City Series:Volume8b Chapter18

From Baka-Tsuki
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Chapter 18: Runner[edit]

Welcome back!

Straight from DT Prison’s cathedral, it’s time for “Sing! It’s the Oracle Message Board!” with Racter Nosrup Txt, member of the 13 Demigods and American with a bad Kansai accent!

Let’s see what happens.

I have an account ready at the Swiss bank and the final preparations are underway inside DT.

So let me be blunt: we need cash.

Can you some god-slaying power via that medium?

I have nothing else to ask of you. Normally, I’d be working with the other Demigods to summon the NPC Bodies left by the Three Sages or something like that, but the situation is too dire. And the Demigods outside the city aren’t any help at all…

Anyway, I wish the best of luck to this Minus city and to the people in the Plus world who can believe in this fake city.

The topic this time can be “belief”.

“Then the Son of God told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’ ”

(John 20:29)

Just sent my payment -NoName

07/07/2000 DT 08:31 PM x1k (+05:31)

Help Text[edit]

Babel and the Izumo Company

Babel’s sponsor in DT is the Izumo Company, which funded the construction of Babel in Japan. Izumo was originally a large research laboratory known as the Izumo Aviation Virtual Laboratory, a collection of researchers dating back to before World War Two.

It is now a global corporation and a symbol of Japan, a change that came about from the internal conflict during the Rhythm development race that began in the ‘70s.

In 1983, the Izumo family’s representative went missing and management of Izumo fell to the branch family which established a profit-seeking corporate policy.

This led to an internal split. Several companies fell under the Izumo umbrella during 1983, but they began distancing themselves from the Izumo Aviation Virtual Laboratory. That was when the Izumo Aviation Virtual Laboratory changed its name to IZUMO.

This led to a situation where Izumo was split between the main IZUMO company and the associated companies that had split away. Both sides tried to argue they were the real Izumo.

The largest of the companies under the Izumo umbrella was IAI (Izumo Aviation Institute) led by Ooshiro Ataru, who had worked directly for the Izumo family representative.

The conflict between the branch family and Ooshiro was set to end with IZUMO’s construction of Babel in Osaka, but this fell through because Babel contained an illegal object.

IZUMO lost its power when that trouble forced them to abandon Babel, but when the closing of Tokyo led to conflict between east and west Japan, IZUMO’s responsibility was set aside.

IAI used that opportunity to rise to the forefront and arranged to have Babel, which was being managed by the Japanese government, sent to DT. Ooshiro took out a large insurance policy on Babel and had it sent to DT. The tower was presented as a way to seek the word of god regarding a resolution to the trouble around the world.

IAI was prepared for the possibility of Babel collapsing, so it would either bring IAI a great fortune or it would collapse and they would receive their insurance payout which they planned to use to construct another Babel.

That Babel was tentatively known as 3rd Babel and it was based on the initial design plan for Babel as a word cannon meant to blast through the Great Canopy. That Babel’s interior would have been a large gauss gun which would be used to break a hole in the Great Canopy. It was set to be constructed in Daytona, Florida, USA.

The construction technology used for Babel has already been used in a few standard products, so you could call it a symbol of the Izumo brand.

Even if it collapses, the Izumo family intends to rebuild the tower as many times as it takes and that family is said to be the descendants of the wind god who once ruled Japan’s Mystical City – Izumo. Izumo’s corporate side had its beginnings researching aviation in order to ride the winds, but with their representative gone, they are now fixated on constructing a tower up to heaven. There could be some hidden meaning there.

Fooblicky’s Sight Mode: In DT Park[edit]

<Fooblicky’s Over Reload>

In the park, Fooblicky looked up at the center of the group of Yard members and Yard ambassadors.

She looked up to see the analog clock’s hands approaching 3:30. The digital clock below its round face had just passed 8:30.

She looked down to see a Yard member shining a light toward the castle and Telyb standing behind him.

“Are you okay, honey? You’ve been in Sight Mode this whole time.”

“I didn’t get this belly by being short on spare heat energy.”

The surrounding Yard members nodded silently before she could say anything, so she smiled bitterly and asked something else.

“Is everything ready?”

“Yes, we finished it a while back and sent the harassment emails to the UN and everyone’s countries. Those hardheaded old folks are probably trembling in front of the countdown on their desktop monitors right about now.”

“I didn’t mean that. Is everything ready to assist Yuo and the idiot?”

A few of the working operators turned toward her then.

A window opened in front of her, displaying several program icons.

One operator stood up.

“We somehow managed it in time. A shame it’s still standard working hours so we don’t get overtime for this.”

“I’ll make sure you get hazard pay. And good work, everyone.”

<Fooblicky’s Over Zoom>

Small smiles appeared on the faces of the Yard members around her.

After confirming that, she asked a question of the operator.

“Do we have the people’s support?”

“Everyone who is willing and able to help is gathering in the central square and nearby, regardless of age, sex, and occupation.”

“I see. Then how are things outside the city?”

“Switzerland set up a bank account for DT aid money 7 seconds ago in outside time. Boost funding is rapidly coming in, mostly from the US, Europe, and Japan. It’s primarily from online sources, but it’s gathering fast.”

Telyb whistled at that.

“If only we could spend that on ourselves.”

“These are donations by private citizens, not national governments.” Fooblicky smiled a little. “This is just what I would expect from Switzerland where money does the talking, but for once I’m grateful for it. These are all people who have never even met us and they’re using the incomplete global network to come together and help us.”

“Things really are getting better,” she mouthed but did not say.

“Ah,” gasped the Yard member sending the light toward the castle.

“What is it? Did you catch a voice?”

“No, two people just left the castle. It’s the lieutenant and…an Asian man!”

<Fooblicky’s Sight Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Board Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

You are in Amusement Park Entrance, a Top Page of the amusement park.

There is a large garden and an entrance gate in front of you.

A single PC Body floats behind you. She is Yuo in her Yard light combat uniform.

There are 401 old-style NPC Bodies here.

Aoe: “We walk all this way and there’s suddenly more than 400 of them as soon as we get inside? And who’s the 1 of the 401?”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

One old-style NPC Body steps forward. He is Mekton Uriel Undefined.

Mekton: “Me.”

Yuo: <Mekton?>

Mekton: “H-hello again…Master Yuo.”

Yuo: <U-um, Mekton? Could you possibly let us through? No?>

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Mekton shakes his head.

Mekton: “I-I have…a job. Must punch…that idiot.”

Aoe: “Do you mean me? …Yuo, do you think we can talk this out? Should we try?”

Yuo: <Well…I hate to say it, but he’s a lot like you.>

Aoe: “What? I’m a perfectly reasonable guy.”

Mekton: “The idiot is lying.”

Aoe: “Do I need to teach you a painful lesson!?”

Yuo: <What happened to being reasonable?>

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Yuo sighs.

Yuo: <Mekton. Please listen.>

Mekton: “No. I have…a job to do…with that idiot. I must test him. Master Suedomsa…gave me permission…to use my strongest power.”

Mekton: “Excel, Myst, and Daikatana…all tested him. I will do the same.”

Yuo: <Test him? You too? So you’re going to thank me and disappear like the others did?>

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Mekton nods his head.

Mekton: “You will not…give up anymore. S-so we must…not let you give up. That means…t-testing that idiot.”

Yuo: <…>

Mekton: “Sorry. But I know you will…be satisfied. You must…trust me.”

Yuo: <You had better…>

Yuo: <You had better leave me satisfied.>

Mekton: “I will. Because I am a clown. I satisfy the guests.”

Mekton: “Idiot. Do you have…anything to say?”

