How To Eat Life:Chapter 3-1

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He wasn't scared, and he didn't particularly feel sick. Otogiri Tobi's heart was just pounding extremely quickly.

"Don't look," Baku said.

"Don't look, Tobi," he said.

It might not have been "Don't look," but "You don't have to look."

Why, he wondered.

Tobi couldn't tear his eyes away from the girl lying face down in the courtyard. The girl lay in a pool of blood. That pool of blood was spreading by the second. Her fingers, arms, and legs twitched and spasmed.


Someone covered Tobi's eyes.

It was the janitor, Haizaki.

"You shouldn't look! Don't look, Otogiri-kun...!"

He only had hazy memories of what happened after that.

Ambulances arrived, if he recalled correctly. The police, too. The police asked him many questions. He believed he honestly answered everything he was asked. It seemed like classes were suspended for the afternoon. As Tobi left the school, all the students were leaving too.

A facility staff member came to pick him up by car. He didn't want that, but he endured and rode in the staff's car back to the facility.

The school remained closed for a couple of days. After that, the weekend began. Tobi read books scattered around the facility, zoned out, talked with Baku about random things, and dozed off. He didn't feel like going outside.

What had happened to Takatomo occasionally flashed in his mind. But Tobi didn't know her well. Actually, he didn't know her at all. He hadn't even known her full name, "Takatomo Miyuki," until he heard it from a police officer. There was no point in thinking about someone he didn't even know. He didn't even have the material to think about in the first place.

Why had Takatomo jumped?

Tobi had no way of knowing.

On Monday morning, as Tobi left the facility, a staff member told him he didn't have to force himself to go to school. Tobi ignored them.

"Are you okay with that?" Baku asked.

"With what?" Tobi asked in return.

Baku didn't respond.

The teacher with black-rimmed glasses stood at the school gate. He usually gave Tobi a resentful look, but this morning when he spotted Tobi, he pushed his glasses up and looked away.

"Everything's messed up..." Baku muttered.

Tobi changed his shoes at the shoe box and headed to the classroom. Something felt missing, or rather, he felt a little disappointed.

He realized it as soon as he entered the classroom.

It was because Shiratama wasn't waiting for him.

Class 3 of year 2 was quiet. It wasn't that everyone was silent. Some students were talking among themselves too. But their voices were noticeably quieter than usual. Everyone spoke with restraint. There was no laughter to be heard. No one was laughing.

Shiratama was sitting at her desk. When she saw Tobi, she stood up. Then, for some reason, she bowed.

"Good morning."

"...Good morning."

He felt the gaze of his classmates. About half of the students in class were looking at Tobi.

"You're a witness after all," Baku said with a half-smile.

I see.

So it's about that.

Apparently, Takatomo Miyuki was in critical condition.

During the morning homeroom period, their homeroom teacher, Harry, a.k.a. Harimoto, had explained.

"She's being treated at the hospital, but she hasn't regained consciousness yet."

Instead of his usual red tracksuit, Harimoto wore a white shirt and black slacks. Tobi didn't know the reason why. He didn't have the slightest clue.

"Everyone must be worried. If we find out anything else, sensei will inform you. There seem to be strange rumors going around, but please don't believe them. Alright?"

What were these strange rumors?

Tobi didn't know.

It was all things he didn't understand.

This world was composed of things Tobi didn't know.

Apart from Tobi, there were thirty-five students enrolled in class 3 of year 2. Among those thirty-five people was the female student Shizukudani, who practiced infirmary schooling. Tobi had never seen her once. So, in reality, it was thirty-four people. Between those thirty-four people and Tobi, there existed something like a transparent membrane. That thin yet unbreakable membrane had almost completely separated Tobi from those thirty-four people.

Tobi missed that wall he put up terribly.

If that wall were intact, he wouldn't have been worrying about his classmates like this. Likewise, his classmates wouldn't be paying attention to Tobi either.

Even though they were in class, students' eyes flickered towards Tobi. Some students casually glanced at him while pretending to look out the window.

