Lie:verse Liars:Chapter 13

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One day, without warning, I suddenly became "Awakened".

 I began to see invisible things, acquired the mysterious power of the "disguise," and was able to cross over into a fake reality called the "false world”.

 The "extraordinary" aspect that was suddenly added to my life brought about a change in me.

 --But my daily life will always remain the same.

“I'm off.”


 On my way to the station, I was reminded of yesterday.

 After the "false world" incident in which I helped Tanaka and his friends, trouble occurred. In that "false world," there was an "awakened" who had been mixed up in a violation.

 Kigisu Yuragi.

 She was a girl who had just become an "awakened" and the same girl who I met two months ago in the East Ward.

 I met her again in an unexpected way, and after some twists and turns, we ended up taking care of her in our team.

I wanted to take it easy for a while, but it looks like I'm going to be as busy as ever.

 The reason why I can't help but to talk to myself like that is that this morning I received a new false world case from Homura Makagami, the clan master of "B.E. Butterfly Effect".

“I'm so impressed with your spirit that I thought I'd make a small contribution.”

 Our clan is in charge of the newly discovered false world cases in the northern district of Morihama City, which is the territory of "B.E..

 In other words, it is one of the responsibilities that an official clan with a territory should take on.

“What's the point of contributing? It's just that the other teams weren't available, right?"

 The Awakened cannot be in charge of more than one false world case at a time.

 Although it depends on the discretion of the clan master, false world incidents that occur in the territory are generally rotated among the teams to which they belong.

 However, in "B.E.," half of the teams belonging to "B.E." are always away from their main battlefield in "Chuo Ward," where the most false world incidents occur, so the false world incidents that occur in their territory are assigned to our team and Tanaka's team, which are not interested in gaining points in the ranking. Inevitably, all the clans are forced to take part in the false world incidents that occur in the territory.

 Inevitably, more false world incidents are assigned to us than to any other team in any other clan. This is one of the reasons why our team is called "Ketsumochi”.

 So, on SNS Cain, an application made exclusively for the awakened, I wrote to the members of Team Ash, giving details of the false world case I was in charge of and saying, "Meet at the hideout after school today”.

 Of course, Kigisu was part, she was added to the team yesterday.

 In the meantime, I arrived at the station nearest my home.

 I pass through the ticket gate and board the train, which always arrives at the usual time, and stand next to the door. As I look at the scenery outside the window through my glasses, all I can think of is Kigisu.

 When I first met her, she seemed a little strange, but I had no idea that she had quit her clan and gone off on her own to blend in with the "false world" without applying.

 Moreover, her purpose was to reproduce "magic" in the "false world”.

 At any rate, while taking care of Kigisu, I told her firmly not to enter the "false world" without making an application in the future, and I also reminded her that she was under penalty and that she must report to me, her adviser, whenever she does something as an “awakened”. So, it will not be strange.

 Well, let's forget about Kigisu until after school.

 While I was thinking about that, the train entered Chuo Ward and arrived at the station closest to my high school.

 By the time I get off the train and exit the ticket gate, I see a few students wearing the same uniform.

 Leaving the stream of students, I headed for the coin lockers inside the station.

 Among the coin lockers that line the unpopular aisles even during the morning commute to school and work, I open the door of my usual locker, put in the lunch box I took out of my bag, close the door, and hold up my phone.

 A familiar electronic tone tells me that I have deducted the number from my electronic money in exchange for locking the door.

“Well, let's get to school then."

 As I exit the station and join the stream of uniformed students, I realize that school life, the only peace in my life, is finally about to begin.

 After walking for a while, I see a familiar building.

 Yusei Private High School. It is a well-known preparatory school not only in Morihama City but also in the neighborhood. It is a new school established in conjunction with the redevelopment of Morihama City, and is proactive in trying new things, such as introducing not only state-of-the-art facilities but also the latest curriculum and exchanges with schools overseas, without being confined to the existing system.

 The school's new-age school culture has attracted much attention and popularity since its inception, resulting in an explosive increase in enrollment, and the school's image as a high-degree school has become firmly established.

