Fate/stay night ~French~ セイバールート六日目-05 english

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  • page0|&f.scripttitle
 I see the two off and return to the living room.
 I said I had to talk to them after dinner, so Tohsaka and Saber are waiting in the living room with serious expressions.
  • page1|
 "Thanks. [line2]So what is it that you want to talk about?"
 "About the other Masters. There's something I want to tell you guys."
 Saber raises her brows a bit.
 ...As a Servant, she must prefer battles where she uses her sword to these peaceful days.
  • page2|
 But her wounds shouldn't have healed yet.
 The wound on her chest made by Lancer's "Noble Phantasm" isn't something even Saber can heal quickly.
  • page3|
 Thinking about that makes me hesitate telling them about Shinji.
 I feel the same way as Shinji.
 I want to avoid starting fights, and[line3]I think the girl in front of me swinging a sword is a disparate image.
  • page4|
 "Shirou. You have something to tell us?"
 "Uh[line2]yeah. Right, this is something I should tell you guys. ...To put it simply, I went and met with Rider's Master today."
  • page5|
 "Wha... Rider's Master!? When did this happen!?"
 "Ridiculous! Meeting with another Master by yourself, what were you thinking!?"
 "Whoa, hold on, calm down...! It's all right. I'm not hurt, so don't get mad."
  • page6|
 "Do not get mad!? No, I am not mad.
  I am only stunned by your actions."
 "...Me too. Well, it's no use arguing over what's done.
  So, what's going on Shirou?"
  • page7|
 Tohsaka and Saber glare at me with obvious anger in their eyes.
 I thought they would say something about me being thoughtless, but I didn't think they would get this mad.
  • page8|
 "...I met him this afternoon.
  I only went because he wanted to talk to me, and it's not like we fought."
 "I can tell by looking. So, what kind of a guy was Rider's Master?"
  • page9|
 "What kind of guy... well, it's Shinji.
  He called out to me when I was searching for the boundary field. He said he wanted to talk to me and asked me to follow him, so I went to Matou's house."
  • page10|
 "Wha[line2]Shinji? You mean, that Shinji!?"
 "Yeah. Rider was obeying him, and he knew about the Holy Grail War. According to him, the Matou family is a lineage of magi with a history."
  • page11|
 "Huh[line3]yeah, well, that's true, but... it can't be true. The Matou family was exhausted in the last generation. No matter what they do, their children won't have a Magic Circuit. That's for certain."
  • page12|
 Tohsaka declares so.
 If so, Shinji and Sakura really should be normal people without Magic Circuits.
  • page13|
 "Yeah, Shinji said that too. But he said they still had the knowledge. Something about it being taught only to Shinji, the eldest son, so Sakura didn't know about it.
  ...In short, he's a Master rather like me. He said he doesn't have any magical energy, so he wouldn't be detected by your perceptions."
  • page14|
 "...I see. I messed up. There certainly could be such cases... If they have grimoires remaining, he would be able to become a Master. Then geez, my actions were totally obvious to him! I'm an idiot."
  • page15|
 Tohsaka is mumbling, reflecting on her actions.
 ...Hm. Tohsaka is close to perfect, but I think there are a few things missing.
 Unfortunately, they're the most crucial ones.
  • page16|
 "That was a mistake on my part. I should have kept an eye on Shinji. If I'd known, I wouldn't have let him construct that boundary field."
 "Oh, Shinji said the boundary field at school wasn't his. He said there's another Master at school."
  • page17|
 "Yes, that's true. It's obvious that there's another Master at school who we don't know about.
  But Shirou... don't tell me you're just trusting Shinji's word that he's not the one who constructed the boundary field?"
  • page18|
 "...No, I'm not that good-natured. As long as Shinji goes to our school, I think there's an even chance it's his doing. The alternative being the unknown Master."
  • page19|
 "Even, huh? ...I think you're still being very good-natured.
  Well, that's fine. That good nature is just the way you are, and that must be why Shinji told you his true identity."
  • page20|
 "Oh well. So what did you talk with Shinji about?"