Unconsciously, Tobi was scanning the classroom. As he did so, his eyes would meet with someone else, and it became quite awkward.

Shiratama seemed lost in thought; her gaze was often downcast. Her complexion had always been pale, but it seemed even worse now. Was she not feeling well? Maybe she hadn't been sleeping much.

Had Shiratama been friends with Takatomo? Tobi didn't know.

During the break between the second and third period, a girl started crying. Until then, she had been talking about something with two other girls in hushed voices, and before long, she began sobbing.


The two girls looked visibly upset.

On the sobbing girl's back clung a weird thing that resembled a bat or perhaps a flying squirrel.

Kon Chiami was the one crying.

Shiratama tried to approach Kon Chiami but stopped halfway.

Eventually, the two girls took Kon Chiami out of the classroom. The three of them didn't return until after the bell rang. The teacher didn't scold them.

After the third period ended, Masamune, a.k.a. Masaki Shuuji, with the tarsier-like weird thing in the 'say no evil' pose riding on his head, stood in front of the blackboard and cleared his throat.

"Um, you know. I get it, but, like, what do you think of this atmosphere? I get it, you know? I get it and all, but even if we're all bummed out, that's not gonna change I'm not saying it's better to be all happy or anything. But like, could we be a bit more normal?"

The reactions among their classmates were muted. About eighty percent seemed confused, and the remaining twenty percent were antagonistic. That was how it appeared to Tobi.

"--Pwease excuse mwe~!"

Masamune exclaimed, his brows furrowed as he placed both hands on the teacher's podium. He appeared on the verge of tears.

"I said something unnecessary. I'm sorry..."

Some laughs could be heard in response. Tobi was somewhat impressed that Masamune was joking around in such a situation, but it seemed that some people were offended as well.

"Stop messing around, seriously," a male student muttered in a low voice.

But that wasn't all. The boy kicked the floor, causing a slight noise. Although it was just the sole of his shoe rubbing against the floor, the sound was noticeable.

Tobi, who was sitting near the boy's seat, was startled. Even Baku, who was hanging on Tobi's desk, trembled slightly and let out a soft "Oh..."

The boy had long bangs that covered his eyes. If Tobi remembered correctly, his name was Asamiya. Asamiya something. Shinobu, right. Asamiya Shinobu.

Masamune glanced at Asamiya but quickly averted his gaze. Had Asamiya's words not reached him? However, the monkey on Masamune's head, in the "say no evil" pose, stared at Asamiya with its tarsier-like eyes.

Perhaps Tobi was overthinking it, or maybe it was just his imagination. In any case, Kon Chiami was definitely giving Asamiya a side-eye. The peculiar creature on her back also turned its human infant-like face towards Asamiya.

Suddenly, a question popped into Tobi's mind.

Why had Takatomo Miyuki jumped?

Lunchtime passed in the blink of an eye, and Tobi carried Baku on his shoulder as he left the classroom. The weather was decent today, but the courtyard was sealed off due to the incident. Even if Tobi didn't pass through the courtyard, he could go to the roof by going outside. He briefly considered it but didn't feel like doing so. He didn't want to go to the roof because of Takatomo's jump. A classmate, a single girl, had jumped from the roof of the school building. Why had she jumped?

Restlessly, Tobi paced around the hallway, walking briskly. He didn't have a specific destination; he just felt uneasy standing still.

At a time like this, Baku remained silent. It sulkingly kept its silence. That annoyed Tobi a little. A Baku that didn't talk was just a backpack.

He couldn't go to the roof because of Takatomo's jump.

It was Takatomo's fault. Was Takatomo at fault?

Tobi didn't think so. Takatomo probably hadn't jumped willingly. What would happen if you jumped? She should have been able to imagine. It wouldn't end well. She would sustain serious injuries.

It could even lead to death.

Tobi didn't understand. He didn't understand Takatomo's feelings at all. He had no way of understanding.

