Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume22 Chapter1.1

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Section 1

Mi, Miru Fiiyu [1]

Yu, Yumi.

Mi, Miru Fiiyu.

Yu, Yumi.

(Aah, I should stop.)

She whispered to herself.

She was returning from the Ogasawara family's house, in Kashiwagi-san's car, when she began her personal, endless shiritori.[2]

If the shiritori itself were to continue in such a meaningless manner, there would be no problems for it. The problem really was in Yumi's state of mind as the shiritori game was progressing.

When she realized it, there were several unpleasant things that Yumi was thinking about.

To drive them out of her head, she had engaged in this mindless endless shiritori.

This way, she would become swayed in by the rhythm, and her sewing needle would start moving around wildly, and even the thread slides out, she would not notice and keep stitching onward, almost as if she were falling into failure. How many times had she by now.

No, stop. She did it again.

At least she was in her own room, where no-one would disturb her. She would add in a sigh at the most important times, and then let it go and continue sewing. If someone saw what she were doing, it would seem like some sort of a performance.


Yumi let the sewing needle out of her sewing hole, and let go of her first-stage of sewing. The thread, which curled like the instant ramen that she had made, fell from her knees onto the floor.

She wouldn't move an inch from her current position, though she could easily pick it up if she wanted to.

"... I'm thinking too much about it."

It had been several days since, but.

Even though she had relinquished the Mille Feuille that Sayako Obaa-sama had given her as a gift to her family long ago.

Maybe it wasn't really about time.

No it wasn't. Even though time had passed, she had the feeling that she had become swept up into it.

Those meaningful words of Kashiwagi-san. His words, which the fleeting Yumi could not simply cry "How idiotic" and let go.

The feeling of defeat she would feel from comparing against how well Kashiwagi-san understood Sachiko-sama or how effectively Sachiko-sama could rely on him was a bit different from what she felt now -- not only was the matter a bit different at its core, but it weighed on her heart more.

Kashiwagi-san understood.

That probably was the essence of it. Yumi worked hard to seek out a relationship with Sachiko-sama, but there were things that she did not know yet about Sachiko-sama.

That's what was painful.

And when Kashiwagi-san gave his hint that this was a thing in which he could not be defeated, she had lost to a point where she could not hope to win.

When Yumi had gotten the handicap from the person she had thought was her rival, she was beyond receiving compassion.

Yumi sighed several times, rolled her ramen-like wool into a ball, and then looked up.

Her sense of time had become vague, but it was probably around evening. The inside of her room had become dark.


Yumi put down her sewing work and stood up to turn on the lights. Her eye catching on nothing specific, Yumi glanced outside her window.

What could have happened.

She didn't know.

It had felt as if someone had called Yumi.

(From outside ... ?)

She tried to concentrate on the outside from her second floor window, but the surrounding houses' roofs, the trees, and the dim light made her unable to distinguish any figures outside.


Yumi dashed down the stairs, and poked her face into the kitchen.

"Mom, you..."


Her mother pressed the mute button on the cordless phone, and looked up.

"... didn't call me."

"I see. Sorry for bothering you."

"It's fine."[3]

Yumi finished the exchange of formalities [4]. Yumi's mother once again turned back toward the phone and began talking. In the last few days, her mother had been trying to collect recipes she had been seeing on the TV. She was becoming just like the person she was on the phone with, Taeko Oba-chan [5]

(If mom hadn’t called me, then.)

She twisted her head around and went out of the kitchen.


Yumi bounded up the stairs and knocked on Yuuki's room.


As soon as she had begun talking, she remembered. Yuuki would be out today with Kobayashi-kun.

It really was her imagination, wasn't it. She went back to the stairs and sat down.

"It really felt like someone was calling me though."

She stuck her face between her knees, and finally let out a groan. Mishearing something wasn't really supposed to hurt this much.


Maybe dad had come home. Rather than giving up, Yumi went down the stairs again, and went up to the front door.

His shoes weren't there which meant that he was still in the office.

Just to make sure, Yumi went outside and up to the front gate. She had come out just as the newspaper boy was giving out the evening paper, so she went up to him and said "Thanks for your hard work" [6] and took it directly from him.

The outside had become completely dark. The sky was dark and clear.

She looked up into the night sky, and could see a small star intermittently blinking.

She searched for the moon but could not find it.

Whether you just couldn’t see the moon at this time of the month or whether it was covered in clouds Yumi did not know.


She walked into the house with the sound of the phone hurriedly screeching. Belatedly, Yumi realized that not enough time had passed for her mother to have finished the previous call and have left. So even though someone was calling, her mom’s last call must have finished.


Yumi's mom returned to the living room, and as usual stood one step in front of the phone and spoke into it.

"Yes ... yes. Aah, thank you for taking care. No no, of course not. You really helped me out."

As she was talking, mom's gaze immediately flung to her daughter. Yumi thought that perhaps the conversation was about Yumi, so she came closer to the phone and heard "So what? You've been a big help taking care of my son". Not "my daughter" but "my son". Whoever it was, he seemed to be a friend of Yuuki's.

"Yuuki hasn't come home yet."

