Mushi Uta:Volume 4 Chapter 1

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1.00 Chiharu Part 1[edit]

Dispensing with the preliminaries, how is everything going?

For me, Ayukawa Chiharu to say, if you asked me, it appears to me that I am revelling in the festivities of youth.

After all, my family can be said to be in perfect harmony and I have lots of friends in school as well. And because I do some part-time jobs occasionally, I am not troubled financially either. Ah, but I couldn’t afford the latest model mobile phone. Looks like I have to start working again.

Aah, what wonderful days. Hurray for being a highschool girl in bloom!

Incidentally, I am currently being embroiled in a situation commonplace to youths.

When you hear the word youth, I wonder what would you associate it with?



Non non, those are not it at all!

It’s falling in love!

“Ayukawa? Did you not hear me?”

—Chiharu, whose consciousness had been transported into a different dimension without her realising, came to with a start.

The time now was midday.

In this season right before the spring break, lessons ended in the morning. The time now was when half of the students were heading home, and the remaining half engrossing in their club activities.

Chiharu was presently in her own classroom, class H of the second year. The figures of her classmates were not around, with only herself and another male classmate all alone in the classroom.

When she received the mail stating, ‘After school, please stay behind in the classroom’, she already had an inkling of what was going to happen. But when it came to that moment, as expected, she felt discomfited somehow.

“Ah, erm. Well…”

Facing the male student staring at her nervously, Chiharu lowered her face with a bitter smile.

“I like you. You are not attached currently, right? In that case, please go out with me!”

‘In that case’, even if you say that—.

Chiharu’s face started to look more and more sour. This was not the first time someone had asked her out, but she could never get used to it. She would probably still feel the same no matter how many times she experienced it from now on.

“Once the new term begins, our class would be shuffled again. There’s a chance that we may be allocated to different classes… That’s why, I want to tell you my feelings right now.”

Apparently, he was very earnest. This is bad. Chiharu was weak against the serious types.

“Well, to state the conclusion, it’s impossible. Sorry.”

Chiharu stated clearly. Because the other party was very serious, all the more that Chiharu could not answer him half-heartedly.

“Why? Do you have someone else that you like?”

“Nope. Although it is saddening, there’s not a single person I like. How unfortunate, even though falling in love is like the main event of youth.”

“T-then, all the more…!”

“Like I said, that’s impossible. Although I don’t know if I could grow to like you, I can’t make that kind of promise. Sorry.”

Once she finished speaking, Chiharu thought in her mind, ‘Oh damn, I’ve gone and done it again’, as she held her head.

Although she had been so hesitant and wavering in her heart, her actions were frightfully straightforward and blunt. What’s worse was the fact that she felt no regrets about it at all.

As expected, having received such an outright rejection, the boy was shocked. He tried to disguise his depressed expression with a forced smile.

“I see… I guess that’s only to be expected. Sorry, please forget about today. If we are in the same class again in our third year, please treat me the same as always, okay.”


As Chiharu assented with a smile, she felt a prickling pain in chest. If she were to listen to his words and forget entirely about today’s happening, would the boy actually be content? …The answer was obvious. She thought to herself that she would try her best to keep today’s event in her memories.

After watching the male student leave the classroom, Chiharu leaned on her desk.

“That’s right. What a bummer, truly. Youth really isn’t that easy-going.”

Taking deep breaths with her face lying side-down on the desk, the texture of surface of the desk was reflected in her eyes.

Her long hair, which just barely went over what was allowed by the Nishito Sousei High School’s school rules, stretched out. She had large pupils that made it easy to tell when she was awake or not, which was of not much use to her up till now. She also had a habit of humming, during which her face was described as ‘resembling a cat’ by her friends.

Muu… Ooah!

With a jump, Chiharu stood up forcefully from her seat. Surely the boy who confessed to her would not want her to be depressed. Burying her emotions within, she exited the classroom.

As Chiharu walked along while looking out of the window, she unconsciously started to hum with a smile before she even realised. She came across many of the Sports club members in the middle of a run as she walked across the school compound.

…Yes, today was just another peaceful day. It may not be bad to experience such a youth with frequent worries.

Chiharu spoke to no one in particular in her heart.

—Chiharu took pride in herself as being quite an ordinary highschool girl, however, she had three strange idiosyncrasies.

The first one which was her ‘decisiveness trait’, as she had just displayed earlier. To put it in words, it means that her mind and her body were not in sync. There were more than just a few instances when her thoughts were unfinished yet she had undertaken some decisive actions.

The second was her humming. Often, she would start humming with a smile on her face out of nowhere. Who knew how many times had she started humming out of the blue during lessons, drawing the ire of the teachers.

The third and last idiosyncrasy was the most difficult to explain. Perhaps, one could call it a ‘narrating quirk’? She would narrate her daily life out loud, as if she was writing a letter. To whom she was addressing, even she herself did not know. However, this diary which had continued for years, would usually start with a ‘Dispensing with the preliminaries’ or ‘Dear…’. By this point, it was no longer a diary, but a bunch of letters that did not have an addressee.

Anyway, those were small peculiarities that anybody was bound to have one or two of no matter who. Or so that was what she wanted to believe.

“Hey! Yo! Excuse me!”

Opening the door to the room allotted to the student council, multiple familiar faces looked in her direction.

“One greeting is more than enough, Ayukawa-senpai.”

The person who said so with a bitter smile was a baby-faced first-year student, Tsushima Ayumu. He held the position of secretary.

“Ah! What is that, Tsushima-kun!”

Chiharu circled around in front of Ayumu as he laid out his lunch box.

“Oooh, that looks so good! Hey, Tsushima-kun, isn’t there something that you should say to your hungry and esteemed vice-chairman?”

Placing both of her hands on the table, Chiharu looked up at Ayumu’s face with a coveting look. Ayumu turned slightly red and relented with a sigh.

“Fine, you may help yourself to an onigiri.”

Chiharu smiled with a huu, grasping her fist in victory behind her back. —Despite Ayumu’s present circumstance, he was in fact a playboy who had multiple lovers. The fact that Chiharu knew of it was also something Ayumu knew. Because of such, there was an unspoken rule between Chiharu and Ayumu and he often had to accede to her requests.

“Aah, wait… not the kaarage! Even though that was the last one!”

“Ah! Why did you give it to vice-chairman? Although I asked you for it earlier!”

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The one who cut in from the side was Noda Saori, the accountant who was similarly a first-year student. She was also in the Swimming club and gave off an image of fitness. Aware of the feelings she bore towards Ayumu, Chiharu felt a little bad and reflected on the inside.

“Well, that’s because Ayukawa-senpai is different from Noda-san, she’s our senior.”

“Yes, yes, this is definitely not an abuse of power. There’s nothing, really. Anyway, is it ok for you not to attend club activities, Noda-chan?”

“I’m skipping today!”

“Yup, I hear you loud and clear. …So Kanadome-kun attended properly too. That’s good!”

Sitting in the opposite end of the room with his legs placed on the table, Kanadome Naoki raised his head from his mobile phone. Dressed from head to toes in accessories that were forbidden by the school rules, he seemed most removed from what one would expect of an officer of the student council. However, he always attended such gatherings without fail, showing that he was a responsible general affairs officer.

Including the chairman who was heavily involved in club activities, the remaining members of the student council seemed to be absent as well. But, as the four of them who were the primary members in charge of routine tasks were gathered, there were no problems.

“That’s right. But anyway, we’re here to hear the report by Ayukawa, right. So?”

“Eh? Report?”

“Someone from your class confesses to you, right? So? Did you accept?”

Naoki flashed a grin. This caused Chiharu to widen her eyes.

“Wha-, wha-… why do you know that!”

“S-senpai! What do you mean by someone confessed to you?”

“Why is it that part that Tsushima-kun concerned with?”

“The friend of the guy who confessed to you was also my friend. I heard from him that he would be confessing sometime soon. And then, you were late for this meeting. Thus, that was what I, the genius detective, deduced.”

“Don’t surprise me like that… I thought for sure that some secret organisation was observing me or something.”

“So? What’s your response?”

No comment. As the one in question, please do not dig into my privacy. Now, as this is our final task, let’s get it over with quickly.”