Aoe: “No, I don’t.”

Aoe: “But if I have to say something, I’ll say that I’m going to test myself this time. Because I think I get how to understand my opponent now.”

Aoe: “I won’t ask you with my words. I will finish this with the strongest attack.”

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Mekton nods his head.

Mekton: “Do you want to…be the strongest?”

Mekton: “Then I will f-fight you. S-so I can satisfy Master Yuo…and make sure she doesn’t worry once I am gone!”

<Aoe’s Board Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

The sky overhead seemed endlessly large.

It was already filled with the black of night. It was no more than a dark color Aoe could not focus his eyes on.

A single shape jutted into that sky while emitting light toward heaven.

That shape was Babel.

A white ellipse floated near the artificial lake located in front of Babel.

That’s the blimp.

With the management removed, Aoe’s thoughts remained in his head and he tapped Monkey’s face and pointed forward.

Between them and the blimp was a white castle full of light and several attractions.

A large white entrance gate stood with that amusement park scenery behind it.


The greeting came from the 401 NPC Bodies who managed the amusement park.

Standing out in front of their joined voices was Mekton in his black combat outfit.

The NPC Bodies behind him were dressed in the clothing of men and women both young and old.

They all wore their version of formal wear and carried combat equipment.

The guard knights readied rifles on horseback, the mages held glowing staffs, and the jesters were passing glowing orbs between each other. The restaurant workers were equipped with knives and other weapons and wore heavy-duty vests over their work uniforms.

Yuo, dressed in her light combat uniform, placed her left hand on Aoe’s shoulder while he viewed them all.

He did not turn to look at her. He simply viewed the strength of the hand on his shoulder.

“I’m going to break through. If I focus on speed, I won’t have to bother fighting him. You can blame me for that.”

Yuo’s right hand pushed a window into his view. It was her thought window.

<Would you be mad if I said I wanted to share the blame?>

He realized the strength had left the hand on his shoulder.

So he nodded with a smile on his lips.

Mekton was staring at them, like he was observing their conversation.

He crossed his arms with no apparent expression on his face.

“Aoe…you called me…i-inexperienced.

“But,” he added, swinging down both his fists without warning. His thick arms sliced through the air.

“This is my power.”

With that Text, the notification window for his Word Race trait change opened.

Several points of white light appeared around him.

But they did not come from any part of his body. They came from behind him.

Bluish-white toy soldier symbols appeared on the hands, feet, necks, and weapons of the 400 NPC Bodies.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

The splitting stone sound was so loud it reached the level of a roar.

“We often…played with Master Yuo…and protected…her.

“Then she would…stop crying.”

<Pseudo Grandload: Running Pseudo Load Emblem: Tribes: Preparing>

Enough windows opened to surround them all and the excessive displays created noise resembling thunder.

Light shined from the hands, feet, necks, and weapons where the emblems had appeared on the 400 NPC Bodies.

A text string was drawn from the emblems.

●Type-XX050: Imperial-class: Tribes●

<Pseudo Grandload: Activating Pseudo Grandload of Mekton’s reflexes: Loading highest-level subprograms and releasing upper limit on Load Emblem applied reflexes>

Aoe saw diskette programs attach to the ends of the 400 text strings and begin to rapidly rotate.

He’s the same Uriel type as Daikatana, but he uses it completely differently!

As soon as it was all ready, Mekton tapped the program control panel at his hip.

Bluish-white lightning appeared in his hands and his feet floated from the ground.

“This is a race, Aoe.”

He stood about a foot off the ground and looked back over his shoulder.

He looked past the white castle attraction and past the artificial lake, to something at the bottom of Babel. A plaza was built there with a beach-style swimming area.

A white blimp was floating there.

“Master Algo is…below that blimp.”

Aoe clicked his tongue at that and replied in annoyance.

“Enjoying a relaxing swim with sis, huh? He always did know how to take it easy.”

“Will you go meet him?”

“You bet I will. But I doubt you’re going to just let me through. You aren’t going to let me pace myself.”

A smile formed on the corners of Mekton’s lips and he raised his right hand.

Immediately, all of the NPC Bodies behind him ran backwards.


The wind blew as the 401 figures crossed the border between Top Pages and vanished into the amusement park.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Aoe no longer saw Mekton or anyone else for that matter.

Only the small leaves of the garden’s bushes blowing in the wind.

But he did hear something. It was not coming from the amusement park.

It came from the sky. A noise seemed to ooze out of the word tower.

Babel was playing some music.

It was not a song everyone knew. Nor did it suit the amusement park situated at the tower’s feet. It was a deep, ringing march. Aoe recognized it.

He began humming the rhythm without meaning to and then recited one of the lines.

“I shall move ever forward.”

His lips stopped moving as a look of disbelief formed on his face.

He looked to Yuo’s hand on his shoulder. The hand was trembling in surprise.

He gulped and moved his gaze up from her hand.

She was looking to the amusement park with surprise on her face.

Then he realized something without needing to ask.

She still knew this song.


<Yes. Shortly before I came here, this song was written in North Kantou where the Kobayashi family lived. Dad and Alternative learned it right away, but…I had trouble learning it.>

She lowered her gaze in a troubled or tearful way, but then she smiled.

He moved his eyes when he saw that smile. He looked to the plaza below the blimp near glowing Babel. He could just barely make out the beach there.

“Sis is there, isn’t she? Algo too.”

She nodded. She still looked near tears, so the ferret lightly tapped her head and Monkey tapped her hand on Aoe’s shoulder.

That put a small smile on her face.

<Don’t worry. I’m fine.>

A window appeared over her head and Fooblicky’s voice reached the two of them.

“Yuo! And the idiot! We’re ready to go! We have less than half an hour left, so get to work!”

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Fooblicky’s Sight Mode: In DT Park[edit]

<Fooblicky’s Over Reload>

Fooblicky and Telyb activated their Demigod Program in the center of the park.

A large joint emblem shaped like a blue set of scales glowed over their heads.

■Type-Origin: God-class: Balance of Power■

<Activating Grandload of Ogre’s physical strength and Fooblicky’s willpower: Loading full Lives and releasing upper limit on precise judgment>

Fooblicky glanced up at the emblem set to appear only once when they used the joint version.

Their greatest power was manifested there.

After confirming that from the shape of the emblem, she lowered her gaze for the first time.

<Fooblicky’s Over Reload: Full Sight Open>

She viewed the entirety of the amusement park past the mountain. She saw the two people standing in the entrance past the gate.

Her eyebrows angled somewhat angrily, but she had a smile on her lips.

She turned her gaze toward her own surroundings and found the Yard members, Yard ambassadors, and the ordinary residents were lined up in ranks atop the grass and looking her way.

She slowly spoke to them.

“We will now use Spell Breaker to link you with DT’s boost system. The linked power will be sent to Lieutenant Yuo within the defense shield surrounding Babel! We will keep this going until the situation is resolved. We’re in it for the long haul!”

They gave their acknowledgements and she nodded.

“Our enemy is Babel. In biblical times, the people used that tower to try and reach heaven, so god tore it down and prevented the people from understanding each other. …But this time we will stop the tower before god can show up. So once this battle is over, I am sure the entire world will criticize us. They will say the world would have been better off if we had died and the great god had been activated. But you know what?”

She opened a window.

<There are those in the Plus world who can see the big picture here.>

“It’s strange, but there are Plus people who want to put our Minus lives ahead of the creation of the great god. All the money flowing in from the DT boost support fund is proof enough of that.” She tilted her head and showed them. “I’m thankful, but there’s no need to thank them. Their motives might not be entirely pure, after all. Besides, you could say the same about us since we tried to summon the great god so long ago. This is likely the response to that.”

