Horizon:Volume 4C Chapter 95

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Those who Encounter each other in their Paths

Horizon4C 0961.jpg

The path I'll take

Neverthless, the path will come

The path that overlap, harmonize and go away

Point Allocation (Above and below)

Masazumi took a sharp breath at the colossal white and black bow before her.

It was the center of everyone’s attention.

Horizon, who was looking up at the sky with her knee bent, looked as if she was bowing.

And then, she held the massive bow in her hand, lightly treating it with her fingers as if it were a hairpin.

“Who’s she going to test fire it on?”

“Why the heck are you looking at me! What did I do wrong!?”

Un, nodded Masazumi at everyone together.

Horizon will fire one shot.

However, the idiot killed the moment by forming a heart over his chest with both his hands.

“H-huh? It doesn’t hurt at all! D-don’t tell me Horizon! You’re not angry with me at all!?”

“That’s strange….Ah, the battery disconnected. The indicator’s pure white.”

Sure looks that way, nodded Asama.

She confirmed that the numerous Signframes she sent out to scout Horizon’s surroundings have vanished.

“The rate of information processing has slowed somewhat. Unexpectedly, it appears to be living creatures…..still, it’s a good thing, Horizon. From now on, it’ll be worth hitting and condemning Toori-kun no?”

“Huhuhu, this miko, I wonder if she understands what she’s saying. Simply put, there’s just four here. Next, I’ll get one of them, and then I’ll repeat this again and again. Isn’t it great, again and again! Because of the reverse taper, it’s below the line of the breasts! This spot on Asama! Hey, Adele, don’t turn your eyes away and feel for it! Stick your finger into the gap and your prayers will be answered! You too flat chest!”

Ignoring the lunatic, Masazumi gazed up at the sky.

Overhead, the fleet of Svet Rus had already travelled far ahead for kilometers in the opposite direction.

As she regarded them, she thought of the number of Deadly Sin Armament, four.

“We need to approach the middle ship.”

As usual, Horizon sent everyone watching screaming and fleeing when she occasionally brandished Maska Orgi over her head.

Nonetheless, including Oros Phtonos four Deadly Sin Armament have been gathered in the Far East.

….which means that the end of the world may really be at hand.

Masazumi realized after such a long time.

And then,

“What’s that below the surface of Novgorod?”

What on earth could it be now?

While restraining Kimi who had suddenly thrust both hands like a blade below her breasts, Asama took stock of today’s events on the display screen.

There was Futayo and Kimi training together since morning, the general meeting of the special student council, the second meeting with Yasuhira, the conference of the three states, the treachery of the Ten Heroes of Sanada and the Novgorod battle…

“….Eh? How many events did we go through for today alone?”

・金マル: [Margot]

『Which novel hero is Nai-chan, diving in to the falling floating city like that to save Ga-chan?』

・俺 : [Toori]

『Ah—It’s surprisingly calm so I’m not really worried….But I realize now that the men and old geezers like me more! 』

・十ZO: [Tensou]

『Geezers and men? But peace is good enough. I got kicked by my own friends when I clashed with Lord Shibata…..』

・銀 狼: [Nate]

『That was strategy! Strategy!!』

・傷有り: [Mary]

『Huhu, Lady Mitotsudaira, you’ll have some proper medical treatment afterwards so please lie on the bed in the treatment room and remove your clothes in preparation alright? You too, Lord Tenzou.』

・● 画: [Malga]

『Production censor, rise—! Today’s the last of the last of the good days!!』

・83 : [Hassan]

『That’s not good— the curry and wheat flour that was to be made into sauce have been treated poorly.』

・粘着王: [Nenji]

『Hu, at that rate, you might as well let Noriki actively join in.』

・いんび: [Itoken]

『Yeah! Next we’ll break the defenses of the enemy ships!』

・礼讃者: [Ohiroshiki]

『In my opinion, this is possibly a sequenced system.』

Chaos as usual eh…., thought Asama as Hanami gathered the myriad reports together.

The longest one was, as expected, what they had seen in Novgorod.

Information from the earliest eras was an important matter for Shinto’s power.

The previously inviolable Novgorod was thus all the more vital.

While a record may be requested, her father had already taken on the role of researcher at Kantou IZUMO and Musashi IZUMO.

As someone involved with the operations of Musashi, it would be difficult for her to travel to IZUMO and the main shrine at Shirasago.