 Once I enter the main gate of the school with other students, my life as a student begins at my own leisure.

 While I’m at school, I don't have to worry about anything, not even about being an Awakened. I can enjoy my youth as a mob background character who can be found anywhere, without being noticed.

 I change my shoes at the shoe closet, ascend to the third floor where the second-year students' classrooms are concentrated, and enter classroom "2-D" which was in front of me. As I take my seat, exchanging brief greetings with my classmates, the bell rings, and with the appearance of my teacher, signals that it is time for morning homeroom.

 After reciting the pledge about the upcoming midterm exam, the homeroom teacher finally leaves the classroom.

 I decided to go to the restroom and get ready for my first class.

 So I casually opened my phone and noticed an incoming call on Cain's SNS.

 It was from Kigisu. It was not a reply to the Team Ash group chat that I had sent this morning, but rather a personal message.

What time will you be finished after school? I'm going to the "false world" to practice "magic" now, so please write down the time by noon.

“...... what?"

 A voice leaked out and I involuntarily did a double-take.

 The text clearly stated, "Go to the false world.”

 No, wait. What does she mean by that? Going alone? Are you serious? How can she come up with that kind of idea after what happened to her yesterday?

 If she's just an idiot, that's fine. The problem is that Kigisu is very much a smartass.

 I hurriedly unlocked my phone and checked the false world case displayed on the map in Cain, which my team is in charge of from today, and I see Kigisu’s name as the person who reported for a false world invasion displayed on my phone.

 No, it's true that I said "don't go there without an application" and "be sure to report to me," but don't interpret that as "you can go there alone if you report it!” She just found a loophole in the rules! Oi, this girl knows I won’t be able to do anything because I’m in school! Today is also the school’s founding anniversary!

 The bell of the first period rings at just the right moment.

 I've just missed my first period, and I haven't gone to the bathroom yet.

 Math class starts. But I don’t understand the lesson at all.

 This isn’t good. I can't concentrate at all.

 The reason is not that I couldn't go to the bathroom, but because I'm worried about Kigisu. I'm getting more and more frustrated. It's stressful.

 Ahhhhh, my only time of rest and relaxation, when I don't have to think about anything, is being invaded! 

"Sensei. I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to the clinic.”

 I quietly raise my hand and declare that I'm not feeling well (a lie), and after receiving permission from the teacher, I grab my bag and leave the classroom.

 I went to the bathroom before going to the clinic.......

“Excuse me."

 I went to the clinic after a brief stopover and greeted the doctor, who is a familiar face.

“Oh my god, Haizora. What's wrong?"

“Miss, I seem to have a fever, so may I take my temperature?"

 The doctor smiled and handed me a thermometer to measure my temperature.

 The result was 36.0 degrees Celsius.

“I think I still have a fever.”

 I handed the thermometer to the doctor.

“37.5 degrees Celsius. That's definitely high. Do you want to rest on the bed?”

“No, it’s okay. Even though I rested for a while yesterday, I realized that I still am in pain, so I'm going home for today.”

“I understand. I will let your homeroom teacher know.”

“Thank you.”

 On my first day of school, I went to the shoe box, changed my shoes, took off my glasses and left the place.


 I was in a large room on the top floor of a 10-story building.

 In the empty room, there is a girl sitting in a zazen while meditating facing the glass window.

 Her name is Kigisu Yuragi.

 Her "staff," which is her "disguise," is on the floor in front of her, and from the way her eyes are closed while not moving an inch, you can tell that she is very focused.

 It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is common sense in the world that when you see such an opponent, you should never interfere.

“Oi, Kigisu!”


 As I called out to her from behind, Kigisu jumped up with a strange voice.

 She finally noticed me when she fell back and slumped against the wall.

“What? Ruu? Why are you here?"

“Is it strange for a student to be in a "false world" on a weekday morning? I think so too.”

This is a False World. This is the source of the place we are in charge of at this time.

“Huh? Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now? Also, isn't it your school’s founding anniversary today?”

