently still lunch break, so he crossed paths with several students. After walking idly around the school, he soon found his destination. When he informed the teachers on lunch break that the transfer student was here, they soon called a teacher for him.

The woman, apparently his supervising teacher, told him that "I will introduce you during the afternoon classes, so go to class first." Heading to his class, he entered the classroom, where his classmates were chatting.

There seemed to be only one vacant seat, so he went to sit there. As he looked for a place to put down his bag, the students all focused their gazes on him.

"My name's Ogata. Nice to meet you."

Smiling, he introduced himself to no-one in particular. He didn't know whether or not he would even attend school starting tomorrow, but it was best to stay sociable.

He wondered if he could use a locker; all the lockers in the back of the class looked like they were in use.

Oh well, he gave up and turned ahead again.

Sparkling lens gazed at Akatsuki.

"His name is Ogata Akatsuki. He is the transfer student who infiltrated our class today."

A forced narrative tone echoed in the classroom. The expressions of the classmates that looked at him with curiosity turned to pity at once.

"At a glance he appears a kind, handsome young man. Yet it is obviously naught but a mask meant to ensnare his prey."


Having no idea how to reply to that, Akatsuki wore a strained smile.

A digital camera was aimed at him. Since it had an LCD screen it was obviously some new model.

Holding the camera was a person sitting quietly in front of the desk. She was a girl with short, tied hair and a cute baby face. On the shoulder of the school uniform covering her petite figure she carried a large bag with a logo stating "TRUTH!" printed on it.

"I don't know who you are, but taking pictures of me is a bit of a problem… or more like, I feel embarrassed."

He could only think of such tepid excuses. As a member of the SEPB, he was fundamentally forbidden to leave behind any footage or pictures.

"Everyone was probably deceived by his good looks. Yet only the eyes of Haemori Ako—imbibed with the strong spirit of a true journalist—can discern the truth."

He was completely ignored. The girl apparently named Haemori Ako kept talking.

"He is undoubtedly an agent dispatched from a secret organization in order to hide something."


He unconsciously gasped in surprise.

Akatsuki heard that no one except Orion knew his true identity.

Was there some exception? Or had his identity leaked through some other way than through the SEPB? Either way, he couldn't allow her to speak like that in public.

"Secret organization… umm, what are you talking about? Speaking about something like this so suddenly…"

"Ogata Akatsuki feigns ignorance. Yet I will pressure him. Do you deny the fact you are a member of a secret organization?"

"Never mind me denying or whatever, there's no secret organization… umm, are you from this class?"

"Trying to pull the wool over my eyes is meaningless. The True Journalist's eyes cannot be deceived. If you still deny, then I will show you the proof."

Still holding her camera, she slid a piece of paper on the desk.

Akatsuki raised an eyebrow. The slip of paper had "Journalism Club registration form" written on it.


"If you have nothing to do with a secret organization, then you should be able to fight alongside me in order to get the truth out. Now, if you want to prove you are a mere civilian, write your name there."

Holding the camera, Ako's expression was deadly serious.

"If I don't get club members until the deadline it'll close down…" she added with a mumble.

Akatsuki was getting more and more confused.

Was she simply lying to secure club members? But if she wanted to lie she could've done way better than that. Perhaps she had known about Akatsuki's identity and was trying to threaten him…?

"If you don't sign, it means you're part of the organization. And if so, I will reveal the hidden truth in the name of justice right here and now. Even if you have some dangerous weapons inside that bag of yours—"

"A-are ghost members fine, too?"

He wanted to avoid his bag falling under suspicion. Since he couldn't drop by his lodgings yet, he hid the mission documents and his personal equipment there. No matter what club it was, if joining it shut her up, it was a cheap price to pay.

Hearing Akatsuki's words, Ako nodded with a still-serious expression. She drew out a pen from her breast pocket.

"If so, then well…"

He signed the registration form with the pen he received.

"Sorry for doubting you. Starting tomorrow you will work for the journalism club. For now we will have a meeting at our club room after class, so please come there."

"Eh? No, what I meant was that I'd sign if I didn't actually have to—"

"Welcome to our town."

Still holding the camera, Ako rose up. She was apparently from a different class. She left the classroom and suddenly turned around.

"You can't run away though."

After leaving these words behind, the girl left as Akatsuki stared at her in shock.

Among the clamoring classmates, two girls stepped in front of Akatsuki.

"We've seen Haemori-san say the same thing to every new student. All of them turned her down, though."

"Huhhh? The same thing… she'd said that to everyone?"

"Sorry for not coming earlier. But most of our school isn't like that."

That lame support actually felt like another blow.

"Accepting such an invitation… aren't you a bit too kind, Ogata-kun?"

As they laughed among themselves, it took everything Akatsuki had in order for him to return a strained smile.

1.02 Akatsuki Part 3[edit]

After class, he went along with Haemori Ako, who came to get him, only on a whim.

Even if he returned to the place of residence prepared for him he had nothing to do. He had actually been ordered to not get involved with the investigation of the mysterious phenomena in town. If he closed himself in a room he would just end up thinking of unanswerable things again.

On their way to the club room, the girl Haemori Ako introduced herself simply.

She was a second-year student just like Akatsuki, serving as the president for the new club. As the self-proclaimed "True Journalist", she had apparently brought to light countless hidden truths.

Yet this impression came from the girl herself. Akatsuki's classmates were kind to this ignorant transfer student, so they told him that "you'd better not get involved". Anyway, it was hard calling Haemori Ako a normal student.


Ako brought him along to the journalism club room. Perhaps some warehouse originally, its entrance was a door located on the bottom of the stairs.

Yet they couldn't even reach the door. They stood side to side motionless.


Akatsuki checked the face of the girl standing next to him.

Still holding the camera, Ako filmed the paper pasted onto the door with a serious expression.

On top of the paper stating "Journalism Club – Main Office" was a different piece of paper.

"Entrance forbidden to everyone involved (especially the journalism club!)"—signed by the student council.

An awkward silence befell the two, with the students going home passing by them one after another.


She was probably heartbroken. Ako wordlessly hung her head. Still holding the camera, she bit on her lower lips. Seeing that her eyes were moist, Akatsuki was startled.

"I-Isn't this some sort of mistake?"

He hurriedly tried to comfort her.

"The club's only going to be disbanded starting two weeks from now, right? So it's weird they already did this."


"I know, let's go speak to the student council! Okay? Let's go?"

He was weak against crying girls. He couldn't endure it even if it wasn't his fault.


Ako recovered surprisingly fast. She turned her camera toward Akatsuki to hide her reddening eyes and spoke seriously.

"You've been deceived, club member Ogata. I wasn't depressed just now. It was simply acting in order to fool the enemy monitoring us. Acting is always required in my pursuit of the truth."

"O-Oh, I see… you've had me completely fooled."

"Also, even if it's our club room, it's really nothing special. I always carry what I need in my bag."

Easily asserting this, she turned on her heels. Akatsuki smiled wryly but followed her.

"So that's how it is. If so then it's not really—"

"But there're the videos and pictures I've taken recently. I filmed a really cute doggy on the riverbank lately. —I wanted to show it to my new club member."

Akatsuki was a bit surprised and stopped in place.

"Oh, I'd like to see it. I love dogs."

Smiling, he walked next to Ako.

This somewhat odd girl was not a bad person at all. She was hard to read due to always wearing a serious expression, but now that he knew why she'd been depressed just now he could understand.

Although they were filming inside the school, none of the teachers seemed to stop them. Even the students they went by all looked past Ako as if used to it. Akatsuki could feel that everyone was watching him much more curiously.

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He ended up going with Ako, whom he barely knew, but didn't feel bad at all.

He never thought that he'd blend into the student lifestyle ever again. Akatsuki had no advantageous abilities for infiltrating. Actually, even in Ouka city he was only sent to Mushi-capturing missions; he normally didn't attend his designated school.

He was aware that he'd lost his daily life. Yet spending all of his days in training and battle had perhaps fatigued him more than he thought.

"It's a nice school."

The facility was much worse when compared to the city, but the students were all lively. Just by walking around the school Akatsuki felt as if he was just a normal high schooler.


Still pointing her camera ahead, Ako nodded.

"I also like this school. Of course, this town as well."

"I see."

A natural smile rose to Akatsuki's face. —How long had it been since he smiled like this?

"By the way, Haemori-san."

"You can call me Ako."

"Hmm, so call me Akatsuki too. Anyway, how many people are in the journalism club? How many people do we need to prevent the club from closing down?"

"The amount of people needed to ensure the continuation of the club is five. Since we doubled the number of members as of today, overcoming the danger is but a matter of time."


"Until yesterday it was only me, so double that is two people."

Saying this sadly, Ako stopped in place. They came in front of the third year classroom.

"I see… Wait, what? You were the only one?"

Sending a sideway glance at the surprised Akatsuki, Ako opened the classroom's door. Not acting like she noticed the gaze from the remaining students inside, she entered it.

When one person among a group of people chatting, a girl with long hair, saw Ako, she raised an eyebrow.

"Haemori-san? Do you need anything?"

"I propose an interview of the student council by the journalism club. I would like for you to give an official answer about closing up the journalism club without any prior announcement."

Apparently this upperclassman was the president of the student council. Only now did Akatsuki realize Ako went to do just as he had suggested.

"Wait, can you please not film us? My friends have nothing to do with this."

"Filming within the school is a right of the journalism club acknowledged by the school. Also, this is a record of the official opinion of the student council, so don't get me wrong."

"Geez… And who's that? I've never seen him."

"The new member of the journalism club."

Looking at Akatsuki, the student council president muttered "No way…" and became speechless. Seemed like a mere new member caused her unthinkable shock.

"He just transferred to school today. And I took him to the club room just now… but there's still some time until the club closes down, so I wondered what was happening."

"Transfer student?"

"My sincere feelings about journalism shook the heart of justice lying inside him."

Ako spoke super seriously. Although he couldn't quite agree with this introduction, Akatsuki said nothing. He couldn't believe that not long ago he thought that she knew he belonged to a secret organization.

"We would like to report being oppressed by the student council. Seizing the club room even when the date has not yet passed is a major rule infraction."

"About that, since another club managed to gather five people we started preparing it for them. Even if you call it a rule infraction… since, until now, you haven't managed to get even a single person, wasn't it obvious your club will close down? If you manage to get five people I'll give it back to you."

"That is only the student council's estimation. My journalism club—"

"Say, this is a school. There are plenty students besides you. Could you please not be so selfish?"

The student council president sighed.

"Even if you call it your club room, aren't you just using it to store stuff? Do you know how hard it was to carry away all those photographs and suspicious disks?"

Ako gulped.

"No way… Did you just throw them—"

"We wouldn't go so far as to do that. Since there wasn't any place for all that, we put it in the warehouse behind school. Please retrieve them later. They might be a little messy though."

Hearing these words, Ako sank into silence. She wanted to say something but cast her gaze down in resignation.

Akatsuki recalled Ako as she was when she'd said she wanted to show him the dog picture.

"Isn't that a bit cruel?"

"You be silent. You just came here today, right? Hadn't you just joined because Haemori-san told you to?"

"That doesn't have anything to do with it. It is exactly because there are so many students that you need to follow your own decisions. Changing the rules when the people involved are not present, isn't that cowardice?"

Receiving an attack from an unthinkable person, the student council president scowled.

"Do you not know what sort of place the journalism club is?"

"I'm telling you that it doesn't matter. Or did you purposely clean up the room because you don't like the journalism club—"

"That's enough, club member Akatsuki. It's useless speaking to her."

Ako stopped Akatsuki. At some point she'd risen up again and started filming the student council president with emotionless eyes.

But—Ako shook her head when Akatsuki wanted to argue.

"She's simply being controlled."


Akatsuki and the student council president both emitted a stupid-sounding voice at the same time.

"I have noticed a shadow trying to sabotage our journalism club from a while ago. The prez in front of us is but a fake that has replaced her at some point."

The classroom sank into silence.

Not only Akatsuki and the student council president, even the other student's lines of sight focused on her.

"The once-righteous student council president is gone. The one here is but a scoundrel blinded by greed. She's probably trying to obstruct the justice of our journalism club."

After this imposing announcement, Akatsuki looked at the president.

Finally she responded, "I just had a cold and was sick for a while, please don't be so creepy…" and held her temples. To Akatsuki's eyes she looked like a plain, normal human.

"So? You understand now, right?"

Perhaps really enduring a headache, the president spoke to him with a grave expression.

"It's the sort of club that only talks of such nonsense all year round. You should also cut your ties with this girl. If not, you'll end up without any friends just like her."

Hearing this whisper, Akatsuki sank into a complex state of mind. By desperately jumping to Ako's protection he felt a weird sense of shame welling up inside.

"There's no point in staying here, club member Akatsuki. We will do only what we must as journalists."

Asserting this, Ako left the classroom.

"W-wait a minute! Ako…!"

He leapt to the corridor in pursuit. Perhaps having some other destination in mind, Ako walked briskly while facing ahead.

"Speaking of enemies or the president being replaced or whatever, what's this all about…?"

"Yes… I believe the time has come to discuss that with you."

After Akatsuki asked this timidly, Ako stopped in place. She turned her digital camera at him with a meek expression.

"The truth is this town is being targeted by a great evil. No one has yet to notice, but the True Journalist cannot be deceived."

"Evil? The one related to the president?"

"People like her are simply affected by it. It's something different from small fry like her. I named that existence the Demon Lord. It is extremely cunning and dangerous. Although I am competent, I wasn't able to ascertain their identity yet. However, there is no doubt that even now the Demon Lord is scheming to threaten our peace."

"Demon Lord…? What does that actually mean? Have you managed to find some evidence or—"

"Unfortunately, I was unable to acquire any decisive evidence. I do not even know if they are an individual or a group. I was trying to tail them, but…"

"No evidence… meaning, this is only your intuition?"

Ako amended, "No, it is the keen sense of smell possessed by the True Journalist."

Akatsuki dropped his shoulders and sighed. He thought that he might be able to grasp some clue about the abnormal happenings in this town.

But he was apparently wrong. Whether a fan of the occult or a conspiracy theorist, Ako was merely drunk on her own imagination.

At first he thought the existence of the SEPB had been revealed, and now he thought he might be able to acquire new clues—Akatsuki was tired at his habit to overthink things. He felt like he was being overly manipulated by this weird girl.

"Anyway, club member Akatsuki. Seems like the seeds of loyalty for our cause were quick to sprout within you."


"I've recorded your courage of standing up to the student council prez."

Recalling that, he blushed. Now that he thought OF how much he covered for Ako, he again experienced a complex feeling.

While he was at Moira High School, he protested in front of the students many times. In order to allow the blind Senri to participate in school activities, he preached the entire school along with Iori and Azu.

"Thank you."

Akatsuki instantly widened his eyes.

He couldn't see it well due to the camera, but it looked like Ako was smiling. It was his first time seeing her smile.

"Next is this classroom. The circumstances being what they are, we need to meet up with our fan representative."

Before Akatsuki could speak, Ako turned the camera around. The face of the girl opening up the door of the class returned being serious as it was before.


When Ako called out this name, several students turned around.

"Oh, I'm talking about the third Satou-senpai."

"Ako-chan?" a voice called out from the end of the class. A girl sitting in the very edge of a group of a few girls approached.


"There are three people called Satou in this class. The third one by seating number is plain and is a bit unnoticeable, so we have to call her that. Her classmates probably don't even remember her private name."

It was a cruel thing to say about an upperclassman.

Yet he could also somewhat understand it once the girl came to them.

"What is it, Ako-chan? …Ah! Did a special issue come out?"

She was tall and had a good figure, but she wore her school uniform strictly according to the rules unlike girls this age. Never mind her long skirt, but she didn't even wear any accessories such as piercing or bracelets. Her black-rimmed glasses were hidden by her hair, so her face couldn't be seen clearly.

I see, she really is plain. I can't see anything distinctive other than her height and the mole on her mouth.


"The Third Satou" suddenly blushed. Wondering what happened, Akatsuki noticed that her eyes concealed by glasses and bangs looked at none other than him.

"W-who is that?"

She was probably unaccustomed to interacting with boys. Akatsuki lowered his head with a "Hello".

"The newest member of the journalism club, Ogata Akatsuki. If you like him I allow you to rent him from time to time."

"Rent? Eh? I-I don't really…"

"'Twas a joke. This is Satou Youko-senpai. The fan representative of our club's publication 'Monthly AKO'."

Focusing the camera on both of them, Ako introduced them to one another. It was his first time hearing about Monthly AKO.

"Satou-senpai, I actually came to apologize today."


"I think of taking a break with this month's Monthly AKO. Our club's belongings have been confiscated due to a wicked conspiracy."

"Eeh? Then did that Demon Lord you wrote about in the last issue and his army of darkness caught up to you? Just when it was the time to strike back!"

"Yup. But fret not, this doesn't mean we have yielded to evil. We shall pretend to be weakened, and attack the Demon Lord when they lower their guard. I will never hurt you, my dear reader Satou-senpai."

"Oh, i-it's fine! I'll support you, Ako-chan!"

Looking at an upperclassman getting pumped up and clenching her fists, Akatsuki realized something.

This girl had the same hobby as Ako. Satou Youko happily absorbed Ako's flurry of conspiracy talk. Seeing them both, he could more or less imagine the contents of Monthly AKO.

"Now then, we shall part for a while. The next time we meet will probably signal the moment to unveil the identity of the Demon Lord."

"Do your best, Ako-chan!"

Ako left the classroom looking satisfied.

Akatsuki tried following her, but someone pulled on his sleeve. Turning around, he could see Youko timidly gazing at his face. Her cheeks were slightly red and she whispered.

"U-umm, Ogata-kun, was it?"


"Ako-chan's a bit strange at times, but can you treat her well?"

When Akatsuki returned her gaze, Youko averted her eyes abashedly. But perhaps still worried for Ako, she muttered in a subdued voice.

"She's not a bad kid. I-I can guarantee it!"

He looked at Ako's back. She apparently hadn't noticed that Akatsuki wasn't following her. "Now then, club member Akatsuki. We'll become increasingly busier from now on. First of all we need to invite new members—" she muttered.


Youko forced a smile while asking him.

Akatsuki regretted the fact that he'd thought of this upperclassman as plain. Youko apparently looked out for her underclassmen and was kind.

"Of course."

He'd already realized Ako was not a bad person. She simply was more conceited than most people, or more like, she had an active imagination. Since he'd gotten involved with Mushitsuki, many of them oddballs, he was confident he was less prejudiced than the average person.

"I will do what I can."

He smiled at Youko.

Akatsuki wasn't going to stay in school for long, but he thought of trying to help with whatever he could. At the very least, hanging out with Ako would mean less time spent on unnecessary thinking.


Youko stared absently at Akatsuki's face, silent. Not only her cheeks but even her ears reddened.

"Is something the matter?"

"N-no! I-I'm fine! Thank you… I knew at a glance you're a kind person so I knew you'd say that."

"Is that so? I think it's normal."

"No. I can tell…"

Youko's gaze looked at Akatsuki from the gaps in her bangs.

Her eyes were clear and beautiful. It was a pity for them to be hidden by her glasses and hair. They were black like obsidian and deep like the deepest ocean that could swallow you. He ended up staring at them without meaning to.

"You look kind, and… strong, too. Not in a physical sense. It's like you wouldn't lose to anyone if it was for the sake of some great goal—"

He grew curious in the movements of her lips forming these words. Her red tongue appearing from time to time between her teeth was alluring. He could sniff a pleasant scent from somewhere, so was Youko wearing perfume?

"Youko-senpai… why don't you wear contacts?"

Before realizing it he spoke on his own. Youko rounded her eyes.



He held his mouth. Akatsuki's cheeks flushed. What was he saying?

"I-I'm sorry! Having you say my name all of sudden, it's… it's nothing, don't mind it!"

"Ah, uh… No, it's completely fine! I'm the one who should apologize! Umm, sorry for speaking strangely all of a sudden!"

"Club member Akatsuki."

The lens of a digital camera suddenly cutting from the side caused Akatsuki and Youko to startle away.

"I was sure you were following me. What are you scheming with Satou-senpai?"

Since the petite Ako was filming the taller pair, she had to look upwards. They looked at the ceiling to hide their blushing faces.

"I-It's nothing, Ako! Come on, let's go! We need to gather members, right?"

"Why are you avoiding the camera, member Akatsuki?"

"D-do your best! Akatsuki…kun, as well."

"There's nobody there though? Where are you looking while saying that, Satou-senpai?"

Akatsuki pushed on Ako's shoulders, pushing her through the corridor by force.

As he glanced behind him, Youko waved at him with her face red all the way up to her ears.

1.03 Akatsuki Part 4[edit]

The bell indicating the end of afternoon classes rang.

Putting his textbooks aside, Akatsuki immediately rose from his seat.

"Come eat with me, Ogata."

A male student offered him, but he turned him down with a "Sorry". Bringing out the food he'd bought at school from his bag, he left his seat.

"I'm eating at another class."

"Oh, the journalism club. So you really are going with that."

The student looked shocked. When the topic turned to Haemori Ako, every student spoke harshly. But Akatsuki didn't mind it anymore.

He exited the class, walking briskly toward Ako's class. But on the way there a voice called to him.


He turned in surprise, seeing someone unexpected standing there.

It was the third year Satou Youko. He was just about to pass right by her. Since she was as tall as Akatsuki despite being a girl, it took a certain kind of talent to still have such a thin presence.

"Ah, umm… since our self-study lesson was over quickly… I brought something I thought of giving to Ako-chan. We can eat it together, if you'd like?"

She timidly held out wrapped puddings. There were two of them.

"Whoa, thank you so much. Ako will probably be delighted, too."

Seeing Akatsuki received it happily, Satou Youko slightly bowed. He was barely able to see that she was smiling happily. He had this sort of experience many times when he'd enrolled at Moira High School. But even if Akatsuki was the one to receive it, it would end up a war against Iori and Azu afterward.

But now he could eat at leisure without fighting.

The pair that tried stealing from him despite Senri's protests was no longer there—

"Oh… do you hate pudding perhaps? Like, you don't like sweet stuff?"

He had apparently looked down to his hands while reminiscing.

"No, I like it so I'm happy. It looks delicious."

He shook his head with a smile, and Youko mumbled "thank goodness", relived. But soon she seemed like she wanted to ask something, fidgeting.

"Umm… is it fine to ask… if you got any members for the club…?"


It has been a week since Akatsuki enrolled in the school.

Ever since the day after talking to the student council president, Akatsuki and Ako worked on inviting students to their club.

More precisely, Akatsuki would shout at new students to stop them, and then Ako would speak to them about the club's activities. Until now they were refused 100% of the time, probably due to the students being unable to accept Ako's zealous recruitment (the story about the Demon Lord and the evil organization).

But as days passed he felt that there was something amiss. There were also students who ran away simply when seeing Ako after Akatsuki stopped them. Leaving before hearing what they wanted was rather odd.

"We still haven't found any…"


Youko's shoulders dropped as if it was her own blunder. Since she'd already belonged to another club, she apparently couldn't join the new club. She spoke of it previously and seemed truly regretful.

"Oh, have you gotten used to school yet, Akatsuki-kun?"

Changing the subject, Youko raised her head. As she did, her beautiful eyes became visible.

"I believe I've grown used to my class—"

Unconsciously looking back at his senior's face, he noticed something. Today Youko was wearing a pink lip balm. Although it was just her lips, since she never wore any sort of decoration or makeup it was rare for her.

There was also a sweet smell again. Perhaps it was his imagination, but Youko's lips suddenly seemed wet. Did the scent come from her lips? But then again, every time he met with her—

"Oh… t-that?"

She probably noticed his gaze. She puckered her mouth and cast down her glance.

"I-I just thought of trying to put that on, but it looks bad right? It's definitely weird."

"No way! It looks great!"

Blurting this out without thinking, he felt the gazes of the students walking around.

Ending at that point, the blushing Akatsuki and Youko sank into silence.

He groaned inside his heart.

Strange. Being with Youko-senpai makes my chest feel hot—

His pulse quickening like that didn't feel bad at all. It actually felt good, so he felt confused when he came back to his senses.

"Err, so then, I'll be going to meet up with Ako…"

"R-right. Good luck with the recruiting!"

Clenching both her fists, Youko turned her back to him.

As she did he noticed a grinning girl ahead in the corridor. Wearing her uniform as slovenly as always, it was Orion. She walked toward him with some girls who seemed to be her friends.

"Ah, to be young, meow. I smell something indecent happening here~~"

Just before passing by, she wriggled her arms in that pose and whispered that.

He obviously ignored her.

He had contacted Orion, the monitor from the North Central Branch, at school from time to time. Yet there was almost no progress with the investigation about the town's strange phenomena. The small town was as peaceful as ever.

By the time he reached Ako's class, close to ten minutes have passed since lunch break.

Peeking into the class, he could see the students eating in groups inside.

Yet only Ako was left out from the circles of conversation.

The seat near the window. Without adjoining her desk to anyone, she ate her packed lunch there in silence.


Since she wore a serious face most of the time, her emotions were often hard to read.

Even so, she looked lonely to Akatsuki. He lightly bit his lips and entered the classroom.

"Sorry for coming late."

He called to Ako and approached her seat. Borrowing a chair from nearby, he put his own lunch and pudding on the desk.

"You're slacking off, club member Akatsuki. Since we can't use our club room this is our planning room. We cannot waste even a second."

Raising the camera she'd put firmly on the desk, she pointed it at Akatsuki.

"I met Youko-senpai around here. And she gave me this. She apparently made it during home economics class. —Won't you have trouble eating while holding that camera? Come on, leave it be."

Akatsuki grabbed the camera and placed it back down. Ako reached to the pudding.

"Pudding? Looks good."

"She was worried about our recruiting. Also she wore lip balm. How unusual for her."


When Ako didn't hold her camera she looked pretty normal. However, she appeared to have some sort of withdrawal symptoms, so when she didn't hold the camera she spoke only little.

After finishing the pudding, Ako once again took the camera as expected. Growing tired of filming Akatsuki who was still eating, she turned it toward the sports ground outside the window.

There was the danger of her journalism club closing down.

And she had no friends.

Even so, Ako had once told Akatsuki.

—I also like this school. Of course, this town as well.

She spoke with no hesitation. She apparently had her own emotional attachment to it.

"What are you filming, Ako?"



"Not just humans. Normal citizens."

While wondering aren't they just humans? he put aside the lunch box he'd just finished. Looking up to see Ako, he saw she wore a serious expression.

Ako suddenly lowered her camera. Tilting it with flowing movements, she took out the memory card. She switched it with another memory card brought out from her bag.

Restarting the camera, he thought she would turn it toward the sports ground again, but instead she directed it at him.

"Ogata Akatsuki-san, do you have anyone special?"

She asked with a formal tone. The surprise Akatsuki stopped with his hand holding the spoon just before piercing the pudding.


"I'm interviewing you."

Ako smiled a bit mischievously. It was his first time to see that sort of expression on her.

Having a camera pointed at him, Akatsuki fixed his posture. He no longer minded the regulation about not leaving any photo evidence.

Someone special to him.

Hearing these words, several faces floated to his mind. Endou Iori and Sunakozaka Azu were also special friends.

Yet the most important of all were probably just two girls.

"I had, once. I have another one right now, too."

He smiled while talking.

"How was that person from your past?"

The interviewer was Haemori Ako. The self-styled True Journalist.

The one being interviewed was Ogata Akatsuki. The Mushitsuki boy who pretended being a normal student, while being the agent of a secret government agency.

With the afternoon chatter as background music, he could hear laughter rising from the playground.

Not a bad setting at all—

"She was beautiful. I'm sure everyone thought so. She was also very strong and wanted to save many people."

Ako's camera's lenses sparkled as they reflected the sunlight. Akatsuki narrowed his eyes.

"But she's gone."

He had fully believed that someone as beautiful and strong as her saved plenty of Mushitsuki.

But every time he remembered her, there was a certain doubt.

In the end, did she have a person who would save her?

He couldn't do anything. He had learned of her death in a faraway land, and just shed tears. He regretted that fact even now.

Even a mere second.

Even a split second before her death.

Had she been to meet anyone in this life—who would be able to save her, who was as strong as her?

"Well then—"

Since Akatsuki could talk no longer, Ako's went to her next question.

"How's the person who's still there?"

Along with the death of the person he believed in, he felt as if the whole world betrayed him.

These emotions haven't changed. In the battles involving Mushi until now, and those that would continue in the future, she had to keep living.

Left behind, Akatsuki didn't know what to believe.

Her death left a grievous wound in his heart.

"That girl was born blind—"

But there was someone who cried in place of him.

Haji Senri.

—I can't smile when you're crying, Akatsuki-kun.

Senri took half of Akatsuki's pain. Although his heart was supposed to have died, she received the pain from him.

Only due to that Akatsuki managed to keep living.

Losing half of his heart, walking without balance—he barely advanced.

"She's my benefactor. She's very kind and she comes to save people who can't even voice their distress. She's the only survivor among the people who've saved me."


It was exactly so.

Up until his dying breath, his friend Iori tried protecting Senri. His real ability was probably controlling multiple Mushi. His real power—awoken only at the very last moment—was perhaps more suitable to protect Senri than Akatsuki's.

Since he'd been saved by Senri, he would save her now.

Among the friends who vowed so, Akatsuki ended up the only one to survive by chance.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"G-girlfriend?! It isn't like that…"

His face suddenly heated up. In order to hide his agitation, he stuck his spoon inside the pudding and stirred it.

Senri was just a friend he had to protect.

However, it wasn't like he hadn't thought about advancing their relationship. If their relationship took just one step forward—it would probably only come when there was no longer any need to fight. Imagining the future of who knows how many years away, he ended up smiling.

"I-it's just that, I thought we can't keep everything the way it was anymore. I really wanted to protect her, risking my life for it… no, I just reached that conclusion. The feelings of both sides are important in these things, right? It's not that I don't have a chance. W-we always hold hands, after all… well, that's also because she can't see, but if she hated me she wouldn't do it, right? So that means she prefers me to—"

Ako removed the camera from Akatsuki who smirked while playing with his pudding.

"And… cut. Man, you're such a creep…"

"Eh? What? I'm a creep?"

Ignoring the shocked Akatsuki, Ako turned her camera toward the sports ground and narrated the video. She verbally recorded information such as today's date and the place of filming.

"This was the interview of Ogata Akatsuki, a secret agent dispatched from a secret organization."

"…Are you still going with that story?"

"And I was the interviewer—"

Ako's disinterested tone was flat. Her narration was emotionless and machinelike yet strong while it was being recorded by her small camera.


Akatsuki raised an eyebrow. He thought that her title was supposed to be the True Journalist.

"You don't use your name?"

"My name is unneeded in both past and future. The only thing that will remain after my time as the True Journalist will be the 'truth' I have recorded."

So this was how Ako was. After explaining, she switched out the memory card with practiced movements.

"I managed to film a good video. Thanks."

"Hmm, is that really fine though?"

"Yup. I managed to drag out your true self. That's my power."

The nodding Ako looked satisfied.

Akatsuki smiled wryly. It had been a while since he'd confronted his feelings. He also felt somewhat refreshed.

"Also, lunch break is almost over. Where will we recruit after school today? Should we go to the main entrance or to the parking lot?"

"Let's stop recruiting."


"It was our mistake to try recruiting by mouth. We are the journalism club. The only thing spurring people into action was always the truth."

He had a bad feeling about this. Ako didn't say anything concrete yet, but when she was drunk on herself he couldn't imagine what she'd say next.

"Let's expose the Demon Lord."

The lens of Ako's camera captured Akatsuki's strained smile.

"Once people know that the journalism club saved the town by revealing the truth, we'll have more members than we can count."

Above the frozen Akatsuki's head, the chime announcing the end of lunch break echoed.

After school, Akatsuki and Ako walked through the merchant district, still in their uniforms.

Ako obviously had her digital camera and a bag with her equipment hanging from her shoulder. On the other hand, Akatsuki's bag had his SEPB equipment inside it. He had a front but he came to town for a mission. He had the duty to always be ready for battle.

They crossed through the merchant district, where many shops were lined up. Western clothes shop, grocery, bars and shoe stores, food, karaoke, supermarket and the like all saw the traffic of the townspeople. There were many students hanging around after school other than Akatsuki and Ako.

"The town is as peaceful as always today. Yet none of the smiling citizens have yet to notice the conspiracy of the Demon Lord lurking nearby."

Ako was the same as always—she was filming the surroundings with her digital camera. At times passersby noticed it and smiled.

She was speaking of such dangerous things, but even that Ako was part of the peaceful landscape. Perhaps feeling a bit hungry, she started filming a yakitori stand with a serious expression.

"Say, Ako. You said we're going to expose the Demon Lord but what does that mean, exactly?"

"A good question, member Akatsuki. The Demon Lord might be cunning and shrewd, yet even they cannot hide their tracks completely. I had caught their traces with the help of the journalism club's information network. We are going to investigate that now."


"I've never been afraid of investigating by myself. We need to approach carefully, since making the Demon Lord be cautious would spell trouble."

Pointing the camera at Akatsuki, Ako spoke seriously.

"There are no shortcuts. The destruction of the journalism club would mean the defeat of justice. Even if our club is disbanded, the True Journalist will never rest before completing her mission."

"Even if we're disbanded… it's too early to give up. If we keep this up—"

"—This is my punishment, member Akatsuki."

Akatsuki raised an eyebrow.

"Your punishment?"

"I had once made a mistake in my road as a journalist. As a result, my fellow journalism club members left and I was left alone. It was all due to my inexperienced actions."

He recalled how uncomfortable he felt while recruiting. Some students ran away just by seeing Ako.

She probably didn't want to talk of the details. Since she spoke calmly with a slightly strained face, Akatsuki realized there were things she hadn't told him.

He should try asking Orion about that. Rotten as she was, she was still a monitor. She should know all about the school she was infiltrating.

"And so I vowed to never mistake my path again. It was then that Haemori Ako, the genius possessing the talent of the True Journalist, knew that she had to unveil the hidden truth. And the one standing in my way is none other than the Demon Lord."

But this path's also a bit… he thought but decided to not voice it out loud.

"I cannot fight against the Demon lord. Yet the only one who can reveal this conspiracy is the journalist of a lifetime, this super miraculous beauty Haemori… Ako…"

Her tone dropped in the middle of her introduction. She searched inside her bag frantically, but it ended with her mumbling I forgot my replacement card at home… sadly.

"Is this also part of the Demon Lord's evil plot…?"

She hung her head and tears started sparkling in her eyes. Perhaps so being used to film, she became timid once she couldn't do so.

"W-wait a minute! I'll be right back!"

Akatsuki stepped inside a print shop nearby. Since there were no clerks, he raised his voice to the back of the shop. An elderly woman came out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My son is asleep so he told me to watch the shop," she said while coming to the front.

He knew the kind of memory card Ako's camera was using. He bought it and returned to her.

"Here, a replacement card."

Ako looked up Akatsuki's face.

"Our club funds are gone…"

"Don't mind it. I had a little surplus money this month."

It wasn't a lie. Since the North Central Branch paid him generously, he had plenty of money.

"So cheer up. You're a genius, right? You can't get depressed so easily!"

Ako nodded. She hurriedly replaced the memory card she received.

"As expected from my club member. You will definitely help me defeat the Demon lord."

"…You sure are quick at recovering as always."

"I'm the kind of person that thrives on compliments."

They resumed the journalism club activity.

While telling Akatsuki about the shopping district, Ako kept filming. Perhaps she was thanking him by showing him around town. They didn't speak about the Demon Lord much.

"So… we're at the station."

"We're taking the bus from here."

They boarded an old-looking bus. They sat at the very back.

The bus soon set out. It was apparently a different bus from the one Akatsuki had used when he'd first come there.

"Where are we going?"

"To an art gallery. I've managed to grasp some information about the Demon Lord's traces there. Something about people meeting their identical twin there."

Akatsuki raised an eyebrow.

"An identical twin…? I heard about it. Doppelganger or whatever?"

"There are plenty of other rumors in this town. Meeting people who are dead, flying in the sky with a sudden gale, and a place that grants your wishes at night... Since these cannot happen in reality they are the evidence that the Demon Lord infiltrated this town."

"Aren't these just ordinary urban legends…"

In the end, no matter the town there were always rumors about strange phenomena. She probably wanted to publish her findings to try and draw in new members.

Even so, a rumor is only one kind of information. He decided to try asking Orion about it later. She's probably ridicule him with a "you're such a scardey-cat elite-san, meow" or something, though.

Thinking about it, hadn't she said her favorite place was an art gallery?

As he was thinking about this, Ako who was filming outside the window suddenly spoke.

"By the way, member Akatsuki, what do you think about Mushitsuki?"


He reflexively turned toward her.

"This is a different rumor than the one in the art gallery. Don't you know of the tacit silent about Mushi in this country?"

"Yeah, I've heard the rumors. —But that's definitely fake. I've never seen any Mushi."

He simply evaded the question with a fake smile. He couldn't let her know about him being a Mushitsuki, not to mention the existence of the SEPB who were hiding this fact.

He couldn't read her emotions from her serious profile as she was filming the scenery. He needed to first ascertain why she started talking about Mushitsuki.

"Why this all of a sudden?"

"Although people speak of them from time to time, the existence of Mushi is never revealed. Why's that? Because there is an organization hiding this? I do not think so."

Akatsuki felt relieved. All this time he'd been wondering if the secret organization she was always talking about was referring to the SEPB.

"Because I already know fully well that there's such an organization."

His ephemeral relief vanished without a trace.

"People are unable to accept the truth because those who know have problems with it too. Since 'Mushitsuki are scary', people don't want to know about them."


"It's impossible to hide all information. They're approaching their limits of hiding the existence of Mushi. Even though the time for Mushitsuki to assume a new form is approaching, the world will never accept it."

"Eh? Aren't you exaggerating?"

Even while smiling, Akatsuki was panicking on the inside.

Ako's unfounded sense of duty—if she directed it at the imaginary Demon Lord it was fine. But if it was for Mushi, the organization would monitor her.

"Also, you shouldn't talk too much about Mushi and Mushitsuki and all that. There are people who get scared by that. Didn't you hear the rumor that talking about Mushi would get you caught by suspicious people?"

"I told you I already know about that organization. I spoke to you about it because it's you. You wouldn't tattle on me, right?"

Having the camera pointed at him, he smiled wryly. He was happy for Ako to trust him, but there was another reason he couldn't talk about Mushi.

"Also, those who are scared will definitely hide the truth. In order to reveal the truth, we first have to get rid of fear. If you reveal it while still gripped by fear, it will cease being the truth. Warped information would lead humankind to destruction."

"Getting rid of fear… that's impossible."


"I mean, Mushitsuki are scary."

Although he was pretending to have the average opinion, some part of him really felt so.

Mushi possessed terrifying powers. Wielding this strength, any Mushitsuki would eventually cause battle and hurt each other. Akatsuki was scared of Mushitsuki who couldn't stop fighting. Obviously, Akatsuki was also scared of himself.

"This isn't rational. If something's scary then it is."

Ako didn't reply. She simply filmed Akatsuki intently.

"Oh, could it be that—"

Akatsuki sighed in relief and asked Ako.

"Is the Demon Lord you're always talking about a Mushitsuki?"

"What're you saying?"

"I mean, thinking of some enemy… the Demon Lord's traces, if someone saw a Mushitsuki or—"

"The Demon Lord is the Demon Lord. It is much scarier than Mushitsuki. Because it wants to plant unshakable fear inside people's hearts."

Their conversation returned to the occult once again. Akatsuki couldn't understand Ako at all.

However, even if it was her, she did have some reservations about speaking about Mushitsuki. Knowing just this made him a lot calmer.

Finally the bus arrived at their stop.

Immediately next to where they got off the bus there was an art gallery. Akatsuki had imagined some sort of artistically designed building, but it was such a simple structure that at glance he might've thought it was a library. On the front was a sign announcing that the place was closing in a few months' time.

"You can't film inside," said the receptionist.


"A-Ako, hold on! Even if you can't film you can gather information, right? You're a genius after all!"

