Absolute Duo:Volume 4 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 『Everyone Has Things They Don't Want To Say』

Part 1

The first Saturday after returning from the seaside school has arrived.

Seasonally, the world would normally be in a summer mood but, that’s something unrelated to Kouryou academy.

With a minimum of one general subject lesson added in, Kouryou has taken in consideration the time for ability training—refining the student's battle arts—and thus the summer break here takes the Bon festival as the main holiday, meaning there's not even one full week off.

With that said, even though it’s now the second half of July, they should be heading back to school but-----

“Julie, let’s get going.”

While dozing off in her seat, the silver girl opened her eyes when I called out to her.


“Are you alright? It’s been hot every night recently, and it looks like you haven’t been sleeping much……”

“Nai. I am okay, please don’t mind me.”

Even though Julie said that, the hot days will continue from now on, and there was a forecast that today was going to be very hot, with a temperature crossing over 35° (C).

(Uuun, it would be nice if there’s something I can do for her………..)

I probably can’t do anything about the heat, but I pondered if there is something I can do when she tries to sleep, and while I was doing so-----

“Okay then, let’s go Tooru.”

“Aah, okay.”

Instead, I was the one getting urged and we left the room with Julie following behind me.

Though it should be unneeded to say this, strong sunshine was shining down when we got outside the dormitory.

“It looks like it’s going to be hot as predicted. It’s probably going to be tough but, let’s work hard, Julie.”


After the girl with Silver BlondeSilver hair nodded, the ribbon’s bell echoed and made a cooling sound.

On the familiar street to the school from the dorm----

There were students heading to the school in the surroundings and a lot of them wore dark expressions.

It wasn't because they were upset over not having a summer vacation.

They were wondering if they should continue attending Kouryou academy or not.

The day they returned to the main school, the chairman delivered a speech during an emergency assembly. That speech contributed, in no small way, to that worry.

That speech was delivered under the pretext that the attacks on the academy were in revenge, backed by a criminal organization which had fought against the Dawn organization's public order teams in the past. Their assault on the academy itself was the first time it had been attacked directly, but there remained a possibility that it could happen again.

With that warning given, she left the decision on remaining in or leaving Kouryou Academy up to to the students.

As a result, many of those students were left pondering on their futures.

The attack had, after all, not only caused of property damage from gunfire and explosions, but a great many were injured-------and the death count was in the double digits.

That reality was the main reason why many students were worried.

It’s only normal.

They were just normal middle school students, living peaceful lives until they enrolled in Kouryou. For them, a situation that determined if a person lived or died would only be seen through the filter of the Internet and television, or maybe in fictional categories like games and manga.

In the explanation we received before finalizing enrollment, everyone was warned that there would be danger during training and lessons, as well as the missions that would be issued when they were recruited into the public order maintenance teams upon graduation.

However, they only truly understood what that meant when they saw someone close to them lose their life.

No, they were forced to understand.

They were forced to understand that the path they are taking will not be one found in the normal world they knew, but instead will take them into a realm of abnormality.

That's why this incident has become such a crossroads for so many.

They can either return to the normal world and treasure their lives; or they can gather up their determination and will to advance into a world consumed by abnormalities.


So far, twelve first-year students that experienced the attack have left the academy. Most likely, more students will probably choose to quit. From what I can see, half of the students remaining are still pondering if they should drop out or continue.

Maybe the senior students have already participated in somewhat dangerous missions during training, as there were less of those that chose to quit. But even so, many of them seemed to be pondering the question too.

Me----and the silver girl walking beside me, have chosen to continue on this abnormal road.

As long as both of us follow the path of the <<Avenger>>, our decision has already been made.

“......It turned out pretty, huh, Tooru?”

“Aah, yeah, it has.”

We were staring at the scars left on the school in front of us from the attack.

Even though the enemy—who goes by the name <<LibelGod’s Destruction Team>>—attacked the school to seize the <<Lucifer>> research facility located beneath it, the most violent part of the battle took place at the school entrance.

The pillars and walls were damaged or destroyed, still sticky with dark red bloodstains from the enemy... or the defenders.

Offerings of flowers had been left beside the pillars. There were some students that stopped to offer prayers, while there were also students that quickly walked by so they wouldn't have to see that.

“………I guess we should pray too.”