After giving a slight cough, Chiharu distributed the pile of documents placed on the table equally to each of the members. To facilitate the handing over of duties to the new student council in the new term, they were classifying the documents.

“At any rate, you’ve probably rejected him, what’s the point of all the secrecy now.”

“…If you knew, then you shouldn’t even have asked.”

“Nope, that was just what I had thought. I see, so you refused.”

“Nice leading question, Kanadome-senpai.”

“What’s nice about that, Tsushima-kun.”

Thereafter, the four of them sorted the documents while chatting about meaningless things. As their chatter stopped halfway, Chiharu looked out of the window casually. She looked towards the running tracks in the field.

Indeed, this is not bad. This spring-like everyday life—.

Without her realising, her ‘narrating quirk’ emerged. She began to speak to a faceless, non-existent someone.

But, you know. Somehow, this… how do I say it. It may be weird to say it like this, but perhaps you could call it a sense of guilt? For some reason, it feels like my current life does not seem to belong to me—.

“Anyway, there’s no saying that this would be our final task, wouldn’t it? At least for Ayukawa.”

At Naoki’s sudden words, Chiharu turned to him. It sounded like he was denying what Chiharu had said earlier.

“Eh? Why do you say that?”

“What are you being in a daze for, next term’s student council chairman? Even the three of us knows that you have the recommendation of lots of people.”

Chiharu showed a bitter smile.

“Sorry, that’s impossible. I don’t have the qualities for that.”

“Why is that so? If you indicate that you are running for chairman now, there’s no doubt that Ayukawa-senpai would win.”

Ahaha, I’m glad to hear you say that. But, what can’t be done cannot be helped.”

Now was her ‘decisiveness trait’ in display. Although she felt happy about their support for her, she still clearly refused.

—I have a feeling that I… shouldn’t become the ‘protagonist’. Hey, there’s definitely something weird about me, right?

She spoke inside her mind to no one in particular.

“In that case, you can just be the vice-chairman again. There’s no problem with that, right?”

“If I can. But, at that time, I would forcefully drag all of you together with me, okay. If you are thinking of drawing me into something as troublesome as that, I wouldn’t let the rest of you escape.”

“That’s fine by me. It’s a promise, okay!”

“Fine, fine.”

“I-I want to be part of the student council again too! …Even if the advisor of the Swimming club disapproves…”

Talking and working at the same time in that vein, time passed in a blink of an eye. Due to them taking multiple breaks as well as Chiharu and Naoki going out to buy food, their progress was slower than expected.

By the time the western skies were dyed in the colours of sunset, Chiharu finally burst out.

“Oh, jeez! There’s no way we can finish everything today looking at what’s left! Are you guys actually working properly?”

“That’s weird. Although you distributed all the documents equally to us at the start, yet the one with the largest amount remaining is you, Ayukawa-senpai.”

“That’s… looks like it’s impossible for today. Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day.”

Uu… I agree.”

In the end, they reached the conclusion that the work needed to be carried over till tomorrow.

After splitting up in front of the student council room, Chiharu headed for the school gate with her bag.

In the first place, she had chosen this school because of its proximity to her house. Thus, it was only a fifteen minutes’ walk away from home. Humming along as she walked, she soon reached her house.

As she tried to push open the door, she realised that it was locked. Now that she thought about it, her mother had told her earlier that she would be attending the neighbourhood association meeting and would be late. Likewise, her father was in the middle of a business trip and would only be back in a week.

She retrieved a key from her bag and unlocked the door.

“I’m back—”

As Chiharu took off her shoes, she called out to the empty house. As she did not have any siblings, there was obviously no response.

She climbed up the stairs and entered her own room. It was a simple room devoid of soft toys or posters. Having conducted a conference (or so they called it) for the student council in her room once, the four who attended the meeting today had visited it before. Naoki commented, ‘What a dull room’, while Ayumu remarked, ‘This is certainly a girl’s room but it’s unusually bland’. This led to the scene where Saori questioned Ayumu, ‘Sounds as if you had visited lots of girl’s room’, but anyway, it was such a room.

A board hung barely off the wall on which photographs were pasted, all of which belonged to her during her time in middle school. As for photographs of her before that time—for some reason, there were none.


While closing the curtains so that she can change, Chiharu knitted her eyebrows.

She seemed to sense a human figure passing by through the window of the apartment opposite hers. Almost all of the sliding storm shutter of the rooms of the apartments were closed usually, with the exception of a room on the second floor which was always covered in darkness. As there never seemed to be light coming from the room, nor were there curtains blocking the view, she had always thought that nobody lived there.

A ghost…?

Feeling shivers on her back, Chiharu shut the curtains. Taking off her uniform, she reached out for a sweatshirt from the closet and stopped.

“A ghost, huh… don’t tell me that the girl from yesterday was really a ghost?”

She recalled the girl sleeping in the centre of the forest paradise.

Now that she thought back about it, just what was the feeling that was similar to a compulsion that she felt that time.

—She had first seen that girl yesterday, during her stroll back home after school.

The moment she saw her, all the buzz from the hustle and bustle became distant to her.

Be it the couple pleasantly chatting as they walked, or the salaryman returning home from work, or the catch-sales preying after females restlessly. —None of the them seemed to have notice the existence of the girl. Normally, upon seeing a girl walking on the streets in what looks like in-patient garbs, one would at least have the reaction of turning around to look at her again.

Only Chiharu alone perceived the figure of the girl. In addition, she had a strange impression of her.

That was—a nostalgic feeling of having met her before.

As Chiharu herself had no memories of her face, that feeling disappeared immediately afterwards.

Nevertheless, Chiharu felt a burning curiosity about the bumbling girl. There shouldn’t have been any basis for the nostalgia—no, there may be perchance. Even though it was contradictory, Chiharu thought so for some reason.

Secretly following the girl, they arrived at ‘URBAN’. The girl entered the dome, into the lounge surrounded by trees and collapsed with a plop, falling asleep.

Chiharu wanted to watch over her for a while, but she did not look like she would wake up anytime soon.

She wondered what should she do. This did not seem like a situation that necessitated reporting to the police, but neither did it felt like calling an ambulance was needed. Above all, the girl herself seemed to be very comfortable, so she did not have any intention of disturbing her.

After around two hours, the girl showed some signs of waking up. Chiharu inadvertently hid into the shadow of a nearby tree.

Just as she thought the girl was still in a daze, the girl once again headed for the streets with unstable footsteps.

Chiharu could do nothing other than watch the girl walk away.


She let go of the sweatshirt which she was holding. Instead, she opted for a shirt with a skirt, putting on a cardigan above that. Whenever she wore her plain clothes, she usually paired it with a hat. She reached out for a hunting cap, but immediately changed her mind and took the casquette instead.

Looks like her body had moved into action before her brain again. She went down the stairs to the entrance and tied the shoelace on her boots while humming.

Locking the door behind her, she left her home. She then got on her bicycle and raised her head.

“Youth is the age where one wants to embark on adventures, isn’t that right?”

With a grin, she spoke out to nobody in particular.

Subsequently, she rode in the direction of Nishito City, towards the lofty Urban Tower which reflected the orange sunset.

1.01 Chami Part 1[edit]

Stepping onto the rooftop of Urban Tower, an acrid odour assailed her nose.

“This place stinks of gasoline.”

Konomura Chami surveyed the surroundings and said so expressionlessly.

In fact, the odour was least of the matters. It could be said that the site that spread in front of her was in ruins. There were no doubts that a battle had occurred here.

Chami’s short hair fluttered in the wind. The smell of gasoline was blown away for only a moment before assaulting her nose once again.

Chami was currently in her plain clothes as she had not returned to her home to change. She was currently dressed in tights along with knickerbockers and a long t-shirt on top. The small-statured Chami was often mistaken for a middle school student, except for her gaze, which hid a sharpness that did not befit her age of sixteen years-old.

“Looks like it’s right here… where the white cat received its fatal wound…”

Konoha muttered in hushed voice from behind. She was a Rank 4 Blaze Class member of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau’s Central Headquarters combat group, customarily positioned in Higano City. She was now in Nishito City after being called by Chami to ‘report’ to her. She was dressed in a simple jacket and culottes.

