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I'm using my user page for a sandbox, so there's nothing to see here!

Koizumi began chuckling, Asahina-san's giant tear drops trickled endlessly to the ground, while Haruhi turned her face away. At first glance it would seem that she looked mad.

Let's talk about something interesting: Grapefruits.

Although the origin of the grapefruit poses a bit of a mystery, the term "grapefruit" originated in Jamaica in 1814, and the cultivated fruit was introduced to Florida area from the Bahamas in 1823. Surveys of citrus populations in the Old World and Asia, where most citrus fruits have their historical origins, have not been able to confirm the presence of any native-growing grapefruit trees. However, searches in the West Indies have uncovered populations of (apparently) naturally growing grapefruit.

A "perfectly ripe" grapefruit has a healthy, yellow color covering more than 2/3rds of the fruit surface, and a minimum soluble solids/acid ratio (which is tightly related to flavor) of 5.5 to 6. Grapefruit do not continue to ripen after harvest so they should be harvested fully-ripe and consumed early. Color intensity and uniformity, firmness, size, shape, peel thickness, smoothness, and freedom from decay and defects (such as freezing injury, rind staining, pitting, scars, and insect damage) are all signed of a high quality and delicious fruit. Presently, the most popular types of grapefruit are seedless white and ruby red varieties. The appeal of seedless varieties developed for the fresh fruit market have been bred at the expense of flavor. Older, seeded varieties are used to make grapefruit juice because of their superior taste and juiciness.

Grapefruit (as well as other citrus fruits) grow well in average temperatures of 71-75 degrees Fahrenheit along with sunny weather and plentiful rainfall. Unlike many hardwood fruits such as apple or cherry, grapefruit trees are damaged easily by cold weather.

Man, isn't it just so fascinating? I know I'm going to scroll back up and pour over this juicy tidbit of history (pun intended!) again, just because it's SO fascinating!

  • stares at preview page*


『Untitled 1』 Nagato Yuki

I am a ghost, said the girl when we met about xxxx before.

When I asked for her name, "I do not have a name." was her answer. "Since I do not have a name, I am a ghost. You are probably the same." the girl continued.

That is correct. I am also a ghost. If a being is able to converse with ghosts, then that being must also be a ghost. Like I am now.

"Well then, shall we go?"

She said, and I followed. The girl's steps were so light, she looked completely alive. Where will you go, the girl asked me, as she stopped moving her feet and turned around.

"You can go anywhere. Was there a place you wanted to go to?"

I was lost in thought for a moment. Where have I gotten to? What is this place? Why am I here?

As I stood still, I couldn't help but gaze into the girl's dark eyes.

"Weren't you thinking of going to xxxx?"

The girl had discerned my answer. When I heard those words, I finally understood what my own role was. Yes. I was on my way there. How could I forget? For this important matter, I had a reason to live and exist.

It is something I must not forget.

I stood absolutely still. The passing of time had lost its meaning.

"So, that's that, then."

The girl smiled happily. I nodded, and expressed my thanks to her.

"Good bye."

The girl disappeared, leaving me by myself. She had probably returned to her place. And in the same way, I had to return to my place.

White things were falling from the sky. Numerous, tiny, fluttering, aqueous crystals. They fell to the earth and vanished.

It was one of the wonders that filled time and space. In this world, such wonders were common. I stood absolutely still. The passing of time had lost its meaning.

Those wonders of bound cotton continued to fall, one after another.

This shall be my name.

And with that thought, I was a ghost no more.