Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume11 Chapter1 1

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The Girl with the Brown Umbrella. Part 1[edit]

The cars sparkled as they skimmed along the road hazy with rain.

It wasn't yet 4pm, but the area was dark and the street lights, traffic lights and car lights all reflected off the thin membrane of water on the asphalt, making it look like a night view of the city.

To that extent, it was quite beautiful.

The glittering of the tears that spilled from her eyes added the finishing touches to the whimsical scene. – Quite ironic.

If she stayed like that, forever struck by the rain, perhaps she could disappear.

Along with her despairing thoughts, she could disappear.

For the last half-year, Yumi had always been looking at her onee-sama. Her eyes had been following her onee-sama, her ears searching for her onee-sama's voice, her lips had quivered with delight as she offered up words of dedication to her onee-sama. Even her straightenable sailor tie looked forward to the touch of her onee-sama's fingertips.

Ogasawara Sachiko-sama colored Yumi's everyday life. Flowers, jewels, hand knitted lace and perfume were all treasures whose color would fade. No-one made her heart throb with anticipation so. Surely a second such person would never appear.

So to be cast aside by such a wonderful onee-sama, did that mean she no longer had any value whatsoever?

She wasn't thinking in such realistic terms as life or death, she just wanted to disappear.

If Sachiko-sama no longer needed her, then she wanted to remove herself from Sachiko-sama's presence. And if she were to still feel this way for Sachiko-sama despite being cast aside, then she wanted her heart removed from this world too.

The rain chilled her body. Yumi crouched, hugging her shoulders.

The glittering road was like the twinkling stars. Although the actual sky was blanketed with thick clouds, so there was nothing to see at that moment.


An umbrella was held over her from behind. Sei-sama's gentle voice brought Yumi back to reality.

She was now so wet that holding an umbrella over her was kind of pointless, but by looking up at Sei-sama's face inside the large, men's umbrella, some of her reckless thoughts were drawn out.

Like, here was a person who cared deeply for her. And if she were to disappear from this world, then so too would the kindness that this person showed her.

"One of my friends is boarding near here. She said we could go to her place."

Sei-sama swiveled her head towards the gate. And there she saw a large brown umbrella, which the lady in civilian clothes holding it dipped, probably intended as a bow.


"If you stay like that, you'll catch a cold. Besides, don't you think it'll be a bit rough to catch two buses home looking like that?"

When she heard this, Yumi took another look at herself. It looked like she'd had a bucket of water dumped on her. Water dripped from her two hair bunches like from a faulty faucet, and her triple-folded socks were so covered in mud that they looked like dalmatians.

From the tip of her head to the soles of her feet. There was no doubt that she had an eye-catching appearance.


"She made the offer herself, so you don't have to worry."

Being told not to worry by a third-party. To begin with, Yumi was little more than a passer-by to the girl with the brown umbrella.

"I'm grateful for your concern for me. But, I – "

She turned her back, intending to finish with, "would prefer to be left alone." She grabbed the handle of her folding umbrella, gritty from the mud, and used all her strength to force it open. Sei-sama then regarded Yumi coolly as she said:

"If you're absolutely against it, then I'll have to take you back to your place myself."


She put too much force into it, and the umbrella turned inside out, so Yumi hastily closed it and turned around.

"Isn't it obvious? Of course I'm worried about whether you'll get home properly. And I'll have to explain about what happened to your family."


Since she had an umbrella, her mother would surely be surprised if she arrived home in her current condition. The Fukuzawa family weren't the kind of hands-off people that would be satisfied with an explanation of, "It's nothing," and sooner or later would drag the truth out of her.

And that would be a problem. She didn't want her family to know about things with Sachiko-sama.

She didn't want to make Sachiko-sama out to be the bad guy, and it would be too wretched to talk about how she'd been cast aside.

Speaking of wretched.

The sight of her continuing to struggle to get her umbrella to open was fairly wretched too.

"Satou-san, can I say something?"