Yumi whispered, but she made large mouth movements to let her mother know. Then her mother said "Sure, just hold on" and gave the phone to Yumi.

"... But I'm Yumi."

Hey, hey, mom. Have you reached the age where you're confusing your son for your daughter. Even though in her seventeen-year-long life, she had often been mistaken for her brother. Without taking the phone back, her mother quickly said.

"Of course I know that. That's why it's for Yumi-chan."


Her mother spoke as Yumi clutched the phone in her hard.

"It's Kashiwagi-san!"

"--- !"

She was so surprised that her heart pounded, and she felt as if she would drop the receiver.

What timing! It was he who had been sending her into random fits of melancholy for so long.

Anyway, Yumi's mother could not even fathom why a call from Kashiwagi-san unnerved Yumi so. Whatever the heck the reason was, he really didn't have any self-control.


"Ah, Yumi-chan, sorry."

Kashiwagi-san's always cheery voice started with an apology.

"I don't really call you, so you might be surprised but -- "


Well she was surprised. But because Kashiwagi-san annoyed her, she would not reveal that. She cultivated a "I'm always cool and collected" attitude. Right. This was one of those situations where she had to act as distant as possible.

"Did something happen?"

"Ah, ... well"

Some time passed, and it felt like Kashiwagi-san was searching for the right words. Like someone who can't find a good way of conveying bad news.

"Nothing happened at Sachiko-sama's house, did it?!"

Yumi turned into the phone and shouted. Kashiwagi-san was Sachiko-sama's cousin. If something were to happen to Sachiko-sama or her family, it would be expected for Kashiwagi-san to call and tell her the news.

"No. It's not that. The Ogasawara household is fine."

"Oh really? Great!"

She felt some initial relief then wondered "Then what is it". Kashiwagi-san did not seem like the type of person who would occupy the phone with small talk.

"It's actually about Touko."


She wasn't expecting that but, when she thought about it, Kashiwagi-san was Touko-chan's cousin too. That's why if you put Kashiwagi-san between them, then Sachiko-sama and Touko-chan were in the same place. [TL Sukoshi: in the family web.]

"If that's your reaction then, she hasn’t shown up?"

"Shown up? To my house? No, she hasn't but .... Why would she?"

"No. It's better that she stays away. Things just flew out of control."

"She's late coming home, so her parents are worried."

"But it's just 6."

She could be preparing for the school festival and having to stay late. It was pretty common for a girl like her to not come home by this time.

"Yeah, well when Touko-chan had come home she had gotten into a fight with her parents. It seems she had an outburst of anger, and she left the house. That's why we want to know."

"She got into a fight then left?"

Just what had happened?

"Touko seems like that kind of a person ..., well she kind of looks like a girl who gets into reckless trouble. She hasn't left the house before. Her parents are also worried about her, and came to me crying about what to do. Of course, she could just turn up back at home but, whatever she does, she set out to do what she felt she had to do."

"I see."

And Fukuzawa Yumi seemed tied quite strongly to this “whatever she does” business.

"What about Sachiko-sama's house?"

Yumi asked.

"Well, I'm calling from the Ogasawara house."


If Kashiwagi-san wanted to think of the person that Touko-chan would rely on, he would first think of Sachiko-sama. If she wasn't where Kashiwagi-san was, then.

"Because I didn't want the Matsudaira family to make it a big thing, I decided to directly come here. And Touko wasn't here."

"Did you tell Sachiko-sama?"

"I thought Sacchan was the only person who I could tell what happened to, but at the last minute, her friends came over and I couldn't see her. And if I go and say that I want to talk to Sachiko-sama, then Sayako Oba-sama would wonder what had happened.

"Well, do you think Touko was one of those friends ..."

Touko-chan was a Lillian Girls Academy student, and if you stretched it, she really was Sachiko-sama's friend.

"No. One of those friends was a Hasekura-san."

"Hasekura .... Ah."

It was Rei-sama. Rei-sama and Sachiko-sama were friends, so coming over to each other’s houses was not odd at all.

Ahhh. Those two were meeting over Exam Holiday.

"I'm sorry if I'm being too much trouble but, could you give me Nijou Noriko-san's house number? I've heard the name before, and I haven't had a chance to tell Sacchan about this so."

"Then I'll call her. If I find anything, I'll let you know Kashiwagi-san.

"Ah, that would be a big help. If she were to suddenly get a call from a young man, then Noriko-san's parents would get worried."


Noriko-chan was staying at her Great Aunt's house, so you couldn't really say parents, but Yumi replied to Kashiwagi-san quickly without making any corrections.

"What about Yoshino-san or Shimako-san?"

"That's right."

She started thinking next to the phone and let out a soft groan.

"Do you think Touko-chan would go there? I don't really know who Touko's friends are, so I don't know."

"I don't really know either."

"Then it's best we don't."

If this became too big of a thing, then when Touko-chan would return things wouldn't go well, is what Kashiwagi-san was trying to say. That's right. She wasn't classified into the "ran away from home" stage yet. She was still at "hasn't returned yet". Whatever that meant.