I joined my hands while facing the flowering offerings and Julie made a silent prayer.

Within the crying sound of cicadas, we quietly passed the time.

When I entered the classroom, only about 70% of the students were present, excluding the ones that had quit, even though class was about to start.

The people pondering on their course of action probably felt like skipping school.

I looked around at the classmates in the room, and leaked a small sigh when I could not see a close female friend----Miyabi in the class.

Her <<Duo>>--Tachibana was attending class and she was talking with a girl.

Nevertheless, it’s not like Miyabi was not in school because she was pondering if she wanted to quit or continue Kouryou.

She might still be in shock from almost being harmed by the battle suit man, but she still attended class and seriously participated in it and training without rest.

But other than those specific times, she would leave her seat and the classroom.

I didn’t even need to think to find a reason why she took those actions; it was probably the effect of that incident...

“I love you”

Her whispered feelings reached me, because the waves stopped.

At that moment, she expressed the feelings in her heart, confessing plainly to her affection towards me.

But, I could not reply to her.

That's because I didn't know how to reply to her. I thought of myself as an <<Avenger>>, yet I was happy to receive Miyabi's confession...

Ever since that day, the gears of the normal days I had experienced between the abnormal days at Kouryou Academy, have fallen out of place.

The last time I talked to Miyabi was right after we left the isolated island.

“Tha-thank you for saving me yesterday, Tooru-kun………….and……….sorry………you encountered danger because of me, I am really sorry…………”

Ever since, Miyabi would only apologetically greet me, while avoiding any conversation.

Maybe she wanted to avoid others noticing her clear change of attitude, because she would still appear during mealtimes with everyone else----but no-one noticed that there was no interaction between me and Miaybi.

I can’t talk to her even if I wanted to.

This frustrating situation has been continuing ever since the seaside school.

(I have to do something about this………)

I have no idea if this relationship can ever return to the way it was, but I will continue struggling to make it so.

That’s because I want Miyabi to smile.

Even if that smile was not going to be directed at me.

Soon, Miyabi quickly entered the classroom when the main bell began to ring.

Just like I expected, it looks like I won't get any time to take her out of the class and speak with her.

(I guess I'll try to speak with her during the break...)

The moment I thought that—

“Guess whooooo~~?”

My view suddenly got blocked----and a sweet scent floated across me at the same time.

Someone was hugging me from behind while covering my eyes.

“………Lilith, right?”

Without panicking or creating a scene, I took her hands off my eyes and looked towards the girl with dazzling Yellow Topazblonde hair.

---However, I was far from calm in my heart.

That’s because her two soft voluptuous hills were being smooshed against my back.

“Fufu, as expected of Tooru, huh? It’s definitely because we love each other on a normal basis~”

“If I eliminate all the people that wouldn't do this, Lilith would be the one one who would.”

I shrug my shoulders in response to the gold girl, who winked at me before showing a smile.

“Me being the only one would mean that I am special in a way right? Fufuu~”

The girl who carried the title of <<Exception>>, Lilith, went ahead and placed herself in my special spot-----


My view was blocked again.

Once again, someone hugged me from behind and covered my eyes.

“Who am I, Tooru?”


“As expected, Tooru, my <<Duo>>.”

“Haha, you’re welcome…….”

Even though I replied with a wry smile, there was no way I would mistake Julie’s voice.

---Besides, the sensation on my back was reinforced my conviction that it's her.

Leaving that aside, the girls who covered my eyes were now glaring at each other.

“………..you want to say something, right?”

“He immediately knew it was me when I covered his eyes, so you aren’t the only special one.”

“Hee, now you've done it...”

Lilith's mouth angled in an interested manner.

Without changing her expression, Julie looked straight back at her.

It was a glowing sun and a magical moon.

Two girls with opposite impressions were as opposed as always.

Julie turned on the gold girl who wants to make me into her <<Duo>>----although, for someone who claims to be unconcerned, but it was rare for her to actually retort to Julie's complaints. Perhaps because her being a "special one" was denied, she couldn't hold back...

(Ya-re Ya-re, these two are the same…….)

I made a small sigh and was about to stop them-----

“Okay okay♪ Good morning everyone☆ HR is going to start so sit down♥”

Contrary to the school’s gloomy atmosphere, a voice that was so cheerful that the owner had to be in the wrong place, echoed throughout the room.

