Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume3 Chapter3 2

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Who's Suga Sei? Part 2.[edit]

As for what happened eventually, Rei-sama folded.

Or rather, she ran out of patience.

While she was against digging up the author to "Forest of Thorns," she decided she might as well tag along to keep an eye over Yoshino-san plus Yumi, to make sure they didn't do anything ridiculous.

(Why was I lumped together with Yoshino-san?)

She didn't remember ever favoring one side or the other, but at this point, there was no stopping the rampaging Yoshino-san, anyways. To start, Yoshino-san decided, "Let's call them."

"Yoshino-san, you know the editorial department's phone number?"

She was already reaching for the phone, so Yumi asked, worried.

"I'll just ask for Kyuuteisha's phone number from the telephone guidance services."

Yoshino-san said, like it was obvious. And then Rei-sama.

"Hold on. Give me three minutes."

Remembering something, she dashed out the room and ran down the stairs. As they absent-mindedly watched their watches, the door opened almost exactly three minutes later, and Rei-sama returned with a magazine in her hand.


The magazine she held out was about the size of a monthly comic collection, but half the thickness. The cover had an illustration of a girl surrounded by flowers. The title was four kanji letters: "秋桜友達."

"Akizakura tomodachi?"

Yoshino-san and Yumi both read, simultaneously.

"It reads Cosmos Friend. The Cosmos editorial department sends it out every two months."

"Rei-chan's preferred reading?"

"Who cares, look here."

Rei-sama turned the book around and pointed to the side of the back cover. In small print, the Cosmos editorial department's phone number was printed.

"Wow, Rei-sama."

"And that's our watchful eye at work."

Yoshino-san immediately entered the number into her phone.

"Hello, Cosmos editorial department."

After seven rings, someone picked up. Yumi and Rei-sama both leaned into Yoshino-san to listen to the phone.

"Hello, I read Cosmos books, and I phoned today because I wish to ask a question."

"Ahh, I'm sorry. All the Cosmos staff members are out, could you call again in the afternoon?"

A light voice, probably belonging to a young man.

"Um, about when in the afternoon-"

Yoshino-san glanced at her watch. Eleven fifty in the morning. Kyuuteisha lunches seem to be earlier than an ordinary one.

"Hmm, I think someone should be in around one or two."

"Okay, thank you, I'll call again then."

Yoshino-san clicked the phone off, and sighed. She called out of momentum, but it was like she bit into a feint.

"Speaking of which." Rei-sama said.

"Publishers don't necessarily work nine-to-five. I hear they often work deep into the night."

"If they work deep into the night, when do they come in the morning?"

"Probably the afternoon, right? Would be when they arrive to work?"

"… At around one or two."

"… Yup."


Professional baseball players, night life workers, she'd already guessed those kinds of jobs had abnormal work hours. But a more normal-like publishing company working into the night and coming to work in the afternoon felt strange. Like the adult world has a completely different measure of time than the children's world.

Without anyone being able to say any further thoughts, it became noon, so they had lunch by splitting the sandwiches and salad Yumi had bought into three shares.

"On that note, I doubt the editorial department would answer that question just by asking."

Said Yumi, as she drained the crust of the bread with warm royal milk tea. Incidentally, Yoshino-san had poured this royal milk tea. As the daughter of the house, it was probably supposed to be unthinkable to let a neighbor serve the guest twice or thrice, but at the same time, Yoshino-san didn't seem to be the type to be bothered by that. Rather, it felt more like a way of thanking Rei-sama for helping her try to find Suga Sei's identity. Because she poured it very carefully.

"Probably not."

Rei-sama said matter-of-factly as she looked at the name on the plastic bag that had held the sandwiches.

"This store has good bread, is it near Yumi-chan's house?"

"Yes. … I guess they wouldn't talk about the author just like that."

Soothing. Just when it was beginning to feel like friendly banter over a tea party, Yoshino-san interceded and scolded them.

"It just depends on how you ask. Where'd your excitement go!?"

"Excitement… umm…"

"… Right?"

Excitement? The two looked at each other. After all, Yoshino-san was the only one truly excited, from the start.

"By the way, Yoshino-san, how do you intend to ask?"

When she asked, Yoshino-san replied, you just watch, and picked up the phone again.

"Yoshino, no lying."

Rei-sama pointed out.

"I know, gosh."

Fifteen minutes had passed since one.

Beep beep beep beep.