Then again, she also couldn’t leave Musashi now.

…..It was really troublesome…..

Asama thought as she acknowledged the data that Hanami brought it.

Looking at the surface of Novgorod, just what is the mark left by the shavings from the relief that was blessed by the people?

….Twin-boundary crest….

Just why was Oranje spirited away by that thing?

Also, when he said,

“We tried to be friends with the Princess in the academy that Lord Motonobu created,”

What did he mean by that?

And finally, what is the meaning of the thing that appeared on Masazumi’s back?

While she may probably be able to get rid of it with the defensive spells she prepared, but on that point…

“U—n…..hey, don’t grope me Kimi.”

“Don’t brood there by yourself. Share it with us please.”

Good point, Asama thought.

Suddenly, from various places on Musashi, defensive barriers sprang up.

Emergency situation.

“Musashi” broadcasted that point.

『Over, fleet has appeared from secondary stealth cloaking! Heading west-northwest to south. Registration is— 』

That was


Futayo looked up at the night sky.

Looking down on Musashi, which was still reverberating throughout with the echoes from the last of the bombardment, the Hashiba fleet headed east.

That was a trajectory that would take them overhead this point.

The capital ships supporting the vanguard groups erected their “Tottori Castle” with defensive barriers of sand.

There was no sense of harm from them.

However, their destination was, according to the glasses person,

“To advance the Mouri assault on a full scale, they’ll return once to P.A. Oda for resupply. As the Date have created a diversion from Kantou’s north, Kantou’s supplies cannot reach the Mouri in Azuchi Castle. That is why the assault forces dare to use the Tottori Castle at their positions while a large quantity of supplies are swiftly brought back— They have already trained for a large counter-response from the Mouri.”

I see, Futayo nodded.

Soaring in the sky, the Weiss Hexen called in a sharp voice,

“The Hashiba are here….!”

The port deck of the Tottori Castle.

From there, the Hashiba stood, looking down this way.

And with that,

“Fukushima Masanori and Katou Kiyomasa of the Ten Spears. As for the rest—”

Numerous figures could be seen behind the silhouettes of the two main persons.

Two were overlapped with wings and bore the cannon-like Schalebesen.

And opposing them atop Musashi,

“Lady Horizon!?”

She was staring ahead of her.

Horizon deployed Maska Orgi.

Futayo looked pointedly up with her eyebrows raised at the Hashiba drifting overhead.

This is the princess’s wrath then? She thought.

The change occurred in an instant.

She raised the face-like grip cover to her chin.

The un-stretched bowstring began to glow with Ether energy.

That wasn’t just a simple line.

It was flame-like, superheated Ether.

There were two main reasons why Maska Orgi could function even when it has insufficient fuel.

First, Aspisa Filargyria was deployed at the same time.

The other reason is that Toori’s Ether supply line covered Horizon like a cape.

And then,





Jud, Horizon nodded.

And then Horizon wondered.

What is wrath?

…..That was—

There was something she remembered.

A concept in the past similar to the situation now.

At the Battle of Mikatagahara, they were pursued from the north of Edo all the way to the Oushuu side. In that state, they went toe to toe against the Hashiba.

During this time, plenty of people came to their aid.



The emotion behind the reason for the separate loss of her feelings.

If this is wrath then who should it be aimed at?

The Hashiba?

Or the spineless ones that made up her own side.


“Horizon, you will use wrath to change yourself? Because imperfect as you are, you’ll never again be undefeated. And so to demonstrate this, release it, Horizon. We’ll use wrath--”

His voice came from behind her.

“Whether it be convention or despair, we’ll make use of the situations in which are helpless. We’ll bear the fact that we have lost everything and we’ll say this— To those who have forgotten how to fight back against fate.”


It’s clear now, thought Horizon.

The doubt within her ever since the Battle of Mikatagahara.

That doubt was,

“People fight back and recover and go through sadness and joy. But….in whatever way we live, isn’t it true that we all still die…..!!”

At the very least, she’d wanted an answer.

That was a process of elimination.

Those who’d gone still remained in the heart however.

“….Fight back against fate!!”


At the area where Horizon drew the bowstring back, a huge Signframe appeared.

The small figure of a cross and bird was displayed for an instant on the first blank of the jet black Signframe.

After that,



….This was—

As if complying with her feelings, the black and white bow stretched and light sprang from the bowstring like flames.