Having released her real power to take on the <<LibelGod’s Destruction Team>>, our homeroom teacher---Tsukimi was now valued in the class (especially her students) as someone they could count on after they witnessed her mowing down enemies.

[Good morning White Usa-sensei,] [You’re tension is high today too, White Usa-sensei!] [Well it’s White Usa-sensei!]

Replies and prattling could be heard in the classroom in response to Tsukimi's greeting.

The thing different from last time was that she was being called “White Usa[1a 1]."

The reason for that was-----

“OooRah! Hurry up and sit down you brats!!”

[It’s Black Usa-sensei mode!] [This is bad, it’s Black Usa-sensei; this is bad!] [Black Usa-sensei, scold me more……]

Having had her identity revealed already, she didn't hesitate to reveal her real-self anymore in response to the student's teasing.

“The gold and silver girls fighting over a guy there. HR is going to start so, hurry up and end the Shuraba[1b 1] love triangle with the couple and mistress.”

“It’s not a Shuraba or anything!”


“I agree with that, but I am curious as to why you looked at me when you said 'mistress'!”

“Iyaaan, the Ojou-sama’s senses sure are sharp, huh♪”

“Seriously, I always tell you that I am the legal wife!”

“Nai, I refuse.”

“Why would you be the one doing the refusing?!”

The sights of the two girls with silver and gold hair collided again.

I let out a small sigh, and stood in the middle.

“Come on, let’s end it here. HR is going to start.”

“……….Maa, it can’t be helped if Tooru says so. Okay then, see you later, Tooru~”

Lilith winked at me before returning back to her seat.

“Okay then, now, as I said HR is starting, so first it's announcement time☆ There is going to be joint training with the second year students today, okay♪ Okay, next! People that reached <<III>> will have to undergo special training soon☆ Okay, next! The people I call now----”

Turning back to her White Usa-sensei mode, Tsukimi was in her usual high spirits, and I could sometime hear giggles.

During those announcements, I snuck a peak behind me.

Just within my vision, Miyabi wore a depressed expression.

When break time finally came, I chased and called after Miyabi, who had stood up from her seat and immediately exited to the corridor.

“Miyabi, can I have a bit of your time?”

“So-sorry. I am in a hurry……..”


She most likely didn't have anything she actually had to hurry for. Judging by her recent state, I could guess that she was just making an excuse to avoid having a conversation with me.

Absolute Duo Volume 4 Non-Colour 1.jpg

But even so, I backed down since she told me that she was in a hurry.

When Miyabi quickly turned a corner down the hall and disappeared from sight, I let out a small sigh and felt my shoulders droop. Just as I did that----a dignified voice called out to me from behind.

“Kokonoe, can I have a little of your time?’

When I turned around, I saw a familiar face---my close classmate, Tachibana.

However, she was currently using crutches and it looked painful.

“Aah, what is it?”

“It’s about Miyabi. She looks tired recently so, I am thinking of bring her out for a change of scenery after school. So, err, you……….”

Even though she hesitated to finish her thought, her intentions were clear.

Tachibana was saying that I should not talk to Miyabi now.

Tachibana probably felt that something happened to me and Miyabi during the seaside school.

But even so, I feel happy for Tachibana's thoughtfulness for thinking of Miyabi's heart first, even though that should be something obvious.

“I get it; I’ll leave it to you…..but, be careful.”

“Umu. It's okay, we aren’t going somewhere deserted. But, from what I heard, it seems the enemy’s target is the chairman, <<Lucifer>>, and also Lilith. So it’s probably safe to say that we aren’t being targeted.”

“That might be true, but... Well, go have fun. Just remember not to strain your legs.”

“Fufu, you worry too much. Nonetheless, I’ll listen to your warning, and will be careful not to force myself.”

Tachibana’s heels were diagnosed to recover fully in around a month's time.

Since the <<Exceed>>’s recovery ability totally exceeds a normal person’s, it seems she will be able to take off the cast by next week.

“……..also, thanks Tachibana”

“It’s not something to thank me for. It’s for my precious <<Duo>> too.”

And after she said that and made a soft smile, Tachibana went back into the classroom and I followed her.


At this time, we had no way to know what would happen.

