Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume32 Chapter4 2

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Graduation Group Photograph. Part 2.[edit]

The traditional group shot of graduating students from the photography club.

To be nominated to take that photograph meant that your talent had been recognized by the third years, so was a singular honor to students in the photography club.

– Or, at least, that was the outward appearance. In reality, it was an ordeal where you had to listen to the graduating senior's final selfish demands.

Those were the rules.

The person taking the photograph had to take it in accordance with the orders given by those having their photo taken. No matter how unreasonable the demand, it was always justified by saying 'You should be able to do that, right?' It was meant as a backhanded compliment. But despite being such a bloodthirsty affair, every year without fail they produced a good photograph, that was highly valued by the newspaper club.

But that just increased the pressure.

(Especially because the seniors don't really like me.)

So part of her wished they had chosen some other club member to be their photographer. No matter how skilled they were, you wouldn't want someone you didn't like taking your photo, right?

But, she was the one who had been selected. So she couldn't run away and had to face the music.


What would they ask her to do? Tsutako had no idea, so she wasn't able to come up with any counter-measures.

Incidentally, the requirement last year was that the photograph had to be taken at an instant when they were all genuinely laughing. The photographer started telling a number of jokes and got a few laughs here and there, but not one hundred percent. This kept going for 30 to 45 minutes. But still the seniors wouldn't laugh. Eventually the poor girl broke down in tears. At that point, all the seniors simultaneously started laughing. – Or so she'd heard.

A rumor. It was just a rumor. The people having their photo taken had all graduated, and the one who took the photo didn't want to talk about it.

The only thing she was sure of was that the person who took the photograph last year was on the other side of the lens this year. It seemed unlikely they would use the same gimmick as last year, but maybe she should take some eye-drops just in case.