Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu:Volume 2 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 A Deviant on Campus

Aika often visits Souji’s room before going to school each day.

Growing up under the regime of her Martial Artist grandfather, Aika was never allowed to sleep in as a child.

Souji, however, as a fellow student of Aika’s grandfather, was awful at getting up in the morning.

He was known to sleep through fairly loud attempts to wake him up.

As such, it was Aika’s duty as his childhood friend to make sure he got to school on time.

After standing in front of her full-length mirror and carefully tying her twintails with blue ribbons, Aika nodded.

She set about on her ‘morning call’ the same as always, jumping the narrow gap between her and Souji’s bedroom windows.

If he didn’t wake up it’d be a ‘morning knuckle’ waiting for him instead, although recently the ‘call’ itself has sufficed.

“Huh?” Souji’s bed was empty, Aika felt the blood drain from her face. “Don’t tell me… Twoearle?”

Aika quickly deemed Twoearle the culprit.

Intently going after Souji’s virginity, she was a force to be reckoned with.

Repelling her advances in itself isn’t too bad, but her recovery ability and persistence were tremendous.

Recently every night had turned into a prolonged struggle on multiple fronts. They often went by with Souji being none the wiser.

Since Twoearle would aim for when Aika was asleep and try to get in bed with Souji, Aika had started sleeping shallowly so she could guard against these attacks.

Sleeping like this while still maintaining her habit of getting up early took a tremendous amount of willpower.

It looked like this morning Twoearle might’ve gotten a head start though.

“Oh god, don’t tell me she’s taken him down to the base”

After descending the stairs in a fluster, Aika found Souji in the bathroom.

Without noticing a slightly relieved Aika, Souji continued to stroke his Twintails as if he were in a shampoo commercial.

“…twintails?” this was a scene Aika couldn’t let continue.

Although Souji was in the bathroom, he had the appearance of the young girl the world worshipped as an idol, TailRed.

Aika stayed still a few moments, processing what was in front of her.

Was Souji planning to take of his clothes and have a shower while being transformed into TailRed?

Wash every corner of his body and study the differences between male and female anatomy to get a head-start on health classes?

Wearing the expression of a detective who'd just secured photographic evidence of a cheating spouse, Aika's face glowed a hot red and she took a deep breath to calm herself.

However, the scene never progressed how Aika was dreading.

Souji just continued to smile dumbly at his twintails' reflection in the mirror.

Aika drew her hand in front of her chest. Not because of the intense satisfaction she could see in Souji's smile, but so she could transform into TailBlue.

"Hmm, everything's looking okay!"

"Everything's not okay! You need to get your head checked!"

Hoping to render capital punishment on the twintails bewitching Souji, Aika charged in swinging her arm like a hammer.

However, they deftly flicked out of the path of her attack. It was almost as if they had eyes of their own.

Even flicking them around, Souji moved in such a way that there was no risk of them getting tangled up, either.

"Stop, Aika. Violence against twintails isn't okay!"


Aika, who wasn't expecting Souji to dodge her attack, stumbled forward

"Did you know I was there the whole time!?"

"Uh, sorry, I don't know what you're talking about Aika. My Twintails obviously told my a threat was incoming"

TailRed spouted some up-in-space nonsense as if it were common-sense. Souji's twintail-sickness was evolving even faster than Aika thought.

"My face and body are one thing, but if you come at my twintails I'll defend them at all cost"

"Usually that'd be the other way around..."

Aika reversed her transformation and placed her hand on her forehead.

"You weren't in your room when I woke you up so I was really worried and... you pervert! I can't believe you! Dressing like a girl on your own accord and grinning at the sight of your twintails in the mirror...

It's already too late for you, isn't it!"

"This isn't 'dressing like a girl'. Also, I wasn't grinning at my twintails, I was using them to cultivate my willpower!

On days I wake up early I thought looking at my twintails like this wasn't a bad idea. For me and you, Aika, twintails are our source of strength,"

He wasn't wrong, but to Aika their source of power wasn't necessarily their twintails by themselves.

They say the early bird captures the worm, but Aika wasn't feeling the least bit satisfied with this morning's early start.

"How do I know you weren't planning to try taking off your TailGear after transforming and get in the bath? I can't put it past you, Souji!"

"Uh, no. If I was going to take a bath I'd turn back to a guy first,"

As Souji calmly defended himself against Aika's ridiculous allegations, Aika widened her eyes in shock and felt her body stiffen.

"Are we running low on time? Sorry Aika, could you wait for me in the living room? I'll be ready in a minute"

"Oh god..."

As Souji undid his transformation and left the bathroom, Aika saw a glimpse of Souji's longing expressing as he held one of his twintails one last time for the morning.

"He he he..." "Ahh!"

Aika was shocked to see Twoearle rush into the bathroom as soon as Souji vacated it. How long had she been watching them?

"Why don't I guess what's on your mind? Souji-sama's no longer touching your hair as often as he used to, and you're starting to get desperate, aren't you?"

"Who're you calling desperate!"

Aika struggled to keep her embarrassment from showing on her face. Souji used to often absentmindedly twirl the ends of Aika's twintails, but he'd been doing it less recently.

"No Aika, you have to admit it. Your body's just aching for Souji-sama's fingers!"

"Stop making everything sound lewd, you pervert!"

"Why don't I guess what's on your mind? Souji's no longer touching your hair as often as he used to, and you're starting to get desperate, aren't you?"


Twoearle was able to start her day strong, with a morning knuckle and a brisk near-death experience.

"I can't believe this, even taking your bashfulness into account, this horrible treatment! I'm just telling you the truth, you know?"

"What do you mean 'bashful'??"

"You think people can be in the same room as you and not notice? When Souji-sama fondles your hair you look like you're in heat!"

"No, that's wrong. I just get ticklish sometimes..."

Aika's voice was uncharacteristically soft, which only served to spur Twoearle on.

"Souji-sama is already able to achieve his daily intake of twintails by himself, I guess you could call it a form of masturb-"

"You're responsible for this, you turned Souji into a woman! Don't twist this to being about me!"

Aika butted in, managing to cut off Twoearle's sentence just in time.

"That's why I'm being responsible and trying to make Souji-sama a man. Night after night after night after night Aika-san keeps interrupting us! Admiral Miharu has started to lose faith in me!"

"I've been in sleep deprivation ever since you arrived here!"

Shadow were indeed starting to appear under Aika's eyes.

"Aika-san, listen to me for a minute. Souji-sama is at a very sensitive age for a boy. At this rate we'll start to see impacts on his development"

"He's already looking pretty impacted to me"

"Now, I do agree with you there. Putting aside turning into TailRed and everything, Souji has far too little interest in the female body!"

Aika visibly shivered.

"Now say any healthy teenage boy suddenly found himself in a girls body, what would he do?"

"Don't go asking me!"

"Don't kid yourself, Aika-san, you know the answer"


Aika, aware she knew less about these things than she let on, didn't argue back.

"It's his body. Anything he did would be forgiven! He wouldn't cause anyone any grief! He could let out his libido without his conscience troubling him!"

Twoearle's eyes were starting to appear bloodshot.

"First you'd look, then you'd touch, then you'd stroke... You'd adventure a bit and see how a bra looked in the mirror. You'd take it off again, maybe you'd just take everything offffffffffffffffffgaaah!"