“I can see that for myself. We followed the traces of battle all the way up from the first floor. And here is the end of the line, The End. Or are you saying that they continued the battle in the air? Cats obviously can’t fly, so shut up if you’re not saying anything useful.”


Throwing a look at Konoha telling her to be quiet, Chami ran over her thoughts.

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…Notwithstanding the effects of my ability, Owlet was quite smart. She understood my orders and pressed on with the monitoring of Ayukawa Chiharu for over five years like an idiot. There’s no reason that she would abandon her mission at this point of time… In other words, that means that Ayukawa Chiharu came here, to ‘URBAN’. Why would Chiharu come here—.

As she speculated in her mind, she traced the path of destruction starting from the entrance.

There, she fought against someone… Seeing as how all the destruction came from one direction, the number of enemy was probably only one. In addition, the enemy must have been quite a powerful Mushitsuki. And also, the enemy was not attacking one-sidedly. If the cat had the intention to escape, all she had to do was to head towards a narrow location.

That Owlet wanted to defeat that guy… there can only be one reason. Chiharu was in danger… that’s to say, the enemy was targeting Chiharu and was about to take action that would harm Chiharu.

The earliest blood traces were found nearby the drum cans that held the gasoline. It must have been fuel for the crane.

Chami grinned.

Kukuu. She really thought well with that small brain of hers. Was she trying to burn up the enemy along with herself? But she failed and got hit by an attack. The place where she received the final attack was…

Chami walked towards the hut with the water tank. The water tank and pumps had been destroyed, flooding the area with water. The gasoline and water mixture flowed down the drain which was installed onto the ground.


Chami put on a serious look.

This is… Did she purposely guided the enemy to attack here? Nah, she couldn’t possibly think that far… but, if I think about it… what’s the point of her doing that to an enemy she couldn’t defeat?

Chami turned around and faced her back. She looked beyond the surprised Konoha’s shoulders, down at Urban Tower and Dome.

—How about we trudge onwards together along this shitty life!

Chami laughed scornfully with a Hmm.

Looking at the scars of battle, Chami understood Owlet’s dying wish, as well as the height of her loyalty towards her and felt irritated. Turning around, she glared towards Konoha.

“How dare you defy my order at your own convenience.”


How dare you go and die all by yourself without telling even informing your master—.

She averted her gaze away from the hut, between which Konoha was standing with her eyebrows frowning in puzzlement.

I now understand the gist of the situation.

Ayukawa Chiharu came to this place yesterday.

And then, she encountered a potential enemy there. —No, it is more correct to say that they almost met. Since I saw Chiharu attending school as per usual today, and she did not display any signs of encountering any life-threatening danger.

From the traces of human blood (or so, Konoha determined) on the first floor that continued till here, it seems that the attacker had already sustained heavy injuries. After defeating Owlet, the enemy temporarily retreated.

“…What a truly shitty mission from head to toe. Even though nothing happened all this time for five years.”

She cursed while descending the escalator.

Konomura Chami. Alternatively, that was who the Rank 10 Irregular Class member of the Southwest Branch of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau, codename Owl, was. Being Rank 10 indicated that amongst the Mushitsuki, her power belonged to the next lowest rank above the unranked.

Five years ago, the mission that was given to her was one that was fit for the lowest ranking members.

That was to monitor the person known as Ayukawa Chiharu.

But, that was all. Without even telling her any reasons, she did not even know what kind of dangers would arise specifically. At that time, having only recently been turned into a Mushitsuki and yet to even finish her training, it was clearly a daunting mission.

In the documents submitted by Chami periodically, the last sentence in the report about Chiharu’s behaviour was always, ‘No abnormalities’. The next report was also, ‘No abnormalities’, followed by, ‘No abnormalities’… and this continued on for five years.

The returning orders were always, ‘Continue monitoring’.

‘Continue monitoring’—She might as well have fabricated a report for submission, and they would not have made any effort to confirm the validity of the report and just continued sending the same orders mechanistically.

Had she not delegated the task to Owlet, one of the person, or rather, one of which she converted into her servant, she would have gone crazy from the monotony of the task. It was truly a shitty mission given by a shitty organisation.

That foolish organisation, the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau. Being so incompetent, surely, they would not have known of it.

How that in these five years, Chami’s ability, which could only influence a cat at the start, had matured. And how that this lone Mushitsuki, which they have evaluated as the lowest rank, would eventually turn around to bite them, bringing to them certain destruction—.

“I’ll continue on with this shitty mission using the minimum effort. More importantly, isn’t it about time you tell me what has been happening in the central area.”

While descending the escalator, Chami ordered that of Konoha. As Konoha had just arrived in Nishito City yesterday, Chami had yet to hear of the crucial details from her.

“I’ve only heard until the part where Kakkou defeated one of the Original Three, Shinpu, prior to which, Ladybird as well.”

Konoha, who was walking behind Chami without making any sound of footsteps, replied in a whispery voice.

“Fuyuhotaru had escaped from the Central Headquarters…”


“At that time, three special teams had been organised at the order of vice-director Miguruma…”

“Three teams? Why did she purposely split the command structure? Seems like Miguruma Yaeko is an idiot as well.”

“…I was part of the pursuit team chasing after Fuyuhotaru but… at the same time, there were two other orders of the same risk level… One was the retrieval of the disk… its contents were not revealed, but the one who stole the disk was said to be Centipede…”

Chami stopped her legs which were going down the escalator, causing the trailing Konoha stopped as well.

“Don’t you say some nonsensical stuff. Isn’t Centipede one of the Mushibane’s executives who had been turned into a Fallen? Where did you even get that from?”

Mushibane referred to the resistance group that had been created to oppose SEPB’s actions of capturing Mushitsuki. After their leader, a girl known as Ladybird, died in a battle against a bureau member, Kakkou, their remnants were currently dispersed.

“Centipede was recaptured promptly after, but… I saw the conversation between the girl who escaped with the disk and leader of the retrieval team, Kasuou… For some reason, the girl was moving together with Fuyuhotaru and were escaping in the direction of Ouka City… Also during the chase, from the contents of the dialogue between C and Fuyuhotaru…”

“Even the battle-crazed Kasuou and the databank of the headquarters, C? If the mission involved such high-ranked personnel, there must be some credibility to your story. That disk must have been an extremely important item. And then, that disk landed into the hands of none other than Kakkou. In other words, the ‘heart’ of the battles had landed into the hands of the protagonist… The person who delivered the disk may not have realised it themselves, but they had completed a great task. —So, you must have seen the contents of the disk?”


Konoha bit her lips. Chami clicked her tongue and grabbed her by her collars.

“Are you an idiot? If you weren’t looking at the crucial contents, just what the hell have you been doing!”


“You said three teams were assembled. Apart from the Fuyuhotaru pursuit team and the disk retrieval team, what’s the last one.”

“That is… the Rank 4 me was not informed…”

Tch, you’re thoroughly useless! Why do you think I taught you how to manoeuvre and contrive, rising you to Rank 4! I’m not even asking you to reach Rank 1. Rank 2… no, at least get yourself up to Rank 3!”

Facing Chami’s words of blame, Konoha only bit her lips and put up with it. Chami deepened her frown and slammed Konoha against the wall.

“Say something, you gloomy woman! You disgust me!”

“…When are you going to… find it for me…”

Konoha murmured, her shoulders trembling. Unable to endure further, she glared back at Chami from within her forelocks.

“I… am not your servant… I only promised to cooperate with you… if you helped me find the fifth Rank 1… the one who killed that person…”

She said in a trembling, whispery voice.

Faint red smoke emanated from Konoha’s body. Only being visible to Chami, the smoke consolidated into the figure of a queen bee.

It was a part of Chami’s Mushi, which she had embedded into Konoha previously.

There were three types of Mushi, the Minion Type, the Special Type, as well as the Fusion Type. People were turned into Mushitsuki when they encounter the Original Three, but which type of Mushi they would have depends on which one of the three they came into contact with.

Mushi like that of Konoha’s, which are capable of independent movement are known as Minion Types. They were a result of the existence known as Oogui.