After being completely rejected, Akatsuki desperately supported her. Ako bitterly returned to camera to her bag.

Apparently entry was free due to the upcoming closure. They entered the art gallery.

First there was a large hall. There were large scenery paintings there, probably drawn by elementary schoolers.

"We seem to be the only ones in."

"There's nothing of note here after all."

Bluntly asserting this, Ako took a small metallic switch from her bag. She started operating something and moved it closer to her mouth.

"Our journalism club has finally taken step into what we believe to be one of the Demon Lord's strongholds. From here on is uncharted territory; we must resolve ourselves to this forbidden land."

It was a voice recorder. Although her digital camera had been sealed, she had been adequately prepared.

The second floor was separated into multiple blocks. The front of the elevator was a corridor, and they could see several entrances to rooms. The furthest was the emergency staircase.

They first went around the first floor.

In a room with covered windows were famous paintings they learned about even in school. "Painters of the world", a nearby billboard said.

Another room was a space full of painters they'd never heard of. It was an exhibition of watercolor paintings depicting sea creatures. "This is apparently a popular painter from the capital," Ako told him when asked.

The other blocks had no sense of unity. There was a place with unidentified carvings, and a room stuffed so full of art pieces it could be mistaken for a mere warehouse. They were apparently cleaning up before the closing of the place.

They saw nothing suspicious on the first floor. The only thing that remained was the administrative offices, but they didn't really think any rumors would gather around a place only the staff could enter.

"There's nothing strange here. What was the rumor here again?"

"Meeting someone completely identical to you was the gist of it. But I wasn't able to speak with any eyewitness directly so I cannot confirm this."

That's how rumors were. This dubious information had probably been exaggerated. Wary of his surroundings for now, Akatsuki sighed.

Deciding to go up to the second floor, they went through the corridor toward the stairs. Yet coming closer, they noticed that the stairs connecting to the second floor were blocked by a rope.

"So we can't use that? Should we use the elevator?"


Returning to the hall, they stood in front of the elevator. When they pressed the button they suddenly noticed a paper stuck to the door.

"Oh? 'In preparation for the closure, going up the second floor is forbidden'… the date being yesterday means it was possible a short while ago? Oh, maybe that stuffed room from earlier contains everything from the second floor."

"Someone's coming."

Just like Ako said, the second floor button turned off, and the first floor button lit up.

The elevator door opened in front of Akatsuki and Ako.

Boarding it was a middle-aged man. He was wearing a uniform, so he probably worked here. When he saw them both, he spoke sullenly.

"You're not allowed up the second floor. There's nothing there anyway."

"If there's nothing there then what were you doing?"

Ako asked suddenly. Pointing the voice recorder at him without allowing him to refuse, the middle-aged worker mumbled a Hmm? and furrowed his brows.

"W-wait a minute, Ako. You can't just ask that all of a sudden."

"Uh… it's my bad longtime habit."

Ako cleared her throat, and asked the person exiting the elevator again.

"I am very sorry. We are the journalism club from a nearby high school. We would like to gather some data, so can you lend us a bit of your time?"

"Data? If you want the manager he's in the office."

"Data about the strange phenomenon in this gallery as of late. About there being someone you meet who looks like an identical twin… it's possible that someone on the scene would know more about it than the manager."

"An identical…? Oh, you're talking about that middle schooler business?"

"Could you tell us more details?"

"Well, it's a bit… A middle schooler came running down the second floor in a hurry and clung to me. He said he was up there, followed by a dog or something I couldn't understand, and then looked at the mirror—"

The worker pointed at the mirror on the other side of the elevator.

"He shrieked like a girl and collapsed on the spot. Well, I investigated it, comforted the boy and got up to the second floor with him."

"You got up there, and…?"

"He just had a blank stare on his face like nothing happened. Apparently his girlfriend was sleeping on the couch, so he took her and headed back. They were apparently sleeping. He probably just imagined the entire thing."

"Is that it? Wasn't there anything else suspicious?"

"Well, not really. —That sofa really was comfy. There were even kids who came here just to sleep. There was someone just earlier who came here to sleep, so I threw her out. We have customers like that so I have to keep watch."

"How did she look? Please tell me in detail."

Ako seemed excited to find new clues. Yet Akatsuki intuitively recalled a certain person and cut between the two.

"C-could that person possibly be… a girl wearing her uniform slovenly? Her hair's about this long and she has curls. Did she talk strangely?"

"I think that's her. 'Sorry for the trouble, meow,' she said and got out."

I knew it, Akatsuki thought and held his head.

"Is she an acquaintance of yours, member Akatsuki?"

"Unfortunately, somewhat. I think she's unrelated. …Probably."

After that, they didn't hear anything that seemed too important from the worker. Leaving besides the duo thanking him, the man went toward the offices.

Ako wordlessly watched the worker leave. The moment she could no longer see his uniform, she pressed the elevator button. Akatsuki didn't even feel like stopping her.

"He just told us it's forbidden…"

"Looks like we'll need to gather some data from your acquaintance later, too."

The door opened. Seeing Ako board the elevator, Akatsuki had to follow her.

The elevator soon reached the second floor.

Slipping through the open door, they exited to a gloomy corridor.

The now-silent second floor was now completely empty except for them. As far as they could see there were no decorations anywhere; the air was chilly in the corridor without even any ornamental plants.

There was a wide space ahead of the corridor. They walked there.

It was a rest corner. In front of an unplugged vending machine there were several couches.

"So the aforementioned couple slept here."

Ako sat down on the sofa.

"Weren't they just half-asleep? After the boy saw himself and ran to the first floor, they shrieked when they saw the mirror… and he was taken back to the second floor he just acted like nothing happened? It's way too inconsistent. Oh, wasn't there also something about a dog?"


Ako sank into silence, thinking of something. He waited for her next words for a while, but she remained silent with her eyes closed. Was she trying to copy the couple?

"I'll go look inside for a bit."

He said, leaving her behind and going through the corridor.

Just like the worker had said, there were only very few art pieces around. Probably almost everything had been carried down to the first floor.


Akatsuki found something in a room's corner.

It was a Doberman statue. The statue of the dog barking at the sky was on a stand, lacking its hind legs.

"A dog…"

He only took notice of it due to recalling the worker's story. Otherwise he would have just passed by it.

He tried touching it, but it was simple, cold stone. There was nothing strange about it.

"If such a thing started moving it would cause an uproar."

He sighed and exited the room.

While he tried returning to the rest corner where Ako was, Akatsuki felt dizzy.


He stumbled, leaning against the wall.

His body suddenly became sluggish, and his limbs grew heavier. He couldn't proceed any further, as if he was sinking into a deep swamp.

He felt sleepy.

A violent drowsiness assaulted Akatsuki.

"What… is this…?"

Desperately keeping his heavy eyelids open, he raised his face. He was shocked.

Shining particles seeped out of the ceiling. The gloomy corridor was wrapped in a faint glow.

It wasn't his vision being distorted due to sleepiness. The white, shining powder kept pouring without stop, and the denser it became, the sleepier Akatsuki felt.

"I'm being… attacked…!"

Akatsuki's expression changed.

He'd lowered his guard since there was no one around. Even if it was a stupid rumor, it was a place with one of the strange phenomena he came to town to investigate. He couldn't slack off for a second.

He ended up defenselessly receiving a preemptive strike—that was the only possible conclusion.

Even if he searched for the enemy now, he couldn't attack back.


He had to take the unrelated citizen and evacuate. Akatsuki had no other choice right now.

Still stumbling, he aimed for the rest corner.

Beyond the corridor that turned into a sea of light he could see Ako sitting on the sofa. She seemed unhurt. Since she dropped her recorder to the floor, she'd probably fallen asleep.


His vision shook. The almost irresistible sense of dizziness made his legs lose their power.

Falling down to his knees, Akatsuki's eyelids slowly closed.


His own mutter sounded distant. He could hear his own body collapsing.

He gritted his teeth.

He forcibly opened his closed eyes.


His body suddenly became lighter.

Akatsuki used this momentum to rise up, stepping ahead.



In front of him was another collapsed boy.

The boy with a hand reaching ahead, still collapsed.

And it was none other than—

"It's me…?"

The one collapsed was without a doubt Ogata Akatsuki, himself.

The light that surrounded the area had disappeared at some point.

He unconsciously took a step back.

He felt his knees fold and he landed down on something spot. Apparently having moved at some point, he now had the rest corner sofa behind him.


Looking around him reflexively, he noticed a certain fact. The sofa he was sitting on was the very same sofa Ako had been sitting on—and his legs were strangely thin.

A bad feeling rose to his mind and caused a chill.

Rising from the sofa, Akatsuki put a hand against the vending machine.

"There's no way…"

The drink showcase reflected the face of a girl.

It was Haemori Ako.

"I turned into—"

About to fall into panic, he clenched his teeth.

The training Akatsuki had received from the hated SEPB allowed him to preserve his rationality even in the face of an emergency. No matter when, the most important thing was to first grasp the situation.

Akatsuki had switched with Ako. He first had to accept that.

"'Meeting your identical twin', huh…"

Turning around, he saw himself lying on the floor.

"So this means that 'people exchange their bodies' here—"

If this was truly a spiritual phenomenon, it had to be the ability of a Mushitsuki. Meaning the chances the enemy was hiding somewhere nearby was high.

Approaching his fallen body, he steadied his breathing.

Akatsuki on the floor was breathing calmly. Since Akatsuki's consciousness had entered Ako, then most likely Ako had entered his own collapsed body.

"If this is a Mushitsuki ability then it's probably a mental control type, or perhaps an illusion-showing mental pollution type… If this is an illusion, I should be able to bring out my Mushi—"

Akatsuki focused and tried bringing out his Mushi.

Yet nothing happened.

Was it because Ako was not a Mushitsuki or had his Mushi been sealed by some other method? Regardless, this meant that right now Akatsuki was a normal civilian.

While he tried racking his brains for some countermeasure, he saw something white glowing in his vision.

The light grains that enveloped Akatsuki earlier were being poured from the room ahead.

As the light vanished, he could hear from within the sound of something hard creaking.

"So you turn into someone else and then a 'dog' comes out…"

Looking ahead, he scowled. He cursed his own unwillingness to run out of here immediately.

Crawling ahead was a white statue.

Exposing its fangs as if alive, it was a Doberman with only an upper body.

1.04 Akatsuki Part 5[edit]

Howling, the Doberman statue grew steadily closer. Since it had no hind legs, it had to drag the stand attached to its hips.

Its exposed canines and starved eyes didn't look statue-like at all. Unlike how it seemed when Akatsuki touched it before, its body moved like a living being.

"Is it… a trap?"

Now that a clear enemy appeared he actually calmed down. Akatsuki in the form of Ako reached toward his previous body on the floor. Opening his bag, he retrieved his equipment.

A grey jacket supplied by the North Central Branch. They apparently regulated the equipment for all members in their jurisdiction.

Mushi Uta 7 p109.jpg

Since it was made for Akatsuki's size, it was too big for Ako's body. He wore the jacket with the belt over her uniform, and equipped the visor to hide his face. He didn't know how the ability that switched bodies worked, but he couldn't allow Ako's body to be injured.

"This dog came from a different ability than us switching bodies. I heard that West Central Branch has many people with object-controlling abilities but… anyway, now I know—"

While Akatsuki showed no signs of running, the Doberman kicked the ground.

"This means that at the very least, two Mushitsuki are hiding somewhere and attacking us."

Although it only had its forelegs, the statue's leaping power was fearsome. It closed the distance between them in a leap, trying to bite into Akatsuki's thin neck.


Although it looked living, it still felt like stone. A dull pain ran through his thin wrist.

The Doberman yelped and fell to the floor. Yet it simply shook its head and readied to attack Akatsuki again as if nothing happened.

"I can't really use much power with Ako's body…"

Clicking his tongue, he took out gloves and military pants from his bag. He wore the gloves on both hands and hung the pants from his shoulders.

Never mind his fighting techniques; with Ako's thin arms and weight, he wouldn't be able to inflict any damage.

As the dog attacked again he brought out his hand wrapped in cloth.


As expected, the dog bit his arm. Since the SEPB equipment had great durability, there was no way its fangs would pierce through it.

He held his ground to not collapse and smashed the dog's head biting his arm against the wall.

The Doberman yelped. The impact released its jaws from his arm. The cloth caught by the dog's fangs also fell to the floor along with him.

"Doesn't look like it'll ever end… no, a long drawn-out battle would be disadvantageous."

Apparently made of something quite hard, the damage to the dog was minimal. Only one ear was missing. It moved its neck and howled toward Akatsuki again.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki was panting. Ako apparently lacked exercise.

"Where's the enemy hiding…? I couldn't feel anyone hiding while scouring the room. If they’re attacking with the dog then why haven't I been attacked when I'd seen it the first time? I wasn't on my guard, so it could've attacked me from behind. What would do they if Ako was someone stronger than me—"

While evading the dog's assault with a back step, he mumbled to himself.

"Then why was that middle schooler caught in the same phenomenon able to get away without getting hurt? Wouldn't a complete amateur attacked by this dog be…?"

He then realized. While thinking about this, he had a certain conjecture.

"A civilian with no battle training wouldn't try to fight in the first place…! He went from the second floor to the first to call for help. Does that mean none of the abilities work on the first floor?"

But that was unrealistic.

"But what's the difference between the first and second floors? Wouldn't the Mushi pursue him at this short of a distance?"

Perhaps learning that Akatsuki would dodge attacks to his upper body, the Doberman's fangs changed their aim to his legs. If the girl's legs beneath the skirt received an attack it would be over for him.


He had no time to hesitate. He already had no stamina to spare. Evading the dog with a split hair difference, he rushed toward the elevator.

The Doberman pursued Akatsuki's back.

Fortunately, the elevator was still at the second floor. When he pounded the button the doors opened.


Akatsuki launched a back kick toward the dog attacking just as he boarded. Turning a somersault and rolling on the floor leaving the dog behind, the elevator's doors closed.

"Hah… Hah…"

Exhausted, he sat down inside the elevator. It soon reached the first floor and the door opened.

The mirror that appeared in the front reflected Ako breathing heavily. He also ended up seeing the underwear under her skirt and blushed.

"If the dog attacked me right now… it would be bad."

He pressed the second floor button with shaking fingers. The door closed again and the elevator rose.

Akatsuki's body, collapsed on the second floor, was defenseless. He couldn't even ascertain if Ako's consciousness was inside it.

An electronic noise announced the arrival on the second floor. Akatsuki wrung out his power to stand up.

Readying himself, the door opened.

There were no signs of any attack by the wary dog. Running into the corridor, he found his body.


Just as he felt relief, he was assaulted by violent dizziness.

His vision flickered and all strength left his body.

He couldn't resist this time. —According to the worker, the student that was lively when returned to the second floor suddenly had a "blank stare". Did it not mean his consciousness was returning to his original body?

"But that's almost as if—"

He could feel his own body collapse.

When he next opened his eyelids, he could feel the coldness of the floor on his cheeks.

"—This place itself was embedded with the ability of a Mushitsuki."

Slowly raising his body, he returned to his familiar height of vision. Checking his long limbs, he confirmed he returned to his original body.

Looking to the corridor, he could see Ako collapsed near the elevator's entrance. The North Central Branch equipment didn't fit her at all.

His prediction was right on the mark. The body switching ability had been absolved. Or perhaps they'd just reverted back again.

"But is that possible? Leaving only the ability behind when there's no Mushi here… And two different abilities at that… I've never heard of anything like that."

He turned toward the sofa. According to the worker, the middle schooler involved in the previous incident had fallen asleep on it.

"So is this ability triggered by falling asleep on the couch? Then the trigger for the dog should be—"

He couldn't see the Doberman statue around.

Akatsuki narrowed his eyes.

A small insect crawling from his hair began growing like an inflating balloon.

It became an abnormal monster and clung to Akatsuki's back. The yellowish-brown mayfly was now about as large as Akatsuki himself. Its long tail split into two was swaying as if it was a living being itself.

It was Akatsuki's Mushi, Hien.

"I knew it. It activates once it feels a Mushi ability nearby."

A white glow poured out from the room ahead. Waiting for a while, he could see the familiar white Doberman. The reason it hadn't appeared when Akatsuki went back to normal wasn't because the same ability had been activated, but because the ability had been absolved.

The white Doberman assaulted Akatsuki.

"Meaning this is a single trap. —No, I'm not sure this is a trap. Perhaps we were simply caught up in a mechanism that activated by chance."

Akatsuki moved no muscle. The mayfly clinging to his back shot a black sphere from the hole opened up in its abdomen.

Drawing an arc in the air, the black sphere hit the Doberman directly. White light illuminated the floor.

"But this means that something's really happening in town…"

The statue's remnants—its head and its left leg—rolled on the floor. The remaining right foot rattled on the floor, but soon stopped moving.

Gathering his fallen equipment and bag, he approached Ako. Removing the jacket and the visor from her, he hid them in his bag. Akatsuki shrank his Mushi and it vanished in his hair.

"Looks like I'll need to ask Orion about this. Had she suggested this gallery by chance, or was she setting a trap for me…? I need to be prepared for battle just in case."

Carrying Ako, he went down the elevator to the first floor.

Heading directly for the exit, he passed through the reception desk. "Looks like she'd fallen asleep," he said to the receptionist with a smile.

"Was her personality also an attempt to lower my guard for the trap? Even so she was really overdoing—"

As soon as he exited the gallery, Akatsuki widened his eyes.

He saw a familiar Hornet parked in the nearby alley. Standing in front of the motorcycle was the girl Akatsuki had thought of just now.



He groaned in his heart. By carrying Ako he was in a great disadvantage. Perhaps she'd come there to attack him by surprise after thinking this would happen.

Yet although Akatsuki was tense, Orion was speechless. Never mind her overly bright way of speaking, she didn't even take any visible movements.


Something was strange. Still cautious, Akatsuki approached the girl, and was shocked.

He noticed that her eyes, slightly lowered to the ground, were clouded, like those of a doll. Her frozen expression hadn't even the slightest trace of any emotion in it.

"B-but why—"

Akatsuki scowled.

When a Mushitsuki had their Mushi killed, the feedback would make them lose their mind. They would respond to external orders, but they turned into an emotionless living dead.

"Why did you turn into a Fallen…?"

The unspeaking Orion's eyes were dyed by the orange of the setting sun.

1.05 Ako Part 1[edit]

The True Journalist, Haemori Ako.

She had received her talent from her skillful photographer grandfather.

He apparently wandered around battlefields from a young age, acting as a war journalist. He took pictures and videos of the incidents caused by civil wars, guerilla resistances and terrorist attacks.

Yet Ako was the most curious about when her grandfather had stepped away from battlefields. With an antique-like analogue camera in his hand, he would photograph anything as long as there was a request for it.

Her grandfather never spoke to Ako about his time on the battlefield. Taking her to take pictures of nature and animals, he only talked about how valuable peace was.

Borrowing her grandfather's camera, she took many pictures. He would always praise her. Since Ako was the kind of person to thrive with compliments, she increasingly fell in love with the idea of leaving some sort of chronicle behind.

It happened when Ako became a middle school student.

Her grandfather, along with his partner camera, returned to a battlefield and never came back.

War addiction. Ambition. Thrill-seeker. Looking for a place to die. —Thus the people around branded her grandfather. But Ako had asked her grandfather for the real reason.

—While I'm in this country, I forget what peace is. I even almost forget the truth about all the lives so needlessly lost behind this peace.

After saying so with a smile, her grandpa returned to the battlefield.

What was the "truth" that her peace-loving grandfather sought after?

Ako was pursuing it even now.

"I knew I wasn't crazy."

The following morning after parting from Akatsuki at the art gallery, Ako came to a certain warehouse at the back of the school.

The wooden shack the size of half a classroom at most was packed full of materials and trash. Apart for items such as a rusted bicycle or P.E. equipment that were there for who knows how long, there was a mountain of dusty cardboard boxes.

These were all things carried out of the journalism club room. It was the all materials they'd once gathered, with Ako's personal belongings mixed in with them.

Inside the warehouse where the morning sunlight poured in, Ako spread a large paper on a mat.

It was the town's map.

With her camera in her left hand, she took a close-up photo of the art gallery on the map.

"The art gallery has also fallen to the hands of the Demon Lord."

She scribbled an X with a red pen in her right hand.

Yesterday, Ako had fallen asleep inside the art gallery. When she'd woken up she'd been carried by Akatsuki, and while laughing he told her they'd been driven out of the art gallery due to it being past closing time.

After that, Akatsuki parted from her as if nothing happened.

Yet Ako realized.

Something had happened at the art gallery back then.

Because Ako hadn't been sleeping due to growing tired of walking. As proof, although she'd tried replicating the actions of the middle school couple, and wasn't tired at all, she'd fallen asleep on the sofa. It was to make the Demon Lord and his army of darkness lower their guard.

She also had proof that something had happened there. Yet since it was something only Ako knew of, she had to seal it. Truly a pity.

"The journalism club has taken one step further toward defeating the Demon Lord."

Adding narration to her video, she folded the map.

Just as she turned around in order to return to class, she stumbled on a box at her feet. Since her camera was about to bump into the wall, she curled her body to protect it.


Covering for the camera and scratching her head, she looked down the collapsed box.

It was a box full of Ako's belongings. A bundle of photos scattered from the file that flew to the ground.

Gasping, Ako hurriedly sat down. While covering the photos as if to hide them, she looked at the open entrance.

"What I have done was a careless mistake. If I'm found by the secret organization again I'm probably a goner."

Confirming that the figure she was scared of—a woman clad in a dark coat—wasn't there, she felt relieved. Putting down her camera, she hid the photos inside the file again.

These photos that Ako hurriedly grabbed depicted something that wasn't human.

They were monsters with various sizes and shapes. Civilians seeing them would think they were CG or special effects, but those who saw it would know it to be extremely valuable photo.

Finishing cleaning up, Ako left the warehouse with her camera in hand.

As she entered the school and went toward the shoe lockers, the school's morning scenery entered her eyes. Showered in the petals of the cherry trees planted near the school, she could feel the smiles of new students.

It was a truly nice scene.

"This town is peaceful today as well."

A natural smile rose to her face. Stopping there for a while, she let her camera linger on the scenery in front of her eyes.

The camera saw the new students chatting among themselves. Several were smiling bashfully.

Yet someone pulled on the sleeves of the new students. "It's that Demon Lord girl that senpai told us about…" they whispered. Ako twitched.

"If you're interested in the Demon Lord, do come to our—"

Before she finished saying this, the new students left quickly.


She didn't call out to them.

She knew perfectly well how other people looked at her.

And so she couldn't give up so easily.

"Club member Akatsuki is probably already at school."

Entering school, she headed to Akatsuki's class.

Would he be surprised if Ako revealed she knew something happened at the art gallery? If he were, he would probably praise her as a genius.

Ako was the kind of person to thrive with compliments.

Just like her grandfather once praised anything and everything she filmed, Ogata Akatsuki probably also noticed her talent. Ako wouldn't be able to hide her talent.

She reached his classroom and peeked inside.

Ignoring the first bell, she didn't see her excellent journalism club member anywhere.

"If you're here for Ogata-kun, he's not here."

She turned the camera toward the voice. Two girls looked at Ako.

"Did he take the day off?"


The eyes of the two girls who bluntly answered turned severe. Ignoring someone else who tried stopping them, they spoke resolutely.

"Say, Haemori-san. Why are you deceiving new students into joining your club?"

"I do not deceive them. There really is a Demon Lord."

"This stupid Demon Lord thing is just your—"

She started, but sank into silence. Seeing Ako intently filming her, she hung her head as if suddenly coming to her senses.

"I-I'm sorry. Don't take my pictures."

The girl who apologized and lowered her head was, without any doubt, scared.


Ako could feel her heart throbbing in pain.

Every time she saw this expression, she recalled her crimes from the past.

The next thing she knew, the LCD screen was reflecting the floor.

"…Club member Akatsuki is a friend."

Mumbling this, she left the classroom.

Noticing she was still filming the floor, Ako raised the lenses. Doing this was a shame as a journalist.

Seeing the students passing the corridors while smiling, she felt a bit better.

Perhaps due to inheriting her grandfather's love for peace, Ako also loved it. The countryside high school was as peaceful as ever today.

Many things happened until now.

She also made mistakes at times.

But right now Ako was at peace.

No matter how hated she was, the fact that Ako loved peace remained unchanged.

"Once club member Akatsuki comes to school we have to fetch our material as fast as possible."

Finishing charging up her mood, Ako walked through the corridor in high spirits.

2.00 Youko Part 1[edit]

There was a thing known as miniature garden therapy.

It was a kind of a psychological analysis method.

You create a small world inside a wooden box filled with white sand. From this one can surmise the components lacked by the creator's psychological state and mentality, meaning their wishes and desires.

A certain girl assembled many dolls, flowers and animals. The fact that the most prominent materials were spiritual—things like castles and angels that weren't part of reality, it was a proof of her abundant imagination. She was curious and heavily emotional, but on the other hand, she was idealistic and selfish.

A certain boy who lived in the capital created a miniature world with forests and mountains and he set a ship to sail, while only one doll represented himself. The shabby nature and lone doll was due to him having poor communication with his surroundings, symbolizing his wish to escape to some vague other world.

There was also a woman who gathered dolls of men and women dolls facing each other, surrounding them with vehicles and large buildings, bridges and tetrapod structures. Asking her about it, she was apparently having a fight with her boyfriend. She probably wanted to make up, so she set up their memories, but since her present feelings for him were weaker than they were before, she felt confused.

Youko's father was a therapist counselor.

He would usually open his clinic in a rented office near home, but if requested he would also come to schools, workplaces or personal homes.

Youko had no particular interest in her father's job.

When she started elementary school her parents divorced and she was taken in by her father. Since he was also fervent about research he tended to be absent most of the time, so she didn't really have the opportunity to know what her father was doing.

Apart from the fact she had no mother, Youko lived a perfectly normal youth. She started becoming interested in her father's work since the second summer of her middle school. Her father began going out more, and came back home less and less.

Forgetting her English workbook at school, Youko searched among her father's belonging for a replacement. It was then she'd dropped a file from one of his shelves.

It was data about her father's previous subjects. Aside from cards he also left notes probably regarding his own research. He wrote the details of what was known as the miniature garden therapy, and recorded what sorts of gardens were built by what kinds of people. Youko found it all fascinating to read.

But the more she read, the more she felt some déjà vu.

Asking the housemaid who worked for them ever since she was young, she was told that she'd once been brought along by her mother—who was her father's assistant back then—to view his therapy sessions. True, she really could remember these sorts of boxes from the past.

The most curious thing was about a certain girl.

The miniature garden created by the girl, who was in her teens at the time, had no sense of unity. There were the dolls of one woman and two men in the center, and she simply placed the materials wherever she saw fit.

When she read this record, for some reason Youko trembled.

—Youko remembered that girl.

She wasn't even in elementary school back then. Yet she had the feeling she could remember that girl's face and the miniature garden she'd created.

She had apparently attended counseling many times.

Youko could see from her father's writing that he merely became more confused with every session. Even her professional father wasn't able to fully analyze that girl's heart. The journey to the depths of her mind was written in details.

During the second, third and so on session of miniature garden therapy the girl apparently placed dolls and buildings haphazardly. But the fact that there were one woman and two men in the center never changed.

When her father asked the girl what she was thinking while creating that world, the girl shot a question back at him.

—What do you think are people's minds?

In a physical sense it would be the heart or the brain, and in a mental sense it would be instincts, her father had said. A serious answer, as expected of him.

Yet the girl said, "Unfortunately that's a bit wrong" as if it was somebody else's problem.

—What about cases where people receive horrible injuries but still survive? I've also heard of a case where a mother being crushed underneath a burning house was able to shield her baby and crawl outside with it. Physically, these wounds should have incapacitated her, and instinctively, she should have run by herself without worrying about her baby. In the case of parents and children there are also reverse examples, so there should be another reason rather than preserving the next generation…

Reading the records, she felt as if the pair had switched the roles of doctor and patient.

—You could say she surpassed the boundary of life at that point. But what caused that…? There is a theory that the true core of a human lies within the armor of their flesh and instincts.

Listening to the patient seriously was the counselor's duty. So her father listened to that girl.

—If we take that "thing", which is already so strong, and amplify it even further, what's going to happen? If it's destroyed, what does that mean for the person? What about fixing it afterward? And what if it was devoured by something? Nobody knows that. …Yet, at least.

The more sessions the girl came to, the less items she gathered around the three figures in the center of the miniature garden.

Youko recalled that scenery that looked as if the very world itself was being scraped off.

Since she was young, she couldn't recall it until she'd stumbled on her father's records. Yet these memories were engraved into her young heart.

—Youko felt as if the girl in her memories turned toward her.

Thinking about it, this might have been the first time in Youko's peaceful life ever since she was born that she'd felt "fear".

Feeling her breathing stop. Cold sweat all over her body.

Even the girl's face was vague in her memories, but she could vividly recall just the smile she had worn at the time.

It was a smile that made Youko's mind numb just by facing her. As if her whole body and emotions were seen through, with something in the center of her heart caught and restrained. It made her unable to run, neutralizing her preservation instincts. And if she had to describe it, it would be a—

"Chaining smile".

That was the only expression she could think of.

If she hadn't recalled it, she wouldn't have been scared.

But she did.

The girl's chaining smile she'd seen at the time crossed over time and space, capturing Satou Youko.

Assaulted by fear, Youko kept reading the materials about the girl.

Reading about her last appointment, she was stunned.

Her father probably hadn't noticed at the time. He'd probably forgotten it by now.

But Youko, who now recalled the world the girl had created, did notice. She was that scary of a being.

What was the thing inside the human spirit?

After scraping off the world for a bit, what miniature garden would be created?

Recalling the final counseling where the answer became apparent, it was only Youko that noticed the fearful truth of the conspiracy.

After all, it hadn't existed at the time, yet now it threatened the entire country—she realized that these were the seeds for the monsters known as Mushi.

She realized that during this last session, the connection of the girl with the chaining smile to Mushi became apparent.

It meant that her miniature garden play continued even today.

Commanding her armies of darkness made of Mushi like a Demon Lord, the girl was molding this country into the final form of her miniature garden.

Youko had had fear and anxiousness planted into her heart.

Even now that she was a high school senior, her days of fearing the Demon Lord's shadows were unchanged—

Satou Youko seemed like a completely normal girl.

Her classmates thought she was completely unremarkable. She wasn't jumpy and lively, but also not gloomy enough to be hated. If spoken to she replied normally, and she hadn't had any personality quirks. She had a plain appearance and didn't bear any complex toward others.

Looking back at her life, there was no big event to speak of. She couldn't meet her two parents freely, but since she felt as peace when she was alone it didn't affect her much. She didn't get into any accident or get some huge illness. She didn't experience any big romance. Her achievements were the average of average, not the sort of student the teachers would talk about.

She hadn't led such a boring life out of her own will.

The person known as Satou Youko was probably just built that way. She had the average desire for a thrill, but she didn't know what to do about it. Despite having interest in fashion or love, she couldn't imagine herself joining her peers over that.

Incidentally, there were two other Satous in Youko's class. One served as the basketball club captain, and the other was the vice-president of the school council. Since Youko had nothing to differentiate her, she was called "the third Satou".

Since she was so normal, Youko also experienced a normal love.

"Youko-senpai… why don't you wear contacts?"

One day, she was told this by the boy who had suddenly appeared in school.

The moment she met him, she thought he was cool.

He was one year her junior but seemed nice and was reliable. The name Ogata Akatsuki was slightly strange, but since Youko had a normal name she admired him.


She emitted a stupid voice without thinking. Since she inadvertently locked gazes with him, she was late to notice the phone in her pockets was buzzing.

It wasn't the phone itself that buzzed. It was the strap attached to it.

She quickly slapped her pocket so it wouldn't be noticed.

—Loci-chan, you're not allowed to use your powers on your own!

She scolded her strap in her heart.

"I-I'm sorry! Saying your name all of a sudden, it's… it's nothing, don't mind it!"

"Ah, uh… No, it's completely fine! I'm the one who should apologize! Umm, sorry for saying strange things all of a sudden!"

There was no way that someone like Akatsuki who seemed to be popular with girls would call a girl like Youko by her name. There was probably some external factor that led to it.

While blushing, she rubbed her pocket.

—Loci-chan… you've used your power, right? So that means that Akatsuki-kun would look at me like this even without it?

She ended up having expectations. But soon she denied it within her heart.

—No, it's not possible right? I'm just plain, boring girl…

"Club member Akatsuki. I was sure you were following me. What are you scheming with Satou-senpai?"

Haemori Ako, her junior as well, cut between the two of them. She was the president of the journalism club and edited the publication known as Monthly AKO, which was indispensible to Youko. Just like Youko, Ako was one of the few who understood the Demon Lord's army of darkness.

Parting from her two underclassmen, Youko touched her own glasses in front of the class.

"Did he mean I should use contacts rather than glasses? There's no way he was being… serious about that, right?"

She mumbled to herself. Some of her friends had said similar things, but since they'd change the subject after a moment she didn't pay them any heed. Was she so conscious about this just because someone from the opposite sex told her that?

"B-but if I were to wear contacts… he'll think that I took him seriously."

She soon gave up. The pounding of her chest would settle down before long.

In the end, Youko would never change.

And that was fine, she thought. If she did wear contacts and Akatsuki laughed at her it would hurt.

Right now Youko had enough stimulation. She didn't need any more risk to make her heart pound.

"B-but if it's only for a bit… maybe I should try wearing contacts. I also feel like my glasses don't really fit me."

But Youko didn't want to give up so easily for once.

Oh no. Perhaps she was a bit serious this time.

"Ogata Akatsuki-kun, eh… hehe."

She felt a bit happier than the usual.

While feeling a small happiness, she returned to her classroom.

Satou Youko had no special features and spent a completely normal school life.

No one knew of the actions she had resolved upon in order to resist the seed of fear planted within her.

But Youko thought that was fine.

"Let's do our best today as well, Loci-chan."

She mumbled, rubbing her pocket.

The "Third Satou-san" acted to put a stop to the Demon Lord's evil plans.

Obviously, it would be embarrassing for people to refer to her as such, but she would often use a certain title to refer to herself in a hushed voice. For Youko was…

—The "Hero".

2.01 Youko Part 2[edit]

"It looks great."

The only department store in town.

She stopped at the makeup booth only because an employee called out to her on the way to the optometrist shop. Tempting her while speaking about the new spring color campaign, she managed to put a lipstick on Youko, who was standing dazed in front of the mirror. It was a liquid lipstick.


Fearing to look directly in the mirror, she gazed around herself, fidgeting. There were other girls with the same school uniform around. They all had fun trying makeup.

She gathered up the courage to glance in the mirror.

"Ah, umm… I-I'll take this. Please."

Averting her gaze, she reached toward a lipstick of a plainer color. But now that she looked at it, it was the kind that had shining powder on it. It definitely didn't suit her at all.

"That one would fit young girls better. Thank you."

Apparently she was glad to sell anything. The young woman clerk gave her a business-like smile.

"Dear customer? You've forgotten your belongings here."

"O-oh, I'm sorry!"

She'd left her huge leather suitcase on the counter, so she came back in a hurry. It was a classic-style suitcase that also didn't fit her high-schooler image. The high-class leather surface also had hooks and a folding rack on which to place the suitcase.

Exiting the cosmetics shop as if running away from it, she sighed in front of the escalator.

"I used up my money…"

She used up all of the money she'd planned to use to purchase contact lenses.

"But that can't be helped. Since I have no money I'll just give up this time."

While she'd muttered this, she mentally sighed in relief. She came there resolved, but she felt that suddenly wearing contact lenses was too big of a hurdle for a girl as plain as her.

She could simply use her credit card, but she made an excuse for giving up. Youko left the place just like this.

A pleasant spring wind was blowing. She felt as if even that wind asked her done already? in a disappointed voice. She turned her back to the main street near the station.

"It really doesn't fit me anyway. But it's actually not that strange, relatively speaking…"

The entrance to the department store was a glass door. Leaving her leather suitcase on the ground, she checked her reflection with the lipstick.

She changed the angles of her face, and got somewhat excited. She also tried parting her bangs that hid her face and removed her glasses.

There was a dull noise.


"Ah, I'm sorry! Are you alright?"

Since she looked at her own face happily, she hadn't noticed the high schoolers coming through the exit. They were the girls inside the cosmetics shop just now. They were apparently so enthralled in their own chatting that they hadn't noticed Youko standing in front of the doors.

"I-it's fine! I-I'm sorry!"

She blushed and put on her glasses. Rubbing her forehead that had bumped into the glass door, she averted her eyes. She was embarrassed at having gotten overboard like that.

Picking up her suitcase, she left with a past pace. "Is she really from our school?" she could hear a voice from behind.

Pulling out a tissue in order to clean her lips, she put her hand inside the other pocket. Her cellphone fell to the ground. Along with her metallic device, a small strap attached to a small doll also fell and bounced on the asphalt.

"S-sorry, Loci-chan!"

She hurriedly picked it up. Her cellphone was secondary.

The doll looked like a round, plastic-like insect with a transparent body and two large, folded scythe-like legs. Although there was no wind, it still cluttered.

Youko relaxed only for a second, but then sighed at her own pitifulness.

"I'm worthless, huh… Will I ever defeat the Demon Lord like this?"

Mushi Uta 7 p137.jpg

She spoke to the doll.

There were many passersby in the dusk-time street. The profiles of the students or company workers waiting at the bus stop were dyed in orange. Youko passed by them with a downcast face as not to let them see her lipstick.

"Oh, thinking about it—"

While walking, she turned back toward the bus stop. She saw a bus approaching.

"I once created a Spirit Zone inside a bus as well. I think it was the mental pollution one, where if you sit in a certain seat you hear the voice of someone from your memories… Since there's something much stronger of that sort behind the mountain I forgot about it. But, well, it's not a big Zone, so it's fine to let it be."

She spoke to the doll in her hand. Obviously there was no reply.

Youko returned the cellphone to her pocket and walked with her suitcase in hand. Despite her wearing lipstick, she was still the same old plain Youko that didn't cause any heads to turn.

Although this was the largest road in the town, there were not many cars.

The area suddenly became dark.

Turning back, she saw the radio tower overlapping with the setting sun. A large shadow fell on Youko.

"This isn't the time to complain. I have to create many more Spirit Zones."

Youko loved this town.

It was nice and peaceful, and the plain Youko felt right at home. If she didn't stand out there would be no trouble and she'd live safely. She'd seen how bright the capital was in TV every day, but even if she admired it, she never thought of actually going there.

Yet the Demon Lord had even such a town in their clutches.

After noticing this fact, Youko had to do something.

"But I get the feeling there're people searching for me lately…"

Mumbling to herself, a motorcycle passed next to her. The one gripping the handlebars was a jacket-wearing girl. Her face covered by a half-helmet was one familiar to Youko. Perhaps humming to herself, her mouth was slightly open.

"Could Orion have possibly noticed me?"

The Hornet the girl was riding was gone. She'd found out that the person who was known as Orion worked under a certain organization long ago.

Youko shook her head.

"No, if I'd been noticed then the Demon Lord would act. No matter how many them there are, I don't feel like being defeated by a mere subordinate. If that happens… well, it wouldn't really disturb me, but it'd be a bit annoying. Would she help me if I spoke to her?"

Thinking about it, she couldn't do that.

The opponent Youko was fighting was the Demon Lord and her subordinates, like Orion.

She couldn't do something unnecessary and gain more enemies right now, no matter how low the possibility was. If they wanted to search for Youko, then let them. If they really stood in her way, she could just take care of them then. As long as she was in town, Youko had the initiative no matter what.

"Becoming the Hero and defeating the Demon Lord sure is hard…"

Youko stopped in front of a national hospital. Entering the normal ward, she spoke to the receptionist.

Walking around the hospital full of patients and visitors, she saw a familiar middle-aged woman.


"Oh, thank you for always coming."

Stopping in place, they conversed about such things as the weather and school, making small talk.

"And you're the only one that keeps coming to visit… I never heard about you from her, but you were probably good friends."

