Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume5 Chapter2 1

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A gift from a rare visitor. Part 1.[edit]

Without ado, after school at the start of February... A rare visitor appeared at the Rose Mansion.

"Gokigenyou, is anyone there? Well, nevermind that, I showed up because I knew the boutons would be here."


Yumi had been sent to check on the visitor, and upon seeing that oh-so-distinctive fearless laugh, couldn't help but want to turn around and run back up the stairs. Why was this person here?

"Oh, my, how bent back. Like a puppy with its tail curled into its belly."

"P, puppy…" "We had not yet exchanged greetings. Gokigenyou."

"… Gokigenyou. Welcome to the Rose Mansion."

Yumi said, as she had no other choice. Not that she really wanted to welcome her.

"I've come to speak to the boutons today, are they on the second floor?"


"Then allow me in, please."


But she didn't wait for an answer as she helped herself into the building and climbed the stairs. So Yumi quickly followed.

The newspaper club captain, Tsukiyama Minako-sama, showed up very boldly today, for an astonishing change. Normally she sniffed around like a dog for scoops.

You needed to exercise extreme caution around her. Whenever you happened upon a scene, she would always, always be in the area. Was she causing everything, or do happenings call upon her? Anyway, to Yumi, she was like a "god you shouldn't wake up." Maybe she even lives on the northeastern direction from the Rose Mansion – oh, what an un-Catholic thought.

When they arrived at the biscuit-shaped door, Yumi forced herself in front.

"Umm, Tsukiyama Minako-sama."

Maybe she was too hasty as she announced it. Because Minako-sama pushed Yumi's face to the side and peered in.

"How rude. You're like a vassal announcing an enemy attack."

But it's true, Yumi wanted to interject. But the opponent was an upperclassman, and was a guest, too, so she stopped herself.

That's when.

"Indeed. Yumi, you need to calm down a bit."

Sachiko-sama, who was sipping tea while seated, placed her cup back on the saucer, stood up elegantly, and welcomed Minako-sama.

"I apologize on behalf of my sister. Welcome, Minako-san."

It was like a bourgeois wife greeting a visitor at an upper-class party, that was how ostentatious her treatment was. If it was a shoujo manga, she'd have flowers as her background, and if it was a movie, the background music would be baroque, despite there being no musicians in the vicinity.

They didn't have to act so amicable to one another, Yumi thought, as she pouted. Plus, she called her (cute) sister "not calm enough" in front of everyone.

It wasn't fun, but Yumi decided to look at it from another perspective. After all, Sachiko-sama was always strict to those around her, while being gracious to the actions of others. So Sachiko-sama, as Yumi's "onee-sama," was treating her like a close person.

Minako-sama sat down at the chair pulled out for her and crossed her legs. She seemed to have been straining to compose herself with dignity, but sadly, in contrast to the born-and-raised princess, Sachiko-sama, she looked like a monkey's imitation. But that didn't perturb Minako-sama at all.

"Sorry for your intruding upon your friendly chatter."

"No, don't worry yourself. Shall we have tea together?"

The room was filled with the usual members, excluding the Roses, whom were busy with exam studies. Sachiko-sama, Rei-sama, Shimako-san, the three boutons, plus Yoshino-san and Yumi.

The moment Sachiko-sama's glossy lips said "tea" Yoshino-san jumped up, but she then said, "Yumi," so it became Yumi's job. At first, she thought about making super-bitter tea, but that was too immature. What was the point in exacting revenge by making her drink super-bitter tea, anyway? And Sachiko-sama didn't single her out to do something like that.

Please, she said as she placed warm black tea in front of Minako-sama, and then she wordlessly resumed sitting next to Sachiko-sama. Was she watching her the entire time? As she sat down, she locked eyes with Sachiko-sama for a moment, and she felt her heart skip, but it wasn't a throbbing heart. No, it was more that she felt her malicious intent seen through, and became a bit scared. Though, in reality, she didn't do anything to the tea.

To calm herself down, Yumi reached out to her own cup. Judging by the temperature of the cup, she could tell it was no longer hot tea, but rather more like ice-less iced tea. Nevertheless, she was about to take a sip.

"What do you have planned for Valentine's Day?"

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She was about to spew the tea back out because of what Minako-sama brought up.

"Valentine's Day?"