Mushi like that of Chami’s, which on the other hand, does not have a physical body are known as Special Types. Compared to the other two types which possesses comparatively stronger physical power, there are wide varieties of supernatural abilities which Special Types could wield. Mushitsuki borne of the existence known as Shinpu were always of the Special Type.

Mushi of the Fusion Type merge with their host to give them superhuman strength. This type of Mushi was the least populous of the three, and the existence which gives rise to the Fusion Type was known as Sanbikime, the most mysterious of the Original Three.


Chami swung her right hand. The palm of her hand struck Konoha’s cheek, causing a pachin sound to echo down the tower.


“Don’t you dare talk back to me. I wouldn’t mind throwing you away right here.”

Konoha held her palm to her cheek, glaring at Chami with killing intent. The red queen bee that surrounded Konoha expanded in size.

Chami’s ability—it manifests in a person whose heart held some insecurities when a chink in their heart is encroached in by her Mushi. Her Mushi, the queen bee, is able to intensify the strongest emotion hidden deep in the target’s heart. It causes that emotion to exceed its reasonable limit, robbing away the target’s sense of reason. Manipulating the people who had lost their ability to make sensible judgement then is a very easy task for Chami.

It was an ability that contaminated the spirit, one that merely stimulated the target’s emotions. Even amongst the abilities capable of controlling the psyche, it had only been evaluated as trivial. It could not be used to forcefully dominate someone else. That was why it was determined to be the lowest rank of Rank 10.

However, Chami’s true strength laid in the proficiency of the ability user herself. By converting those whose ability to think had declined into her allies, Chami brainwashed them without them even realising it into believing that they were useless unless she was by their side.

The organisation known as the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau only placed importance in the ability of the Mushi itself, thus overlooking Chami’s hidden potential. To Chami, that was unbearably humiliating.

“What can you possibly do by yourself? Go on, say it! Other than being able see somewhere given the 3D coordinates or in certain conditions, there’s nothing else you can do!”

At Chami’s words, Konoha’s shoulders quivered. The emotion that the girl was currently holding on to was rage. Underneath her downcast face, a constantly seething anger brewed.

—Any more provocation than this is dangerous. If one’s emotions were over-amplified, their mind and body would be broken. If not properly handled, it is possible that they may turn into an enemy. This ability that isn’t capable of mental domination, but only mental pollution was designated to Rank 10 for this reason.

It would not do to have Konoha broken right now. This girl still has some uses.

“You will definitely meet the fifth Rank 1 that deprived you of your lover. I will ultimately arrive at the ‘heart’ of the mystery behind Mushitsuki, and then, it’s a matter of time before I take over the SEPB.”

Controlling all of the Mushitsuki and reigning above them—that was Chami’s true ambition.

Although the existence known as the Mushi were surrounded in mysteries, their power were overwhelmingly huge. Once she has the SEPB under her control, with the power of Mushitsuki troops, she would be able to obtain anything. Indeed, even if it was this country.

For that purpose, there was a need for her to know exactly what are the Mushi. Rather, Chami felt that knowing the secret behind the Mushi is the key to controlling the Mushitsuki.

“Didn’t you swear your loyalty to me? There’s already no turning back for you now. If you stop now, you would be left with nothing. Isn’t that right?”


Konoha was biting her lips so hard that they had turned pale white. The figure of the queen bee that enveloped the girl faded away from Chami’s view.

However, that certainly did not mean that Chami’s Mushi had disappeared from within Konoha. As usual, the Mushi’s fine needle was always stimulating the girl’s anger as always.

Konoha was still sprawled on the floor without moving, her shoulder’s shaking.

“…Fine. Suits yourself. My connection with you ends here. You can go wherever you want.”


Konoha grabbed Chami’s clothes from behind as she faced her back.

“There’s nowhere… that I can go… I’ll listen to you… so…”

Chami stared coldly at Konoha who was muttering with tears forming in her eyes.

“Don’t ever talk back to me, you understand.”


“Go and investigate the contents of the disk. Right now.”

“H-how do I…”

“Why don’t you use your rotting brains for once. Surely, there’s some guy who watched the contents. Do whatever it takes to get them to spill it out.”

Leaving those words, Chami left ‘URBAN’.

Walking down the street, she headed for the residential area.

It was already evening by the time she reached her destination. The Ayukawa house which was lit by the evening glow was completely silent.


She turned her heels, entering the apartment opposite that. On the second floor, she placed her hand on one of the doors lining the corridor.

There were no locks on the door. Cool air welcomed Chami as she entered the apartment.

There was a refrigerator. Together with a television and a chair by the window, that was all she saw. She took off her shoes and entered, finding a bed further inside. On top of the sheets, strands of pure white fur glistened under the evening rays.


She saw the figure of Chiharu though the window of the Ayukawa house and hid herself. Looks like her arrival had coincided with Chiharu’s return.

Chami sat on the bed, gazing mindlessly at the scenery outside of the window. Just how many years had it been since she returned to this apartment. She hasn’t visited this apartment since she left the support of Owlet to one of her female classmate known as Sugitsu Aya whom she turned into one of her pawns.

“The disk… and Centipede who was supposed to have been turned into a Fallen.”

Chami muttered to herself.

When the Mushi of a Mushitsuki is killed, the Mushitsuki turns into a Fallen, which is a soulless shell of their former self. Once they turn into a Fallen, there should have no chance for their humanity to return.

There had only been a single exception, that was Fuyuhotaru.

If Konoha’s words were to be trusted, that would mean the appearance of Mushitsuki that can awaken from the Fallen status other than Fuyuhotaru. That would also mean that Fuyuhotaru was not actually special. Thus, the secret… no matter how Chami thought about it, must lie within that disk.

But, it would’ve been impossible for Chami to view the actual disk itself. Due to the technology of the disk used by the SEPB, any information in the disk would be automatically erased by itself after a few days.


Chami’s gaze fell onto a piece of paper lying by the side of the bed.

It was a search order circulated by the Central Headquarters. The instructions have most likely reached the whole country by now. Chami had written it off as unimportant and passed it onwards to Owlet through Aya. As this room was one granted by the SEPB after all, it was a suitable place to store this kind of documents.

The name, Horisaki Azusa, was noted under the facial photograph of a girl. The photograph showed a beauty with long hair, but it was only now that Chami realised the shockingly high risk level associated with her. The reason for her capture was not listed down, as per the usual search orders issued by Headquarters.

The order had nothing to do with Chami as she expected. To her currently, figuring out the secrets of the Mushitsuki was foremost, as well as working out a plan to get Central Headquarters under her control. She did not have any spare attention to pay to things other than those.

In fact, Chami’s mission to keep an eye on Ayukawa Chiharu did not mean a thing to her. She had neglected that mission for five years. The organisation which passed down this order to her has probably forgotten about it too.


Chami shifted her attention to the chair by the side of the window.

The reason she did not visited this room for years. That being the attitude of Owlet who she turned into her servant on a whim.

The typically silent white cat would purr out in happiness upon seeing her. With a creepy-sounding laughter, it would cuddle up to Chami. To Chami—that was uncomfortable.

At this time, the number of servants Chami commanded numbered many. Owlet was merely one of the many.

When she saw the dying expression of the cat which shared the same name as her, she did not feel much of a tremor in her heart.

The time to come had arrived—that was all she felt.

Deep in her heart, Chami knew better than anyone else how she was but a small accessory that no one even bothered to turn their heads around to look at. At most, all she knew were the intricacies of her ability, which she sneakily used to devise sinister designs. If she was in the casting of a movie, the only roles she would play would be Villain A or Pedestrian A.

On the other hand, the people at the ‘heart’ of the Mushitsuki are endlessly strong. The Central Headquarters, Kakkou, Fuyuhotaru, Harukiyo—in the eyes of those people who were in the lead roles, someone like Chami probably didn’t even cross their eyes.

But, on that day, an ambition sprouted from within Chami.

—How about we trudge onwards together along this shitty life!

Chami would die one day.

She might die any day without anybody even realising, not having even secured the footholds for her ambition. To the protagonists of the story, even her short act was just a sideshow to add towards their performance in the ‘heart’ of the stage.

