Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume13 Chapter3 5

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OK, Let's Do It.Part 5.[edit]

With things the way they were, just looking at the school gates was painful.

The Hanadera students would gather in front of them in a few hours, and then the brother and sister comedy act would begin.

Passing through the gates onto the path lined with ginkgo trees, the pleasant sound of balls being firmly struck could be heard faintly, probably coming from the tennis courts.

In the university grounds to her right, there was the occasional group of two or three college students scattered about here and there.

She joined her hands together in prayer at the statue of Maria-sama at the fork in the path, but she had no idea what she should discuss with Maria-sama, so from the bottom of her heart she thought, "I'm sorry."

She couldn't ask for help for Yuuki at this point. – Or, rather, in truth her mind was filled with Sachiko-sama, not sparing a thought for her brother.

She accompanied Sachiko-sama on her brief visit to the library. All up there were five books Sachiko-sama was returning to the library counter. They all appeared to be classical Japanese literature.

"They were quite interesting. If you'd like, you could borrow them after me, Yumi. I particularly recommend this one."

Sachiko-sama held out the book she'd chosen.

Yumi didn't have the strength to resist, so she gave her library card to the staff member and went through the formalities of borrowing the book.

After leaving the library, they slowly walked towards the school building. They didn't have to go all the way over to main entrance, since they were using carry-around slip-ons instead of their indoor shoes during the holidays. So they bypassed the building corridors and went straight to the Rose Mansion.

As they walked around the back of the school building, the library book she carried in her left hand and the presence of the moist towel on her neck became heavier and heavier until she could no longer stand it.

"I'm sorry, onee-sama."

She finally came to a halt, unable to take another step.

"What are you talking about?"

Sachiko-sama had noticed immediately, and turned around before asking this question.

"I just knew it wouldn't be possible for me to deceive you, onee-sama."


Even if it was all being done for her beloved onee-sama's sake, it was still a deception.

She hadn't noticed it when talking with the others, or while endlessly tinkering with the plan, but now that she was here with Sachiko-sama, Yumi couldn't bring herself to look her squarely in the eye.

It was undoubtedly because she was, in some way, feeling guilty about it. And if she was feeling guilty about it, then the justification that she was doing it "for her onee-sama's sake" must in some way be wrong.

"I'll phone home right away, talk to Yuuki, and cancel the whole thing with the Hanadera boys. So please forgive me, onee-sama."

With her panic rising, Yumi squatted down, but Sachiko-sama held her by the shoulder and helped her back to her feet.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about with this deceiving, or canceling. And what's this about Hanadera? Please explain things sensibly, Yumi."

Her imposing voice.

It was like being called back to reality from a dream, shattering the illusion.

Because, no matter what happened, the most important thing was to stand alongside her onee-sama. That was what Yumi had finally remembered.

" – So that's it."

After hearing the entire story, Sachiko-sama chuckled.

"I understand the situation. It looks like you've been busy with all sorts of things lately."

They'd chosen to have this conversation under the shade of a tree around the back of the Rose Mansion to avoid being noticed.

"But, why? Knowing that it would undo all your hard work, why did you confess to me? You only had to last a little while longer."

"What would you have done if I hadn't, onee-sama?"

Yumi threw the question out there. Since she hadn't chosen to go down that path, she could let her imagination run wild, or ask Sachiko-sama herself what the result would have been.

"Let's see."

Sachiko-sama thought for a while before answering.

"I would have seen through your little charade immediately and been incensed by it. I may have gone into hysterics. I suppose I would have taken it out on a handkerchief. Ripping it to shreds."

That was scary. Incredibly scary.

"But, as angry as I was, I would have gone to the meeting. Because by using my anger, I would more or less be able to maintain my equilibrium. My hysteria's an armor built from indulgence. I would flaunt it because I'd know that you, Rei, and all of the other Yamayurikai members would forgive me. I'd be angry, knowing full well that you'd done all this on account of me."

Sachiko-sama was able to analyze herself completely dispassionately.

"So it wasn't that bad a plan to get me to meet the Hanadera student council."

"Oh, really?"

"Doesn't it seem like the sort of thing Mizuno Youko-sama would have done? And I would have been forced to go along with it."

So did that mean that getting all worked up about it and admitting this to Sachiko-sama had been a grave mistake on Yumi's behalf?

The conclusion that Yumi arrived at was no.

"But I'm not Youko-sama."

"That's true."

"I know it's a bit late to say something now. But then again, it's only now that I've come to realize it. Well, what I want to say is that I want you to meet them of your own free will. The Hanadera students, that is."

"Of my own free will?"


Yumi nodded.

"Even without any silly schemes, I think you'll soon win with your own strength, onee-sama."


Sachiko-sama's eyes widened.

Mi-n min min-

The silence between them was filled with the songs of cicadas.

Despite the loud min-min-min-min sound, amazingly the words that fell from Sachiko-sama's mouth weren't lost in the background music, but were carried distinctly to Yumi's ears.

"From time to time, you completely astonish me."

Sachiko-sama reached out her hand and softly stroked Yumi's hair.

"How is it that you can handle me so skillfully?"


Yumi asked, not really understanding what Sachiko-sama was saying. It felt as though she was being praised.

"Yes. It's strange. Even though you're completely different to Youko-sama. For some reason, your words and actions warm my heart."

Warm her heart. So that would mean that she wasn't displeased.

"Then you'll forgive me?"

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"For what? Trying to trick me?"


"It was just "attempted" trickery, right?"


Overjoyed, Yumi bowed deeply. But the action was so violent that the damp cloth fell from the back of her neck.

"Since I've told you all this, we should start afresh. I'll call Yuuki. They were going to meet at about 3:30, so he'll probably still be at home."

After picking up the towel, Yumi did an about face.

She had perked up and was feeling almost victorious now that she'd told Sachiko-sama everything, but the cleanup still had to be attended to.

She was about to rush to the green pay-phone in front of the office, when Sachiko-sama grabbed her wrist and said, "Wait a minute."

"I have another proposal. Would you like to hear it?"

Sachiko-sama said, then impishly placed her index finger on her lips and smiled.