Soon, lunchtime came to an end. Students began to come and go in the hallway, and Tobi started searching for a place without people. It felt like he was searching for a hiding spot, like a fool. He looked foolish.

For some reason, Baku remained silent.

Perhaps it was just an ordinary backpack. Maybe it had always been just a backpack.

That thought crossed Tobi's mind. Of course, it couldn't be true.

Say something already, Baku.

If he said that, Tobi would lose. But what was he losing? What was he losing at?

The hallway on the third floor of the special classroom building was empty. Feeling a sense of fatigue, Tobi sat down on the stairs.

The special classroom building had three floors. Tobi sat on the stairway that led to the roof. If one didn't climb up from the outer wall like Tobi did, they would have to use these stairs to reach the roof.

Takatomo must have used these stairs to reach the roof as well. Beyond the stairs, there was a door. Takatomo had somehow managed to open the locked door.

The key to the roof was missing.

The janitor, Haizaki, had mentioned it.

Takatomo had probably taken the key. If Tobi recalled correctly, there were numerous keys hanging near the principal's desk in the staff room. Did Takatomo swipe the key to the roof from there? It was a conspicuous spot, so it must have been challenging.

Regardless, Takatomo likely used that key to unlock the door, stepped onto the roof, and then jumped.

Tobi had stared intently at Takatomo's figure after she landed in the courtyard. However, he couldn't recall any details. Takatomo had been facing downwards. But what about her face? Was it facing downwards or to the side? Were her arms and legs bent or straight?

As he closed his eyes and recollected, his heart raced, causing a pang in his chest.

No, don't dwell on it.

His heart seemed to be urging him to retreat.

"What the hell," Tobi muttered to himself. He heard footsteps approaching. Someone was climbing the stairs from the second floor to the third. Tobi let out a sigh.

Tobi attempted to stand up.


The person ascending the stairs was Shiratama. When she saw Tobi, her face lit up with a smile.

"So you were here, Otogiri-kun."


Tobi lowered his head and sat back down on the steps. Shiratama stood in front of him for the time being. Neither of them spoke a word. After a while, Shiratama sat down beside Tobi.

"Were you looking for me, O-Ryuu?" Baku asked.

Shiratama nodded.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to him."

"No way. Talking to this guy would be boring. Unlike me, Tobi is terrible at communication."

"That's not true. He's not boring at all."

Shiratama toyed with the pochette on her lap.

"I have never once felt bored while talking with Otogiri-kun."

"It has only been a short while, though..."

As Tobi chose his words, he stared at Shiratama's fingers fiddling with the pochette. Her neatly trimmed nails showed no signs of white.

"It hasn't been that long since we started talking."

"Now that you mention it, that's true."

After that, Shiratama muttered, "How strange."

What was strange? Tobi wanted to ask but couldn't for some reason.

In the end, they hardly conversed. It wasn't complete silence, but their interaction didn't qualify as a proper conversation. Even though people passed by, casting curious glances at the two of them, Shiratama didn't seem to mind. To be honest, Tobi felt a little self-conscious. However, he gradually stopped caring when he realized that Shiratama didn't mind.

They remained on the steps of the special classroom building until it was time for the afternoon class. Occasionally, they would give brief and unremarkable answers, but other than that, they simply sat side by side.

Tobi didn't dislike it. He found it odd how the silence didn't become awkward.

During the middle of the fifth period, Asamiya Shinobu, the boy with long bangs, suddenly raised his hand.

"What's the matter, Asamiya?" the teacher noticed and called out.

Asamiya had his right hand raised, but both elbows were on his desk, and his head drooped. He didn't say anything.

The classroom erupted in murmurs, then quickly fell silent. Finally, Asamiya spoke.

"I don't feel well."

"I see. It's better if you don't force yourself. Who's the health committee member in this class?"

"It's me."

"Kon, take Asamiya to the infirmary."

"Alrighty then."

As Kon stood up, a loud noise resounded. It didn't come from Kon but from Asamiya. Asamiya pushed his chair back and hurriedly made his way towards the exit, with Kon chasing after him in a panic.