“At their x1 speed, the Plus world is so slow to respond.”

She spoke with her will, but she formed a smile with no bitterness or mockery to it.

She tilted her head back and her hair brushed against Telyb’s belly.

She looked up and saw him nod overhead. He looked to everyone and began to speak.

“People! The great god everyone hopes will improve the world is apparently a purity fetishist who hates immoral people.”

Fooblicky’s eyes widened in surprise at that.

He shrugged before continuing.

“But…listen carefully. We are not the great god. We are the Minus Elites. So let’s each of us infect the world in our own way. And at 100 times the speed of ordinary society!”

When he spread his arms, the emblem overhead absorbed the wind and glowed brighter.

“We will now pour all of our support into just two of our people. But those two have progressed much further than any of us. Because they are fighting at a speed of x1000. …Let’s do this, everyone. Let’s push our harmful Minus powers to the greatest speed in the world to stop that lonely purity fetishist people are calling a great god.”

Fooblicky nodded and shut her eyes.

“As DT Yard Vice Chief, I have a mission for all DT citizens here.”

She reached out a hand and spread the fingers. As if forcefully grasping at something. As if reaching for the two people waiting to fight so far away.

Her lips moved to form the words.

“As a Minus Elite, I take the Plus world’s assistance and protect DT’s strongest attacker with my own power.”

<5th and 6th Demigods → Aoe: Spell Breaker: Transfer High Level Power Field: Run>

A beam of light filled her vision as it raced out in front of all the gathered people and NPC Bodies.

The light grew to a mirror-like panel and some text was written in the center.

<Keep up the attack. This constant power is bound to reach its target in this burdenless Minus world.>

<Fooblicky’s Sight Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Aoe looked to a sky filled with dark clouds.

A beam of light dropped toward him from there. The beam curved in on its way from some distant point.

Unlike lightning, this was a constant, unending power.

As it approached, Yuo ran her and Aoe’s Word Race traits and removed the limits on their abilities.

<Senpai! Grandload your Emblem now! Mine will activate along with it!>

Aoe gave a grunt of acknowledgement and readied his arms.

“Let’s go.

“And take back what was taken.”

“Yes, let’s go.

“And find the answer!”

<Grandload: Running Load Emblem: Black Belt: Preparing for Activation>

<Grandload: Running Load Emblem: Wish Bringer: Preparing for Activation>

Black metal spear emblems appeared clearly on Aoe’s hands.

■Type-AA0765 – God-class – Black Belt■

A songstress emblem drawn in green light floated behind Yuo’s back.

■Type-AA0765 – God-class – Wish Bringer■

Countless windows opened and the light of boosting power descended from the sky to reach their emblems.

The racing light connected with the ■ portion of the emblems.

The process was complete in mere moments.

Shattering glass sounds came from Aoe’s hands and fingertips and from Yuo’s back and they felt an impact run through their bodies.

Aoe tensed his hands. He briefly grasped at empty air, but a moment later…


He raised his voice and filled the rest of his body with strength.

Meanwhile, Yuo took action behind him. The voiceless woman used only manual program activations, but she transformed the cloths around her shoulders and hips into key guarders which connected to her light combat outfit with lines of light.

<Senpai! I will assist you while I gather feedback data!>

<Yuo: Effect Range: Deactivate Optical Surface Visibility: Run>

The light connecting to Aoe from the sky was gone. No, he simply couldn’t see it anymore.

His feet floated from the ground and he took a step in the empty air while Yuo passed him a program trigon.

<Senpai. I don’t know if you’ll like this, but it gives a x7 boost to your movements. It->

He didn’t speak a word before tossing the trigon in his mouth.

It was curry flavored. Yuo’s idea of a curry flavor was fairly sweet, but he could tell she had tried to give it a flavor he would enjoy. He gave her a quick smile before getting started.

He gave a powerful kick at the empty air to move forward. He leaped into the amusement park’s Top Page.

Into the battlefield.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Aoe remained in Sight Mode as he entered the Top Page.

The garden was directly in front of him when he entered the amusement park. Surrounding that was a plaza, itself surrounded by an arcade.

Yuo floated behind him thanks to her coordinate settings and she had opened two windows. One displayed the feedback data and the other the settings for their combined Load Emblems.

She typed at her keyboards for both windows and then opened a further window.

<I have made it so we will remain in Sight Mode until this battle is over!>

Aoe nodded. That normally wasn’t done because it gobbled up energy, but they were being boosted by everyone right now.

He appreciated that as he poured strength into his legs.

He ran.

It only took a moment to get used to running in midair. It felt a lot like repeatedly sliding forward.

“I feel like a GASAS attacker.”

<This should keep us safe even if there are booby traps.>

He reached a top speed of approximately 140mph. After taking one step, he would leap 15 yards before the next step.

To change direction, he made skip turns with his feet or used the wind pressure to slide around corners.

To attack, he swung his arms at high enough speed to launch shockwaves.

<I am guiding the shockwaves in a single direction. A stronger punch will send a really big one out ahead of you.>

“That’s ridiculous! I’d prefer a map, Yuo! Give me the most direct route to Babel!”

Monkey raised his front paw while clinging to Aoe’s right shoulder and a window opened to the right of Aoe’s face.

It displayed a general map with handwritten text.

From bottom to top, the plaza, the white castle, the artificial lake, and the swimming area were labeled.

“A duel on Ganryu Island. So Round 3 will be fought on Babel’s beach!”

He saw the large fountain in the center of the plaza past the entranceway.

It was lit up by the scarlet outdoor lights and a semicircle of souvenir shops were set up around it, creating a sort of wall.

He saw movement in the buildings and their shadows.

Arrows of transparent red light appeared in his vision. They pointed inside and on top of the stores and behind the fountain.

Those were the enemies.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

As soon as he saw them, countless winds blew his way.

The earth-rattling winds were in fact bullets.

<I will highlight them with a color!>

“No need! They aren’t even worth dodging!”

He leaped.

His x7 boosted jump caused his footsteps to vanish and an empty wind to surround him.

He instantly reached an altitude of 10 yards.

He cleared the fountain below, along with the shop clerk NPC Bodies aiming guns his way.

A few of them followed him with their eyes, but none managed to follow him with their guns.

The stream of automatic gunfire pursued the path of his jump like a swinging whip.

It was all too slow.

He descended again, set to land between two shops. In other words, on the main street. He prepared to land while looking out head.

The view past the shops was blurry. That was the border between Pages.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom: Full Sight Open>

He could see the white castle. The tall, white structure looked straight out of a picture book.

There was a single arch-shaped hole at the bottom of the castle. There was light visible through the hole.

He smiled bitterly at how the building might as well have been telling him to pass through it. And he landed. He bent his legs to absorb the impact.

He adjusted his balance when inertia tried to topple him forward. After leaning nearly 30 degrees forward, he straightened his legs and continued forward.

His next leap took him across the Page border.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Aoe left the plaza and saw the white castle. The tunnel through the castle was normally a large passageway used for displays and shows, but none of its lights were currently on.

He sank down and chose the shortest route. He prepared to charge through the dimly lit tunnel.

Just before he did, his ears caught a sound. The deep, intermittent sound reminded him a gear turning.

What is that!?

He was close enough to the tunnel that he had no choice but to use it when the color black dropped down from above.

A barrier blocked his way.

He thought they were planning to trap him there, but then he heard another sound from behind.

<The knights are coming!>

He soon realized what the window from Yuo meant. A white horse lined up on either side of him.