The fact that there was a malevolence that would drag in everyone around its target without any hesitation...

Or the fact that Miyabi encountered a devil when she went out...

After lunch, we headed to the medical building to have a check-up on the wounds I received from the fight with <<K>>.

The recovery progress was going well and it seems Julie and I will be fully healed by around the middle of next week.

We were told that it’s okay to undertake some light exercise and we quickly headed to the training room after the check-up.

“Even if it's just a little, I'm happy to get permission to exercise.”

“Ja--. I have not moved my body at all recently.”

“Incidentally, we’ve been only studying nowadays………”

Taking into consideration that there were many students wounded during the attack, battle and stamina training was converted to conventional classroom work: they largely revolved around general knowledge-based subjects, as well as special techniques for missions.

Thanks to that, once classes ended over the past few days, I felt as though I might have smoke puffing out my ears as my frustration continued to pent up. That’s why I am happy that I got permission to exercise and my legs naturally sped me towards the training room.

When we reached it, there were already quite a number of students inside using the room for their personal training.

Inside, I saw familiar faces at the sparring area.

The giant Tatsu, over 180cm tall, and a small boy—Tora—were sparring.

Strangers that didn’t know their situation would probably think that Tatsu was at an advantage but, actually, since Tora’s <<Level>> was higher, he was handicapped with extra weights.

“Tora, Tatsu!”

I called out to them from afar.

“Tooru, and Julie huh. Can you two start moving your bodies already?”

“If we keep it light.”

“Fumu. Then, let’s spar since it’s been quite a while? All this musclehead ever does is swing his fist with power.”

Tora splendidly ignored Tatsu’s opinion: “A man won’t use stupid tricks.”

“Uuuun, I guess I’ll pass. Sparing with you won’t end up as light exercise.”

Thinking of our personalities, I can see us lighting up in a blaze once we start.

“Fuun. Well I have no choice then. It won’t even be something to brag about if I beat an injured opponent. The results would be the same even if you were fully healed though.”


After I laughed back at Tora, I stood in front of the mirror.

“Shadow training?”[1c 1]

“Aah. There’s something I want to confirm. Julie, try making some strikes?”


Julie picked up training swords and stood up in front of a target that looks like a man located beside the mirror.

Julie’s self-training centered around sparring and striking, and it seems she wasn't going to change that today.

“You aren’t at full form, so don’t force yourself.”



The silver girl did not reply for some reason and frowned her eyebrows instead.

“That’s the line I wanted to tell Tooru. Tooru, you always force yourself.”

“Uguh………..bu-but I only force myself in situations where I have to do so………”

“………That might be true but, you can’t stop me by saying it can’t be helped.”

The side of her eyebrows dropped and her Ruby eyesred eyes looked at me.

I could guess her emotions when I saw the uneasiness in her shaking eyes.

(I see, she’s still seeing father in me…….)

She might be worried that I'll end up like her father someday.

That’s why; I made a smile to make her feel some relief before patting her head.

“Hey, Julie. You remember the promise I said about protecting you?”


“I made that promise, so I won't die. If I die, I won’t be able to protect Julie right?”


“However, I will do my best to not be reckless. I’d feel bad for making you worry too much.”

“Ja--♪ it’s a promise.”

Even though my wry smile dropped with my feelings, Julie made one in exchange.

“……..Go back to your room.”

“Hnn? Did you say something, Tora?”

When I looked at Tora who mumbled something, he was looking at me with disgusted eyes for some reason.

“I am just asking you if you’re going to train or not. As far as I can see, your mouth is the only part moving so far.”

“Haha, I’m going to start now. Okay then, let’s start, Julie.”

I took a stance facing towards the mirror while Julie looked back at the target.

I lightly swung my fist towards my image in the mirror.

*Pann*! *Papann*!! The training sword moved from the left and right, and the target made a loud sound.

(She’s as fast as I thought……)

While continuing my shadow boxing, that thought would cross my mind when I sometimes saw the silver girl’s movements.

Julie made repeated slashes with blinding speed.

However, she wasn’t reckless and I could see her holding back her strength.

After thinking I didn’t need to be worried anymore, I decided to concentrate on my shadow.

With half of my strength, I swung my fist, switched to the body movements Tachibana taught me and performed a kick.

