Lie:verse Liars:Chapter 6

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After everyone has ordered a drink from the bar, Tanaka opens his mouth.

"Let's get started with the briefing. Today we have a newcomer, who is Sasamiya, so I'm going to carefully explain the situation at hand. Haizora will explain what we talked about on the phone yesterday, but please don't be troublesome and describe what happened properly."

"Don't try to ruin my impression like that. I know, so let's just get on with the explanation."

Tanaka, apparently satisfied with my response, looked around the table.

"The subject this time is the False World case that we, Team T, are currently in charge of. I've asked Atsushi Yu from Team Ash to provide us backup for the attack."

Tanaka took out his smartphone and launched "Cain" an application exclusively made for the Awakened. We, sitting at the same table, followed suit with our own phones in hand, as if it were only natural.

This app was developed by Caliburn, the false world countermeasure organization, and it has many useful functions for us the "Awakened", and it is very easy to use.

By tapping on "MAP" in the Cain app, a layout of the entire city of Morihama is displayed.

There are several red marks on the map, all of which indicate the locations where the "holes" that serve as entrances to the "false world" that is currently occurring in Morihama City have been found.

If you zoom in on Kita Ward, Morihama City on the map, a list of false world incidents in that area will be picked up. In one of them, the name of "Team T" including Tanaka was found in the name of the team list in charge of a false world case that occurred not far from this family restaurant.

"What does this false world look like?"

"It's basically like a typical "false world" that you can find anywhere. It's been estimated to be found four days since the outbreak, so no visible "transformation" has occurred yet."

"But the fact that he asked for our help means that he has something to be concerned about."

Tanaka nods at my point.

"The number of "fake beasts" roaming around the "false world" is much larger than the others, I think. This is a theory shared by Gouda, Hosoda, and as well as myself."

"The "False World" is a fake reality created in a special space called the "Void" behind Morihama City. Each scenery is different, and even the "fake beasts" that roam among them lack unity and have their own individuality and characteristics."

"In other words, you don't know what the "false worlds" are like unless you actually go through the "hole" to the other side first."

"The bottom line is that you got the short end of the stick in the false world case assigned to you by the clan, didn't you?"

"That's a twisted way of putting it. It happens all the time and is well within every team's ability to handle."

"But for some reason, the timing was a little off, wasn't it?"

Tanaka nodded and looked at Sasamiya-san who was next to him.

"Sasamiya has only been an "Awakened" for a short period of time. Moreover, this is her first false world case. However, thanks to her efforts with her natural enthusiasm, we were able to identify the location of "Mayu" the victim where he is being held after two days of investigation. If we can rescue the victim and bring him out to our side of the real world, we will be able to eliminate the "false world" we are in charge of."

"Needless to say, rescuing the victim is the most dangerous part of the mission."

Tanaka nods again.

"That's why we've asked Team Ash to back us up."

"I understand what you're saying, but wouldn't it have been better to let Sasamiya-san stay at home and let Tanaka and the three of us handle the situation on our own?"

If we do that, then she wouldn't have had to go out of her way for us and be a burden.

"This situation is a very normal case. If you are going to be an "awakened", you cannot grow if you avoid every single situation. Rather, I want Sasamiya to experience that even difficult false world cases can be handled by collaborating with other teams."

As I heard yesterday, Tanaka's development plan is still solid.

Tanaka then added:

"Sasamiya is eager to work with the Awakened. I want to do everything I can to support her."

Tanaka spoke enthusiastically. Perhaps it is because Sasamiya, who is sitting next to him, looks a little embarrassed.

"So? Out of all the teams out there, why did you go out of your way to pick our team?"

"There are many reasons, but for now, I wanted to let Sasamiya know that the first team she should rely on in our clan is Team Ash."

 Just by looking at Tanaka's expression, I could tell that he was thinking that if he asked other teams to help him, it would often lead to troublesome situations.

"Don't try to teach the newcomers unnecessary things. What if it becomes a habit?"

"They are very dependable in terms of strength. Compared to me, it's great that we have Komame and Hizumi, who are two of the most talented players in the clan as an "Awakened"."