Yoshino-san and Shimako-san and Rei-sama all simultaneously turned to look at Yumi. Tsutako-san would have done the same, too, if she were here.

And of course, Sachiko-sama did not. Never taking her eyes off the guest, she merely raised an eyebrow and calmly asked.

"I seem to have heard you asking about my plans for Valentine's Day, am I right, Minako-san?"

"Y, yes."

She seemed to have wilted a bit under Sachiko-sama's cold gaze, but as you'd expect from the newspaper club captain, and editor of the "Lillian Kawaraban," after a quick, deep breath, she resumed explaining herself.

Of course, she already knew what the students of the Rose Mansion thought of her. "Despite that," she came here, so she must have had her reasons. She wouldn't turn tail and run at a mere gaze.

"Valentine's Day, isn't it wonderful, to express your hidden feelings to people?"

Minako-sama suddenly stood up, intertwined her fingers in front of her heart, and looked at the wall with dreamy eyes. Not that she was interested in the structuring or materials of the wall, but rather, everyone else was seated, so there was nothing else that would be in front of her eyes, so she ended up looking like she was staring at a wall. But her heart was past the wall, in some dream land beyond.

Minako-sama spoke about the religious nature of Valentine's Day, similar to Shimako-san's explanation the day before, and then spoke passionately about how the fourteenth of February, as Valentine's Day, had become a day of confessing love. There were plenty of explanations for why this happened, but the one Minako-sama chose to use was that it was around this season that birds mated. Yumi had no idea.

"We understand Minako-san is passionate about the fourteenth of February."

Sachiko-sama coughed. She looked relaxed, but she seemed to have been straining to remain silent throughout Minako-sama's one-sided discussion. She quickly dabbed at her sweat with a laced handkerchief before continuing.

"But it is difficult to discern how your passionate Valentine's Day has any relation to us."

"My, after all this explanation?"

Minako-sama feigned surprise. She definitely stood out in this room.

"Umm, Minako-san. Please be direct."

Rei-sama cut in, like her paralysis had worn off. Yumi also nodded, deep down. Minako-sama said, "after all this explanation," but at the very least, Yumi didn't know what she wanted to say. And given everyone's puzzled faces, aside from Minako-sama, no one understood.

"Oh, really?"

Finally realizing how everyone felt, she took documents out of a brown envelope she had brought with her.

"Directly, right? Well then, please keep your February fourteenth open, on behalf of the newspaper club."


The boutons aside, Yoshino-san and Yumi both shouted. It was direct, alright, but this time it felt like she'd skipped a ton of things and ended up firing a shot from the blue.

"In other words, I'd like to request help on a Valentine's Day project. A joint effort between the Yamayurikai and the newspaper club, to make the day more exciting. Wouldn't you like the regular students to enjoy themselves for day? And judging by everyone's reactions, the Yamayurikai has nothing specific planned."

Minako-sama took it upon herself to distribute the documents among the boutons, as they'd stayed on the table, untouched.

"What do you plan to do?"

Sachiko-sama asked, as she drew the document to her.

There were only enough of the cleanly-printed A4 pages for the boutons, so Yoshino-san and Yumi both looked over their onee-sama's shoulders.

"If you'd take a look at the project plans-"

"'Treasure Hunt: Where're The Boutons' Chocolate!?' … What in the world is this?"

Rei-sama stood up and smacked Minako-sama's plans. Well, of course. Because that plan that was shoved in front of them without any warning included their participation. And not just as a "supporting cast" but as a "main personality."

"Just as it reads. The boutons hide handmade chocolate somewhere in the school. And the students that find them win."

Minako-sama, still seated, smiled up at the standing Rei-sama.

"So there would be up to three winners."

Sachiko-sama's chocolate, Rei-sama's chocolate, Shimako-san's chocolate. They would each hide chocolate, and it would be a game to find them. Minako-sama's plan slowly became understandable.

A treasure hunt. It sounded a bit exciting.

"But I don't get it. Why would the newspaper club captain bring this to the Yamayurikai?"

They'd been bothered enough, why would they end up doing most of the work this time, too? After all, the "Lillian Kawaraban" newspaper had always done things on its own, so it was rather independent from the Yamayurikai. Plus, the Yamayurikai staff labeled the newspaper club as "a bother," so they were still looking at this like there would be a trap somewhere.

"I understand, completely, Rei-san. Unfortunately, the newspaper club has no flowers."


