Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 3 6

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A Leisurely Dialog Part 6[edit]

After the art museum, St. Peter's Basilica.

It is the Catholic headquarters. It is where the Pope is. It is a church built above the grave of the martyr St. Peter.

They waited in line for admission at the piazza's entrance gates. Just like the art museum, there was an amazing number of tourists. In line, about ten people ahead of the second year Pine class group, a western-looking middle-aged man and an Asian couple were denied entry. Guide-san explained that this was because the man wore short pants and sandals, the woman in the couple wore a slip dress that showed quite a bit of skin. This is a sacred place. Without appropriate attire, you won't be allowed to set foot within.

The couple was admitted once the lady put on a men's shirt and covered up her skin. But in the case of the shorts, there was no way to improvise a solution. The man shrugged and turned back.

"I wonder, was that man a Christian?"

Shimako-san said softly, while watching his retreating figure.

"Whatever your own religion, if you know you're going to visit sacred places, you need to dress suitably."

Yoshino-san struck a final blow. It was a sound argument, but a harsh comment.

"But, Japanese people are somewhat in danger, are they not? There seem to be few people going about daily life while devoutly holding faith."

Shimako-san said while Yumi was still thinking what to say.

"I think Japanese people are safe enough."


"We bought a guidebook and prepared, right? Like it said in the book, we paid attention to our clothes."

Seeing both Mami-san and Yoshino-san nod vigorously in agreement, it seems all three of them pored over every corner of that guidebook as if preparing for a test.

"By the way, do you need your passport when entering?"

Mami-san said as if she suddenly thought of it.


"Because Vatican City is literally a country."

Oh yeah, it is the smallest independent country in the world.

"Yeah, it's not Italy in here."

"I guess you're right."

"But if that's the case, what about when we entered the art museum?" We did not show passports then, right? But is that part of Vatican City?"

Probably because of its name, "Vatican Art Museum."

"So if this is not Italy, how does the Pope govern?"

"The Swiss Guard watches over Vatican City. Well, let's go."

After the man and the couple, nobody else was stopped due to clothing. The entrance flowed smoothly, and just like that, it was Yumi and friends' turn. Indeed, in the case of uniforms, once you look at one, there's no need to look over every single one, so they flowed through smoothly.

They were able to enter St. Peter's Basilica without even showing a passport. As they passed by the official standing at the entrance, they nervously had their bags searched, like before riding an airplane. Of course, the Lillian Academy for Women uniform was "suitable" and no cause for rejection.

Their first impression of the piazza was "it's like an outdoor stage." Or more precisely, "grounds set up for a concert." A colossal number of chairs were lined up, facing the church.

"They're preparing for tomorrow."

Guide-san explained for them.

The faithful from all around the world gather for Sunday mass. It was probably a lifelong dream for the faithful to participate in mass at the Catholic headquarters.

Like the basilica exterior, the interior was built to draw out the spirit.

First, the ceiling was very, very, high. And gorgeous and dazzling. Beautiful. Sparkling. Sublime. Brilliant. Anyhow, with one word "amazing." Although they had already looked at gorgeous things at the art museum, they were merely Japanese high school girls. They stood frozen, mouths agape.

It's a big world. They had never seen such a building.

While their heads were still in a daze, Guide-san led on, showing them Michelangelo's "Pieta", "Statue of Saint Peter" and more. Yumi had only impressions of the famous statues that were here, so as one would expect, she received quite a culture shock.