Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 3 4

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A Leisurely Dialog Part 4[edit]

After 50 minutes in line, they finally reached the entrance to the art museum.

Do not absorb everything at art museums as if it is all the same. Yumi just realized this 10 minutes after walking in.

Starting out, she was filled with high spirits. But one after another the exhibits came into view. The sheer number was more than could fit in one person's brain. The memory of the previous picture could not be taken out; the next picture could not be put in. She had to, but could not, replace one work with the next. At each and every amazing religious painting, she thanked or apologized to Maria-sama.

"That's okay."

Katori-sensei said.

"Even if you look around aimlessly, you'll see something you like." In an art museum, it is better if you find one or two pieces that you like and think of them as 'hits'. If you don't, your eyes will roll into the back of your head."

"Although I will explain every important point, it's fine to take my words as background music. When there's a work of art that interest you, listen in."

Guide-san said the same thing. I instantly felt better. Even people who are well-versed in art get more than their fill in places like this.

And the artwork at the Vatican City art museum that Yumi thought of as a "hit" was Michelangelo's "Last Judgement."

Christ the judge is in the upper middle of the chapel's large wall, with the Holy Mother Maria nearby. Around him are many people to be judged. It is a very famous fresco. Said briefly, it is heaven and hell.

Because it's a famous painting, people are drawn to it. Or it may be the reverse: only because the painting touches people's hearts, it became famous. The size also helps: it's quite impressive.

Shimako-san gazed upon the art, overcome with amazement and unaware of Yumi who stood next to her. No, since Wisteria class started earlier it was Yumi who, staring at the fresco, was unaware that she had stepped next to Shimako-san.

Meeting here was an amazing coincidence. Yumi was about to greet her with "Gokigenyou." But she was startled by her friend's face.


Shimako-san was shedding tears.

"Shi, Shimako-san?"

"I wonder, why won't the tears stop?"

MM v17 p083.jpg

Her cheeks glistened as large drops spilled over them.

Were they tears of compassion for the people being judged? Or consideration for the despair of Christ, who must judge, and for the sorrow of the holy mother, her eyes covered?

Shimako-san herself said she did not know why she cried. The only thing for sure was that faith was involved.

Looking at the fresco, Shimako-san was as beautiful as Maria-sama.

The Wisteria class assembled, so Shimako-san left the chapel. Yoshino-san came up to Yumi and whispered,

"Really, Jesus has gotten fat."

She got to see two extremes of reaction in just a short moment.


They are both dear friends to Yumi.