 "He asked me if I wanted to cooperate with him. It seems Shinji has no intention of fighting, so he seemed to want to ally with someone he knew."
  • page21|
 "Eh[line2]Shirou, then you..."
 "No, isn't it natural to refuse? I've already joined up with you.
  Even if I were to agree, I'd have to ask you first."
  • page22|
 "Oh... yeah. That... is true. But didn't you say you refused?"
 "Yeah. Like I said, I answered Shinji on my own. It wasn't something to debate. ...Oh, was I too hasty?"
  • page23|
 "...Not particularly. I think your decision was correct. Well, if you were the one asked, it's not something I can complain about."
 The way she mumbles so isn't like Tohsaka at all.
  • page24|
 "That was it from Shinji.
  From what I saw, Rider isn't a strong Servant. Even putting Berserker outside of the picture, I don't think she had the same presence as Lancer. And Rider herself was more normal than I expected."
  • page25|
 "...If you think so, it must be true. But a Servant's true power is determined by their Noble Phantasm. Please do not underestimate her until we find out Rider's true identity."
  • page26|
 "...Yeah. I couldn't tell at all which heroine she was. See, Lancer and Berserker feel like heroes, right? But Rider didn't have that feeling. I felt like she was different from a normal Servant."
  • page27|
 "[line2]Different from a normal Servant?
  I do not understand. Rin, can you explain Shirou's strange feeling?"
  • page28|
 "Huh...? Uh... yeah, I think I understand.
  Well, it's because the Master influences which heroic spirit is summoned as the Servant. The Master and Servant end up being similar people.
  • page29|
 "So if the Master is a noble person, a heroic spirit similar to them will be summoned. And if a person with a huge scar in their mind summons a heroic spirit, a heroic spirit with a scar in their mind appears as well.
  The strange feeling Shirou had towards Rider must be that.
  A Master with a crooked mind sometimes summons vengeful ghosts almost like heroic spirits instead of a hero."
  • page30|
 "Vengeful ghost almost like heroic spirits... could that be what you were talking about before[line2]"
 "Yes. A mass murderer that loves the sight of blood and thinks nothing of killing people.
  Actually, there are heroes with only massacres to their legend, so it's not strange for something like that to become a Servant."
  • page31|
 Is that so?
 Certainly, I could only smell blood on Rider, but she didn't seem like a blood-thirsty killer....
  • page32|
 "...Well, that's all there is to say about Rider.
  There's one more thing, but it might be the most important.
  According to Rider, there seems to be another Master at the Ryudou Temple. I guess this Master is collecting magical energy from everyone in this town. What do you two make of this?"
  • page33|
 "Ryudou Temple...? You mean that temple at the top of the mountain?"
 "Yeah. What, does it mean something to you, Tohsaka?"
  • page34|
 "Of course not. It's just the opposite. I've never been to the Ryudou Temple.
  I don't know what kind of a Master this person is, but normally, you wouldn't choose to position yourself in such a remote place."
  • page35|
 "Right. I was also surprised when I heard that a Master's at the Ryudou Temple.
  Even though it won't draw people's attention, there are many monks living there. If they act strangely, I think there'd be an quick uproar."
  • page36|
 "Hmmm... I can't quite trust that story.
  Even if it was the case, the Ryudou Temple is on the outskirts of the suburbs, right?
  To reach out to Miyama City and Shinto is more like a waste of magical energy than a great magic. Such large scale magic is impossible even with the magical energy collected from it."
  • page37|
 Then, Tohsaka starts to think with a troubled face.
 I'm relying on Tohsaka's opinion, so there's nothing I can do until she talks again.
  • page38|
 "[line2]No, that story is very plausible.
  If one takes that temple, such magic would be naturally possible."
 "...? Saber by 'that temple'[line2]you know of Ryudou Temple? I haven't taken you there yet."
  • page39|
 "Did you forget, Shirou? I have participated in the Holy Grail War previously as well. I am well-informed about the city, and I know that the temple is a fallen ley line."
  • page40|
 "[line2]Fallen ley line!? Hold on, that's what my house is! Why are there two foci of ley lines in one area!?"