"Ruu-kun. I've been praised by Ruu-kun."

Sasamiya-san, who was listening to us talk, asked Tanaka.

“Um, is it different for Haizora-san?”

 Tanaka's eyes began to swim at this question.

"Well... in the case of Haizora, it's a bit difficult to evaluate him in terms of ability as an "Awakened"... well, aside from that, he may look like a twisted bastard at first glance, but he's actually a very nice guy. He's always willing to help someone in need."

Tanaka's desperate words sounded like mere consolation. In fact, I think the way Sasamiya-san looked at me after hearing that has become somewhat kinder.

“And this is the most important reason. I thought that Haizora would be the right person to be paired with Sasamiya this time.”

That's what you said on the phone yesterday, too.

"I'm just gonna do what I always do there though.'

"I'm just asking you to do the usual."

 What is Tanaka's true intention behind that smile of his?

I thought about asking him about it again now that we've met face-to-face, but I decided not to.......

If Tanaka felt that way after working with Sasamiya for the past few days, then that's probably what he meant.

"Now that I've accepted the job, I'll do exactly what I have to do."

"I'll help and thanks."

"But still, Tanaka really doesn't hide anything from us, does he? Even if you are in front of him, he will be very open and frank with you."

To be honest, the problem this time is the presence of the newcomer Sasamiya-san. When she's in front of him, Tanaka exposes his own thoughts without hiding them so easily.

"I want to make sure that I share my own perceptions and evaluate risks with my team members. We need to help each other this way so that the whole team works together to solve problems. That is our motto."

 In his position as an "Awakened," Tanaka, the team leader, does not hide anything from his teammates. Because of his sincerity, all of the team members trust and cooperate with him, and I do not doubt him at all too.

So why does such an honest man belong to the "B.E. Butterfly Effect,"? Which is said to have the worst conduct problems of all the clans, is a question that I will not go into right now.

"Oh, yes, one last thing. As for the rewards, Haizora, is it okay if we split the 'team rewards' between the two teams as usual?"

 The team reward is one of the rewards given by Caliburn and is paid to the team in charge of solving the false world case.

The method of distribution is left to the discretion of the team, and although there are no clear rules, it is usually divided by the number of participants in any team.

Incidentally, the amount of one team reward, even when divided into four equal parts, is more than a high school student would earn working part-time for a month.

"You've already identified where the victim is being held, haven't you? If we get half of the team's fee for helping to rescue them, there's no reason for us to refuse."

 From our point of view, it was honestly a very nice deal.

Tanaka would want to take every possible precaution to keep Sasamiya-san safe, even if it meant a reduction in his salary.

 Tanaka's ability to make decisions without being stingy in situations like this is also something to admire about him.

"Excuse me, may I have a word?"

However, there was someone who did not like that last exchange.

 It was Sasamiya-san.

"Why are you talking about money when we should prioritize on saving the person first?"

Sasamiya-san said so with a somewhat grim expression on her face.

Apparently, what the serious lady did not like was the "morality" of the situation.

Tanaka, too, looked troubled by this and wondered, "What should I say?"

"But if we don't talk about compensation before we actually start the job, we don't want to get into trouble later, now do we?"

So as soon as I quickly said that, Tanaka's eyes widened and Sasamiya's expression turned grim.

"Work? Are you trying to tell me that what we are doing is a job just for a reward?"

"Am I wrong?"

"I don't intend to do it that way."

From that statement alone, I can guess why Sasamiya-san is here.

One day, she suddenly became able to recognize the 《False World》 and decided to fight as an 《Awakened》 at Caliburn's request.

Perhaps her reason for doing so is purely out of the goodness of her heart. She started as an "Awakened" only to help others.

Therefore, from her point of view, she probably does not like the fact that there is a "reward" made from our actions.

I assure you, her perspective is wonderful. What she has is truly a "righteous heart". That is something to be proud of and to be praised for.

I can tell from her personality that she must have grown up in a wonderful environment.

That's why, from my point of view, it's not a good thing at all.

It seems that Tanaka has assigned me to take care of a very difficult child.

