Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume3 Chapter3 3

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Who's Suga Sei? Part 3.[edit]

After three o'clock in the afternoon.

The three of them stood in front of Kyuuteisha with vastly different facial expressions.

"Frontal assault!" was how Yoshino-san looked. Rei-sama seriously reflecting on her inability to stop that Yoshino-san. And Yumi, wondering, "What now?"

They went to Shinjuku using Japan Rail, and then used the subway. After popping out of J Station, it took as long as it takes for cup ramen to finish cooking to arrive at the company's building.

It was a bigger building than she expected. So she assumed they also did printing here, and so Yoshino-san and Rei-sama were in tears laughing at her. Printing is done at printing shops! Of course.

"Alright, time to go."

Yoshino-san lead the way to the front door. The automatic glass doors slid open.


As they entered, the two receptionists smiled brilliantly at them. They were pretty enough that you could assume they were hired for their looks.

Past the receptionists was a big, physical-looking security guard, and there was another glass door behind him. Apparently you needed to go through that door, too.

"Um. I'd like to see the Cosmos editorial department."

Even the "frontal assault!" attitude of Yoshino-san wasn't gung-ho enough to knock down the security guard and charge through the glass door, so she went straight to the receptionist and made an inquiry.

"Yes. If you have an appointment, please sign in here."

The paper that was pushed forth was like a library borrowing card, with the visitor's name and phone number, among other things. Yoshino-san began writing on the sign-in sheet, but she gave up halfway through and put her ball-pen down. Because she didn't have anyone in particular she was "scheduled" to meet, so she couldn't fill in those blanks.

"I'm sorry, I don't have an appointment."


The receptionist looked baffled as she accepted the half-completed sign-in sheet.

"Don't… have an appointment?"

"Yes. But I really would like to speak to the Cosmos editorial department."

"You want to show them something you wrote…?"

"No. I'm just a reader."

Yumi, listening in on the conversation, just then found out that there were people that took their works straight to the company. She'd been dragged here by Yoshino-san, but it ended up being somewhat of an educational trip.

"Hi, this is the front desk-"

After hearing Yoshino-san out, the receptionist picked up the phone and called in-house, to the Cosmos editorial department, about an appointment-less reader visiting.

"Please wait a moment."

After putting down the phone, she smiled at them. She was definitely a professional, dealing with children with ease. Yumi actually assumed they'd be deflected by the receptionist.

While they waited, she noticed there were a lot of people going in and out of the building. She noticed a lot of people signed in, like them, while the rest simply walked through after showing what seemed like an identity card.

After about ten minutes, a slightly rounded man wearing jeans and a sweatshirt appeared.

"Are you three the ones that wanted to speak to Cosmos books?"

He didn't seem the type to care about how he looked, to other people, so it was difficult to guess his age. When she found out he was from the editorial department, Yumi felt a bit disappointed. Because with a company this size, she expected someone to come out wearing a suit.

"We're quite busy today, so we can't really spare much time, could you three come again some other day? Just make sure to schedule a time."

"May I ask one question?"

"Go ahead, but I won't answer any questions about author profiles."

Yoshino-san took a quick jab to the nose. The Cosmos editorial department guy's premonition was spot on.

"'Forest of Thorns' is an autobiographical novel, right? Is the author, Suga Sei, the former student of Lillian Girls' Academy, Kubo Shiori?" Yoshino-san quickly asked.

(Wasn't it just one question?)

And on top of that, she was told he wouldn't answer any questions about it, but she still asked. She's probably just not wanting to give up, at this point.

"We get a lot of questions like that, but in the case of Suga Sei-sensei, she has her reasons for not saying who she is."

"But couldn't you tell us if she is that person or not?"

"If we answer every inquiry about names, we'd be here all day answering questions."

Because if they do it once, everyone would want to be treated the same. Yumi could understand how he felt. But Yoshino-san kept going.

"If Suga Sei-san herself were to say it's alright to answer, would you?"

"Well, yes."

But he laughed, that'll never happen.

"Then, could you ask Suga Sei-san? I'm Shimazu Yoshino from Lillian Girls' Academy. Satou Sei is a dear friend of mine. So would she be willing to answer whether she is Kubo Shiori-san or not?"

"No, no, I can't do that. That would be making an exception for you. Plus, I'm not the one in charge of her stuff. … Anyways, please, give up about this."

Ahh, this person's already wrapping things up. He seemed to be about to say "thank you for coming to Cosmos books, anyways," and then leave.

Just then.

"Oh, Yamagishi-san?"

When the automatic door behind opened, they heard a lady's voice.


The sweatshirt + jeans person in front was apparently "Yamagishi-san," and he quickly straightened his back. But she didn't know why he went, "Woah."

"What's going on? Oh my, and you're surrounded by such cute girls."

When they turned around, a lady that looked like a typical "career woman" was smiling at them. While other people who'd entered went to the receptionist to sign in, she just walked toward them.

(I guess she works at the company…?)

But then Yamagishi-san started flailing about, like he was trying to ward her away from them.

He might be panicking because he likes her, but that didn't seem to be the case.


She ignored Yamagishi-san and greeted the three girls.


Habits are fearsome. Even though they were greeted with "hello," maybe it was because they were with other students from school, Yumi promptly replied, "Gokigenyou." Then, Rei-sama and Yoshino-san both followed suit and also replied, "Gokigenyou."

"Kyaa, how wonderful. Gokigenyou sounds like it's from 'Forest of Thorns'!"

Yamagishi-san looked like he was about to be KO'd, in contrast to the lady next to him, who was innocently enjoying herself.

"My, what's the matter? Yamagishi-san, did I do something wrong?"

Yamagishi-san didn't reply, but his attitude said everything. She'd said exactly what Yamagishi-san didn't want her to say.


Rei-sama muttered. She turned to the lady and prudently asked.

"Excuse me, are you related to 'Forest of Thorns'?"


They could hear Yamagishi-san's wail.

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