The horses immediately matched his speed and they were already growing transparent.

“This is absurd!”

He further accelerated his legs. He threw himself forward like he was swinging his entire body.

He slipped below the lowering barrier and entered the castle.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In the White Castle[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Aoe was inside the tunnel below the white castle. He was surrounded by darkness. The light of the exit shined about 80 yards ahead.

Four internal barriers were descending in between.

He also noted the number of transparent red arrows that appeared in the darkness around him.

<That’s a lot!>

“We need to break through!”

He was 70 yards from the exit.

He kicked at the air to continue forward. He parted the wind, increased his speed, and passed below the first of the internal barriers.

Will the third one catch me?

He made that estimate while some kind of projectile flew through the darkness.

Yuo worriedly kept close to his back.

“Don’t worry! They only seem to be aiming at me!” he concluded by viewing the incoming bullets.

A white bullet flew straight toward his face as if to prove him right.

He straightened up and tilted to the right.

The air pressure took his floating body along a gentle curve, removing him from the line of fire in a surfing pose.

He dodged the attack.

As soon as he landed, he crouched low. The bullets coming from behind whizzed over Yuo’s head as she floated by his back.

He noticed several scream windows appear over her head.

He ignored that. He kept low and leaped forward.

The line of fire pursued his leap. He heard the floor being destroyed behind him. He no longer heard the music coming from Babel. Instead, he heard gunfire echoing down the tunnel.

The deep, low sounds were a lot like a jackhammer as they approached from behind.

Yuo quickly threw a window to him.

<Senpai! Faster! Faster!>

<Sounds like what you were saying in bed.>

She answered that with a fist to his back. He smiled bitterly at the protest.

She had very little experience with this sort of thing, so she seemed to think the gunfire was aimed at her.

But every one of the bullets was definitely aimed at him.

They blatantly stopped firing whenever she got in the line of fire.

They didn’t want to harm her.

<But it would feel wrong to use her as a shield.>

He had 50 yards to go.

The barriers had lowered to a yard overhead.

Thanks to his speed, he still felt the need to duck below the next one and kept on.

That was when the knights on either side caught up.

The surrounding gunfire stopped and the horseback knights appeared from either side.

He accelerated. Once the knights caught up from the rear of his vision, he twisted to the left.

He moved in front of the knight to his left. The knight raised his rifle toward Aoe.

But Aoe was faster.

He reached back his left hand and grabbed the muzzle of the rising rifle.


He ignored the surprise coming through the metal he held.

Just once, he kicked hard off the floor. He kept the muzzle in his hand as he jumped over and behind the knight. He looked to Yuo, who was following his high speed movements thanks to her coordinate setting, and performed a flip without curling up.

The knight’s finger inside the trigger guard bent at an odd angle.

The sound of the breaking bone and the groan of agony were drowned out by the wind.

As soon as Aoe landed behind the knight, he ran toward the rear of the racing horse.

And he yanked yard on the gun he held.

The knight could not keep his grip with his finger broken.

The gun was now Aoe’s.


He spoke for the first time and threw the gun forward.

He placed his fingers on the muzzle and pushed down on it to perform a snap draw.

At the same time, he moved toward the now-gunless left knight. The knight tried to turn around and draw his sword, but Aoe ran in from behind, kicked off the floor, and leaped.

The knight responded with a horizontal slash of his sword despite his broken finger.

Aoe jumped, lifted his legs, and placed his feet on the back of the swung sword.

He used the sword as footing while swinging his left foot’s toes up into the knight’s jaw.


He felt and heard his toes hit flesh.

After the kick, he twisted backwards and performed a flip.

When he landed, he ran forward, the knight’s airborne body passing by overhead.

With its rider gone, the white horse staggered and veered to the left.

40 yards left

“Now the knight on the right!”

Aoe could see the right knight was already aiming his gun.

But it was too late.

Aoe reached his right hand ahead of him as he ran.

His hand stretched into the dark emptiness and something fell right into his grasp.

It was the rifle Aoe had thrown into the air earlier. The one he had stolen from the left knight.

Its grip fell into Aoe’s hand.

He had a solid grasp on it.

So he extended his arm, extended his wrist, held it out in a straight line, and squeezed the trigger.

A single gunshot rang out and the bullet struck the stomach of the knight’s armor.

The knight doubled over and rose into the air. The white attacker struck the horse’s head as he was launched forward.

The knight and the horse crashed into the barrier up ahead.

That loud impact was followed by the gunshot reverberating off the barrier.

The barrier shook and Aoe arrived within 3 yards of the exit.

The shaking stopped the barrier’s descent just long enough for Aoe to slide beneath. The gap was only 1.5 yards tall, but he kicked off the air and ducked even lower.

“Get down!”

He looked and found Yuo was on her back like her chair had toppled over.


The window conveying her shout hit the barrier and shattered.

That made a sound, but that was it. The two of them slipped below the barrier.

That was when Yuo opened a window.


His reflexes kicked in.

He saw Mekton right next to him.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

An enormous body in a black combat outfit was 5 yards to Aoe’s right.

That was Mekton.

Once Aoe realized Mekton had been running alongside him, using the knight as cover, he kicked hard off the air.

He leaped.

But Mekton stuck with him.

Footsteps rang loud as the two of them ran side by side with Yuo positioned behind Aoe. Aoe knew this opponent’s strength from the last time they fought. His attacks came heavy and fast.

Aoe swung down his right fist in a hook stance.

At 5 yards apart, his fist couldn’t reach, but the powerful punch soared out regardless.

A shockwave roared out from it.

Mekton reacted just as quickly. He raised his thick left arm as if swinging up the elbow. He rotated it upwards with so much force you would think he hadn’t given it any thought.

His left hand tore through the air, creating a shockwave.

The air blades collided between the two of them. The clash sounded like tearing paper.

White steam exploded out.

Sensing an oddity in the sound, Aoe leaped forward. He groaned when he saw a shockwave flying his way from the white smoke.

Mekton’s strength had overpowered his own.

“Uh, oh!” he shouted, moving forward.

He was less than 20 yards from the exit now.

Up ahead, he saw the final barrier closing.

The outside light brightened by the narrow gap between floor and barrier.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

The gap below the barrier was less than a yard, so Aoe ran.


He knew why Yuo was shouting. He needed to hurry.

He sensed a large presence alongside him. He didn’t even need to check. He knew Mekton was there.

The two men charged toward the barrier’s gap at the full speed of their x7 boosted movement. Mekton arrived first.

He slid through feet first. It looked like the barrier would catch his thick upper body.

“Kh,” he groaned, grabbing the bottom of the barrier in both hands. Then he pushed himself through.

Next, Aoe glided through the air in a sliding pose. Yuo followed after him.

He passed through in an instant.

After emerging into the scarlet outdoor lights, he checked on Yuo behind him.

Her coordinate control had her floating a foot off the ground as she stretched toward him below the barrier.

She wasn’t going to make it.

Aoe realized the barrier had fallen too far.

Even if he grabbed her hand, the barrier would catch her on the shoulder.

Hitting the barrier at this speed would mean more than a simple injury.

Their 140mph momentum didn’t allow for hesitation. Aoe made up his mind while sliding.

“Yuo! Cancel your coordinate setting!” he shouted, grabbing Yuo’s hand below the barrier.

He tugged with all his might. That action as all Yuo needed to understand, so she held his hand back.


She canceled the coordinate setting fixing her to a position relative to him.

That caused gravity to pull her down. The barrier was above her and the ground below.

Hitting the barrier would mean a terrible collision, but falling would mean scraping along the ground.