“I snuck out.”

“Why? You don't like school anymore?”

 She should stop giving me that worried look every time. I was about to tell her, "I'm getting sick of you," but I changed my mind.

“How's school going for you though?”

“Don't worry about me.'”

 I stopped asking her any more questions, staring at Kigisu, who was holding out her arms forming an X to show her disapproval by showing a clear "NO".

“Why did you come to the False World alone?”

“Huh? What's wrong? I applied for an invasion application as you said, and I contacted Ruu too.”

“That's not the point.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

 Kigisu tilted her head. Apparently, she really doesn't know.

“I was worried about what happened yesterday, and I thought it would be dangerous for you to be alone.”

“I'm not in danger. I'm just practicing "magic" in secret here. Besides, I've always had a good countermeasure plan against fake beasts.”


"...Or rather, Ruu. Did you think that I had always invaded the “False World” solo without putting any thought in it until now?"

“I thought so. In my opinion, I think you're somewhat of a smartass, a mix of very stupid but smart, you know that?”

“Who's a smartass, you say?! That's not a compliment. That's a swear word and an insult!”

“If you don't like it, you better tell me what your countermeasure plans are then.”

 When I said so, Kigisu sniffed with a somewhat disingenuous attitude.

“Hehe, it can’t be helped then. You see, I've never taught this to anyone before, but since Ruu is an "equal treaty" partner, I'll make a special effort to teach it to you.”

“Just tell me honestly that you're simply shy and have never had the chance to talk to anyone to brag about it."

“H-hey! Don’t put words in my mouth!"

The puffy and angry Kigisu cleared her throat and opened her mouth again.

“The biggest hindrance to practicing "magic" in the false world is the fake beasts that wander around. Besides that, I know the position of the Fake Beasts that are always approaching my surroundings with Detection Magic, so I'm not missing anything.”

 Kigisu was saying, "How do you like it?” And I was quite surprised inside when I heard that.

"......Can you really do that? Magic exists?"

“Yes, I can.”

I was wondering if she could really do such a thing. I was skeptical, but as I stared at Kigisu, who was puffing out her chest while showing off, I somewhat believed her words.

“I see. I see. So that's the reason why you could sleep and meditate in the "false world" and not worry about going in here solo.”

“Creating an environment is one of the basics. Thanks to that, my magic has become a little better…I think.”

 Kigisu holds up her right hand. The staff, which had been left in the same place as before, floated up by itself and flew into Kigisu's open hand.

Kigisu catches the staff brilliantly and strikes a pose in front of me.

"Fufun, how is it?"

"Wowwww you’re like a clown."

"I’m a magician, it’s magic!"

 I threw in a light joke, but she got angry.

“If that's the case, then you must have other countermeasure plans against fake beasts, but even those plans can't be perfect. So what would you do if the fake beasts found you?”

“I would run away. It's just too much trouble to fight the fake beasts. If they make a fuss, the other fake beasts will be wary, and I will probably leave the false world for a while.”

 That was an interesting option.

“The first thing you should do is to fight against the "fake beasts" so you can improve your magic though.”

“I was going to do that at first, but it just didn't feel right. I thought I could do a lot more if I tried to think things through on my own.”

“You know that the disguise can be used in the real world, don't you? You can continue practicing to improve the accuracy of the image in your mind while forming the "disguise" in the real world.”

In fact, it is possible to create a "disguise" in the real world as well.

 However, it is fundamentally different from the "false world" because you can only create an image in your hand.

 It cannot interfere with anything in the real world, it cannot pass through anything, it cannot break things, and it cannot hurt anyone. There is no improvement in physical ability, and like the "tear" that is the entrance to the "false world," it is invisible to others.......No, more like only other "awakened" can see it.

 The "false world" in the real world is more like a "projection" rather than an "embodiment".

 That is what the "disguise" in the real world is like.

 However, from the perspective of an "Awakened's" training, it is of great significance.

