Mushi Uta:Volume 8 Afterword

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Hello, this is Iwai Kyouhei.

There was a bit of a gap from the last volume, but Mushi Uta finally reached its 8th volume.

Even though there was also the 4th volume of the side story serialized in the "The Sneaker" magazine—Mushi Uta Bug—in the middle, this was the first time it took so long to publish a volume of the main story. I'm sorry for making you wait.

But even while I was lying low, there were many changes pertaining to this work.

The most extreme of these was the fact that the anime project started moving.

Mushi Uta's becoming an anime.

I've been told so directly on one of the rare times I went to a meeting with the editorial department. At first it didn't feel right, and even now I'm anxious and wonder if it's just a prank.

Apparently the studio and the airing time are still undecided. But in reality my opportunities to socialize with many people increased, so I felt some fulfillment. I feel like I should apologize for involving so many people in this.

This should also be announced in "The Sneaker" coming out concurrently with this volume, but even I don't know how much they'll announce about the anime there.

What's going to happen with Mushi Uta?

If you could watch over it warmly along with the author it would make me very happy.

About "Mushi Uta 08. The Seal of Dream's Prosperity".

I tried loading it with several surprising developments, but have you enjoyed it?

The Mushitsuki appearing, a trendy fad, and the heart pounding born by meetings.

Born suddenly, silently permeating, and swelling without anyone noticing their existence—

I wanted to depict these two similar excitements.

About trends.

The thing known as a fad has a very ambiguous feel from its definition.

It ranges from what's called a personal fad and all the way to a pattern that can be called a social phenomenon. Recently there's a comedian fad. I myself like comedians, so maybe I feel it more. There are cases like Mushiking where the work itself is trendy.

The way a trend starts, its scope, its meaning, and its ending, are all ambiguous.

Even so, it definitely exists.

It keeps existing.

Even once a fad disappears, it will remain in people's memories as a "oh, there was this thing back then". It causes a strange sense of connection among the people who know it.

Thinking this way, the fad engraved in people's memories can't vanish in the real sense.

Like Coatl Head in this volume, people in society would think of it from time to time, recall the excitement they felt momentarily, and then vanish again.

Like always, many people helped me in the writing of this volume.

The editorial department and my editor Onnai-san who gave me the opportunity to write, you have come to my aid more and more as time passed. Thank you very much.

Llo-san, in charge of the illustrations. Never mind not hating me for still adding characters, you have kept producing lovely illustrations. I'll be in your care this year as well.

And to you the readers reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Starting with the anime this year, Mushi Uta's exposure will grow. …I want it to. If it's not a prank.

Even so, the only thing I can do is write.

I'm a slow writer, but I'll work hard so that the next volume will come out a bit earlier.

The encouraging voices I've received in the form of many letters, illustrations and postcards of those who read what I've already published all allow me to keep writing new things.

Please wait for my next work.

Iwai Kyouhei

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