However, Aoe pulled her toward him while he slid through the air. And he swung her to the side like a baseball bat.


With a loud shout, the emblem on his arm shined and he pulled out to safety.

She swung sideways, skimming just off the ground, and emerged from below the barrier.

Aoe stood up while taking her hand and turning around. Mekton had gotten to his feet nearby and was looking to them in surprise.

Aoe kicked off the ground again, not letting his momentum slow.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Behind the castle, Aoe swung Yuo around and left the tunnel.

They were moving at 120mph, which was more than 50yd/s, as he took her hand, turned around, and saw the sky covered by dark clouds.

He lowered his gaze to see the crimson outdoor lights and Yuo.

All across the amusement park, NPC Bodies activated emblems in their weapons and launched attacks.

But those attacks might as well have been decorative fireworks as Aoe spun Yuo around and pulled her toward him. He kept his balance and stored his inertia as he did so.

It all happened at high speed. All while he ran through the air to reach the tower.


A glass sound shattered in his hands.


Another glass sound shattered at her feet.

They began a dance of evasion and forward progress.

They used the momentum of leaving the castle to spin.

They swapped and shifted locations while taking 140mph steps.

They sometimes took each other’s hands and sometimes moved apart, but always continued onward.

A familiar song provided music for their ball. It was the old song Babel played.

They kept onward.

The gunfire could not reach them or keep up with them, so it played out a rapid drumbeat on the stone pavement.

Aoe performed a rapid but leisurely turn with Yuo.

And he looked ahead.

He saw an artificial lake more than half a mile across.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

The amusement park’s southernmost plaza was on the other side of the lake.

A giant white oval floated there.

The white object floating just off of the water in front of Babel was a blimp.

It was stopped above the swimming area on the opposite bank.

The artificial beach there looked blurry from this distance. It was lit up by some outdoor lights.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aoe saw someone running that way.

That was Mekton. In the instant he came alongside Aoe and Yuo, he turned their way.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Aoe thought he saw an apologetic smile on Mekton’s face in that moment.

Mekton accelerated. He leaped above the lake and kicked off the air above the water to further accelerate. The water thrown into the air came from the wind whipped up by his movement, not by his feet.

Aoe and Yuo’s dance brought them to the lake too.

It was about time to end that dance.

Aoe pulled Yuo toward him and held her close just once.


She smiled bitterly.

But she didn’t say anything more.

She pressed her cheek against his neck and then pulled away. She made one last spin before reaffixing her coordinate.

“Mh,” grunted Aoe as he set foot atop the lake.

His feet were affixed in the air, but he slammed his boosted strength into the ground to launch himself over the water.

He flew toward the watery surface that had become a battlefield.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: At DT’s Amusement Park Artificial Lake[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

The lake was an actual Top Page instead of an Other Page like the sky was.

Aoe’s opponent was already waiting for him.

100 yards away, at the center of the lake, the enormous man bent his arms in preparation.

Aoe responded with a fighting stance of his own, with Yuo at his back.

If his opponent was ready for a fight, he only had to charge on in.

He kicked off the water’s surface to continue forward.

He ran.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>


Running with his actions boosted seven times, he could clear the 100 yards in 1.5 seconds.

He ran, producing a wind that sent water splashing into the air.

He approached his enormous opponent in no time. Mekton took action when Aoe was 10 yards away.

He opened his right hand and readied the nails.

“Aoe!” he roared with a swing of the hand.

Aoe responded by leaning and then leaping to the right.

He made a right-angle course change, seeming to ignore his momentum. The wind whipped up and the water exploded from where he jumped.

But Mekton broke through the spray and pursued Aoe.

“Damn, he’s fast!”

Aoe turned himself toward Mekton to protect Yuo. By the time he landed from his leap and recovered his fighting stance, Mekton’s nails were about to reach him.

Mekton attacked with a fist and an open hand.

He sometimes attacked along straight lines and sometimes along curves.

Aoe sucked in a breath and backed away. He swung his upper body to the side, to the front, or to the back to dodge the claws.

While falling back and performing a sway back, he watched his enemy’s actions.

Mekton’s movements were powerful but sloppy.

But when Aoe swung his body to the side, Mekton stepped in the same direction.

When Aoe tried to go right, Mekton spread his legs to the right and attacked from the right.

When Aoe tried to go left, Mekton spread his legs to the left and attacked from the left.

That prevented Aoe from moving to the side, limiting him to backwards movement.

He needed a certain distance between them to step forward and make his attacks, but while falling back with all his might, he had trouble finding room to do anything else.

But whenever he again tried to move to the sides, an attack would stop him.

He couldn’t find a solution.

Just as he was getting irritated, the elbow of Mekton’s right arm lifted up. The man’s flank was visible.


Aoe groaned and threw a right.

But his attack was blocked.

In that moment, he saw Mekton put up his guard before throwing a fist.

Did he intentionally leave an opening to lure me in!?

Aoe immediately rejected the idea. Mekton’s face showed none of the frustration of someone who lured in his prey only for that prey to escape. His nearly expressionless face only showed the twist of his lips from blocking Aoe’s punch.

He had simply blocked the attack before seeing it.

There was only one way to take action before seeing your opponent’s attacks.

“Are you predicting my movements!?”

Aoe had done the same to Mekton before.

By predicting your opponent’s pattern, you could use even greater offense or defense to keep them from moving or attacking.

Mekton replied while throwing a flurry of attacks.

“I saw it. Tribes lets me use the eyes of the 400.”

Another blow.


Mekton’s right fist attempted to break through Aoe’s defenses from above.

Aoe crouched and leaned back while jumping backwards.

He had been driven back. No…

I’m still being driven back.

Aoe felt some panic as he considered his present situation.

His opponent was definitely responding to the beginnings of his actions. When he decided to move right or left, he made some kind of initial movement that acted as a signal and Mekton responded to that.

This was due to their previous battle and having 400 pairs of eyes on him.

Those initial movements were too subtle for the average person to make out.

At Aoe’s skill level, he wouldn’t give away his intent with his gaze.

Since the attack on Mekton’s open side had been blocked earlier, it had to be the movement of his shoulder in the instant he took aim.

So do I just have to punch without thinking or taking aim?

That wasn’t possible. That kind of subconscious attack only happened when you took a hit and lost consciousness or when you were caught off guard. That wasn’t going to happen right when he needed it.

And while he tried to figure out what to do…

<Senpai! You can’t keep falling back! You need to move forward!>

<I know that, but when I try->

Aoe spoke with his thoughts until a question occurred to him.

What if I could make an attack disconnected from my will?

With that thought, he jumped backwards. Just before landing, he opened a window and tossed it to Yuo.

She gasped behind him.

Mekton charged in ahead of him.

He looked back toward Yuo, taking his eyes off of Mekton.

Yuo tapped him on the right shoulder.

That was the signal.


Without thinking, he threw the exact same attack as before.

He aimed for Mekton’s right stomach.

By the time his body got moving, Mekton’s arm was already guarding his right stomach.

If Mekton blocked the punch, Aoe would be left open to attack immediately afterwards.

But Aoe threw the punch all the same.

His right shoulder shook, but it was his left fist that flew.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Mekton couldn’t react in time. He was guarding his right stomach, but Aoe’s fist hit the wall of muscle that was his unguarded left stomach.


What had looked like a right punch had been a left. The unreadable action made Mekton look up and fall back.

Aoe responded by moving forward and preparing to swing his left fist, so Mekton guarded his left side.

Yet it was Aoe’s right fist that jabbed into Mekton’s right stomach.

“What!?” shouted Mekton.