(…………..My body still hurts when I turn it. Next----)

After I confirmed that, my mind turned to something that I was curious about during the fight with <<K>>, I switched to a left posture.

Hrungnir: unlike Mjolnir which is a one-hit kill move, it was a high-speed punch meant for diversion.


I stopped my fist after a few shots because of the pain on my chest.

But, that was enough for me to notice.

(It’s true that my fist was lowered. But, it’s amazing that he could notice that in such a short time, what’s more during battle. That <<K>>…………)

It was humiliating to have my weakness pinpointed by the enemy, but it resulted in gaining something.

Leaving aside the chances that we might meet <<K>> again later or not, I won’t be able to beat him if I don’t fix this habit.

“Tooru. What’s that move?”

Maybe he took a rest from his sparring; Tora saw Hrungnir and asked me.

I told him about my mastering this technique, that this technique got broken by <<K>> who found its weakness in the battle, and the name given to this technique-----

Hrung-………Since it’s Norse mythology, was Julie the one that named it?”

A weird question came over.

“Aah. I thought of naming this 'bullet punch' but, it resulted in that.”


“What’s wrong, why are you so quiet?”

“No reason………you have to thank Julie.”

“Thank Julie? For what?”

Without understanding his meaning, I looked at Julie with a questioning face.


It seems the silver girl heard her own name and asked, [Did you call me?], tilting her small head.

“It's just a little thing, but I think it was refreshing for her.”

Evening-----as usual, Tachibana talked to me with a voice only audible to me while I was picking at the buffet for my menu.

Although we did not say who "her" was, it’s obviously Miyabi.

“I see, that’s great. Also-----Thanks.”

“Fufuu. I told you this already during the day but, you don’t have to thank me. As a friend and her <<Duo>>, I was concerned about her.”

“So---where is she?”

From what I can see around me, it seems Miyabi wasn’t in the cafeteria.

“She said she wanted to run a bit, so she went outside. She said she wanted to make up for the the times she did not run for the past few days.”

Ever since <<LibelGod’s Destruction Team>> attacked, Miyabi stopped her daily runs even though she attended lessons and training.

That’s why, I felt relieved when I heard that she was going to run again.

(It’s about that confession huh………)

I think of how to talk to her when I see her again, once my feelings become certain; while thinking about that, I reached the table.

After that, everyone had their dinner like usual but-----

“Hey, Tooru. Over summer break, want to go to the UK?”


Lilith has been a fixed member of our dinner table ever since <<Survive>>, and it’s only natural to be shocked at the sudden change of topic.

It’s only natural since she invited me to go overseas with no warning at all.

“That’s sudden…….”

“Rather than suddenly reporting our marriage, reporting about our relationship first would make things smooth later on I think, you know?””

“………..We aren’t going out.”

“It's not a bad idea to take this chance and start dating, you know?”


Sitting on my left side, Julie swung her head and pulled me away from Lilith, who was sitting at my right side.

“Oh my, Tooru’s the one to decide that.”

“Before even the topic of going out or not going out, he has to go back to his hometown during summer break, so it’s impossible to go to the UK.”

“I see, how sad. I think I’ll give up this time.”

“Haha, this time huh…….”

While making a wry smile at Lilith’s reply, I thought about my hometown which was vacant now when I said those words.

There’s no family waiting for me.

(But even so, Otoha’s going to be lonely if I don’t show up now and then……….)

And, while I was a little sad,

[One, two……..] [[[Congratulations on your birthday-♪]]]

Celebrative voices could be heard from one corner of the cafeteria.

Noisy, cheerful and happy voices echoed in the cafeteria.

“Seriously, how noisy.”

“I think it’s nice to have a cheerful atmosphere. Thinking about recent events, I think this is a must.”

I smiled at a frowning Tora and told him such.

“………Fuun. That’s true.”

Tora snorted roughly and *Dooka* leaned against the back of his chair while folding his arms.

(Birthday huh……..)

My birthday was coming next week.

My heart felt dejected when I thought about it.

That’s because, the day before my birthday----was that summer day..

“Tooru. I have something to talk about”

Tora called out to me when we went out of the cafeteria after dinner.

His expression had an air that he wouldn't take no for an answer and-----

“…….Julie, can you go back first?”


I made Julie go back to the room.

