Talk:Hidan no Aria:Volume1 Chapter2

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 12:52, 12 May 2010 by (talk)
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Another little part of this chapter we have already here.

We have had there a question regarding this sentence それ以来,あいつの生来のお節介燒き属性には妙な拍車がかかってしまったのだ maybe there would have been already more translated of chapter 2 if it were'nt for this unanswered question? ;) --Darklor 14:13, 8 May 2010 (UTC)

Perhaps 'nature' instead of 'tendency'... I'm inclined to suggest 'meddlesome nature' rather than 'meddling nature' based on which sounds most natural, and 'nosy nature' would have distracting alliteration. | It's also possible to have 'tendency to meddle' or even 'tendency to stick her nose into other people's business' if inclined to wax eloquent. | Also inclined to suggest 'spurred on her []' rather than 'spurred her []'. | As for the '妙な', perhaps 'strangely seems to have been spurred on', though the 'somehow' was my first impression as well. Even though it might also be good, though, a translation closer to the literal meaning of strangeness (rather than 'somehow', which might be '何故か' for instance. | Speaking of literal translations, going back to the spur part, one could try something about 'spurs dug into'... but there once more the 'spurred on' case looks better to me, perhaps semi-arbitrarily. | A very important point is whether /he's/ the one applying the spurs, personally, or whether it could be the overall situation, or her herself indirectly. It might be advisable to phrase it in a way which similarly doesn't name the spurrer, but just says that it's been spurred on. | Most important is to get down something, and continue. | This is also very selfish, I know, but is it conceivably possible to start translations after the point that the manga has reached? (For the sake of satisfying the burning curiosity of those who have read the manga and want to know what happens next... apologies regarding unfairness to those who aren't familiar with those events, and for instance a parallel translating of both sections at once would be a very happy compromise.) | (And as always, thank you all translators!) | (...I worry about that '燒き' part... and loath to use 'seems to have been' without a 'らしい' 'そうだ', but the only clear alternative would be 'has strangely only been spurred on'/'strangely has only been spurred on'... uguu. *sympathy regarding all those who have to make decisions* Definitely most important is just getting the gist across, aiming for literal translations when possible while accepting that translations will not be perfect.) check this page, this is relative part in the manga

<<and blah blah blah goes laa dee dah, and thus>> from the manga