Youko raised her face, and glanced at the woman with wet eyes.

The eyes behind her glasses rippled like a vast ocean.

She was able to ascertain her emotions. Sadness and fatigue were mixed in with gratitude to Youko. But Youko's eyes didn't stop at that. Peeling off the armor known as feelings, she saw through the depths of her heart.

There were impatience and resignation.

She smoothed it over with a smile and hid it with a firm voice, but Youko was able to see through the woman's real emotions.

"I believe she'll definitely get better. Don't give up and do your best."

She was bad at looking people directly in the eye. Hanging her head again, she cheered up the woman.

The woman looked surprised for a moment. Yet she quickly softened her expression. "Thank you," she said and nodded. Hearing the words she wanted to hear the most, she was relieved.

When they said their goodbyes, the woman raised her face as if suddenly noticing something.

"Oh, how unusual. You're wearing makeup today."

"Oh, umm, I was at the department store earlier and…"

She ended up speaking loudly without thinking. She felt gazes from the people in the hospital. She covered her mouth and cast her glance down.

"Don't overdo it, but… you should try a bit more makeup. It's really pretty."

Complimenting her, the woman left. Youko bowed slightly and started walking again.

Now she realized that she'd forgotten erasing the lipstick. Feeling as if the people around her all looked at her lips, she covered her mouth with her sleeve on the way to her destination.

The sickroom she came to was a large, individual room in a certain facility. "Right, so that was her name…" she recalled the name of the patient when she saw the name tag on the door.

She entered. Inside the dreary room was a single girl on a bed. Imposing machines were installed on the walls, and the girl was connected to artificial breathing equipment.

The girl, with her eyelids shut close and not moving a muscle, was a student from the same school as Youko's.

She got into an accident, but while her life was saved, she had yet to regain her consciousness. The woman Youko met just now was the girl's mother.

Youko sat in the chair and took her cellphone out of her pocket. She put the doll attached to the strap along with the cellphone next to the girl.

"Good. Your complexion looks good today too."

Peeking at the sleeping face of her classmate covered by the breathing mask, she smiled. Although she'd gotten much thinner during her hospitalization, her complexion was good.

Even so, it didn't change the fact that her classmate was in a highly unpredictable state. Since she was in danger many times in the past, they couldn't remove her life support.

On top of the bed Loci began to move.

Stretching its round body and separating from the strap, it looked at the classmate's face.

—Just as Youko had forgotten the name of her classmate, the other girl had definitely forgotten Youko's. She was dubious whether or not she knew her name in the first place.

They had only been in the class together one time. They had spoken only once.

"I'm glad your real master looks good after all this time."

She spoke to Loci with a smile.

The small Mushi raised its face, shrieking.

She first met the girl now sprawled on the bed during early winter. She'd been called to the roof, so she remembered how cold it was without a jacket.

Being the daughter of a counselor, Youko was sometimes asked for advice. She almost always refused, not being a professional, but there were times she was being pressed so hard that she couldn't refuse. Her skill didn't matter to them; Youko simply pretending to give them counseling would serve to relieve them.

Youko's special skill helped at such times.

She could read people's emotions better than most people. —It was just a trivial skill not worthy of any pride.

Youko herself didn't think of it as anything remarkable.

She knew she had obtained this ability only because she—who was completely transparent and plain—found other people to be admirable, no matter what small of an action they took. From her point of view, even someone moving their fingers was overflowing with individuality. This ability could be said to be borne out of her complex.

Even if she had no technique or specialist knowledge, it was enough to relieve those who came for advice. And as she kept pretending to psychologically assess them, the more her classmates heard about this and came to seek her help.

The girl sleeping in the bed was one of them.

Unable to deny her, Youko had opened up the rack and placed her suitcase on it like the usual, starting the analysis. She used that tool only because her counselees would feel calmer if she used something that seemed professional.

Her classmate had a radiant aura. She had told Youko that she'd fought with her parents over her wanting to go live by herself in the capital after graduating school.

Using her aforementioned technique, Youko had analyzed the girl.

She had noticed that there was something that she'd never analyzed before hiding in her. Thinking she should confirm this, Youko advanced the counseling process.

And Youko was finally able to draw it out.

And then—a monster appeared.

She learned that this monster was known as Oogui only later. In front of the shocked Youko that couldn't even understand the unfolding events, "something" had been eaten from the other girl.

A dream.

Youko finally understood the meaning of what she'd drawn out of the girl.

The girl had become a Mushitsuki.

Youko had become scared and had run away.

Reading her father's notes she had realized the connection between the Demon Lord and Mushi, and spent her days being afraid of them. Even so, one day—she herself had summoned her fear with her own counseling.

Shaking with fear and guilt, she couldn't get out of the house for a few days.

Finally showing up to school, Youko found out that the other girl had gotten into a traffic accident immediately after receiving Youko's therapy. The shock of becoming Mushitsuki caused her to be at a numb state and she passed the road despite the light being red.

Although she was still alive, the girl had entered a coma. —On the day of the accident, no one knew that Youko and the girl had met on the roof.

Hearing that she was reaching a critical state, Youko gathered her courage and went to visit her.

Youko, who was troubled by fear and guilt, couldn't be blamed by the sleeping girl.

Instead, appearing in front of her was the girl's Mushi. It looked like a pretty insect, but the shocked Youko stumbled on the spot. She thought it was going to eat her in revenge.

Yet in contrast to her fears, the Mushi clung to Youko. —Did it think she was his second host since she was there when it'd been born? Having these naïve thoughts, she felt her fear slightly lessening.

Youko soon realized that was only her conceit. Through the white Mushi—a mere "clone" of its "real body" hiding somewhere—a powerful hunger was transmitted to Youko.

It wanted to eat.

He apparently couldn't get the dreams of its unconscious host. The small Mushi had apparently clung to Youko to gain nutrients.

Mushi really were scary.

But by obtaining a Mushi that would listen to her, a certain thought rose to Youko's mind.

Using this Mushi, wouldn't she be able to strike back even against the Demon Lord who struck her heart with fear?

Although it was a complete coincidence, Youko had gained this—the only weapon that could eliminate the fear planted within her heart.

From that day Youko had obtained the way to resist the Demon Lord, and thus became the Hero.

"I'm scared, but I'll do my best. Don't give up… let's fight the Demon Lord."

Grasping both hands, Youko encouraged her sleeping classmate.

Giving "nutrients" to the real body through Loci, her classmate's situation was not merely preserved, but even improved. How meaningful was the connection between host and Mushi?

Youko's fight would erase her sin of turning the girl into a Mushitsuki.

She came to visit that girl occasionally to encourage herself every time she was about to lose against her fear of Mushi. Coming there allowed Youko to regain her will to fight.

"Let's go, Loci-chan."

The white Mushi connected to the strap and Youko turned her back to the bed. Almost as if having forgotten it possessed its original host, Loci followed her orders.

She left the hospital, dragging the suitcase behind her.

"When had I created the last Spirit Zone?"

While walking the national road, Youko mumbled to herself.

Reaffirming her duty to fight the Demon Lord, she felt brimming with motivation.

How many times had she fought ever since meeting Loci? Youko had named the special places created by these fight "Spirit Zones".

The Spirit Zones were the territory Youko protected, a symbol of her resistance against the Demon Lord.

Every time she created a Spirit Zone, she felt as if she was erasing the fear inside her little by little. She was willing to risk herself for that.

"Maybe we should create a new one soon."

Turning around at an almost empty street, she went toward a residential district.

With her resolve numbed, she had to fight. If she came back to her senses she'd be scared out of her wits. If Youko's way of fighting failed she would actually allow the armies of darkness to grow.

She didn't want to have such scary thoughts for even a second.

But she was the only one who could accomplish it. She alone knew of the Demon Lord's identity and possessed the power to fight against her.

So unlike with the contact lenses, she couldn't run away from this.

"Yup. That's much scarier than wearing contacts… oh, maybe it's the same, though."

Muttering to herself, she entered the residential district.

In the street where there were many old houses, it turned dark. The sun was sinking.

She saw a middle schooler walking in front of her. Confirming there was no one around her, she grasped her suitcase.

"Let's do him, Loci-chan."

Pulling out her cellphone, she removed the doll from the strap and put it on her shoulders.

Loci started moving. While emitting a creaking-like sound, it stretched its rounded body. With its tiny legs clinging to her uniform, it stretched its tiny scythes once like it was yawning.

Youko hastened her pace following the boy.

Parting her bangs, she widened her eyes.


Probably on his way back from school, the uniform-clad middle schooler noticed Youko. Looking at her coming toward him in puzzlement, he tried turning to the side to let her pass.

"He's in range, Loci-chan."

It happened immediately after Youko's murmur.

Loci's body riding on her shoulder was covered in a faint glow. With its compound eyes glowing in red, Loci spread white particles around.

The particles glowing in pure white flowed between Youko and the boy's legs. At the same time a sickeningly sweet smell wafted in the air.

Above the shining carpet the boy's expression changed. All light was gone from his pupils, and he stood in place as if stunned.

Now standing in front of the boy, Youko acted quickly. She removed the rack from the suitcase in her hand and unfolded it.

Youko put the trunk on the rack. She grabbed the handle and let it fall to the side, turning the bottom of the suitcase to the boy.

"What's your name?"

Hearing the question coming from Youko—a complete stranger—the boy answered "Ryou" obediently.

Youko narrowed her eyes and opened the suitcase.

The lid opened with a click. Two shelves popped out of the suitcase using springs, with the top one holding out a white box toward the boy. The bottom shelf was rotatable and had all sorts of dolls and materials packed on it.

The hand of an antique clock decorating the very top of the shelf started moving.

The effective time of the hypnotism wasn't long. She couldn't waste even a second.

"Ryou-kun. I'll put one doll here. That would be you."

She took a doll modeled after a boy and placed it in the center of the empty box. The boy nodded.

"Now we will create the world you desire."

Inside the space filled with white particles, Youko and the boy faced one another. With the remodeled suitcase separating them, it felt like the flow of time was stopped.

"What's your favorite thing? A cool car? A beautiful building? Some fun game console? Or something more athletic?"

Looking in the boy's eyes, Youko switched material after material with flowing movements.

She had practiced this alone thoroughly. Changing the dolls and the materials, she didn't waste any time and made no mistakes.

The boy's eyes responded to something. A soccer ball.

Got it—

Youko widened her eyes further. It was finally showtime.

"So you play soccer. Where's your position? Here? Or here? You have teammates, huh? Here's the goal, too. Look at how many people are watching! Even your mom and dad came to cheer you."

The empty box was loaded with materials one after another. She didn't simply place them down; confirming them one by one by the boy's response, she assembled the small world like raging waves.

"Miniature Garden Therapy"—

It was the psychological treatment method her father specialized in, while also being what Youko had once mimicked to use on her friends.

Originally she would have the patient themselves assemble their own world and analyze that, looking at their box from the side.

But the current Youko couldn't have it be so slow.

"Where's the match being held? A large stadium? Oh, it's overseas? There's an Italian flag."

As if enchanted, the middle schooler stared at the imaginary soccer stadium. Having the doll in the center completely overlap with himself in his mind was only a matter of time.

"Look, you kicked the ball! GOAL!!! Wow! More and more people are coming to watch!"

Youko caused the soccer ball to reach the goal. As if this was the critical moment, she spaced the human dolls.

Youko's pupils moving like a deep sea found something being born inside the depths of the boy's heart.

By creating the garden, she amplified this something.

"Now look—"

Youko smiled stealthily, revealing the completed garden to the boy.

What she did was unforgivable by the method known as miniature garden therapy.

On top of producing it, she stimulated the feeling hidden underneath, tickled it, brought it up, flagged it, bloated it and tore off the armor of his heart.

And finally, she grasped it.

And dragged it out.

She dangled it in front of the person himself.

"Is this your dream world?"

It could be called a—

"Miniature Garden Assault".

It wasn't just a figure of speech. By creating their world, she was able to bring out the "dream" from the depths of the human heart.

That was Youko's ability as the Hero.

"This is—"

The middle schooler boy's sight was glued to the created miniature garden.

"My dream…"

He imagined his future self playing in an overseas soccer stadium.

—Although she was good at reading people's emotions, this couldn't happen with Youko's power alone.

Trying this power on her acquaintances and without using Loci's power, she wasn't able to achieve any change.

With the classmate that had turned into a Mushitsuki before, she probably simply brought to the surface what she already had in her heart. She would probably turn into a Mushitsuki at some point even without Youko's counseling.

Yet now Youko's power had a 100% success rate with anyone.

This was one of Loci's abilities. —Because it had the ability to temporarily rob a person of their will and make them defenseless, it also brought out Youko's power to its maximum potential as well.

On top of Youko's shoulder, Loci raised a small cry.

The surrounding air started crackling.

She's coming—

Pursing her lips, she waited for the arrival.

She could feel on her skin the presence approaching with incredible speed from the direction Loci's head was pointed to.

The sense of tension that seemed to rip her apart arrived at its peak.


Purple-colored scales covered Youko's line of sight.

It was as if she swam down the sky.

Or perhaps as if she had been standing there in the first place.

The beautiful woman covered in purple scales landed near Youko and the boy.

"It's you again, my cute Hero?"

Behind her round sunglasses, her rainbow-colored pupils laughed. Her red long coat cut through the space made of white particles.

A shudder welled inside Youko's body.

No matter how many times she'd seen her she couldn't get used to it.

With an inhuman monster in front of them, there was no human who could preserve their sanity.

She was one of the Original Three who gave birth to Mushi—Oogui.


Simply shivering, Youko couldn't even raise a voice. The same as always.

Oogui giggled and turned back to the boy. She raised his chin with her fingers and gazed at his face with her rainbow-colored pupils.

"Say, will you tell me your dream?"

As if enchanted, the boy spoke slowly.

"I want to… become a professional soccer player…"

The moment he mumbled this, a light flowed from the boy's body.

The light pouring from the boy's body was being absorbed inside Oogui's luscious lips. Gulp, her white throat moved as if drinking something.

"Thanks for the meal."

Oogui's pupils turned not to the boy, but to Youko.

But Youko wasn't focused on her anymore.

"Uh… Uuh…!"

Holding her body, she shivered and cowered.

Behind the boy whose dream was eaten a large monster appeared. Its round body separated to several carapaces floated in air, and its countless sharp legs squirmed. Spheres resembling eyes were lined up on its body, so it was impossible to know where its head was.

It was a Mushi.

Those who had their dream eaten by Oogui became Mushitsuki. Youko had seen this happen in front of her eyes countless times.


She gritted her teeth. Inside her mind, the scene engraved in her youth was reborn.

The miniature garden created by the girl with the chaining smile on her last session.

It connected the girl she'd seen in the past to the monsters known as Mushi in the present.

At the same time she'd been cursed by fear.

In order to resist the loathsome, fearsome Mushi—to fight against the schemes of the Demon Lord with the chaining smile, the only way was to fight fire with fire.


Stifling the shivering of her body, Youko shouted.

"Eat it!"


The thing Youko called for was also a Mushi.

Yet the small thing called Loci was only a clone meant to hide the real form. At times using white pheromones to muddle the senses of people, at times feeling the presence of others—it was the Mushi known as Loci. It only supplemented the real body, using Youko as its host.

On top of Youko's shoulder, Loci opened its small mouthpart.

The next instant, a tremor shook the ground under her legs.


A large box came flying out of the road covered in asphalt.

More precisely it wasn't a box; perhaps it should be called a coffin made of hardened clay. With its eerie, trembling surface, it covered the entirety of the boy's Mushi and swallowed it.

The Mushi's scream reverberated inside.

Yet the coffin didn't let the Mushi go. Still holding the Mushi rampaging inside, it sank into the asphalt and vanished.

Loci's real body slept deep outside the town. It would grab Mushi using its feelers, which were the coffins, lock it there and take its time to convert it into nutrients.

—A Mushi-eating Mushi.

This was the husk of a Mushi that couldn't eat dreams from its original host.

"Hah… Hah…"

She felt the excessive fear stopping her breath. Youko stumbled down, breathing heavily.

The surroundings were illuminated by a blinding light for a moment.

Until the Mushi inside the coffin would be digested, its ability would affect the surrounding as it tried to escape.

That was the origin of the phenomenon Youko called a Spirit Zone.

Although she stopped the Mushi from escaping, she couldn't seal its ability.

Since Spirit Zone were affected by the abilities, there were also certain triggers. The triggers of each Spirit Zone varied, as well as their effects.

In the pond where a wind-controlling Mushi had been sealed, one could bring forth a storm by stimulating the water surface.

In the Spirit Zone of the mental control type Mushi, falling asleep on the couch would switch you with the person nearby.

In the Spirit Zone of a Mushi that could control inanimate materials, it would breathe fake life into an animal statue when it felt the power of another Mushi nearby.

Deciphering the conditions was hard, so Youko had managed to fully understand only a handful of Spirit Zones.

"Fufu, what are you planning to do by raising this Mushi?"

She forgot about Oogui being there. Raising her face, Youko saw the rainbow-eyed, sneering woman looking down at her.

"What a frightening child. I wonder if you think to eat me someday as well."

Youko's heart skipped a beat. She thought her pulse stopped.


Oogui said nothing else. Her form clad in a red coat was engulfed by purple scales and vanished.

Now that Oogui was gone, the middle schooler also started moving. Still absentminded, he stood with a staggering gait and left.

Loci's pheromones still affected him, but he would soon retrieve his normal thinking. The boy would not remember anything from these last minutes. Since he wasn't turned into a Fallen, he also didn't know he was a Mushitsuki.

Yet the boy's Mushi undoubtedly existed inside Loci's main body. After trying to escape, it would someday be completely devoured. And when it vanished, the boy would become a Fallen.

Hearing the engine noises of a motorcycle from afar, Youko hurriedly closed her suitcase. Holding the rack, she turned to the corner of the road.

Peeking from the corner, she could see a Hornet approaching at full speed.

It was Orion. Apparently even the shadowy organization she belonged to had Mushitsuki that could sense other Mushi. Receiving contact that a Mushitsuki was born, she probably came to check on it.

Even if she'd found the boy from now, there was no Mushi. It shouldn't be possible to expose him as a Mushitsuki.

In order to not be found out, she quickly went back home.

When she got back home like always, her housekeeper welcomed her like always. Greeting her simply, she went up to her room on the second floor.

"I'll have to check the ability of that Spirit Zone later."

Opening her door, she entered the room.

After leaving the suitcase on the floor and sitting on it, she finally calmed down.

On the desk, the shelves, and near her pillow. The miniature garden materials occupying each and every surface of the room were all looking at her from above. People and trees, animals and other shapes, all filled the room.

Youko herself had gathered all of these from one of her father's cardboard boxes. They were all her faithful allies.

"Defeating the Demon Lord is still far away. But—"

Completing a new Spirit Zone calmed the fear inside Youko a bit.

Mushi were scary.

The world would soon be in danger of becoming just like the miniature garden created by the girl with the chaining smile.

And so Youko would face her.

By giving birth to Mushi and letting Loci eat them, she would raise its real body—"Genius".

And before long—

"I have to do my best until I exterminate all Mushitsuki in the country."

She would eliminate the source of fear.

She would kill, kill, and kill Mushi over and over again.

And one day she would annihilate Mushitsuki.

Renewing her resolve, the Hero—Satou Youko—pumped her fist.

2.02 Youko Part 3[edit]

"I-I tried this on, but it definitely looks bad… it's weird, right?"

"T-that's not true at all! It looks great!"

In the school corridor, her lips were receiving Akatsuki's praise. She was glad to have had gotten the courage to put the lipstick on. She'd actually also shortened her skirt a bit, but she didn't think he'd notice that.

Since Akatsuki was kind, this might have been empty flattery.

But she was still happy. It was the first time in her life she had been complimented by a boy.

She could feel Loci was once again moving inside her pocket. Perhaps responding to Youko's violent heartbeats, he was emitting attraction pheromones.

Was that why Akatsuki's cheeks were slightly flushed? Unlike before, she couldn't scold Loci.

Maybe if we keep this up—

A small expectation crossed her mind.

If I keep using Loci-chan's power, will Akatsuki-kun keep looking at me?

Would she keep feeling the pleasant anxiousness flooding her chest?

Maybe it was a prize from God, rewarding her for her fight against the Demon Lord. Such thoughts surfaced in her mind.

"Well then, I'll get back to Ako…"

Akatsuki said his goodbyes while Youko spaced out. Perhaps he was perceptive or he was able to notice something abnormal about his mind.

"R-Right. Good luck with recruiting!"

I wonder if Akatsuki-kun has someone he likes—

Seeing her underclassman off, Youko mumbled inside her heart.

Even if he has, I can use Loci-chan's power to make him mine—

Youko did a double take.

"I-I can't… I can't use my powers as a Hero for things like this…"

Loci's ability could strip the hearts of people bare. If Akatsuki had a favorable opinion on Youko, it would be evidence that he liked her in the first place.

Pushing aside Akatsuki's feelings for the one he loved now, he would view Youko as number one. It was easy enough to change these sorts of cheap human emotions.

So even if she had her reservations with using her powers as a Hero for herself—she wouldn't feel any guilt toward manipulating Akatsuki's heart.

"But if I defeat the Demon Lord… it would be fine for me to use it, maybe?"

Youko's pupils gazed on the girl passing near Akatsuki.

It was a member of the army of darkness, Orion. Youko had already investigated long ago and found out that this girl infiltrated the school in order to monitor civilians.

A smile that no one could see rose to Youko's mole-covered mouth.

Orion passed by her as she kept her head down.

"I feel a bit motivated."

Youko's muttering voice vanished into thin air without reaching Orion's back.

That day, Youko skipped her afternoon classes.

She first came home to take her suitcase and then took the bus to a certain place.

Since it was still not after school, the bus was empty. Coincidentally it was also the bus where Youko had once created a Spirit Zone.

In midst of several passengers, she chose the two-people seat on the fifth row to the right.

When she did, she heard a voice of someone who wasn't there from behind.

"Your lipstick looks great."

It was Akatsuki's voice.

Youko became happy and her cheeks flushed.


What number of Spirit Zone was it? Loci, still unused to cooperating with Youko at the time, had used its power on its own accord and turned a girl into a Mushitsuki without asking. The Mushi's ability caught in the coffin was trifling; it could merely create a comforting auditory illusion of someone you wanted to hear the voice of.

The Mushi in the coffin was trapped under her feet. Even Youko didn't know where it was hiding under the thin floor. At the very least it had no physical manifestation. Yet there definitely was a coffin there, and it connected to Loci's main body, Genius.

Only Youko knew that a Mushitsuki had been born that day here. Never mind the driver who'd been affected by Loci's ability, even the person herself hadn't noticed it. She felt sorry for the driver missing his schedule and getting scolded by his boss, though.

Mushi were scary, but turning them into Spirit Zones was Youko's habit. Once she'd found the conditions of the ability leaking into the ground from the rampaging Mushi trapped there, there was nothing to fear.

And perhaps—the coffin-like feelers were an entrance to another dimension where the main body slept underground. The more she'd gotten used to handling Loci and Genius the Mushi, she ended up thinking this.

"That pudding looks great."


While smiling to herself, she didn't notice the other passenger looking at her, disturbed.

Youko took off the bus at the museum. After looking around and seeing there was nobody around, she turned toward a somewhat far corner and vanished.

Putting her suitcase on ground, she sat on it and waited. She pulled out her cellphone and spoke to Loci attached to its strap.

"I wonder if your true form will be satiated soon, Loci-chan?"

The more Spirit Zones she created, the more Loci's half-transparent body gained color. When it first took Youko as its host it was pretty like glass. Now it was nearly pure white.

The Mushi using Youko as a host and growing with her, Loci and Genius.

They were originally supposed to have vanished from this world along with their unconscious host.

Its abilities were supposed to only include emitting pheromones and feeling the presence of Mushi, and there was the main body underground that could attack using coffins.

But Loci then met Youko. Resisting its fate of vanishing with their host, it turned her into a host to gain a different source of sustenance.

And so it evolved into a Mushi-eating Mushi.

For Youko, Loci and Genius was a fated meeting. By using them she obtained the power to fight against the Demon Lord and wipe away the fear planted inside her.

Because of that, Loci was special to Youko despite her fear of Mushi.

They both needed each other and so cooperated.

"I don't know how many Spirit Zones I've created with you. And I also know the activation conditions for only a handful… I'd like to eliminate the Spirit Zone with effects I don't know, but that would cause too many Fallen."

Also bored, Youko mumbled to herself. Very recently, she'd failed in putting one into a coffin and created a single Fallen. She didn't want to leave any traces behind, if possible.

"Never mind the Demon Lord's minions, but people investigating me would be bad. Whaddya think, Loci-chan?"

Genius and Loci had been named by Youko.

Within miniature garden therapy, the concept of Genius Loci had an important meaning. The ground (Loci) housing the spirit (Genius) could bring people the power of imagination. Meaning, people used their imagination gained by the "earthbound spirit" (Genius Loci) and materialized it within a miniature garden.

As Youko had given birth to Genius and Loci using a miniature garden, that name fit them.

"I should investigate the underlings of the Demon Lord a bit more before I finish raising Genius."

Loci made no response to Youko's words. The only times Genius and Loci could perfectly understand her intentions was almost always in front of their prey Mushi.

She heard a motorcycle engine.

"There she is."

Peeking from the corner, she saw a motorcycle park in front of the museum. It was Orion's Hornet.

Confirming that Orion entered from the front, Youko also started her movements.

Crossing the fence near the museum, she entered the premises. She went around the road along the building and put her suitcase on the ground. She also put the cellphone Loci was attached to there.

"I guess it's fine now?"

After quite a while has passed, Youko lightly climbed on top of the fence. She passed to the entrance timidly. She climbed the water pipes to peek into the second floor corridor.

"Although she's a Demon Lord subordinate, being such a happy fool sure looks fun."

She could see the rest corner in the corridor, where Orion was sleeping on the couch.

Youko opened the locked window and snuck into the museum's second floor. Since it was a museum about to get closed, there were no security measures. There were also many holes in the security patrol.

Walking in the corridor, white grains warped around. The Spirit Zone was activated.

Without resisting the sudden sense of sleepiness, Youko collapsed on the spot.

"—Hmm, the second floor's closed? I guess that would be my final time using this body then."

When she opened her eyes again, she looked around the empty surroundings. Rising from the sofa, Youko approached her self collapsed in the corridor.

"I should shorten my skirt a bit more, meow."

Youko in Orion's form grinned at her own body collapsed on the floor.

She knew since a long time ago that Orion, who went to the same school, was the Demon Lord's underling.

It was because the girl had appeared many times after the creation of Spirit Zone. She would stealthily investigate the area for a while and then bring out her Mushi, probably as a precaution, so Youko had thus found out she was a Mushitsuki.

Starting then she'd investigated Orion. As not to be noticed by the person herself, she started innocently collecting rumors about the girl. She then found out that the girl turned napping in the museum to her raison d'etre.

Youko, who feared any Mushitsuki other than the ones she'd given birth to, tried defeating her. She created a Spirit Zone on top of the sofa she rested on.

The result was a personality switching ability. The activation method was having two people around, one of them sleeping on the couch. She'd created this Spirit Zone to defeat Orion, but decided to use this to investigate her.

After experiencing this result, Youko turned into Orion learnt about the armies of darkness. Incidentally, the method for cancellation was for the affected person to return inside the Spirit Zone or just wait a certain amount of time.

"Oh, I need to hurry meow."

White particles gushed from the nearby room.

There was another Spirit Zone nearby. It happened because during the moment she'd given birth to a Mushitsuki, she'd unfortunately been seen by another person. Since the eyewitness was a young girl, she cornered her in another room and made her into a Mushitsuki too. That Spirit Zone perfectly fit as a protector of the sofa.

A white Doberman appeared in the hallway.

"Oopsie daisy."

Youko in Orion's form dragged her own body.

The dog statue with no lower body leapt toward Youko's throat.

"Should I go for the toilet today, meow?"

A moment before it bit into Youko, the dog was repelled backward as if by an unseen barrier. —She had already confirmed the range of the inorganic matter-controlling ability long ago.

Without turning to even look at the dog, Youko took her own body to the girls' toilet. She sat her down inside one of the stalls. While their personalities were changed, she would not awaken while sleeping.

Exiting the toilet, the Doberman statue was still there. But after waiting for a while, it turned to the right and returned to the room it came from. The Spirit Zone activation time passed.

Going down one floor, she noticed the elevator moving. Youko hurriedly returned to the sofa and pretended to sleep.

"Hey you."

Since the second floor was sealed, the guard's time was apparently changed. Called by the man, she pretended to have just woken up.

"You're not allowed to enter here anymore. Didn't you see the paper on the elevator?"

"Sorry, meow. I didn't notice it at all~~"

She'd perfectly investigated Orion's personality and quirks.

"Sorry for the trouble, meow."

Going down to the first floor, she exited the elevator while wagging her hands.

It was fun becoming an eccentric person. When she turned into someone else, she felt as if her mood brightened up.

Youko especially admired people with personalities like Orion's. Going into town like this, she would go shopping in places she'd never normally go near.

Yet she had no time to play and she had to avoid human eyes more than was necessary. If she'd met with Orion's friends it could get troublesome.

"Ehehe. I learned how to ride this properly."

There was something she secretly looked forward to. She wanted to drive a motorcycle ever since she was born.

Wearing a helmet and plopping down the seat, the revved up the engine. For now she had to move to a place without any people. A little bit of playing around was fine.

"Blasting off, meow!"

Being carried over, she turned the throttle too much. The unexpected speed caused the front wheel to float in the air.

"Eek! Eek!"

Hurriedly restoring balance, she somehow managed to ride out into the road. With the sudden change in speed causing her to go from joy to despair, she headed toward the suburbs.

The countryside she was sick of seeing seemed different. She was moved by the speed and elation she'd never felt before, so even her driving blunder seemed so funny she laughed at herself.

"Ahahaha. This bike's so fun. Maybe I should also get a license, meow."

She stopped the Hornet on the river bank. Removing the helmet, she got off the bike.

She'd just said that on the spur of the moment.

The real Satou Youko would get depressed just imagining herself on a bike.

"Well then. Time for work."

Youko pulled out Orion's cellphone and picked a number in its memory.

The number indicated was "North Central Branch Information Division". —Orion was her enemy, but was it really fine for her to save such an important number like that? Well, Orion being so careless helped Youko.

"Please confirm there is no third party in a radius of 10 meters and state your member code."

The other party immediately answered the call. She recited the number that was in the memory the same way.

"Member code confirmed. Comparing voice print. Switching over to special communication channel. This is the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau's North Central Branch information management division. Starting now the conversation will be voice recorded under the personal records of North Central Branch monitor squad member, Blaze Class Rank 6 Orion."

From the voice, the other party was probably a girl of Youko's age. This was the third time she used this same method to find out information about her enemy.

"Hello, Orion-chan. Did something happen?"

The girl's tone turned so friendly that it was hard to think of her as an underling of the Demon Lord.

"Nyathing special. I just wanted to reconfirm something 'bout the mission~~"

"Again? Ever since you came to the countryside you've turned into a stupid country bumpkin. If you don't work for your salary they'll send you to an uninhabited island next, y'know?"

"I don't mind meow!"

"Do mind it! —Ah, but maybe you really don't. Despite you being so strong you're still stationed here because of our branch's way of doing things. Well, what did you want to ask?"

"I just wanted to make sure no new information came in since the last time I asked, meow."

Youko had already confirmed that Orion was investigating the strange phenomenon happening in town—sensing the presence of Mushi despite no Mushitsuki ever being found.

"Hmm… Ever since finding the first Fallen there wasn't anything, really. There was nothing even in that residential district you've gone to before, right?"


"…Does that mean yes? Anyway there're no real new clues. We haven't received any reports from Kaguya-san either. Did you ask him?"


She thought about asking, but held back.

Since the other girl talked about it normally, there was probably a new dark minion called Kaguya near Orion.

"Actually… I've seen Kaguya act a bit suspiciously~~"

She decided to deceive her. The girls' voice turned low as she muttered an Eh?

"Just to be safe I'd like you to tell me about Kaguya. Obviously don't tell him though~~"

"I can bring out the information in the range of what a Rank 6 member can obtain, but… what exactly was suspicious about him?"

"He adds stuff like 'meow' to his sentences. Pretty scary~~"

"So you're spreading it like a disease…? …I'll hang up if you keep messing with me, geez."

She bullied the other girl too much. Since she planned on switching with Orion for the last time, she played more than the usual.

"Well, you're always like that. I'm going to give you the information about Kaguya-san now, meow."

She really had infected her. She thanked god that this person was close to Orion.

"East Central Branch Battle Squad, Blaze Class Rank 2 Kaguya. He'd been sent here due to a request from the North Central Branch. I can only reveal the data regarding his real name and personal info to those at the level of branch head assistant and above. He's currently infiltrating the same place as Orion to help in her investigation. Once his required period passes, he's planned to return to the East Central Branch. …And you already know all that."

"Nothing else~~?"

"For a Rank 6 this is it. Why would East dispatch a big fish like a Rank 2 to us? It causes problems for us as well. The previous Branch Head Haji would have just told us in secret to 'bring out some disposable pawns'. I feel like the rumored incompetent Acting Branch Head is trying to gain points by sticking her nose in places she shouldn't and accomplishing nothing."

Seemed like even an evil organization had its own complex situations. Since she didn't want to expose herself, she merely hummed noncommittally.

What sort of monster was a Rank 2 Mushitsuki? Just imagining it gave her the chills.

"There's one last thing I want to know, meow."

"Sure, what is it?"

Youko gulped.

Since the museum's closing was near, this would be her last time to switch with Orion to gather information. She couldn't tell when she'd have another chance to investigate the evil organization.

That was why she had something she had to confirm right now.

The identity of her archnemesis, the Demon Lord—

"…If you know anything about that name, any special data or something, do tell me, meow."

She had said the name of the girl with the chaining smile from her father's records.

Her hand started shaking just from voicing that name. The fear engraved into her when she was young was revived.

She was certain.

That girl was definitely connected to the organization known as the SEPB.

"Hmm. Why do you ask?"

Yet the answer through the phone was too casual.

Youko hid the beatings of her heart and attacked with her normal tone.

"I just got curious about something and wondered if she had any connection to this~~ I might just be mistaken so I can't say anything for certain."

"I see. Who's that person?"

"I only know their name, meow."

"Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that name again."

"It's … ~~"

"Understood. —Oh, right. The other day the Vice-Director of Central Headquarters came to visit our Branch Director. That woman withdrew some of our forces again. Do you remember her?"

"Yup, I remember meow. But rather than that, tell me the—"

"Huh, even though you remember the Vice-Director you've forgotten only her name?"

Youko froze.

The voice coming from the phone instantly changed.

"Orion's suspicious remark confirmed. Commencing attack."

Shit, the moment she tried to cut the call, it was already too late.

"Sense Isolation!"

Concurrently with the girl's motivated shout, a loud voice erupted from the cellphone.


Youko's entire body was pierced by invisible sound waves. Although her mouth ripped open for a shout, it didn't come out. Her limbs were numb and she couldn't move.

This is bad—

Gritting her teeth, she wrung out her power.

Her shivering fingers were placed on the button to end the call.

"Consciousness Isolation!"

The moment before the second wave pressed on her…

Youko's finger pressed the button.


But she still received a bit of effect. She felt drowsy and kneeled down on the spot.

"Hah! Hah…!"

Waterfalls of sweat poured from her skin. The other party apparently possessed an ability that could attack her even through the phone. She had nearly fainted.

Quite a bit of time passed before sensations returned to her limbs.

"Ugh… Mushitsuki really are scary. I was almost done for…"

Wearing her helmet, she straddled the Hornet. The enemy probably judged Orion as dangerous. Pursuers would soon arrive.

"But I finally understood."

She started the engine and rode the bike.

"She really is related to the Demon Lord—"

From the exchange until now, there was no mistake that the girl who'd planted fear in her when she was young now served as the Vice-Director in a place known as the Central Headquarters. It was obviously suspect for an underling to suddenly investigate their superior.

Youko was finally able to ascertain her enemy.

The Demon Lord was the Central Headquarters' Vice-Director.

The armies of darkness were known as the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau.

Controlling the fearsome monsters known as Mushi, they were scheming to lead the future where people were controlled by fear—

"I can't lose…"

Youko returned to an empty back alley near the museum.

Still straddled on the Hornet, the time for the personality change reached its limit.

"—Because I'm the Hero."

When she next opened her eyes, she was inside the museum's toilet. She confirmed in the mirror that she was Satou Youko again.

Exiting the corridor, she returned to the window she'd snuck in through.

She heard the sound of the elevator reaching behind her. Perhaps the guard came for another round. Youko hurriedly exited through the window and went down the same way she went up.

Grabbing the suitcase and cellphone she'd left behind, she headed for the back alley running.

She saw the parked Hornet. Orion was sleeping on the handle.

Youko tapped her shoulder and Orion awoke with a groan.

"Meow… hmm? Why am I—"

Looking around her, Orion noticed Youko standing behind her.

"Hello, Orion-san."

Seeing Youko smile at her, her complexion changed.

From the situation she found herself into, she probably realized Youko was an enemy. Orion's Mushi appeared at her back.

But Youko was already prepared for battle.

"Bon appetit, Loci-chan."

A large coffin appeared from her feet. The shivering clay structure swallowed Orion's Mushi instantly.

"I'll erase it all completely. I don't need it anymore."

Loci transmitted Youko's will to its real body as if it was a remote control. Crunching sounds came from inside the coffin receiving her orders.


The death of her Mushi caused the girl straddling the bike to bend backward. She slumped without even raising a scream.

She became a Fallen. Orion looked at her with lifeless, empty eyes.

"Orion. Return to the museum and wait for your comrade's arrival."

Obeying Youko's order, the girl moved sluggishly to start the engine. —Fallen had no self-will or any feelings, but they would obey orders given to them unconditionally.

Once the Hornet left and the back-alley was silent again, Youko mumbled to herself.

"I can't go back anymore…"

Orion would soon be discovered.

This was Youko's declaration of war against the SEPB.

3.00 Akatsuki Part 6[edit]

A few days passed since he'd found the Fallen Orion near the museum.

Coming to school late, Akatsuki went to Ako's classroom around noon.

He thought she would be eating lunch by herself, but couldn't see the petite girl anywhere. He spoke to the girl group who brought their desks together near her desk.

"Say, do you know where Ako is?"

The girls all exchanged glances. "Nope," they said and shook their heads.

"I see, thanks. —Oh, right."

He was about to leave but suddenly stopped.

"Say. What does everyone in the class think about Ako?"

At this sudden question the girls glanced at him again. "What do we think…?" "Hmm?" they nodded at each, finding it hard to speak. One of them looked up at Akatsuki.

"We think she's a bit hard to approach. I was in the same class as her during our first year, but… she wasn't like this before."

"She does say strange stuff from time to time, but she's just a bit unique, I suppose. I mean, she's amusing when you talk to her.  She's nice when she doesn't have her camera."

"I know that, but… it's somewhat hard to explain. A lot of things happened the year before."

Akatsuki raised an eyebrow. Was this the "I mistook my path and got punished for it" thing that Ako had mentioned? Before he could ask Orion about that she'd become a Fallen. Even if he wanted to talk about this here, it seemed like it would be hard with these girls.

"I don't really know what happened, but I know that she's a good kid. Could you please speak with her a bit from time to time? It might be strange for me to ask you that, but I think that having nobody in class to talk to is sad. …Please!"

He knew he was meddling.

But Akatsuki thought that Ako eating lunch by herself was far too lonely. Also, she seemed a bit happy when he came. Ako always made a face like everything was fine, but at least for Akatsuki it didn't look so.

He didn't know what happened last year. But Ako seemed to regret it. It was a pity for her to always remain lonely like this.

Akatsuki would leave school before long.

So he couldn't leave her with only one friend.

"S-sure. I don't really mind, I guess…"

"Thank you!"

After he thanked her with a smile, Ako's classmates blushed in embarrassment. It was like this even at Moira High School, but he felt grateful for his charm only at such times.

