Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume23 Chapter5 1

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Nearly Far? Or Distantly Near? Part 1[edit]

Statement from Mr. A (approx. 50 y.o.)

It was only during my late lunch that I noticed that I'd forgotten to bring my glasses.

I don't usually wear them. Only when I'm traveling or driving my car.

I left home some time after 10. I'd booked a taxi, since I thought I might be drinking, and when he arrived I got in, told him the destination and immediately closed my eyes.

I met the person I was going to see in the hotel lounge and, after about as long as it takes to have a cup of coffee, we headed to the restaurant.

It's a hidden place that operates almost exclusively for members but I like it because you can get a quiet meal there even during hectic times like Christmas or New Year's. It was after I was led to my usual private room and handed the menu that I realized that I didn't have my glasses.

I've been slightly near-sighted since my youth but recently I've found it harder to read small print. If the menu had been in Japanese I would have been able to more or less figure out the names of the dishes, but it was in French and that brought me to my knees. The blurry letters made me want to abandon my struggle to comprehend.

But even so, I had to do something. I asked my dining companion if there was anything they couldn't eat, then left the entire order up to our waiter.

My eyesight hasn't deteriorated to the point where eating is a challenge. That said, I didn't know how many more times I'd need them before my planned return home tomorrow evening. At any rate, I decided to get my glasses and come back.

We'd arranged to go shopping together after lunch, but I called it off after the third store and got in a taxi. I keep a pair of glasses at the office too, but I didn't really want to go there since it was the New Year's break. It would cause trouble for the security guards and, since I'd banned anyone from going to work during the New Year's break, it'd be a pain if my subordinates found out. So, by the process of elimination, the only option remaining was home.

Well, of course I knew they were holding a women-only New Year's party here. But as long as I didn't intrude (or rather, wasn't an intrusion) I thought it'd be fine if I entered quietly, got my glasses, and then left quietly.

I got out of the taxi on the public road in front of the house. After that, I entered my PIN at the gate to open it, then unlocked the front door with my key. Usually, someone would do this for me, so it was a somewhat novel experience.

At any rate, I entered the house and went straight up the stairs. I thought the party would be held in the first-floor traditional Japanese room. I was curious, but I thought I'd better not make an appearance. So I silently made my way to the second floor.

Naturally, I'm terribly sorry that I surprised Yumi-chan so.

But, as you can see from this, I hadn't meant any harm so I hope she'll forgive me.

Statement from Mr. B (19 y.o.)

Usually, most occupants are out of the house on the second of January, leaving just the mother and her daughter, so it's only natural for a man who's usually close to them to get worried and come and see how they're doing.

Well, of course I knew that this year they were holding a women-only New Year's party. I'd been told, "No men," beforehand. By who? The two ladies of the Ogasawara household. Separately, on different occasions. Quite on guard, no?

Which naturally leads to the question, what am I doing here in spite of that? It's because I just happened to go to the department store today to check out a certain item. While I was looking, I was struck by a desire to bring the women a gift for their party, so I casually came over. That's why.

Obviously, after I'd given them the gift I was going to return home immediately. I mean, it shouldn't matter as long as I don't take part, right? Would they stop the sushi delivery guy from going beyond the front gate just because he's a man? No, they wouldn't. It's the same as that.

I'm a student, so taking a taxi was out of the question. Naturally, I caught the train. Then walked here from the station.

When I came in sight of the Ogasawara house's front gate, I passed an empty taxi going the other way. Thinking about it now, that must have been the car that my uncle took. Although I didn't think much of it back then.

I was going to use the intercom but the door was already open. Since I'm so familiar with this place, I just sort of walked inside then closed the door. Because leaving it open was insecure.

It was dark, so I didn't see anyone walking ahead of me. And there was a bit of wind, so I couldn't hear any footsteps either.

The door looked to be unlocked, but I wouldn't have felt right about entering like that, so I rang the bell. But just then, I heard a scream from inside.

It was a woman's scream, so I went running in without thinking.

Which brings us to now.

Were there any questions?

None for me, right?

– So that's how it happened.

Although it would be more accurate to label the Mr A section as "Ogasawara Tooru" and the Mr B section as "Kashiwagi Suguru."


Mr A. If he'd rung the buzzer before entering the house, even if it had been an unwelcome intrusion for the women, it still wouldn't have turned into as big an incident as this. Well, since she hadn't recognized the man of the house and had screamed out like she was being attacked by a molester, Yumi was at least a little bit –

"Yumi did nothing wrong."

Sachiko-sama asserted clearly. Saying that in an emergency, there was no time to leisurely confirm the situation before screaming.

"You got that, Yumi? When something like this happens – of course, we hope it'll never happen again, but if it does, you should scream like you did just now. It doesn't matter if you realize it was a misunderstanding afterward. Because at that point you can apologize."

"Yes, onee-sama."

The pair looked at each other, holding hands tightly.

"Uncle, are you okay? You were totally acting like a degenerate."

Kashiwagi-san poked Tooru-oji-sama in the shoulder.


"I think your explanation just now was a bit lacking. We know the details of why you returned home, but there was absolutely no explanation as for why you put your hands on Yumi-chan. The drawn out passage about the restaurant and shopping doesn't really matter in this event. Let's just accept that you came back to the house to get your glasses. But you completely left out everything between then and Yumi-chan's scream. As one of the few men present in the house right now, I very much want to be on your side, uncle, but as it stands that's just not possible. Because, looking at it objectively, I can't see any relation whatsoever between your glasses and Yumi-chan."

