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Josak & Gwendal[edit]

Infiltration and intelligence gathering work is much less exciting than what outsiders think. Just by hearing 'intelligence gathering,' His Majesty, unfamiliar with the work, exclaimed:


Those black eyes sparkled, but the job was actually more grim than spry[1]. With a job like that, he might have thought many times that it would be more fun to be a guinea pig for Miss Anissina.

And yet, hunting for the rare, super-important, classified information, today I am once again wearing servant's clothes wandering… no, searching around the castle. With a broom in one hand and a bucket in the other. So, it was surprising to hear unfamiliar words coming out of the taciturn Lord von Voltaire's room that you couldn't usually hear people speaking in.

"… fufu… I'm not letting you go tonight, little kitten…"

It was so shocking even my underwear slipped out of place.

There's no way that that His Stuffy Excellency Gwendal brought a lady into his room! And on top of that, he's coaxing her into bed with that voice so nice it's a waste! And then 'I'm not letting you go' and then 'little kitten.' To put it simply, it's impossible! But disregarding my trembling, His Excellency's sexy talk continued. This time in a soft voice.

"Since fate has brought you to me, I'm going to adore you until you beg me to stop~. I'm going to spoil you as much as I want, my little kitten… What? Do you want something? Ohh, how cute~. Kitty, kitty, you wanna dwink some goat milk warmed by my skin?"

Little kitty?

What the hell, Your Excellency Eldest Son!? Is this what it means when they say like parent, like child? Not just the second son, but you've inherited your mother's ability as well!? I absolutely have to tell Lady von Karbelnikoff about this. No, wait. Showing her the situation in person would be much more embarrassing than submitting a written report… there's definitely going to be some persuasive power in that.

Honestly, this is why I can't stop playing the 'a servant saw it!' game.

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  1. This was a pun on how the English word 'spy' in kana (supai) sounds like the word for 'sour' (suppai). And then, a way to say 'grim' or 'distasteful' in Japanese is also the word for salty (shoppai). So, the original Japanese sentence read as '… the job was actually more salty than sour.'