Densetsu no Yūsha no Densetsu:Guidelines

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This page serves to supplement the general format/style guideline page to minimize inconsistencies in formatting, style, naming, etc., among different translators and editors. Please go through that page before this page if you have not done so yet. Any new suggestions or disagreements with the guidelines are welcome, and such discussions should be carried out on the talk page of this page. When using the talk pages, please sign your posts using the signature button. The project supervisor (if he/she exists) shall have the final say. Before suggesting a change, do bear in mind the impact of the change to already translated content and weigh that against the value and importance of the change.

Warning: This page contains possible spoilers!

Formatting & Style

Page Demarcation

For each new page in the novel, start by marking the page number with the hide tag in the following manner: <!-- PG ### -->

<!-- PG 51 -->
And this all happened within the span of two years since he became king.


  • The author uses different brackets in the novels for emphasis on certain terms, such as Alpha Stigma. Such emphasis is currently reproduced using bold face.
  • Spell incantations are currently emphasized using caps only.

Inner Thoughts & Monologue

In the story, there are two ways inner thoughts are presented. The first way is when the author does it in a third-person narrative. The second way is in a monologue form, when the reader can 'hear' the character's thoughts. The primary way of discerning between the two is by identifying whether the sentence structure corresponds to the speech pattern of the character. For example, Ryner will refer to Sion as あいつ and himself as 俺. There may be times when he refer to Sion as シオン, but when it's the former case, it's a definite monologue, and he will never call himself Ryner. When it's the first case of presentation, it shall be treated as narration with no special formatting. In the later when it's obvious monologue, italics shall be used. In the case where discernment is impossible, it is up to the translator's discretion to present it in the way he (or she) sees fit.

Speech In Flashbacks & Reported Speech

A flashback is merely a recollection of thoughts of a character and is usually in narrative form, and of course should be presented in past tense with otherwise no special treatment. However, when there are speeches in flashbacks, the speech shall be italicized. When a character reports speech of another character, it shall be enclosed in single quotes and italicized.



Normally, English narrations use past tense. However, in this work, like many other Japanese light novels, the author is narrating as if the reader is watching the scene unfold in real-time, and for the most part uses present and present continuous tense, and only uses past tense to report past events to the reader, provide sequencing in a sentence (or a number of sentences), or as a hint that the event took place just a second ago (a delay effect). Thus, it is recommended that the translator keeps to the author's intention of unfolding the scene in real-time, and use present tense often. However, in cases of rewording, switching between active and passive forms, switching Japanese continuous to English present/past perfect tense where it may seem more appropriate, or when it becomes hard to follow the sequence of actions without the use of past tense, it is up to the translator's discretion to change the tense. When translating from tense-less languages like Chinese, it is again up to the translator's discretion, but bear in mind the author's intention of unfolding the scene in real-time. When in doubt, use the forum (recommended) or appropriate talk pages to cross check with the Japanese translators.

Names & Terminology

Translators who encounter a recurring term or name not listed here are encouraged to update this list. If in doubt, discuss on the talk page or in the forums for input from other Japanese raw readers.


Countries, Groups, Organizations

  • メノリス大陸: Menoris Continent
  • ローランド帝国: Roland Empire
  • ガスターク帝国: Gastark Empire
  • ゲイルフィックラント帝国: Geihlficlant Empire
  • レムルス帝国: Remrus Empire
  • ネルファ皇国: Imperial Nelpha
  • ルーナ帝国: Runa Empire
  • エスタブール王国: Kingdom of Estabul
  • ストオル皇国: Imperial Stohl
  • ウルド民管区: People's District of Urd
  • カッスラー自治聖都: Autonomous Holy City of Cassla
  • アリ南方国: Southern Country of Ali
  • ベリス主国: Republic of Belis
  • ヴェイオール聖国: Holy Land of Veiohl
  • イエット共和国: Iyet Republic
  • エルトリア共和国: Ertolia Republic
  • エロン神都: Divine City of Elon
  • 反ローランド連合(軍): Anti-Roland Coalition
  • (傭兵団)蒼の公主: Azure Princess Mercenaries

Characters (Includes Aliases, Nicknames, Titles)

Note: The subgroups are for grouping purposes, and do not necessary represent their affiliations.

Main Characters & Their Companions

  • ライナ・リュート: Ryner Lute
    • (former name) フェルナ・リュートル: Felna Lutelle
    • (title) ローランド最高の魔術師: Roland's Greatest Magician
    • (title) 悪魔王: Demon King
  • フェリス・エリス: Ferris Eris
  • トアレ・ネルフィ: Toale Nelphi
  • キファ・ノールズ: Kiefer Knolles
  • イリス・エリス: Iris Eris
  • アルア: Arua
  • クク: Kuku

Anti-Roland Coalition

  • ヴォイス・フューレル: Vois Fiurelle
  • レイルカ・レデーナ: Relca Redehna
  • ハーミット・ヴォルフ: Harmit Wolf