 By being able to create one's own weapon in a tangible form, one can use it as a standard for creating one's ideal image. Looking at the "disguise" in one's hand, one can strongly imagine oneself handling it, or fighting a "fake beast," and the image becomes a solid one.

The "disguise" is, after all, the product of an image.

 A clear image is what boosts the ability of the "disguise" the most, and it is what makes the "Awakened" strong enough to be able to actually overwhelm the "Fake Beasts" in the "False World”.

 That is why most "Awakened" train in the real world only with images, and very few "Awakened" actually train with physical exercises.

“But it looks like that’s not enough for Kigisu.”

“I want to study 'magic', not 'disguise'. So it is meaningless unless I practice it in the "false world" and feel the actual effect.”

“I see. I guess you can't practice 'magic' in the real world after all.”

The essence of "disguise" is self-enhancement.

 That is the scope of the ability to use a "disguise" as perceived by the "awakened”.

 Kigisui's "magic" exists in a realm completely outside of that category.

“Is magic that much fun?”

“Yes, it's fun. I have no idea how far I can go with magic, and moreover, it is not easy to create magic by yourself.”

 Kigisu turns the staff in her left hand then to her back and makes a circle with the thumb and forefinger of her right hand and brings it to the level of her masked mouth.

 She blew out a puff of air, and something flew out from the circle on her right hand.

“Are these...... soap bubbles?"


 Soap bubbles float around us. The only difference is that they are not spherical but variously shaped.

 Stars, flowers, birds, and other visually different bubbles drifted around us.

 I somehow reached out my hand to an approaching star shape, but as soon as I touched it, it disappeared.

“Ah, I touched it, and it vanished.”

“That's because it's a soap bubble, duh.”

“I mean, how did you come up with this idea?”

“A soap bubble is definitely round, isn't it? But I thought it would be interesting if I could make the bubbles in a different shape.”

 I thought honestly to myself as I saw Kigisu reaching for a nearby chick-shaped bubble with pure joy and opened my mouth.

"Hmmm, this is pretty good magic.”


“The fact that you can change the shape of a soap bubble like this is more magical to me than the fact that you can manipulate a staff at your own will or that you can detect fake beasts.”

After hearing my honest impressions, Kigisu becomes flustered.

“Hm? What is it? Something wrong?”

“......No, I'm at a loss for words because Ruu just starts randomly saying things that don't suit his face.”

 This girl can be pretty brutal sometimes huh?

“You know what? Since what I say sometimes doesn’t fit your “image” of me, I won't say those things ever again.”

“I'm sorry! I was just a little surprised, but I'm glad Ruu said that!”

 I was somewhat uncomfortable with Kigisu who made a very embarrassing comment to me while she was smiling menacingly.

"It's like you’re saying that most of the stuff I say are lies?"

"Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying."

I mean she’s not wrong.

"Nevertheless, to think that such a phenomenon could be treated as magic. Kigisu's magic can do a lot more than you can imagine."

“It takes a little bit of imagination and assembly, but it's pretty free. The good thing about the magic that you have created yourself is that it is relatively easy to upgrade with minor modifications. For example, when I didn't notice Ruu's presence earlier, I realized that although the "Detection Magic" could detect the "Fake Beasts," I hadn't added a mechanism to detect the "Awakened," so next time, I'll add that effect as well.”

“In other words, you didn't expect to work together with other Awakened. That's the downside of being shy.”

“I can't help it! I've been doing this alone for a long time!”

“You really crossed over to the appropriate "false worlds" without even applying for a solo position, didn't you?”

“Even....., if you didn't become a member of a team in charge, you weren't allowed to enter the "false world" in the first place and .....After all, if you're in charge, you have to think first about helping the victims, right? The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go into a "false world" and practice in secret without causing trouble for anyone.”

"You were really a pain in the ass yesterday, though."

“I'm really sorry about that,.......I fell asleep and had to be rescued by Ruu and the others, but I never expected to be in a situation where I would cause trouble even for Aomori Fuya, which is the clan I had resigned from.”

 For the first time, Kigisu looked a little sad.

  I sense that she’s the type of person who acts on her own ideas and tries not to cause trouble to others.