Her story was one such that she never knew when it would end, an uncouth and subdued story of cowardice. As she never knows when it might end, she would continue onwards no matter how many of her pawns are lost. However, that white cat was the one at the very start of her story.

“Damn it, this is so irritating. This sentimentality…”

It was now that Chami realised for the first time, that the white cat would no longer be by her side as she walks along this story which no one ever takes notice of.

“Loyalty, huh… what rights do I even have to speak of it. How could Konoha possibly have any of it, after all, I was just forcibly getting her to help me.”

Chami laughed to herself, staring at the strands of white fur left on the chair.

“Now that I thought about it, you may have been the only one to swear loyalty to me…”

1.02 The Others[edit]

Damn it…! So, in the end, I’m the only one left of the team!


Kanata, a Rank 3 Blaze Class member of the Annihilators from the Central Headquarters of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau, groaned from within the darkness.

After overexerting his strength getting away from ‘URBAN’ last night, he spent the night collapsed in the shadow of a back alley. It would take him some more time before he recovers to a degree that allows him to move about. Though not to an extent where he can get full-fledged medical treatment and recuperation, he still needed to find a place out of people’s eye that allowed him to apply first-aid.

It was by luck that he managed to find a bankrupt pharmaceutical store in the corner of the shopping district of Nishito City. Trespassing into the store by forcing open the backdoor, he found medicine boxes scattered all across the floor. Seems like he would be able to find some painkillers. In addition, he found some bandages, which he roughly wrapped around his wounds.

Treating the medicine boxes as a bed, Kanata laid down with his face up. He wiped away the sweat perspiring from his face, producing a zaza sound as it rubbed against his stubble. With his dishevelled hair and moustache, most people who saw him would not have guessed that he was only nineteen years-old.

When he looked at his hand which he used to wipe away his sweat, he saw red blood sticking onto his hand. —Having already lost feeling on half of his face, he forgot that a deep gash was etched from his cheek till his ear.


Disregarding the wound on his face, the injury on his abdomen ached with each breath he took. His mental strength seemed to sap away together with his blood. On the surface it was just a laceration, but it was clear that that was no ordinary wound.

The Annihilators that Kanata belonged to was an elite squad wrapped in secrecy that reported directly to vice-director Miguruma Yaeko. They received mobilisation orders in the off-chance that someone defects from the SEPB. As can be told from their name, their mission was not the capturing of the target. It was to annihilate, leaving nothing left behind.

An order was passed down from Miguruma.

The content of the order was the erasure of a target known as Horisaki Azusa who had escaped from the confinement facility.

A special team of six person was expressly assembled to annihilate a lone person, and a girl at that. All the members chosen were Rank 6 and above. He had expected the opponent to be considerably strong, but that with this team, he had no doubts that they would be able to fulfil the mission in no time and return.

Despite all of that, he had ended up in this pathetic state.

Thinking back, this mission had reeked of suspicion before they even departed. For Kanata who had worked as an assassin before joining the organisation under the Annihilators, he had felt a nagging doubt on his mind.


Now that he remembered, he felt irritated.

—Hey, Kanata-san. Did you know? The mission you were given is the same as that of Kasuou, to silence one of the resurrectee of a certain experiment.

The one who had said that was a boy (or perhaps it was a girl) as Kanata was prepared to set off from Headquarters. If he recalled correctly, he was one of the comrades of the shady Rank 1, Harukiyo. Harukiyo had referred to him as Ume.

—What experiment?

—The experiment to bring a Fallen back to life. Though the other resurrectee, Centipede, seemed to have been dispatched of by Kasuou already.

—That’s impossible. Fuyuhotaru was supposed to be the only resurrectee.

—That’s right. Then how was it that were they able to come back to life? No, it’s more like, why is it that only they came back to life?

That’s ridiculous, thought Kanata as he left with a laugh. Those were truly the words of someone incomprehensible, he could not make sense of anything he said. He did not understand why were they allowed to join the Annihilators, not to mention why did Miguruma let them run loose.

‘If you’re so curious, then why don’t you ask Harukiyo to join the team?’, Kanata said so sarcastically to Ume, to which he replied.

—‘I am not a simple-minded one-celled organism like Kakkou that I would rejoice from just defeating a fragment’, or so, Harukiyo said as such.

There’s no doubts that they were absolutely dubious people. It was as if they were aliens from another planet, I can’t grasp what’s in their mind at all.

It was an easy matter to track Horisaki Azusa’s footsteps.

There was a member in the team that had the ability to pinpoint the target’s location based on their smell. Azusa had first headed to Ouka City before coming here to Nishito City. There was no consistency to her movement at all as she travelled east before heading to the west again. Her movements seemed to be like that of Kanata and the rest, as if she was chasing after someone.

Finally having chased Azusa to Nishito City, Kanata and the rest moved in to assassinate the girl without hesitation.


“Damn it…!”

Cursing out loud reflexively, pain wracked his wound.

—Before he even realised, the only one left standing was Kanata alone.

The only person to witness the whole event from the start till the end was probably only him alone as well. Azusa had turned around with a grin to face him and the rest who were about to assault her.

He recalled the darkness that seemed to cloud her eyes as well as the ominous sound that rang out.

Goong… the sound of a bell heavily reverberated. Immediately, the air in the surroundings turned viscous, like as if they were breathing in water.

—It can’t be helped that one of the vessel seeking the king hast lost its objective… but this vessel hast yet to fulfil its duty. If ye dare to obstruct thee, thy shalt spare no mercy…

The words that came out of the girl who had darkness in her pupils sounded like that of a hoarse old man. From the shoulder of the girl holding one hand up, countless caterpillars could be seen crawling up.

A black fog enveloped the area, with anguished screams sounding after each other. The Mushi of the team members seemed to be assimilated into the fog, losing their shapes.

The fog that ate the Mushi then converged onto the girl and disappeared. The scene of the girl swallowing a gulp then was only seen by Kanata. Only his Mushi barely held onto its shape, while the rest of the team had already been turned into Fallen and collapsed onto the ground.

Raising a roar, Kanata set his two-headed centipede onto the girl. The centipede drew out its remaining strength, raising a trailer and throwing it at the girl. However, the girl easily dodged it. Having most of its strength suck out, the centipede’s speed was considerably slower.

The girl wrapped in the black fog used her hand to rip into Kanata’s body.

—It seems like there’s still some time needed to head to the king’s side. Thy child by thee side wouldst surely obstruct thee for the sake of thou dream… Thou canst end the life of thy child who is destined to protect the king…

The recipient of the mutterings did not seem to be Kanata. Paying no more attention to him who had collapsed, Azusa then left the area.

Though he had no idea who Horisaki Azusa was, the greatest mystery was still what happened after.

Chasing after Azusa while bearing wounds, what awaited him as he arrived at ‘URBAN’ was something blocking his way.

It was a single white cat.

For him who was lost in rage, he wanted to dispatch even that tiny animal and continue on his pursuit of Azusa. By that time, the only thought that ran through his head was slaughtering everything that stood in his way.

However, he never would have thought that he would receive a counter-attack. The white cat evaded his attack and even dug its claws into his face. Furthermore, as if to divert his attention, it ran into the tower before being cornered on the rooftop. Even then, it tried to scatter gasoline all over the rooftop, with the intention of burning him to death along with itself.

And also—.


The cat laughed.

All of the senses and fear that had been numbed in the middle of the battle assailed Kanata. He thought that he had finally snapped and gone crazy.

“What the hell is with this mission…! What’s with this city! Just… what the hell is going on!”

Breathing heavily, he shouted out in anger while quivering.

The target for assassination, Horisaki Azusa, was a Fallen who was resurrected (if Ume’s words were to be believed).

Seeing the current actions of Horisaki Azusa, there were no doubts about it. The reason she came to this city was to look for a specific person. The king, was what she mentioned.

Chasing after Azusa, what appeared was instead a strange white cat. Did that have anything to do with Azusa? Or was it a completely different matter from her?

But, Kanata was still alive. Even if he had gone mad, he still survived.

He had grasped Azusa’s ability. If he stayed away from the fog, he would be able to keep damage to a minimum. Keeping a distance away and attacking in one breath, dealing as much damage as possible—he should be able to win against her this way. He had deduced that the fog was unable to block physical matters judging from how the girl had dodged his attacks.

