Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume7 Chapter9 1

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Friday. Part 1[edit]

"Oh no."

By the time I woke up, it looked like I'd be cutting it close to get to school on time. I just put on my uniform and left without having breakfast.

"You answered me when I called out to you, so I thought you were awake."

My mom was panicking. But I was a high-school student, so it wasn't my parents' fault if I was late. Even so, my alarm must have stopped at some point. I just couldn't be late.

When I got to the main road, I saw the bus coming behind me, so I forced my leaden body to sprint. I made it to the bus stop just in time, boarded the bus, and breathed a momentary sigh of relief. But the bus was crowded, and the man next to me reeked of alcohol, so for the first time in ages I felt carsick.

The bus I changed to at M station was filled mainly with Lillian students, so there wasn't the smell of alcohol, but despite that I kept feeling worse and worse, and couldn't get back to normal.

I wasn't late to school, but I was completely exhausted by the time I made it to the classroom.

"You're not looking well, are you okay?"

Shimako-san asked, concerned, when she saw my face.

"Yeah. My energy's my sole redeeming feature."

But my magical spell wasn't working today.