"Member Akatsuki. Have you recovered?"

Ako returned to the classroom with camera in hands.


He greeted her with a smile. He directed an expectant glance toward the other girls.

"Then let's get straight to the battle meeting. I also investigated quite a lot, but to keep going I definitely require an assistant—"

"Haemori-san, how about you eat with us?"

The classmate noticing Akatsuki's gaze raised her voice. Ako became speechless. Perhaps she was surprised at the sudden invitation.

"…But I need to go to a meeting with member Akatsuki…"

"Sorry, Ako! I have to go to the staff room right now. Also, from now on I might not be able to come here after lunch. I'm eating with people in my class."


"Let's do the meeting after school. C'mon, put your camera aside."

He'd already grabbed Ako's camera and pushed her back. Having lost her weapon, Ako glanced between Akatsuki and her classmates, then finally nodded.


Akatsuki thanked the girls with his gaze and left the classroom.

While he took a break from school, Akatsuki had been called to the hideout of the North Central Branch and underwent questioning.

He had been asked about the mysterious phenomenon in the museum as well as the case of Orion becoming a Fallen. Apparently Orion had spoken about him making suspicious movements in her last transmission. They wondered if he was the one who turned her into a Fallen.

Another person went to check the phenomenon that switched bodies in the museum, but apparently nothing happened. Did it lose that effect, or had someone erased the evidence?

They didn't need to question Ako about this case. Since she had only been sleeping, she didn't even know she'd been involved in anything strange.


Coming back to school, he reflected upon the reality of the girl Orion becoming a Fallen.

Although his suspicious were not cleared, Akatsuki was able to become free for a while. Also, Orion herself had made some suspicious movements.

If Akatsuki's testimony was correct, there was the possibility Orion had been replaced with someone. She turned the suspicions at him perhaps to try and internally confuse the SEPB.

"She was annoying to talk with, but with her not being here… it feels lonely."

What was happening in this town?

Who was hiding in it?

That still remained a mystery.

Yet the SEPB already came and confirmed the presence of an enemy.

"A life without any fighting suits me much better."

Akatsuki's mumble was swallowed by the hustle and bustle of lunch break.

In just a week of spending time with Ako, Youko and the non-combatant Orion, he was reminded of his true self.

Akatsuki hated fighting.

He couldn't get excited by fighting, and he hated hurting others as much as hated getting hurt himself. There was nothing to be gained by fighting. Only lose.

"So stupid. If you fight you lose… if you don't fight you regret your loss."

He also bore some responsibility for Orion becoming a Fallen. Turning his eyes away from the mission in this town, he ran away to the peaceful life.

—Akatsuki-san. The situation has changed. Please return to the East Central Branch.

It happened yesterday. While he'd been apprehended by the North Central Branch, Goroumaru Touko came to him.

Just like the North Central Branch, the East Central Branch had also misjudged the severity of the threat. Rank 2 members were precious. He was obviously important to the East Central Branch, but even North didn't want to take responsibility in the unlikely case that something happened to him. He wasn't needed anymore for this mission.

"How can I keep from not being alone?"

He'd vaguely noticed something.

He was a selfish and greedy Mushitsuki much more than anyone.

Despite being a Mushitsuki he didn't want to fight. Because he didn't want to lose even a single thing.

—Senri-san's worried about you.

Touko's single sentence shook Akatsuki's heart.

There was a place he was needed in more than this town. He had promised his dead friends to protect Senri.

But Akatsuki obsessed over staying in town.

If he returned to Senri now, their positions would be swapped. Akatsuki, wracked by his guilt of letting Orion get taken out, needed the safety of Senri. He was supposed to have protected her, but was protected by her instead.

Just like back then when he'd lost Tachibana Rina.

"I can't go back like this."

He didn't deserve to go back to Senri as he was.

Akatsuki remained in town not because of any orders, but out of his own will.


Someone called out to him en route to the cafeteria.

Hearing this familiar voice, he thought oh no. Since he was busy with thoughts, he didn't notice her passing by.


Turning around, he wanted to try apologizing. But Akatsuki tilted his head.

"…Oh, sorry. I got the wrong person."


Receiving a shock, the girl seemed about to cry.

She was a beauty with long hair. She was slim, about as tall as Akatsuki, and her white thighs peeked from within her short skirt. A hairpin separated her bangs so that he could see the misty eyes beneath.

"Y-you didn't get the wrong person. …Huh? Or maybe you did? Did you refer to another Youko? Right, sorry, I probably just got carried away…"

He saw her hanging her head dejectedly and then noticed. He definitely could remember that beauty mark near her mouth.

"Are you actually Youko-senpai…?"

"Yeah, I'm Youko, but which Youko-senpai are you talking—"

"Satou Youko-senpai. The Third Satou-san."

Hearing Akatsuki's words, Youko's expression sparkled. She nodded desperately.

"I just tried wearing contacts for a change… so it does look strange, huh?"

That wasn't the issue.

There was no way that the act of switching from glasses to contact lenses would also change her hairstyle and clothes along with it.

Now that he thought of it, her long hair, thin limbs and face were unchanged from the base Youko. The way she loosened up her necktie and opened up the chest of her uniform also brought Orion to mind.

"I thought I'd try changing all sorts of things while I'm at it… but I was just copying someone so maybe it's too strange…"

"Rather than strange… no, I think it looks good."

He couldn't explain what exactly was good; Akatsuki let his mouth run and say strange things due to his surprise.

Yet Youko looked happy. "R-really? Great!" she wore a relieved smile.

Usually Youko lacked a sense of presence, but that wasn't why he hadn't noticed her walking by. She simply looked so different that he thought she was another person.

"But what's up with that? Did you attempt a makeover?"

"Eh? I mean, you were the one who told me I'd look better with contact lenses—"

She blurted without thinking. Youko's face blushed and she hurriedly put a hand to her mouth.

Accordingly Akatsuki also turned bashful. He's felt this strange feeling well up inside up with Youko before, but—now he was still enchanted by her.

"N-no! It's the Demon Lord…!"


Perhaps hiding her embarrassment, Youko kept rattling on.

"Ako-chan also said it, right? The Demon Lord aims for this town! So I just thought we might lose if things stayed as they were… there're also many people in the army of darkness!"

"I-is that so?"

"It is! …Umm, Akatsuki-san, where are you going? The cafeteria?"

"Oh, yes. You too, senpai?"

"I forgot my lunch box…"

Silence befell the two. Akatsuki put it aside with an "umm".

"If you'd like to, we can go together? I'm also alone today."


His invitation was casual, but Youko nodded with a serious face.

While heading together to take lunch, Youko's suspicious behavior calmed down.

Getting used to each other, the conversation continued without stop. Since Akatsuki didn't speak much about himself, he only listened to Youko during the short time until they finished eating.

She told him that her father worked as a counselor. These last few years he was so busy that he barely came back home. However, she said that she wasn't really bothered by that and even went to see him herself from time to time.

They finished eating and started gathering the dishes.

"U-umm? Can I ask you something weird?"


"I just wondered if you have like, someone you're dating… n-not that this means anything!"

Akatsuki was taken aback and gazed back at Youko's face. His upperclassman took out the pin she'd gone through the trouble of using and hid her face within her bangs.

"Ahaha, I don't. I'm the type of guy that's hard to see as more than a friend."

"I-is that so…"

Youko raised her hair-hidden face. Akatsuki scratched his face, smiling.

"But there's someone I'd like to be dating. …N-not like it's hopeless, yes? Since we're good friends I believe it's just one step further. But now's not really the time for that, and… n-no, I'm personally ready for it anytime but… oh, by ready I mean mentally, not in any lewd sense or—"

Scratching his empty plate with his fork, Akatsuki mumbled to himself. Girls passing by looked at him, disturbed.

With her face still raised, Youko was paralyzed.

"I… see."

"Ako told me 'since you're like that, you seem to have a long road ahead of you', though. Well, that's just Ako's opinion."

He held the cutlery and rose. Yet Youko stayed seated.


"I'll rest for a bit and go back to class. Don't mind me."

Having a smile pointed at him, Akatsuki's heart leaped in his chest. "R-right," he nodded and left the school cafeteria first.

It was the same even during the time she'd looked plain. Youko was meek, but she'd sometimes wear an astonishingly beautiful smile. That surprise attack of an expression made him restless.



When he put his cutlery into the receiver, he turned around to see the smiling Youko standing in front of him. Although she was now pretty, the fact she had a lack of presence was unchanged.

"Could you pass something over to Ako-chan?"

"Hah. What is it?"

"Let's both do our best to defeat the Demon Lord!"

Seeing her pump her fists in high spirits, he smiled wryly.

"I'll also save you, Akatsuki-kun!"

"…Did Ako possibly tell you about me coming from a secret organization or whatever?"

"You're being deceived, Akatsuki-kun! Belonging to the army of darkness doesn't fit you at all."

While being reproached in the cafeteria, he expectedly blushed. The gazes around him hurt.

At the same time he felt there was something strange.

If he recalled correctly, Ako said that the armies of darkness or whatever were different from the organization (that she thought that) Akatsuki belonged to. Yet Youko treated them as the same.

Are Ako and Youko-senpai talking about a different Demon Lord and army of darkness…?

"Ahaha… thank you."

Even while being puzzled on the inside he thanked her, and they left the cafeteria behind, arriving at the stairs.

If not for this she would've been a normal, kind senpai, he sighed in his heart. No, now that she'd gone through a makeover she was more like a beautiful, kind senpai.

"But actually… Youko-senpai seems to be more infected from Ako than before. She wasn't the sort of person to talk about the Demon Lord and all that in front of people."

But perhaps it would fine for her to gain some individuality that way, he half-joked in his mind.

On the way back to his classroom, Akatsuki received emergency contact from the North Central Branch.

The member dispatched as a replacement for Orion was discovered as a Fallen. From his various wounds it was decided he had been tortured.

There was the possibility that Akatsuki's identity had been leaked to the person hiding in town. He had to be cautious—

That was the order he'd received from the North Central Branch.

The order for caution received from the SEPB also contained an advice to withdraw.

If he could quietly return to the East Central Branch it would be best. If he didn't, then whatever happened to Akatsuki, the North Central Branch would bear no responsibility, is what they said.

I see, he thought.

Akatsuki finally saw through the North Central Branch. Thinking about it, he heard that the North and East branches had terrible relations. He now understood why.

The North Central Branch had operated exactly the opposite of the East Central Branch.

When the East Central Branch members received difficult missions they would dispatch high-ranked members. Yet the North Central Branch did the opposite, sending low members to dangerous missions. They repeated this until their enemy was revealed. Once they finally found out their enemy, they called in the big guns.

As a matter of fact, Akatsuki had been invited by the North Central Branch during the time he'd been apprehended.

They wanted him to join the North Central Branch on the condition he'd be sent only to safe missions. If he wanted to, he could even bring Senri along with him, they said.

He was shook. Thinking about Senri, he obviously wanted her to be safe.

But knowing the situation, his anger welled up.

Thanks but no thanks—

The safety created by using other Mushitsuki as disposable pawns would never be accepted by the kind Senri. Perhaps if the high-ranked had been involved in the first place those sacrifices wouldn't have been needed anyway.

—Peace is the best, meow.

Orion said that she avoided battle in the capital and came to this peaceful town.

Perhaps she also hated unneeded sacrifices and reached here—did he think that due to his guilt of not saving her?

Anyway, Akatsuki remained in town.

Since there was the possibility that the enemy knew his identity, he had to remain vigilant and aware of his surroundings.

From now on he should prioritize acting in secret. He simply had to focus on his investigation while avoiding the school where there were many unrelated people.

So he thought.

"A message from Satou-senpai?"

Ako turned toward him just as they got off the bus in the town suburbs. She carried her digital camera and bag as always.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you."

This isn't the time to be playing like this—

While he wanted to hold his head and groan, he conveyed to her what Youko had said in the cafeteria.

"She said that we should all do our best to defeat the Demon Lord."

"Yup. As the True Journalist, I am resolved to expend all of my efforts in unveiling the Demon Lord."

Above the scenery of empty fields, they could see a somewhat high hill.

Around them they could only see a bent power pole and a pump house. In the far distance they could see the merchant district at the center of town.

"Say, Ako. Are we really doing this?"

"Yup. Due to the Demon Lord's machinations, I had been unable to get any photographs in the museum. Yet my information network was able to grasp other locations of the army of darkness. No one would ever be able to stop my zeal for reporting the truth."

Ako stumbled on a pebble and nearly fell down, so he grabbed her hand.

"Machinations… Didn't you just fall asleep?"


"No, umm, of course! That was definitely a machination! The True Journalist doesn't allow herself to lose heart over such things! You're a genius, Ako!"

He hurriedly comforted Ako who was about to get depressed. She immediately felt better and nodded forcefully with a Yup.

This wasn't the right time for doing this sort of thing. Yet Ako told him they had to go out and get the next materials or whatever and hadn't listened to him. He wanted to decline with the excuse of having business to take care of, but she said that "The Demon Lord creeps ever closer" and that she would go out even by herself.

But there was the museum incident. Another mysterious phenomenon might occur if she went to gather material. If Ako went there alone, then it was better for Akatsuki to go with her despite it being a bit dangerous.

He would conduct his investigation during day and night, and after school help along with Ako's wild chase.

Akatsuki decided that was what he should do while still in town.

"What kind of rumor are we checking this time?"

There was strong wind today. The grass growing on the road was flattened.

"'The Angel of the Radio Tower'."

"…Yeah, sounds suspicious like always…"

"Don't be naïve, member Akatsuki. The truth is always right besides us."

The camera's lens turned to Akatsuki. Ako wore her rare smile that appeared only about once per day.

"Can't you see it? There are countless 'truths' giving out their first cry after being born without anyone noticing them. —They are all squirming around while wanting us to find them. Therefore they leave all kinds of hints in front of us."

He didn't know what Ako had been doing these last few days, but when they headed out to get material following the museum incident, she looked like she was having fun. It was obvious from how lively her voice was.

"We're like some detectives then. So are rumors also a kind of hint?"

"I also admire the profession of a detective, obviously. However, the journalists' opponents are much more formidable than killers. Because these truths sometimes hide in people, at times hide by accident, and at times lie waiting with traps. Finding those to release is what being a true journalist is all about."

"And the Demon Lord is one of those hidden truths?"

"Like I said before, the Demon Lord is the enemy of truth. They try to warp the truth using fear and then unleash it in front of people. The truth possesses frightening power, so it is a double-edged sword. I had also been possessed and nearly went down the same road as the Demon Lord, so I know this…"

From around the road the houses were gone and gradually replaced by sand hills. On top of the hill, a large tower rising up to the sky could be seen.

"Perhaps I and the Demon Lord are two sides of the same coin; meaning, archenemies."

While filming the many trees visible from afar, Ako kept walking leisurely.

"Both of us are possessed by the truth, yet we are incompatible."

As always, he couldn't understand what the girl fused with her camera was saying.

Yet her smile was contagious to Akatsuki.

"I hope you'll beat the Demon Lord someday, Ako."


Perhaps he'd been infected by Ako's good mood.

At times in the school corridor.

At times in the countryside merchant district.

At times in the middle of a field.

The activities of the journalism club were proceeding smoothly today as well.

And they reached their destination today, too.

"A large wall stood in front of us, the journalism club, seekers of the truth. This place, abandoned to the ravages of time, quietly looks down at us as if to deny the existence of the foreign beings known as humans. However, saving the barred, secluded truth is our fate as true journalists—"

"You sure are motivated about the narration. But… can we even get inside?"

After arriving, Ako readied her digital camera and shook it vigorously. Meanwhile, Akatsuki looked at the fortifications spreading ahead, leaking a large sigh.

Large power poles towering over the vast premises. There were scaffolds split to three parts installed on the silhouette of the four thick steel pipes piercing the skies.

The scaffold closest to the ground was about as tall as the school roof. A fence outlined the outer side of the scaffold, with several small antennas installed on it. If this counted as the first floor, then you could go up to the second floor, then to the third floor which had the largest antenna on it.

Next to the radio tower shaped like a triangular pyramid was another faded concrete structure. Perhaps this was the transmission room meant to control the radio tower. The transmission and electric equipment should all be inside.

The tall fence surrounding the grounds was carefully covered in barbed wire. Even the steel rakes blocking the entrance formed a rigid barricade.

"Days and months passed since it finished its duty, yet the aging equipment nonetheless lives even now. Without severing the link to the satellite until summer, it stays the same as if it could still transmit to town. The retired old soldier still ready for battle just stands there, colored by grief."

"Huh? A section of the barbed wire has been cut…"

Akatsuki discovered something the edge of the fence. He picked up some barbed wire thrown on the ground and his expression changed.

Compared to the other cut parts, it had less rust. Perhaps only a few days passed ever since it was cut.

So someone other than us came here recently—

Recalling the museum incident, he braced himself. Although it was just a rumor, they might be exploited by another mysterious phenomenon.

"Yup. Let's go up from here."

"W-wait, Ako! It's dangerous and it's trespassing from here on. We should stop here for today."

Putting back the digital camera in her bag, he stopped Ako from putting a hand to the fence. In the unlikely case some dangerous incident happened, he couldn't be sure he would be able to protect her.

"The Angel of the Radio Tower is a much more famous rumor than the other places."


"Starting this rumor was a woman who tried killing herself by jumping from the radio tower, only to survive miraculously… the collapsed woman was found by a patrolling guard, so he called an ambulance and it became quite the event. Yet the woman was unhurt. When she was asked this by the confused officer, her testimony was 'I was saved from death by angel coming down to me, surrounded with light'."

With her hand still on the fence, Ako explained calmly.

"Our local channel heard of this rumor and it became a huge topic for a while on TV. Ever since then people tried sneaking inside here for fun.  The rumor of possibly meeting an angel remained even now."

Akatsuki's anxiousness lessened a bit.

"Oh, so those people also cut the barbed wire… no, wait. Based on the order, it should be the person who tried committing suicide. —But isn't it possible the person killing herself just lied about it? She was possibility just seeking attention."

"Yeah. In the end this theory prevailed. I mean, no angels could possibility exist and it's impossible for grievous injuries to heal in an instant."

"But you don't think so?"

"I already told you. I don't believe anything I don't verify myself."

She looked more like a journalist when she wasn't holding a camera. If he were to actually tell her that it would probably depress her, so he definitely wouldn't, though.

Anyway, Ako wanted to enter the premises. Having no choice, he climbed the fences and pulled her from above.

"You sure have no stamina, Ako."

"How d'you know?"

He obviously couldn't tell her that it was because he'd turned into her. "I can just tell," he spoke vaguely, and they landed inside.

"Now that we have succeeded in entering this dark territory, we have to look for the vestiges of the Demon Lord."

Walking behind Ako who pulled out her camera, Akatsuki stayed vigilant of his surroundings.

There was no presence of any other person there.

The radio tower surroundings made of asphalt had some flowerbeds here and there. Was it because a simple surface would be too dreary?

One of the flowerbeds had much more flowers in it than the other ones. It caught Ako's attention at well and she stopped to focus her camera on it.

While being fanned by the wind, Akatsuki looked up the radio tower. Its paint was peeling off and it was covered in rust, yet looking up at the large spire was still overwhelming.

"Let's get up here. I'm glad I wore tights."

Ako put the camera back in her bag. Eh, Akatsuki stammered.

"Get up? You mean on the tower?"

"Obviously. It's basic to go to the relevant scene when you want to verify something."

Asserting this calmly, Ako started climbing. There were stairs, but they looped around the spire and formed a very thin spiral.

"I-it's too dangerous!"

"If you're afraid of heights you can wait here."

Ako glanced down at him and hurried up, so he had no choice but to follow.

Desperately holding the thin railing, he aimed above. Every time some fierce wind hit him he feared getting thrown into the air.

"Why did that person claiming to see the angel jump from here anyway?"

"It's been a popular spot for suicide ever since it was closed. Look, there aren't any other tall buildings."


He asked something he shouldn't have. He tried climbing the remaining steps while clearing his mind.

The pair reached safely the first floor's scaffold. While Akatsuki took a breather, Ako retrieved her camera and started filming again.

The second and third floor had proper stairs. Akatsuki climbed them to check if they were safe and couldn't find anything particularly dangerous.

Returning to the first floor, the pair walked around silently for a while. There were many fuse boxes installed around, but they were all covered by plastic sheets and wrapped tightly with thick ropes.

On the fences covering the scaffold were lines of small antennas. It almost looked like they stood on top of a pretty triple-layered cake.

"There's nothing strange around here."

Ako seemed focused on filming. Seeing her lean on the fence, he hurriedly got closer.

"The person who saw the angel probably jumped from here."


They both looked down to the surface in the same position. This made him dizzy.

"Something's glowing there."

"Where? Oh, that—"

A spot on the ground asphalt looked brighter than other places. Akatsuki immediately noticed the origin. Turning to look back, he pointed at a single bent antenna.

"It reflects the sun, doesn't it? The angle fits, too."

"Yup. Looks like it."

The first one to give up was Akatsuki. He distanced himself from the rails, sitting on the scaffold.

"Looks like we've hit a dead end this time."

He felt bad for Ako, but was relieved. As long as the rumor wasn't occult, the SEPB didn't have to be vigilant.

It was a pity in the sense of it not helping Akatsuki's investigation. But as long as he was together with Ako then not being in danger was perhaps the best result.

"I'd like to try check a bit more. There's something I find curious."

"Then just five more minutes. If the sun sets we'll have to get back in complete darkness."

Turning away from Ako, he widened his eyes.

Something white was falling from above her.


Immediately kicking the floor, he dashed at her.

He had no time to check what the white thing was. He embraced Ako and collapsed on the floor.

"M-member Akatsuki?"

His body clashed against the floor. Grimacing, he left Ako and approached the railing immediately. The white object was still falling toward the ground.

An enemy attack…?

But when he looked down to the surface, something happened just as the white object reached the ground.

The wind blew.

Something white leapt from the ground. It once again jumped into his sight.

"An angel…?"

At some point Ako also came to the railing. She turned the camera toward the object and muttered.

Akatsuki readied himself, taking a position from where he could call out his Mushi at any time.

The white object momentarily leapt even higher than their current location.


Without thinking, Akatsuki let out a stupid sounding voice.

Next to him, Ako captured the identity of the object dancing in air with her camera.

"—A plastic sheet?"

The girl's mutter was erased by the gale.

A large plastic sheet was being fanned by the wind, dancing. They hadn't been able to see it due to the reflection of the setting sun, but now they noticed it was tied by a rope.

The rope was dangling from the second floor, connected all the way to the other side of the tower. On the other side of the sheet was a metallic board that looked like the lid of a fuse box.


The plastic sheet happily swam in air while they stood without moving a muscle.

It took several seconds for Akatsuki to understand the situation.

So this meant—

"The fuse box sheet got detached and maybe it caused the door on the other side of the radio tower to fall? It's strong enough to hold the door only on especially windy days, and then it seems like it the sheet simply comes and goes between the surface and the second floor."

Ako analyzed calmly.

Thinking about it, he recalled that the fuse box on the second floor wasn't covered by any sheet. The sheet and metal door tied by the rope that got caught on the fence had apparently hidden between two of the four pillars.

"So is this the so-called angel…?"

He instantly became dejected. Akatsuki sat down on the spot.

"So it seems."

Ako also acknowledged it.

There was a silence on the radio tower for a while.


Unable to withstand it, Akatsuki let leak a voice.

"Ahahaha! This is the angel… can that really be?"

"At times truth is cruel…"

Ako looked disappointed. She was probably disappointed at her expectations being subverted. Seeing her like this, Akatsuki felt it was all much too ridiculous.

Akatsuki couldn't stop laughing while Ako was slightly despondent.

The contrastive pair was illuminated by the setting sun.

After laughing for a while, he finally turned back to Ako.

"Geniuses fail at times too. Cheer up, Ako!"

"You're half laughing at me so you're not being persuasive. …But I got some nice footage so it's fine."

Ako's profile smiled for the second time that day.

Her camera captured the large setting sun.

Akatsuki also gazed at that scene.

"Next is the 'People-Eating Deserted Hospital'. There'd definitely be the traces of the Demon Lord there."

"…So we're not done yet, huh."

Their shadows stretched on the radio tower's rusted floor.

3.01 Akatsuki Part 7[edit]

After meeting the unexpected angel at the radio tower, Akatsuki kept investigating about the strange happenings in town.

Yet going around town both day and night, he found no suspicious figures. He had received notices from the North Central Branch about the births of new Mushi and hurried to the scene. Yet every time this ended with nothing and the investigation made no progress.

On the other hand, while the newly-dispatched low-level members did the exact same work as he did, they were all turned to Fallens one after another. As expected, the identity of Akatsuki had been leaked to the enemy. They were probably avoiding him due to him being a high-ranked member.

Since the sensor from the North Central Branch was distant, there was always a time lag that gave the enemy time to escape. But considering the possibility that the enemy could sense Mushi as well, the North Central didn't send new sensors into the town. Since the ability to sense Mushi was exceedingly rare, they didn't want to take the risk.

The SEPB completely fell behind.

It was clear that the invisible enemy was hostile to the SEPB. That was why they set traps in town for the members. The SEPB could talk as if they hadn't risen to the enemy's provocations, but naturally they felt differently.

Now that increasing amounts of low-ranked members became Fallen, Akatsuki's sense of helplessness erupted.

—Akatsuki's deadline of staying in town grew near.

"Here you go, today's lunch."

Sitting in the cafeteria in front of Akatsuki, Youko handed him a cute-looking lunch.

"Thank you. Sorry that you have to do this."

Receiving it with a smile, Akatsuki opened the lid. The contents were a commonplace combination of fried egg and meatballs, but it all looked very tasty. Apparently Youko had made this by herself, so when she saw Akatsuki came to the cafeteria every day she also made a share for him.

And so inevitably it started a daily habit where Akatsuki ate his lunch together with Youko. Since he got sick of regular meals, he somewhat looked forward to it every day.

"Aren't you tired, Akatsuki-kun? Your complexion looks bad."

Having Youko's dark misty eyes focus on him, Akatsuki felt his face flush.


For some reason, Youko gazed with upturned eyes at the suddenly silent Akatsuki who was thinking of an excuse. Averting his eyes, now his gaze focused on her soft lips and the cleavage in her outfit.

"I-is that so? I just couldn't sleep well, I guess."

"At such times you should drink warm milk. They said so on TV."

Youko grinned at him. Although this was mere normal conversation, each and every one of her movements stole Akatsuki's eyes and was highly alluring. Since he would end up staring at her without noticing, he recently avoided crossing eyes with her.

In contrast to Akatsuki who was fatigued by his investigation, Satou Youko became prettier and prettier.

Her eyes like swirling deep oceans were unchanged. However, she started paying attention to her eyes and makeup, so her dark, long hair and colored lips were glistening. Since even originally she was tall and had a nice figure it ended up giving more emphasis to her long legs and ample chest.

Her appearance had changed, so her personality also seemed like it changed. In contrast to how she had zero self-confidence she was now obviously much livelier. Even while just talking with Akatsuki, she would laugh at small things, emote and change her expressions more.

"Is Ako-chan alright?"

Seeing her carefree eyes glance at him, Akatsuki's heart throbbed. It felt similar to being with Senri. Hiding his flushed face, he tried answering cheerfully.

"She's doing much too well. To the extent I'm wondering if she forgot about the club being in danger."

"Ahaha. How like her."

Although the club was on the verge of closing, Ako was the same. Every few days she disappeared somewhere on her own to "collect materials", but she also went along with Akatsuki a few times.

Searching for the identity of the suspicious rumors always ended in nothing. Just like with the angel on the radio tower, they repeatedly discovered the source of the apparent rumor and were disappointed.

Ako looked dejected, but Akatsuki thought it was fine.

She seemed to truly enjoy the process of collecting materials. He also checked on her during lunch breaks at times, and she apparently met up more with her classmates.

Before leaving the school, he also intended on going to the student council president and asking her to wait before closing the club.

He fully realized he was being meddlesome, but he wanted to do at least that much for Ako.

He thought that would suffice as small thanks for giving him a temporary and enjoyable peaceful life.

"Ever since you came here it looks like Ako went back to her old cheerful self. I'm glad."

Saying this while eating her lunch, Youko certainly looked happy from the bottom of her heart.

Her old self—

Until now he was unable to ask anyone else, so Akatsuki decided to ask Youko.

"By that do you mean Ako before she became alone? What happened back then?"


Youko seemed to be thinking, and suddenly brought her face closer to Akatsuki. Paralyzed, he felt her lips near his ears as she whispered to him.

"I know what happened."

Laughing mischievously, she leaned back. Having felt her warm breath and the sensation of her lips slightly touching his ears, he couldn't speak.

"Say, what are you afraid the most of right now, Akatsuki-kun?"

He was confused at the sudden change of topic.


"That bad complexion of yours is probably not just lack of sleep. I just thought l can act like a counselor's daughter from time to time."

Youko smiled abashedly.

"Are you scared? Perhaps you need to leave to go to that, umm… girl that you like… very soon, and you're afraid of that?"

More precisely he was going back rather than leaving, but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to let either Ako or Youko know about his leaving the school until the last moment.

"I'm not scared of her, obviously. There's just someone I can't forgive there… when I'm near him, I become unlike myself, or rather—"

Trying to put it into words, he felt fear again. Akatsuki would lose his rationality whenever he saw Rina's killer. He was unable to erase the genuine murderous intent from his heart even now.

If it continued like this, he wouldn't be able to return to Senri. That was proof that Akatsuki was unable to change.

His feelings of revenge along with his wounds—supposedly already healed in this town—rekindled in an instant.

"I have other things I must do, but… I simply can't change. It makes her sad and I don't know what to do about it. Am I awkward for thinking of no other method other than repaying what's been done to me?"

With Youko's eyes gazing at him, Akatsuki's real feelings were dragged out.

"That can't be helped, Akatsuki-kun. You mustn't blame yourself."

Senpai's voice was kind.

"Obviously you'd be scared of scary things.  But if you're still trying to change, you have to cut the source of your fear. Unless you fight back you'll always get beaten."

"The source of…?"

"Yes. If you get rid of what bothers you, I believe you'll change easily. You'll even wonder what made you so anxious like that afterwards."

Youko grinned with a radiant smile. Akatsuki started thinking.

Cut off the source of his fear—meaning, kill Kakkou? Was there any other way in the first place?

Youko grasped his hand. He was surprised and raised his face.

"If you'd like I can help you. Let's do our best together, okay?"

Seeing Youko's serious gaze, he ended up nodding without thinking, but then…

The cellphone inside Akatsuki's pocket rang.

He recovered and rose up.

"S-sorry, I have to go. Thank you very much. It was good."

In order to hide the vibration, he turned his back to Youko. "Yup, see you tomorrow." He was glad that she didn't seem offended from her tone.

He knew that getting Youko's help against the monster known as Kakkou was unneeded. He was crazy.

Jumping out of the cafeteria, he answered the call in the corridor. The one ringing was his private-use cellphone.


"So you finally answer. It's been a longy-long time, Ephemera-san."

The girl's voice was familiar. Akatsuki widened his eyes.

"No response, huh? Boo. This can't be. I finally said something amusing but you're not laughing. Stupid, stupid, you parted-hair idiot."

He hung up.

Standing there in shock, the phone soon rang again. Akatsuki looked around him, and once he's reached an area with no people he answered again.


"Why didn't you call me back? Boo. I'll step on you the next time we meet!"

The girl's voice sounded angry and cold. There was no way he'd forget her idiosyncratic voice.

Because it belonged to someone who shouldn't call him.

That was because this girl was a Mushitsuki of Mushibane. She obviously knew that Akatsuki had betrayed Mushibane and joined the SEPB.

"Boo. You're not saying 'It was an anonymous call so I couldn't call you back' and made me look stupid! You've wasted the gag opportunity I've given you. Boooring."

"…What do you need after all this time?"

"So cooold. You frigid man. I'm gonna cry. You, Bee Hawk Moth-san and Sinica-san are all gone, leaving me as the only old leader still remaining. I could at least throw some curses at you."

Mushibane, under the leadership Ladybird, meaning Rina, was also split into four regional leaders. Lucy was the lone woman among them, and she was Special Type, something rare even in Mushibane. Akatsuki was bad at dealing with her.

"If you're just trying to annoy me I'm hanging."

"Ephemera-san, you've gone to the SEPB right? Can you pass us information covertly?"

She said it plain and simple. Akatsuki scowled.

"Sorry. I'm no longer part of Mushibane. I refuse."

"Wooow. You went and said it. You're the worst."

"Anything else?"

"Did you know that Fuyuhotaru apparently became Mushibane's leader? She's apparently called Snow Fly now. I also heard that some powerful Mushitsuki became her allies and that Mushibane's about to change. Wowsy."

"'Apparently', 'I heard'… you're speaking like it has nothing to do with you. Well, you were always like that."

"It has nothing to do with meee. I was just Ladybird's ally since she said she'd create a place where I belong. By the time that woman was gone, that promise was also broken. Booo."


"But if Snow Fly reassembles Mushibane and protects me I don't mind. Yay, it's a huge save. So fun. I'll do my best."

He already knew that Lucy had a twisted personality. When she asked him to leak information, that was also meant just to mock him.

He couldn't understand why someone like her had been made leader. —He thought so, but recalled that he wasn't in the position to think like that. Other people probably thought the same about Akatsuki.

"—Or so I thought, but isn't the atmosphere scary? A certain someone had told me that Oogui's ability is, apparently, using the abilities of all Minion Types. Surprise! That's super scary. The strongest there is."


Why does she know—he was about to ask this, but the girl kept speaking.

"Wouldn't Snow Fly be in danger like this? Because no matter how you cut it, her ability helps Oogui the most. Right now at Mushibane I'm the only one who knows that, but if it was found out would they beat her? Looks like it. These people end up helping Oogui but they're also taking the lead in defeating the Original Three; so laughable. So weird. Boooring."

That ability became known to some people during the battle against Oogui recently. However, in order to avoid chaos there should have been a severe gag order in place. Everyone would come to know of it eventually, but even so that information flowed way too fast.

It was just like the girl he'd met in this town, Ako, had said.

The truth will eventually, and definitely, appear in front of people—

"It has nothing to do with me. I'm not interested in that fight. I'm having enough trouble taking care of myself."

He asserted, attempting to cut the call.

This was his true opinion.

Battles between Mushitsuki, the Original Three, organizations surprises… Akatsuki didn't want to involve himself in such big battles.

Because he couldn't even solve a single thing in the mission in this small town.

"Looks like Mushibane is going to end up useless as things are. Please save us, Ephemera-san. Isn't there any better place? Is the SEPB comfy?"

"You like being annoying as always. Being comfortable is obviously not good."

"So cooold. Booo. Absolute zero. So I really do have to do what that person told me… how annoying."

"…That person?"

"The one who's told me about Oogui's ability. According to her, Oogui is unbeatable because Snow Fly's there. Killing Snow Fly should end everything. Since she has Snow Fly's ability right now, defeating other Mushi wouldn't change much. So we can only solve this through Mushitsuki battles."


"But what's going to happen once Snow Fly's ability is gone? The next powerful Mushitsuki will be targeted. And consequently Minion-Type Mushitsuki would become targets of hatred. So Snow would serve to protect against this upcoming chaos. As long as Snow, the #1 strongest, is there, then defeating other Minion Types is meaningless. She's obviously hated by a lot of people, though."

How unreasonable. Fuyuhotaru had no responsibility for any of this, but she was targeted just because she was the strongest.

But it was the truth.

After Fuyuhotaru, who was designated Rank 1, the next strongest were Rank 2, like Akatsuki. In a certain sense her existence was saving him.

"I seeee. Amaaazing. I get iiit. She was mad. 'Everyone sees the wrong enemy. They can only see the fear in front of them, those shitty Mushitsuki', she said. Wow. So maanly. So cool."

Who was that person? She said 'manly' but apparently it was a woman? It didn't seem to be someone Akatsuki knew.

"I decided to follow her."

Akatsuki replied "Eh?" without thinking.

"If I do what she tells me, I can set up back Mushibane in the truest sense. There doesn't seem to be any other way to save it. So annoying. Grim prospects."

"Lucy… you suddenly have motivation to make a move by yourself? You? Even though you didn't even try anything until now?"

"Looks like you're still trying to avenge that woman, Ephemera-san. I was told that, too. That's why you went over to the SEPB."


Who exactly was that person? Had she seen through anything and everything?

"According to her, Ladybird had apparently waited for you and me to take 'one step forward'. Taking my move means I've done just what Lady thought, and that pisses me off. She was sooo indirect. She was waaay too good at caring for people. …I'm really pissed."

Muttering in a low voice, Lucy continued.

"I'll be going ahead."

Akatsuki's heart thumped.

"So you're going to stay there, Ephemera-san? You traitooor. Full of regrets. Stupid, stuuupid."

After speaking to her heart's content, the call was cut. She didn't forget to mock Akatsuki to the very end.

—You're the only one still being bound by the past.

The words his superior had told him just before he came to town rang in his mind.

In the corridor where the bell signaling the end of lunch break rang, Akatsuki stood in silence.

While walking through the narrow mountain road, Akatsuki recalled the event this afternoon.

—If you still want to change, you have to cut the source of that fear.

Satou Youko told him that with a smile.

From the very beginning Akatsuki intended to do so. He'd joined to East Central Branch in order to kill Kakkou, who'd claimed that he'd killed Rina. He did so in order to protect Senri.

—I'll be going ahead.

His once ally said so, resolving to walk on her own legs.

Even now, only Akatsuki was frozen in the past—

"Are you doing some thinking, member Akatsuki?"

Walking a bit ahead of him, Ako turned to him with camera in hand. She probably got curious since he kept walking while staying silent. Akatsuki wore a pained smile.

"A bit."

"As club president, I cannot let my club members deal with their worries alone. Allow me to give you advice."

They were walking in the small mountain area near the radio tower. The road hidden by many trees was so narrow that they couldn't walk through it side by side.

Like before, they went out on a trip to gather material.

Akatsuki thought of politely declining Ako's offer. There was no way a civilian like Ako could imagine the fights between Mushitsuki and organizations.

But he suddenly wondered. Ako had better imagination than the average person.

"Can I speak like you usually do?"


He would be able to stay alongside this girl only for a little more. Saying goodbye while still hiding so much would feel lonely.

"I'm actually the member of a certain organization."

"I know that."

"I hate fighting, and so I loathe when the people around me are gone. However, this last Christmas, an important person to me got killed… and the one who did that is among my current comrades."

Akatsuki tried speaking calmly.

"Recently I realized that maybe he hadn't done it. But when I'm near him I end up losing myself… I understand it with my head, but my feelings can't follow."


"I have to protect the person most important to me, and my surroundings are rapidly changing—but I can't do anything. I've only survived this far because I only think about killing him."

Ako was silent. She climbed the mountain road in silence.

Even she couldn't keep up with Akatsuki's story, as if he were a denizen of another world? Or perhaps it was better for him if she intended to completely ignore the conversation.

"Just kidding. I made it all up."

"At times the truth is painful and cruel."

Ako started talking. Akatsuki couldn't tell whether she was speaking to him or not.

"But you mustn't escape from it. The more you escape it, the more it corners you. 'Even though I'm so close, why won't they notice me?' is how the truth feels. Although truth itself bears no sin, at time people fear it, hate it, and desperately avert their eyes from it. And people cannot look ahead like this. They avert their gazes and become lost, ending up stepping into a mistaken road of no return."

The girl didn't turn to look at Akatsuki.

"—Since I think this'll be our last trip, let me tell you this in advance."

Ako's tone returned being plain. She turned her camera to Akatsuki, smiling.

"Thank you."

He felt his heart thump at this sudden thanks.

She turned ahead again, acting surprisingly abashed.

"Thanks to you joining the journalism club, I was able to be a journalist. I was just about to fear the sheer size of the truth, avert my eyes and keep myself busy with the small stuff like the club's continued existence. …But one cannot be alone. Loneliness weakens people."


"The only one who can live alone is the Demon Lord. I was able to avoid that result. This is also thanks to you sticking up with me in the club, member Akatsuki."

