BlazBlue:CT Material Collection Rachel Short Story "Endless Waltz"

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The sound of the teacup being placed onto the saucer echoed throughout the garden blanketed with red roses.

The sky had long since set, and it was the hour which the stars illuminated the night with their cold fire. At her side an old butler with a long beard stood in silent repose. Furthermore at his side a bat and a large black cat were huddled together, snoozing away with light and easy breaths.

Rachel's teatime. Ever the same.

Skin as white as snow. Beautiful blonde hair. Red pupils. Rachel Alucard was a girl in possesion of a doll-like beauty.

The girl usually dressed in black. As a foil to her white skin, this created a superb contrast, which only further enhanced the elegance of the girl. At a glance, the girl resembled nothing more than the young daughter of a noble family, however in reality she was a vampire who had already lived for several hundred years. The enormous castle built upon the vast grounds belonged to the Alucard household, a noted family amongst the vampire race. The girl was the current head of the household.

Even though she was called the head of the household, the actual occupants of the castle other than Rachel were her butler Valkenhayn, the bat Gii, and the black cat Nago. These 4 people(?) were the only ones left.

Moistening her mouth with the warm black tea, with one breath she looked up at the sky inlaid with stars. Rachel waited in still silence. For their first meeting. That was a day in the life of Rachel. A day in the life of a girl who experienced endless rewindings of time.

“We're going.”

The leisurely sleeping Nago and Gii were rudely aroused from their slumber by a shoe kicking them awake. Jumping up in shock, their unhappy protests were duely ignored by Rachel. She then pinched and slapped them for good measure. The 2 creatures yelped out loud, and hurridly began to prepare for departure.

Ignoring the flurry of activity from the 2 creatures, Rachel looked over at her butler Valkenhayn, who appeared to be holding something in. After looking into Rachel's eyes and reading what was in there, after a few moments passed, Valkenhayn quietly said a very short “Take care milady”.

Elegantly settling herself down with ease, she tidied up her attire, and started to exude a strong sense of awareness and control over the shadows flowing withing the shadows. Rachel mumbled something softly, and her figure slowly slipped into the darkness. Valkenhayn wordlessly bowed, as his lady—— Rachel, he silently sent off.

The first thing noticable after stepping out of the darkness was that needle-like raining was falling. Before the eye a grusome scene stretched out for miles. What was once a church surrounded by lush woods and beautiful flowers had crumbled beyond any vestige of recognition, the surrounding area was burnt down to the ground, as if the arsonist was not only satisfied with mere kidnapping.

In the forefront of that scenery, there was a lone youth in front on the destroyed church. Cradling his right arm in his lap, his voice all but spent, he was yelling something as if his life depended on it.

“How shameful.”

Rachel noiselessly drew close to the youth's side, saying so as he looked down upon the squatting youth.

The surprised youth looked up with a stunned expression on his face. With eyes like jade he scowled at Rachel.

Rachel's expression remained unchanged as she stared at the youth for a little while, then turned her gaze to the ruins of the church.

As if surveying the place, Rachel looked over the church and it's surrounding regions, then elegantly raised her left hand to her chest level. Her fingers resembling white fish, she traced several circles in the air, and gently opened her palm. As soon as she did that, a drop of transparent light fell from her hand and spilt onto the ground. The instant the drop hit the ground, from what could be termed as the core of that place, blue light begin to form in the outline of a cross.

In a blink of an eye the blue light suddenly traced itself out into a magic square. Once it was done it hard to say if the magic square looked like some sort of family crest or not, but ground began to collapse as if a whole region had just fallen out of the ground.

The youth glanced over and saw that something imcomprehensible had awoken. However, without having even enough time to scream, he was swallowed into the hole.

Before long things finally started to calm down. Occasionally, the cracking of rocks as they tumbled down into the hole could be heard

Rachel teleported to the bottom in a flash, the youth was lying flat on the ground like a cotton cloth drenched with water. Rachel stared at his unmoving figure from the shadows.

Presently, the youth who was thought to be dead struggled to get up, as if his body were as heavy as lead. Using his left arm to support his body, he called out in a feeble voice. Fresh blood flew out from his mouth.

The youth once again fell down onto his back. Ragged breaths and desperate yells issued from his mouth. It was easy to see he wasn't long for this world.

“How unexpectedly sloppy of you...”

Rachel spoke. It seemed the youth finally managed to turn his head towards Rachel, she narrowly coming into sight. Without tears nor vitality, it seemed he realised that there was only one possible outcome. As if looking for the entrance to death itself, his eyes scanned the surroundings rapidly.

“Would you like some assistance? If so, then I'll help you stop the bleeding by drinking your blood alright?”

Saying this caused an expression of dismay to rise in the back of her mind, and her cheeks flushed red.

And then once again, she looked down silently at the youth.

Some amount of time passed, and it seemed the rain had finally stopped. The majority of the sky was still covered in clouds, amidst the gaps some rays of light managed to poke through.

One of the rays lighted up the youth's vacant eyes. His right eye, which was beautiful like transparent jade, was now red as if stained by blood.

“If you don't wish to die, then stand before me.”

Suddenly, the youth broke eye contact. It seemed he had spotted something. With his last bit of strength he walked over to the wall as if his life depended on it. Gritting his teeth, he supported his body on his remainding arm.

After finally reaching the wall, with only the right eye which had been dyed red, the youth began scrutinisng the wall for something.

The burnt wall exposed a most unusual object. It was a jet black rock which looked like some sort of obsidian without any lustre.

It was shaped in the fashion of a human. However, everything above it's neck was missing. To this strange rock that had a weird shape, without any trace of hesitation, the youth walked over as if drawn to it by some unknown force. And then, he touched the rock with his bloodied left arm.

In that instant, the rock begin to rumble like the beat of a drum. What seemed like sand began to crumble from the rock, followed by a jet black mist spewing out of the rock with fierce vigour. In an instant the black mist turned into some form of darkness, and swallowed the youth whole.

Watching up to that point with her own eyes, Rachel turned to depart.

“Princess, shouldn't we watch all the way to the end?”

The black cat Nago, with a worried expression his face, asked. However, Rachel didn't reply.

“Yes, yes that's right! Princess! Isn't he someone very import- gyaa!!”

Meeting Gii's outburst with silence and a beating, Rachel shook her head slighty and muttered.

“... What an irony.”

He was always seeing himself as a “Grim Reaper”.

Rachel sat down on Nago and closed her eyes. And then they all vanished into the darkness.

Shortly after, the darkness was dispelled. In it's place stood the figure of the youth. He took several deep breaths. The youth's body which had lost it's right arm was now whole once again, the right arm back where it should be.

However, that blackness that was the right arm—— it was the same as the strange rock. That form it took—— the arm of Hades borne of blood, that was what it was.

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