"Don't follow me!"

Asamiya forcefully pulled open the door and glared at Kon, giving off an intimidating aura. Startled, Kon took a step back.

"I'll be fine on my own, so..."

Asamiya weakly muttered what sounded like an excuse and hastily left the classroom.

"Scary..." someone whispered in a small voice.

Voices began to rise in response, creating a chain reaction.

"Quiet down!"

The teacher clapped his hands together, trying to restore order.

"We're in the middle of class. Kon, return to your seat."


Kon hesitated, glancing back and forth between the door and Asamiya's empty seat. Was she worried about Asamiya?

For some reason, Tobi's gaze turned towards Masamune. Masamune had both hands clasped in front of his mouth, coincidentally resembling the "speak no evil" monkey on his head.

Kon returned to her seat, and the teacher resumed the lesson.

Is it okay like this? Tobi wondered. Was it fine to leave Asamiya alone? Did he really make it to the infirmary by himself?

His eyes met Shiratama's several times. Her brows were slightly furrowed, and her lips pressed tightly together. Towards the end of the class, when their eyes met again, Shiratama moved her lips as if trying to say something, but Tobi couldn't make out her words clearly.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of the fifth period, Tobi stood up before the teacher could dismiss the class. Just as he was about to leave the classroom, he realized that he had forgotten about Baku.

"Hey, Tobi! Oi! You!" Baku shouted.

Ignoring him, Tobi left the classroom, striding quickly down the hallway. Where was he going? He initially headed towards the restroom, but he didn't actually need to use it. That wasn't his destination.

He stopped outside the infirmary. Even though he had arrived there on his own, he couldn't help but question his choice.


The infirmary.

His thoughts were fixated on Asamiya. Was he really in the infirmary? Tobi wanted to confirm.

Confirm, and then what? There wasn't much for him to do. He had never spoken to Asamiya before, and he didn't particularly feel the need to now.

Something felt off. Tobi himself felt strange. It was odd, he thought.

No, he hadn't made a firm decision yet. He could still turn back. He just had to change his mind.


If Shiratama hadn't hurriedly caught up, panting heavily, Tobi would have definitely turned back. Shiratama reached his side, bending over and clutching her chest.

"I... I was also... concerned about... A... Asamiya-kun..."

"You didn't have to run all the way here..."

"Ugh... Otogiri-kun, you're so fast. I... I tried to catch up, and..."

Shiratama pulled out a handkerchief from her skirt pocket and wiped her face.

"Now I'm all sweaty."

"Was it necessary to chase after me?"

"Now that you mention it, for some reason, yes."


Tobi hesitated. Without any delay, Shiratama leaned in and said, "Hm?" in a close proximity. Tobi leaned back slightly but didn't step away. He somehow managed to keep his ground.

"I... how should I put it... I don't really have anything in common with Asamiya..."

"I get along pretty well with him."

"Ah, I see."

"We were in the same class in the first year. We got along well enough to have small talk from time to time."

"Small talk..."

"Like 'It's sunny today' or 'It's getting pretty hot around this time, huh?' or 'It's getting cold, huh?'"

"And that's considered getting along well?"

"I can't talk about the weather with someone I don't get along with."

"Is that so..."

"Am I mistaken?"

"Who knows. I don't really understand socializing anyway. Shiratama-san is probably more correct..."

"Am I correct?"


"Having Otogiri-kun agree with my opinion... it makes me kind of happy."

Shiratama bashfully lowered her head and put the handkerchief back in her pocket.

With an "Excuse me," Shiratama entered the infirmary. Tobi had never visited the infirmary before, but he knew there was a school nurse in a white robe.

However, the school nurse wasn't there.

Instead, a bespectacled female student sat on a chair with a backrest, crossing her legs.


As the student looked at Shiratama, she blinked her eyes behind her glasses.

"Well, well, if it isn't Shiratama Dango."


