Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume13 Chapter3 4

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OK, Let's Do It. Part 4.[edit]


On the path between the north and south entrances of M Station, just past the ticket gate, a voice called out to her. Yumi stopped walking and slowly turned around.

There was no mistaking it. It was her beloved onee-sama's voice.

"Gokigenyou, onee-sama."

"It's a bit early, so I wasn't expecting to see anyone."

Sachiko-sama said as she trotted over. Instead of her school bag, she had a heavy looking tote bag hanging from her shoulder.

Perhaps noticing Yumi's gaze, Sachiko-sama smiled as she patted the bag.

"See, the library's open today. I've got the books I borrowed the other day in here. Oh, did you arrive early because you were going to the library too, Yumi?"

"Ah, no."

She hadn't known that the library was open today. No, wait. She might have read that in the bulletin put out by the student library committee, but she hadn't checked each and every open day.

"Hot, isn't it?"

Sachiko-sama raised a hand to shield her eyes when they exited through the north gate. The footpath through the turnaround area was baking from the sun's rays, and the rising heat made it feel like they would dry out completely if they stopped there. Even if the store fronts were watered down, they would just dry straight away.

The bus that looped between M station and Lillian's was waiting at the bus stop for its scheduled departure time. They gently tapped on the door, which was closed to keep the cool air in, to let the driver know they wanted to board.

The door opened with a psssh sound. Since their student travel pass was no good during the holidays, they both fed their bus cards into the machine before boarding.

After about five minutes spent waiting in the cool bus, they departed right on schedule. No-one else had got on, so it was like they had chartered the bus.

There were plenty of seats, but they sat right next to each other on a two-seater. In the window seat, Sachiko-sama silently watched the scenery outside for a little while. Yumi was reminded somewhat of the young girl from earlier.

Her silent profile. Just what was her onee-sama thinking about right at this moment?

She certainly wouldn't be imagining that in a few hours from now her petit soeur beside her was going to try and force her into a meeting with students from Hanadera.

"It's about Yuuki-san."

Sachiko-sama suddenly opened her mouth.

"Ah, yes."


Surely she hadn't read her mind telepathically? Sachiko-sama's words came with such incredible timing that it seemed possible.

"What about my brother?"

Yumi asked gingerly. They were the only two passengers in the bus, they were seated next to each other, and there was still some distance to go before they reached the bus stop in front of Lillian's. Given the situation, Yumi didn't have the nerves of steel that would be required to give her onee-sama the cold shoulder and ignore her.

"I heard this in passing from Suguru-san a while ago, but Yuuki-san's a member of the Hanadera student council, isn't he?"

"Hmm … a student council member? I'm not really sure, but I don't think he's as important as that. I think he's more of an assistant."

"Really? Well, that's fine."

Sachiko-sama smiled.

"As his older sister, there's something that I'd like your support with, Yumi. I'm going to ask him to assist us with our school festival."

Not, "Would it be okay to ask him," or, "I'm thinking about asking him," but, "I'm going to ask him." Apparently she'd already made up her mind.

"Hmm, Yuuki at the Lillian's school festival – "

So that's it, by nominating Yuuki, who she was fine with, Sachiko-sama could keep unknown males at bay. A brilliant plan.

"What are we doing this year?"

"A play, of course."

"I knew it."

In her mind, Yumi apologized. "Sorry, Yuuki. I'm no match for my onee-sama."

Since Sachiko-sama had made up her mind, even with Maria-sama's strength there was probably no chance of getting her to reconsider.

"Last year, because I boycotted all the meetings with Hanadera, the onee-samas cast Suguru-san in the prince's role without my knowledge, and I was most distressed when I found out. I'm so relieved that I won't have to worry about that this year."


Onee-sama, you shouldn't feel too relieved about that. The sly old seniors may have graduated, but the petit soeurs that remained were plotting in the shadows.

But Sachiko-sama. It looked as though she'd completely forgotten about the Hanadera school festival, which was coming up before Lillian's. Either that, or she was trying to avoid thinking about it.

"Although I think we'll have to make a formal request in writing to their student council in September. But before that, Yumi, can you inform him of this? It could be a shock if it comes out of the blue."

"Ah … okay."

But there was no need for Yumi to go out of her way to do this, Sachiko-sama would probably be able to sound out Yuuki herself in a couple of hours time.

"But it's strange, isn't it? It was because of what happened with Suguru-san last year that I was able to take you as my petit soeur."

"Huh … "

But it was the petit soeur that was the chief conspirator this time. Yumi started feeling worse and worse about this, before unthinkingly opening her mouth:

"O-onee-sama, I – "


"Ah, we're here."

Was it good luck or bad? Sachiko-sama stood up.

The bus had arrived at their destination a lot quicker than usual. Since Yumi and Sachiko-sama had been the only passengers in the beginning, it obviously didn't need to stop mid-journey to let people off, and luckily there hadn't been any passengers waiting to get on at any of the stops, so the bus had been like an express train rushing past all the stops until it arrived here.

"What was it, Yumi?"

Sachiko-sama asked, after they disembarked.

" – Nothing."

Yumi shook her head, having changed her mind.

It would all come to nothing if she confessed here. If Sachiko-sama were to run away, it would be an insult to the other members of the Yamayurikai, but more than that to the members of the Hanadera student council that were meeting today.

"But you'd started to say something."

Sachiko-sama's words pricked at her breast.

"Sorry. It's slipped my mind."

Her own words pricked her even more.



Yumi thought herself weak for backing down like that. There was no doubt about it, she'd never have the personality of a mob boss.

She looked down at her feet as she walked, probably so she wouldn't have to look at her onee-sama's face.

There was a crack in the sidewalk, with grass growing up through it.

A discarded icy-pole stick.

Yumi's head slowly drooped further down.

"Oh Yumi."

Sachiko-sama's voice called out to her from behind.

"Ah, yes. Huh?"

It seemed as though she'd outdistanced Sachiko-sama without noticing, because she'd been looking down. There was a gap of about five metres between them.

"I even told you to wait for a little while. Didn't you hear me?"

It looked as though Sachiko-sama had stopped to get something out of her bag. But Yumi hadn't noticed at all.

"Here, see."

Sachiko-sama caught up to her and held out a small, moist hand-towel.

"The nape of your neck's uncovered and looks hot. It may be somewhat indecent, but you could put this over it."

Before Yumi could respond, the back of her neck turned chilly.


"Don't mention it."

Her onee-sama always seemed delighted when she could help out like this. Yumi thought she was a terrible petit soeur for trying to ensnare Sachiko-sama, who was so kind.

"But anyway, what were you looking at so intently? Insects? Do you want to become like Fabre?"[1]

Another prick at her heart.

" … Ow!"

"What's the matter, Yumi?"

While she and her onee-sama were looking down, a black ant really did bite Yumi on the calf.