Rei-sama was still standing, so Yoshino-san said, "Would you like a seat, onee-sama?" and dragged her to a seat.

"Events are more exciting with more participants. And to get participants, the reward needs to be attractive. But we don't have much funds, so it's not like we can buy an expensive prize, right? And that's why we're requesting help from the boutons. Understand?"

So they would pool the Yamayurikai and newspaper club's resources and pay for the event, Minako-sama explained. Well, the event funding would be the ingredients for chocolate and the costs of wrapping. She'd already estimated a figure, and listed that in the plan. Minako-sama was far more level-headed than Yumi had thought.

"And, the newspaper club's merit?"

That newspaper club would never act without something to gain. Knowing that, Rei-sama asked.

"What a direct question, Rei-san."

Minako-sama tilted her head just a bit, and laughed.

"Oh well. I hate skirting the edges, personality-wise."

"Alright. Then, I'll say it 'directly,' as Rei-san wishes. If this event were to come to fruition, the 'Lillian Kawaraban' gets to monopolize the reporting."

An exclusive report on a Valentine's Day event!

"… Sounds like something the newspaper club would come up with."

Exasperated, Sachiko-sama sighed as secretively as possible. And then she placed her paper on the table.

"I appreciate the idea, but we won't cooperate. There are too many things we don't agree upon."

"Tell me them. We're open to changing things to gain your support."

"There're lots, but the definitive problem is chocolate."


"Oh, that stuck me, too."

Rei-sama raised her hand, agreeing with Sachiko-sama.

"I understand they would be as a prize for the treasure hunt, chocolate is no good."

Chocolate is supposed to be eaten deliciously. So the "no good" might have been used by design, Yumi could tell that much. Rei-sama was trying to say that chocolate wouldn't work as the "treasure."

"I get it, because it's too bulky!"

Yumi blurted out what she was thinking. And everyone immediately turned to her. Sachiko-sama wasn't even drinking, but she looked very bitter.

"S, sorry."

But when she quickly lowered her head, her forehead slammed into the table. Now she was definitely in a corner, alone.

"… Yumi, you'll confuse everyone, please be quiet."


Why does it always end like this? How wonderful would it be if she didn't have to raise her head from the table, ever again?

"Are you okay?"

Yoshino-san asked, suppressing laughter.

"… Yes."

Rubbing her forehead, and on the verge of tears, Yumi answered. Her forehead hurt quite a bit, but the damage to her heart might be greater. She'd embarrassed her onee-sama again.

"Sachiko-sama and Rei-sama are probably worried about the sanitary issues?"

Maybe she was trying to help a classmate, because Shimako-san returned to the subject.

"To be concise, yes, something like that."

"The problem is definitely the handmade part. Even with store-bought chocolate, leaving something people will eat unattended for so long is a problem."

The handsome-looking Rei-sama received plenty of chocolate from students every year, apparently. And the shy ones would leave them in her shoebox or on her desk. And most of those had no names, so even Yumi realized that would be a bit scary. Though up until then she used to think, attractive people got to eat a lot of chocolate every year.

There was nothing wrong with the boutons' handmade chocolate, but if something were to happen, it'd be terrible, and even worse, if someone found it earlier and acted maliciously, well, it was difficult to agree with using food as a "treasure."

But it was amazing they could think that far ahead. Though in a way that's to be expected of the boutons. Yumi couldn't help but respect her onee-sama even more. Yumi had now completely bounced back from her red-faced embarrassment moments earlier. –But that blessedness was a mere fleeting moment. Because the next moment, onee-sama's words seemed to hammer Yumi into pieces.

"Personally, I have doubts about the practice of bringing chocolate to school, in general."

She was saved by being seated, otherwise she may have dived out the window. Sachiko-sama continued.

"I know the teachers let it pass. But I feel sick just imagining the school smelling like chocolate on the fourteenth."


Sachiko-sama didn't seem to think fondly of Valentine's Day. And the finishing blow.

"Plus, having chocolate pressed onto you is simply a bother."

(… Umm.)

Yumi tried to remain collected as she organized her thoughts.

But no matter how hard she tried to remain cool, she became too agitated, and the answer that came up was always the same.

A bother.

(Then my plan to give her chocolate is futile-)

At first, she simply felt shock, but as time passed, she felt more and more depressed.