Azure Princess Mercenaries

  • ピア・ヴァーリエ: Pia Varliere
  • ペリア・ペルーラ: Peria Peruula
  • ゾーラ・ロム: Zora Rom

Roland Empire

  • シオン・アスタール: Sion Astal
    • (title) 英雄王: Hero King (when it's impossible to discern 英雄王 from 勇者王, please use either "Hero King (Sion)" or "Hero King of the South")
  • ルシル・エリス: Lucile Eris
    • (former name) レルクス・エリス: Relx Eris
  • クラウ・クロム: Claugh Klom
    • (nickname) 紅指のクラウ: Crimson Finger Claugh
    • (nickname) 黒手の死神: Black Hand Death God
  • カルネ・カイウェル: Calne Kaiwal
  • ミラン・フロワード: Miran Froaude
  • ノア・エン: Noa Ehn
  • ラッヘル・ミラー: Rahel Miller
  • ジェルメ・クレイスロール: Germer Kleisrole
  • ミルク・カラード: Milk Callaud
  • ルーク・スタッカート: Luke Stokkart
  • リーレ・リンクル: Lear Rinkal
  • ムー・ベラリオール: Moe Velariore
  • ラッハ・ベラリオール: Lach Velariore
  • シュス・シラーズ: Shuss Shirazz
  • バユーズ・ワイト: Bayuuz White
  • シルワーウェスト・シルウェルト: Silwawest Silwelt
  • フィオル・フォークル: Fiole Folkal
  • エスリナ・フォークル: Eslina Folkal
  • ステアリード公爵: Duke Stearead
  • クラースベル伯爵: Count Klasbel
  • クリアド伯爵: Count Cleaude
  • ヌーブル伯爵: Count Nuble
  • パール卿: Lord Parl
  • ベリル卿: Lord Beril
  • ファル: Fahl
  • トニー: Toni
  • タイル: Tyle

Gastark Empire

  • レファル・エディア:
    • (title) 勇者王:
  • リーグルワーズ・ペンテスト: Reeglewaz Pentest
  • リル・オルラ: Lir Orla
  • スイ・オルラ: Sui Orla
  • クゥ・オルラ: Kuu Orla

Imperial Nelpha, Kingdom of Estabul, Runa Empire

  • グリード・ネルフィ: Gread Nelphi
  • スターネル・ネルフィ: Starnel Nelphi

God's Eyes

  • エーネ・ルネ: Ene Lune
  • ティーア・ルミブル: Tiir Rumibul
  • ラフラ: Lafra
  • プエカ: Pueka


  • リューラ・リュートルー: Liura Lutelle
  • イルナ・リュートルー: Ilna Lutelle


The following names are suspected to be one-time appearances (ie. appearing only in one arc), but were officially translated (not that it really matters since they are unimportant people). But in any case, they are here temporarily for reference and will be deleted once the arc has been translated and they have been verified to be one-time appearances.

  • ロル: Loel (appeared in DYD V1 as Sion's aide in the institute)
  • <TBD>: Broff
  • <TBD>: Croselli
  • <TBD>: Gainel
  • イベル: Ibel (appeared in DYD V2 as Toale's 'sibling')
  • テルア: Telua (appeared in DYD V2 as Toale's 'sibling')
  • サラウェル・セイル: Sarawel Seal (appeared in DYD V3 as Noa's aide in Estabul subjugation chapter)
  • <TBD>: Talrome (Ryner's past)
  • <TBD>: Quill (Ryner's past)
  • <TBD>: Deel (Ryner's past)


  • 魔眼: Cursed Eyes
  • 神の眼: God's Eyes
  • 忘却欠片(ルール・フラグメ): Rule Fragme
  • 忘却神器(ルール・アジール): Rule Agil
  • 勇者の遺物: Heroes' Relics

Cursed Eyes

  • 複写眼(アルファ・スティグマ): Alpha Stigma
  • 殲滅眼(イーノ・ドゥーエ): Iino Dwoe
  • 夢置眼(エブラ・クリプト): Ebula Crypt
  • 未来眼(トーチ・カース): Torch Curse
  • 怨嗟眼(ウィルノ・ヘイム): Wilno Heim

Rule Fragme

  • 黒叡の指輪(影狼: Ring of the Dark Emperor
  • アイルクローノの鎌: Ailchrono's Scythe
  • ドルエリの剣鱗: Doleli's Swordscale
  • エレミーオの櫛: Elemio's Comb
  • 來獣の指輪: Ring of Lightning Beasts
  • ラッツェルの糸: Rachel's Thread (or Lacchel's Thread?)
  • アートファールの呪詛: Curse of Artofaal
  • 再生の剣(グロウヴィル): Sword of Regeneration(Glovil)
  • 石喰い(スパンクエル): Stone Devourer(Spunquel)
  • 神獣消し(シプアムス): Divine Beast Destroyer(Shiparms)
  • 至高のトリックスター: The Supreme Trickster
  • メノスの断残: The Severed Remains of Menos
  • 魔獣消し(エルアムス): Demonic Beast Destroyer(Ellearms)
  • 寄神虫(ユーロス・エルマ): Divine Parasite Bugs (Euloss Elma?)
  • 死の転移(デルニオ): Death Transference(Derunio)

