Lie:verse Liars:Prologue

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 There is some kind of entrance that seems to lead to another world.

 A certain day in March. On the morning of spring vacation.

 Kigisu Yuragi was standing in a park square next to the Morihama Higashi Station.

 On her way to the library, which she had been visiting recently, Yuragi was surrounded by buildings in a large park where she could see the greenery. The famous clock in the center of the park is a popular meeting place, and the location is a shortcut from the nearby residential area to the station which attracts a large flow of people.

 That entrance was in such a place.

 In figurative terms, it was like a gap that appeared when space got cracked like glass.

 A unique way to describe it would be "an entrance which can take you to another world.”

 Whatever the case may be, it was something extraordinary and that entrance was in the middle of a busy city.

 It was clearly out of the ordinary. An abnormal situation.

 --But there was something else that surprised Yuragi.

 Despite the presence of such a conspicuous object, no one in the surrounding area reacted in any way.

 A light brown-haired man sitting on a bench nearby was playing with his phone while stretching. A flamboyant woman standing in front of the clock looks around as if she was waiting to meet someone. A businessman in a suit walks past at a quick pace to get to the station.

 The world is as normal as ever, except for the upset Kigisu Yuragi, who is supposedly in an abnormal situation.

 --It seems that no one can see it except for her.

 She muttered under her mask.

"...... Really?"

Maybe I am 'special'.

 What kind of moments make you feel that way?

 When you do something better than anyone else for the first time. When the answer to a difficult problem flashes into your mind in an instant. When someone praises and appreciates you with open arms.

 There are many other things, but in general, I think it is when you feel that there may be something deep inside you that others don't have.

 But after a while, you will eventually realize that it was just an illusion.

 By constantly making mistakes yet still failing to do well. By seeing problems for which no matter how much I think about it, the answers are always unknown. By constantly being criticized by others.

I’m made to realize that I am nothing special.

 That would be the worst thing that could happen. All that remains are bad memories and experiences.

 I can't remember when I was last happy.

 And yet somehow I can't forget the times when I wasn’t.

 Bad memories are the ones that make Yuragi feel sad when they pop up in her memory.

 Sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s frustrating, and sometimes it makes her want to die.

 Every time it happens, Yuragi complains to God.

 This memory system in the human brain seems to have a fatal flaw, so please fix it quickly.

 While complaining to God in her heart, Yuragi always had that thought.

The advantages and disadvantages forced upon us by having a "special" title placed on us are not balanced.

 Well, what I'm trying to say is this—

Being “special" is something you need to aspire to be, not something to become.

 That is the "truth" that Kigisu Yuragi has arrived at in her less than 16 years of life experience.

 A window seat for one on the second floor of a coffee shop that looks over the park square.

 She sighs as she licks her hot chocolate, which has become lukewarm over time.

 Maybe the "special" feeling that Kigisu Yuragi feels is a danger signal.

 The punchline is obvious. Along with some bad emotions, the scars on my heart will increase, bad memories will be mixed with regrets, and I will hate other people even more than I do now.

 Unlike my favorite mangas and novels, this is a very unenjoyable ending. If you know that beforehand, there is no point in turning the page. If it were a video, it would be more constructive to just watch another video.

 That’s why, when we feel that something "might be special," we keep our distance and don’t get involved.

 That is the common sense of good luck.

“......that must be it.”

 However, this "maybe" is different from other things.

 There are three things that are special to Yuragi that she can honestly admire.

 1. witnessing an impossible existence.

 2. being able to use mysterious abilities.

 3. Having a fateful encounter.

 To be clear, these are all fictional circumstances and cannot happen in reality.

 That's why I was able to admire them honestly in fiction.

 —But the impossible happened right before my eyes.

“What should I do?"

Despite asking herself that question, she already had an answer.

 At the very least, she was so interested in the mysterious phenomenon that appeared before her that she was willing to abandon her own rule for this one time only.

 So, from this window seat, Yuragi spent about an hour observing the "entrance that only she sees".

 The reason why she is here at a distance is that the park square where the object of her interest is located is crowded with many people.

 Yuragi doesn’t like places with crowds. More specifically, she just doesn't like to be the center of attention.

 If she just started investigating a mysterious phenomenon that apparently only she can see in the middle of the busy square where people come and go during the day, what would other people think of her?

 How much unwanted attention would I get as a result?

 Just thinking about it makes me nauseous.

“Well, this is a mysterious phenomenon so I think we should not forget to be cautious. Let's start by keeping our distance and observing it carefully.”

