Gakuen Kino:Volume1 Prologue

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In this parody, no character whatsoever is connected to the novel “Kino no Tabi-The Beautiful World-”

It’s morning now. No matter how you see it, it’s definitely morning. The blinding sun rose from perhaps the east, warming the vast earth this summer. There was a building erected within a forest of abundant greenery. A dome sat in the center serving as a lobby along with two blocks resembling public apartments close to it’s sides, both giving off cold forsaken vibes.

Inside the buildings, there are accommodations for people. A room consists of a study table, a closet and bed and other basic necessities for living. To put it in better words, everything’s simple and complete, but in reality, the living space is rather confined. The interior arrangement gives one a certain sort of impression. Indeed, this is a school dormitory.

There are various notebooks and textbooks spread out across the study table. If the user was male, he might have stationary unique in both colors and shapes. In front of the closet, there is a sailor uniform being hung up by a hanger. Even though it’s a said Sailor uniform, it’s different from those worn by courageous and buffed sailormen. Rather, it’s a common sailor uniform worn by school girls during the summer.

As for the uniform’s owner… the owner’s currently lying on the bed.

On top of a wooden bed frame located at one side of the room, there’s a simple mattress. Above that mattress lay a sleeping girl with a novel which had gun models and symbols such as “Heckle&Koch”, “Colt” and “Smith&Wesson” printed on it. Most people wouldn’t even know where such a thing could be bought. Her pale blue pajamas had words like “Ready to shoot!”, “There’re machine guns” and “Contacting the artillery!” and other similar military based phrased printed in a comic fontstyle. It had a unique design that even for people who were interested in such things had no idea where to buy them.

Her age looks to be around 15 or 16. Short and black hair that looks like it has just been blown up by explosives. At the moment, the girl’s eyes are shut closed while she slept soundly, her slow breathing emitting from her mouth. “Fuu… fuu…”. Under the sunlight that shone past the green curtains and into the room, her sleeping expression appears to be very contended.

“Oh please! How long more are you going to sleep! Wake up, Wake up, Wake up!! Wake up!!!”

Suddenly, there’s a voice that bounced across the entire room. This is obviously not the girl’s voice, and neither was it from a very advance alarm clock nor cellphone ringtone. It sounded like a young boy’s voice.

“Wake up!!! Wake up!!!”

Just who could this voice belong to? There’s no one else in the room, and the voice just kept growing louder.

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

The voice began to sound like a command being chanted continuously. However, the girl continued to snore quietly…

“Ahh…I can’t eat anymore…But I still want to eat…Yes, this is the power…Ah, I still have another stomach…”

After muttering a mouthful of nonsense from her dreams, she returned to sleeping.

“Really now…”

The voice’s previous yelling gradually began to sound rapid and crazy.

“Pipipipi! Pipipipi! Pipipipi!”

This time, the voice started to mimic an alarm clock’s ringing in it’s highest volume. Just like that, this went on for the next 20 minutes or so. Even for the girl who slept like a log earlier started to frown.

“Pipipipi! Pipipipi! Pipipipi!”

The girl’s hand reached out for the digital clock in an attempt to shut off the alarm. Obviously, the ringing did not come from the clock– The clock’s alarm had already stopped ringing at the original time that the girl should’ve woken up at. The unfortunate clock suffered a slight bashing, letting out a low broken ring after. The girl retracted her hand and continued to sleep in peace.

“Can’t stand this anymore! Pipipipi! Pipipipi! Pipipipi!… This is tiring …Pipipi! Pipipipipipipi!”

The clear sound of ringing began to echo around the room again.


Then, the girl slowly started to open her eyes yet still half asleep. Following that, she lazily sat up and reached back for her clock to check the time.


The crystal clear screen on the clock mercilessly presented the time to to her.

After the girl spend 3 seconds to confirm that this is in fact reality, those tired eyes of hers grew as wide as saucers. Allowing her voice to find its way up her throat, she started stuttering..


She then took a deep breath.

“I’M LATE!!”

This time, yelling as though a tragedy happen.

No sooner, she kicked off the blanket and dashed into the washroom. Similarly, she dashed out just as fast as before at god like speed.

“Why didn’t you wake me?!”

She spoke to the empty room, grumbling to herself. As for the voice that finally succeeded waking her up after plenty of hard work, it replied with obvious frustration…

“I did, several times even!”

“Is that so? You can’t just wake me up by yelling~ You have to hit me to wake me up!”

“Don’t make others do the impossible, would you..”

The voice replied calmly. The girl continued…

“Damn it! Everyday.. Why can’t I just wake up on time everyday.. When I reincarnate, I insist that I become a person that could wake up automatically at the crack of dawn…”

On one hand, her mouth was full of curses, while on the other, she struggled to get dressed. After taking off one piece of clothing and putting on another, followed by putting on the sailor uniform that had been hung up. Lastly, she quickly tidied up her bed-hair that refused to be tamed, leaving a few strands to be sticking out.


In the end, some strength still had to be used. Yes, thanks to it, her hair’s finally neat. Just as she picked up her shoulder bag and was ready to rush out with her room keys in hand…

“Hold it! You forgot something!”

The voice rang out again.

“Oh! My bad, my bad!”

The girl hurried back in and grabbed a small cellphone strap from the table. It was a special accessory done in green and gold. She didn’t own a cellphone, yet she hung the cellphone strap around a key that didn’t even belong to the room. Apparently, the owner of the voice that kept talking from the beginning belonged to none other than the cellphone strap. It spoke, again…


The girl hurriedly walked past the room door, taking the belt that hung by it on the way. It was hung by the doorway to remind her not to forget whenever she heads out.

After placing the belt to her waist, she buckled it securely. There are also several green pouches attached to the belt.

There’s a brown holster on the right leg, and inside held a revolver. However, that’s only a fake replica of the original which does not violate any weapon law. In fact, even if it was only a model gun, no normal high school girl would actually carry it around constantly. But if we were to be picky with things like these, the story would never be able to progress.

The girl forcefully opened the door and walked out, closing it behind her and with a ‘click’, it was locked. Sounds of running echoed through the corridor, along with distant voices of two people having a conversation.

“I’m definitely late this time, Hermes! How are you going to answer to that…”

“What has anything got to do with me, Kino? This is your own problem, it’s your own fault!”

Just like that, the heroine of this story- Kino the high school girl and a mysterious cellphone strap called Hermes, starts off the first day in a mess.

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