Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume23 Chapter7 2

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The Heart in the Frosted Glass. Part 2[edit]

They chatted and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, then cleaned up, hung the linen out to dry once the washing machine finished, had a nice tea break, and by then it was already 11am.

"I suppose we should be heading off soon."

Rei-sama broached the topic and the two day New Year's party was brought to a close.

"You don't have to be in such a rush."

Sayako-oba-sama said, looking a bit regretful. Yumi felt the same way too, but Sachiko-sama's father and grandfather were returning that evening and the house staff would probably be back before then, so it seemed like they'd become a nuisance if they stayed too long.

"Come and visit us again."

Sachiko-sama smiled.


Her words had probably been intended for everyone but Yumi answered the loudest.

"Ah, wait a minute."

As they were putting on their shoes in the entry, Sayako-oba-sama scampered up to the second floor and quickly returned with something wrapped in a furoshiki cloth.

"Yumi-chan, you forgot something."

"I did?"

That said, she was definitely carrying her packed shoulder-bag. The presents she'd brought when she arrived had mostly been eaten, but even if there were leftovers she wouldn't have taken them home.

"Here you go."

Sayako-oba-sama opened the furoshiki cloth slightly to show what was inside. Yumi recognized the paper case. It contained the kimono of Sayako-oba-sama's that she'd been allowed to wear last night. Yumi remembered taking it off prior to her bath and that Sachiko-sama had hung it up on a special kimono hanger.

"You can wear it with obi sashes and accessories you have at home."

"Ah, but."

"Don't be so modest. This is the prize for winning the game of sugoroku. If you like it, please take it."


This was the first she'd heard of that.

"I'm sure I told you that. I did, didn't I?"

Sayako-oba-sama asked for confirmation. Yumi answered, "No," but the Yellow and White Rose soeurs all answered, "Yes."


Why were there two different answers?

With question marks flying around Yumi's head, Sachiko-sama smirked and said:

"You and I were on the second-floor when she announced the prize, Yumi. Mother made the announcement as soon as Shimako-san and Noriko-chan returned. Completely missing the fact that we weren't present. Then father and Suguru-san appeared and she must have completely forgotten about it, right?"

"Yes, yes. That's it."

Sayako-oba-sama shrugged.

"It's folded over to make it easier to carry, unfold it to its normal size when you get home."

"… Is it really okay?"

For her to take something so expensive and laden with memories.

"Take it. I had one pushed onto me last night too."

Sachiko-sama said, as the other member of the winning team.

"Okay. Thank-you very much. I'll take good care of it."

Yumi accepted it with both hands, then bowed deeply. It would be a treasured heirloom, passed down to her children and grandchildren. That was how she felt. Even though she wasn't even married yet.

"You don't have to worry about returning the furoshiki cloth. It was the wrapping for a thank-you gift we received for attending a wedding ceremony."

Sayako-oba-sama gently tugged on the knot of the furoshiki cloth. The cloth was made from a thin felt-like material. When her father had attended a wedding ceremony in his hometown, he'd received a gift of red rice, grilled bream, and other things wrapped in a furoshiki cloth like this one.

"Ah. Is that the one Kashiwagi-san brought back?"

Rei-sama asked.

"Yes, that's right, it was when you were visiting. But there was something strange about Suguru-san that day. I was going to question him about it but I forgot."

Hmm, so some time in the past when Rei-sama was visiting, Kashiwagi-san had come over just to return this one furoshiki cloth.

"Huh, that's – "

She felt like she'd heard that story. Yumi cocked her head as she tried to remember, and Sayako-oba-sama said:

"Incredible, Yumi-chan. You remember the cloth? You're right, it's the one I wrapped Suguru-san's mille-feuille in back then."

"Ah, so that's it. I knew it."

Despite laughing and agreeing, Yumi thought, "That's not it." Sure, Kashiwagi-san may have received a package of mille-feuille wrapped in a furoshiki cloth like that one on the day of the amusement park date. But she'd completely forgotten about that.

She was stuck on something else.

One day when Rei-sama went to visit Sachiko-sama, Kashiwagi-san had shown up. Yumi hadn't been there, but she knew this.


It was the day that Touko-chan had run away from home. Over the phone, Kashiwagi-san had told her about Rei-sama's visit.

Kashiwagi-san would surely have been acting strangely. Since he had to visit the Ogasawara household while Touko-chan was still missing and without turning it into a big deal. And, to this day, Kashiwagi-san still hadn't told the people of the Ogasawara household that Touko-chan had run away from home.

"What's the matter?"

"Ah, nothing. I was just thinking that since you gave me this kimono, I should learn how to put it on by myself."

Since Kashiwagi-san hadn't said anything, she should probably remain quiet about Touko-chan too. Having decided this, Yumi turned the conversation in a different direction.

"It's alright to get assistance with putting on a long-sleeved kimono."

Then Sayako-oba-sama said, "You seemed to enjoy it, so next time you visit we can try on kimonos." Trying on kimonos when she visited next. Incredible. That was different to "Wearing a kimono and visiting."

The five girls said their farewells to Sachiko-sama and her mother at the front door, turning down their offer of an escort to the gate, and headed out.

The weather was fine and it was pleasantly warm for January.


Yumi and the White Rose soeurs walked ahead, but Rei-sama and Yoshino-san quickly caught up with them, then overtook them, after first retrieving their bicycles from the car park.

"I'm off."

It was inevitable that Yoshino-san would enjoy herself on her shiny new bike. Rei-sama had temporarily stopped but she quickly took off again.

"Yoshino, wait up."

Rei-sama frantically chased after Yoshino-san. It was the same as always with those two. Yumi and Shimako-san looked at each other and laughed.

The gate was already open, since it was controlled from inside the house. Yoshino-san had been caught at the gate and was waiting for everyone else to arrive.

"Next up is the school opening ceremony."

"That's right."

"It's soon."

"Yeah. Real soon."

The five girls exchanged farewells of "Gokigenyou" and split into two groups.

Ahead of her, the two bicycles slowly shrunk into the distance. Yumi, together with Shimako-san and Noriko-chan, retraced the path they'd taken yesterday.

Since they didn't have to wonder about which road to take, they made it to the station in 15 minutes.