 She just can't seem to convey her thoughts in words.

"......Well, if that's the way it is, I don't really mind.”

“What? What do you mean, it's fine?”

“The fact that Kigisu is practicing "magic" alone in the false world, that is.”

“What? Is it really okay?”

 Kigisu's eyes widened. She is surprised as if she did not expect to hear those words.

“Well then, that’s settled so there should be no problem.”

“That's right, but.......”

“What's...... with that reaction? Aren't you happy?"

“No, it's just that...... I didn't think you'd say ok,...... so I thought I'd be able to stop you for some reason......”

“What were you going to do if I said no?”

"Well, I was still going to do it, without..... your permission."

“You're ignoring my advice again! I mean, it’s like you're in denial like you've got some kind of delinquent rock 'n' roll lifestyle syndrome!”


“I thought it was interesting to hear what you wanted to do. I genuinely thought it was a good idea too. Yet you still planned to do that to me if I rejected your idea......"

“That's not what I meant!"

 Kigisu suddenly raised her voice and let out a heavy "ha," but eventually began to speak slowly.

“The thing I'm doing is ...... no good, right? In fact, I'm an "Awakened”. Because I'm an "awakened," I should be concerned about the victims, but I’m not, you know?"

 I then understood what Kigisu was concerned about.

 The existence of rescuing the victims is missing from Kigisu's idea of pursuing magic.

 Unlike the other "Awakened," she does not intend to go to the "False World" to help the victims, nor does she intend to get rewarded for helping them. What Kigisu is seeking is only the environment of the "false world" where she can reproduce "magic".

"......If you were to practice 'magic', then you can only do it in the 'false world' which were made of the victims who were hidden from the real world,......there are children and teenagers who are victims, yet you are here practicing "magic" while ignoring them,......, but then that kind of thing would be wrong, right?”

Kigisu glanced at me as I spoke haltingly.

 I saw that and thought to myself, "I see.”

 I immediately knew what Kigisu was trying to do. Just the other day, I myself had just done the same thing to her.

 She is trying to find out how someone other than herself would react to her problems.


 Kigisu, who has become docile, is waiting for my reaction with her eyes downcast.

 I've never seen her like that.

 --I let out a breath, put my hand on the right side of my neck, and as usual, I think about what to say next.

 The opinion I just expressed is not Kigisu's idea. What I just said was the protocol that should have been said by someone who, as an Awakened, thinks first and foremost when it comes to rescuing victims. Kigisu, who was unknowingly interested only in exploring "magic," must not have been able to say anything back when this was pointed out to her.

 She thought that her interest and ambitions were outrageous ideas to be prioritized over the victim's existence...... No, more like she was made to think that way, and she herself thought that it was not the right thing to do.

 But still, she could not suppress the desire for 'magic' that was inside of her, and so that is what helped Kigisu.

 She knows that she is doing wrong, but she still wants to accomplish it. It is because of this contradiction and desire that Kigisu is here now. I have affirmed her of her wrong actions.

 She is encouraged to do something that should not be done by me, and that is why she is perplexed.

 And she wants to know.

 Is what I am doing justified?

 She wants to ask that question to me, the one who affirmed the belief of her own actions.

“That...... is still no good."

Words demand denial. I don't want her belief to be denied because of my past struggles.

 Her heart does not want affirmation either. Sympathetic affirmation, affirmation without any basis, is only an irresponsible response for Kigisu.

 What she wants is a reason that makes sense to her. Not a conclusion she came to on her own, but an idea that someone else has told her that she can also agree with.

 It was precisely because I had stolen a glimpse into Kigisu's mind and heart that I opened my mouth.

“Question time. What do you think is the most important thing for the "fake beasts" in the "false world”?”

“Eh? What? What’s with the sudden quiz? Are you asking me a question?”

“I'm asking you to answer it. So what do you think it is?”

“What the Fake Beast cares about is......the False World itself, isn't it? The most important thing for the fake beasts is to increase the number of false worlds and destroy the cage called the “void” from the inside.”