“Where should we talk?”


(……..Going all the way outside means that, it’s a talk that he does not want anyone else to hear.)

While looking at his small back walking in front, I started to think about the topics Tora would talk about.

After he exited the front door, the heat from the afternoon was still there and it felt a little hot.

The surroundings were naturally dark but, thanks to the light coming from the dorm, we did not have a hard time finding our way and we walked over the grass.

“I guess around here is okay…….so, what do you want to talk about?”

I folded my arms and asked Tora who was walking closer to a nearby tree----


There was no reply.

It’s not like he didn't hear my voice. Furthermore, the atmosphere he was giving off was as if it was something hard to say.

Judging by Tora’s straightforward personality, I could grasp the contents of his topic as something serious.

The silence continued for a while and------Tora finally spoke.

“You still can’t mend your relationship with Hotaka?”

“Buuuu!? Wha-whawhahwahwa, h-how do you, no, you noticed……!?”

I did not tell anyone that my relationship with Miyabi had been derailed.

Of course, that goes for Julie too.

I thought the only one who noticed this was Miyabi’s <<Duo>> and roommate Tachibana, but------

“Fuun, there’s no way I won’t notice. In the first place, judging by your attitude towards her until now, there’s no way I wouldn't guess that something happened during seaside school.”

Just as expected from him.

Given the recent state of affairs, I never would have thought that he would notice this.

Which means, I think this might be unlikely but, things might have turned complicated because of some reason……….

“I heard this from Tachibana during the afternoon but, Hotaka is going back to her home during summer break. Even if it's a short break, if you don't meet her for a full week, it'll probably become a lot harder to mend things. So that's why you need to hurry up and do something about it before summer break starts.”

“A-aah………Sorry, to make you worry about this……”

Whether it's on this matter or during the attack, Tora has been helping out a lot.

“It’s not like I am worried about you, it just feels annoying……….and that isn’t the only thing I want to talk about.”

“Eh, there’s something else?”

I thought the problem with Miyabi was what he wanted to talk about so I tilted my head.

“It’s about going home. Not Hotaka's, yours.”


Tora nodded and continued on with his original business.

“You told that woman during dinner time, right? That you will be going back home?”

“I plan on doing so, what about it?”

“…………..Can I go with you?”

“Aah, let’s go back together. We are going to be together for half the trip anyway.”


It was a quiet and yet strong tone.

When I thought Tora was different from usual, his face turned unusually serious and he looked a little stiff.

“I am asking if I can go to your house, Tooru.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Tora has been to my house many times in the past.

But, it was when Otoha was still alive.

During a dojo exchange that occurs only a few times per year, we became friends since we were the same age and not long after, Tora started coming over to the dojo to learn and would often come over to my house.

However----The last time was over two years ago.

Tora does not know about it.

He does not know that the house no longer has anyone living in it anymore.

“I-I plan to stay for one night only so, Tora head back to your----”

He doesn’t need to know.

I reject the idea of a visit so that Tora will only have memories of the warm Kokonoe home of the past.

“No, I am going. Let me come with. Let me offer flowers to---to Otoha too.”


I was so shocked from those unexpected words that I gasped.

That’s because ever since we reunited during the enrollment ceremony I did everything I could to avoid leading him to that conclusion.


After a while, I managed to squeeze my voice out and Tora silently nodded.

“……….I was contacted by the dojo.”

“I see……..”

I missed something simple.

Because he was with us for a long time, it was only natural for him to be told.

It seems the dojo encountered a fire disaster because of someone smoking. I knew this and keep quiet about it, sorry. This may be too late, but this is... just sad. And she took care of me before, so—”

“………I get it. Since you know about this, I am counting on you to follow-through. Otoha will be happy.”

Whenever Tora and I sparred, Otoha would be the one who treated our wounds.

I could clearly remember her giving it her all to assist us and I would never forget about it.

I would never lose the memories of me, Tora, Otoha, and—him... all four of us playing together.

“Sorry. Even though you know, this was something I should tell you…….”

“Fuun, don’t worry about it. Everyone has things they don’t want to say……….okay, our talk ends here. Let’s head back to the dorm.”

Tora started walking in front and I followed behind.

Even though he has a foul mouth, I am grateful for him for being concerned about his friend.