Shiratama appeared unsurprised and greeted her with a slight bow.

"You're as excessively polite as ever, Shiratama Dango."

Shizukudani chuckled and looked down at Shiratama. Resting her elbows on the desk, she twirled a pen in one hand. After discontinuing regular classes and starting infirmary schooling, she seemed quite relaxed.

"Wait, 'Shiratama Dango'..."

As Tobi muttered under his breath, Shizukudani stopped twirling the pen.

"You, what was your name again? The super oddball from Class 3, right? Ah, Shiratama Dango, you don't have to tell me. I want to remember it on my own. I think I can remember it. Mm... right. Got it. That's right. Otogiri Tobi. Did I get it right?"

"...That's right..."

"From now on, I'll call you Tobi-tobi."


"Obi-obi or Giri-giri or Tobi-tobi. Which one do you prefer?"

"...Well, Tobi-tobi, I guess."

"Then, Tobi-tobi it is."

"What's with this person..."

"I'm Shizukudani~ You can call me 'Ruka-chin.' My full name is Shizukudani Rukana. You can call me Ruka-chin, but it weirdly pisses me off, so if you insist on using that, I'll beat you up. Nice to meet ya."

Shizukudani playfully jabbed the air with her pen. Tobi didn't want to be beaten up or stabbed, so it was best to avoid calling her Ruka-chin. Not that he wanted to use such a friendly form of address.

Tobi briefly glanced around the infirmary. There was a bench without a backrest, a round table with a laptop on top, and two chairs. The beds were separated by curtains, and there were a total of three. Among them, only one bed had its curtains closed.

"Shizukudani-san, did Asamiya-kun come to the infirmary?"

Shiratama asked, and Shizukudani pointed her pen towards the bed with the closed curtains.

"He's there. Resting. He wasn't feeling well or something."

Shiratama looked up at the ceiling, closing her eyes. She placed both hands on her chest and let out a sigh.

"...Thank goodness."


Shizukudani tilted her head and glanced at Tobi. Why was she looking at him? Tobi averted his gaze.

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The curtain parted, and Asamiya's face peeked out.

"Shiratama-san... and Otogiri too. What did you come here for?"

Rather than his physical condition, Asamiya's mood seemed to be terrible. He glared at them with upturned eyes, and Shiratama appeared crestfallen.


Tobi paused at that point, unsure whether to add "-kun" or "-san." Since Asamiya had just called him "Otogiri," maybe he didn't need to add anything.

"Your hair."


"Your bangs. They're long."


"In the morning, the teacher in front of the gate with the black-rimmed glasses—"


"I don't know his name. Doesn't that teacher give you warnings?"

"He does, sometimes."

"I thought so."


"That's all."

As Tobi finished speaking, he wondered what he was trying to convey. Tobi himself wasn't even sure, so Asamiya must be even more confused.

"...Seriously, what did you come here for? Shiratama aside, Otogiri, you've never talked to me, have you?"

"That's true..."

"Actually, not just me, I've practically never seen Otogiri talk to anybody."

"Yeah..." Tobi unintentionally let out a hum.

If he were in Asamiya's position, he would probably find it quite strange.


Had a lifeline come to save him? Shiratama cut in fiercely.

"How are you feeling, Asamiya-kun? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"...It's not really that..."

Asamiya sat up in bed, not wearing shoes. He had taken them off and left them on the floor. Tobi widened his eyes.

There was something under the bed. Had Asamiya not noticed it, even though it was right by his feet? Maybe it hadn't entered his field of vision. If he lowered his gaze, he should have been able to see it clearly. It wasn't small—it was about the size of a human torso. And it had a considerable size.

Its form resembled a human torso as well. It had arms, but not just two—four arms sprouted from it. It also had a head, bald and with indistinct features. It looked somewhat human and somewhat like a mysterious creature. It didn't have one pair of eyes but two—it had four eyes.

Tobi surreptitiously glanced at Shiratama's expression. Shiratama glanced at Tobi and gave him a slight smile. Was that smile trying to convey something to him?

