Fate/stay night ~French~ セイバールート七日目-00 english

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 [line2]If I can, I'd prefer nobody to be sad.
 If I can make people around me happy just by helping them myself, I think that would make the world a pleasant place to live in.
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 That was Kiritsugu's favorite phrase.
 The man who was a superhero to me was saying that he thought he was a failure.
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 He didn't even need to explain it to me.
 The world of the young me was so different from the world of the adult Kiritsugu that the passing grade to be a superhero was different.
 For me as a child, the house was my only world.
 So it was enough for me if I could keep protecting my father, Fuji-Nee, myself, and the shed that I loved.
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 I only tried to protect the ones I could see.
 But maybe Kiritsugu wanted to do something about even the ones he couldn't see.
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 [line2]I was reckless when I was young.
 I educated myself by cursing the heartlessness of the world.
 The world was cruel[line2]so I made myself even more heartless and used that as a weapon, trying to follow through on my ideals.
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 There will always be some that cannot be saved.
 It is impossible to save everyone.
 If I have to lose five hundred to earn one thousand,
 I will abandon one hundred and save the lives of nine hundred.
 That is the most efficient method.
 That is the ideal[line2]Kiritsugu once said that.
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 Of course, I got mad.
 I really got mad.
 Because I knew that without being told.
 Because I myself was saved like that.
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 I don't even need to be told something as obvious as that.
 But still[line2]I believed that someone would be a superhero if they saved everyone even though they think like that.
 It may be an idealistic thought or an impossible pipe dream, but a superhero is someone who tries to save everyone in spite of that.
  • page8|
 [line2]You're right, Shirou.
 The result is the most important thing. But with that aside, your heart trying to do so is[line3]
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 [line2]Oh yeah, Kiritsugu said something about the heart.
 ...I can't remember too well.
 After all, it's rare for me to remember something from such a long time ago.
 I must be in a deep sleep.
 That must be true, as it's rare for me to dream at all.
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 [line3]Shirou, please wake up. It is almost time for breakfast.
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 As proof, I am in the shameful situation of Saber having to wake me up[line2]
  • page12|
 I raise myself from the futon.
 It's six thirty. Bright sunlight shines in from outside.
 "It is morning, Shirou. Are you not going to be preparing breakfast?"
 In front of me is Saber's discontented face.
  • page13|
 "[line2]I slept in. I'll get up right away."
 "...I do not think there is any need to apologize to me, but it is true that you do not have time to take it easy. It seems Sakura and Rin were arguing earlier."
 "Sakura and Tohsaka arguing...?"
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 What's that about?
 Hold on, don't get me cornered into an incomprehensible situation right when I get up.
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 "Is that in Tohsaka's room?"
 "No, it is in the living room. I only passed by, so I do not know the details."
 "All right. I'll hurry."
  • page16|
 I have something I need to do before that.
 "...? What is it Shirou?"
 "Good morning, Saber. Thanks for waking me up."
 I greet her, then I really make my way to the hallway.
 ...But arguing with Sakura, what's Tohsaka doing!?
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 I run into the living room.
 There's no sign of Sakura in the living room, and Tohsaka is watching the weather forecast by herself.
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 "Morning. You seem agitated, calling my name first thing in the morning."
 She turns around as if asking me what's going on.
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 That's weird. It doesn't seem like she's been arguing with Sakura....
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 "Yeah, morning. ...Hey, Tohsaka. I heard you were arguing with Sakura, is that true?"
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 "Huh? ...I see, you must have heard it from Saber.
  Yes, you could say that looking at it objectively, but it wasn't really anything. I just told her not to come here for a while."
  • page22|
 Is that something you can say easily!?
 She means she made Sakura stop coming here, right!?
  • page23|
 "That's ridiculous. Sakura refused before already. There's no way Sakura would agree, even if you asked her again[line2]"
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 "It might not be possible, but she went home once I offered her terms. I said I'd go back home if she doesn't come here for a week. That established a negotiation between us. She reluctantly went home. Oh yeah, she gave her best regards to you."
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 "Best regards... you[line2]"
 She did something so selfish without telling me[line2]
 ...No, I'm wrong.
 Tohsaka was just doing something I should have done already.
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 "[line2]I see. I'm sorry that I made you do something so troubling this early in the morning. You must be feeling bad, Tohsaka."