Indeed. Except for the kimonos, it didn't look like there was anything special in this room, so it seemed unlikely that Tooru-oji-sama's glasses would be kept here. And obviously, if he was looking for his glasses, then there was no need to touch Yumi.

The room had been fully lit and if his eyesight had deteriorated to the point where he had to fumble around as he walked then he would have noticed he'd forgotten his glasses long before he looked at the restaurant's menu.

Now, how would he explain his way out of this?

"Oji-sama … "

Depending on his answer, Rei-sama looked ready to visit divine retribution on him as she held a long, thin vacuum cleaner tube out in front of her. Just as expected from a second-level kendo swordswoman. As usual, her stance was captivating.

(… huh, what? Vacuum cleaner?)


Statement from Miss C. (18 y.o.)

With the game over, it seemed like a good time to take a break so we decided to have tea and sweets. Sayako-oba-sama graciously offered to prepare the tea.

But my hand slipped and I accidentally dropped the small tea caddy. Yeah, the contents went spilling out everywhere.

It was a mess, the powdered green tea all over the tatami mats. I rushed to get the vacuum cleaner and vacuum it up.

I heard Yumi-chan's scream just when I was turning the vacuum off. So I started running to the second-floor, and at that time I instinctively grabbed the vacuum cleaner's hilt – ah, the tube or pipe or whatever, basically the long, thing plastic bit that's joined to the intake.

So that's why I was carrying that.

– And that tube was now pointed at just one man.

"Wait, h-hold on a minute! Believe me, Rei-chan. I'm Sachiko's father, for heaven's sake. I'd never think of doing anything bad to Sachiko's cute little sister."

Finally realizing the situation, he held his hands out in front of him, gesturing for her to stop. But this wasn't going to be resolved with some vague explanation like, "I'd never think of doing that."

"Then explain it so that everyone can understand."

Rei-sama pressed him, raising the tube overhead.

"Um, how to put this … it was on impulse."

"On impulse!? On impulse, you put your hands on her shoulder? Not even in a crowded train. In a spacious room."

At times like these, a person's character counts for everything. Women everywhere would find it hard to simply believe the words of a man who (allegedly) kept (multiple) mistresses.


"I believe you."

Yumi said. Then.





All the gazes that had been leveled at Tooru-oji-sama instantly shifted to Yumi.

"Yumi. Are you protecting my father?"

Sachiko-sama asked, her expression conflicted.

It wasn't as though she didn't believe her father. But the fact that he'd touched her petit soeur was a fact. Sachiko-sama's expression showed her bewilderment by her inability to reconcile those two concepts.

"I'm not protecting him or anything."

Yumi declared. If things kept lurching on like this it would just become even more tangled, so she thought she should try to untangle things. She felt bad for Sachiko-sama and wanted it straightened out quickly, although that's not to say she didn't also feel sorry for Tooru-oji-sama being unilaterally condemned.

"He probably mistook me for someone else."

"Why do you think that?"

Sayako-oba-sama, who had remained silent until then, approached Yumi and inquired.

"Because he said, "Saako," before he put his hand on my shoulder."

"Saako … "

Sayako-oba-sama repeated, as though mentally digesting it.

"Saako, is that Sachiko?"

Rei-sama asked Sachiko-sama. "Sachiko" becomes "Saako." A nickname used at home.

Yumi thought that too. That the father had thought it was his daughter and called out to her.


"It's not me."

Sachiko-sama responded coldly.

"Then – "

Who? Everyone's gaze once again settled on Tooru-oji-sama. Then.

"It's me."

A voice called from somewhere else.


Everyone's gaze shifted again quickly. The voice's owner, Sayako-oba-sama, looked down, her face on fire.

"I'm Saako."


Indeed. If "Sachiko" was not "Saako," then "Sayako" would probably be the next suspect. But. For some reason, it was hard to accept it without comment. With all due respect, it was hard to believe that this couple who had been married for so long would, really, with all due respect, call each other by pet names. Judging by Sachiko-sama's expression, this was something that even their daughter, who lived in the same house as them, was hearing for the first time.

"He mistook you for me. Because you were wearing one of my old kimonos, Yumi-chan. From the outset, I thought there was a chance it was this, but – "

From the outset, she said.

"Why didn't you say anything until now?"

Quick as a flash, Sachiko-sama interrupted her mother.

"I'm sorry. But, it may have been my vanity."

Her voice seemed to disappear as she got quieter and quieter.

"And what about you, uncle? Why didn't you just say so?"

Kashiwagi-san, the only other male present, also looked stunned as he asked this.

"It was embarrassing to admit that I embraced her because I mistook her for my wife."

Well, you've said it now. Uncle.

But, he'd mistaken her for his wife. Hearing this, Yumi's cheeks reddened. And Yumi wasn't the only one – her friends didn't know how to react either.

Naturally, Rei-sama deflated after being so tightly wound, and laid the plastic pipe down on the tatami mat.

"So that's what happened. I'm sorry, Yumi-chan."

Sayako-oba-sama used her hand to get Tooru-oji-sama to quickly bow his head.

"Ah, no, I should be the one to apologize."

Even as she said it, she knew it was a strange thing to say. But, now that the truth had come out, she remembered how overly loud her initial scream had been and it just slipped out.