However, Tora does not know.

Two years ago, the disaster that occurred in the dojo was not a fire but rather, it was a tragedy that occurred because 'he' swung his deadly blade.

The only ones that knew of this were myself, him and another person-----

That person was the one that saved me from that burning dojo.

But, that’s good.

Tora might be foul mouthed but he’s a good person, and if he finds out the truth about that day-------

If he found out that Otoha didn’t die from that fire, but was killed, he would fly into a rage and become a captive to vengeance, just like me so……..

That’s why, Tora doesn't have to know.

I am the only one who needs to take revenge against him.

Part 2

“Are you going out to run now? It’s already evening.”

“U-un. But I have been skipping these past few days so, I want to regain the lost time as much as possible so………”

“…………… I see, work hard then. However, gradually work your way back without rushing. It’s bad to suddenly force yourself. Also, you have to eat dinner once you finish running. And to avoid getting heat stroke-----”

“Fufu, it’s okay so don’t worry so much, Tomoe-chan.”

Miyabi giggled at her partner who was launching into a detailed lecture of warnings just like a mother.

Tomoe was received, since Miyabi had only worn false smiles ever since the seaside school.

After changing into clothes that made running easier, Miyabi told Tomoe that she was heading out.


With the sun set and the surroundings dark, Miyabi left the dorm and looked around restlessly. Of course, there were no students walking around at night and she exhaled when she confirmed that fact.

(Eeeeeerrr………..I think I should get some more distance.)

Since there might be students coming back to the dorm, the girl ran towards the deserted south side of the academy dorms.

The conversation she had with the old man today resurfaced in her mind.

““Then, let me bestow upon you this-----the <<Power>> of <<God’s Destruction soldierEll.Libel>> to you.”

“<<God’s Destruction soldierEll.Libel>>………….?”

“Fuhahaha, just like how the word is read, it’s a power strong enough to destroy god.”


Miyabi, who had been having a pleasant chat with him, was perplexed.

(Just what is this old man talking about?)

But the old man did not notice the girl's perplexity and continued.

“You’re a Kouryou student right?”

“------!! Ho-how did you know that……!?”

Miyabi was not wearing her uniform, but was in her casual clothes. So just how did the old man know that she was a Kouryou student?

Unluckily for the girl, having confided in the old man prevented her from being able to become as alert or suspicious as she should have been.

What’s more-----

“Oh it’s simple. I am acquainted with Tsukumo-Jou-chan[1c 2].”

“Eh………? Errr----Tsukumo? Is that the director? Then Ojii-chan is part of the research team?”

The old man----the <<Equipment smith>> only smiled; he didn't confirm or deny that.

However, Miyabi believed her words were correct judging by his smile.

That’s only normal. That’s because there was no interaction between the students and the researchers coming in and out the <<Lucifer>> research facility under the academy. They would only coincidentally pass by and greet them during brief encounters at the dorm or at school.

But for a researcher, it wouldn't be strange at all that they would have already seen all the students' personal data.

Because of that, she did not doubt him and came to a conclusion.

“I am researching something else than the <<Lucifer>>. That’s this----<<Unit>>.”

Tooru and also Tomoe misunderstood the reason why Miyabi was sad, although they weren't far off.

It’s true that the confession was one of the reasons for it.

However, the main reason why she was depressed was because she had put the life of the person she loved—Tooru—in danger.

The cause behind her fall into despair was that she had become a hindrance to him because of her weakness.

That’s why Miyabi yearns for 'it'.

The one thing she wished and yearned for----was <<Power>>.

And right now, Miyabi accepted the <<Power>> offered to her by the old man.

When she entered the forest at the south part of the grounds, Miyabi lowered her sights to the device, disguised as an accessory, she was holding.

(Is it really true………?)

Even though she placed her finger on the device’s switch, the girl raised her eyebrows at the question floating in her mind.

Maybe that old man said it as a joke to cheer her up.

More importantly, no one would suffer if anyone can gain strength with just a push of a button.

(But, even so……….)

It might be nonsense, but she still tensed with anticipation.

She wanted to say goodbye to her weak self.

As if to reveal her heart, she held the device with both her hands like she was praying and not long later-----

Miyabi pressed the button.

“Please, give me---<<Power>>!!”

Translation Notes and References

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