However, the feelings he has for her are, in my opinion, very cute.

 Because I thought so, my hand naturally reached for the right side of her neck.

"Why do you think you're an "Awakened," Sasamiya-san?"

"That, of course, is because we are the only ones who can help the victims."

"Tanaka, me, and the others feel the same way. "Awakened" is a term used to describe a person who is aware of the threats that are occurring in the city of Morihama. That is why we are fighting to do something about it now that we are aware of it."

Sasamiya-san nodded in agreement with my words.

"But you know what? Even I want money too, don't I?"

Seeing me smiling, Sasamiya-san becomes even angrier.

"You mean you're helping people because you want money? You really are the worst."

Her contemptuous gaze isn't bad either. On the contrary, this really covers my sadistic behavior.

"If you had money, wouldn't it be easier to do a lot more things?"

"There are things that take precedence over money!"

"But you know what? Without money, you can't live, and you can't go to school."

 Sasamiya's face immediately took on a puzzled look.

"Why are you talking like that?"

“Because, due to my family circumstances, if I don’t work part-time, my life won’t turn around.”

Sasamiya-san kept her mouth shut. That was all she could say.

"I'm in the same boat as you. I want to help people just like Sasamiya-san. If we are the only ones who can do it, then that's even better. But I have to earn money in order to survive. So which do you think I should prioritize, helping people or working part-time?"

"Well, that's......."

"What do you think about the idea that helping others is a right, not an obligation? Rather, it is a right that those who can afford to have been allowed to have. There are cool-sounding words like "noblesse oblige" in the world. But I am against this kind of thing. It's arrogant to have a mindset like that, don't you think?"

"I'm not sure.... but I think it is..."

"But unfortunately, your opinion may also be true. I can't even sacrifice myself to help others. Because I'm poor, I can't carry out my own aspirations... but am I a miserable existence in the eyes of Sasamiya-san, who has everything?"

"That kind of thing is..."

"So, for me, it would be a big help if I could get paid while saving others, but knowing my situation and knowing that there are people like me, would you still say the same thing, Sasamiya-san? That helping people for money is foolish?"


No one present dares to interrupt my words.

Tanaka, Goda, and Hosoda all listened to me without saying a word.

 That is why I concluded to the dejected Sasamiya-san,

"Well, it's all a joke anyway ♪"

Sasamiya-san's eyes turned into dots.

"......What, a joke?"

"Yes, that was a joke. It's just a joke. All I said just now was a lie."

"Was it really a lie?"

"No, what I said just now was a lie and those words were actually the truth."

"It's a lie! You were definitely joking!"

 The ill-mannered Sasamiya-san, pointed her finger at the others.

"Well, it doesn't matter if what I said is a lie or the truth. That's not the point of this conversation."

"Then what on earth are you talking about?"

"It is up to Sasamiya-san to have a negative opinion about the compensation. However, the words I just laid out shook her thinking. She can no longer judge my obsession with money as a bad thing."

"That's because ...... Mr. Haizora talks in such a sly way!"

"Yes, that's right. You were triggered by my own sly talking. So, what you were saying to us was just nice-sounding nonsense, and it wasn't accompanied by your own resolve or conviction."


"What you believe is up to you. What I choose to believe is also my own choice. That may have been your common sense, but it also is too low to impose it on us. On the other hand, if you can only believe in something to that extent, then it's not much of an idea to you, either, so you might as well get rid of that mindset entirely."

Hearing what I said, Sasamiya-san turned her head and trembled slightly. I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but she seems to be a little teary-eyed.

――Then, I felt Kon's finger pierce my cheek with a "Guni".

"Ruu-kun. You're overdoing it."

Tanaka gently puts his hand on Sasamiya-san's head in the seat across from him.

"Haizora, it's about time you gave her a break."

"Oh, come on, you two. I'm not going to let you get away with this. This makes it sound like I'm bullying Sasamiya-san."

"We all know that's not the case, so please give her a break."

Then Tanaka looked at Sasamiya.