A bird passed through the sky surrounded by trees. Ako's camera caught its form.

"Are you not the same? Hadn't you prioritized the one most important to you and thought you were left alone?"

Exactly so.

He'd been left behind by the one important to him, Tachibana Rina, and became alone.

Not knowing what to believe in, not knowing where to go, he became lost.

"You're the same as me. This is not too late. Just look around you a bit and notice that you're not alone."

Ako's camera saw Akatsuki again.

"If you do then you should have enough courage to stand up against the truth."

The lens reflected his face.

"Not fighting and running away are not one and the same."

Smiling a bit, Ako started walking again.

A road where he would neither run away nor fight—

Did such a thing really exist?

His doubts weren't gone, and he didn't yet know an answer, but Ako's words somewhat lightened his heart.

The next time he would be about to lose himself, he should recall Ako's words and another thing—the warmth of Rina's hand.

If he did, Akatsuki would definitely be able to recall his previous self.

So he thought.

"You're really cool, Ako."

He voiced how he really felt.

"Yup. The True Journalist is cool."

"Wow. I wonder if I can be a journalist, too?"

"I shall give you an honorary title as the eternal journalism club member. Concentrate on that for now."

"Then Ako's the honorary eternal club president."

Haemori Ako.

Ogata Akatsuki.

The two journalism club members stopped in place.

Coming out of the mountain road, a large cherry tree was revealed to them.

"That is the Dead-Reviving Cherry Blossom."

The mountain plain became a wide grassland. In the center grew a lone cherry tree, and it was obviously very old. The late cherry blossoms were in full, proud bloom.

Other than the stately cherry tree, there was a bench for resting, and nothing else around.

On the other side of the tree they could see the town's scenery. The radio tower was also visible.

"According to the information I've gathered, there were two witnesses. One was an old man coming for a hike, who took his lunch beneath the tree and his deceased wife appeared in front of him. After conversing for a while, he fell asleep, and when he woke up his wife was gone. There's also the possibility he was dreaming in the first place."

"So it literally revives the dead, huh?"

"The second was two students from our high school who came here for a picnic. They wanted to have lunch and approached the cherry tree, but another friend who wasn't present also stood there. Also, he apparently started beating up one of the two students and then vanished once that guy lost consciousness. These two were apparently fighting at the time, but according to the person himself he hadn't come there. This is supported by testimony."

"So it's not just the dead. But there being two witnesses at the same time means that…"

"As long as they didn't arrange their stories beforehand, they all saw the same thing. And that boy had actually been beaten to unconsciousness."

Approaching the tree, they could smell the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms. The petals danced in the wind above Ako and Akatsuki's heads.

Ako focused her camera on the cherry petals blizzard, touched the tree and went around it.

Akatsuki also went round the tree, confirming nothing was out of order. He looked at the surface of the tree carefully. There were countless scratch marks. They were obviously man-made.

"What I noticed was the differences between the two cases—the deceased and the friend who'd been in another place. Although both had the appearance of a person who shouldn't be there, there is a vast difference between the two. If we provisionally called what appeared there an illusion, then there are two types—the dead and the living."

Akatsuki looked once again around the tree just in case. There was no sign of anything strange happening or the presence of some enemy hiding nearby.

Ever since the Radio tower, nothing happened when the club went to gather materials. It was probably going to end like that today, too.

"There's also a difference in how long the illusion existed. The deceased wife existed for a while, but the friend immediately vanished. Their actions were also different. One was friendly, and the other was extremely aggressive."

"Say, Ako."


"Aren't these stories just made up? I mean…"

Akatsuki pointed at the marks scratched on the tree trunk and smiled wryly.

"It's full of creepy scribbles. Weren't the people coming here simply freaked out by this?"

Ako silently turned toward Akatsuki.

She turned her camera toward the cherry tree again. Trying to change the angle, she went around it once thoroughly, filming it, and raised an eyebrow.

"…What scribbles are you talking about?"


Akatsuki became speechless. Thinking that perhaps Ako was trying to scare him, he peeked into her camera's display.

"There's nothing like that on my camera."

He widened his eyes. On the tree trunk reflected in the camera there were no marks.

"That's impossible…! I mean, here—"

He looked at the trunk again.

Just like before, he could see with his very own eyes the vicious scribbles on the trunk. He used his hand to touch an especially horrible sentence.

—"Your most feared enemy is behind you".

Akatsuki's eyes definitely saw those letters.

"I have a bad feeling about this… get away from the tree, member Akatsuki!"

By the time Ako issued this command, white particles erupted from her feet.

The entire grassland began glowing in white.

It was the same light he'd seen at the museum, but this was much wider, stronger light, and it kept on growing.

Akatsuki immediately covered for Ako and got away from the tree.

"Is it the same as the museum…?"

Narrowing his eyes from the blinding light, the white grains finally settled in front of him.

The glow turned into a light brilliance at the center of the grass—and the ground at the foot of the tree rose up.

While the two journalism club members gazed at it, the dust took the form of a human figure.


All blood coursing through Akatsuki's body boiled in an instant. He was so enraged that he forgot to even try analyzing the situation.

While Akatsuki wore a beastlike expression, Ako muttered while holding her camera.

"A demon…?"

Appearing in front of them both was an abnormal person clad in all black.

The topmost monochrome clothing he wore was a black, long coat that spread like devil wings. His eyes emitted demonically red light from the large goggles covering his face. His hair stood up toward the heavens like horns, and instead of the grim reaper's scythe, he grasped in his hand an automatic pistol.


Akatsuki gritted his teeth.

The pitch-black devil looked at them. A Cleridae beetle coming down from the sky landed on his shoulder, transforming its body to countless tentacles and fusing with the demon.

Mushi Uta 7 p227.jpg

The gun-wielding demon's hand was slowly raised.


The warmth of Senri's hand—

The healing his heart was supposed to have gone through in this town—

It was all blown away without trace the moment he saw that demon.

The demon's gun spat fire.


Akatsuki reflexively hugged Ako, leaping aside.

A tremor shook the entire mountain.

The spot they'd been standing in just now was smashed, with a deluge of ground particles and explosive flames raining on the surroundings.

"W-what's going—"

Even while protecting the frozen Ako from pebbles, Akatsuki kept his gaze locked onto Kakkou.

Readying his smoking gun, the demon looked at Akatsuki.

"Get away, Ako."

Squeezing out his very last rational thought, he pushed Ako toward the back of the mountain.

"M-member Akatsuki?"


Catching a glimpse of Ako's camera, he could see it reflected the calm figure of the demon.

It was different than the scribbles—physical, not an illusion.

But he didn't care about that anymore, either.

"I ended up involving you."

He turned to the girl and smiled.

Perhaps it was a trap by the enemy or something else. Stuck inside an abnormal space, Akatsuki was caught by something he couldn't understand.

Opening his bag, he equipped the jacket and visor equipment of the North Central Branch.

When he'd raised his face again, Akatsuki threw away his remaining reason.

"I can't allow you to film anymore."

He shouldn't involve a normal civilian like Ako that wasn't related to Mushitsuki.

He couldn't allow Ako to get hurt by the danger he'd invited.

Even if—she started being scared of Akatsuki, even if she hated him.

"Since this is now my battle… no, the Mushitsuki's battle."

A large mayfly materialized, clinging to Akatsuki's back. Its slowly swinging twin tails grazed Ako's nose.

To tear his eyes away from Ako, Akatsuki ran to the side. The mayfly clinging to his back launched countless globes from the hole in its abdomen. The balls drew arc in the sky, assaulting Kakkou.

The smiling demon leaned forward.

Kicking the ground so hard it caved down, Kakkou closed the distance to Akatsuki in an instant. The mayfly's globes tore the now-empty ground.


Kakkou's right fist grazed Akatsuki's cheek as he immediately evaded. The fist leaving a green afterimage also brought along a fierce wind. It seemed powerful enough to cause Akatsuki's head to fly off, if he'd been hit directly by it.

The gun's muzzle was pressed up to Akatsuki's brow just as he evaded the fist.

A bombarding sound echoed.

"I've imagined my fight against you countless times until now—"

A strip of land a few meters away from where Akatsuki was standing was shaved off.

Immediately kicking the gun directed at him, its aim missed. He knew that Kakkou was much more proficient in short-range combat rather than sniping.

"I can't even remember the number of mental simulations anymore."

The globe shot by his mayfly hit Kakkou square in the chest. The center of the sphere released heat, blowing the demon's body to the sky.

Protected by his highly-resistant coat, Kakkou changed his position while midair. With his hair burning he readied his gun, pointing it at Akatsuki.

Long-range fighting was Akatsuki's specialty. Already the second heat spheres hit Kakkou directly.

"Die, Kakkou!"

Akatsuki's successive attacks didn't even allow Kakkou to land on ground.

One after another the red lights burst in air, causing raging heat waves.

"Die…! Die…! DIEEE!!!"

Howling, he put everything he had into launching a sphere.

All of them hit Kakkou as he guarded his face with both arms. A large explosion wrapped the demon.

With a thud, a black lump fell to the ground.


His shoulders swaying with heavy breathing, Akatsuki looked at him.

His hand was cold.

Perhaps using too much power, or due to his anger, he lost his body heat.

His clenched fist felt as if it was made of ice.

"Member Akatsuki…"

Even during such a situation, Ako stopped filming.

You can't film this—

Weakly turning his gaze to Ako, he entreated her.

I don't want anyone to see me like this—

The black lump rose up. The demon wearing a scorched coat still wore a cruel smile. The pattern covering his whole body was glowing.


Akatsuki focused his consciousness.

Cracks appeared in the body of the mayfly attached to his back. The orange carapace crumbled down, and a tail glowing in gold appeared from within.

As far as Akatsuki knew, this Semi-Maturation was an exclusive ability of his mayfly.

Devouring all of its host's dreams, a Mushi would become feral—a phenomenon called Maturation. With Semi-Maturation, he would temporarily bring the Mushi closer to Maturation, according to the host's will. By overloading the Mushi in the condition between being normal and Maturing, he was able to vastly increase its capabilities.

Since it was much stronger than normal and the consumption rate was very high, the risk was the very short time he could control it. Yet it was certain he'd been designated as a Rank 2 due to this ability.

The mayfly, now glowing in gold, raised a howl. Its twin tails that were now two times the length swung around like a whip.

Now that I think about it, what did Ako tell me just before this?

Inside Akatsuki's heart, a terribly cold part mumbled.

The mayfly's tail launched laser beams as if to cover the entire sky.

Shrouded by a green light, Kakkou kicked the ground. He evaded the lasers that stabbed the surroundings one after another, dashing toward Akatsuki.

Akatsuki and Kakkou.

Their attack and offense continued step after step one.

Weaving between the rain of light, Kakkou closed the distance, attacking with both bullets and fist. Akatsuki evaded those by a hairsbreadth, using the barrage of lasers to keep the demon far.

Although his coat was created by the SEPB, it couldn't protect against the attack of Akatsuki's Semi-Matured Mushi. On the other hand, if Akatsuki was hit by Kakkou's attack even once he would end up immediately neutralized.


Even while howling with anger and hatred, the doubts in Akatsuki's mind grew larger.

Why am I fighting against Kakkou…?

There was the part of himself that fought with his raging emotions, and the part of himself that looked rationally at his actions.

Does this fight have any meaning?

The more he fought.

The more he shouted.

The blank emotions born within Akatsuki gnawed into his heart.


The cold feelings mocking himself brought forth a single ripple into his burning hatred.

The moment Kakkou's fist finally connected with his chest was reflected in his eyes like it was in slow motion. His body reacted on its own, twisting it immediately.

Akatsuki's body danced through air.

He was pounded against the ground, smashed the bench, and bounded on the ground several times before finally crashing with his back against the cherry tree.


Although he'd acted reflexively to diminish damage, Akatsuki was felled by the demon's single attack. Perhaps having broken a rib, a sharp pain ran through his chest. His entire body hit hard, he couldn't move.

He could see the demon calmly walking over to him.

So I'm no match for Kakkou. Or maybe—

Now resolved for death, both anger and hatred were gone from Akatsuki.

I'm just weak—

Noticing this truth, he started laughing.

Perhaps it was fitting for such a pathetic man to be killed by his own illusion.

At the very least not wanting to stop looking at the man killing him, he raised his face. And then—

A single cherry petal overlapped with the demon's face.

He looked up above.

The wind blowing through the mountains brought a cherry storm.

Naturally, the writings etched to the tree entered his eyes.

—"The ghost of an important person is behind you".

The white shining particles swallowed the surroundings.

Kakkou stopped his legs.

Behind Akatsuki, from the direction of the cherry tree, he could feel the presence of a person.

He knew exactly who it was even without turning back.

"—So I'll fight in order to make my dream come true as well."

The voice was unfittingly bright, yet one could feel bottomless strength from it.

Inside the rain of petals, the girl stepped ahead of Akatsuki.

"Come on now. If you don't follow I'll leave you behind, you know?"

Turning around, Akatsuki saw the most beautiful girl he'd even known, smiling. Always calmly engaging in battle, she would grant courage to whoever saw her.

After the girl a large half-dome shaped Mushi also appeared. Its scraggy, hard shell had seven red spots on it.


With a single tear streaking down Akatsuki's cheek—Tachibana Rina and Kakkou's battle began.

Rina's way of fighting wasn't fundamentally different than Akatsuki's. She would avoid attacks aimed at her and her Mushi, and swallow the enemy with shockwaves.

But unlike Akatsuki, Rina was much more used to battle. Despite never having received any training she saw through the enemy's attacks, at times guarding with her Mushi, or striking back. Even when looking from the side, Kakkou's attacks seemed like they could never hit her.

Kakkou shot his flaming gun.

Rina directly intercepted it with a shockwave.

The clash was won by Rina's power. The shockwave, having swallowed the bullet whirlpool, blew Kakkou away along with other trees around.

This fighting girl would command her giant seven-spotted ladybug and never draw back no matter her opponent.

Once, countless Mushitsuki have gathered behind this back. Even when they hesitated, were scared, felt their heart weakening, the sense of relief of being with her would bring hope to anyone's mind. Being with Rina would allow you to win against any enemy.

It was impossible for her to lose to anyone.

Akatsuki knew that.

If so then why had Rina—


The beauty commanding the ladybug changed her expression.

Akatsuki widened his eyes.

The girl would encourage anyone with her smile, but her profile looked fierce like she was another person.

"I'll kill you! Kakkou!"

Kakkou stood up even while injured. Rina launched at him. She shot one shockwave after another.

"How dare you kill my comrades…!"

Her face distorted with anger, she repeated the boundless assaults. And once she lost her cool, an opening was born.

Evading an especially large shockwave, Kakkou dove beneath the Mushi. His thrust gun pierced the ladybug's abdomen.


Rina scowled in agony. Yet she soon wore an expression of rage and her Mushi's sharp legs blew Kakkou far away.

Soon their positions were reversed. Rina shot out attacks with her full power while Kakkou moved around.

Once again taking an opening, Kakkou's attack stabbed the ladybug.


Next to Rina who was shouting, the ladybug's body suddenly bloated.


Seeing the Mushi growing larger by the second, Akatsuki was stunned.

"Is this… Rina's final moments…?"

Rina should've been fighting to create a place for Mushitsuki. That was why she was stronger than anyone and why everyone relied on her.

Yet the form of this girl who was possessed and trapped by anger was—

"—Just like me…"

Was there any meaning to this battle?

What remained of this way of fighting?

Rina died and Akatsuki survived.

If Akatsuki died, then would there just be people like him or Rina remaining?

"Member Akatsuki."

At some point Ako stood in front of him.

Leaning against the tree like an empty husk, she was looking down at him with inorganic lenses.

"All the methods to end the phenomenon here are the same. You can either fall asleep or lose consciousness. You've fought just now, but now you should be able to use of these methods now. Or perhaps—"

Ako turned her lenses to the still-continuing fight of Kakkou and Rina.

"Do you want this to continue?"

Akatsuki's shoulders twitched.

If it was now—if he fought along with Rina, even if it was an illusion, they should be able to defeat Kakkou.

Although fake, it would be able to quench his thirst for revenge.

Withstanding his chest pain, he slowly rose. The mayfly, which had fallen to the ground far from him, began emitting light from its laser-shooting tails.

"—Move, Ako."

Ako didn't move. She simply kept holding the digital camera as if to stand in his way.

Akatsuki smiled wryly.

"It's just like you said."

Realizing that Kakkou didn't kill Rina, he couldn't accept it.

He had already thought of the reason.

"At the very, very last Rina fought in the wrong way. —I didn't want to acknowledge that, and walked down the wrong path."

It was natural to feel anger for Kakkou who had hurt her comrades.

Yet Rina let the anger control her, proceeding down the wrong path, and arriving at a place she couldn't come back from.

"I don't want to fight like that…"

He mumbled.

Ako kept silently filming him.

"Looks like I can still barely make it in time. Because unlike Rina… I'm still alive."

Yes, Akatsuki was still alive.

Because the blind girl known as Rina had saved him.

He finally recalled the warmth of her hand.

Pulling his hand when he'd gotten lost, she tried showing him the right path.

"I probably won't be able to return to myself immediately… but I'm fine now."

Smiling, Ako distanced herself.

Akatsuki turned around, causing the mayfly to launch a laser beam at the cherry tree's trunk.

If he did like Ako had told him, the illusion in front of him should disappear. But just running away from this phenomenon was meaningless.

He already had his doubts about there being Mushi abilities in a specific place at the museum.

But now he couldn't help but face reality.

Although he couldn't see it, something had to cause the abnormal phenomenon here—

Understanding this, Akatsuki had only one course of action. Trying what he couldn't at the museum, meaning to attack the place itself.

Akatsuki's laser pierced the ground.

With countless holes opening up, a storm of white particles blew around.


Immediately after, he heard a dying scream so loud it nearly ruptured his eardrums.

The ground distorted, rose, and a large mass of clay in the shape of a box rose up. A melting Mushi was trying to escape from the coffin destroyed by Akatsuki's laser.

And it wasn't just one.

There were three of these boxes that could be called coffins. Every time the different Mushi rampaged, there were strange phenomena such as the stones around changing form or an illusion of the capital city appearing like a mirage.

"W-what is this…?"

The rampaging Mushi and the squirming coffins trying to contain them.

Their struggle ended in a tie. Perhaps exhausting their power to resist, the Mushi collapsed. At the same time the coffins also lost their power and stopped moving.

He recalled something and turned around.

The figures of Kakkou and Rina were also melting into thin air.


He ended up shouting, and Rina turned toward him. Her face distorted by anger and rage mellowed out, and she showed Akatsuki a bright smile.

Leaving an afterimage, the Rank 1 strongest vanished without a trace.


Their unfolding fight has yet to end even now—

Such thoughts floated in his mind.

"What on earth's going on in this town…?"

Looking down the Mushi corpses lying under the cherry's trunk, Akatsuki mumbled. The silhouette of the deceased Mushi was growing fainter.

"—That is the enemy's power."

The one answering was Ako. In her profile filming the vanishing Mushi there was none of the confusion she had when seeing Akatsuki's Mushi.

"They utilize Mushi to be part of their army of darkness to control this town."

Now Akatsuki was the one confused. Ako's words sounded delusional.

"Are you not afraid of me?"

"I already told you, member Akatsuki—I knew that you're a member of a secret organization."

The readied lens of Ako who was speaking calmly turned to Akatsuki.

"You said this was the battle of Mushitsuki, member Akatsuki."

Akatsuki raising his brow was reflected in the lenses.

"It is not so. I am a normal person but I've been fighting for a long time."

"You too…?"

"And now our activities have probably been exposed. The enemy shall soon make their move."

"The enemy?"

Akatsuki still had many questions. Ako wore a serious expression and spoke.

"I told you so from the start. That being plays with other people, toys with Mushitsuki, and wants to make this entire country their plaything."

Ako's camera filmed the peaceful sunset on the townscape.

"And I call them—the Demon Lord."

3.02 Youko Part 4[edit]

From her father's diary.

The counseling of the chaining smile girl finally reached its final day.

Her father and the girl faced each other in the small analysis room.

They both looked down one box.

Until now in all of her miniature gardens she would place the figures of a woman and two men.

Yet something that day was different. In the center of the three dolls she created something.

She took the utility knife she put to the side and started carving a doll from the material shelves. She whittled down the buildings, vehicles, animals and imaginary things. And when she finished gathering them all into a single spot, she surrounded it with the three dolls.

In her father's memoirs, this was the first time where a patient broke down the materials and created new ones.

He wrote that the girl thought for a bit. Afterwards, she suddenly removed the three dolls.

Remaining in the garden was a single unfathomable round object.

Her father asked what is was.

—Who knows? Who can tell what form it will take?

He asked her if she wasn't going to put anything else there.

—There is nothing else needed. This is everything.

When he asked her if that was perhaps the thing that lies inside humans—the girl nodded.

—It will never be destroyed or vanish… it will continue to exist forever. Perhaps this is the only thing that can realize it in reality. I have noticed this fact.

Her father was very confused at her words; this apparently went over what he was able to analyze. He had written that he'd given up long ago on deciphering this girl's too well-protected heart.

A world with nothing in it.

A world with a single thing in its center.

When she was young, Touko had undoubtedly seen this miniature garden. Even though her father hugged her, she was so scared she couldn't even cry.

The girl took everything away.

The girl made everything one.

So she thought.

Her father prefaced the final question that would wrap up the counseling session. He thought that if they continued like this then even his very heart would gouged and lumped up, and after the girl finished playing with it, it would merge with everything else.

What is that? Youko's father asked.

Wearing a chaining smile, the girl slowly moved her lips.

—A dream.

On the final records regarding the girl, her father wrote thusly.

It was like facing a Demon Lord who wanted to recreate the world.

The girl with the chaining smile.

So ended the analysis of the girl known as Miguruma Yaeko.

White particles were illuminating the night road.

There were only Youko and another girl standing in the empty road.

A miniature garden had been made inside the suitcase placed on the rack. A world where a girl-doll was being seen by many other dolls. At the girl's feet was a small flute and she was surrounded by spotlights and TV cameras. A mirror world where she played the flute in a concert hall.

Standing in front of Youko was a girl of the same age. Perhaps having practiced in school until late, a flute was sticking out of her bag.

Youko's eyes sparkled with strong will and confidence, her black hair dancing like the wings of a fallen angel. Her shirt was opened to expose her ample cleavage, and from her short skirt her long legs were exposed.

The pure-white Loci was hanging from Youko's shoulder. It was completely changed from before, when it was transparent, and now it could even sparkle.

"Just a few more until Genius is ready, right Loci-chan?"

She smiled at Loci.

Her miniature garden attack today was her shortest one on record yet.

She sought and dragged out the dream of the girl facing her, exposing it to her.

It had been several months since she felt so great. Ever since the time when she'd turned three people to Mushitsuki at the same time behind the mountain.

Loci on her shoulder began trembling. Its red eyes shone, gazing up the night sky.

"Fufu, so you prepared some dinner for me again?"

From above, purple-colored scaled danced down.

With movements that ignored gravity, a beauty clad in a crimson coat landed on ground.

It was Oogui.

"Please just eat it already."

Youko grinned. While wearing a smile, she surveyed the monster in front of her.

I wonder if getting her into a coffin will grow Genius immediately… but she's a bit different from Mushi so maybe she won't be nutritious?

The more Spirit Zones she created, the less Youko feared Mushi.

This time, even while facing one of the Original Three she felt nothing.

"—Thanks for the meal."

Oogui ate the girl's dream.


Immediately a coffin came out of the ground and grabbed the girl's Mushi in the blink of an eye. The coffin that turned large and stout didn't even give the Mushi time to raise a death cry. The fact it was becoming so strong was evidence of Genius growing well.

The girl whose Mushi had been trapped by the coffin staggered away. Once the effect of Loci's pheromones was gone, she'd go back to her normal life as if nothing happened. Forgetting even the fact she was turned into a Mushitsuki, she would exhaust little by little.

"I'll see you again, great Hero."

Oogui turned to Youko, smiling enjoyably.

"Oh, sure."

Cleaning up the miniature garden, Youko didn't even look at Oogui. Just go already if your business is done—even while thinking this, she closed the lid of her reassembled trunk case.

Folding the rack, she raised her face as she grabbed the suitcase.

Cold fingers touched Youko's chin.

"Your dream seems to be coming along nicely as well."

Having approached her at some point, Oogui brought her face closer to Youko's. The enchanting rainbow-colored eyes peeked at her from up close.


Youko scowled. She returned her gaze with her black, shaking eyes. —Did Oogui really think her enchanting attack would work on Youko as she was now?

Annoying… should I eat her right now?

It happened just before she intended to order Loci in her mind.

"Hehe. It doesn't look like you have the flavor I'm most fond of."

Soundlessly, Oogui separated from Youko. The beauty covered in purple scales melted into the night.

"I wonder if you'll stay as you are until the next time we meet…"

Leaving these parting words behind, Oogui's presence completely vanished.

"Hmph. I'm just going to eat you the next time we meet."

Sighing, Youko placed the suitcase on the ground. Sitting on top of it, she gazed up the night sky.

"Tch, I took too long and now the Demon Lord's subordinate is here."

On top of the rooftop of a house, a person controlling an abnormal monster appeared. He was a boy equipped with a familiar jacket and visor. Leaping along with his Mushi, he landed on ground.

It was probably the new monitor squad member dispatched by the North Central Branch. Since Youko turned Orion to a Fallen, the SEPB would send their subordinates one after another.

The Mushitsuki boy called to Touko who was folding her legs on the suitcase. "Are you… a Mushitsuki?" he asked cautiously. Playing with the fingernails of her right hand, Youko made no reply. Perhaps having scraped her finger on something while creating the miniature garden, her pretty painted nail color was starting to peel off.

Growing impatient, the boy sent his Mushi flying at her.

She sighed and got off her trunk. A large coffin came flying from the ground.

By the time she'd shaken off the dust from her skirt, the coffin had already caught the Mushi. The boy grimaced, falling on his knees.

"Are the armies of darkness not here yet?"

Catching the Mushi and quickly consuming it, she looked down at the boy. He didn't appear to understand what she was saying.

"If a lot of them came at once it'd be much easier to get nutrients."

The boy didn't seem about to speak out. He looked up at Youko with rebellious eyes. Finding his expression unpleasant, she swung her leg to kick his teeth.

"Loci, you can digest it."

Once, she would have tortured him for information, but now she was tired of it. Obeying her orders, the coffin completely digested the Mushi. Without even raising a scream, the boy collapsed on the spot.

When she'd killed Orion's Mushi, she first noticed something.

When she killed Mushi inside the coffin, they wouldn't become sustenance for Genius. Perhaps Genius didn't use the Mushi themselves as sustenance but simply took the sustenance that the Mushi already possessed. But were there any other Mushi that could eat other people's dreams?

They couldn't become sustenance. Even if she took the abilities of the SEPB agents and turned them to Spirit Zones, there was the chance her ability would be discovered by the enemy. The most important thing was to turn all of them to Fallen.


Those whose hearts and minds broke down.

They were undoubtedly alive, and could understand orders. However, they showed no reaction regarding their memories and emotions. They were an extraordinary sample, but Youko had no interest.

"It really was a shock, though, finding out Akatsuki was the Demon Lord's underling."

Muttering to nobody in particular, Youko walked down the hill. With the suitcase in her hand shaking, she enjoyed her nightly stroll.

She'd heard about the identity of Ogata Akatsuki from the North Central Branch member she'd tortured before.

She received a shock as comparable to when she'd found out he had a girl he liked.

Youko was a normal girl.

So obviously her heart was broken.

"But he's definitely being deceived by the Demon Lord. Someone as kind as Akatsuki-kun would never submit to the Demon Lord."

But now the current Youko was unlike her previous self.

"I have to save him. That's definitely also the job of a Hero."

Pumping both fists, she renewed her resolved.

Youko was definitely approaching her ideal form of a Hero. At first she was scared stiff even against Mushitsuki, but she gathered experience and power. Now she was not afraid even of Oogui.

— Your dream seems to be coming along nicely as well.

The words Oogui told her earlier rose to her mind.

"My dream, huh…"

Youko's dream.

She'd already decided on one long ago.

"I want to become the Hero that defeats the Demon Lord soon."

Reading her father's notes, she recalled the fear engraved into her young self.

The miniature garden, created by the Demon Lord with the chaining smile, had nothing inside of it.

Nothing but a single mass of chaos.

—A dream.

Youko had the intuition that Yaeko had been referring to Mushi that day.

Youko herself had also heard the rumors about Mushi and Mushitsuki that travelled from ear to ear.

The supernatural being that ate dreams—Mushi.

They weren't supposed to have existed during the time when Yaeko underwent counseling.

The girl with the chaining smile definitely made a prophecy that day.

Using the dream-eating monsters—Mushi—she was trying to create that world with nothing in it.

The Demon Lord, Miguruma Yaeko.

Even Youko, who knew her identity, carried the burden as a hero to defeat her.

"I have to save the world."

She mumbled, and suddenly thought.

Using Mushi to change the world—


She felt a small doubt.

Inside Youko's heart, in a quiet place like a deep, deep ocean, she could feel something stirring.

A miniscule movement, barely a stir.

Yet it definitely moved Youko's deep heart.

The slight shaking born inside the water for just an instant—

"Using Mushi, I can change the world…?"

—Gave birth to a ripple.

There was a wave, and then a being was invited by it.

Feeling a vibration in her pocket, Youko raised her face with a start.


Loci returned to the strap, cluttering. She'd seen this vibration, much stronger than when he'd find Mushi, many times before.

"Why…? Is Oogui coming again?"

Loci's red eyes looked above Youko. Following them, she raised her face to the heavens.

"—What's, that…?"

What Youko's eyes saw was a large image of a building floating in the starry sky.

Both walls and door were decayed and rusted, and some grass grew on top of the triangular roof. There were small windows decorated with tainted glass, but they were cruelly smashed.

"A church…?"

It was like the church near Youko's place. Yet the real church in her knowledge wasn't this vacant, and had a cross on the front.


Much like when something hit a broken metal, an ear-splitting sound reverberated around.

The hill was immediately covered by black fog—miasma. The large amounts of miasma blocked the moonlight, and a viscous air wrapped around Youko's legs.

Holding her ears, Youko struggled to keep herself.


Loci understood her order faithfully. As if enclosing Youko's surroundings, countless coffins flew from the ground. White particles blew the miasma apart, and so Youko's mind was protected a moment before she was completely entranced.

Loci's eyes turned to another direction.

A lone human figure slowly came from the hill road.

The figure dressed in a tattered robe spread miasma around, approaching Youko without moving their legs. She couldn't see their face well due to the hood, but judging from their skirt and long hair visible within the robe it was probably a human. Yet her skin was so black she didn't seem alive.

"I see… I know who you are. Because I'm the Hero."

She asked anything and everything from the North Central Branch member she'd tortured before. Including about the characteristics of the Original Three other than Oogui.

"Have you come to eat my dream of becoming the Hero?"

While blocking the miasma with the white particles, Youko calmly folded her arms.


A corrupted bell noise echoed.

The area encroached by the miasma was swallowed into a different space.

The black miasma and white particles competed in the two domains.

"Pray upon me with thy new aspiration…"

Inside the hood, the woman raised her face. Her dried, peeled lips didn't appear to be moving. The hoarse voice of an older man was heard from the church floating midair.

"A new aspiration…?"

Youko furrowed her brows. One of the coffins surrounding her was swallowed by the black miasma.

Between the two domains, apparently Shinpu's one was slightly superior. The coffins were being swallowed one after another, and the tongue-like miasma crawled up Youko's feet.

She didn't understand what Shinpu was saying.

Yet right now, Youko was being pressed for a decision.

I'll lose, at this rate… do I have no choice but escape? But this is an opponent I have to fight someday. Genius is not grown up enough yet, but do I need to wake it up to defeat this? But if I wake up the imperfect Genius right now…

The option of becoming a Mushitsuki herself was out of the question. The Hero must never submit to the power of evil.

"Discard thy adornments and picture thy true dream…"

"Shut up. You're just another ally of the Demon Lord."

Clear voice leapt from Youko's mouth.


Surprised, she covered her own mouth.

Was the voice just now really Youko? It was a clear, beautiful voice that she'd never heard before from herself.

She looked at her feet in surprise.

All of the coffins protecting Youko evaporated, and the tongue of miasma licked her legs. Without her even noticing, she was receiving Shinpu's enchantment attack.

"So I can't escape anymore… oh well."

I'll call Genius—

Through Loci perched on her shoulder, she was about to call to the main body slumbering deep underground.

Loci suddenly took an action regardless of Youko's will.

With its red eyes shining and its body cluttering—it was the sign of sensing a Mushi.

The next moment, the miasma covering Youko's sight was cut into two.


In front of the screaming Youko the outer world appeared again, full of soaring dragonflies.

Greeted by the remnants of the vanishing bell sounds, a lone boy stood there. He wore an unfamiliar uniform and carried a large hockey stick on his back. A silver so1o was parked nearby.

"Hellooo? Are you fine there? Are, you, O.K.?"

The boy called toward Youko with a casual tone.

"Oh, lucky me. I went after Shinpu's power field and met a hottie. A nice bonus indeed."

Swinging the hockey stick with no wasted movements, he readied it toward Shinpu. While speaking nonsense his eye showed no mercy, much like a "warrior" who went through countless battles.


The boy whose entire body was wrapped in an orange glow wore a broken smile.

3.03 Youko Part 5[edit]

The battle between the mysterious boy and Shinpu was beyond Youko's imagination.

The moment she saw the orange-glowing boy lower his body, he vanished. The next instant he appeared next to Shinpu, wielding his hockey stick.

Shinpu was blown to the sky, scattering large amounts of miasma.

"Curses… Thou obstruct me yet again, child of mine…"

Producing a new church midair, the tattered robe transformed into a large swarm of caterpillars. Yet by the time Shinpu looked below, the boy teleported up above.

"So this time your body is a girl, huh! This is hard… I'm a gentleman after all."

Still wearing the broken smile, he pounded Shinpu down to the surface. The hockey stick turned into an orange spear, piercing Shinpu's body as he crashed into the ground with the speed of a bullet. The boy teleported to the surface again, pounding his fist into Shinpu who was sprawled on the ground. It shook as if dozens of tons of concrete fell on top of it.

The several hundred caterpillars were scattered around with the boy in the center. The caterpillars' body fluids splashed on Youko's cheeks, but she simply stood there in a daze, unable to even wipe them off.

He said it was hard, but his attack was merciless.

"Oh, miss, it's dangerous here so stay put. —Oh, but I should take control of his domain. Since it makes it hard for victims outside to get hurt, it's useful."

The boy looked at Youko with a bright smile. He had chiseled face features, but had the atmosphere of a playboy. He was the type Youko hated.

Shinpu was not nearly done. While a creepy bell voice reverberated, the boy was covered in a rain of caterpillars dropped from the sky.

"Sorry, I lied. I have the confidence I can win domain tug-of-wars with most Special-types, but this one's impossible. Unlike Inuko, just protecting my surrounding takes everything I have."

The boy didn't seem to mind that the caterpillars were gnawing at his body. Pulling out the hockey stick from Shinpu's body, he beat the tattered robe countless times. He was so powerful that just swinging that stick caused a small tremor.

What's up with this guy?

The sense of fear, supposedly already conquered, was revived within Youko.

This is so strange…! He's really wounded but it doesn't seem to hurt? Why does it look like he's having so much fun fighting like that? And that power… how can he be so strong?!

"I shall destroy thee, child of mine…"

"Hihah! Looks like your vessel isn't as good as Jarl this time, Shinpu-san! Can I just finish you off?"

Raising the hockey stick that hit the collapsed Shinpu on the ground, he rotated it and put it on his back.

Orange autumn darters started flying out from everything around.

The same orange glow even came from Youko's body. Suddenly her body felt lighter and she stepped in place as not to lose balance.

This power… it uses mass as a medium?

Since her suitcase became weightless, it nearly floated in air. If she tried jumping, how high would she go?

The swarm of autumn darters was all absorbed into the boy's hockey stick.

"Killer move! Inuko's imitation!"

The stick glowing in orange struck Shinpu's chest from directly above.

A large tremor shook the area.

With the boy in the center, a whirlpool of power blew around. The miasma covering the area was blown away, and the church blocking the night sky was erased. Mixed with the flying asphalt, the crazed autumn darters all returned to their sources, Youko's included.

"Oohh… OooOOOhhh…"

This hoarse death cry vanished into thin air.


Standing on the mountain of dead caterpillars, the boy wore a broken smile.

Shinpu's robed form was already gone without a trace, and the remaining caterpillar corpses were vanishing while spurting body fluids.

So strong—

Youko calmly focused her dark eyes on the boy.

She'd felt fear only for a moment. She calmly analyzed the Mushitsuki in front of her.

But if I raise Genius enough… I should be able to win—

Even now she might be able to surround him with coffins in a direct assault. Perhaps having undergone specialized training, there were no wasted movements in his fighting, but it felt like he used his power only to fight. If she had him lower his guard before fighting, perhaps she could win with a sneak attack.

He'd make a great meal for Genius. What should I do? Should I defeat him now…?

The boy approached the hesitating Youko. His uniform was ripped and he was bleeding all over, but his face was fine. When the fight was over his broken smile was gone.

"Are you alright, miss? I had the feeling I felt the power fields of several Mushi, but I don't think this is the right place… it's not you, right?"

He apparently even had a sensing ability. A troublesome opponent.

"I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

Youko feigned calmness and lowered her head. She also wore an amicable smile as a bonus.

"It's fine, don't mind it. I'm just a warrior passing by. Oh, but if you really want to thank me, well, you can do something sexy—"

Youko wordlessly brought her face closer to the boy's.

Leaning her body on his, she touched his cheek with her lips.

"—I'm so happy… or actually, it was just a joke…"

She separated her body. Her wet, black eyes focused intently on the gaze of the frozen boy.

"Is that enough?"

Mushi Uta 7 p263.jpg

"Wow, what's with this sense of guilt? I really don't feel like going back to my journey now."

Happy from the bottom of his heart, the boy wore a sloppy smile.

This guy's… really creepy—

Returning a smile, Youko groaned in her heart.

Actually, she just tried to create an opening and use Loci's pheromone ability.

But the moment she kissed him, that guy—he had his hand on the hockey stick. Rather than him doubting Youko, his body moved on its own.

It wasn't to the extent of the Demon Lord's chaining smile, but Youko's eyes could cause disturbances in other people. Even without Loci's ability, the boy didn't seem affected by looking her in the eyes. She imagined that he'd received special training against mental attacks.

There's no opening—

He looked like a mere playboy, but it was a powerful opponent she'd never met before.

"You're really strong. Are you perhaps the world's strongest?"

Feigning innocence, she praised him with a clichéd expression.

"Eh? I wonder. No, I tried to get stronger by training though."

The boy looked extremely bashed at this unveiled compliment. Perhaps he was just an idiot.

"But there are people stronger than me. At the very least I know about one… and according to her there was also someone stronger than her."


She pretended to be impressed. Inside, she grinned.

If even someone this strong only knows two people… then I can think of him as nearly the strongest. And it doesn't look like they're much stronger than him too—

"…Oh crap. If there's been a Mushi reaction nearby, then that means the SEPB's gotta be nearby as well. I'll have to run for it."

"Eh? Are you leaving already? I want to thank you properly."

"Seriously…? Properly, does that mean—no! I'm on a journey and I can't stay put. Horando City was the first. Before that one ran away and it's finally another one here. …Hah, I wonder how many fragments of Shinpu still remain?"

The boy looked tired as he walked to his bike, sitting on it. He put the hockey stick on a metal fixture on the side and revved up the engine.

Apparently he had some sort of goal. Perhaps having come to this town by chance, he'd probably arrived in pursuit of Shinpu.

Youko was slightly relieved.

Since she was destroying Mushi, they'd have to fight one day. But she was able to avoid settling the score right now.

"Oh. By the way, miss."

While putting on his half-type helmet, the boy turned to Youko.

"Who're you?"