Tobi had heard about Shizukudani from Shiratama. The owner of the empty seat in Class 3, Year 2. She did infirmary schooling and had been in the same class as Shiratama in their first year.

And she had something strange with her.

Tobi's Baku.

Shiratama's Chinu, also known as Chinurasha, hidden in her bag.

Masamune's "see no evil" monkey.

Kon Chiami's creature that resembled a bat or a flying squirrel.

Compared to those, Shizukudani's strange thing was particularly bizarre. It was no exaggeration to call it grotesque—it was practically a monster. Its appearance was horrifying, and its movements were unsettling.

Shizukudani's monster wriggled its four arms, its fingers squirming restlessly, and began crawling across the floor with unnerving smoothness. Moreover, it seemed capable of climbing walls, like a bug. If there were a bug of that size, it

would be quite terrifying. What's more, it had a slightly humanoid appearance, making it nightmarish.

Shizukudani's monster crept along the walls and reached the corner of the ceiling, curling its four arms dexterously. Its four eyes darted around, scanning the surroundings.

"It's quite strange, isn't it?" Asamiya said in a dark tone.

Shizukudani's monster? Tobi pondered for a moment. But it seemed that Asamiya was referring to something else.

"Our class. It's strange. I couldn't stand it anymore..."


Shizukudani asked, twirling her pen. After posing the question, she answered it herself with an "Ah, I see."

"The incident, huh? The jumping incident. If the class were okay, that sort of thing wouldn't have happened. It's terrible, huh? Ruka-chin is in the infirmary division, so I don't know much about the situation, though."

Asamiya clicked his tongue and shook his head, appearing annoyed.

"If you don't understand, then don't say anything."

"How scary."

Shizukudani shuddered and hugged her own shoulders, deliberately giving off a shudder.

"Stop it with that kind of thing. It's scary. Ruka-chin stopped going to school. I've finally managed to do infirmary schooling, you know?"

"As if I care. Miyu is unconscious and in critical condition, you know. We don't even know if she can be saved..."

This time, Asamiya shuddered. Unlike Shizukudani, he genuinely seemed to tremble uncontrollably.


Shizukudani clasped her hands together, but her apology didn't seem sincere.

"Who's Miyu, though? Who? Ah, Takatomo-san? Takatomo Miyuki, was it. Her name. So, 'Miyu'? Huh? Are you dating?"

"Of course not. ...No. Our houses were close by, so we're childhood friends. But we didn't talk much after middle school. It's just that our parents know each other, and..."

"A relationship based on familial connection, right?"

As Shiratama nodded, seemingly satisfied with that explanation, Asamiya said, "Like I said!" raising his voice.

"We're not in a relationship. How many times do I have to say it..."

"Asamiya, you're quite emotionally unstable, aren't you?"

Shizukudani chuckled. The owner of the seat with the monster didn't seem to have a great personality.

"But it's true that there's a problem in the class. Ruka-chin attends the infirmary five days a week, so I have a pretty good understanding of the situation. There are quite a few Class 3 students who come here complaining about stomachaches or similar issues. Usually, the problem is mental, isn't it? I'm quite well-informed about that, just as a related party, you know?"

"...Miyu too?" Asamiya inquired.

Shizukudani promptly replied, "Yes," for some reason in English.

"Recently, she's been coming here several times. Rested for a bit and took some medicine. From the top of my mind, there's also Yoshizawa-kun, the hot guy. And a while ago, Murahama-san and Shimomaeda-san came frequently. Ah, not together, of course, separately."

Upon hearing their names, Tobi could only recall Yoshizawa's face. Shizukudani had referred to him as "the hot guy." He was a refreshing and sweet-looking handsome guy.

"Murahama, Shimomaeda..." muttered Asamiya as he bit his right thumb.

"They are both girls who are friends with Kon. Recently, Miyu has been hanging out with her too."

Tobi and Shiratama exchanged a glance.