The girl with the brown umbrella approached and spoke. Her long hair reached to her shoulders. She had almond eyes beneath her black rimmed glasses, and her thin lips were exquisite.

"Ahh, Yumi-san … was it? You don't have to be so reserved. I live alone, although the place is fairly small."

"Umm – "

Even after getting a good look at her, Yumi didn't recognize the girl at all. Since she'd called Sei-sama 'Satou-san,' it seemed likely that she was a graduate of a different high-school.

"You're well enough to walk about two bus stops distance from here, right?"

"Ah, yes."

"Alright, let's go then."


But the girl with the brown umbrella had already started walking off along the footpath. She had apparently interpreted Yumi's answer of "Yes" to the question of whether she could walk two bus stops distance to mean an acceptance of the offer to enter her house.

"Come on, let's go."

Sei-sama took Yumi's umbrella by the handle, and with a practiced action quickly opened it for her.

"Here, take a look behind. You don't want to become a spectacle, do you?"

When she heard this, Yumi became acutely aware that among the students around the school gates and bus stop, there were some who were looking dubiously in her direction.

Indeed, it would be odd for those gathered near the school gates to see a student getting soaked holding an unopened umbrella and not think, "What's going on?" And since she was Rosa Chinensis en bouton, it was only natural that she would garner even more attention.

"Right, Yumi-chan?"

"… Yeah."

In this situation, getting out of there as soon as possible was imperative. Yumi took hold of her red umbrella and followed after Sei-sama.

Although they were quarreling, in everyone else's eyes Yumi was still Ogasawara Sachiko-sama's petit soeur. She didn't want to bring shame to her onee-sama right at the very end. The fewer bad memories, the better.

She continued walking down the road she usually took home by bus, her footsteps heavy and her uniform heavy and dripping the rain it had absorbed.

Her umbrella was still crunchy from the dirt, or silt, and streaked with muddy water, but now it was providing her with shelter from the falling rain and at least the mud was washing away from the outside as she walked along holding it.

They walked single-file along the narrow footpath beside the road.

The rain wasn't falling as heavily as before, but it hadn't reached the level where an umbrella was unnecessary. It was light, but it looked as though the weather had resigned itself to a protracted campaign.

In front of her was Sei-sama's black umbrella. And in front of her was the kindhearted university student, name unknown, with the brown umbrella.

Yumi mentally apologized to its owner, but the brown umbrella appearing and disappearing behind Sei-sama reminded her of a shiitake mushroom. With that in mind, Sei-sama's black umbrella resembled a cloud ear mushroom, in shape at least. It looked exactly like the way water flowed off a cloud ear mushroom when it was being prepared for cooking.

(Oh … ?)

Yumi smiled instinctively, then was a bit surprised when she realized that she was coping well enough to smile.

Perhaps people are in possession of many hundreds of impudent nerves that fired on their own. If she really was being backed into a corner, surely she wouldn't pay attention to something like someone else's umbrella.

Mentally she might be in a bad state due to things with Sachiko-sama, but Yumi's body was tediously putting one foot in front of the other. And, without any orders to do so, her mind had started thinking on its own. Desiring stimulus from the outside world, her eyes and ears had been put to use.

Her body was in good condition.

The wound was solely in her heart, although there was no direct damage to the flesh.

Then, what of this heart?

Perhaps it didn't reside in her chest.

Yumi raised her arm that was carrying her school bag slightly and touched her chest with the back of her hand. When she thought of her heart, why did it feel like it existed within her chest?

( – There, see)

In the end, she kept thinking about it this way. It seemed the chest was boring too.


As she watched the shiitake mushroom umbrella, Yumi was struck by a thought.

When she'd seen them earlier, had an umbrella of that color been in the group that surrounded Sei-sama?

Pink floral pattern, navy blue checks, yellow stripes or polka dots – she could remember those umbrellas, but there was no memory of a brown umbrella. In the first place, Sei-sama's umbrella had stood out because it was the only men's umbrella mixed in with the women's umbrellas. And when she looked at it closer, the dimensions of the brown umbrella were almost identical to Sei-sama's, making it a men's umbrella.