 "...? No, it wasn't hard nor unpleasant. Why do you say that?"
  • page27|
 "Well, you were friends with Sakura. So you probably didn't want to tell Sakura head on to get out of here.
  That's why I'm apologizing. I should've been firm, but I caused you trouble again."
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 "[line2]T-That's fine. I just drove out Sakura for my own safety. There's no reason for you to apologize to me."
 "...? Your safety?"
  • page29|
 "Shinji is a Master, right?
  Knowing him, he would be angry at you if he found out Sakura was at your house. So it's best not to have Sakura here until we settle things with Shinji."
  • page30|
 ...I see.
 She's right now that she mentions it.
 I don't think Shinji was lying when he said he wouldn't tell Sakura anything.
 But having his sister Sakura here might give him the wrong idea.
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 "...Right. It looks like we were holding Sakura hostage against Shinji."
  • page32|
 "Exactly. And that aside, it's true that this place is dangerous.
  We can't let her walk around at night, so it's best to have her stay calm for a while. It's for Sakura's sake and our sake."
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 "...Yeah, you're right. I feel sorry for Sakura, but I'll apologize later and have her forgive me."
 But I won't be able to tell her why even when that time comes.
  • page34|
 It's really getting to me.
 It's depressing that I've rejected Sakura, who comes to help me all the time, like this.
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 "Oh, you're so dispirited. What happened to the power that made you scream at me? Is Emiya-kun so lonely without Sakura?"
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 Tohsaka makes an evil face.
 ...Crap. I knew she would make fun of me if I showed weakness, and now I've done it.
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 "...Leave me alone. Anyways, Sakura was a symbol of peace at my house. She supplied something that was missing with just Fuji-Nee and me. But I sent her away for my convenience, so yes, it's depressing."
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 "Oh, you do understand. You pass if you can say that. It seems you're getting more determined to win."
 "...? W-What are you trying to say, Tohsaka?"
  • page39|
 "Don't you get it? I'm saying that Sakura will return once the fight is over.
  You say you don't need the Holy Grail, but you could fight to keep the peace you have now. See, it's good to have a clear goal."
 Tohsaka says so with a big smile.
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 If she puts it like that, I can only agree.
 ...Geez, how should I say this?
 Once again, I realize that this person is both infinitely ill-natured and really great.
  • page41|
 "Whaaat? Then Sakura-chan won't be coming here for a while?"
 "Yeah, so why don't you go back home and give your parents a treat? Your father was complaining that his daughter didn't care about him."
  • page42|
 "I can leave my dad alone. He won't die even if I'm not there.
  And I have to be firm if Sakura-chan isn't here. You're a boy, so if something happens, you'll get a disciplinary dismissal. Can you take responsibility in that case?"
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 "That won[line2]"
 Unfortunately, man's nature does not let me declare that it "won't happen".
  • page44|
 "...Emiya-kun? What was that pause?"
 She glares.
 Tohsaka's stare is painful.
 "[line3]I don't think that's going to happen. This isn't a normal stay.
  I know that."
  • page45|
 "I see. Good, Emiya-kun is indeed trustworthy, Sensei."
 "Of course. Shirou is so calm that it makes me think I've gone too far with my tastes."
 Tohsaka smiles while Fuji-Nee puffs with pride.
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 Saber silently watches them while eating.
 ...This is only the second day, but I don't think I'll ever get used to this atmosphere.
  • page47|
 "Oh yeah, Shirou. It's about the archery club, but did you know that Mitsuzuri-san got injured?"
 "Mitsuzuri? What? Did she get in a fight with someone again? Geez, she's almost a third year, so she should calm down a little.
  ...So, how's the injury? Is it bad?"
  • page48|
 "It's fine. It was a light sprain. It seems she was attacked by a molester on her way home.
  She's fast, right? She ran away quickly, but injured herself when she fell over at the end."
  • page49|
 "...I see. Thank God it was nothing serious. But a molester attacking her... he must be reckless or have discerning tastes.
  Either way, he was a stupid molester. I thought..."
 "You thought she knocked him out instead of running away, right?"
 Fuji-Nee smiles.
 Indeed, she knows Mitsuzuri Ayako well.
  • page50|
 "Yeah. It's rare for her to run away.
  But... I see, even Mitsuzuri is weak against molesters. I guess that's good. It's impossible to teach her femininity unless something like this happens."