 Thinking theoretically (not that she was taking advantage of the situation), she chose a rather unpopular coffee shop near the park square.

 With a cell phone in hand, Yuragi's choice was perfect. At this time before noon, there was no one but her in the small and uncomfortable upstairs space with no Wi-Fi.

 Even if there were people, no one would want to spend a long time in a place that serves hot chocolate that’s too salty, unless they had a very good reason.

 Observing from the window seat on the second floor of the coffee shop, I have learned three things.

One: Unless it was an optical illusion, I knew that no one else could see them.

 No matter how many times I looked at it from different places, it was still there. Hundreds of people have passed by the park square since I started observing it, but not a single one of them seemed to be surprised to see it.

No. 2: Ordinary people can’t slip past it even if they touch it.

 Because it was located in a park square in front of a busy station, there were many passersby whose bodies touched the "entrance-like thing that looks like it could lead to some other world.”

 However, the people who touched it passed through it without any incident, and the thing itself did not change.

 Looking at this, one might think that it was just an illusion, but it would be premature to make such a quick judgment.

Just because "invisible people can pass through" does not necessarily mean that "you who can see the entrance can also pass through.”

 Anyway, it looks like a "gap that could be entered," so there is a possibility that someone could enter or leave.

 I want to try that first. I want to see it first, and eventually, I want to go to the other side.

No.3: It doesn't show up on my phone.

 In an attempt to record the abnormal situation she witnessed, Yuragi tried to take a picture of the entrance with her phone.

 However, she could not see "the entrance of the color that you should never drink when the juice of such a color comes out" on the screen of her phone. Naturally, there was no way to record it.

 Apparently, that thing is literally only visible to Yuragi's eyes and only she can recognize it.

“I don't know what's going on.”

 Could it be a spiritual thing? Could it be a ghost? Could it mean that the other side of the thing is a place like heaven or hell?

 All the things I can think of are absurd. But just by looking out the window, everything that should be impossible becomes possible.

 There is no end to the number of things you can think about. In other words, it means that I can keep thinking about it forever.

 Of course, there will always be an end, but it will not be over until it is done.

“This one looks a little tough.”

 I am in a pleasant mood for the first time in a long time.

 At first, Yuragi had been thinking about what was going on, but now she was genuinely excited.

 Everyday life is stagnant and she is just waiting for time to pass. In the days when she thought nothing would get any better, perhaps something might begin to happen.

 I had a hunch.


 The moment came without warning.

 A group of four men and women entered the park plaza in the afternoon, after lunch when the flow of people had somewhat calmed down.

 Although it was a weekday, it was spring break. It was impossible to tell them apart from their clothes, their appearance and physique suggested that they were probably a combination of high school and college students.

 The reason why Yuragi was curious about the group of four was that they seemed to be walking straight toward the "dangerous entrance that seemed to be connected to some other world.”

 Are they going that way by chance? No, they were not. They clearly recognized it and were moving toward it.

“Is that it?"

 The man in the lead put the phone he was using in his pocket while walking and reached his hand out towards the entrance.

 -- Bam!

 There was a sound. The reason for that loud noise was that Yuragi stood up in surprise and accidentally hit her foot on the table.

“.... uuuuwah…. It hurts!”

It hurt like hell. I hit my toe. I can't stop crying.

 Yuragi struggles alone on the spot.

 But it’s fine, there is no one around. Since this morning, the second floor of this restaurant has been almost entirely reserved for Yuragi.

 No, that's not important right now. What matters is the group of four people that disappeared.

 They disappeared. The moment they touched it, they were gone.

 An office worker who happened to be standing near the scene looked in that direction. However, after a while, he dropped his eyes to his phone and wondered if he was imagining things. As if to say, "How is it possible for a person to disappear in the middle of nowhere?"

 But it was different for Kigisu Yuragi, who could see some kind of an entrance there.

 Where did those four go?

 It's obvious. They must be on the other side of that thing.

 How did they get to the other side?

 It's obvious. Because they could see it like she could.

 Yuragi was convinced.

I can get to the other side of it, too.

 -- Two hours later, when it was getting dark, the group of four came out of the "entrance that may lead to heaven or hell.”

 When they came back, it was also sudden.

 There was no "flash" like in a game or a movie, there was no electric shock effect, they just suddenly appeared on the spot.

 Looking a little tired as they were talking about something, they walked toward the exit of the park plaza from the same path as when they came.