Yumi called out to the cloud ear mushroom umbrella.


"That lady … your friend, what should I call her?"


"You know, what's her name?"

It was hard to speak in a way that she would be heard by Sei-sama, but not by the person in front of Sei-sama. And yet, Sei-sama turned her back towards Yumi. The design of the ears was such that they were better at catching information from in front.

The end result.

"Hmm? Sorry, I can't really hear you, ask me later okay?"

And, just like that, Sei-sama shut Yumi out, so she wasn't able to learn anything about this kind university student. Yumi was being supported by someone whose name she still didn't know.

After walking slightly less than two stops distance, they turned a corner. They left the main road and entered into a housing district, then walked another couple of hundred metres before arriving at the girl's lodging.

"Well, come inside."

The sight of the brown umbrella closing slightly and the woman holding it enter through the gates made Yumi blink. No matter how she looked at it, this was a detached house. And it looked like a splendid one at that. The wooden main gate was so large it could be mistaken for a wall, and the gate had a door within it that was used to enter.


Sei-sama seemed to find this a bit unexpected too.

After taking in the ancient looking wooden gates, she murmured.

"This place, … umm."

When she'd heard the word 'boarding,' Yumi had pictured a cramped apartment. Although, it was certainly possible that the girl was renting a single room in a detached house. In that case, maybe it wasn't a problem that she was bringing home a dripping wet high-school student.

"Sei-sama, umm – "

Yumi had instinctively grabbed on to Sei-sama's arm when it was offered to her.

"Pardon our intrusion."

Sei-sama went inside, following the brown umbrella.

"Ahh, hold on."

No time for indecision. Yumi hurriedly followed along.

Now that they'd finally made it here, there was no going back. Even though it was close to Lillian's Girls Academy, this was unknown territory to Yumi, since she only ever got off the bus at school. If she were left alone here, even if the weather had been fine and it was mid-afternoon, she'd have been a bit helpless.

Once inside the premises, they continued along a paved path.

"You don't have to be so hesitant. My room's separate from the main building. See, it's over there."

Yumi followed where the owner of the brown umbrella was pointing, and at the end of the path was a small building. Next to it, the main building towered overhead, imposing.

"Wait here a moment. I'll just inform the landlady then be back."

She didn't go to the front door of the main building right in front of them, instead continuing along a stone path through the garden and gently tapping on the wooden frame of one of the main building's windows. Someone inside responded by opening the window. Since the garden was quite large, Yumi couldn't really make out the landlady, but from the general ambience she got the impression that it was an elderly lady.

"Okay. Come on through."

The girl said, upon her return. Apparently they'd been given the go-ahead.

"Boys are forbidden. Girls are allowed, but I have to get the landlady's permission."

"That seems strict."

"If it wasn't like that, it'd just become a gathering spot since it's so close to school, right?"

"Ah, I get it."

They continued along the paved path.

The garden, whether by design or just by nature, looked like a piece of pristine woodlands at the base of a small hill. The ground by the stone path was clear, but further in there was a solid covering of either grass or weeds, Yumi didn't know enough to say which, and the tall trees were all entwined with creeping vines.

The thin curtain across the front of the window of the main building that the landlady had been at opened slightly, and Yumi saw a grandmotherly woman regarding them.

"Pardon our intrusion."

Yumi instinctively stopped and bowed deeply, and that lady hastily closed the curtain.

"Huh? What is it?"

Sei-sama, who had been walking a few steps ahead of Yumi, turned around and asked.

"Nothing … just now, someone – "

"Someone? The landlady?"

Sei-sama asked, meaning to greet her. But now, it was too late when she looked. The curtain had already been drawn back across the window, and it was made of such thin material that they could tell there was no-one behind it.

"What's the matter? Come on in."

The girl with the brown umbrella had unlocked her door and beckoned them over.


Sei-sama and Yumi both responded, and walked along the stone path.

On the way there, Yumi stopped to have another look back, but the curtain across that window remained closed.