There’s no escape for her the next time.

He will show that he is able to fulfil his duty, the one assigned to him by Miguruma.



Yes, the duty allotted to Kanata was none other than to fight.

At the age where children of the same age as him went to primary school, he had been brawling in the back alley the whole time. After defeating those who were in the same circumstances as him, the mid-teens him was had been employed as a bouncer in the local gangs. The hostile gangs all feared his style of fighting, which lacked any mercy and limits.

But, the gang was demolished after a round-up by the local police. Having lost the place for him to fight, Kanata was left with nothing. The realisation that he was empty inside due to the disappearance of his fighting ground left him in shock.

—Somebody… give me a place to fight… if not, I…

Clinging onto that thought, it became his dream.

Ever since he became a Mushitsuki, he never ran out of battles. And then, he was chosen by the Central Headquarters to enter the Annihilators that was organised by vice-director Miguruma, to massacre all who would defect from the SEPB.

—From today onwards, I will give you my love. That’s why you should give me your love too.

Being the one who had given him a new stage to fight, he saw Miguruma Yaeko as a goddess.

As long as Kanata fought, Miguruma Yaeko would acknowledge his existence. This way, he was also fulfilling his dream as well.

That was why he had never once bore any doubts about his missions or duties.

That was until now.


His ears seemed to pick up the laughing voice of the cat.

That white cat—the laughter of the cat that may have been born out of Kanata’s hallucination was imprinted onto his eardrum and would not stop.

The figure of the cat laughing proudly even as it was wounded seems as if… yes, as if it had fulfilled the purpose for which it was born; looking as if it was jubilant that its life has borne results.

It seems that the cat had a reason to fight.

For whom? For what purpose?

If the cat has been fighting for the sake of somebody—if it was following the orders given to it by somebody, then was it satisfied to have been able to fulfil the order?

Then, what about Kanata?

To fight, to get injured, and then head on to the next battlefield, would he be able to find salvation eventually with such a dream…?

“Just what the heck was that cat… I don’t understand it at all…”

He grumbled to himself.

He suppressed the tiny emotion that sprouted from within his heart. Ignoring the matter about the cat, he focused his attention on completing the mission ahead of him.

With his deep wounds, he still required some time before he can move his body again even after he stops bleeding. He needed the help of somebody else. He thought of how he could contact the other members stationed in this city after he has recovered to the point where he could move.

The next time they meet, he would definitely kill Horisaki Azusa.

However, there was also the possibility that the one who would be killed would be him instead.


If he was at death’s door, would Kanata be laughing as the cat did while welcoming the last moments of his life?

“Who the hell cares… a cat like that… has nothing to do with me…”

He spat out a few mutterings.

He wiped his cheeks, recalling the smile of Miguruma Yaeko.

“If I continue fighting, that person would give me even more battlefields… till the next battlefield… and the one after that…”

Until he passed out from the fever due to his wounds, Kanata muttered over and over again.

—Horisaki Azusa must have exhausted much of her strength.

There were no doubts about that. That was the reason why she did not finish him off. He also saw that the darkness surrounding Azusa was about to fade away as she approached ‘URBAN’.

Azusa must have wanted to rest her body in this city. Also, from her previous words, there seems to be someone else who is trying to stop her. She must have been trying to store energy, waiting for the opportune time to take action.

However, Kanata was similarly weakened. Kanata had confidence in his healing ability, he needed just a few days before he returns to a level fit for combat.

It would be time to settle the fight once and for all once Kanata’s stamina is restored. If Azusa was not able to completely recover, then he would finish the match in one breath. To prevent her possible escape, he would need to prepare some kind of bait. Including that, he still had lots of time to devise a plan.

In a few days, Kanata would show that he can defeat Horisaki Azusa. That was what he pledged of himself.

“I would complete this mission without fail… so, continue to give me more battles… vice-director Miguruma…”

As the assassin bated his breath in the dark, he seemed to hear the cat’s laughter in his ears.

1.03 The Others[edit]

In Nishito Imperial Hotel, a luxury hotel near the station of Nishito City, there was a suite on the topmost floor.

Consisting of two bedrooms and a living room, the area was quite spacious. Each room was equipped with high-quality furniture that were made overseas; the sofas were so soft that one would pretty much sink into the cushions when sat on.

Munakata Kaiji was an owner of multiple hotels in the cities and resort areas. He owned 80% of the shares of this Imperial Hotel too, the hotel being just before acquisition so to speak. At the sudden appearance of this major shareholder without even an appointment, the hotel staff frantically rushed to prepare this suite for him.


In the living room closest to the entrance, a few people were seated in silence.

Munakata Kaiji was seated in a one-seater chair. He was a middle-aged man with white strands mingled in his swept back hair. Never having hired any secretary or driver before, he was truly one-man proprietor who had accumulated a large amount of wealth. He was dressed in a high-quality suit and was holding a glass filled with liquid in one hand.

Across the table where Munakata was at, Anmoto Shiika was sitting by herself on a three-seater sofa. She was the one classified as a Rank 1 Secret Class Mushitsuki by the SEPB, as well as the only one who had recovered from the Fallen status. She was wearing a blue one-piece dress that was prepared by the hotel according to Munakata instructions. She was hanging her head downcasted with a nervous expression, seemingly being unable to raise her face.

Two other people sat around the table.

The boy in his mid-teens seated on a double-sofa was Kandori Youichi. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans giving off a rough look, grinning in the direction of Shiika.

Leaning against the fireplace with her arms folded was Sugitsu Matsuri, whose lanky body was donned in a school uniform. Unlike Youichi, who was hailed from afar yesterday, she was a local highschool girl. Although she had the characteristics of a typical Japanese with long, straight hair and thin-slit eye, her lips which formed a straight line revealed a stormy aura.

On the other side—seated in the sofa furthest from the rest and staring out of the window was Shirotani Reiji. He was stifling a yawn with his arms crossed behind his headband. To the sixteen years-old him, he had no interest at all in the presently awkward atmosphere of silence.

“…Where is she? Wasn’t she the one who wanted to meet Fuyuhotaru the most?”

Munakata broke the silence with a single discreet sentence, his gaze not leaving his glass.

“‘I do not have the face to meet Fuyuhotaru’—was what she said.”

Youichi answered. He shrugged his shoulders, looking at Shiika who was tilted her head in puzzlement.

“Even if that was the case, it would’ve been impossible to gather all the executives of Mushibane so abruptly. Isn’t the place where we were meant to gather further to the west? Why did you stop in this city in the middle of nowhere?”

“Well, sorry for being in the middle of nowhere.”

Matsuri scowled her face. She was born and raised in this city and was displeased to hear that.

“Sorry about that. Oh yeah, what happened to you sister?”

“I couldn’t get across to her. After all, it’s so sudden.”

“I will explain why we gathered here later. Firstly, let’s begin with our introductions.”

Munakata directed his hand directly to the front of Shiika.

“This is Anmoto Shiika. The new leader of Mushibane, Snowfly.”

The ones who widened their eyes were not only Youichi and Matsuri. Shiika herself seemed the most surprised and looked at Munakata wordlessly.

“Wha-! Huh? Wait a minute!”

“W-what do you mean, Munakata-san! New leader?”

“E-erm… I am…?”

“Shiika-kun. They are two of the currently remaining executives of Mushibane. Besides them, there are several others who are in charge of our many members. Apart from Mushitsuki, we also have ordinary people amongst our ranks.”

Ignoring the three who were in confusion, Munakata continued.

“I am one of their, Mushibane’s, collaborators. I will mainly be supporting them by providing funds and facilities as such, a patron of sort—”


The one who raised his voice was Youichi. The smile was gone from his face, replaced by that of anger. He had roughly grabbed Munakata’s collars.

“I’m going to feel troubled if you keep continuing on your own. You may have provided quite a bit of help to us, but that does not give you the rights to do whatever you want with us. When and who decided that a kid like her is going to replace Lady as our leader?”

“She’s not a kid, Sinica. Her age is the same as yours and Lady’s, as is Aijisupa. Though Halen is one year older than all of you.”

