Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume11 Chapter5 2

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White Parasol. Part 2[edit]

She descended the staircase and opened the Rose Mansion door, then saw Touko-chan running towards the rear of the school building.

Yumi hurried after her as fast as she could without running, fearful that she would slip and fall on the wet grass or fallen leaves.

It was the rainy season and it rained on and off every day, so while it wasn't currently raining, the ground hadn't dried out which made running difficult. But it should be the same for Touko-chan. As expected, Touko-chan slowed from a run to a fast walk, then finally to a normal walking pace.

"Stop following me."

Touko-chan called behind her to Yumi. When had she been spotted?

Still, if she was going to stop simply because she'd been asked to, she wouldn't have given chase in the first place. Yumi closed the gap to about five metres as she pursued Touko-chan.

"I just want to cool my head alone. Geeze, whenever I'm near you, it throws my rhythm completely off."

Touko-chan would sometimes do this – the complaints she made over her shoulder were as though she was talking to herself, not actively trying to drive someone away.

They continued walking past the school buildings, coming at last to the line of cherry trees.

"You know, this may be none of my business."

When they did, Yumi called out to Touko-chan's back.

"The season being what it is, I think this might be a bit risky, see – "

Before the words 'hairy caterpillars' could leave her mouth, Touko-chan abruptly squealed and took off running. The hairy caterpillars started to wriggle overhead when the cherry tree leaves became lush and green.

"I don't think just talking about them is going to make them fall."

But Touko-chan had taken off like an express train, and was already near the auditorium entrance. Yumi jogged along the trail beneath the cherry trees too.

Touko-chan seemed to be waiting for Yumi, as she only started walking again when Yumi had caught up to her. The path lined with ginkgo trees opened up in front of them.

"I just don't get it. About a week ago you were so timid that just watching you was irritating, but now all of a sudden you're so lively. Even though Sachiko-sama isn't here, you're lively."

Touko-chan mentioned twice that she was lively.

"Do you dislike it when I'm lively?"

"It doesn't matter either way. I have no particular interest."

Watching Yumi being timid annoyed her. But she didn't seem too pleased with her liveliness either. And yet she said she didn't have an interest. It was hard to understand someone else's feelings.

"Why me?"

Touko-chan asked, as they walked alongside each other.

"Why did you make me your assistant? What are you planning, Yumi-sama?"


They walked slowly along the path that led to the main gate. They walked past the library. If they didn't turn right at the next intersection, each step would be taking them further away from the school buildings.

"That's what happened, right? The conversation earlier – it was you alone who decided to get an assistant, right? In that case, you would have been better off choosing someone who was easier to work with. I don't understand why you'd go to all the effort of having an eyesore like me alongside you."

An eyesore. Touko-chan was able to assess her own position quite coldly.

"For now, let's just say you were first in line."

Yumi answered.

"F-First in line!?"

Touko-chan stopped and asked loudly. Surprised by the noise, some of the students walking in front of them stopped and turned around.

"Oh no."

On the spur of the moment, they turned left, away from the school gates and towards the university buildings, and hid in the thick shrubbery. The rumor about Touko-chan sowing discord had been dispelled by her visits to the Rose Mansion, but it was probably better not to let everyone see them arguing.

"See, in the past you said you wanted to help the Yamayurikai, right Touko-chan?"

Yumi said quietly as she concealed herself in the shrubbery.

"I did, but that was to help Sachiko onee-sama – "

"And you are helping Sachiko-sama. Because you're covering for her while she's away. That's why I thought you were suitable."

In truth, that wasn't the only reason, but Yumi didn't have to divulge that to Touko-chan, so she didn't.

"It's a bit of stretch then to say that I was first in line."

There was a gap in the procession of high-school uniforms, so Yumi stood up, brushed the dirt from the hem of her skirt and said, "Maybe."

"Don't you think the people Sachiko-sama likes should work hard while she's away? That's why I returned home to the Rose Mansion too."

This time Yumi walked ahead.

"She likes us both? Returned home? Isn't it too late to be saying this? Especially since you ran off without listening to Sachiko onee-sama."

Touko-chan followed, eyebrows raised.

"That I did. But I told you my reason, didn't I?"

Yumi looked up at the sky.

"I honestly have no idea what's going on with my onee-sama."