 Approving, I eat the well-cooked rice.
  • page51|
 "Hey, Emiya-kun."
 Tohsaka Rin pats my shoulder with a smile.
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 "Should I tell you something interesting too?"
 "...? What? There isn't much that's more interesting than what I just heard."
  • page53|
 "Yeah. I haven't mentioned it, but Ayako and I are good friends. Did you know we're friends who hang out together on weekends?"
 [line3]Hold on.
 Why... are she... and Ayako... good friends?
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 "Don't worry, I will tell her the exact words of this conversation. If I tell her you're happy, I bet she'll be so happy that she'll break about ten roof tiles."
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 "[line2]I would like to correct myself. I just used the wrong words. It's not something to tell other people about, so it would really help me out if you kept quiet about it."
  • page56|
 "Is that so? I can keep it a secret, but it might be hard unless there are some conditions on that. You see, it could just slip out, you know?"
 "...Hey now. It's not good to smile when you're saying something modest."
  • page57|
 "Oh, I'm sorry. It's not like I'm having fun, so don't misunderstand."
 Oh no, I understand.
 You really are having fun.
  • page58|
 "...I get it. I'll make the breakfasts Western-style from now on.
  ...I now feel like accepting your request that breakfast should be toast."
  • page59|
 "[line2]Good. I'll be happy if you remember to use strawberry jam and not just marmalade."
 "...Sigh. What do you think a Japanese morning is? You're a tyrant, changing breakfast to suit your own selfish tastes."
  • page60|
 "[line2]No, that is incorrect. I too am happy for breakfast to be bread. It would be perfect if soft-boiled eggs are prepared as well."
 ...And Saber adds her opinion.
  • page61|
 "Fine. All right, I'll make Western-style breakfast, okay? You guys are on a roll just because Sakura makes Western-style food.
  I'll start making Western-style breakfasts starting tomorrow, so you guys will have no complaints, right? And that conversation's a secret. Don't tell Mitsuzuri about it."
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 I look away from the two with a humph and start eating.
 ...And then.
 "Why are you doing something so pointless?"
 Fuji-Nee, who has watched our conversation with wonder, murmurs.
  • page63|
 "...What? What do you mean pointless, Fuji-Nee?"
 "Cause I'll tell Mitsuzuri-san even if Tohsaka-san doesn't. I can't keep quiet about something like that."
 Fuji-Nee eats after nodding that it's a problem.
 I have to come up with some countermeasure real soon or I'll really lose my position....
  • page64|
 Breakfast ends and it's now seven-thirty.
 It's rare, but Fuji-Nee is still at the house and suggests with a smile that we should go to school together.
  • page65|
 ...But I can't do that.
 The decision last night.
 As long as I said I would fight without relying on Saber, I can't be so easygoing.
 If I have to put any extra time into fighting, I don't have time for school.
  • page66|
 "Then let's go. Is the house locked up, Shirou?"
 "No, that's fine. I'm going to skip school today."
 I raise my hand in goodbye and see Tohsaka and Fuji-Nee off.
  • page67|
 Fuji-Nee freezes for a few seconds and...
 "Hey, what do you mean you're skipping school!?"
 "Huh, what?"
 It seems Tohsaka said something Fuji-Nee wanted to say.
  • page68|
 "T-That's right, Shirou. There's nothing wrong with you to make you skip school, right?"
 "No, my wound hurts. Old wounds hurt when the temperature goes down, right? It's kind of like that."
  • page69|
 "Hm... That's a lie, right Shirou?"
 "It's a lie, but let me go with it. It's not that I don't want to go to school. I have something I have to do, and it's just that it's more important right now. So please let me go."
  • page70|
 "...Geez. I lose if you have to put it like that. You're always like this when you can't tell me about things. You were like that as a child."
 It seems Fuji-Nee understands, even though she's complaining.
  • page71|
 "So that's that. I'll leave the school to you. Is that okay, Tohsaka?"
 "...I see. Well, it doesn't matter for me if Emiya-kun comes or not. This isn't a bad choice."
  • page72|
 "Yeah, leave the house to me. I'll skip work for a while too, so I won't leave the house much."
 "...All right, Then I'll be off, Shirou. You're absent from school because of an injury, so don't leave the house much."
 "See you. ...It's fine this time, but ask me about things like this beforehand next time."
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