Telephones these days were smart, so with one button, they'd call a number you'd already dialed.

"Ah, hello."

Comparatively quickly, someone picked up the phone. Again, Yoshino-san informed the person that she was a reader of Cosmos books, and politely said that she wanted to speak to the person in charge of "Forest of Thorns."

"Oh, is that so. No, that's alright."

They weren't leaning into the phone this time, so they couldn't hear who Yoshino-san was speaking to. All they could do was imagine the conversation based on what Yoshino-san said.

"Well, 'Forest of Thorns' has caused quite a fuss at our school. … Yes, rumors that a senior wrote it. Because the author, Suga Sei, has no profile information, right? That senior had a similar experience last year-"

Just like that, Yoshino-san explained how the school prohibited work, and that the senior was called to the guidance office for questioning. Then she said without any proof that she wasn't the writer, she might end up being expelled. Well, Minako-sama was the one that brought that up, so it wasn't a complete lie-.

"Ah. … Yes. … I see. Yes, I understand. … Yes. … Yes. I'm sorry for taking your time. Thank you."

It took about five minutes. Was that short or long for that sort of phone call? Anyways Yoshino-san thanked the person and hung up.

And from her expression, it was obvious it failed.

"They said they couldn't answer that sort of question. Even if it might cause a student to be expelled, they wouldn't be able to act unless the school formally made an inquiry."

"Well, of course."

"There're probably people that lie to try to find out."

The prospects were grim. The three of them folded their arms and pondered.

Anyways, there were apparently many people who asked about Suga Sei's identity. The person Yoshino-san spoke with wasn't really in charge, but that person sounded used to answering that sort of call.

"Oh well."

Yoshino-san stood up from the kotatsu. Yumi and Rei-sama asked, "You're giving up?" 'That's fine', they were beginning to think.

"Of course not."

But Yoshino-san was like an immortal. Like adversity simply fueled her onward.

"Phone calls get us nowhere, so it's time to see them directly."


How are you so energetic, Yoshino-san? You had a bad heart until just recently, but now you're like a completely different person! Or maybe she was building up to let everything out today.

"- says this. Apparently you need an appointment to see them, though."

"Then, Rei-chan, your turn to call. Tell the 'Forest of Thorns' publisher that we want to see them."

"Why me?"

"Because if I call them again, they'll turn it down. Do it with an 'I'm calling for the first time today' tone, please."

"Aww. But it's just Yoshino."

But despite the complaining, she still took the phone. That's why Rei-sama was far too lenient on Yoshino-san. Yumi had no idea what she would do if Yoshino-san had turned around and said, "Then Yumi-san," but Yoshino-san really knows who she can manipulate.

Rei-sama called Cosmos books with a very formal conversational tone. Apparently it wasn't going to be possible to call them today and immediately schedule a meeting, so she said she'd talk about it with a friend and call again.

"Either way, the person in charge isn't in today."

"Mmm, okay."

Nodded Yoshino-san, so they thought, 'finally', she's giving up.

"Then let's go, now."

Matter-of-factly. How can her mind go like this? When they say today wouldn't be possible, wouldn't the correct thing to do be to settle down and plan things out?

"What if that editor was actually meeting with Suga Sei, so when we arrive at their doorstep, she's already back?"

Yoshino-san was still driving full-steam ahead. But that sort of miraculous thought was really far-fetched. Authors don't really work at the company, and she had to know that much.

"And there's nothing to lose."

"Yes there is. Travel costs, feeling cold, and then if you're turned away, it's all for nothing."

Exactly. Yumi wanted to send Rei-sama a round of applause.

"Yumi-san, do you agree?"

Yoshino-san seemed to notice that, as she turned a cold stare at her.



She looked like she would explode, based on Yumi's answer. Well, she could calculate this much: if Yoshino-san were to explode, it would be chaotic. Her hysteria rivaled Sachiko-sama.

"I think we should lay off for today. Plus, Yoshino-san needs to stay at home, right?"

"As long as I'm around for home delivery, I'm free to lock the doors and go out."

"And did the delivery person come?"

"Not yet."

"Then we can't go."

Yumi thought, good, this'll keep her down. Rei-sama was also cheering Yumi on, out of Yoshino-san's sight.

"… I guess it's impossible today."

Just as Yoshino-san was beginning to give up, a bright "ding dong" could be heard from the intercom.


Yoshino-san smiled victoriously as she skipped down the stairs.

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