I already knew the answer to that question, but she answered it so smoothly. On top of that, she gave her own answer which added in her own opinion.

 She really is a smart girl.

“So what was the correct answer? I'm a little curious.”

 Kigisu, who could not suppress her curiosity to know the correct answer to the quiz in front of her, was very excited. Which was weird because we just had a small conflict that she had been down about until a moment ago.

“It’s about the victims, you see. If there are no victims, this "false world" cannot be maintained. That's why the "fake beasts" treat their victims with the utmost care.”

“Oh, I see. That’s interesting.”

“The "Awakened" teams up to enter the "false worlds" with the aim of rescuing the victims. Even so, it doesn't always work. Even if you rescue the victim from the cocoon, there are times when you lose to the momentum of the "fake beasts" that came rushing in at the sound of the alarm. What do we do in such cases? The correct answer is to put our own safety first, leave the victim where it is, and run away."

“What? I didn't know that! No one ever told me this!"

 Ah, I knew they didn't teach that way of handling situations in Aomori Fuya.

 The puzzled Kigisu asks further.

“I mean, is doing that...... really okay? If you leave the victim in the midst of Fake Beasts then,......”

“What do you think will happen if you leave the victim there?”

“Will the agitated fake beasts rough the victim up or eat them?”

“The correct answer is that they will be politely returned to their cocoons, where they will be treated like VIPs, because these fake animals are willing to give up their lives for their victims.”

“But is it safe to be tied up in that cocoon? It looks like a bad idea from a normal person’s point of view, doesn't it?”

"Rather, thanks to the cocoon, the victim is perfectly protected from the outside world and can continue to sleep peacefully even if they don't eat or drink."

"Really? Is that true? I've never heard of such a thing!”

 ......Oh, shit. I just told her confidential information.

"If you think about it for a moment, you can guess, right? The safety of the victim is the key to the survival and maintenance of the false world.”

“I see, you're absolutely right!”

It seems that she is convinced.

“But if that's the case, I'm starting to feel a little envious.”

“If only it doesn't pass the ten-day mark that is, then this situation will be no laughing matter.”

 Kigisu, who naturally knew what that date meant, chuckled.

“You’re right.”

“Of course, the more time passes, the more the 'mutation' of the 'false world' progresses, the more difficult it becomes to rescue them, and there is a definite deadline of ten days. But all possible measures have been taken to prevent this from happening. We, the Awakened, are able to respond to the existence of the victims who were hidden by the fake beasts with a relaxed attitude because we understand the background of the situation.”

 Kigisu listened attentively to my explanation, and I continued.

“The most comfortable and safest place for the victim to be until they are rescued is in a sense inside the cocoon of the "false world”. If you don't have that kind of awareness,.....then the "Awakened" would not be relaxing until after school, and they would not be saying, "I'm not going to do it today," if they were not in the mood for it.”

"Maybe you're right."

“You can't be too uptight about it. In B.E., the false world incident is an event, and some people think of the victims as flags or trophies. To them, it's a game.”

“Is that really okay?”

“It's up to each person on how they interpret it, and there is no single and correct answer. In the end, how one perceives things is subjective to the person by looking at them and their values. Even if they differ, what is happening in front of them does not change. Because of these diverse values, we third-generation Awakened have formed a faction called the "clans" and have become embittered, and Caliburn has accepted and encouraged this. The reason is obvious. It is because it will ultimately help the victims the most anyway.”


“The strongest are not always the most successful though. Only those with the right mind can be active. It is not always the case that the clans with the most successful results are achieved by those who are not diligent and proper. With such total possibilities included, that is what makes the third-generation awakened world in its current form.”

 After saying that much, I pointed at Kigisu.

“Then you should do what you want to do. Inhumane? I don't care. Kigisu can't help the victims if she can't team up with anyone, even solo. That's why you were hiding in the false worlds like that, trying not to get in the way or cause trouble so that someone else could help, right?”

 Kigisu's reaction to my bickering showed that her words were not mistaken.


