Horizon:Volume 9A Afterword

From Baka-Tsuki
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That was Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon IX-A. This volume will probably only be two parts, so I feel like I crammed a lot into this one.

That includes both the Honnouji Incident and the Battle of Shizugatake that began parallel to it. If you ask me, Shizugatake seems like it was probably a more important part of Hashiba’s life than Honnouji. Even without Honnouji, Nobunaga would have eventually died somehow and the succession issues would have happened. Even if Nobunaga had recommended one of his kids in a will, the Oda clan was full of very skilled people and I expect it would have split apart eventually.

In that case, Honnouji only hastened that end and Hashiba would have always had to fight the Battle of Shizugatake to settle things with the Oda clan.

Now for the usual chat.

“Got any painful memories from your school days?”

“Yeah. In elementary school, there was a lot of construction work around where I lived. Dump trucks drove by all the time, so the kids had to cross the road on a pedestrian bridge.”

“Now this is a really Showa-sounding story.”

“It was just barely still Showa then. Anyway, it was popular among the kids to get up on the pedestrian bridge and spit down on dump trucks passing by below. How much spit you gathered up and dropped on them determined your hero ranking.”

“Now that I’m old enough to drive, this story just makes me want to kick those brats’ asses.”

“So one day when we were all heading home, I saw a dump truck approaching the pedestrian bridge. I wanted to prove I was the greatest hero, so I whipped out my dick and started firing.”

“You started firing?”

“But the dump truck slammed on its brakes and stopped before it could hit. The driver hopped out and ran up the pedestrian bridge’s stairs. I was too terrified to stop the stream. My friends were running away and I called out for them to come and help me, but they ignored me and fled. The driver beat me up and I had to apologize at morning assembly the next day.”

“So, hey. How have you managed to live for decades keeping this secret?”

Really, how? My work background music this time was Matsutoya Yumi’s Anniversary. The lyrics about ‘believing in tomorrow’ are so deep. I’ve really started thinking that recently.

This time, I’ll ask “who was the most disturbed?” Part 2 is next. Wait a while.

December 2015. A snowy morning.

-Kawakami Minoru