Kon Chiami always had a bat-like, flying squirrel-like creature clinging to her back.

So, what did that mean?

He couldn't explain it concretely, but he couldn't shake off the thought.

Shiratama lowered her gaze and spoke.

"Kon-san seemed quite shocked, though..."

Indeed, between second and third period, Kon had openly cried in front of everyone. The two girls who comforted her were probably Murahama and Shimomaeda.

"But none of that matters," Asamiya said, holding his head in both hands and running his fingers through his hair.

"...No matter who cries and shouts, Miyu isn't going to get better. We don't even know if she has any hope of recovery. Not knowing... It's terrible, isn't it? I'm so scared... I can't sleep. I end up thinking about bad things. Being unconscious... I wonder what that feels like. Can she not hear sounds? Can she even dream? Or does she not feel anything at all? Miyu is alone in the hospital, isn't she? Unable to move and in pain. Why didn't I notice anything? No... that's not true. To be honest, I thought Miyu was acting strange. I wondered if something was wrong. But we hadn't talked in ages, and if I suddenly approached her, it might have been creepy. So... I did nothing. I never thought something like this would happen..."

Shizukudani looked out the window and twirled her pen. Her monster remained motionless in the corner of the ceiling.

The bell rang.

Asamiya raised his head and looked at Tobi and Shiratama with dull eyes.

"Don't you have to go? Sixth period is starting, isn't it?"

"That's... true," Shiratama replied, hugging the pochette containing Chinu. Was she hesitating?

"Are you skipping?" Tobi ventured.

Shocked, Shiratama shook her head, causing her long hair to sway.

"I'm not skipping class. It's not that, Asamiya-kun."


Asamiya reached for the curtain.

"I want to lie down for a bit. If you're going to class, then hurry up and go."

"Do you want to pay her a visit—"


"—at the hospital where Takatomo-san is staying? Otogiri-kun as well, if you'd like."


He was completely caught off guard.

Shiratama looked at Tobi with a terribly earnest gaze. Was this a request? If he wasn't mistaken, she seemed to be pleading with him. He couldn't help but feel that way.

A visit?

To the hospital?

Where Takatomo was?


Even if they went, it

wasn't like she had a minor illness or a broken bone. Takatomo was in critical condition. They said she was unconscious. In other words, visitors wouldn't be allowed, would they? But Shiratama must have known all that too. Despite that, she suggested they pay her a visit for some reason. It seemed like Shiratama wanted Tobi to accompany her.

"...Well, I'm fine with that."

After school, Tobi, along with Asamiya and Shiratama, headed towards the hospital where Takatomo Miyuki was staying. It took them fifteen minutes to walk there.

Asamiya negotiated with the general reception, but Takatomo was in the ICU, and as expected, they weren't allowing visitors. Even family members could only see her face for a limited amount of time.

"I see, right..."

Asamiya slumped down on a bench in the waiting room. Tobi and Shiratama didn't sit down.

"Coming here on a whim is all well and good, but there's no way we'd be able to see her..."

"Takatomo-san is in the intensive care unit, isn't she? Shall we go?"

Had Shiratama not given up yet? Why hadn't she given up? Tobi couldn't understand. Asamiya also seemed confused.

"We can't go inside anyway. I don't think it'll work..."

"Just in case," Shiratama insisted.

Shiratama appeared determined.

"O-Ryuu is surprisingly pushy, huh," Baku muttered.

Shiratama glanced at Baku and smiled slightly.

Checking the floor plan of the hospital, which hung on the wall, they discovered that the ICU was on the third floor of the building. They could reach the third floor simply by taking the elevator, but before the ICU, there was a locked door. To go beyond that point, they needed hospital staff to unlock it with an ID card or use the intercom to request access from the inside.

"That's why I told you..." Asamiya sounded more sad than angry.

On their way back, they noticed a small waiting room. A woman sitting on a bench called out to Asamiya.


The woman seemed to be Takatomo's mother. She grew teary-eyed as Asamiya approached.