“The problem is not her age. Why don’t you tell us the reason first why should she be our leader.”

Matsuri cut in. Although her tone was polite, her voice was pointedly cold.

In this perilous atmosphere, the person in question, Shiika, was dumbfounded and could not move her body at all. Then, as if she just came into her senses, she looked flusteredly back and forth between Munakata and the other two.


Reiji clicked his tongue softly.

He couldn’t care less about who was the leader. The discussion had quickly turned into a disagreement just as he had expected. But, Shiika’s attitude as if she was just an ordinary girl pissed him off.

In his heart, he asked his deceased friend.

Is this person really the Fuyuhotaru that you were talking about, Rina?

“Before I explain, I need to reconfirm the state of Mushibane right now. This explanation is for you too, Snow. Please listen closely to it and commit it to your head.”


“Currently, Mushibane is composed of lesser than 300 Mushitsuki, as well as around 100 ordinary people who are collaborating. After the decisive battle against the SEPB’s East Central Branch at Hashiba City last Christmas, followed by the defection of Bee Hawk-moth and their ensuing fight at Housawa Town, we’ve lost many members, and we currently number far lower than that at our prime. However, that is certainly not the main problem.”

Munakata started retelling while still looking at the glass in his hand detachedly. Shiika did as she was told and concentrated on listening while Youichi and Matsuri kept their mouth closed with displeased expressions.

“Tachibana Rina—”

Munakata muttered, his eyebrow ever creasing slightly. Youichi and Matsuri’s countenance too visibly hardened. Shiika too, knowingly bit her lips. Only one person, Reiji, looked on impassively.

“The root of the problem lies in the loss of Ladybird. At the time that she, who was founder and the source of our hopes, was lost, the reason for the existence of Mushibane may have already been lost. In fact, the moment I heard she died, I thought all was lost. We… have lost.”


A heavy silence blanketed the living room. Youichi lowered his head and tears started to form in Matsuri’s eye.

“To be honest, what happened after that does not matter at all. Mushibane, which had been apportioned into four districts of East, West, North and South, were each led by leaders appointed by Lady till then. Once Lady was gone, they all started to undergo independent movements, falling into a state of separation in no time. I did not have any intentions of stopping it at that time, and probably neither did the other members apart than me.”

The lack of any dissenting voice affirmed his words.

“Shirakashi Ubuki—even when that SEPB member in collusion with us proposed a transaction, I did not have any interest at all. But, amongst us, there was only one lone person who moved to action. That was him, Aijisupa.”

The gaze of four people gathered onto Reiji. He did not take them into regard, coolly accepting their gaze.

“I had always wanted to ask about that guy. Just who is he? This is the first time I saw him.”

“I wanted to ask as well.”

Hearing their words, Shiika looked at Reiji in surprise. She had thought that Reiji was also one of Mushibane’s executives.

“He is not from Mushibane. No, I should say that he was not from Mushibane. According to his words, he was Rina’s childhood friend. He is also a Mushitsuki. Seeing that he was looking for the whereabouts of Lady, I contacted him first. It was just as I was thinking of whether to ignore Shirakashi Ubuki’s proposal or not.”

Breathing out with a huu, Munakata placed the glass on the table.

“—He’s strong. From what I can see, I think he should be around Rank 3 or higher by SEPB’s standards.”


Youichi and Matsuri’s expression changed. But, what appeared on their face was anger.

“Rina’s childhood friend you say…? Not to mention, he is strong? You want us to believe these questionable words? In the first place, if it was as you said, then why did he only join Mushibane now!”

At Youichi’s words, Reiji thought.

—I’m gonna head to Ouka City.

Rina, whose figure he had not seen in over a year, returned to Akamaki City all of a sudden one day. The girl, who was surrounded by young boys and girls which he did not knew, had said that to him with a smile.

—Are you okay?

When Reiji asked that, Rina only flashed a lonely smile.

“…Well. I wonder why.”

Having their doubts answered in this manner, the two people were enraged.

“Even if you were not part of Mushibane, if you were truly strong then shouldn’t you have helped her anyway! Aren’t you her childhood friend!”

Matsuri questioned him in a fierce tone.

—You know. I might die tomorrow.

When Rina enrolled in a high school at Ouka City, there were much less opportunities for them to meet. However, they would still converse on the phone occasionally.

It was the day before Christmas Eve, Rina had suddenly said that over the phone. Although she would always make jokes in front of him, he could tell from her weak voice that she was serious. He thought that she was probably speaking the truth.

—That’s why, I have a request for you.

—Fine. I’ll listen to anything.

Hearing Rina’s composed voice, Reiji answered immediately. Rina was not surprised.

That was because Rina and Reiji had exchanged a certain ‘agreement’ before. Whenever Rina would request Reiji for help, he would accept it without any hesitation. Rina knew of that as well.

“If she had called me for help that time, I would probably have come to help.”

Reiji muttered absentmindedly.

Rina’s request.

If she had requested for his cooperation, he would have just complied. However, Rina did not depend on him even at the very end.

“But, her last request was nothing like that.”

In the suite wrapped in silence, Reiji’s soliloquy mutterings resounded greatly.

“She just wanted me to stay by Anmoto Shiika’s side from now on, but did not request for me to help her either. What would she do after inheriting Rina’s will—that’s all I’m interested in.”

“…! I can’t accept that all! In addition to just watching as Rina die, you don’t even intend to help Fuyuhotaru? You want us to welcome a guy like him as our ally, Munakata-san!”

“Aijisupa… you lent me your strength to get back Snow. Do you not have any intentions of becoming this girl’s strength from now onwards?”

“I only did that because it was hindering me from meeting with her. Now, having been able to meet up with the person herself like this, I won’t do anything other than watch her actions. Whether she lives or dies, I’ll just watch till the conclusion.”

“…You shitty bastard.”

Matsuri spat out in aversion. She then unfolded her arms and turned to face Munakata.

“That’s out of the question, Munakata-san. I had heard about Fuyuhotaru being one of Lady’s friend, I have no objections about taking her into our protection. But, it’s impossible for me to accept her as our leader, and to treat that shitty bastard as our comrade.”

“I concur with her. Surely, the other members will feel the same as us.”

Munakata looked at Youichi and Matsuri’s faces, and then glimpsed at Reiji. His glance was machine-like, impossible to fathom. —In the few days he moved together with him, Reiji noticed that he never once looked at Shiika with that gaze.

“Give me some time. Three days is enough.”

Munakata’s tone of voice was simply flat, without any undulations.

“Until then, let us let Snow make a decision. I’ve only just realised that now, but the number one question was whether the girl herself has the will to do so.”

“Huh? What are you saying, Munakata-san. When did anyone agree to that? The one to make a decision is us, Mushibane!”

“Halen, pass us the aforementioned documents.”

Munakata looked at Matsuri, causing her to look somewhat hesitant. But, Munakata only returned with a ‘I’m counting on you’, and she reluctantly held one hand up.

A small round insect climbed up her thin, white finger. The insect spread its wings and flew, landing in the space near the entrance.


The insect made a bikibiki sound as it expanded on the spot, transforming into a huge monster that filled up the space of the passageway. It’s scraggy metallic carapace resembled stone or maybe metal, reflecting light giving it a rainbow-coloured shimmer. It had unsuitably short legs for movement, and a mouthpiece that stretched like gum which wriggled in a creepy manner. The large monster toppled the decorative plants and umbrella stand, as well as causing the dresser caught between the wall and it to crack.

“She is Halensis. Her Mushi is capable to changing its body composition into that of any solid objects it has consumed. If needed, it can assume the molecular structure of what it had ingested before previously.”

Before Munakata even finished his explanation, the Mushi which resembled a ground beetle spat out an object from its mouthpiece. Matsuri tore off the fibrous thread wrapped around the object and retrieved a silver attaché case.

Matsuri placed the case roughly on the table and opened it. She then retrieved a stack of papers tens of centimetres thick from within.

“These are the information about the Mushitsuki and collaborators of Mushibane. In addition to that, although there isn’t much, there’s also the data on the members of the SEPB we’ve identified. Snow, Aijisupa, I want you to drill this into your head, in three days.”


Shiika looked down on the thick documents with a dazed look.

