Talk:Suzumiya Haruhi:Volume7 Prologue

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Revision as of 08:16, 3 December 2006 by HolyCow (talk | contribs) (Cleaning bin?)
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References & Translator's Notes

Kirlian photograph

A 'photograph' created by exposing a photographic plate to an electric field instead of light. The electrical properties of the subject being photographed generates a unique electrical field around it, creating an "aura" around it.


In Japan, it is a New Year’s custom to give small amounts of money to children in decorative envelopes called ‘pochibukuro’.

Fukuwarai and Sugoroku

Fukuwari and Sugoroku are the games the group played while on the trip to Snow Mountain in the story Where did the cat go?

Spring Setsubun/Risshun

Setsubun and Risshun is the eve of and the first day of a season, respectively. In this case, the season is springtime.

Rolled Sushi

The word used in the novel is "ehoumaki." (Can someone please expand this? It seems this word has a special meaning associated with the occasion, but I'm not clear what it is.)



Wow, this is a long prologue...

53 pages...xD


This discussion has been moved to the forums.

You can continue this topic here

- Onizuka-gto 06:52, 20 November 2006 (PST)

Snow Mountain Syndrome reference

For uniformity, I decided to reference the location of the Snow Moutnain Syndrome storyline as a "mysterious mansion on the mountain" - this seems to adequately describe it without spoiling the actual story. To differentiate, the other location in that story is referred to as a villa.

"the wrong amount to set off"

I think I know what Nagato wants to say. I had told Asahina-san that it was because Nagato had let the wrong amount to set off, so the world changed on December the eighteenth.

This sentence doesn't seem right. Can anyone please confirm the translation?

Well, Kyon told Mikuru Yuki had put too much data into it and caused the world to change. Maybe change it to Nagato had (exploded) too much data? ~~BaKaFiSh

"I'll give you something to see"

The movie I was watching gradually disappeared. Has the service been cut? I'll give you something to see. Like during my three-day long memory loss, it's a brigade leader's responsibility to worry about the members, that's the way it is, Haruhi.

This paragraph seems a bit confused. Can anyone please confirm the translation?

maybe 'think about' instead of 'see' would make more sense... ~~BaKaFiSh

doesn't fit SOS

'シズン毎にオンタイムな行事をしめやかに実行する組織'(literally something like Organization that respectfully holds events appropriate to the season....but that doesn't fit SOS)

Maybe something along the lines of "Specially Observing all events approriate to the Season"?


- yeah, there's a forum topic on it now~


Bernoulli line

I think they meant the lemniscate. See

I agree, it definitely matches up with Koizumi's drawing. (Also

Cleaning bin?

The last line of the prologue, you used the phrase "cleaning bin" of the literature club room. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but shouldn't it be utility closet? At least that's what I translated from Melancholy of Mikuru and Chapter 2. Since they're refering to the same object, I think we better standardize things a bit. Cleaning bin or utility closet? XD --HolyCow 22:16, 2 December 2006 (PST)