Crying in a high voice, Horizon fired Maska Orgi at the Hashiba.

Wrath is invisible.

However, in a straight line from obliquely downwards, right at Hashiba looking down from the decks,


There was a direct hit.

It appeared that way.

But light was produced.

Dead in front of Hashiba.

On top of it being a maneuver that bound her and Horizon together, a colossal burst of light bloomed at the most recent position.

The vast, umbrella-shaped Ether fragment leapt from the surface of the ship like a spark.

However, in the center of the illumination by the scattering light, Hashiba stood immobile.

There wasn’t a scratch on her.

Horizon sucked in a breath.

She tightly grasped Maska Orgi in her left hand.

“Don’t tell me…..this Maska Orgi becomes the same as the Muneshige Cannon after one shot….!”

“Lord Muneshige! Lord Muneshige!!”

・かげV: [Kagekatsu]

『Marfa! Why are you on your knees! Marfa!』

“Oi, Horizon, why the hell are you hurting your own comrades!?”

“Erm, for now, I witnessed the action where the Muneshige Cannon pulverized enemy ships the other day. Ehh, that’s about it.”

Horizon looked up over Toori’s right thumb.

However, Ulquiaga, looking up overhead, called out

“Oi, Hashiba sighted. To the eyes of this humble priest, the thing that monkey is holding is….”

He said in a voice colored with disbelief,

“Isn’t that a Deadly Sin Armament!?”

The opposite direction of the wind.

In the center of the passing flow, Hashiba relaxed her stance.

On her back, one of the shiny feathers of the wing-like iron fan that reached out vertically, extended.

And then there was the thing she held in her left hand.

That was,

“Aspisa Philargyria!?”

Ahead of everyone’s questions, Fukushima of the Ten Spears became aware of this direction, and lightly waved her raised right hand side to side indicating “that’s not it.”

“Excuse me. But then, what was that!?”

Before Asama’s question, Maska Orgi’s light dispersed and was cut.

And with that, the Tottori Castle increased its speed.

No answer was forthcoming.

The wind swirled.



On the deck, Hashiba raised her body.

And then everybody in the vicinity seemed to scramble to support the unsteady girl.

It was very difficult.

But that was all it took.

The Tottori Castle entered stealth once more; the trailing ships pressing on.


Already, Novgorod was no longer in the sky, the Svet Russian and Mogami fleets had already departed for northeastern skies and the Shibata fleet headed for the skies of the south.

Only Musashi remained alone in the cold sky.


Horizon stood with her mouth agape on the bridge before the academy.

In between everyone who had become speechless, she grabbed Toori’s sleeve alone.

“What Lord Hashiba did…”

She asked.


Horizon murmured.

“Why did Lord Hashiba have a Deadly Armament Sin-like object?”

“Speaking of similarities,”

Asama began and everyone inclined their heads.

In the midst of that, Masazumi said,

“All the more because it’s a Deadly Sin Armament, that it’s a deadly sin of a fake.”

The entire place became still.

A white sky.

Basking in the wind wrapped in the wall of stealth, Fukushima let out a sigh.

In regard to the continuation of the battles that will come in the future, their leader Hashiba had at one point at the Tottori Castle, opted to return to the service of her former master to put the history recreation of the Mouri assault on priority.

Azuchi Castle made the snap decision to anchor at Edo due to restrictions by the Date clan to halt its movements.

However, this was…..a waste of time and labor, close to humiliation.

Hexagone Française was given a short time extension.

Maybe that was why,

・三立申: [Takigawa]

『Ah—apologies, everyone of the Hashiba family. It would be good if we mobilized White Heron Castle and retaliated against the Date restrictions no? How about it, Fuku-chan?』

・一体槍: [Fukushima]

『N…no, Takigawa-senpai. The present judgment is not something we can carry out well.』


『Errm…well then, Hashiba? Are you here?』

Fukushima regarded the Lernen Figur where Takigawa was displayed in her hand.

Hashiba was around. But,



Came Takigawa’s thoughtful voice.

Beneath the handrails on the deck, Hashiba with her hands grabbing the hood covering her head.


Looking at the silently crouching and unmoving Hashiba, Takigawa asked Fukushima,


『What’s she doing?』

Tes., nodded Fukushima.


『__She’s embarrassed because she looks terrible.』