"You don't seem to be a Mushitsuki and you don't seem like a SEPB member either. Your acting's good, too. —But well, it's slightly off. Seeing that abnormal fight, a normal person wouldn't be able to stay calm."

Youko smiled.

From the very start she hadn't underestimated the boy at all.

"I'm Shiohara Shachito. I've received the qualifications of a warrior from a certain someone."

Naming himself, the boy turned his pointing finger to Youko.

"I know you're not just a nobody. But it's hard to explain. You're not a warrior like me, but something that looks on people from above—"

"I'm just a normal person."

Being lumped in with Mushitsuki was outside her expectations. Youko was a normal person and even her nickname was only something like "the Third Satou-san".

But if she were to call herself another name—

"I'm just a Hero."

She said, grinning.

If he was going to fight she'd accept the challenge. He was in the range of Loci's abilities. Would Shachito employ his ability first, or would Youko's enchanting be faster? Trying to imitate a gunslinger could be interesting.

"You don't really feel like a Hero either… actually, it's the complete opposite…"

Shachito seemed carefree. Perhaps unable to think of any good expression, he just mumbled "oh well" and gave up readily.

"I'm scared so I'll run away. See ya, Hero."

"Let's meet again somewhere."

The Hero and the warrior exchanged smiles, turning their backs to one another.

While listening to the distancing engine sounds, she went down the hill.

"I feel like the title of a Hero is a perfect fit though."

Being denied by both Shinpu and Shachito made her a bit angry.

Shaking the suitcase in front of her, she recalled something.

"Thinking about it, what did Shinpu come to eat anyway?"

Oh well.

She imitated Shachito in her mind.

There were many unforeseen disturbances, but by the time she came back home she felt better.

The road to become a Hero was smooth sailing.

3.04 Ako Part 2[edit]

A few days passed since she'd witnessed Akatsuki fighting under the cherry tree.

Normally he seemed nothing more than a normal student, but he was definitely a Mushitsuki.

No, she'd already guessed he was a Mushitsuki. What she managed to ascertain was the fact that even someone as kind as him shouldered the fate of fighting as a Mushitsuki.

—No, perhaps she'd already known even that.

Therefore Ako approached Akatsuki.

Ako was able to film the kind of person known as Mushitsuki from up close.

There was the Akatsuki who became her friend in her normal school life.

And there was the Akatsuki that commanded a Mushi and fought with a strange power under the cherry tree.

Both were undoubtedly Mushitsuki. Ako was finally able to obtain what she'd been looking for ever since getting her camera.

She'd been anxious whether or not she'd make it in time for the fight against the Demon Lord. If she hadn't, even if she found out the Demon Lord's identity, she'd be unable to find any reason to fight.

So Ako became determined.

The truth that the Demon Lord spread in the world was definitely false. By obtaining the unshakable truth, Ako resolved herself to face against the Demon Lord.

"—I see, so this is what the rumor of the 'crying road' means."

Ako readied her camera while walking through a hill road that not many people passed through.

In front of her was a road overflowing with white particles vanishing. When the light was completely gone, the road returned to being bathed in the orange of sunset.

Ako pulled a map of the town from her bag, and marked an X on the place of the hill.

"Next is 'moon stalker', I guess. That one only happens at night. It's also dangerous to investigate that alone, but… if I went to get member Akatsuki I wouldn't make it in time."

While going down the hill road, she mumbled to herself. She put the map away and readied her camera again.

She felt dizzy. Her body shook and she bumped her shoulder against a power pole.

"Yeah, gathering material for several days in a row is impossible… no, a True Journalist must never complain."

Chastising herself, she kept walking with a serious face.

Ever since the incident at the cherry tree, Ogata Akatsuki never came to school. He probably went to report to the secret organization he belonged to.

"He would probably return soon. I need to prepare to see him."

Thinking about it, she changed her route. Walking in the residential district, she headed for a certain person's house.

The town was peaceful, but this period of time brought a certain memory.

When had it happened last year? As Ako ran around several places in pursuit of a certain subject matter, a tall woman wearing an overcoat appeared in front of her.

—Stop what you're doing. This is a warning.

With the sunset bursting at her back, half of her face was hidden by a mask. It was obvious she wasn't a civilian.

At the time Ako had immediately understood what she was being asked to "stop".

—If you stand to disturb the path of the journalist, you should at least introduce yourself.

Ako made no move. She actually remembered herself smiling happily and asking this fearlessly. She'd gotten carried away at the time.

She always had the feeling someone like that would appear in front of her. To gather material, she actually wished for it.

—I'm Shera from the Annihilators.

Unexpectedly, the woman named herself. It went without saying that those Annihilators or whatever were some sort of secret organization. She'd probably come to threaten Ako with the darkness.

—I am the True Journalist, Haemori Ako.

She had grandly spoken her name that the woman probably already knew. She fully believed that no one would be able to stop her.

—A mere civilian pushing their luck will be destroyed.

—Thinking that normal people can't win against Mushitsuki is a mistake that will become your destruction.

After exchanging warnings, Shera was gone.

Several things happened since then.

Ako noticed her own mistake and accepted her punishment to be lonely.

Just when she was about to lose sight of her road as a journalist, she noticed the existence of the Demon Lord hiding in town.

Wanting to confront them, she took her camera in hand again.

Unlike her past self.

Now, Ako believed her path was righteous; she would be able to say so with pride.

"This is the last time I will do as in the past."

Arriving at her goal, after waiting a while the door opened.

"…Your complexion looks bad, prez."

Appearing with a frown was the pajama-wearing student council president. With this sudden visit she was nearly bursting with anger.

"It's obvious, right? That's why I've been taking off school. …Why have you come all the way to my house?"

The upperclassman serving as the student council president asserted with a pale face. She wasn't coughing at all, and she didn't look feverish. Yet she seemed abnormally sluggish.

"Sorry for prolonging this, so I'll say this clearly. Return my room."

"That again? Stop with the—"

"I'm not telling you to not evict my club. …I just think it's sad that the new members that finally joined my journalism club won't be able to enter the club room before it's disbanded."

"Sorry, but it's impossible. Goodbye then."

The girl tried closing the door.

"You were once pure and elegant, so when had you been replaced by a fake?"

"…Your delusions again? Do you have some grudge against me? It's me who should—"

"Did you think I wouldn't know about your money spending?"

With a frightened face, the girl's hand closing the door stopped. Her face even paler, she looked back at Ako's camera with awkward movements.

"Even the sports shop supporting the track-and-field club was involved. Comparing the budget to each club that you'd announced, it was obvious they received a much larger budget. And it wasn't just that. Even part of the expenses collected from the students went from the student council to a certain teacher and then to a laundering company—"

"W-what are you…"

Prez wrought out a shaking voice. She wore a weak smile.

"The Demon Lord is back…?"

This time Ako was the one to scowl. Her chest throbbed in pain. The abnormal name attached to her in the past even now brought back vivid guilt.

"I'm no longer the same as I was when I'd been called the Demon Lord. I will not unveil the truth of all your ambitions. —Also, there's a different, true Demon Lord."

"I thought you've gone crazy by being abandoned by your club members…"

"If the truth is revealed, it will become a questioned event. I don't intend to disturb the school's peace. I simply pray that you will return the illegal money to its place and resume the form of the righteous president."

"What… in the end you're threatening me."

Her camera still readied, Ako bit her lips.

"No… I wanted to apologize. Perhaps you started walking the path of evil by me no longer being the Demon Lord… Even if I knew that a journalist originally needed to correct injustice, I abandoned it just due to becoming isolated."

"I know that. I'll call the school about your club room… is that fine?"

"There's still more. Your condition is also because I wasn't powerful enough. I couldn't beat the real Demon Lord until now. If I use you as bait—"

The door was slammed shut.

Ako stood in front of the house for a while. Finally she turned her camera away and walked.

When she came to, she noticed that the LCD screen was filming the ground. She straightened her back and puffed her chest.

She was resolved.

Even if she was hated.

Even if no one knew of her.

She would face the Demon Lord and act as the Chronicler.

Ako no longer hesitated.

"Until member Akatsuki returns, I'll finish the preparations for the final battle with the Demon Lord."

Putting out a resolved voice, Ako kept filming the townscape dyed in the sunset.

4.00 Akatsuki Part 8[edit]

After the "dead-reviving cherry blossom", a few days passed.

Receiving Akatsuki's report, the North Central Branch couldn't change their stance of staying silent and watching. That was because the information he'd obtained was but a fragment of the enemy's capabilities. They appeared to not plan any move until they fully grasped the enemy's identity. After Akatsuki's wounds have been treated and he was returned to town, they didn't even dispatch a new member.

They'll just wait for me to return… and then abandon the town as if nothing happened?

It went without saying that Akatsuki was furious.

Until he came to town, there was only one Fallen that could be called a victim of the incident. But with Orion's defeat, the dispatched members were targeted one after another.

The day after Akatsuki and Ako had seen three Mushi die at the dead-reviving cherry blossom, three students were taken to the hospital. They were judged to be Fallen and they were taken by the SEPB. Since they weren't even members, they were thought to be the victims created by Akatsuki's investigation.

As long as they didn't spur the enemy there'd be no victims—

Perhaps the North Central Branch was thinking like this.

"It's certain that something's going on in this town. They understand this but still abandon this town…"

Going up the school stairs, Akatsuki spat angrily.

The time Akatsuki had to leave pressed ever closer.

Once he left the town, perhaps it would become peaceful again. But that was merely on the surface, and behind the scene surface someone's plan was moving along. Nobody in town had noticed this, and the North Central Branch pretended not to notice. —Wasn't this going according to the enemy's plan?

"I have to drag out the enemy somehow."

They needed to drag out the enemy who had been planting traps in town and capturing Mushitsuki.

There was a high possibility that the enemy had Mushi sensing abilities. When Akatsuki brought out his own Mushi, the enemy apparently avoided him.

Rational and bold.

They even seemed to be toying with the SEPB.

"So that means my only chance to fight the enemy would be when a new Mushi is born… but there's no way I could do that."

It was impossible to foretell when a Mushitsuki was born.

"How does the enemy know where Mushitsuki are being born in the first place? Are they a type never seen before? —No, before going that far, the very fact that so many Mushitsuki are being born here is strange… wait, I also thought the same when I'd just come here."

He sighed, opening the door to the roof.

The one who called him there held a digital camera as always. Her profile filming the peaceful scenery was dignified, fitting the journalism club president.

Haemori Ako opened her mouth without even looking at him.

"So you're here, club member Akatsuki."

"Yeah. I also have some business with you."

After the Dead-Reviving Cherry Tree, Akatsuki had been apprehended by the North Central Branch. He obviously hadn't revealed the fact that Ako was with him there.

"You may speak first."

He was already used to Ako's strange way of speaking. He came close to the fence and sat on the ground.

"I'm leaving the town soon. I have to go back to where I was before."

The words came out more naturally than he'd thought.

"I see."

Ako's response didn't look surprised. Perhaps she'd anticipated this from the start.

"…I'll be lonely."

Yet she mumbled in such a tone as indicated by her words.

Akatsuki also looked at the town's scenery and smiled.

"You're fine now. I saw you walking with friends this morning."

"Yup. Thanks to you. You sure like meddling."

Apparently his club president had seen through her club member. So they probably revealed that Akatsuki had spoken to them.

"Say, Ako. The dead-reviving cherry footage… give it to me."

"I cannot do that."

"It's dangerous. You already know my organization hides that sort of thing."

"Didn't I tell you from the start? I'm betting my life on being a journalist."

"It's not all fun and games. This isn't something to make light of…"

He got up and asserted. If Ako still refused, he'd just forcibly grab her bag and erase the records.

Ako lowered her camera. She looked at Akatsuki with sad eyes.

"Have you asked anyone about my past nickname?"

He was confused at her suddenly changing the subject. He wordlessly shook his head.

"—Haemori Ako, the Demon Lord."


"I got carried away. I didn't use any mysterious power like Mushitsuki… but I mistook my path as a journalist and hurt many people. Every time people would come to hate me and fear me… so they called me that."

The time where Ako showed her true face was short. She soon restarted the camera and started filming the town again.

Even hearing that she'd been called the Demon lord, it didn't feel real to Akatsuki.

She always talked about her delusions. She was quick to get depressed and recovered even faster, and repeatedly sought for material in a frenzy. Contrary to her loose sense of reality, she gave advice to Akatsuki and brought him kindness.

That was the kind of girl she was.

Akatsuki couldn't think of her as a Demon Lord.

"I won't make that mistake again. Since I'm a journalist, I need to keep filming. And there are things I left undone."


"Member Akatsuki, have you not left things undone, too?"

With the camera pointed at him, he fell silent.

"How does the organization you belong to accept the changes in this town?"

"…It's definite that the enemy is hiding. But as long as we don't provoke them we won't have many victims. If I leave town, as long as nothing major happens, I believe there will be no further investigation."

He hesitated, but told her the truth. He didn't want to threaten her, but he thought he had to let her realize how dangerous holding the footage was.

Also—if Ako spoke of the secret organization's existence, no one would believe her.

Ako was an irreplaceable friend, but looking objectively he could only reach that conclusion.

"I see. I have no time."


"These last few days, the Demon Lord started moving. I haven't grasped a clear method yet, but it looks like they're entering the final stage to inflict fear upon the world."

The conversation flew to another topic yet again. Akatsuki burst without thinking.

"So this isn't something that a normal civilian can do! And we basically know that the enemy is a Mushitsuki using a never-seen-before ability—"

"Those who are in the journalism club don't mistake the truth."

Ako suddenly spoke harshly.

"Are you saying normal people are different from Mushitsuki like you? Isn't that the same as normal people looking at Mushitsuki like monsters?"

"It's not the same! Since we have special powers, obviously there will be people afraid of it. So we have to use our powers, right?"

"Thinking that normal people and Mushitsuki are different is part of the Demon Lord's plan to distort the truth and inflict fear on the world—"

"This isn't what we're talking about now!"

This wasn't the time to talk about Demon Lords or conspiracies or whatever. Akatsuki simply didn't want to involve Ako in any danger.

"Club member Akatsuki."

Yet Ako wasn't moved in the slightest.

"I do not think of you as special."

Through the camera, the girl's eyes looked at Akatsuki directly.

"You're simply you. Right?"


"Saying that you're different than me is very sad…"

Ako walked with a dignified posture next to the frozen Akatsuki.

"Come with me, member Akatsuki. There's something I'd like to show you in the club room."

"Huh…? Wasn't the room taken?"

"I got it back while prez was sick. We cannot avoid getting disbanded, but I couldn't let you go without even once setting foot into your own club room."

"Oh… you didn't really have to."

"I'll ask this again. Do you not have things left undone here before you leave?"

Ako stood in front of the entrance. The lens of the turned camera gazed at Akatsuki.

"—There's only one way to draw the Demon Lord out."

Akatsuki widened his eyes.

"A method that both of us need to be resolved to. That's why only we can do it, and we can't go back. Only those with the courage to accept the truth can stand against the Demon Lord."

Courage to accept the truth—

It was what Akatsuki lacked before coming to town.

Rina had mistaken her way, without acknowledging that her way of fighting was false. She lost herself in revenge to Kakkou and couldn't even look ahead.

He noticed that he was standing in the same path Rina had trodden in before.

Akatsuki had to choose another way. He couldn't keep chasing after Rina's ghost and pursue the road that killed her. He had someone important waiting his return.

"I'll do it."

Akatsuki nodded.

The enemy in front of him now wasn't Kakkou.

It was an invisible enemy that produced many Fallens.

To defeat them, he would cling to any possible small wish.

"You're a member of the distinguished journalism club, after all."

The girl smiled, satisfied.

"Even the Demon Lord cannot stop our club activities."

The ex-Demon Lord Haemori Ako's loud proclamation of victory was carried by the wind blowing on the rooftop.

4.01 Youko Part 6[edit]

On the noon of her day off school, Youko was on the fifth floor of the department store.

White particles filled the floor.

The pure, white glow enchanted all the people on the floor. Just by touching the grains, the clerks, customers and other people on the escalators stood in place vacantly.

The suitcase placed on a rack was lined up with dolls and materials.

Separated by the miniature garden were Youko and a boy the same age as her. He was another person with the name of Satou, the one who played as the captain of the basketball team.

The coffin appearing from the floor swallowed the boy's Mushi. His body twitched.

"So you hadn't agreed to Diorestoi's offer, Miss Hero?"

Oogui, having eaten the boy's dream, looked at Youko with her rainbow pupils. It was the first time she heard the name Diorestoi, but it probably referred to Shinpu.

Youko ignored her, cleaning up the miniature garden. Loci riding her shoulder lowered its head.

"You look in a good mood, Loci-chan. I wonder if Genius is almost ready?"

The effective range and time of Loci's pheromone ability increased. Right now she could create Zones without carrying about any people around.

Oogui snickered.

"So once Genius is grown up you won't make any more dreams for me? A pity."

"She really pisses me off."

After finishing packing the suitcase, she slapped her dazed classmate. There was a large echo and blood spurt from the boy's lips.

"Oh my, poor guy."

"What was that about 'you're really cute lately, Satou-san'? Calling me here to confess to me means you'd settle for any good-looking girl, right? So creepy. Take some of that."

She used her suitcase to hit the dazed boy a couple of time. With some metallic part hitting him, one tooth flew out of his mouth. Now that his good looks went to waste, she finally laughed.

Ogata Akatsuki was nice to her even when she'd been plain. A man like him suited her.


"—What's so amusing?"

Looking up Oogui wearing an enchanting smile, she grinned at her.

If you're done here, just scram. Lately Oogui was acting like she was familiar with her and she didn't like that at all.

I can eat you whenever I please—

She cursed in her mind.

"Weren't you laughing as well?"

"Will you please not compare me to a monster like you?"

"Then who exactly are you, using a monster like that?"

"I'm the Hero."

She sat on the suitcase left on the ground and folded her legs.

Oogui narrowed her rainbow-colored eyes enjoyably while Youko's eyes were calm and deep like the ocean.

Now that Youko completed herself as a Hero, she had no enemies.

She came to know of the Demon Lord from her father's records.

Using the miniature garden method, she dragged out the dreams inside humans.

An incident had caused her to turn her classmate into a Mushitsuki.

The resulting Loci and Genius took her as a host, granting her power.

Only due to these conditions overlapping was she there now.

This probability, that could be called a miracle, gave birth to the Hero known as Satou Youko.

"As the Hero, I'll save the world."

She clearly declared her intents.

The long coat worn by Oogui rose as if flapping by the wind. Smiling enjoyably, her body was wrapped in purple-colored scales from head to toe. 

"You really like the world as it is now, don't you? You are willing to go so far to protect it, after all."

Youko furrowed her brows.

"But you can achieve something completely different, though."

Completely different?

Saving the world was Youko's dream.

She had nothing else she wanted to do.

"Do you think the Hero would listen to her enemy?"


In the midst of laughing, Oogui suddenly raised her face with a twitch.

"What is it…?"

This time, Youko was the one being ignored. Turning her face away from Youko, Oogui's rainbow pupils looked at another direction entirely. She licked her beguiling lips.

"Oh great Hero. The dreams you have brought me were delicious, but they nonetheless had the tastes of artificial products."

"Hmph. You're going to be particular about taste even though you're a monster?"

"What I really like is a dream left to boil, stuffed with sweetness…"

Glancing at her, Oogui vanished.

"Was that a request to do so by next time? Who are you even—"

Scowling, she noticed Loci kept shaking on her shoulder. Oogui was supposed to have left, but it turned its head the same way.

"What? So she wasn't gone?"

She rose from her trunk, confirming Loci's response. Loci's small doll-like red eyes turned to the distance.

"Oogui is moving…?"

The white grains were fading away from the floor as Youko bit her lips. Grabbing the suitcase's handle, she rushed to the escalator.

"Is she possibly giving birth to a Mushitsuki nearby?"

Jumping two steps at a time, she rushed down the stairs. She bumped into customers, but she didn't mind them and headed out of the department store at full speed.

"I won't allow that—"

She wouldn't mind any Mushitsuki being called in by the SEPB. That would be the same as them being called there by Youko. The warrior called Shiohara Shachito was a problematic opponent, but she let him go since she knew he would be gone soon.

This town was Youko's garden. It was both her safe haven as well as her fortress against the Demon Lord.

She couldn't allow a natural Mushitsuki to be born in town.

"You're not allowed to create any Mushitsuki without the Hero's permission…!"

Flying out of the department store, she got into a cab parked in the street. "Where to?" the driver asked her, and she merely ordered "to the north" curtly.

"I won't forgive you. I won't even turn you into a Spirit Zone. I'll just make you a Fallen. I hate Mushi. You're going against the Hero? That pisses me off—"

Youko mumbled in the back seat. She noticed the driver looking at her creepily through the mirror.


White grains filled the car.

"If you don't want to be stuffed into a coffin then step on it. Idiot."

Kicking the driver seat, the taxi became twice as faster. Ignoring speed laws, he drove recklessly as Youko ordered him.

The taxi parked directly in the middle of the fields. The road Loci pointed to was in the car parking near there. There was a sign that said that no entry was allowed.

Getting off the car, Youko entered the thin road near the parking lot. She obviously didn't pay.

"Hah… Hah…"

Kicking dust with her long legs, she hurried up the road.

The setting sun lit the hero running with a suitcase in hands.

She could also see the mountain where she'd created a Zone beneath a cherry tree. The area was surrounded in mountains of the same height.

Even without Loci's ability, she could see a certain landmark.

The radio tower.

Even while abandoned, it looked magnificent.

"Hah…! Hah…!"

Oogui's reaction was not yet gone.

Youko was going to make it in time.

The more she approached the radio tower, she could see a purple glow.

While running, Youko grinned.

I made it—

In front of the fence surrounding the area, she could see Oogui was eating the dream of a petite figure. There was also another person there—their friend or whatever—but she didn't pay them any attention.

"Loci-chan…! Are you ready?"

Raising her speed, she passed near the fence.

Just about to unleash Loci's ability, Youko widened her eyes.

Seeing the two people next to Oogui, she stood there in shock.

"Ako…chan? Akatsuki-kun…?"

Akatsuki was shocked just the same. The boy, clad in his SEPB uniform, became speechless upon seeing Youko suddenly emerge there.

Oogui smiled enjoyably.

And Ako—

"You have finally showed yourself."

Was holding a digital camera as always.

A small insect was perched on top of the camera reflecting the sun. It was probably Ako's Mushi.

"Satou Youko. You are the one who schemes to distort the truth and destroy the world—"

The shining lens captured Youko's figure.

"The Demon Lord."

4.02 Youko Part 7[edit]

Why was Ogata Akatsuki there?

Why was Haemori Ako there and why was she a Mushitsuki?

Why was Oogui smiling so enjoyably—

She didn't even care about these questions anymore.

Demon Lord…?

I'm the… Demon Lord?

Ako's camera was pointed at none other than herself, Satou Youko.

She reflexively began to laugh. Being called a Demon Lord due to some sort of misunderstanding was terribly rude.

The Demon Lord was the woman with the chaining smile, Miguruma Yaeko.

Yaeko controlled the army of darkness of Mushi and was trying to destroy the world.

The only person to know the truth was Youko.

And so Youko resolved to stand against the Demon Lord.

Youko was the Hero.

You could only fight Mushi using Mushi. Thinking this, she used a Mushi-eating Mushi and fought against the armies of darkness.

Hadn't Ako also spoken of this daily?

Hadn't she announced loud and clear about the existence of the Demon Lord and armies of darkness?

Wasn't she talking about Yaeko and the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau?

Youko thought that Ako was one of the very few people who understood her.

But even so—

"Youko-senpai's the Demon Lord…?"

Don't look at me like that, Akatsuki-kun—

She entreated in her heart.

Ako was just misunderstanding. She'd just explain everything to her.

Once Youko denied she was the Demon Lord, they'd achieve a mutual understanding.

Intending to clear everything, Youko wore a gentle smile toward Akatsuki.


A Hero—

But just as she was about to reveal her true identity, something suddenly flashed in her mind.

—Reveal thy true dream in front of me…

Shinpu said something like that when he'd appeared to come and eat her dream.

—You don't really feel like a Hero either… actually, it's the complete opposite…

Even the warrior passing by denied Youko being a Hero.

And there was also Oogui right in front of her.

—You really like the world as it is now, don't you? You are willing to go so far to protect it, after all.

Despite Youko naming herself a Hero, Oogui spoke to her like that as if it was natural.

—But you can achieve something completely different, though.

Why did anyone and everyone deny Youko?

There was nothing Youko couldn't currently do.

There was no one she couldn't defeat.

The very world itself was like Youko's plaything.


She held that same power that Miguruma Yaeko—the Demon Lord playing with the miniature garden.

Noticing this fact, she suddenly recalled.

The form of the Demon Lord in her memories once brought fear to young Youko.

But in the end, was that really fear?

Wanting to play with the world as she pleased.

Hadn't she actually felt—admiration for that?

And now the time has come.

She could use Mushi to remake the world.

She had caught up to the awe-inspiring Demon Lord.

Youko obtained her very own miniature garden.

The large miniature garden known as the world.

Playing with that miniature garden was not the fake Demon Lord known as Miguruma Yaeko, but—


Sitting on her suitcase, she spread her long legs. Putting one hand on the suitcase to support her body, she left the other hand calmly on her thighs. Her long bangs held by a pin turned toward her temples, sticking out like horns.

Her deep ocean-like eyes looked at Ako and the rest, and her bewitchingly wet lips moved.

Satou Youko.

This girl, who was once the Hero, now was—

"I'm the Demon Lord."

The true Demon Lord found out her real dream.

4.03 Ako Part 3[edit]

She respected her peace-loving grandfather.

Even now her feelings haven't changed.

What was the "truth" he was aiming for? —To find an answer, she kept advancing on the path of a journalist.

Now, Ako finally felt as if she could grasp its true meaning.

"A-all of these—are Mushi…?"

After confirming Akatsuki's resolve on the roof, they returned to the news club room.

The scenery photos and citizen records affixed to the walls, none of the past pictures of the journalism club have remained. At the time the room was evacuated by the student council, they were peeled off. Even the cabinet full of files was completely empty.

The curtains of the film development room in the back were removed, so it was useless. Only the lighting equipment and reflective panels remained in the corner.

Instead there was a mountain of cardboard boxes filling the room. Ako brought everything back from the warehouse here.

Ako spread their contents on the table, with all of them seemingly her own personal material. Many of the pictures hidden inside the file case were unclear due to them being taken by amateurs. Ako herself digitally converted everything she filmed, packing her memory cards inside there as well.

—Among these was the voice recording Ako had set during the abnormal happening at the museum. It had recorded Akatsuki fighting against something, but other than that there was only Ako's voice. Since it would be incomprehensible to anyone uninvolved, it had been sealed away.

What made Akatsuki speechless was seeing the photos. Unlike memory cards, tape, and disk digital data, it was obvious at a glance what pictures were taken.

"This is all the material pertaining to Mushi I've collected until now. Since it became hard to hide them at my house, I used this place once I became alone."

Still holding the camera in front of the closed door, Ako spoke indifferently.

The picture Akatsuki took in hand depicted the blurred form of a Mushi. Ako was able to obtain what a civilian had taken by chance.

She had hundreds of the same kinds of pictures. She obviously also had disks and tapes with videos, but even testimonies from people who've seen Mushi were included in the memory.

"Mushi, the journalist's taboo, was my lifework."

Ever since her grandfather vanished on the battlefield, Ako kept filming anything and everything.

She wanted to figure out the identity of the "truth" her grandpa staked his life on.

What Ako found was the rumored existence of an abnormal being that wasn't disclosed to the public. Although there were many eyewitnesses, it wasn't revealed only barely. There were obviously people concealing this.


Ako fervently pursued these monsters.

She knew it was dangerous. Yet this thrill only stoked her flames, allowing her talent to bloom.

"I was able to obtain this much information not just because I'm a genius journalist. A pro journalist would be more careful, knowing that their social position could be hurt. But since I was an amateur, I was able to elude the organization hiding all of this."

"This is bad… This is really bad, Ako."

"Still, there probably aren't any other people who've managed to gather this much proof. I fully believed that the only person able to reveal the truth—the concealed existence of Mushi to the world would be me, the True Journalist. It wasn't supposed to take long for the name of the genius called Haemori Ako to spread throughout the land."

At times using her own feet, at times using the information network from her grandfather's connections, Ako's kept her assault. Professional journalists were too aware of the dangers so they couldn't expose the truth. Their pent up anger lead to them bringing information to Ako, a mere student.

The ones who concealed Mushi were apparently the organization known as the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau.

An honest-to-goodness government agency.

Her enemy was powerful.

However—Ako was still conceited in her own talent.

"I won't let you do it. Give all of this to me."

Akatsuki glared at Ako. He said this not as an SEPB member, but probably out of concern as her friend. She knew he liked to meddle.

"Do what you want. All of this is gathered in this memory card. It is my masterpiece."

Ako handed the memory card in her bag. Akatsuki changed his expression and approached.

"Listen, member Akatsuki."

"Give it, Ako. It's fine, I'm not going to let the SEPB have it."

"I have gotten carried away."

Akatsuki made a clear response. The moment before he took the memory, his hand stopped.

She already knew from experience how dangerous it was.

Because there was one time in past where she was warned.

She still remembered well the coat-wearing woman who named herself "Shera". The next time she appeared she'd definitely not leave with just a warning.

"The topic of Mushi is a taboo none could touch so far. Yet I kept gathering information. There is no truth I haven't investigated. Thinking that my truth would someday move the world, I thought it was like having the world under my control. I was ecstatic to be the Hero standing against an evil organization hiding the truth. —And so I made a mistake."

Her tone naturally lowered. Just by recalling what happened back then, regret and shame hammer pounded her heart.

"Unsatisfied with just Mushi, I revealed any and all truths. This is such a small rural town. Injustice, corruption, individual crimes… all of them were consumed in an instant. And this school's the same. I dragged out everything that the students hid, revealed it, and flung it in front of everyone. The student council president hates me because I revealed the truth about her boyfriend and cornered him."

Akatsuki seemed surprised.

He'd probably thought of her as merely delusional.

"And so I became alone."

The closed room was filmed through the lenses.

"At some point everyone around called me the Demon Lord. The truth I had dragged out brought chaos to town. It had disturbed the peace of the school. When I finally became alone, I noticed that I had taken the wrong path. —The truth I'd found was just a weapon that shook the peace."

This was her punishment.

Her just desserts for taking the wrong path were becoming isolated.

"And so I didn't feel like doing anything. I also stopped investigating Mushi. I thought that any truth I'd find would only bring chaos, anyhow."

"…I actually have no idea why the SEPB are so desperate to cover for Mushi. But obviously, I don't think we should be revealed. If the existence of Mushi becomes known there'll be chaos."

Akatsuki's voice was kind. He was probably sympathizing with the stricken Ako.

The boy's hand closed in on Ako's memory card again.

Yet Ako drew back her hand and evaded. Akatsuki looked sad.


"At that time, I noticed the real Demon Lord in this town."

He didn't want to see his friend's lonely face.

Yet Ako had to speak.

She couldn't complete this mission all by herself.

"Noticing that there were more ill people in town, I thought at first there was some kind of health hazard. I didn't mean to erase my crimes or anything, but I took the camera into my hands again. As a result, I found several places where mysterious events have occurred. Places like the museum or the cherry tree."


"The places I investigated alone, I investigated as much as I could. The places I went with you were those I just couldn't expose alone. There were also many duds like the radio tower."

Thinking backwards, the museum was probably a place where nothing would happen if one went alone. The cherry tree also had nothing that would be seen through the camera.

"It was obvious someone had created these special areas for some reason. I also noticed an upperclassman that was there to keep watch on me, but even she grew tenser and that interested me. If she moved as a member of the SEPB, then it was obviously something related to Mushi."

"So Orion was monitoring you…"

Akatsuki was surprised. Orion was the codename of the girl who'd probably monitored Ako.

"The time I noticed a Demon Lord other than myself, I knew what actions I really needed to take as journalist. —To let the world know about Mushi."


Akatsuki naturally became speechless. He couldn't understand how she reached that conclusion.

"You already know, right? There were many great battles involving Mushi in the past."

The fact he changed his expression showed that he knew this.

"During the times when large amounts of Mushi-related info would leak, there were incomprehensible events at places. Four years ago in Ouka City and Akamaki City; the small island known as Aoharima Island; then last Christmas again in Ouka City and in Hashiba City… it was during those times that people would talk markedly more about Mushi."


"They kept hiding Mushi, but starting this year there was an explosion in eyewitness testimonies. The Shinkansen from Housawa Town to Ouka City, or Higano City that connected Akamaki City and Ouka City, and even in Nishito City and Horando City there were Mushi eyewitnesses. And so I had a journalist intuition."

She had a hunch.

The hidden truth about Mushi was reaching its breaking point.

"Isn't the next great battle between Mushitsuki approaching?"

Akatsuki widened his eyes.

"Looking back, even I, who mistook my way, was able to gather this much proof about Mushi. Even without me doing anything, soon the world will know of Mushi. The truth known as Mushi is starting to rampage such that it becomes impossible to hide."

"Then you don't have to expose yourself to danger…!"

"I can't. A mistaken truth will bring the world into chaos. What I'm trying to reveal now isn't the real truth."

"What do you mean, a mistaken truth! And the real truth, I don't understand what—"

"'Mushitsuki are fearsome monsters'. —That is the mistaken truth."

Ako used her camera to film all the material about Mushi on the table.

The records came in different shapes and forms, but they had one thing in common.

All of them were mixed with fear for Mushitsuki. Some shook with fear, some recorded themselves hating Mushi. They only spoke of them as monsters defying human understanding.

"Even the Demon Lord appearing in town was trying to propagate this truth. By using Mushi the world will know of them. —Undoubtedly, they are attempting to bring 'fear' in order to let people know that Mushitsuki are scary."

Just like Ako during the time she had been called by that name, the Demon Lord spread fear among the people.

"I was able to help with that. My goal of wanting to let the world know of Mushi is unchanged from the past. —Yet I didn't do it.  Because I am a True Journalist. I must first ascertain the real state of everything."

I will never mistake my path again.

With that resolve in her heart, the days of confronting the Demon Lord continued.

"'Mushitsuki are fearsome monsters'. Is that really the truth? I only believe things I see with my own eyes."

She was called the Demon Lord in school and became secluded.

Since Ako started loudly speaking of conspiracy theories, people around her thought she was broken. She'd been called the Demon Lord many times and became even lonelier.

"Member Akatsuki. Since you have come to town at that timing, I was able to surmise you were a Mushitsuki belonging to the SEPB. Your reason for transferring and your profile were all unnatural. —And so I came to you and thought of ascertaining the truth. Orion, who seemed to be resigned, was no good."

If he was a Mushitsuki, she thought of getting material from him.

After thinking how to approach him, she ended up inviting him to the journalism club. She thought he'd reject anyway, but if he thought she was a mere oddball from the first meeting, then he'd lower his guard and that would be fine as well. But even so—

"You became my friend."

Ako smiled.

She was happy.

The Demon Lord was cunning, strong, and never showed themselves. She'd nearly given up on pursuing them.

Yet the reality she wasn't alone gave Ako courage again.

"And so I was able to find the real truth."

She showed him the memory card. Akatsuki gulped.

"And the Mushitsuki who became my friend comforted me at times. He spoke of love while embarrassed, hesitated, and held anger and hatred toward someone, yet even so he smiled. This one Mushitsuki, walking side by side with a normal person, exemplified the real truth."

And that Mushitsuki's figure was caught in the camera even now.

"—'Mushitsuki are no different than normal people'."

Ako had been able to obtain the truth, but she had a duty.

To stop the Demon Lord's scheme.

"Ever since the Demon Lord turned the Mushi into her minions and played with them, she'd planted the mistaken truth that 'Mushitsuki are fearsome monsters' in people. Once this happened it couldn't be taken back. The fear would only grow, and erasing it is impossible."


"I can't allow to Demon Lord to act as they please any longer. We must stop them."

Akatsuki sank into silence.

Thinking for a while, he probably reached a conclusion. The boy held out his hand to her.

"Give me the memory card."

"Member Akatsuki…"

"I promise you. By the time that Mushi are impossible to hide… I'll help you. Then please entrust this to me until then."

Akatsuki spoke, looking directly into Ako's eyes.

"I want you to promise something else."

Ako returned his gaze.

"The method I'd chosen to draw in the Demon Lord—I want you to watch over me without doing anything."

Akatsuki for a moment bit his lips hesitatingly. Yet he soon nodded wordlessly.

The memory card was passed from Ako to Akatsuki.

The method Ako had thought of calling the Demon Lord.

In order to accomplish that, Ako and Akatsuki went in front of the radio tower.

As they stood in front of the fence, their background was the sinking sun and the towering spire.

Just like when they'd come there before, the wind was strong today too. Turning around, they could also see the "angel"—the white plastic sheet that came and went from sky to ground.

"I surmised that the Demon Lord has the ability to sense the location of Mushi. If not, it would be hard for them to run away from the SEPB."

While filming the grand form of the radio tower, Ako muttered. Her bangs, blown by the wind for an instant, appeared on the screen.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki wore his SEPB equipment. Grey jacket and pants, thick gloves and hard-looking boots were his full getup. With his visor riding on his forehead, he didn't yet cover his face.

"Yeah, I thought the same. But I couldn't understand how there were so many Mushitsuki in this town. Even the SEPB can't ascertain that."

"Investigating those who were sick, I went to gather materials. The common point to all of them was having a few hours of vacant memories. There were some who didn't notice that, but they were probably turned to Mushitsuki during that time."

"But why are so many Mushitsuki being born just here?"

"I also have a guess regarding that."

She asserted cleanly.

"The Demon Lord creates Mushi—and enlists them to their army. The white space we've seen in the museum or the cherry tree is proof of that."

Akatsuki was speechless. Perhaps unable to speak probably, he barely squeezed out his voice.

"T-The Demon Lord creates…? That's impossible! I mean, doesn't it mean… they're just like the Original Three?!"

"I don't know the method itself. But it is a fact that a large amount of Mushitsuki are being born here. We can assume that even the host is unaware of them having a Mushi that becomes part of the army of darkness."

This was the conclusion of Ako's involved investigation ever since she noticed the existence of the Demon Lord.

"Playing with people, toying with Mushi, mocking the SEPB, the Demon Lord thus remade this town."

Ako turned her camera away from the radio tower, filming the countryside.

"To grab the cunning Demon Lord's tail, we have to smash this so-called miniature garden. Someone needs to appear to disturb their game board."

"But how can we…"

"Another person will give birth to a Mushi right here."

Akatsuki was speechless.

"This is a gamble. A method that can only be used once and is irreversible."

Turning only her face to the boy, she smiled.

Wind blew around.

Had Ako's resolve been noticed so quickly?

The being that appeared in front of Ako before as well looked like a starved ghost. Since she'd asked for her name, she already knew it.

"You may come, Oogui. I shall give you what you wish for."


Akatsuki's expression morphed to surprise. He readied his body anxiously.

There was tension so sharp it felt like it would tear his skin.

Ako's digital camera perfectly captured that.

The trees standing in town.

The seedlings on the field.

The grass growing on the road.

All of them turned to Ako with frightening vigor.

It wasn't wind.

The purple glow pressing forward at incredible speeds finally pushed its way to Ako.


The downpour of purple-colored scales took the shape of a human above Ako's head.

The camera first caught the rainbow-colored pupils. Next the round sunglasses were formed, then her face's outline, long hair and wing-like crimson long coat.

"Why is Oogui…?!"

Akatsuki reflexively stiffened, ready to call out his Mushi.

"Because Ako-chan called me. Right?"

Oogui looked down at Akatsuki, smiling enjoyably.



Ako smiled at the confused boy.

"Oogui has appeared to me several times till now."

The first time she appeared was just after Ako's grandfather disappeared at war. Ever since then, the crimson coat-clad beauty came to the girl resolve chasing after the truth.

Oogui appeared again when Ako found out about the Demon Lord's existence and decided to confront it.

Both times, Ako had denied Oogui due to her strong conviction.

So she would not lose her proper form as a journalist.