  • page41|
 "I do not know, but that temple is a place magi can call sacred.
  I hear it is where the life of the region flows to, so it would be a perfect base to collect souls from. A magus need only to intervene in the natural flow to collect life forces from the whole city."
  • page42|
 "...I've never heard of that.
  But if that's the case, then it would certainly be possible for someone to steal life forces from all the people in the city..."
  • page43|
 "In other words, it's just an area that's spiritually superior, right? That's only natural. You don't build a temple anywhere else."
  • page44|
 "Ugh[line2]o-of course. You don't need to tell me that."
 "I thought so. Temples and shrines have been built in sacred places to protect the town since ancient times. It's not that the monks pray to grant happiness. They remove evil by sealing the ill-omened. On that basis, it's only natural that the mountain Ryudou Temple is on would be a sacred place."
  • page45|
 "Hey[line2]I don't want to consider this, but did you think that Ryudou Temple was just for show?"
 "Yeah, I did, is there something wrong with that!? Until now, I thought that temple was just for show because it didn't have any practicing healers!"
 "Practicing healers...? What is that?"
  • page46|
 "People who let ghosts go to heaven without using chants, faith, or prayers.
  Enlightened people try to do so with just Buddhist powers, but monks without enough training haven't reached that level yet, so they add their own power to create spells like ours.
  There's some kind of organization of those kinds of people in this country. But they're incompatible with the Magic Association, so I don't know too much about them.
  • page47|
 "No, more importantly, the temple.
  If that temple is a ley line, Masters should try to take it immediately. That's strange... why are others ignoring that place?"
  • page48|
 "Because the Ryudou Temple is there, right? They keep watch so it doesn't get misused."
 "The monks at the Ryudou Temple are all pure monks in training.
  They aren't like us, so it'd be easy for a Master to control them."
  • page49|
 "No, Rin, that is wrong. It would certainly be easy for a Master to gain control of that temple. But that mountain has a boundary field that is inconvenient for Masters."
  • page50|
 "...? A boundary field that's inconvenient for us?"
 "Yes. There is a spell on that mountain that tries to eliminate anything other than natural spirits. It has no effect on normal humans, but it is a dreadful place for us Servants."
  • page51|
 "Eliminates anything other than natural spirits[line2]then that means Servants can't enter the mountain!"
  • page52|
 "It is possible, but our abilities would degrade.
  It is much like receiving a Command Spell telling us not to go near that place."
 "[line2]Then how is the Master at the Ryudou Temple maintaining its Servant?"
  • page53|
 "There is no boundary field once you enter the temple.
  I hear that the boundary field was originally a border to protect the temple. The boundary field is only something that rejects people from outside, so it has no other powers."
  • page54|
 "...Then if we make it inside, there's nothing that affects the Servant?
 "...But that's strange. If you close the temple off like that, the ley line itself would stop. You would have to at least keep one way open or it couldn't be the center of the ley line, right?"
  • page55|
 "Yes. If you think in terms of the temple, it cannot refuse those visiting through the proper entrance. It may be following on this idea, but I heard that the road leading to the temple does not have the boundary field.
  At that temple, only the main gate does not have the power to command us Servants."
  • page56|
 "...I see. That must be it. If you close off all the gates, the air inside will stagnate. Hmm, only the main gate, huh...?"
  • page57|
 "That is all that I can tell you.
  [line2]So, please come up with a plan. We have proven that there is a Master, so I believe there is only one action to take."
  • page58|
 I know what Saber wants to say.
 Her eyes tell me that since the location of the enemy is known, all that's left is to attack.
  • page59|
 "I'm going to pass on this.
  It seems like a trap, and honestly, I can't take any action with this little information. If you're going to go to their homeground, you should at least wait until you find out what kind of Servant they have."
  • page60|
 "...That is unexpected. I thought that you would go and fight."
 "Go ahead and insult me. Archer isn't fully healed yet, so I'll remain a spectator for a while."
  • page61|
 "I understand. Then Shirou, let us go to the temple by ourselves."
 Saber says this as if it is the natural thing to do.
 But that's...