Non-Human Powers

  • 女神: Goddesses
  • 円命の女神: Goddess of Reincarnation
  • 静謐の女神: Goddess of Tranquility
  • 未臓の女神:
  • 寂しがりの悪魔: The Lonesome Demon
    • (alternate name) すべての式(ライナ・エリス・リード): All Equations (Ryner Eris Reed)
      • (separated) すべての式を解く者(ライナ・リード): Solver of All Equations (Ryner Reed)
      • (separated) すべての式を編む者(エリス・リード): Weaver of All Equations (Eris Reed)
  • 狂った勇者: The Mad Hero
    • (name) アスルード・ローランド: Asruld Roland
  • 司祭: The Priest
    • (habitat)エレル: Erelle
  • 始まりの彼: Man of the Beginning
  • α: Alpha
  • ω: Omega


Roland Magic

  • 求めるは雷鳴>>>・稲光: What I seek is thunder>>>Izuchi
  • 求めるは水雲>>>・崩雨: WHAT I SEEK IS WATER MIST >>> MISUMI
  • 求めるは震牙>>>・倒地
  • 求めるは侵入>>>・蝕走: What I seek is invasion>>Shira
  • 求めるは静寂>>>・闇庭: What I seek is silence>>Ante
  • 求めるは光陣>>>・縛呪: What I seek is light field>>Bakushu/Bakuju
  • 求めるは火界呪>>>・焔陽
  • 求めるは光輝>>>・闇砕
  • 求めるは血天>>>・壊光
  • 炎紅牙
  • 雷落雷
  • 夕白

Roland-based Original Magic

  • 求めるは大雲>>>・雲霧: What I seek is a huge cloud>>Kumogiri
  • 求めるはぁ、消え雲>>>・き、消えろ!: What I seek is...disappearing clouds>>D-disappear!
  • 求めるはぁ、えーと、なんか煙ね>>>・煙!: What I seek sort of smoke>>Kemuri!
  • 求めるはライナ・リュート流昼寝王国>>>・うおおおおおおお眠てぇえええええええええ!なのに好きなだけ寝てていいなんて幸せすぎて思わず叫びます!イヤッホオオオオオオオオオオオオ!!What I seek is Kingdom of Afternoon Naps, Ryner Lute styled>>>Woooooaaaahhhhhhhh I wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! And since I can sleep as much as I want, I'm so happy that I'll just scream! Yahooooooooooooooooooooo!
  • 求めるは氷神>>>・浮凍
  • 求めるは殲虹の転真>>>・光狗燐
  • 求めるは交差のエイロート・クノム・ペスラ>>>・腐吠肉朱
  • 稲死光

Estabul Magic

  • 我・契約文を捧げ・大気に眠る光の精獣を宿す: I offer the contracted words, letting the slumbering light beast in the air dwell within
  • 我・契約文を捧げ・大地に眠る悪意の精獣を宿す: I offer the contracted words, letting the slumbering malicious beast in the earth dwell within
  • 我・契約文を捧げ・天空を踊る光の魔獣を放つ: I offer the contracted words, releasing the light beast dancing in the sky
  • 我・契約文を捧げ・宙を覆う精霊の力を放つ: I offer the contracted words, releasing the power of the spirit overcasting the sky

Estabul-based Original Magic

  • 我・契約文を捧げ・えーなんだかとりあえず、光を闇が覆っちゃう: I offer the contracted words,er...anyways, darkness overwhelms light

Nelpha Magic

  • 風の息吹が、我らに力を貸し-: Breath of wind, lend us thy power -
  • 炎の精霊が、我らに力を貸し-フレイヤ・バースト: Spirit of flame, lend us thy power - Flare Burst
  • 光の王が無数の時を編み-ライト・キャンサー: The king of light weaves infinite time - Light Cancer
  • それは全ての波をつかさどり-ソニック・ウォーク: That which reigns over all waves - Sonic Walk

Runa Magic

  • 天在する神に請う。憐れな我らに、救いの炎を: We plead to our God in heaven to grant our pitiful selves the flames of salvation
  • 天在する神に請う。憐れな我らに、救いの風を: We plead to our God in heaven to grant our pitiful selves the winds of salvation

Gastark Magic

  • 西、無、陣、陽の向きから光輝を生み出す: Creating brilliance from west, nothingness, formation, sun

Iyet Magic

  • 始祖の念と堪えぬ雷の囀り


Military ranks are included as some countries have alternative names for the same ranks. Note that Funi translated to equivalent navy ranks which is inaccurate.

  • 忌破り追撃部隊: Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squad
  • 魔道騎士(団): Mage Knight (Battalion)
  • 魔道兵: Mage Soldier
  • 元帥: Field Marshal
  • 中将: Lieutenant General
  • 少将: Major General
  • 大佐: Colonel
  • 中佐: Lieutenant Colonel
  • 少佐: Major
  • 大尉: Captain
  • 中尉: Lieutenant
  • 少尉: Second Lieutenant
  • 軍曹: Sergeant