Aoe tilted his head to give Mekton a view of Yuo behind him.

Mekton’s eyes found the window floating over Yuo’s head as she typed on a see-through keyboard.

The windows said, <Yuo→Aoe: Body Control Setting: Left-Right Reversal: Run immediately after beginning of attack>

As soon as Aoe began to attack, his left and right sides switched out.

Suedomsa had used the same setting change to make Aoe trip in the castle’s audience chamber.

But while Grandloading and when he knew the reversal was coming…

“I can stay in control!” he shouted, taking a leaping step forward.

His attack landed, producing the sound of struck flesh.

Mekton bent backwards.

In that instant, something small fell from Mekton’s pocket and flew through the air.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

It was a program trigon. The one for Yuo’s voice.

The yellow trigon flew through the air in the 6 yards between Aoe and Mekton, veering a bit to the left.

“Is that Yuo’s voice!?”

Aoe hesitated.

If he moved to collect the trigon, Mekton would attack.

It was especially bad that the trigon was falling to his left. If he moved in that direction, he would be exposing his unguarded body to Mekton.

But if he didn’t collect it, Yuo’s voice would sink to the bottom of the lake.

<What do I do!?>

Mekton ignored Aoe’s thought and took action. He took a step forward.


Aoe made up his mind when he heard the great roar of Mekton’s will.

After confirming Mekton was throwing his right fist, Aoe reached his left hand back over his shoulder.

And he raised his voice.


A shattering glass sound came from his left hand and Yuo grabbed that hand. She did so slowly and with uncertainty in her grasp.

He didn’t have time to give the answer, so he simply squeezed her hand.

His will passed to her and she acknowledged it with her Text.


Their actions were synchronized from there on.

Yuo canceled her coordinate setting and he swung her to the left by her hand.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

He ran forward, swinging her in an arc around him.

She rotated while skimming just above the water.

During that rotation, she collected her own voice in her hand.

At the same time, Aoe threw a kick toward Mekton.


It landed.

In that instant, Aoe saw that Mekton’s right hand was not forming a fist. His hand was open and swept through empty air.

He was trying to collect the dropped program trigon?

Why? wondered Aoe.

<That was his chance to win this. Why would he throw that away?>

But things were progressing too quickly to find an answer to that question.

Mekton was stopped by the counterattack.

At the same time, Yuo circled behind Mekton with her program in her grasp.

Aoe followed her. Like a pendulum, her weight tugged on him and spun him around behind Mekton.

All the movement occurred in an instant.

Aoe pulled on Yuo’s arm so she wouldn’t fall into the water and she used her see-through keyboard to reset her coordinate property to place herself behind him. She flicked the program trigon into the air with her thumb and her ferret caught it in his mouth and swallowed it.

Now she had them all.

And he heard a voice.

“Senpai! I have the feedback data I wanted! I’m going to activate the joint Load Emblem based on our shared memories!”

He heard her voice for the first time in a while and a window opened.

<Do you agree to share your settings with Yuo? Y/N>

He tapped the Y on the window and Yuo did the same behind him.

The window shattered into glowing dust and then he heard a song.

Yuo was singing along with the music played by Babel.


He nodded and joined her with his will.

“I shall move ever forward!”

Aoe and Yuo’s joint Grandload activated.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

The first thing to appear was light.

The light that appeared around Aoe and Yuo came from a spiral of windows.

A group of 32 windows surrounded them and emblems appeared on Aoe’s fists and Yuo’s back.

The emblems were formed from a black light and they depicted a prophetess singing with a spear in the background. In the narrow space of the emblem, there were stars in the sky, a laurel wreath on her head, and determination on her face.

Aoe looked ahead with the new emblem on his fists.

The windows describing the special effects of their Word Race settings and the windows notifying them of the Grandload opened as he released his Text and Yuo’s voice did the same behind him.

They both asked the world to grant a simple wish.

“Come to me, power.”

The world responded.

<Grandload: Running Joint Grandload: Ultima: Preparing>

A window granted permission to the 256M Lives and granted them both power.

<Activating Joint Load Emblem>

Aoe and Yuo’s wills were answered by text strings racing from their emblems. They ran from Aoe’s fists to his elbows and from Yuo’s back to her shoulders. That text formed words.

■Type-Origin – God-class – Ultima■

<Activating Grandload of Aoe’s arm strength and Yuo’s voice: Loading all Lives and releasing upper limit on high-speed attacks>

As soon as the emblems were complete, Yuo sang and Aoe directed all of his strength forward.

DT02 377.jpg

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Aoe sang. He belted out the contents of his heart as if teaching Yuo the lyrics.

“I shall move ever forward.”

He moved forward.

“I shall move forward.”

Mekton forcibly turned toward him.

“To accomplish something or to solve a problem.”

That didn’t matter. Aoe spun his body to the right and let fly a rightward roundhouse kick.

“No matter the strength or speed of my foe. No matter the destiny carried by my foe.”

His right leg drew out a large arc and then swung down.

“I shall move ever forward.”

Mekton fell back to dodge.

“My hands shall tear down my foe’s every barrier and my feet shall trample their every trap.”

Aoe pursued. Once his right toes reached the floor, he spun his body atop them. He threw a left kick this time.

“I wield the defensive power to block any wind. I wield the offensive power to tear through any wall.”

Mekton also dodged the second kick sent overhead. His cheek bent.

“My power is a manifestation of my will.”

“That was…Daikatana’s move!”

“My Lives carry all this power with them.”

Aoe did not confirm it. Nor did he stop attacking. He balanced on his left heel to send out another right kick.

“They carry the power of my hands, legs, head, and even the minute power of the tip of my toe.”

He rapidly swung his leg down in a third rotating kick.

“I shall draw on all that power and surround myself in my own willpower.”

He heard Yuo’s voice as he kicked off the floor with his left pivot leg.

“I can fight.”

He jumped to increase the height of the third kick. To send it further.

“I can fight.”

Mekton realized he couldn’t dodge the extended kick, so he crossed his arms overhead.

“So I shall move ever forward.”

He took a defensive stance. Aoe’s right heel slammed down against the crossed arms.

“To accomplish something or to solve a problem.”

The impact caused the bones to strain inside Mekton’s arms, but he lowered his hips to endure it.

“That is why I sing this marching song of progress.”

Mekton spread his arms wide, launching Aoe’s blocked right leg upwards.

Any goal is achievable if you never give up.”

Aoe nodded at Yuo’s song. And his left pivot leg crashed into Mekton’s jaw from below.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>


Mekton’s large body lifted from the ground and bent back.

Aoe had intentionally let the trio of downward kicks be blocked and deflected and used that force to power a roundhouse kick from below. The final kick had only been possible because he used his left leg to support him.

He bent back, made a full flip, and landed with both feet on the ground.

Mekton managed to stop himself after taking a single step back. He had looked up and seen the white blimp behind him for a moment, but his powerful gaze was back on Aoe soon enough.

With his jaw broken, blood dripped from his mouth.


He used a powerful swing of his unsteady body to retake a fighting stance.


He opened his mouth.


He shouted, but Aoe was already moving forward.


Yuo shouted, but Aoe focused on his enemy instead.

Mekton’s trembling legs were beginning to grow transparent.

I had a feeling.

That was the result of boosting himself while receiving power from 400 NPC Bodies.

He trembled and displayed his destruction through his transparency as he asked a question.

“What will it be!? Your killing power? Or your strongest power?”

Aoe answered while approaching.

“The strongest!”

He thought about his battle with Mekton. He thought about the things that had happened during it.

He recalled that the 400 NPC Bodies had avoided aiming at Yuo even though she was their enemy.