Minako-sama nodded.

"Indeed, the idea of hiding chocolate was a bit reckless. After all, with the school filled with chocolate on the fourteenth, it would also become difficult discerning what's a prize and what's not."

Yumi thought she'd give up, then, but there was no way the newspaper club captain would give up that quickly. That might be a trait Yumi could learn from.

"Give me a moment, please."

Minako-sama went into a solo planning time and, staring at her planning sheet, began mumbling to herself. And after five minutes.

"Would you cooperate if we changed the treasure?"

"Change? What are you thinking of?"

"A hand-written Valentine's Card. After all, the original fourteenth of February involved the presenting of cards, rather than chocolate."

Indeed, Minako-sama was thinking hard about this.


"Is a hand-written card that attractive?"

Shimako-san mumbled. Is it suitable for a treasure hunt prize? The prize for a long, arduous hunt was just a sheet of paper; that did sound a bit weak. But compared to handmade chocolate, it was cheaper and less of a hassle, so it might work.

Sachiko-sama and Rei-sama seemed to agree. Was their own writing valuable enough to attract students, or not? Not being modest, but through calm, cool thinking, they decided, no.

A handwritten letter was lacking in excitement. And the newspaper club, trying to use this for as reporting material, would end up whiffing.

Yumi would have gladly received a hand-written letter by Sachiko-sama, but that would be screaming "sister-obsession" so she kept silent.

"If the boutons agree, then we can move on to the next idea."

Minako-sama's eyes glittered as she spoke. When she looked like this, she was no doubt thinking of something wild, so that's when she was most dangerous.

"Then let's make it more attractive."

Minako-sama seemed to realize this was her chance to become aggressive, so she leaned over.

"Make it more attractive?"

"Like the card being a ticket to the real prize?"

"Real prize?"

What would that be, everyone asked. The card itself wasn't the prize, after all?

"Like, the prize would be a half-day date."

"Objection!!" Before Minako-sama could even finish, Yoshino-san stood up and shouted.

"Objection, objection, absolute objection! That's wrong! Turning personal time into a reward is wrong!"

Yoshino-san, she was in such panic, that she completely shed her weak image. Even if people had gotten a glimpse of her audaciousness, Yoshino-san's myth still stood strong, so people like Minako-sama who'd only seen her from afar might be taken aback. Look, even now, she was clearly more disturbed than when the tall Rei-sama had given her a scary look.

"Yumi-san, you object, too, don't you?"


Well of course she'd object, too, right? Is the glare Yoshino-san shot at her. She wasn't an enemy, so she'd appreciate if she was treated more kindly.


Yumi finally thought about it. Well, she'd been struggling to keep up, so she hadn't had time to consider it herself. To begin with, she was still trying to shake off her failure a few moments ago, and was trying to act as inconspicuously as possible.

Approve, or object.

Well, if she had to answer, she'd probably object. Because, she didn't want her own onee-sama, Sachiko-sama, to be with someone else. Yoshino-san was talking about personal time, but she was probably against the idea of her precious Rei-sama being with someone else. If this was about the Roses instead of the boutons, she probably wouldn't object this much.


If she were to think about it as someone who was just helping out at the Rose Mansion? The Yamayurikai were trying to lose the hedge between them and the common student, to make it a friendlier student council. So that the Roses wouldn't become so deified, so they'd become more approachable.

If the next Roses, the boutons, were to interact with the students, wouldn't that be a plus for the Yamayurikai?

But despite that honor student-like thought, a part of her still burned with jealousy.

"There's school on Valentine's Day, though."

Shimako-san asked Minako-sama.

"Yes, so the treasure hunt is planned for just an hour after school. Don't worry. As long as we get enough participants, an hour should be enough to find the treasure, isn't it? If it still can't be found then, then it's hidden somewhere that would take at least half of a day to find. So we would just keep them for an hour after school, that day-"

Even as Yumi pondered, the idea was moved forward. Come to think of it, accepting or objecting was really up to the boutons. Their sisters' opinions were just an example.

"And the date would be on Sunday."

"Objection! Objection!"

Yoshino-san was forcing the issue by constantly shouting. She was completely in hysteria. So Rei-sama placed a hand over Yoshino-san's mouth to quiet her. Indeed, with that sort of "objection!" mantra, nothing would get done.

"What do you think?"