 The reactions of the people nearby were interesting.

 They looked surprised at the four people who suddenly appeared in their field of vision, but when they saw the four people leaving normally, they seemed to think, "It's impossible for people to have suddenly appeared out of nowhere, or maybe it was just my imagination," and they looked down at their phones again and walked away as if nothing had happened.

 It seems that people are more indifferent to others than Yuragi had thought.

“Well then.”

 After moving to a different observation spot and sitting on a bench in the park square, Yuragi's eyes followed the backs of the four people who had left the park square.

Judging from the appearance of the four before going to the other side of the ``entrance that seems to be connected to somewhere, her prediction of expecting them to come back relatively was correct.

 All that remained was to follow them and ask, "What is that entrance, and what is on the other side of it?”


 However, Kigisu Yuragi's buttocks, sitting on the bench, did not move as if they had roots growing out of them.

 She knew why.

 The reason was quite simple: she was crushed by the pressure of talking to strangers and couldn't move.

 In the meantime, the four of them were completely out of sight.

 Yuragi let out a deep sigh under her mask.

'...... it’s impossible for me after all.”

 I understand what I lack and I am fully aware of it. Still, for the current Kigisu Yuragi, the act of talking to others was a huge obstacle.

"Ah. It was a chance to get valuable information."

 But she is not that pessimistic. Kigisu Yuragi understands that her life doesn't always go as expected. She is rather bad at choosing what she thinks is the best option.

 In this world, there are so many things that you can't do even if you want them to happen, and even if you act accordingly, you will end up with undesired results.

 Whatever the case may be, there is something I have learned about the "strange entrance" that I see.

 That entrance "is invisible to ordinary people”, and they cannot enter it.

 But it seems that special people can see it, can enter it, and can come back to it.

 I looked back at the entrance again.

 A gap in space that is definitely not normal, connected to somewhere other than here—

“I wonder what that thing is?"

 I heard a voice that seemed to coincide with my own thoughts, right behind me.

 I turned my head and saw a young man standing there, whom I did not know.


 A strange voice came out of Yuragi's mouth.

 The young man began to laugh as he saw her fall down from the bench moving away from him.

“Sorry, sorry, I startled you.”

He is probably a high school student, a little older than me. The man is slender and tall, with slit eyes, and with a smile that somehow looks a bit evil.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

 Despite his appearance, the young man smiles and holds out his hand to Yuragi, who is still slumped on the ground.

With his hand in front of her, Yuragi reflexively tried to put out her hand on his but stopped halfway.


 It was very embarrassing for me to react halfway, but I reconsidered standing up by myself because I didn't need to ask for his help.

 -- So that was his intention huh.

"Hey~, excuse me."


 When I came to my senses, I noticed that I immediately sat back on the bench.


 Huh? What the hell just happened?

 I can't wrap my head around what has just been done to me.

 Anyway, just try to remain calm and reflect on what had just happened.

 Yuragi put her hand out reflexively, but she stopped halfway and decided to stand up by herself after all. The young man then grabbed Yuragi's hand and forced her to sit on the bench. At that time, she felt that the young man's face was quite close to hers, and she also felt that his opposite hand was wrapped around her waist.


Kigisu Yuragi panics, her face bright red blushing under her hat and mask.

I don't know why, but this stranger must have done something crazy to me!

 On the other hand, that same stranger sits down next to her as if nothing had happened.

“You can see it too, can't you?"

 The young man pointed in that direction, and Yuragi, who had been confused for a while, came to her senses.

 The first thing she saw was the "entrance".

“I thought you might be like me, so I mustered up the courage to talk to you, right?"

Despite his words, there was not the slightest sign of nervousness in the young man's voice, and Yuragi thought, "He's obviously lying," but Yuragi’s voice did not come out easily from her mouth, which was open under her mask.

“Huh? Could you be someone who doesn't speak Japanese? Hello, are you there???"

 The young man waves his hand at Yuragi, who desperately appeals to her with both hands.

“...... Well, it’s not that ...... that I can understand you…."

Finally, she let out her voice even though it came out a little hoarse.

Seeing that, the young man silently waited for her next words.

"... I'm sorry, I'm a little... I'm not good at talking..."

The current Kigisu Yuragi is not very good at talking to people.

When she is conscious of other people's gaze, her throat shrinks and her voice does not come out well. It's even worse if their gazes contain negative feelings about herself, and she can't say anything.

 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the world around you and expect to be able to find anything you want to say.