He recalled that Mekton had tried to retrieve the falling program trigon when he could have won the battle.

“There’s only one possible conclusion there!”

Was he protecting Yuo to avoid losing her?

As soon as that thought raced through Aoe’s mind, he clenched his right fist which contained an infinity and he released his will.

“Then I will use this attacking fist to protect Yuo!”

A shattering glass sound came from his fist.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Up ahead, he saw Mekton’s chest as his target and Mekton’s right fist swinging in from the side.

Aoe swung his fist. He couldn’t have dodged if he tried and he didn’t even consider it.

They both sent out a powerful blow.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>


Aoe’s fist was faster. His right fist carried all of his strength to the center of Mekton’s chest.

It landed.

The impact erupted at Mekton’s back, not his chest. Mekton’s body shook with a sound like a falling boulder.

But that did not stop him from moving.

His right fist was going to catch Aoe on the side of the head. Aoe realized something when he saw the approaching fist.

A moment later, Yuo wrapped her arms around his neck from behind.

“Stop!” she shouted just as Mekton’s fist ran right through Aoe’s head.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

For a few seconds, Aoe came to a complete stop and waited.

The wind blew across the water and chilled his skin.

The wind directed his attention out front.

After wrapping her arms around him from behind, Yuo had covered his face with them.

Past her arms, he saw his own right fist pressed against a thick chest covered in black.

Past his fist, he saw Mekton with the white blimp behind him.

He was frozen in his punching stance.

Blood spilled from his mouth as he looked down at them with a faint smile.

“Master Yuo.”

But Yuo may not have been able to hear his voice because her arms did not move.

Aoe looked back to see she had her eyes and mouth squeezed tightly shut.

What is she so worked up about?

He smiled bitterly and looked Mekton in the eye. Mekton looked him in the eye too, so Aoe pulled back his right fist and poked at Yuo’s arm that was dangerously close to strangling him.

Then she moved behind him. He sensed her slowly raising her head.

“Eh?” she said, her hair tickling the sides of Aoe’s neck.

She was looking side to side. She stopped while looking to the right, so Aoe sighed and did the same.

He saw a fist there.

It had been passing through his face this entire time. It was Mekton’s enormous right fist.

It was transparent.

Aoe heard Yuo’s voice while he viewed the fist from the inside.

“Its hitbox is gone.”

Sure enough, Mekton’s entire arm had gone transparent at this point.

“His fist wasn’t disturbing the air on its way to me,” said Aoe to no one in particular.

Then he looked to Mekton.

He sighed and asked a question.

“It seemed to me you intentionally took that final attack. Did you?”

Mekton shut his eyes and nodded.

“I thought…it would be best…to let it hit.”

Yuo asked a question about that. She leaned forward with her hands on Aoe’s shoulders.

“Was that because…you knew Senpai would protect me?”

Mekton opened his eyes a crack to view Yuo.

He lowered his gaze and thought for a bit.

“I made up my mind…when this idiot…collected the program…and attacked. I knew then…that he would protect you. And I knew…he wouldn’t choose to die.” Mekton spoke softly. “My job…was to protect you. And you kept me company…and cheered me on. But I knew…I would lose eventually. But…but I hoped I could get him…to protect you for me.”

“And that was your way of thanking her?”

Aoe saw Mekton starting to flash.

“We all…felt the same. We wanted something…that could defeat us like that. We wanted a Master Yuo who would not give up…a new Master Yuo who could defeat us all.

“Do you understand?” he asked Aoe.

As he disappeared, he turned his eyes toward Yuo.

Aoe looked over his shoulder. He saw Yuo on the verge of tears as she faced Mekton.

Mekton narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He opened his smiling mouth and spoke a quiet but distinct pair of words.

“Don’t cry.”

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Mekton disappeared.

Aoe shut his eyes.

Yuo’s hands were on his shoulders. Her hands trembled as they gripped his flesh.

He took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes.

He looked to the sky. He saw the dark clouds and the silhouette of the tower jutting up into that darkness.

He lowered his gaze to find a blimp.

He stared at it.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

Below the blimp was the artificial lake’s shore. A small sandy beach was built there and two people stood on it.

“That’s them,” said Aoe, feeling the tremor vanish from Yuo’s hands.

Her hands squeezed firmly in lieu of a nod.

Not feeling a need for any more words, he started walking across the water.

Slowly at first, but soon…

“Let’s go, Yuo.”

He ran. His feet kicked spray into the air on the way to the final battlefield.

The enemy he had sought awaited him there.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

Fooblicky’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT Park[edit]

'’'<Fooblicky’s Over Reload>

Fooblicky fought a sea of data below the dark sky.

“But all I’m doing is preserving my Demigod Program with my see-through keyboards!”

She shouted in anger while managing all the people sending power to Aoe and managing the boost assistance coming from the outside world.

Behind her, Telyb had his own keyboard open.

“You look awfully busy, but do you want to take a break to eat?”

“You eat it for me! Our heat energy settings are shared!”

She immediately felt a sweet flavor spreading through her mouth.

She wondered what he was eating, but she simply gulped and kept typing.

Around her, the Yard members and ordinary residents were sending their own power into the windows opened in front of them.

She heard impacts, blows, strikes, and shattering.

So many other sounds and actions sent light streaking out.

The lights flew toward the beach plaza below the blimp stopped at Babel’s base.

Fooblicky spoke to herself while viewing the back of the blimp in the distance.

“We need to treat everyone to a big party if this works.”

<Fooblicky’s Sight Mode has updated>

Algo’s Board Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Algo’s Over Reload>

You are currently in Babel Plaza – Beach, a Top Page of the amusement park.

It is located atop an artificial beach 150 yards long and 20 yards wide.

There is a blimp behind you.

A single old-style NPC Body is standing by your side: Alternative Kobayashi Asb. She is using the old-style NPC Body as a terminal for your Mind Lives.

Two PC Bodies are approaching: Aoe Shouzou Asb and Yuo Suedomsa Wav.

Algo: <Now, then.>

<Algo’s Over Reload>

Aoe walks toward you from the artificial lake with Yuo still on his shoulders.

His brow is a bit wrinkled. The meaning is unclear.

Algo: “Took you long enough, Aoe. …Come on, Alternative, you greet them too.”

Alternative: <Oh, u-um…it’s good to see you again.>

Yuo: “L-likewise.”

Aoe: “What are you getting all nervous about, idiot?”

Yuo: “H-how am I supposed to give a normal greeting given the circumstances?”

<Algo’s Over Reload>

You cross your arms and nod.

Algo: “Perhaps we should have skipped the pleasantries and started fighting.”

Yuo: “Oh, sorry. I’m just a little nervous is all.”

Yuo: “So, um, what should we do now?”

Algo: “Good question. The thing is, the Questron has already been activated atop Babel, but I can’t have Aoe interfering after we go inside and begin the godtact experiment. It would be best to have our battle before we attempt that. If we win, I plan on summoning the great god.”

Aoe: “And we must prevent that.”

Algo: “Precisely. But for now, take a look around you.”

<Algo’s Over Reload>

Two windows open in front of you.

<Questron Status: Setup Complete: Awaiting Activation>

<Warning: Emergency Exit: Too many Great God Lives are gathering within Babel. If Questron input is not completed soon, Babel could collapse>

Algo: “Babel has been running since Master Suedomsa started it up for the previous godtact experiment. The Great God Lives have already been extracted and continue to accumulate. So…”

Yuo: “Babel is functioning as a temporary vessel, isn’t it?”

