Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 9 3

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Souvenir Report Part 3[edit]

And now a follow-up to the story of the field trip.

One week after returning home. It was a day when preparations for the school festival were coming to a head. In the Rose Manor, having finished eating her bento box, Sachiko-sama beckoned Yumi "can I talk to you for a bit?" She touched Yumi's shoulder and then left the room ahead of Yumi.

Because of Sachiko-sama's sour look, Yumi panicked, wondering "what did I do?" as she went down the stairs.


Outside, leaning against the Rose Manor wall, Sachiko first said, "you." This side of the manor was opposite from the courtyard side, a blind spot hidden from the other school buildings.

"You. Why do you make such bad plans like this?"

"Plans? Uh, did I mess up bringing things to the gymnasium stage? Or did I send the wrong instructions to all the club leaders?"

"Nothing like that. Your Yamayurikai work is perfect. I appreciate your work there. But."

Sachiko-sama raked her fingers through her long hair and let out a long breath.

"When you inadvertently do things, you make fallout. How am I do deal with this now? You forgot to think things all the way through."


It wasn't her Yamayurikai work, it appeared to be something recent that troubled her onee-sama. While Yumi pondered, Sachiko-sama made a face like "it cannot be helped" and said softly,


"Huh? Ack!?"

Before her eyes was clearly the postcard from Pisa.

"How should I respond when I receive this now? I see you every day."



So that was it. Shizuka-sama did say. Airmail takes some time. She did say so back then.

"Wh, when did it...?"

"It was delivered yesterday after I got home."

"Is that so?"

You cannot help but be excited as you write love letters alone late at night. But you often hear that it is embarrassing when you read them years later. Perhaps a letter written on a trip is similar to that. Even more so, a postcard. At the thought of someone in the Ogasawara household reading the postcard, Yumi's face burst flame red.

"I am sorry, onee-sama. I'll get rid of this letter."

As Yumi reached to take the letter, Sachiko-sama raised her arm to escape Yumi's grasp.

"Get rid of it? This is not a joke. I have decided to put this in the album, preserved alongside Yumi's pictures."


"I will remember it for the rest of my life."

She had looked angry, but now her cheeks were just a bit less severe, and blushing. Yes, she was just a bit different. Yumi finally realized.

"Anyway, that was all."

With nothing more, that concluded the chat. And with that, Sachiko-sama straightened herself from leaning on the wall and stood and stopped after a few steps.

Then. "I see that I wasn't the only one who missed somebody."

Leaving those words in her wake, Sachiko-sama quickly returned to the Rose Manor.

" 'I will never forget this for the rest of my life', huh."

Yumi whispered to herself as she watched Sachiko-sama's retreating figure. After that, she touched her earlobes. Her ears were as red as Sachiko-sama's.

"... So that's it. I see."

Sachiko-sama gets a little angry when she feels embarrassed. Oh.

Ciao, Sorella!

Happy, she spontaneously looked up at the sky.



And pure.