"You have always refused me by telling me that you stand as the 'journalist' on the line between normal people and Mushitsuki… right, Ako-chan?"

Oogui snickered.

Ako had to be a nameless journalist.

Standing between Mushitsuki and the people who feared them, she had to chronicle both sides.

So she thought—

"Will you tell me your dream this time?"

Her cold hands embraced Ako from behind. The purple scales surrounded Ako, trying to white out her head.


"No, member Akatsuki. The Demon Lord isn't here yet…"

Akatsuki's voice brought Ako's consciousness to reality for an instant. Her held camera filmed an empty road. There was still no human figure there.

As if realizing Ako's aim, Akatsuki stood there in shock.

"You made a promise. That no matter what happened, you'd watch over me…!"

"B-but this… I can't do it! No way I can!"

On top of the boy's shoulders, the mayfly was slowly growing larger.

"Do you even understand what you're doing? Do you understand how tough being a Mushitsuki is? I won't let you become a Mushitsuki!"

"This isn't anything special."

Oogui, who was embracing Ako, leaked sweet breath unto her neck. The sweet fragrance and purple glow, as well as her rainbow-colored pupils, quickly eroded Ako's ego.

Along with the pleasant drowsiness, she was assaulted by helpless fear.

"I'll become just like you… this is nothing different from a normal person; simply a Mushitsuki."

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Even while saying this with her mouth, she was scared of becoming a Mushitsuki.

She couldn't go back to how she was yesterday.

But she had no regrets.

"If you're going to watch over me, then I have nothing to be scared of—"

An expression of despair rose to the boy's face.

If it'd been before she'd met Akatsuki, then there'd be no choice.

But now she knew that Mushitsuki were no different from regular humans.

Even if she became a Mushitsuki, Ako would stay as she was—

She would yield in to the truth she herself grasped.

"You will not stand in my way, right, Akatsuki-chan? You wouldn't want to get this girl wrapped up in fighting—and you know you cannot beat me, right?"


Akatsuki's face distorted.

"Even so—"

The Mushi clinging to Akatsuki's back shook its twin tails.

"I can't just stand there watching you turn my friend into a Mushitsuki!"

On the back of the shouting boy, the mayfly's tail glowed.



She felt hazy and couldn't move her mouth. Even so Ako advanced toward Akatsuki, and stood in front of him.

There was no other way.

By making Ako a Mushitsuki, she would become able to call out the Demon Lord.

Ako knew that as a journalist she had to settle the score with the Demon Lord.

From now on normal people and Mushitsuki would clash against each other and understand one another.

Yet the Demon Lord would cause needless strife between them, caused by the distorted truth.

And so none other than Ako would remove the fears clouding the eyes of both sides.

It could be called the fight between the Demon Lord and the previous Demon Lord.

"Move, Ako!" Akatsuki shouted. "MOVE!"

The boy's voice, not much more than a scream, was the final sound she heard before losing her sense of self.

She lost all sensation in her body.

Although she was standing, she felt strange comfort as if she was inside water.

"Now, Ako-chan."

She heard an enjoyable voice. There was great hunger in it, like one facing a high quality meal.

"Will you tell me your dream?"

That voice even caused her pleasant vibrations, shaking her head.

It stabbed through her head to her chest.

Stripping her of the armor known as body and emotions, Oogui's sickly-sweet voice reverberated inside the depths of her heart.

A ripple was born on the water Ako was floating in.

She recalled the figure of her smiling grandfather holding a camera—and her young self pictured with that grandfather.

Her grandfather was gone and Ako began running.

She investigated anything and everything, gathered materials, at times met danger but never stopped running.

Yet she became alone and stood in place.

When she turned around there was no one there. Neither her friends, comrades, nor the back of her grandfather she was chasing; she couldn't see them anywhere.

When she became lost and wandered the road, the Demon Lord stood in her way. At first Ako tried to face them, but finally her lonely self ran away.

Pulling her hand was a single Mushitsuki.

Ogata Akatsuki.

He stood alongside Ako, walking together with her.

And they both reached the road they needed to.

Ako was able to recall her dream—

"I wanted to know what the real 'truth' was…"

The surface of water swelled.

She felt as if the thing slumbering inside the depths of the water took a breath and leapt out.

The thing that Ako saw in the strange space—was a strangely-shaped insect with feelers.

4.04 Akatsuki Part 9[edit]

Oogui smiled bewitchingly.

"What a nice dream."

The beauty's open mouth sucked in the glow coming out of Ako.

Akatsuki could simply watch over her in that moment.

Ako herself had wished for it.

There was no other way to find the Demon Lord.

"Oh… Oooohh…"

Clenching his fists, Akatsuki's nailed dug into his skin, drawing blood.

Why would you do that for this kind of reason—

No matter what anyone said, Akatsuki would never accept it. He would never forgive Ako's reason for becoming a Mushitsuki.

If Ako hadn't stood in his way, he would have attacked Oogui without thinking.

Yet at the same time he understood.

He couldn't defeat Oogui by himself.

Oogui could use the abilities of all Minion Type Mushitsuki. This meant she also had Akatsuki's ability, as well as the worst ability, that of Fuyuhotaru.

Akatsuki couldn't stop Oogui no matter what.


A line of blood dripped down his bitten lips.

A friend was becoming a Mushitsuki in front of his very eyes and he couldn't help her.

Although the hated Oogui was right in front of him he couldn't do anything.


His eyes clouded with anguish. Blood rushed to his head and he felt dizzy.

"Have you always… felt like this…?"

The Mushitsuki known as Kakkou had known about Oogui's ability from far back.

That was why, despite meeting her countless times, he couldn't act. If they'd fought, her ability would be exposed and it would cause a war between Mushitsuki.

Was he really fine with that?

Hadn't he felt anguished?

Akatsuki knew the answer to that.

There were no Mushitsuki who didn't hate the Original Three.

A Mushitsuki who was only barely able to restrain himself from attacking, and Kakkou who withstood that countless times—what was the difference between the two?

—I just have to become stronger than anyone.

So Kakkou said.

Something decisive was different between him and Kakkou, Akatsuki felt.


In front of him, a blur like a heat haze rose from the girl.

The thing born as if splitting from Ako's body was a fist-sized Mushi. It fluttered its small wings, landing on top of her camera.

Its body divided to head, chest and abdomen was round, looking like it was made of glass. Its surface always swaying like rippling surface of water, there wasn't anything like eyes on it. Instead two feelers growing from its head had several half-plates from the bottom to top. There were two black specks on its wings, making it resemble a two-spotted cricket.

When the glow vanished, the light returned to Ako's eyes.

"Don't make such a pitiful face, member Akatsuki."

Smiling, Ako turned the digital camera toward him. On top of it the two-spotted cricket shining in marine-blue scratched its head with its short legs.

"As a member of the honored journalism club, we must put an end to the Demon Lord's scheme."

Never mind about that—

He forcibly swallowed the words that almost came out of his mouth.

Rejecting Ako's words would be rejecting her resolve. It would mean her courage would have all been for nothing.


Akatsuki hung his head once and screamed inside his heart. He simply wrung out a meaningless, wordless scream, throwing away the violent feelings filling him.


He raised his head, wearing a smile.

"You're cool, Ako."

She nodded with a serious expression.

"I'm the True Journalist, so obviously."

The cricket on top of the camera raised its head with a twitch. Its antenna-like feelers turned to the side, and then its body turned around as if pulled by them.

Akatsuki and Ako also turned to that direction.

"We have won the gamble."

From the direction of the town, a human figure came running the road.

Gradually it became clearer, and Akatsuki widened his eyes.

The appearing figure stopped in shock.

"Ako…chan? Akatsuki-kun…?"

It was someone Akatsuki knew well.

The first time he'd met her, she was a plain and featureless girl. She was one year his senior and tall for a girl. She wore her uniform according to school regulations, had black hair and glasses, and hid her face with her bangs. She had such a thin presence you wouldn't notice her even if she stood next to you.

"You have finally shown yourself."

Finally seeing the enemy she'd glanced, Ako asserted in a low voice.

No way—

In front of Akatsuki's eyes was a pretty girl unimaginable from their first meeting.

She said she'd switched her glasses for contact lenses. Her long hair was parted, revealing her abyss-like black pupils. She generously revealed her bountiful chest and long legs, and her expression covered in makeup exuded beauty.

The only thing Akatsuki didn't know was the large suitcase she was holding.

"Satou Youko."

As if to scold Akatsuki who still found it unbelievable, Ako announced the girl's name.

"You are the one who distorts the truth and schemes to destroy the world—"

Satou Youko.

The girl who was once known as the Third Satou-san.

"The Demon Lord."

Satou-senpai is…?

He wasn't able to immediately accept Ako's words.

He let his final hope rest with Youko herself.

"You're the Demon Lord, Youko-senpai…?"

Looking at her confused face, he felt relieved. She didn't seem to understand Ako's words.

"I am…"

She would probably relieve him now. Youko grinned.

Yet the next instant, her smile changed its essence.


Sitting on top of the suitcase, she spread her long legs. One hand was on the suitcase supporting her body, and the other was calmly placed on her thigh.

"I'm the Demon Lord."

Her swaying pupils narrowed with a smile, Satou Youko clearly asserted this.

Her gaze viewed the very depths of people's hearts and dragged out whatever was inside.

Akatsuki finally noticed the true form of those pupils that made his heartbeat hasten many times.

The feeling he'd felt for her was definitely not love or admiration.

It was awe—

Grasping people's hearts, dragging them out, and playing with them—those were the eyes of the Demon Lord.

Akatsuki instinctually feared her eyes.

"Hehe, what a scary town."

The one who broke the strained silence was a beauty clad in a purple glow.

Oogui's rainbow pupils looked from Ako to Youko.

"There were two people who tried to use me—"

Akatsuki's heart thumped.

He noticed that Ako and Youko glared at each other, not even looking at Oogui.

"So that's why I haven't noticed the Demon Lord… Satou-senpai."

Haemori Ako's camera filmed the girl in front of her eyes.

Satou Youko snickered.

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"So it really was you, Ako-chan. You always were snooping around me."

"Unfortunately. I thought you were one of my few friends."

"That's a lie. 'Monthly AKO' was interesting, but… it was really just meant to shake me, right? Yet I thought the Demon Lord was a different person and that their armies of darkness were Mushi."

"Let's stop this. What you're doing will plunge the world into chaos."

"Hah, to think that the previous Demon Lord would be saying this. You weren't able to fully adopt this role, but I will. I only just noticed I'm the true Demon Lord."

Neither Ako nor Youko were willing to take back one step.

As if recalling Akatsuki's presence there, Youko looked at him. He stood in shock, looked into Youko's black pupils and gulped.

"Hey, Akatsuki-kun. You know, I possess great power."

Seemingly proud of it, she puffed her chest. With her face shining like that of a child exhibiting his favorite toy, she patted the suitcase she was sitting on.

"If I use it I can read anyone's heart. I find what's inside people's hearts, grab it, pull it out and show it to them. —All of them view their dreams."



But he knew he couldn't really say that.

Why had so many Mushitsuki been born in this one town?

If what Youko said was the truth, that would explain it.

"When I do this, Oogui comes. I make Loci-chan here eat the Mushi right away. Those who saw their dreams don't even remember becoming Mushitsuki. —And until the Mushi are fully consumed, they become Spirit Zones, areas into which only the Mushi's ability is leaking."

Akatsuki glanced at Oogui with awkward movements.

The beauty wearing an enchanting smile was surrounded by purple scales.

"I cannot stand against the great Demon Lord. If I don't run away I might get eaten, too."

Snickering as though from a joke, Oogui vanished.

"Oh, but don't misunderstand something, okay? Loci-chan isn't my Mushi. So even if you kill me it won't be gone."

Youko hurriedly spread her arms, and wore an unfittingly radiant smile.

"I was the one who raised it, though. I gave sustenance to its true body, making it grow."

"So is it one of the Mushi you've given birth to, Satou-senpai?"

"You sure are smart, Ako-chan. I'll convince you soon enough."

In front of the two girls staring at one another, Akatsuki was speechless.

This wasn't at the level of being "smart" or whatever.

Hadn't Youko herself understood how scary was what she could do?

Playing with people's hearts—

Utilizing the Original Three—

Toying with Mushi—

Not even looking at the SEPB—

Being able to do something like that was beyond the scope of a human being.

"…Demon Lord…"

Akatsuki unconsciously used that word.

She far surpassed the domain humans should touch.

Truly a Demon Lord.

Was there any other name for such a being?

"Indeed. This battle against the Demon Lord called Satou-senpai would rival those fights between Mushitsuki in the past—no, perhaps it would bring even larger chaos."

Even Ako didn't look at Akatsuki while speaking.

He finally noticed.

From the very beginning this was the fight between Ako and Youko.

Long before Akatsuki came to this town, the two Demon Lords fought beneath the surface.

The SEPB, Oogui and Akatsuki were mere bystanders.

Akatsuki had said that this battle wasn't relevant to Ako as she wasn't a Mushitsuki.

Yet that thought was sorely mistaken.

She had played not only with the SEPB but even with Oogui, a clash created from a chain of events that were all orchestrated by two girls who weren't even Mushitsuki—


Youko rose.

Akatsuki's shoulders twitched, and the blushing Youko spoke.

"I love you."

He couldn't understand the meaning of her words for a second.


"I love how kind you are."

The Demon Lord playing with people's dreams smiled at Akatsuki.

She was so beautiful and overflowing with confidence she couldn't possibly be the same person.

Obviously. She could already control people's hearts and didn't even fear the Original Three. There had never been someone like Satou Youko.

Without Ako's courage, there would be many more Spirit Zones, and before long the very world itself would be made the same, perhaps.


Becoming very sad, Akatsuki grimaced.

When had she started this?

Satou-senpai that was plain and had a thin presence, the kind girl who worried for Ako… when had she started treading down the path of a Demon Lord?

"Right now, I don't know which of the Satou-senpai I know you are."

Even hearing his words, Youko seemed unmoved. The expression of a girl in love gazed at his face intently.

"I know there's a person you like."


"But she's a Mushitsuki, right? Mushi are scary. I'll save you from Mushi as well, Akatsuki-kun. I'll kill your Mushi right away."

Youko grinned wide.

"And then I'll ask you again. To go out with me."

How scary was the Demon Lord?

The feelings that the Mushitsuki Akatsuki had for the civilian Satou Youko were nothing but fear and sadness.

"You're saying that while knowing that Fallen have to listen to orders, Satou-senpai…"

Akatsuki couldn't tell if he was crying or laughing. There was no doubt that he made an expression somewhere in the middle.

"Yup!" the Demon Lord nodded happily.

A human who had gone the path there was no going back from, just like Ako.

The person who skipped ahead on that road stood in front of Akatsuki.

He closed his eyes for a while.

When he opened them again, Akatsuki's expression changed. He was no longer agitated.

"—Satou Youko. I will apprehend you."

He had to stop her.

The actions of Youko who became the Demon Lord would involve other people.

Ako threw her body and turned around.

Then stopping her was the duty of Akatsuki and nobody else.

"How horrible, I don't think so. You're just being controlled by that woman, right?"

"That woman…?"

"The one who's supposed to be the Vice Director. I'm stronger than her."

"You know Vice-Director Miguruma?"

Youko wore a Demon Lord smile again.

"Like I said I'll save you, okay?"

A white object crawled up to the shoulder of the girl with the narrowed black eyes.

The rounded body raising its sickles looked like a small Mushi. It emitted a white glow from its body. Raising its head with sluggish movements, it opened its mouthpart toward the sky being dyed in orange.

The white Mushi—the one called Loki, according to Youko, raised a shrill roar.

White particles came gushing out from around them.


Cautious, Akatsuki and Ako leapt back.

The glow absorbed inside the small Mushi became a large light spear and was shot toward the heavens.

A moment of silence.

The next instant, with the place pierced by the light as the center, a red glow started spreading in the sky.


Blowing clouds away, the town's sky was dyed in the same red as the Mushi's eyes.

Immediately after, the ground started to rumble.

"It was really close to being completely grown-up, actually… but I have no choice. Even now it has enough power to remake the world."

The rumbling grew gradually stronger. Ako was unable to preserve her balance and fell on her rear. As expected she managed to still hold on to the camera.

This is bad…!

The earthquake assaulting the town was so strong no normal person could stand it.

Something large was gradually rising from the depths of the earth with great vigor—is what he felt.


A mayfly shining in gold materialized on Akatsuki's back.

He had no leeway to hesitate.

He felt the fearsomeness of the Demon Lord on his very skin more than enough. If she was still trying to do something, letting her do as she pleased was much too dangerous.

The laser shot by the mayfly blew through Loci.

The small Mushi howling on Youko's back was evaporated, not even a speck of dust remaining.


The Demon Lord shouted. However—

"—Just kidding."

Sitting back on her suitcase, Youko raised her hands to the sky. The white particles assembled on top of her palm, producing a Mushi exactly like Loci.

"This is just a puppet transmitting the host's thoughts, meow."

She was probably imitating Orion. Youko smiled, tilting her head cutely.

"Let me introduce the real body."

The earthquake became much fiercer.

It would soon reach there—

The earthquake from below turned into a vibration caused by a large impact.


Akatsuki was able to see the instant it happened.

Underneath the red sky.

Between the mountains, an even larger mountain was born.

Much like an elevator that rose beyond the top floor at full speed, it happened in an instant. Within the blink of an eye the town was covered by a large shadow.

That Kaiju movie-like scene didn't appear slowly.

It was much too sudden, and appeared much too naturally, so he couldn't even feel fear.

—A gigantic egg.

So it looked to Akatsuki's eyes.

The coffins he'd seen at the cherry tree gathered and took the form of a giant egg. He could see its clay-made, artificial-like surface pulse little by little.

White cracks appeared on the egg's surface.

From these creaks emerged sharp edges from the inside. They broke the shell, spilling shining white particles, and that shining thing soon revealed itself.

"My servant, the Mushi-Eating Mushi—"

Behind the whirlpool of light, Youko calmly folded her legs on her trunk. With a clear voice as if she was another person entirely, she asserted imposingly.


The Mushi who was born after breaking out of its shell raised a howl.

The trees growing on the mountain collapsed, and a vibration passed through the sky dyed in crimson. The shockwave even reached Akatsuki and Ako who were far from it. Their hair was blown backwards as if being pulled from behind.

It didn't even feel true to call it Mushi.

An orchid mantis with two folded, sickle-shaped forelimbs—the being that could be described like this was of too large of a scale for Akatsuki.

Its head, in the shape of an upside down triangle, had three red shining compound eyes, and its howling mouthpart was lined with sharp fangs. The body shining in pink was long and narrow, and countless wings sprouted from its back. Akatsuki couldn't imagine how far into the ground stabbed its sickle-shaped legs and four other legs that supported its gigantic body.

Akatsuki had never seen a Mushi so colossal and beautiful.

After raising its first birth cry, Genius raised its head. Just by this action the white particles drew an afterimage and a vortex of light engulfed the mountain around it. Bending forward, the Mushi tried leaving its egg.

Yet Genius's wish didn't come true.

One of the sharp scythes was still merged with the right side of the egg and it couldn't pull it apart. The other leg and part of its abdomen were similarly stuck, so it squirmed in anger.

From the groaning Genius's body, white particles gushed out again. The intensely sweet pheromone scent reached Akatsuki. —He was nearly enchanted by it.

"Oh dear, so it's not fully grown yet."

Youko's bright voice was shook by the tremor.

Genius seemed to have given up escaping from its egg. Dragging it along behind it, it moved slowly between the mountains toward the town.

"You want to create more Spirit Zones? What a glutton you are, Genius."

"The town—"

Finally rising up, Ako pointed her camera at Genius's form in shock.

Akatsuki lowered the visor from his head and equipped it on his face.

"Kaguya has ascertained the target. —There is no doubt that this is the enemy."

Opening the shared communication channel, the reply soon arrived.

""Roger that.""

The voices of multiple boys and girls all answered at once.

The movements of Genius approaching the town suddenly stopped.

"The pheromones are too densely packed and I can't get close. Do something about that."

"Roger, I'll create a path. …Domain Isolation!"

The strained voice of a girl could be heard from the communication device attached to Akatsuki's ears.

An extremely loud noise enveloped Genius and caused something to happen to the white particles around it.

Part of the shining territory vanished as if being cut out. The normal domain extended to the sky, and the setting sun's color peeked through the crimson part.

Youko narrowed her eyes enjoyably.

"So that woman's underlings are finally here."

"I won't let you do as you please, Youko-senpai."

Cutting his visor's transmission, Akatsuki gazed at the beautiful Demon Lord.

He could hear the voices of members coming to face Genius one after another.

Receiving Akatsuki's report, the North Central Branch finally got off their backside. They had agreed to start the assault only if he actually managed to bring out the enemy.

Being sent there were a large amount of high-ranking members.

Why would they bring such a fighting force only now—his anger welled with frustration, but this was not the time to dwell on his personal feelings.

"It's just like Ako said. If you keep controlling that Mushi, you will reach the point of no return. I will never let you do that."

"Do you really think you can defeat Genius with that?"

Youko's smile was not moved in the slightest.

"Looks like it's going to get busy. I have to do my best to remake the world."

Looking at Genius, she spoke like an excited child. She no longer even saw Akatsuki in her eyes.

Akatsuki bit his lips, checking Genius's condition.

"I won't be able to maintain the domain for long. As expected, the gap in power is too great."

"Is there any sign of our attacks being effective?"

"Nope, none at all."

"Since it's so big I thought it'd just attack physically, but it's also using a strange power."

"If we step in any further we'll incur losses as well…"

"We need to think of this as a temporary retreat. We hafta borrow someone from the Central Headquarters, someone at least on Kasuou's level."

"It's our first mission failure in a while, but welp. We've never fought a giant like this either."


Akatsuki shouted.

Although it's only been a short while since they started fighting, the North Central Branch members were already losing their motivation.

"Temporary retreat…? Don't be stupid! What's up with this branch!"

As Akatsuki shouted without thinking, Ako pressed on his shoulder.

"You go as well, member Akatsuki."


"I'll be fine. More importantly…"

Ako's digital camera filmed the slightly shaking peaceful town.

"Please save my town."

Akatsuki looked at Youko.

The Demon Lord calmly sitting turned her black pupils to Akatsuki as well. Perhaps enjoying his reaction, she made no move other than grinning.

Was it true that Genius wasn't her Mushi? Even if they killed her, they wouldn't stop that large Mushi.

Akatsuki nodded.

"Got it. Be careful, Ako."

Seeing that Ako returned his nod, he kicked the ground.

The two journalism club members separated.

Akatsuki put the radio tower behind him, walking in the footpath between the empty fields.

Standing in front of him was the Demon Lord's minion, the powerful Mushi called Genius. Youko had said that it had eaten all Mushi other than itself to gain sustenance.

If those Mushi's sustenance came from their hosts' dreams, then he knew someone with the same ability.

The girl most important to Akatsuki, Haji Senri, had also devoured the vitality of other people to live. If Senri went on a rampage, would her Mushi also become something as fearful as Genius?

That was impossible—

Senri wasn't lonely like the Demon Lord. Even on the one-in-a-million chance she'd mistake her way, Akatsuki would be there to pull her back by the hand.

Perhaps Genius's true host also had no ill will just like Senri.

Yet he couldn't sympathize.

He had to defeat Genius, who went past the road of no return, no matter what it took.


"Is everything fine? This is just plain impossible. Bein' the rear guard, we need to prepare for everyone's retreat—"

Akatsuki gritted his teeth.

Running toward Genius, countless lasers were fired from Akatsuki's back.

The distance between them was still large. —Even so, the Mushi was in Akatsuki's range.

The mayfly fired laser beams one after another.



The several hundreds of light beams pierced the red sky.

The rain of lasers burst through the wall of white particles. All of them hit Genius without fail. The orchid mantis, still dragging the egg, tilted greatly.


"No way…"

He felt dizzy for a second due to the consumption of power.

"Do you feel like fighting seriously now? North Central Branch."

Yet Akatsuki gritted his teeth and preserved himself.

There was tension in the communication channel.

"That guy pisses me off. There aren't any decent guys at East Central, huh."

"Yeah yeah, don't put your personal feelings into the mission."

"You still plan to fight? Fighting with all of your power will simply shorten your lifespan—"

"I have a trump card. Will you just fight along with me without complaining?"

He spat at them.

Perhaps pushed by Akatsuki's anger, the channel sank into silence.

They had to win no matter what. If Akatsuki lost here, it would put Ako's resolve and determination to waste.

Akatsuki clenched his fist, stepping into the space overflowing with white grains.

4.05 Youko Part 8[edit]

Youko watched the storm of lasers covering the sky.

Genius's body tilted forward and Loci on Youko's shoulder raised a small shriek.

Yet that was all.

Genius soon corrected its posture and intercepted the North Central Branch members that crowded around it like flies. Its grand scythes were swung from sky to land, and the mountain exploded.

"Do your best, Genius."

Youko cheered for it while sitting on the suitcase.

She knew Genius's strength well through Loci. There was no doubt that it was the strongest among Mushi. Even now it wouldn't Mature.

When it Matured, someday, it would probably gain even more power. Its original host would probably breathe her last, but Youko felt no qualms about that.

When she'd eliminated those she fought against now, Youko would become the perfect Demon Lord. Commanding her minions, Loci and Genius, to whom none could compare, she would become the tyrant of the world.

First she would actively pursue the eyesore known as the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau. There can only be one Demon Lord in the world. She would seek out Miguruma Yaeko and snuff out her life.

After destroying the SEPB she would turn any and all hidden Mushitsuki in the country to Fallens.

Thinking about it, the resistance movement Mushibane possessed a lot of Mushitsuki. If she defeated a few members they'd probably appear. By crushing the tips the main body would appear. It was good this enemy was easy; she should be able to promptly eliminate them.

The Rank 1 Mushitsuki would probably stand in her way of Mushi extermination.

Irregular Class Rank 1, Harukiyo. —The North Central Branch member that Youko had interrogated didn't know much about him. Harukiyo was a Mushitsuki who controlled fire and would sporadically appear in lots of battles.

He apparently possessed extraordinary power, but fighting against a Special Type was actually easier. If Genius controlled its own domain, a Special Type wouldn't be able to produce their own medium, and would thus become useless. They could use their powers naturally outside their domain, but she wouldn't give them the opportunity.

Secret Class Rank 1, Fuyuhotaru. —According to the battle simulations she'd made, she would be the most annoying opponent of all. Her ability matter-destroying snow had the strongest range. She didn't feel like she'd lose even if she fought straight on, but if possible she wanted to defeat the host herself with a surprise attack. If she were to defeat Mushibane, Fuyuhotaru would definitely stand in her way.

And finally, the Blaze Class Rank 1, Kakkou. —A merciless demon that symbolized the SEPB. Yet from what she'd heard of his power of a Fusion Type, he was far below Harukiyo or Fuyuhotaru of the same rank. No matter how much strength he had, a mere gun would not even cause Genius to flinch.

Apparently there had been two other Rank 1s. One had been killed by Kakkou and the other vanished from the world of Mushitsuki like a mirage. No one had much information about the latter, not even their current status. There was a rumor that Kakkou had killed them, so probably thinking of them as dead was fine.

She was curious about the warrior she'd met previously, the one who controlled mass. The SEPB member that Youko asked knew no such person. He was apparently a wild Mushitsuki, unrelated to any organization. He was just a Special Type Mushitsuki, so she was confident that she'd definitely defeat him the next time they met.

"I wonder how long it'll take, killing all Mushi."

Youko swung her legs on top of the suitcase, thinking ahead. Since there were no signs of her losing the battle in front of her, she didn't even focus on it.

"Oh, and I also have to kill the Original Three. If I make Genius eat even just one more Mushi it'll be fully grown, so during the next time I give birth to a dream I can kill that monster while I'm at it. They're horrible, I just hate them."

Right now Genius had no enemies, but she would feel bad if it didn't grow up properly.

Genius grew up to be the strongest existence. Never mind Mushitsuki, she was sure that not even something like missiles would do anything to it. Even in the worst case scenario, it could lock itself in a coffin with Youko, burrow deep underground and wait for a while.

"After destroying all Mushi I wonder what world I'll create…"

Daydreaming about that day made her heart race.

No one could stop Youko and Genius.

The road to the Demon Lord was smooth sailing as always.


With someone calling to her, she looked to the side.

She completely forgot about her existence. Haemori Ako still stood nearby.

"What is it, Ako-chan?"

She raised her head, wearing a sleek smile. While looking at her, Ako lowered her camera.

She turned it off, then brought out the memory card from the lower slot. Placed between her index and middle finger, she opened the fastener with her other two fingers and put the case in her bag. In exchange she brought out a new memory card from her case, and returned it inside the camera as if in rewind. Then, she rebooted the camera.

How many times had she repeated this exact same motion? Her chain of movements was smooth and vivid like flowing water. Even Youko was entranced for a moment there.

Ako looked at the rebooted digital camera with a serious expression.

"This memory card contains my greatest masterpiece. I regret that I handed member Akatsuki a dummy card, but I couldn't let go of it as a journalist. —Only a few minutes remained in it, and I finally finished it."

Youko tilted her head. What was that? It had nothing to do with her.

Ako readied her camera again, filming Youko sitting on the suitcase.

"An interview."

The unimaginable underclassman's action caused her to slightly widen her eyes.

"Why are you trying to become the Demon Lord?"

The round, concave lenses filmed the now-beautiful Youko. Genius and the other fighting Mushitsuki were also visible behind her.

Ako's question called forth a certain emotion in Youko.

A certain memory from when she'd seen her father's notes.

The emotion that Miguruma Yaeko, the girl who created an empty miniature garden, had carved into Youko was, undoubtedly, fear.


Youko recalled the days of her youth, narrowing her eyes.

If she wanted to try an interview, then let her. When Youko had been plain she hadn't stuck out. Now that she was beautiful, however, leaving behind records of herself wasn't bad.

"Mushi are scary."

She grinned at the camera.

Thinking about it, living without standing out was perhaps due to the fear planted deep within her heart.

The woman with the chaining smile was scary.

The empty box she'd created was scary.

And what caused the world to become like that was—

—A dream.

She came to know of the monster given birth by dreams—Mushi—that the girl had spoken about.

So Youko was the most afraid of Mushi.

"Isn't it true? I mean, look at it."

She glanced to the side at Genius's battle.

"Mushi are just monsters. If we just leave them be, they'll obviously destroy the world one day. To defeat monsters, I have to gain even more power."

She had accidentally gained a method to subjugate that fear.

Using the miniature garden, she stimulated people's dreams, dragged them out, and exposed them.

The Mushi born using her own talent gave her further strength. The combination of Youko and Genius was invincible.

To defeat Mushi one needed Mushi.

"To defeat Mushi you have played with people's hearts, gave birth to new Mushi, and made them fight one another?"

"I mean, a normal person like me can't kill Mushi."

She liked playing with people's hearts.

Creating a garden box and dragging out someone's dream was really fun. Trapping the born Mushi inside a coffin and using it again as a Spirit Zone was also amusing.

She used Mushi and killed them.

The strongest was the one who could control, manipulate, and play with them—herself.

"But you're no longer scared, right?"

Youko showed a content smile. If someone would watch this interview, they'd be enraptured by her beauty and strength.


Yes, the moment she conquered her fear, Youko recalled.

The time when she'd seen garden box in front of Miguruma Yaeko, she'd felt not only fear; she also felt admiration for the girl playing with the world.

"I mean—I just became the Demon Lord."

Youko changed the tone of her voice.

She surpassed Yaeko who was merely playing with a miniature garden.

Because Youko's playground was not a small box.

It was endlessly vast—the world itself.

"Being stronger than Mushi, only the Demon Lord has the right to play with the world."

Ako kept filming Youko's demonic smile wordlessly for a while.

Ako bit her lips for a moment.

"…Do you enjoy this, Satou-senpai?"

She wrung out a hoarse voice.

"There are probably no Mushi in the world you're trying to create."

Throwing herself to the interview, Ako was trying to convey something to Youko. Youko tilted her head.

"Yet you will end all alone in that world. Or do you find playing alone enjoyable?"

"How weird, Ako-chan."

From her Demon Lord expression she returned to the smile of Satou Youko again.

"I'm the Demon Lord but I'm also a normal person, you know?"

Ako's words were fundamentally wrong.

Youko had certainly grasped a power beyond Mushi. However, she never threw her humanity away.

"I'm a normal girl you can find anywhere who fears Mushi."

Ako's face distorted in sadness.

Even so, as an excellent journalist, she soon suppressed her feelings and erased her expression. From Youko's friend Haemori Ako she returned being the faceless interviewer.

"This was the interview with the Demon Lord—Satou Youko."

Ako calmly stated the date and the place.

"The one conducting this interview was—"

Her mouth moved mechanically.


Youko giggled.

"Not the ex-Demon Lord, huh?"

An electronic sound echoed.

The memory was probably full. Red light lit on Ako's digital camera.

Turning her camera off, the girl lowered it.

"Won't you plug in a new memory card?"

"I already filmed everything I needed to."

Ako wore a lonely smile. Youko felt as if this was the first time in a while she'd seen Ako without her camera.

The girl once feared as a Demon lord was no longer there.

The journalism club president excited to confront Youko was not there, either.

In front of Youko was a petite, normal girl—who was a Mushitsuki.

"All that's left is waiting for one more job to be completed."


A white light shot from her back.

Youko turned toward the town with a start.

The white particles stood in the town where Youko grew up.

This was a sign of the coming Spirit Zone activating.

There wasn't just one place wrapped in that light, or even two. The number of areas from which the white particles rose was, as far as she could remember, all of the Spirit Zones she had created.

"Finally, my work as the ex-Demon Lord is all done, too."

Hearing Ako's words, Youko knew that someone was happening.

4.06 Akatsuki Part 10[edit]

Standing nearby it, Genius's largeness defied imagination.

The fields between the mountains were left with the marks of Genius heading to town while dragging its egg for miles upon miles. Knocking down power lines, destroying a pump house and causing it to cave in, it created a small ravine.

The area with Genius in its center was another dimension controlled by white particles. They were able to barely preserve a normal space only around Akatsuki, who was comparatively close, and the other members. Among the members was someone with the ability to nullify domains.


The laser beams shot by Akatsuki pierced the white space. They slipped between legs, dodged the scythes and stabbed through the head. Genius's cry shook the surrounding air.

Other than Akatsuki and the others on the ground there were also some people engaging in aerial combat. Dodging the scythes, Minion-Type Mushitsuki ripped Genius's wings growing from its back with sharp claws. Other Mushi flew around while spitting spheres of flames, scorching the orchid mantis's skin.

Genius howled.

The white particles dancing midair temporarily changed to the form of a large coffin. It opened its mouth wide to eat the Mushi flying at it. Another ball of fire was swallowed inside the coffin, and by closing the lid the flames exploded in the closed space.

Long range attacks did not pierce its tough outer shell, and if they approached it they would be swallowed by the clay coffins. Furthermore, the white pheromones filling the air would erode the Mushi's hosts' mind and cause them to be unable to fight.

"Take shelter!"

After shooting a succession of laser beams, Akatsuki heard a sharp noise and raised his head in surprise.

Genius swung its scythe toward where Akatsuki was. The mantis looming above looked like a white building collapsing.


Including Akatsuki, the jacket-wearing members spread to all directions.

Yet there was one member who couldn't escape on time. Perhaps intimidated by Genius's pressure, he looked in a daze at the sickle aiming for him.


Akatsuki shouted yet the member didn't move. He clicked his tongue, making the mayfly's double tail glow.


A full-powered swarm of lasers hit the scythe threatening to hit the delayed member.

A large tremor shook the field plain.

Akatsuki floated a few meters in air. He soon recovered his position and raised his face.

Even the multitude of lasers merely changed the scythe's trajectory a bit. The scythe nearly grazing the member created a large valley in the ground.

"What a waste. Throwing away so much power for that… That guy was a low-ranked member so you could've just abandoned him."

"Don't fuck with me…!"

He immediately cursed. Genius's scythe was even thicker than the rest of its body. Akatsuki's attack did nothing but leave scorching marks on the light pink blade.

"I also said this before, but leave your cellphone open. If you won't, I can't use my ability and you'll get affected by the domain."

Akatsuki noticed the white pheromones distancing him. Looking around, he also saw that the white particles avoided the other members strewn around just like him.


Akatsuki grimaced, looking up at Genius leisurely heading to town. As always, the attacks made by the North Central Branch were simple and passive hit and run tactics.

Ever since Akatsuki came in front of Genius, he was the only one to attack with his full power. Yet due to the distance, by the time the lasers hit the white particles they were weakened. At least it lost its balance, but even causing small wounds took everything Akatsuki had.

"Fight more seriously! Haven't only the low-ranked members been attacking for a while now?!"

There were a few obvious high-ranking members around. Some of them sat on distant power poles, some flew above Genius. Some of them just used their domains to protect themselves from the pheromones, and some of them never showed up, just like those who protected the domains of other members.

Holding Genius back by himself was too much for Akatsuki. He also used up his power to protect lower-ranked members just like before.

At this rate he would simply exhaust himself.

"Hey, isn't this guy an idiot?"

"You can't just blindly attack, y'know. I mean, even your attacks aren't doin' much, Kaguya-san."

"I don't want to waste myself against such a monster… there's no way of winning."

In front of the flying unit, countless coffins materialized. A few Mushi didn't manage to turn in time and flew into the large opening coffins.


His body moved faster than he could think. His mayfly shot some lasers, and he shot down all of the coffins attempting to devour the Mushi, leaving none behind.

He was glad to see that the escaping Mushi took their distance. Yet not long after, he felt a tremor at his feet. His body was then hurled aside.


The coffin flying out of the ground covered the spot Akatsuki occupied just now. He took a safe landing and stood up, looking up at the orchid mantis.

It probably noticed who the most troublesome enemy Mushitsuki was. Genius's three compound eyes all focused down on Akatsuki.


The pheromones around him increased in richness. The shrinking white grain storm engulfed Akatsuki.

"Yeah yeah, Domain Isolation. Geez, don't make me use my power too much."

Just before collapsing, the particles receded. Immediately after he leapt to the side, a suddenly appearing coffin swallowed the spot he just stood in.

As Akatsuki ran away at full speed, the coffins growing from the ground assaulted him one after another.

"Oh my, he's taken a liking for you. How dangerous."

He couldn't even spare a look above. He instinctively changed course, leaping directly to the side.

A scythe as large as a wall passed in front of him. It slashed through a power line and severed water pipes, causing a large water spout.

"What about your so-called trump card? You seem to be reaching your limits."

"Actually, would even Central Headquarters be able to beat this stupid thing?"

"They'd manage somehow, right? The Vice-Director has some sorta unit directly under her. They're probably strong."

"Huh? Then we don't have to break a sweat then."

Wet with water and caked with mud, Akatsuki couldn't bear it any longer and shouted.

"What're you going to do about the town then?! Can you even imagine how many victims this will cause at this rate?!"

"Sure, we wanna help. But what's impossible's impossible. So we should run away and limit the number of victims."

"If you really want to defeat that mantis, how about you stop protecting the low-ranks and focus your attacks on it? It's a wonder you're still alive when you're soft enough and try to protect them all."

The lasers shot by Akatsuki hit Genius's abdomen. But perhaps weakened by the energy expenditure of the succession of attacks, it didn't even cause the Mushi to flinch.

"What's so wrong about wanting to protect people…!"

He was sick of seeing people collapse in front of him. Akatsuki himself turned many Mushitsuki to Fallens. But he had enough of that.

Even just fighting like this right now was unbearable.

He felt keenly that only days of peace, such as those he had spent with Ako, were what agreed with him the most.

"Being greedy ain't good. Do what you can and avoid what's impossible. That's the secret for a long life."

"Those who try to accomplish what they can't will just die."

"I already know I want too much here…!"

Although he was fighting, he didn't want to fight anymore.

Although he was losing, he didn't want to lose anything anymore.

That was the person called Ogata Akatsuki.

What was so wrong about a selfish Mushitsuki?

"Even so, I'm much better than those of you who run away without even trying!"