“I see. Well, it's okay to take it slowly, so why don't we talk about that for a moment?”

The young man smiled and turned his gaze towards her.

“You can see it too...?”

The young man nodded in response to Yuragi's fearful question.

"Yeah, I can see it but other people can’t."

"Wah, I think so too!"

A strangely loud voice came out. It seems that the volume adjustment of my voice was completely bugged because I usually don't talk to other people. He is in the same situation as me but I seemed uncharacteristically giddy in the presence of someone who is in the same situation as me.

Clearing her throat, Yuragi asked the young man who seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Um... how did you know that I could see the entrance?"

The young man fearlessly laughed and looked around the dimly lit park square.

"Somehow. In a place with so many people, I think it's because I felt that you were the only one who could see the entrance like I was."

"... Did I…. stand out?"

"At least for me you did."

Feeling uneasy about the young man's answer, I reach for the brim of my hat.

Yuragi always thought that she was good at hiding her presence and blending into the place, so she felt a little frustrated.

"What do you think of the entrance?"

"...Maybe that entrance...can lead you to another what I think."

"Have you been to the other side of that entrance before?"

"I haven't yet.... But just now, I saw people who went to the other side of that and came back."

Hearing Kigisu Yuragi's words, the young man said, "That's interesting," and put his right hand on his neck, tapping his fingers against it.

"Well then, why don't you come to the other side of that entrance with me now?"

The young man suddenly said such a thing.

"R-right now!?"

"You're curious too, aren't you? On what’s going on the other side?"

"Well... I'm curious about that... but"

In fact, I was thinking of sneaking out and going there alone afterward.

"Then, let's go now."

The young man suddenly stood up.


Looking at Yuragi, who was bewildered by the gesture, the young man grinned and seemed to be irritated.

"Oh, if you're scared, then you don't have to come. I'll go alone."

"I’ll come with you!"

Yuragi said it without thinking.

"Okay! It’s been decided!"


I just blurted it out loud. This is an unexpected development.

"Oh, yeah. Before we go over there, I have one request."

"Huh? What is it?"

“Can we please not be so awkward with each other?”

The young man suddenly said such a thing.

“What do you mean by that?"

“I've always been uncomfortable with using formal language. So from now on, I'm not going to use honorifics or anything like that, I'm just going to talk about what I think without worrying about the other person. It's not worth the effort to be so careful with someone, don't you think so too?"

“...... so, what do you want to do then?"

“From now on, we're going to go to the other side where we don't know what's going on, but there's no superior or inferior person here, right? I don't care about you, and I don't care if you don't care about me. That's all there is to it. Is that clear?"

 The young man with the strange hand gestures and a fearless smile made such a proposal to Yuragi.

"... Fufu, it's strange."

  The young man's open-minded and selfish words made Kigisu Yuragi laugh unconsciously. 

At least, she had never heard someone say such a joke to her face before. But strangely enough, she doesn't feel bad.

Rather, the young man's clear words immediately entered Yuragi's mind to such an extent that she was honestly fond of him. She even feels like she was feeling better.

"Understood, no... um... yes, I understand."

Hearing Yuragi's reply, the young man laughed happily and said, "That's good."

When I saw that smile, I began to feel strangely fuzzy and a little restless inside.

"Now that we have signed a Treaty of Equal Relations, shall we go?"

The young man walked towards the "strange entrance" that only their eyes can see.

Kigisu Yuragi stood up and followed behind him.

 It was such a wonderful turn of events.

(Are you sure that you can trust him?)

However, she felt like she heard a voice coming from somewhere, and her legs naturally stopped in place.

(This is too convenient. This man is suspicious. I can't trust him. He won't understand me anyway. He will just betray me again.)

Where is that voice coming from?

It was a voice within me that I could hear from my past memories.

I don't know who the young man in front of me is. Could he really be someone who knows nothing, just like me?

Maybe he is someone who is trying to deceive me.

For Kigisu Yuragi, being "special" was a critical situation that she should have been wary of.

It is not too late. If there are painfully distressing events ahead of us, we can avoid them all by escaping now.

 It is the wisest choice to keep the worst possibilities away.

--But that's boring.

Yuragi's legs began to move again.

Venturing to the unknown is fascinating, and curiosity is an aphrodisiac.

 Humans are stupid creatures, and the girl repeats the same mistake again.

 The only difference is that there was a young man there.

Thus began the story that leads to a bad end for Kigisu Yuragi, who was lured into a "false world”.