"You came all the way here? I'm sorry, Shinobu-kun. Miyu isn't in a state to see anyone..."

"No, I was prepared to not be able to see her... but I just couldn't stay still..."

In a choked voice, Asamiya introduced Shiratama and Tobi to Takatomo's mother as classmates. Takatomo's mother kept bowing her head, expressing gratitude for their visit.

To be honest, Tobi couldn't bear it any longer.

He felt sorry for Takatomo's mother. Tobi himself didn't even know what feelings he harbored for Takatomo. Should he talk to her mother? Tobi had witnessed the exact moment Takatomo jumped. He hadn't been able to stop her. He hadn't tried to stop her. Should he apologize to Takatomo's mother for that? He needed to apologize. Did he feel remorseful? He felt somewhat peculiar about it.

The human known as Otogiri Tobi didn't particularly feel guilt. Perhaps his heart was cold.

Why was such a cold-hearted person here right now?

At the hospital where Takatomo was admitted.

Shiratama gently tugged on Tobi's sleeve.

Asamiya was conversing with Takatomo's mother. It seemed that Shiratama wanted to leave. Tobi nodded.

Following Shiratama, they somehow ended up back at the ICU. Of course, the door was still closed.

"We can't enter, can we?" Tobi said.

Without answering, Shiratama opened her pochette.

A small, fluffy animal emerged from the pochette. It had two horns on its head. Without saying a word, it was Chinu, also known as Chinurasha.

Chinu jumped from the pochette onto Shiratama's arm. She wasn't slow, but her movement was unsteady. Nonetheless, Chinu climbed up Shiratama's arm and finally settled on her shoulder. Chinu faced them, appearing pleased for some reason.

"Yo," Baku greeted casually.

Chinu tilted her head in response and made an "Uyuu—" sound. Tobi instinctively tilted his head as well.

"...Huh? What?"


Shiratama tucked her head in and rubbed her cheek against Chinu. Chinu didn't even flinch.

Tobi was about to speak but was restrained by Baku.

"Shh. Stay quiet, Tobi."

What was going on?

He wanted to protest, but Baku wouldn't say something like that without reason. Tobi stared intently at Shiratama and Chinu.

Chinu's round eyes appeared vacant.

She seemed to be asleep.

"Can't you reach it from here? How about it, Chinu..."

Shiratama whispered to Chinu.

Reach what?

Chinu's tiny mouth moved.


He heard it clearly. It was a voice. It wasn't a cry. It was different from Chinu's voice.

It wasn't Shiratama's voice either. Naturally, it wasn't Tobi's or Baku's.

"Why? Mine... My..."

It wasn't a male voice. It was a girl's voice. Tobi shivered.

"...Wh— eh? Whose..."

"I... why... the key... I mean... the key was..."

Was it Chinu? Chinu wasn't moving her mouth like a human when they talked. But she opened and closed her mouth ever so slightly. So, was Chinu the one speaking?

Why was Chinu able to speak?

Could this voice belong to Chinu?

"The key... the key... to the roof... it's in my desk... the key..."

The voice sounded like that of a young woman.

The key.

The key to the roof?

In her desk?


Tobi couldn't help but shiver. He didn't recognize that voice from his memory. He could barely put names to the faces in his class. Unless it was a remarkable voice, he wouldn't remember it. Could it be possible, he wondered internally. The voice of the girl was coming from Chinu's mouth. But that didn't make any sense. It was absurd.

Could it be Takatomo Miyuki's voice? he thought.

"It seems like we've somehow reached it," Shiratama said.

"Takatomo-san's voice."

It was a voice that shouldn't have been audible.

A voice that shouldn't have resounded.

The girl was critically injured and unconscious. She was receiving treatment in the ICU bed.

"I can't take it anymore..."

The words spoken by Chinu echoed in Tobi's ears.

On that day, Takatomo had run out of the classroom of Year 2 Class 3 and never returned. Just before that, the girl had exclaimed.

"I can't take it anymore."