"You know, Sasamiya, I don't think you're wrong in my opinion, but Haizora is right too...... No, I'm not talking about the twisted part of Haizora, like throwing away common sense or anything like that! I'm just saying that the idea that rewards are bad is wrong!"


“I think it was the same with Sasamiya, but we don’t know why we became 《Awakened》. I have various circumstances to be in this job, but I think that we are gathering like this is because we want to do something that only we can do as only as an 《Awakened》.”


"The fact is, as Haizora said, there are people who participate in the activities of the Awakened because of the rewards they receive. However, it is certain that we are all fighting for the same purpose of helping others, so I would be happy if you could come to terms with that with all of us."

 Tanaka concluded.

"I am sure that we, the Awakened, would not be able to save anyone if we were all alone."

Hearing these words, Sasamiya-san bowed her head.

"I'm sorry....... I spoke out of line. Please forget what I said."

"Unlike me, Sasamiya-san listens to Tanaka's words quite honestly."

When I made such a light remark, Kon's fingertips dug into my cheeks again.


"I'll stop now. I'll stop okay? I mean, let's get on with rescuing the victims instead of wasting our time on such unimportant chitchat."

"Do you really mean that now, Haizora?"

"You're paying the bill, Tanaka."

"Yeah, fine."

All of us leave our seats one by one, as we quickly rushed to finish.

As Sasamiya-san left the restaurant first, accompanied by Gouda and Hosoda, I felt Tanaka's eyes on me.

"What's up, Tanaka?"

"That ...... about what you said earlier......."

"You're the guy who is in charge this time, don't be lazy right now, show me the way quickly. Don't lower my hourly rate dude."

Tanaka didn't say anything more and started walking with Sasamiya-san who was waiting in front of the store.

As I walk away from Tanaka and the others who are leading the way, Kon smiled at me.

"What is it?"

"You were saying some pretty interesting things earlier. The reason for fighting as an "Awakened" is "for the victims that only we can help" and "for money," right? When did you change your mind?"

"Just ten minutes ago. You got a problem with that?"

"No, nothing much really. I was just thinking that there were people around us who were "Awakened" for that very reason."

It was nice to see his dedication as he walked ahead of me as Kon asked.

"Tanaka-san is an "Awakened" too, isn't he? He has to work part-time for family reasons. But he's not the kind of person who would leave someone alone that he might be able to help."

"Is that so? I think I forgot about all that."

 Tanaka begins walking with the girl who essentially has the same 'heart of justice' as him.

"I have a feeling that Tanaka-kun and Sasamiya-san are a perfect match for each other, mentor and disciple, if I may be so bold as to make a personal observation. Tanaka-san is dedicated to encouraging Sasamiya-san's pure thoughts, and Sasamiya-san trusts him too."

"It's none of my business, though."

When I said this, Kon chuckled.

"I realized that Ruu-kun was thinking along the same lines as I was. So I predicted that he dared to play the role of a hater regarding the value of being given a 'reward'."

"Well, I wonder."

"Oh, but you did get a little S-feel on the way, didn't you? Ruu-kun loves to make a slightly cocky girl give in to him." (TL note: I'm not sure what S-way means but I think it means being sadistic.)

"All of what you're saying are false accusations. Especially the last one is definitely not true."

Ignoring my frantic stick-reading protests, Kon peered into my face.

"By the way, Ruu-kun, do you know what my special skill is?"

"What is it?"

"I know everything there is to know about Ruu-kun."

"Stop, don't call that a skill, it's useless and horrible. It's also frightening to think about."

"Well, this is just the beginning anyway."

"If it's just the beginning, I don't want to hear any more of it, because it will lower my sanity."

"And on that note, I really do have one special skill that is unique to me though."

 She put her index finger to her mouth.

"That's cool. I'm not interested though."

"I'm the only one who can see through Ruu-kun's twists and turns perfectly."


"Well, that's nothing compared to Ruu-kun's actual special skills."

Kon Komame shows an adorable smile as she touches the right side of my neck as if she were imitating me.

With that out of the way, I thought about what Kon said as she happily walked next to me.

What do you call her kind of existence?

 Ah, yes that's exactly it, my natural enemy, stalkers.