“Well, this is also something like a ceremony. Although this hardly allows us to evaluate your abilities to much extent, in addition, I do not think our allies would not be convinced with just this. But, wouldn’t it be boring for you to just laze around like this anyway?”

“Erm… err…”

“In this three days, I will do all I can to try to persuade our allies. That’s why, Snow, I want you to think deeply about it, about whether you have the resolution to be the leader of Mushibane. Back in Ouka City, I had not clearly verified your will.”

With that, Munakata stood up. The huge ground beetle returned to its original small size, and Youichi and Matsuri left the living room.

“Aijisupa, I still have some words with you. Can you come with me outside?”


Reiji breathed out a sigh and stood up wordlessly.

Youichi and Matsuri left the suite, followed by Munakata with Reiji in tow.

“Erm, Munakata-san.”

Shiika called him to a stop.

“—Is there something you do not understand?”

Munakata halted, but he did not turn around to look at Shiika.

Shiika questioned him resolutely while still seated on the sofa, her hands clenched together on her knees and lightly biting her lips.

“What does Munakata-san think about me?”

“…I detest you.”

After a short silence, he replied in a low voice. A single strand of white hair drooped over his forehead.

“Sinica and Halen said that they detest Aijisupa. But, you are the one I detest the most. Despite having as much power as Rina—no, your power is even greater than hers, yet you did not do anything. The one who watched as Rina died was none other than you.”

Shiika tightened the grip on her hands. Her eyes revealing a look of being shaken, but she immediately raised her head with a frail smile.

“I see, that was what I had thought. Thank you very much for telling that to me honestly…”

“But, when I saw you in Ouka City, I understood. About what went through Rina’s mind and why she said you were her friend… and also, why you are the only one who could save us.”


“However, it’s not so easy to cut off our feelings. I seek your understanding for that.”

Leaving those words, Munakata walked towards the entrance with a fast pace.


Leaving the surprised Shiika behind, Reiji followed Munakata.

Passing through the door, he found the previous two who left waiting in the corridor. But, Reiji grasped Munakata’s shoulder in front of the door.

“What is it?”

“You just said you knew, didn’t you.”

He unconsciously strengthened his grip on the suit.

“Rina said that that girl possessed something that neither Rina nor I have. Do you know just what that is?”

“Of course, I have not lived all these years longer than you guys for nothing. —Halen, Sinica, come here and listen to what I have to say as well.”

This guy…

Reiji’s face twisted. Judging by Munakata’s attitude, it was clear that he did not intend to tell him anything more than what was necessary. —Because, that was the most effective method of making Reiji stay here.

Indeed, Reiji could not leave Shiika’s side just yet. That is until he fully understands the meaning behind Rina’s final request.

“Aijisupa. You said that there were some people tailing us ever since Ouka City. I want you to tell us what are those people. You can at least listen to a request like this, right?”

Youichi and Matsuri stood nearby, while Munakata looked at Reiji.

“…It’s a woman.”

Reiji said frankly. Even though he disliked his attitude, he had no reasons to oppose him. Since he was requested without being forced, it was meaningless to reject him.

“To be more accurate, it was something with the figure of a woman. When it realised that I had detected it, its figure would vanish immediately. I only caught the figure of a slim body and long hair in the instance I saw it. It was already following us all the time from when we were moving around our hiding spots in Ouka City.”

“Did you notice anything else?”

“I can’t guarantee that it was human.”

“…What was that?”

“Do you know of anyone who can chase after a moving car with their body alone? At least, I don’t.”

The colour of their faces except for Reiji changed.

“I see. Since you have no interest in Mushitsuki, you may not have known. But, that feat may be possible for a Mushitsuki of the Fusion type… In any case, it seems like there is a need to hold an emergency meeting of the executives.”

“There’s also the possibility of this guy lying to us.”

“There’s no chance of that. He is only staying around by Snow’s side. He has no need nor reason to lie to us.”

Making that declaration, Munakata turned around to face Reiji.

“Thank you for sharing this with us. —By the way, Aijisupa. I have prepared a suite for you separate from Snow but…”

“No need for that.”

“I know that this might not seem to be a problem to you, but.”

Having been told that, Reiji realised a little late what Munakata was trying to get at.

“You are worried that I would do something to that kid…?”

“I have already mentioned earlier that her age is the same as yours, even if it does not look that way… Well, just be careful not to ruin her mood. If you do not want to die, that is.”

For the first time, Munakata was grinning, causing Reiji to scowl at him.

“You dirty old man.”

“You are saying that? —Let’s go, Sinica, Halen.”

Seemingly not understanding that it was a joke, Youichi and Matsuri seemed to be shocked at Munakata’s smiling face. Pulling along the two were stunned, Munakata headed for the elevator at the end of the corridor.


What a shrewd person, Reiji thought, clicking his tongue before returning into the suite.

Shiika was looking into the air absentmindedly, seemingly thinking of something. However, she regained her senses right away and gazed at the attaché case filled with bundles of papers.


The figure of her being intimidated by the thickness of the stack of papers made her look like a child about to confront his disliked green peppers. Looking at her, Reiji sighed lethargically.

…Is she really the one you were talking about, that Anmoto Shiika?

Inquiring his deceased friend, Reiji returned to the sofa by the window side. With nothing to do in particular, he stretched out his legs and closed his eyes.

“E-erm… Aijisupa-san.”

Shiika called out timidly.

“It seems like we need to memorise this in three days…”

“For something like that, one hour is enough.”

Silence descended in the room. The stunned look of the girl clearly floated into his mind even when he closed his eyes.

“O-one hour…?”

As Reiji gradually fell into slumber, the voice of Shiika muttering, ‘One hour… One hour…’, repeated over and over in his ears.

1.04 Chiharu Part 2[edit]

Stopping her bicycle in front of Urban Dome, Chiharu widened her eyes at the scene.

Uwaah, did an earthquake or a typhoon passed by here?”

Large chunks of ground were gouged out in front of the passage leading into Urban Dome. A large hole was opened up into the wall of the tower, as if a bulldozer had rammed its way through. If a natural disaster like what Chiharu said herself had happened, there was no way that she would not know living so close to this area.

Her surroundings were already wrapped in darkness. As she had left the dome late in the night yesterday, she could not tell what the condition was like in the complete darkness.

“Maybe the construction work has resumed? If that’s the case, perhaps they’re redoing the pavement.”

After locking her bicycle, she walked towards the dome.

The entrance to the dome was the same as yesterday, unlocked, and she entered unhindered. Chiharu walked across the floor while humming, and ascended the halted escalator.

Although the outsides have been reduced to rubbles mysteriously, the paradise in the lounge of the second floor was unchanged.

As were the verdant trees standing in the darkness of the night.

Similarly, the soil that looked as soft as a bed was untouched.

And also—.

“I’ve come again. So as to meet with you.”

Similar to yesterday, the long-haired girl was lying on her side. Her arms and legs were folded like that of a foetus, looking like she was very snuggly and cosily sleeping.

—How nostalgic.

Once again, a strange sensation welled up in Chiharu.

Chiharu did not recognise the face of the girl which looked like that of a princess of some fairy-tale. However, she can’t erase the sense of nostalgia that she inexplicably felt.

Chiharu could somehow guess the reason for it.

“There are a lot of things that I want to ask you… but, once I see your sleeping face, I just can’t get myself to wake you up.”

With a smile, Chiharu laid down in the paradise matching the girl face to face. Turning around 180 degrees, Chiharu laughed.

“You know. I… do not have memories from beyond that of five years ago.”

She muttered out this secret which she had never told anyone before apart from her mother.

“I have a feeling that the things I can’t remember was something terribly bad. There’s a feeling of guilt, one that was as if I had done something very horrible to someone else. I feel like I shouldn’t achieve happiness for myself having forgotten about what I had done… as though there are some things I have left undone. That’s the kind of feeling I have.”

Chiharu spoke out loud, as if to somebody.

Isn’t that right? I have surely forgotten about what was most important…

She turned her upwards facing head towards the girl.

“Hey, wouldn’t you know who I am?”

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But, the girl only breathed out softly.

With a soft smile, Chiharu let the drowsiness take over her body and closed her eyes.

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