Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 3 8

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A Leisurely Dialog Part 8[edit]

After a late lunch, then visiting Castel Sant'Angelo, then returning via bus to the hotel for a moment, they had some free time together as a class.

As a result of earlier homeroom discussions, Yumi and friends decided to stroll around the Piazza di Spagna and go to the Trevi Fountain this evening. For tomorrow's similar free time, they planned on the Colosseum and the Mouth of Truth. In other words, the Pine class had adopted a theme of "Roman Holiday."

"It feels like it's crammed with people."

It was the famous Spanish Steps, where a great deal of people crowded together. There was nothing to do, but some people were sitting and eating gelato they had gotten somewhere, imitating Princess Anne.

"Is it enjoyable, just sitting on the stairs?"

Grumbling while standing around without sitting is human nature. Laugh if you want. Because they came so far, no one would get punished for sitting down. So everyone in the Pine class sat down on the stairs. Without a moment's delay, Tsutako-san took pictures. While grumbling "that nearby old man is in the way" and whatever.

"Yumi-san, what are you thinking about?"


"From time to time, you sigh like you're thinking of something. Today... yeah, from the afternoon on."

Tsutako-san said from behind her camera lens. That's the Photography Club ace for you. She really saw people's expressions.

"Homesick already? Or do you miss your onee-sama?"

"No way. That's not it."

Shaking her head and waving her hands, Yumi denied it. Not even a day and a half had passed since they left Japan. It was a normal weekend. It was common to be unable to see your onee-sama. And they have experienced many even longer breaks since becoming soeurs.

"Then what is it?"

Tsutako-san laughed, then put down her camera and sat next to Yumi. Yoshino-san and Mami-san sat down on the stairs for a moment, and thus satisfied, were ready to go see the fountain. Rolling up the sleeves and splashing the water, goofing around, it sounded like fun.

"Didn't we go the Castel Sant'Angelo just a little while ago?"

Yumi confessed to Tsutako-san.

"Ah. That castle is said to be the stage for 'Tosca.'"

The opera "Tosca" is a tragedy where a woman kills to help their lover, but that fails, her lover is executed by firing squad, and she kills herself by leaping from a parapet. If briefly summarized.

"About that. While listening to the opera, I suddenly remembered Kanina Shizuka-sama."

"Rosa Kanina"

The singer who previously vied with Shimako-san for the title of Rosa Gigantea. Before she became a third-year, she traveled to Italy to study music.

"I wonder how she's doing. Is she happy?"

Standing now on the soil of Italy, it seems obvious, but, the land was vast and the people many. Shizuka-sama was probably somewhere under this wide sky, but without knowing her street address or the name of her town, if you wanted to see her, finding her while just passing by on a school trip seemed unlikely.

"Why wouldn't she be happy? No news could be evidence she's happy, right?"

After Tsutako-san said this, Mami-san "speaking of news" appeared from behind

"You surprised me. When did you get back?"

"Just now. While Tsutako-san and Yumi-san are happily telling secrets, I thought I'd listen in."

"But it wasn't a secret. So, what is this 'news' you bring us?"

"Oh, yes, yes! Did you know? There's a post office inside the Vatican art museum. The Sakura class wrote and sent picture postcards back to Japan."

"To their families?"

"No. To their onee-samas and little sisters."

Upon hearing 'onee-sama', Yumi suddenly became envious. It's not that she was homesick, but she wanted to see her onee-sama. It's not like she couldn't endure it. But this was a chance to send a picture postcard from overseas to her onee-sama. She didn't know when such a chance would come around again. Right now it was Saturday evening. She didn't know the business hours of this country's post office. Until she bought some stamps, she couldn't send anything even if she happened to see a mailbox.

"Come on, Pine class. We're going to Trevi Fountain."

Upon the teacher's order, they stood up and brushed off their skirts.

They were travelers, not free to do as they pleased.