"What was that?"

"Wait, Kaguya-san. We're risking our lives here, too; isn't this too much?"

"Man, you're pissin' me off."

Ako, who he'd met in this town, had said that civilians and Mushi were no different.

But not wanting to save someone in front of his eyes would mean that Mushitsuki were mere monsters. Something even scarier than Genius in front of him. If he became like that as well, he would be unable to go back to his daily life.

"If I need to give up on my humanity and become a monster, I'd rather die!"

Akatsuki had not given up.

He would return to peaceful life like before, when he could hold Senri's hand.

That was way he had to cross the line—

"Are you saying that we're monsters?"

"I don't wanna hear that from a member of Kakkou's branch; now that's a real monster."

"Stop talking about that demon at times like this…"

"If you wanna defeat that thing why don'tcha bring Kakkou here? He might be able to, right?"

Agreeing voices flew all over the communication channel.

He could imagine it, but that guy was hated even in the North Central Branch. Perhaps he had caused some sort of incident in the past.

The moment Kakkou's name came out, Akatsuki felt the blood rising to his head.



Along with a dry laugh, Akatsuki gazed up at Genius.

Exhausted as he was, his attacks couldn't even delay the movements of the orchid mantis. The lower-ranked involved in battle were hurt.

"Aren't you thinking the same as me…"

Ako said.

—Not fighting and running away are not one and the same.


Simply because Akatsuki didn't want to fight, he ran from the battle in front of him.

The hatred directed at the person who took the one most important to him was just a pretext to protect the person important to him.

Yet he noticed that he was always running away from battle.

"I don't want to fight"—

Akatsuki had misjudged his dream.

To make that dream come true he didn't need to run away from battle.

He needed to survive.

In order to stop any kind of fighting, he could do nothing but survive to the end.

And Akatsuki knew only one person who could do that.

"Kakkou might be able to defeat this—I thought."

A silence befell the channel.

He could feel the anger of the North Central Branch.

Yet he also knew that not a single one would speak against him.

"I loathe him, but I know that Kakkou is strong…"

The Mushitsuki called Kusuriya Daisuke was trying to finish the war.

Akatsuki finally felt as he could also see the same goal.

It was rather late, but would he be able to catch up to Daisuke from now on?

Catch up to him, who was only looking ahead, and then overtake him—

Would he be able to directly face him again by doing so?

"The mantis is…!"

A voice of agitation rose from the visor.

Akatsuki could also clearly see it.

Genius was trying to spread its gigantic wings. The white particles became an updraft, and the violent wind tore off everything planted in the field from the root.

"It's flying…? If it becomes even more mobile we'd have no way to defeat it!"

Akatsuki covered his face using his jacket sleeve, gazing up Genius's colossal body.

It was just like the North Central Branch members said. Since it was slow and on the ground, they could hit with their attacks. If it got further they couldn't hit it.

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Yet the worst case scenario went unfulfilled.

Genius moved its wings in an attempt to take flight, but soon landed back without even rising. Apparently the part of its body fused with the egg was too heavy. Akatsuki sighed in relief.

"T-that was freakin' close… If that stupid thing could even fly we wouldn't be able to even run away…"

"We're saved because its right scythe is stuck to the egg. If not, perhaps we'd have all been wiped out already."

"Well, let's just run for it while we can. Retreat, retreat!"


While looking up at Genius, Akatsuki pleaded.

"Please. Wait for just a little bit more…!"

"How long d'you want us to wait?"

Genius lowered its head looking frustrated, and kept dragging the egg giving up. It advanced toward the town.

"Until I'm dead."

Glaring at the large Mushi, he asserted cleanly.


"If I die, then just scram off. But as long as I'm alive, if a chance comes then I want you to attack with your full power."

With Akatsuki's words the channel returned to complete silence.

"If even this isn't enough to get you to try fighting, I'll laugh and go back to the East Central Branch."

He asserted it on purpose to sound like sneering.

"I'll tell Kakkou that all North Central Branch are a bunch of cowards."

"Fuck you."

"Die already."

"We're not gonna pick up your body."

"I can at least offer some backup without getting emotionally involved in the mission… but if you're about to die and my fingers get all mixed up, I'm sorry."

"Go to hell…"

The responses came immediately.

By getting their ready consent, Akatsuki ran toward Genius. To stop the mantis he first had to enter its field of vision. It would be dangerous, but there was no other way.

Standing in the way of Genius, he showered it with a rain of lasers.

The damage was almost nonexistent, but it managed to stop its advance. The richness of white particles around Akatsuki grew. The coffins created one after another from the ground leapt to try and eat Akatsuki.

Genius swung down its scythe.

Although he had immediately evaded and defended from the direct attack, Akatsuki was blown away by the eruption of dust. A rain of pebbles hit his body. He nearly lost consciousness from the violent pain, but he couldn't even stop for a second, evading the next appearing coffin.

It was just like someone said just now. If it could use both scythes he wouldn't be able to evade. It ended without any fatal wounds because it only had one shot at a time.

Just like the North Central Branch high-ranking members said, they simply escorted him. Thrown alone in the space filled with white particles, he would probably become unable to fight in a few seconds.


He gave up aiming his attacks at the distant head. He was aiming at the legs moving toward the town. Every time a focused barrage hit through one of its legs, Genius raised an agonized howl.

This time Genius swung its scythe horizontally.

Even by rounding his body reflexively and evading, he was blown away by the delayed gale. Waiting for Akatsuki in the air was a pulsating coffin. Crashing into the open inside, his whole body was slammed.


The coffin enclosed Akatsuki. The completely dark space was filled with orange light.

The laser shot from inside burnt the coffin to cinders. Even while dragging his legs, Akatsuki managed to escape.

Genius gave him no time to rest. A mad dance housing strength off the charts assaulted him.

"Umm… I guess that letting a Rank 2 die like that would be pretty bad, nah?"


The North Central Branch members sank into silence for a while.

Yet a certain girl spoke as if unable to bear it any longer.

"All hands, prepare for a simultaneous attack."

"…! But, with things as they are, hitting with our attacks is—"

"Then are you just going to stand there watching? That's much more stupid than running away…!"

"I mean, we can't win this…"

"But we'll be just cowards, then. Kakkou's gonna laugh at us again…"

"Don't screw me with me. We're not retreating because we're scared or anything! I don't care what that demon thinks about me!"

Seeing Akatsuki wounded with no way out, the opinions among the members were split.

"You can just back me up!"

Yet he still stopped the members from attacking.

"Preserve your strength…!"

Asserting this, he attacked Genius's leg with a laser.

He was single-mindedly trying to stop Genius from walking, and asked the North Central Branch members to preserve their powers for the time to come.

Before that, Akatsuki had told them to wait until he died.

Yet he had no intention of dying.

There were many things he had left to do. He couldn't die there.

He intended to make them wait as long as he could until the chance came.

In exchange, when that time came they would have to work properly—


The umpteenth attack by the scythe blew Akatsuki away. He crashed into the ground from the height of several meters, and his breathing stopped for a moment.

"Are you ready? Once I give the sign we'll all go in."

"No! It's too early…!"

Spitting out blood, Akatsuki rose. He tried dodging the successive coffins, but his legs got entangled. Pounded by the hard coffin, he fell to the ground.

"Give us a break! You don't have a trump card, do you? Just admit you're trying to make us all fight a hopeless battle!"

The girl shouted. She wrung out such a loud voice she could almost kill with it.

"Do you think we'd let our allies die for nothing? This isn't a fucking joke! I know that there are times when, if you want to have two people survive, you have to sacrifice one person! When we wanted to retreat there was a guy who'd volunteered to be the rear guard, but have you noticed? The others risked their lives to let him escape! We're all ready to die to let one of us escape if it comes down to it!"

The voice abandoning all rationality was the shout of the Mushitsuki surviving battles.

"But this is different! If you die here no one will be saved! You'll just perish like a dog! The kind of death I hate the most!"

"Are you saying that if you continue letting one person die to save two, you'll just get used to do sacrifices?"

Wiping the mud stuck to his face, Akatsuki replied with anger.


"Also—don't just decide what's going to happen. I won't die. I won't allow myself to die here."

He wasn't stubborn.

He wasn't desperate.

Akatsuki fought because he could see a hope of winning this battle in front of him.

"To let everyone survive, I believe in you. So you need to believe in me too."

The possibility was slim, but if there was a way to fight without any victims, he would never collapse no matter how hurt he was. He was going to survive, clinging to the thin ray of hope.

It happened just after the girl's voice went silent.

He heard the noise of the channel changing, and then an unfamiliar voice.

"Team 2, transmission complete. We will attack the listed points."

All people who've been soliciting the communication until now grew lively.

"Huh? Why're Team 2…!"

"What list are you talking about? Team 1 didn't hear anything about it!"

"Commencing attack."

The abnormality happened behind Akatsuki at the town.

From various places in town, visible from the field, white particle columns erupted.

"The heck's that?"

Ignoring the people from Team 1, Akatsuki was relieved.

He had received a certain list from Ako.

A list that showed the Spirit Zone created in town.

How much time would it take?

How much effort would it take?

The journalism club president and ex-Demon Lord, Haemori Ako, hadn't just pursued Youko, but also found out which places were made into Spirit Zones. Places like the museum and radio tower that Akatsuki found or the cherry tree were only a mere few.

And Akatsuki had sent that list to the North Central Branch.

Since he didn't get a reply from them, he was worried that they'd ignored it because it was too dangerous. Yet they finally reached a decision.

"The coffin appeared. Confirming the trapped Mushi as well. Commencing elimination."


Although he was just relieved, Akatsuki raised his voice reflexively.

"You can just break the Spirit Zones! The Mushi inside are irrelevant!"

"We cannot. The rampaging Mushi already caused victims. —Commencing elimination."

Akatsuki clenched his fists.

The Mushi-eating Mushi, Genius.

If the source of its power was the Mushi inside the Spirit Zones—

"…Now Genius should be weakened."

He wrung out a raspy voice. The Mushi created by Youko bore no sin. He wished to save them as well, was it only his selfishness?

Genius howled.

The white particles filling the area grew thinner. The color of the body glowing in faint pink soon faded.

"As promised. Commence attack."

Barely supporting his tattered body, he looked up at Genius.

A large coffin rose up from Genius's legs. Inferring the danger, it was probably intending to escape back underground.

Conversely the North Central Branch members felt the chances for victory.

Different from when they'd ridiculed Akatsuki, a sharp voice rang through the communication channel.

"We won't let you run! —Sense Isolation!"

A loud noise shook Genius. The movements of the coffin enclosing it stopped, freezing in place.

"Hah… Hah… I-it worked! We can do this!"

"Trying to control its domain…"

The sky colored in red was encroached by raining rust.

After a damp wind blew, a crimson rain poured down on Genius. The white particles were polluted and erased one by one.

"It won't last even a minute…"

"Not a problem."

"Let's do it."

A Mushi jutting from the ground pierced Genius's abdomen.

Jutting from the ground the Mushi, pierced Genius's abdomen. Penetrating through its chest, the Mushi entwined its body around Genius and tightened.

Another Mushi danced down from the sky, landing on Genius's shoulder. It blurred for a moment, and then Genius's scythe fell apart. Along with a giant tremor, it fell to the surface.

"Keep sealing its movements like that."

Weaving through the rain of rust, a wavy paper-like Mushi approached Genius. The instant it touched Genius's chest, the air vibrated. A large cavity was opened up in the mantis's chest.

Genius cried toward the heavens.

Genius's howl, leaving its echoes behind, sounded like the death throes of all Mushi Youko had created.

Akatsuki had no idea who its host was.

Yet he knew that there was something that he had to do.

"…I'm sorry."

The golden mayfly shot its lasers.

4.07 Youko The Last[edit]

All of the Zones Youko had created thus far were vanishing one after another.

With its nutrition dwindling, Genius's once-unlimited energy couldn't be contained any longer.

The domain controlled by Genius weakened, and the luster around its body thinned.

"N-no way…"

Youko rose from her suitcase, grimacing in nervousness.

Such a thing happening was way outside her calculations.

The Spirit Zones were being erased—

How had they surmised that they'd be able to stop Genius like that?

She had no intention of underestimating the ex-Demon Lord and Chronicler, Haemori Ako.

Youko had noticed Ako chasing after her. That was why Youko acted prudently, moving in a way that she wouldn't be found.

Yet before she started investigating Youko's identity, Ako had probably noticed the strange happenings in town and investigated the Spirit Zones. That was the only explanation.

Even Youko who created them knew the activation conditions and effect of only a few Zones.

And despite this Ako managed to find out nearly all of them by herself?


She bit her lips in frustration.

Even so, somewhere in her heart, she noticed herself despising Ako.

Youko got carried away, thinking that a Demon Lord of the past wouldn't be her opponent.

She was a normal girl, the solitary member of the journalism club, a girl who preached every day about the Demon Lord conspiracy. But without anyone knowing, she'd fought against Youko all alone.

"Run away, Genius…! Dig into the ground and we'll wait until you're fully grown up!"

She ordered Genius through Loci on her shoulder.

A coffin rose from the feet of the large mantis. Once Genius returned underground, nobody would be able to lay a hand on it. It would take some time, but a second chance would certainly come.



The coffin's movements stopped.

It was probably an enemy's ability. Taking advantage of Genius's weakness, they sealed its movements.

Successive attacks assaulted Genius.

All of them would have not left even a scratch on Genius before. Even so before Youko's very eyes, the large mantis's body was being shaved.


Youko, who was just a normal person, could do nothing but watch.

The future she'd dreamt of was crumbling apart.

"If only it was fully grown we would've won already…"

She clenched her fist.

"If Ako-chan wasn't there, I would've become the Demon Lord…"

She was a mere step away.

Youko without a doubt reached to the seat of the Demon lord.

She heard her own teeth grinding.

"—I haven't lost yet!"

She turned around vigorously.

"If it eats even one more Mushi, Genius should fully evolve—"

Her prey was nearby.

Haemori Ako had become a Mushitsuki. If she ate her Mushi, perhaps Genius would retrieve its previous power.



During the time Youko stood in place, Ako had already moved to the fence.

From the other side of the steel pipes wrapped in ribbons, Ako's eyes calmly gazed at Youko.


The hand she extended to the girl clashed against the fence.

That distance was outside Loci's pheromones' range. Even if she got on the fence now she wouldn't make it in time.

Ako kept staring at her direction, not saying anything. Her sad face pursued Youko even now.


White particles burst from her feet.

Youko took out her rack, and put the suitcase on it. The shelves flew open vigorously as she opened it.

"I'll make MYSELF a Mushitsuki!"

This wasn't the time to act willy-nilly.

She would turn herself into food for Genius—

In the space covered by Loci's pheromones, Youko's hands moved quickly.

If Ako was a professional camerawoman, then Ako was a miniature garden-building specialist. Youko had created many worlds with her hands and played with people's hearts.

A doll symbolizing herself stood in the center.

With the smile of a Demon Lord she grabbed the pieces, and instantly created a world—


Or so she should have.

Youko's smile froze.


After putting a lone person doll, her arms couldn't move anymore.

Nothing came to mind.

There were no materials in the miniature garden.

She simply created an empty space.

Youko's eyes could simply see herself left behind in this blank world.

"This is—"

Her Demon Lord smile distorted in despair.

She realized the meaning of the miniature garden she'd created.

"This empty world… is the world… I've dreamed of…?"

A lone tear streamed down her cheek.

The tear streamed down her chin, becoming a droplet that fell to the ground.

As she stood there frozen stiff, a golden light came into her sight.

The bundle of lasers shot from the ground blew away Genius's head.

The mantis's body tilted.

Its head blown off, Genius slowly collapsed—


Still in the position of preparing her materials, Youko couldn't take any move.

She knew Loci on her shoulder was vanishing.

"Only a bit more…"

Still shedding tears, she wore a weak smile.

If only Genius had fully grown—

If only Ako wasn't there—

Would Youko really become a Demon Lord?


Was it really so, though?

Manipulating people.

Playing with dreams.

Eating Mushi.

She dreamt of the Demon Lord.

Even Youko herself thought that this happened through a miracle beyond her wildest dreams.

Perhaps Youko was someone who wasn't supposed to—shouldn't exist.

However, even so—

"It was fun, right…?"

Satou Youko.

The girl who feared Mushi and dreamt of becoming the Demon Lord.

While she wore a childish smile, the Loci on her shoulder vanished while raising a small shriek.

5.00 Ako The Last[edit]

Seeing off the end of the Demon Lord, Ako was walking.

The sky retrieved its sunset color.

With the wind blowing all over her, Ako headed for the radio tower.

Genius lost its head yet even now preserved its form. The slowly vanishing giant body fell in the field surrounded by mountains.

The laser beams that had finished it had probably been fired by Akatsuki. She felt relieved to know that he was safe.

Defeating Genius, the Mushitsuki fulfilled their jobs.

Crushing the aspirations of the Demon Lord, she returned being a normal person.

The fight was over.


Ako narrowed her eyes at the light of the sunset poking from the side.

Climbing up the stairs of the radio tower, the clatter of her footsteps flowed with the wind. The two-spotted cricket on her shoulder clung desperately to not be blown away.

She climbed to the first floor where there were antennas, to the second floor, and to the final, third floor.

Standing at the foot of the main antenna, she was able to see a view of the peaceful town. By destroying all of the Zones now it truly would become peaceful.

On the other hand, the area where Genius was defeated looked like it went through an apocalypse. The mountains were shaved, the ground was gouged, and the land was carved with scythe-like valleys. She could also see the Mushitsuki around the large Mushi.

The battle caused by the Demon Lord closed its curtains while leaving heavy scars.

And so—this was now Ako's battle.

She would continue to bet everything she had on this fight.

She had mistaken her way in the middle.

She had stood in place due to loneliness.

"I've finally reached this far."

Ako brought out the digital camera from her backpack.

She spontaneously smiled.

"'What are Mushitsuki'—I've pursued this truth for so long."

Readying her camera, her Mushi, the two-spotted cricket, climbed on top of it.

She understood instinctively what her Mushi was capable of. Even now, the marine-blue cricket shook like ripples on water, receiving certain information from Ako.

Truly an ability befitting her.

Had Oogui seen her dream and gave it to her on a whim, or had her own feelings gave birth to this power?

"The question of what Mushitsuki are would probably be solved by those Mushitsuki themselves. But before the world knows I am a Mushitsuki, I have to transmit myself as a journalist."


She had to purely transmit the information about what kind of being they were.

The fake truth painted in the color of fear wouldn't do.

"Because those who fear Mushi could even toy with them and plunge the world to chaos."

Ako had seen one such example, after all.

She'd seen the normal person Satou Youko, who had feared Mushi, had become a Demon Lord and had almost destroyed the world.

"Before I become like that, I shall spread the truth as Chronicler."

The marine-blue coloring the two-spotted cricket's body shone in a vivid light. Its tiny wings spread, and blue light enveloped the radio tower.

The blue, rippling light was absorbed into the small antennas attached to the railing as well as the main antenna that towered over Ako.

The LCD screen of Ako's digital camera started filming a fuzzy picture.

Civilian TV and satellite broadcast, and even voice-only radio, all the information flying through the air—was transmitted through the antenna.

The two-spotted cricket spread its wings, but what it produced was not just sound waves.

It made all manners of electrical waves.

The two-spotted itself was confined to the range of its ability, but by using the antenna as a medium she was able to greatly expand it.

Ako used all the power in her possession.

A lot of mental energy was consumed, and her petite body nearly stumbled. Yet she barely held on by sheer force of will.

The broadcast finished.

After completing it, the cricket spread its wing even more violently.

Ako replayed the footage.

The two-spotted cricket was transmitting electrical information recorded in the memory card to the antennas around.

"—This work has no title."

The blue glow kept transmitting Ako's masterpiece.

From the radio tower to the satellite.

From the satellite to the world.

The truth Ako found out rode on magnetic wave.

"Yet it contains the unmistaken truth."

The violent mental consumption caused scenes from Ako's past to flash in her head.

Although she was young, when Ako first started using her grandpa's camera she was soon smitten by it. She'd use it all over the place and the photos turned out horrible, but her grandfather still praised them all.

Ever since her grandfather went missing on the battlefield, she'd pursue subjects with her trusty digital camera. Ako's capabilities, as she desperately sought to expose the truth, were truly of a genius level. Since her grandfather always praised her like that, she was obviously a genius.

Obtaining more and more info about Mushi, Ako got carried away. Drunk with the power of truth, she used it needlessly to hurt other people. When she noticed it and turned around, everyone called her the Demon Lord and took their distance.

Meeting the real Demon Lord, she resolved to fight. The Demon Lord, who attempted doing as Ako once tried but on a global level, was too powerful, and she'd once even given up.

Then she met the Mushitsuki boy called Ogata Akatsuki. He became her one and only friend.

Ako ran ahead with full speed.

Therefore, now, she had the truth she looked for in her hand.

"—Mushitsuki can become our friends."

She had to transmit the true form of Mushitsuki.

They got angry, they hated, they hurt, they shouted, but even so they smiled, got happy and fell in love.

They were Mushitsuki, but they were undoubtedly also normal humans.

"The heart that fears Mushi distorted that truth…"

The blue glow surrounding Ako began being disordered.

That disorder grew in intensity, and before long all the signals sent from the radio tower were swallowed.

She was being obstructed—

The two-spotted cricket's ability was being jammed by someone.

"Transmitting that fact—"

Yet Ako didn't move.

She'd already felt the presence of her monitor from long ago.

The SEPB would soon know she became a Mushitsuki. If she was caught by them, she wouldn't get a chance to transmit the truth easily.

Just like she'd told Akatsuki, there was a limit now to how much they could hide Mushi.

Now, there was no second chance.

The two-spotted cricket flapped its wings, increasing its power consumption. It pushed against the ability jamming the waves.

She didn't think that passing on the truth was her duty.

As a Journalist, she thought it was her natural job.

And so the work filmed by Ako didn't have the name of its compiler—

"There is something I must do as the Chronicler."

The magnetic waves transmitted by Ako, and the ability jamming them.

The two powers mingled inside the radio tower.

"—I have already informed you."

Her vision blurred with a slight impact.

The two-spotted cricket's cry echoed.

"Never mind you just gathering information, but if you try to transmit it, you'll be killed."

In front of Ako appeared a thin figure. When had she arrived there? Ako who'd been focused on using her power hadn't noticed her.

She was a tall woman with a black mask hiding her chin. Perhaps a foreigner, her eyes and nose looked east-western and her skin was sunburnt. Her body completely clad in a dark trench coat, she stuck her right hand toward Ako.

Her sleeve transformed, and two needles flew from her right hand.

One of them pierced the two-spotted cricket, and the other—


Ako coughed.

The lump of blood flowing from her mouth dripped to the floor.

One of the transformed needles pierced Ako's right chest.

"Your footage will not reach anywhere."

The woman spoke mechanically.

Annihilation Unit member, Shera.

The woman who'd once appeared before Ako to warn her and named herself thus.


Even while dribbling a line of blood from the sides of her mouth, Ako smiled. She shook her head.

"—I won."

The woman changed her expression.

"I was just a second faster. There should be a person who received it even for a second—"

She knew she was being jammed. Although it was the truth, if it spread through the whole world, chaos would not be avoided. As one who was fascinated by news, Ako knew that the most of anyone.

And so, just for a second.

If Ako's footage flowed through the world, even for a split second, it would be her victory.

One person was fine.

The one who saw Ako's work should feel something.

The power of truth was mighty.

Through the person who received Ako's feelings, it would spread even further.

"You can transmit the truth not using just electrical waves—but also the connections between people."

She felt refreshed.

Ako was able to accomplish her goal.

One day the world would accept the existence known as Mushi.

She was able to take this "first step" and transmit it to the world—

"I'll set an example."

The woman grimaced.

"We are aware that the network used by people is vast. The people's connections you speak of will let people know of your death and serve as a warning to those who seek Mushi."

The next flying needle pierced Ako's abdomen.

She fell to her knees.

"Thinking of people who use such power as friends… humph, how silly."

The two-spotted cricket was skewered by countless needles.

The blue glow surrounding the radio tower was vanishing.

"There's no way such a thing would be possible."

She felt the woman's mumbles growing further away.

The thump she heard next was her body hitting the floor.

She saw her vanishing Mushi in front of her eyes.

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Just like her assassin said, she knew she was risking her life. She'd already known long ago that those who took "the first step" would risk their lives.

Yet the woman still underestimated a couple of things.

The courage of journalists.

People's connections.

Because the woman who killed Ako herself would transmit the truth one day to someone.

That was the power of truth.

"—The actions of our journalism club cannot be stopped by anyone…"

She could picture it.

Mushitsuki who weren't any different from normal people, and the figure of the girl who became a Demon Lord who feared Mushi—their decision would end up bringing out the truth.

That was Ako's wish.

When people accepted Mushitsuki, Ako's wish would come true.

With her great victory, the True Journalist, Haemori Ako—closed her eyes.

5.01 Akatsuki The Last[edit]

Akatsuki collapsed in front of the defeated Genius.

Using too much of his power, he breathed heavily with both hands on the ground.

It's over—

They have destroyed the Zones in town here and there, and defeated Genius. Thanks to Ako they were able to win.

"Good job. The wounded will go back to the branch and receive treatment."

"Still, that's quite somethin'. Its body is actually still here. Just how strong is it?"

He heard the voices of the members from the shared communication channel. They spoke so businesslike it didn't seem like they had just been in mortal combat.

Akatsuki had no power left after that battle. He turned off the channel and pulled the visor down to his forehead.

The setting sun returned to illuminate the desolate land. The cloudless sky was dyed orange.

It's time to crash for a bit—

It happened just as he thought so.


A blue light flashed from behind.

Turning around in surprise, he saw the radio tower glowing in blue like rippling water. The glow was spreading from the antennas. The members around also looked suspiciously at the radio tower.


He rose to his legs, wavering.

Ako and Youko should still be there. Did something happen to them?


Forcing his body that seemed ready to collapse if he let down his guard, he ran toward the radio tower. He didn't know what happened, but it was obviously something abnormal.

"Hah…! Hah…!"

Suddenly the blue glow vanished.

He had a bad premonition. His heart sped up, regardless of his fatigue.

Finally he reached the area of the radio tower.

Youko, who was supposed to be in front of the fence, was nowhere to be found. She vanished along with her suitcase.

And not only Youko vanished.

Ako was also nowhere.


He raised his voice but there was no reply.

As he became more and more panicked, Akatsuki heard the sound of something dripping on the fence.

He reflexively turned around.

On top of the fence close to the radio tower was an unknown figure. The slender silhouette clad in a black trench coat turned to him.

She was a woman. For an instant, the dark-skinned woman looked at Akatsuki. He saw her wearing a displeased face, and then her coat swelled like a balloon.

"Who are you…!"

As Akatsuki tried pursuing her, the blown coat vanished along with the figure.

She was a Mushitsuki. She probably used some sort of ability to vanish.

Having a bad feeling, Akatsuki looked around the area the woman vanished. He went over the fence from the same direction Ako came before.

"Ako! Ako!"

He looked around him, be he couldn't see any girl holding a camera.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Akatsuki froze.


From way overhead, a drop of liquid fell to the ground.

Spreading on the asphalt wetting it—it was bright red.


He unconsciously raised his face.

Once again a red drop fell down. —It was blood.

He kicked the ground faster than he could think. Forgetting about both fatigue and injuries, he climbed up the staircase.

Climbing up the stairs lit by the setting sun, Akatsuki's footsteps echoed loudly.

Reaching the first floor as if flying into it, he could see no one. The drops of blood came from further above.

He got to the second floor, but there was still nothing.

Rushing up to the third floor, Akatsuki found the girl.


Ako was collapsed on the floor.

Her eyes looked at Akatsuki for a split second.

The smiling girl's pupils—lost all color.


He jumped at the girl, the same time as her Mushi, the two-spotted cricket, vanished into thin air.

"Ako! Ako!"

Hugging her up, he checked her breathing.

Although shallowly breathing, he knew that her badly wounded body was losing life.

"Why… Why did you…!"

A digital camera lay on the floor.

Looking at the LCD screen, Akatsuki shouted.

It was the video of Akatsuki smiling shyly in the classroom while eating pudding.

"No way, Ako—"

Just by seeing that, Akatsuki realized the situation.

Had she tried to send the information about Mushitsuki to the world?

And if so, then the trench coat woman he'd just saw was probably the SEPB's—


Grimacing, he lowered his visor.

"I need someone with a healing ability…! There's someone gravely injured here!"

The reply came instantly.

"You'll have to come back to the branch, there aren't any. Didn't you listen?"

"I won't make it in time! Bring them here immediately!"

"Please do not ask for the impossible. How much time do you think it would take just moving there?"

"It can be anyone! Isn't there someone with even a little of a healing ability?!"

Silence befell the shared channel. He knew that this wasn't part of their duties, but it made his blood boil. Akatsuki removed his visor and threw it against the floor.

"Ako! Why…!"

In Akatsuki's arms, the cloudy eyed Ako's breathing grew weaker. Along with her flowing blood her body heat also vanished. The shoulders he touched were growing colder.

Telling people the truth—

He knew what Ako was trying to do.

Before the image of Mushitsuki being scary solidified, she would let the world know the truth about them.

So that people who feared Mushitsuki too much, like Satou Youko, would not be born.

None other than Ako was able to accomplish this.

More than anyone, Akatsuki knew that from hearing from Ako herself.

"Why did you have to do this…!"

Why did it have to be Ako?

Wouldn't anyone else suffice?

Why, of all people, it was Akatsuki's friend that had to become a victim—

"Ako! AKOOO!"

He called to her desperately, but the emotionless Ako didn't even raise screams of anguish.

Akatsuki was losing yet another friend in his arms.

Ako thought that becoming alone was punishment for her.

If so, then was Akatsuki losing friends also a punishment?

Was his turning his eyes away from battle and keep running away, his just desserts?

—No, that was wrong.

This time only, Akatsuki didn't run away.

So he couldn't agree with losing Ako.

"If you die… then beating the Demon Lord would've been for nothing…!"

Akatsuki could do nothing but hug Ako. Letting leak incomprehensible sobs, he held the girl's body as tightly as he could.


Something white flew by his sight distorted by tears.

Since he was a moment before losing his mind, Akatsuki couldn't understand what that was. Still hugging Ako, he looked at it with a glazed face.

White particles.

Cutting through the floor, passing through Ako's body, and rising to the sky.

Akatsuki could never mistake this.

He'd seen it countless times in front of his eyes.

It was one of the different spaces created by the Demon Lord, by Satou Youko, the ability of Genius.

It indicated that this area, called a Spirit Zone, had a supernatural phenomenon happening in it.


Still hugging Ako, he climbed toward the rails.

When he saw that sight, he was reminded.

He thought it was weird the previous time he'd gone there with Ako.

On the flower bed created by cutting open one part of the ground covered by asphalt—the grass there grew much more than the other flower beds.

"'The Angel of the Radio Tower'—"

He mumbled with a hoarse voice without noticing.

Seeing the plastic sheet dangling in the wind when he'd found it, he thought this was just it. Never mind Akatsuki, but Ako also thought this and was disappointed. Due to that, he hadn't written about the radio tower in the list that he'd brought to the North Central Branch.

Akatsuki saw the white particles converging on the flower bed.

A Spirit Zone.

Turning his face, he looked at Genius collapsed on the other side. Its silhouette was vanishing and growing transparent, but its ability was not yet gone—

Looking at the Spirit Zone again, he noticed a beam of light converged there.

The antenna on the fence was slanted, so that it gathered the sun's light from its side. It absorbed and reflected the light into the flowerbed.

Only during this time and when it was in this angle would the setting sun's light be sucked into the Spirit Zone through the antenna. Perhaps accepting that mighty light was the activation condition.

And he heard about its effects from Ako.

The reason why the woman who'd taken her life didn't die—


Akatsuki bit his lips, hugging Ako again.

Inside his arm, the girl was breathing shallower and shallower even now.

The Spirit Zone's light was quickly growing fainter. By the time the sun's angle changed even a little the light wouldn't reach the Zone anymore.

He had no time to go down the stairs while holding Ako.

"You said that us journalism club members were invincible, right?"

Akatsuki's dirtied face looked at Ako.

If he missed their fall even by a little bit it'd probably be instant death. It was very windy today, and even if he did fall to the correct spot, it would be same depending on the place he hit.

Yet Akatsuki had no hesitation.

Wearing a full smile, he—

"I… think so as well."

Took Ako in his arms, and leapt toward the ground.

5.02 The Others[edit]

A shadow fell from the top of the radio tower.

They were a boy and a girl huddled together.

Before falling, there was a flowerbed overflowing with white particles.

The pair fell onto the flowerbed as if absorbed in it. The moment before they crashed into the ground, the golden-colored mayfly safely served its purpose as their cushion.

The mayfly's cry of pain reverberated through the radio tower.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding became dark.

The setting sun fell.

The white particles left an afterimage behind and vanished.

The boy and girl didn't move at all. A stain of blood spread on the grassy ground.


The flowerbed completely lost its white glow, and there was silence for a few seconds.

The mayfly spurting bodily fluids moved slowly. It moved its bent legs, sluggishly advancing toward the flowerbed.

Yet finally losing its power, perhaps, its head fell to the ground.

Again silence.

It happened just before the light of life disappeared from the radio tower swallowed by the curtain of the night.

The radio tower was filled with a golden glow.

The mayfly's split tail shot a laser toward the setting sun.

Hundreds, thousands—as if shining for the last time in life, it shot beams of light in succession.

Picking up that radiance was the largest rusty antenna.

Swallowing the golden light, it shot it at the flowerbed where the boy and girl were collapsed.

It became filled with white particles.

The shining curtain covered the flowerbed like an angel from heaven.

The unmoving boy and girl and the wounded mayfly were swallowed by the pure white space.

"…You didn't run away from your fight, right Ako?"

The boy's mumble echoed. With blood flowing from his head, he looked at the girl he covered with his arms.

The blood flowing out of her petite body stopped.

Although still emotionless, the warmth of life returned to the girl's cheeks.

The distant, miserable figure of the orchid mantis was vanishing into thin air.

When Genius vanished, the Mushi released from its coffin appeared.

Using its wings to fly, the Mushi illuminated the pair with lights coming from the fronts of its legs.

"There's this Mushitsuki called Fuyuhotaru. She had become a Fallen, but was the one and only Mushitsuki to retrieve her previous feelings."

The wounds of the boy and girl enveloped in the warm light were slowly being healed.

"Getting through this battle, I think I'll definitely find out why. —Yup, I'll find out a way to get you back to normal, and then welcome you back."

The girl said nothing. She simply looked up the boy with doll-like eyes.

The light vanished.

Exhausting itself, the Mushi melted like mist.

"I won't run away anymore. I'll battle to the end and return alive. …So please wait for me, Ako."

Next to the smiling boy, the golden mayfly raised its head.

Epilogue: A Drop[edit]

The sun had set, and the alley was wrapped in darkness.

There was no one around.

Holding her suitcase in one hand, Satou Youko's figure was lit by the broken street lights.

Her contact lenses have fallen out somewhere along with her tears. She wore her black-rimmed glasses, and her face was hidden by the bangs that spread all over upon the loss of her hairpin. Because the wind was cold, she buttoned up her shirt all the way up.

Walking quietly, Youko suddenly raised her face.

She felt as if she could hear Genius's dying scream from afar.

Perhaps it was her imagination.

She again lowered her head and walked in the empty alleyway.


She saw a small shadow cut through the moon rising in the sky. It was a Mushi.

They were probably the search unit of the SEPB looking for Youko.

Yet although it passed by Youko, who wasn't especially trying to hide, the Mushi kept flying far into the night sky.

Just like before, she once again had a thin presence. Perhaps they wouldn't have noticed her even if they passed through the alley—immediately after she had this silly thought, figures appeared in the alley.

They were two girls. One of them had her eyes hidden by her hair just like Youko, and the other tied her hair using a string instead of a headband and wore triangular glasses.

"I was curious about Kaguya's movements and came to check things… and found something unbelievable instead."

The moment they passed next to each other, the bespectacled girl whispered to her.

Hearing the name of Kaguya made Youko twitch. Was this an SEPB assassin?

"Someone like you would never stop fighting."

For an instant there was a red flash.

Youko felt something eat into her heart. Just as she felt a sting-like sensation stimulate her chest, it melted away in her heart.

"If you ever try to do such worthless things again, the 'fear' will keep eroding you. Vanish somewhere and live your life properly."

Asserting this, the two girls left as if nothing happened.

Youko vaguely wondered what was done to her. Yet since the strange feeling vanished within a moment, she kept walking. She didn't really understand if that was an assassin or not.

She'd be found before long anyway.

She might get killed by a real assassin a minute later.

Thinking about the SEPB's search unit, it would be a miracle not being found by them. And Youko had already used up all of her miracles.

She didn't care.

No matter who found her...

Youko herself didn't know what the future held. She had no place to go to, and no place she wanted to go to.

Yet she thought of leaving town.

Because she failed there.

Anyway, she felt like she had to move to another place.

Even if only the fate of dying by the roadside waited for her, this town had no place for Youko.

Satou Youko.

"The Third Satou-san".


Turning around her various titles, she only arrived in the road of loneliness.

She giggled.

She failed, but she had fun.

"Where will I be the Demon Lord next time…?"

Her black-rimmed glasses hid her eyes.

Her face was hidden by her bangs.

Her mask of a normal human hid her vacant dream.

The smiling Demon Lord walked through an empty road out of town.

Hello, this is Iwai Kyouhei.

I was able to overcome the period that was, in a certain sense, the hardest of the year, this year as well.

Hay fever.

It's really bad.

I've bought air purifiers and tried some countermeasures my dear readers have told me about, continuing my infertile battle alone.

I lied about overcoming it. I've only cried and struggled. I wished I'd be let off easily this time… as I thought this, I felt like I could hear the hay fever laughing at me.

If I could gather the power of the anger of those who suffer from hay fever and use it against those pollens, I think we'd gather at least as much energy as a nuclear reactor.

To my readers who work as developers—please do make use of this to create an antidote.

Never mind my personal mortal combat, this work is the seventh volume of Mushi Uta main story.

Shockingly, exactly three years have passed since I started this series.

As the one who's writing it, it felt like it passed in the blink of an eye, but for those readers who followed it since volume 1 was published it was an extremely long time. A period of time equivalent to middle school or high school from enrollment to graduation.

Although I've written this much, the more I write the more I want to keep writing.

It's because I can write freely.

Since the previous volumes were more like side stories, wouldn't this volume be called extremely unique in Mushi Uta?

I still want to write about many people, but I do think it's about time for me to be writing about the main characters.

I have thought that, in order to return the story to its proper course, I can enjoy writing both the previous volume and this one to show other viewpoints.

As always, some addendum about this book.

Many strong Mushitsuki have appeared in the series so far. Since Mushitsuki are powerful it was natural for them to be scary.

There was always a certain conflict in that.

Who's the strongest?

Who's the scariest?

But while these Mushitsuki have been fighting over who was the strongest, haven't they forgotten certain important people?

I just thought it'd be interesting for there to be a sneak attack from the side on those Mushitsuki who used supernatural abilities to fight.

I want to see the Mushitsuki being surprised.

I want to fluster them.

To do that, I needed someone they never even took notice of, meaning a normal civilian.

I've had enough of you lot scaring us until now—

About 90% of this volume is made of this civilian's rebellious heart.

Now for thanks.

Starting with my supervisor Onnai-san, I have created trouble for the Editorial Department as always. Perhaps especially this time. Thank you for always.

I was also in the care of llo-san, in charge of the illustrations. I feel like I've always apologized first thing when meeting you. Anyone knows a word better than "sorry"?

Once again, to write this book, I have consulted upon various methods and knowledge. Adding my own subjectivity to it, it might be different from how it's really like, but I thank those of you in the industry.

And to you the readers, holding this book in your hands.

Thank you very much.

Hearing your responses from all sides always gives me motivation. I am especially happy that I still received many letters just like it was when the series only started.

Please look forward to the next volume.

April 2006

Iwai Kyouhei


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