“Then you should just leave it at that. Do you need someone else's permission to do what you want to do?"

“I don't need......anyone else’s…permission.”

“Then you've already come to a conclusion.”

Just when I was about to finish talking, Kigisu's hand reaches out and grabs my clothes.

"You know, ...... is it possible that what you're saying now is Ruu trying to cheer me up? You don't really believe in what you’re saying right now because you think differently, but aren't you lying to affirm my own actions?"

“Why do you think I would do that?"

“Because I'm like...... Ruu, I don't know what other people are thinking and so I can't trust them."

 I stare at Kigisu as she mutters this.

“I usually can't ask or say such a thing to my partner or even another person, even if I think of it as it is. As an 'equal treaty' partner though, I thought I could confirm it."

 Kigisu, no longer surprised or puzzled, nodded her head, accepting the fact that I saw her thoughts as a matter of course.

 I put my hand on her head.

“Don't you remember what I said at the beginning? I don't pay attention to Kigisu, and I don't think anything of it if she doesn't pay attention to me. That's the 'Treaty of Equality’. I don’t care about Kigisu, and I don't care if Kigisu doesn't care about me. If she does something I don't like, I don't have to put up with it. If I don't like what she's doing then I tell her, and I get angry.”

 Kigisu looked up at me and I lightly hit her with a bump.

“I'll tell you what I don't like right now. Don't make me tell you this treaty every time you say something so obvious.”

“I'm sorry.”

“But I know Kigisu is the kind of person who cares about such small things because she told me. So, if you want advice, you can talk to me anytime. I'll be there.”

“Please don't make me say such an obvious and embarrassing things?!”

“I'm not going to let you do that.”

I smiled back at her. Kigisu seemed to be smiling slightly through her mask.

“I'll keep that in mind.”

“I understand what you want to do for now. If it is not dangerous for you to be alone, you can do whatever you want as long as you are in our team. But you must keep your application in Cain and report to me.”

“I understand. I promise I will do that.”

“So? What else can Kigisu's "magic" do?”

 As soon as I said that I was done with this topic, Kigisu's eyes lit up.

“You want to know more?!”

“I'm interested, to be honest.”

“Well it can’t be helped, I'll give Ruu a special lesson then.”

“A special lesson… Can I use magic too?”

“Yeah, you can use it. I can use 'magic' because I know how to do so.”

“I'm not sure if it's possible for me to do that, but it can’t hurt to try. I can learn a lot more from learning magic so tell me about it right away.”

".....but first, I'm kind of hungry.”

“Yeah, it seems like it’s noon, so let's go have lunch.”

 So, the hungry Kigisu and I went through the "hole" back to the real world.

 We went into a nearby teishoku-ya (set meal restaurant) and ate our meals side by side.

 We were looked at strangely by some businessmen in the restaurant, but I didn't care.

 After quickly finishing our meal, we headed back to the place where there was a "tear" on the border between the real world and "void" in order to go back to the "false world".

“This is actually the first in a long time that I've skipped school. Well, it's okay once in a while.”

“That's right! School is the worst!”

 The childish girl next to me had a shine in her eyes, so I silently tugged on both of her cheeks.

"I wonder what the adults around us would think of us walking side by side at this hour of the day?"

 At least they won't think we're practicing magic or trying to save victims from another world.

“It looks like we are on or something.”

“I guess so."

“Wait, I was kidding! Deny it!”

 I laughed at Kigisu who started fuming.

"I can't help but not deny it though. A bunch of people will misunderstand if we go out like this."

"Well... that is true but…"

The fidgety Kigisu doesn't seem to be accustomed to this sort of thing.

"That was fun. You’re not sexy enough to be my girlfriend though."

After saying that, she lightly punched me.

Kigisu who struck me muttered.

"I wonder if......I'm having too much fun. After all, being with someone like this isn't so bad."

 It was such a small murmur that could only be heard if one listened carefully.

 I felt that Kigisu's true feelings were contained in what she said just now.

 --And so, we once again stepped into the "false world" through the “tear” full of lies.