After the explanation was done, Sachiko-sama turned to the other two boutons.

"While the idea of a treasure hunt sounds interesting."

Shimako-san didn't look like she was too happy with the idea.

"The sticking point is the half-day date. I'm not as bad as Yoshino, but I don't like the idea of making humans the prize."

Rei-sama agreed with the person to her right. But Shimako-san's reason for objecting was partly the half-day date, and partly because of Valentine's Day. After all, it was supposed to be a day of commemorating Saint Valentine, rather than a day of confessing love.

"I also object. Then we unanimously turn down the proposal."

When she said that, Sachiko-sama collected the project proposals and returned them to Minako-sama.

"Wait a second."

Minako-san was becoming flustered. Placing the proposal sheets back on the table, she desperately pleaded.

"Could you at least think about it over night?"

"It would feel bad giving you false hopes."

"If you would feel bad!"

Minako-sama looked into Sachiko-sama, Rei-sama and Shimako-san's eyes. Of course, she didn't even glance at the sisters.

"Sympathy for a warrior, could you at least wait until after school tomorrow?"

Sympathy for warrior? What era was Minako-sama from?

"I walked dramatically out of the clubhouse, please don't turn me down right on the spot."

No matter how much she tried to talk her way through, since her opponents were of the same year, it seemed futile. And of course, it didn't work on Sachiko-sama at all, as she received a cold response.

"Then you may keep quiet about it now, and tell them tomorrow."

"Oh, please. The moment I walk back, I'll be questioned until I spill the beans. My little sister is quite persistent."

"That's not our problem."

The closest to a warrior in the room, Rei-sama, had no sympathy for a warrior, either. Sachiko-sama and Rei-sama were steadfast, and that somewhat pitiable Minako-sama turned to Shimako-san, her last hope, and grasped her hand.

"Shimako-san, please."

"… Even if you say please…"

"Your senpai is begging you this much, can't you do anything?"

Wow. If she can't beg, then she threatens. If you can't push, then pull.

"Oh come on, Minako-san, don't you think trying to get a kouhai to help you by pulling the senpai trick is unfair?"

Rei-sama looked angry, as she hated such things.

"Call it what you want, as long as the answer is delayed, I don't mind."


Yumi, who was listening without standing out, stepped back at Minako-sama's words.

Minako-sama was really a self-serving person. As long as it was for her newspaper, she was willing to do anything. That is one way of living, though.


After "call it what you want," there was nothing more to say. Rei-sama lowered her shoulders, exasperated, and Sachiko-sama sighed. And Shimako-san's clear voice sounded.

"Then how about this. Prolonging our answer by one day does no harm, and if that's the case, we can await our decision until tomorrow."

There didn't seem to be any other way to settle the matter. It was Minako-sama, after all, she seemed the type to keep everyone hostage in the Rose Mansion until they agreed. They agreed that they'd leave the final decision until tomorrow, and that they'd be better off with Minako-sama departing earlier.

"Fine. But Minako-san, nothing will change our decision, so please don't hold any weird hopes."

Rei-sama repeated. That tomorrow, she'd hear the exact same answer. But Minako-sama smiled, satisfied.

"I understand. Thank you. I shall return tomorrow, after school."

Before they changed their minds, seemed her purpose, as she dashed out of the room.

"Oh, take the proposals with you."

Sachiko-sama called out.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow."

Minako-sama called back, without turning around, and vanished beyond the biscuit-shaped door. Yumi heard the steps creaking to the tune of skipping.

"What was that?"

Sachiko-sama muttered, and everyone tilted their heads, "Who knows?"

She was that excited with the decision delayed a single day. What was Minako-sama thinking?

"Is it really okay?"

The first thing Yoshino-san said after being freed from Rei-sama was that.


"Because they're the newspaper club."

Yoshino-san was sharp. After all she'd done, Minako-sama's inexplicable move was troubling.

"But, like Shimako said, there's nothing to trouble us by delaying it."

Rei-sama cackled.

"Indeed. I don't think anyone would change in a single day."


Sachiko-sama and Shimako-san nodded. They were strong-willed people, so they probably wouldn't retract their own decisions that easily.

But, they were underestimating her.

Just a single day.

Just by delaying things a single day, trouble did begin.

In a way, Minako-sama was a Yamayurikai maniac. She knew exactly how to make the boutons act.

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