Algo: “Yes, so if you do not defeat us soon…”

Aoe: “Babel will explode like Yuo did during the 2nd Godtact Experiment?”

Alternative: <Shouzou, phrasing it like that isn’t very nice to my sister.>

Aoe: “Mh. Sorry, sis. But the thing is…I have a thought about that.”

<Algo’s Over Reload>

Aoe is wrinkling his brow with a lopsided frown on his lips. It is a puzzled look.

Aoe: “Wouldn’t it be best if the Great God Lives gathered in Babel until it collapsed?”

Yuo: “Eh?”

<Algo’s Over Reload>

Yuo grabs Aoe’s arm and shakes him.

Yuo: “Y-you can’t be serious! Yes, that would be better than having the great god activate and trigger a Great Godquake, but the explosion of Great God Lives during the 2nd Godtact Experiment partially destroyed DT!”

Aoe: “Only because you weren’t there.”

Yuo: “Eh?”

Aoe: “Can’t your Demigod Program suppress the explosion?”

Aoe: “And even if we do stop Babel now, all the countries out there will start arguing over who owns the Great God Lives inside it. In the worst case, that could lead to someone else being chosen as a vessel like you were.”

Aoe: “So I think we should eliminate all of the Great God Lives.”

Yuo: “…”

<Algo’s Over Reload>

You nod once.

Algo: “Ha ha. You never change, do you? And after we all worked so hard to extract the Great God Lives, I certainly don’t want to see them used as political tools.”

Algo: “So. If we lose, will you explode the Great God Lives?”

Aoe: “It is one option.”

Yuo: “And you want me to suppress the explosion? I feel like I’m being forced to clean up the mess I caused when I partially destroyed DT during the 2nd Godtact Experiment.”

Algo: “Ha ha. What’s wrong with that, Yuo? Of course, that assumes that Aoe can defeat me before Babel collapses.”

Yuo: “But if we do that, you and Alternative will both be…”

Algo: “The same goes for you two if we win, right? It seems to me no one would ever do anything if they let themselves get hung up on issues like that. So how about this? No hard feelings no matter who wins.”

Yuo: “…”

Algo: “Do you get it now? Then let’s enjoy a battle between a pair of strongest powers.”

<Algo’s Board Mode has ended>

Aoe’s Continued Sight Mode: In DT’s Amusement Park[edit]

<Aoe’s Over Reload>

Aoe looked around in the dark night that only existed inside the shield.

He was in the plaza in front of Babel. It contained a beach built alongside the amusement park’s artificial lake.

The beach was 20 yards long. The artificial lake’s waves were washing up three yards to his right.

To his left was a 20yd grassy plaza. Beyond that was a forest and Babel.

The only lights were the plaza’s three outdoor lights.

He couldn’t see the park where Fooblicky and the others were because the blimp was in the way.

Everything was dark and still, so the waves were the only sound.

In that near silence, a man and woman in white stood about 10 yards away from him.

They were Algo and Alternative, who had grown to her full height.

Their white clothing palely reflected the lights.

Algo’s face was visible. It bore a slight smile.

He kept the smile as he opened his mouth and spoke alongside the sound of the waves.

“I am past worrying if anyone is watching, but this is an important battle. We should settle this in private.”

Aoe nodded and looked to the dark artificial lake.

He had fought Mekton there earlier, but its surface was placid now that they had left the amusement park. The lights of the park were visible in the distance, but Aoe knew it was empty.

Then he looked to his left.

He saw a massive wall there. It was blurry since it was in a different Page, but it had several lights shining from its surface. He knew it was in fact the silhouette of Babel in the darkness.

Babel shined its lights into the sky, but its great size kept him from seeing the whole thing at once.

“Curious about Babel, Aoe? But you cannot defeat me if you do not focus on the battle.”

He turned toward that voice and found Algo looking his way on the beach.

“Let’s get started.”

With the voice of Algo’s will, an emblem symbol appeared on Algo’s right hand and on the back of Alternative’s head.

The emblem was a white nail in a box.

Algo clenched the hand bearing the emblem and release his Text.

“I will grasp the answer here and now.

“Because ‘someday’ must have meant today.”

His lips formed the Text and Alternative’s lips followed along.

Immediately, rows of windows opened around them.

Those announced the activation of their Word Race traits and the beginning of their Grandload, but a single window appeared at the very end.

<Activating Joint Load Emblem>

Text strings emerged from their emblems.

●Type-Origin – God-class – Sudden Strike●

<Activating Grandload of Algo’s arm strength and Alternative’s perception: Loading all Lives and releasing upper limit on high-speed attacks>


“That isn’t all we can do!”

Algo raised his emblem-bearing arms.

<Algo’s Over Zoom>

Suddenly, a flashing white light appeared over Aoe’s head.


His question was drowned out by a sky-splitting roar.

The vibration of the air crashing down from above sent spray up from the surface of the dark lake.


Aoe saw something in that sound.

The light emitted from the top of Babel had grown even brighter.

The thunderous roar was the scream of scorched air.

Yuo’s voice reached him through the din descending from the sky.

“Babel has started releasing all of the heat energy it gains while extracting from the ley lines!”

As if to confirm this, the four beams of light in the sky roared, stretched out, and scorched the air as their motion suddenly changed.

They curved downwards, toward the man standing in front of Aoe.

The light was descending toward Algo’s raised arms.

It dropped down with a sound reminiscent of a waterfall and was devoured by Algo’s emblems.

Both his arms received two high-level boosts taken from the word tower. The four beams of light made a powerful tearing sound while they shook and never left the ● portion of his emblems.

That was the same as the boost Aoe and Yuo were receiving from the Yard.

But when Alternative opened a window behind Algo, the light and sound disappeared.

She had deactivated their visibility setting.

Darkness and silence returned to their surroundings and Algo spread his arms.

He looked like he was trying to embrace the sky while he spoke in a carrying voice.

“I have one question, Aoe. The bible says the Son of God ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of god. We were brought here by divine symbolism and now we are trying to bring it all to an end.”


“How do you intend to stop us? Defeating my strongest power requires achieving a strongest power of your own. But how do you intend to surpass our concerns?”

Aoe thought for a moment and then clenched his right fist.

He had a simple answer.

“Let me teach you a certain rule of martial arts.”

He raised his right fist.

“Any question can be answered with your fists.”

“I see.” Algo shut his eyes and nodded. “If your fists can indeed provide an answer, then we will leave everything in your hands. But if they cannot, then we will summon the great god in accordance with the divine symbolism. Is that clear?”

He took a breath.

“If you intend to defeat our divine symbolism, then we will defeat you with that same symbolism. This world is too great a burden for humankind, so there is no need for you to struggle so. Leave everything in our care.”

Aoe did not respond. He simply readied his fist bearing his Grandload emblem and watched Algo.

Algo raised his head to watch him in turn.

Aoe started by focusing on his vision.

<Aoe’s Over Zoom>

This was an artificial beach. During the day, families would come here to play.

It was a meaningless location for a battle.

No one else was around to witness the battle.

There wasn’t enough light.

No one else’s voices could reach them.

But Aoe deepened his fighting stance.

A wave reached his feet.

The artificial lake’s waves were greater than normal thanks to the earlier shaking of the air.

He could see the waves reaching Algo’s feet as well.



Thrice, the waves wet the sand and audibly receded.

After the fourth time, they both deepened their fighting stances.

Their feet audibly dug into the sand.

Their hands audibly clenched their leather gloves.

They both opened only a crack, but their wills spoke clearly.


The sound of shattering minerals came from their fists and they began their attacks.

<Aoe’s Sight Mode has updated>

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