Suddenly the image of a girl appeared in Yumi's mind.


"What about Kanako-chan?"


"A classmate of Touko-chan's, like Noriko-chan."

She was a person who seemed to talk with Touko-chan a lot more than Shimako-san or Yoshino-san would.

"I haven't heard of her. How is she?"

"She has long hair, and she's tall."

"Oh I see. The girl who appeared at the school play? She played the ... Chief Councilor I think?"


"Really ... She's a good friend of Touko's?"

"Well I've heard that they're natural enemies but."


"But recently I've been seeing them together."

"I see. If two people oppose each other, and something happens, they can quickly come together. I get it. So can you ask this Kanako-chan also?"

"I'll try as hard as I can, but I won't make it a big thing."

"Thanks a lot Yumi. Ah, let me give you my cell phone number."

"Sure, sure."

Yumi jotted down the numbers Kashiwagi gave onto a memo pad next to the phone, and then cut the call.

"What happened? A friend ran away from home?"

The moment Yumi put the phone down, her mother asked. It seemed that she had been listening to Yumi during the entire duration of the call.

"Yup, well I don't know. She's just late coming home, and her parents seem worried."

"Hm. I see. She's their wonderful daughter after all."

While she commiserated with Touko-chan's parents, the reason Yumi-chan's mother still didn't have a worried look on her face was because it was still not seven o'clock. If it were ten or eleven o'clock at night, she would have reacted quite differently.

"Kashiwagi-san was the one who dropped Yumi-chan and Yuuki off with his car, right? Maybe he'll become our son-in-law Yumi?"

"... Stop!"

Yumi immediately whispered.

"Come on Yumi-chan. Isn't your reaction supposed to be different? A normal girl your age is supposed to say 'Aiiee! Mom, what are you saying?! Please stop this!' and blush and run straight into her room."


Only if you've watched too many dramas.

"Then she'll be tossing and turning in bed, imagining her wedding."

That depends on the person.

Whether Kashiwagi-san was still with Sachiko-sama, or whether they were ex-es was not known, and to contemplate marriage? He's gay.

(If she told her mother the truth, then she wouldn't be acting so interested about this.)

No, even though he's gay, lately he's been becoming more suspicious.

(TL S: Yumi actually used slang, so I had to write "ex-es" (cringe). And no, Yumi is not insulting Kashiwagi, he really is gay. From when they were young, Sachiko and Kashiwagi were arranged to be married. Sachiko loved Kashiwagi, but then one day, Kashiwagi came to Sachiko and told her that he was gay, and that while they could marry, they couldn't have kids. Sachiko was shocked and enraged, and developed a hatred for men (together with the treatment of women by men in her family). Please refer to the first novel or story-arc for more.)

"Well anyway, feel free to call him to your heart's content."

Yumi took the note on which Kashiwagi-san's phone number was written, and the phone receiver and went up the stairs. Noriko-chan's house number and Kanako-chan's house number were written in the student notebook, which was in her room.

"It's almost dinner time, so when you're done calling, come down please."


When she had put her hand on the doorknob of her room, she could hear the sound of the front door opening downstairs.

(Maybe it's dad? Or Yuuki?)

She was a bit interested in who had come home, but she wanted to take care of Touko-chan's matter first, so she entered her room.

Before Yumi could even open the student notebook, her mother called.


".... Why now mom."

She didn't care when Yumi had finished her phone call, but she kept endlessly calling "Yumi-chaan", and would not let her concentrate.

"Excuse me, Yumi-chan."

She peeked her face outside of the door, and her mother was calling from underneath the stairs. She would come down after she finished the phone call, so she thought she would go back.

"Could you please come down?"


(Could you please? Come down?)

Well one thing she was sure was that it wasn't "Come down for dinner." Maybe she should at least see her mom downstairs.

Dad or Yuuki had probably brought home some large thing, and her mother wanted her to see it quickly, or something like that. She had no idea what that could be, but it was one of those things that happened in the Fukuzawa family.

"Look, Yumi-chan, it's a really huge watermelon!" was the kind of thing she was thinking. It was winter, so of course no-one would bring back a really huge watermelon, but.

"Yumi-chan, hurry, hurry."

Her mother was waiting in the corridor. She greeted Yumi with her always-happy tone of voice, and lead her to the entrance.


Just as she thought, Yuuki had come home, and was standing there.

And next to him was.

"Gokigenyou, Yumi-sama."

The shrilly-laughing, coiled roll girl.

"T...Tou ...!"

Yuuki had brought back something even bigger than a huge watermelon in the midst of winter.

  1. Mille Feuilleu
  2. Shiritori is a game where the last Japanese syllable from a word is used to create the first Japanese syllable for the next word in the sequence. The sequence here is in reference to the last book, Rose Mille-Feuille, where Shiritori is played.
  3. Yumi actually says "O-jamashimashita" a formal way in Japanese of saying "sorry for bothering you", and her mother replies in kind with "douitashimashite" or the ritual "you're welcome" and in this case "it's fine".
  4. see above remark
  5. Oba-chan meaning aunt.
  6. Gokurou-sama Desu. Another Japanese ritual phrase.