Mushi Uta:Volume 9 Chapter 2

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2.00 Bubble[edit]

Repeating sleep and waking, it looked around in the darkness.

It saw a line of light.

The moment after it leapt to the light, a baptism of blinding brilliance welcomed it.

Just like it thought.

It could gain freedom using this small gap.

Yearning for more, along with its second sense of release, it leapt high into the sky.

Below it was a vast sea, reflecting the sunlight.

Was this a mere dream?

So it thought.

If it was a dream, it could indulge itself on utmost freedom.

It wandered the boundless skies.

Night fell, the sun climbed back up, and still it was flying.

At some point it would waken from its dream.

Last time, an abnormal human forcibly cut off its dream short. The demonic guy that wore a green pattern on its body.

Oh, right—

Along with the previous dream, it recalled a certain girl as well.

Although it was a dream, it remembered the girl’s scent.

Following that scent, it rushed through the sky.

Cutting through clouds and descending, it saw a pure-white beach.

The beach had a wooden shack and people playing around.

Found her.

The girl he liked was among them.

Although it was a dream, that girl’s figure seemed very vivid.

To the extent it made it wonder if it really was a dream.

No—perhaps, this meant that the time it would attain true freedom was close?

That soon it would be released?

Along with this hazy anticipation, it looked below.

The girl it found with the nostalgic scent.

It had no idea why it liked that girl so much.

However, until it understood the reason for it, it would keep watching her for a while.

On a whim, it wanted to see where that girl ended.

2.01 Shiika Part 1[edit]

If Shiika recalled correctly, it happened soon after she’d officially inherited the part of Mushibane’s leader.

Avoiding conflict with the SEPB, they prioritized securing wild Mushitsuki. Even if there were clashes with the SEPB during this they never fought and would not begin the chains of hatred.

Changing their policy, they were reborn as a new Mushibane.

Although they were resolved to this—at that period they were fully committed to recombining the divided Mushibane. After the organization lost its previous leader Tachibana Rina and the various regional leaders retired, Mushibane lost its connections and became easy prey for the SEPB.

They were lucky to have found the northern regional leader, Lucifera. She was the lone woman among the regional leaders and a Special Type Mushitsuki. She was smart, and advised Shiika to reconnect the information network of the various regions of Mushibane members.

Gathering all the confused members into one spot was extremely dangerous. Because of that, she’d dispatched Aijisupa and Namie to each place, gradually securing the contact networks there. Following that, they finally managed to retrieve Mushibane’s former connections.

That was when it happened.

“It is said that falling in love is a state of being while loving someone means acting on it.”

The man who never looked Shiika in the eyes, Munakata Kaiji, said this without any advance warning.


It happened when she looked around their base which was the camp.

Munakata Kaiji and Shiika were of completely different ages and heights, and sometimes their allies would turn to look at them.

“Sorry, this old man likes saying strange things from time to time.”

Munakata Kaiji laughed. Yet he didn’t look at Shiika’s face.

“What does that mean?”

“Just like it sounds. Have you fallen in love?”

Being asked this, Shiika felt her cheeks flushing.

The boy called Kusuriya Daisuke passed through her mind. She only spent a short time with him, but the happiness and bliss she felt during that time—as well as the bitterness and pain—were special in her life. Even now she cherished the painting of Daisuke drawn by Rina.

“…I see. Then, have you done anything for his sake? Even something you’ve done together with him.”

Thinking a bit, Shiika shook her head.

Daisuke had done many things for her. He invited her on a date, he consoled her when she was crying, and at Christmas, he held her hand and saved her.

On the other hand, had Shiika done anything for him? Had she accomplished something while with him?

She couldn’t nod to that.

“I see. Then in your case, you’re still just in love. Perhaps admiration. —But not real love, yet.”


“I hope you will forgive my boasting, but I was very popular with the ladies when I was young. I have done anything a man of my age could do, and my face wasn’t too bad either. And, above all else, I was good at making money.”

This sudden confession made Shiika twitch and look at Munakata. Since he looked very young even now, she could easily imagine how handsome he’d been in the past. But it was the first time Shiika saw a person say that sort of thing about themselves.

“So I think I’ve been blessed with chances to fall in love. Yes, I’ve fallen in love many times.”

“I-is that so?”

“Receiving goodwill from someone and responding with loyalty, I did everything I could to catch the attention of the woman I liked. But that was all definitely done just to attract the person I fell in love with to me—meaning, for my own sake. So it was mere falling in love.”

While Shiika’s cheeks reddened and she lowered her glance, Munakata was unabashedly monologuing.

“So there was only one person I felt true love for.”

He definitely wasn’t looking at her, but Shiika watched his profile.

“Do you… still love her even now?”


Munakata Kaiji’s response sounded proud and grand.

“Since we’re very far removed in age, everyone would talk behind my back. However, it is for certain that I—for the first time—became obsessed, and came to knew what loving a person meant. Loving meant suffering, and it was much more pleasant than anything I felt so far. Oops, saying this much makes even me feel embarrassed.”


“When I lost the person I love, I became depressed. I realized how dull the world was. However… when Aijisupa dragged me back, I noticed something. That I could keep on loving her.”

“So that’s why you’re helping the Mushibane left by Rina… helping us?”

“That’s what I meant.”

Shiika looked puzzled.

“Past tense?”

“I gave a certain amount of money to Mushibane. But on the way I started thinking that this wasn’t enough. There were many other people who could make money.”


“I know that thing called money. They had it in any era. Those that felt that everyone belonged to them were rampant in the world. Their curiosity, too, was something out of this world. At any given time in history, those guys were always next to fate.”

Even while speaking so nonchalantly as if they were discussing everyday matters, Munakata still looked ahead.

Once, he’d told Shiika that he couldn’t look in her eyes since he hated her for letting Rina die.

It was exactly so.

However, Munakata knew he was guilty of the same sin. Therefore, if he met Shiika’s eyes even once—he might end up forgiving her.

Wasn’t he trying not to look into her eyes because he knew that?

Even the sufferings incurred from love were better than any other sort of happiness—

Seeing him say that, she thought this.

To him, even hatred was the special privilege of those in love. He had no right to take it from Shiika.

“If my pet theory is accurate—the thing called money was definitely seen at the time.”

“The time?”

“The time when everything started.”

Munakata put his hand on his chin, sinking into deep thought. He kept talking like he was mumbling to himself.

“More than ten years ago, there were three incomprehensible movements in the business world… perhaps they were not without reason after all—they were perhaps hidden and unseen, but they existed…”

Ignoring Shiika who was completely out of her depths, Munakata kept muttering.

“Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift—”

These were all terms Shiika never heard.

“Should I try to nudge them more…? no, I can use slightly more forceful methods. The Round Table will—”


“O-oh, I apologize.”

Munakata nearly looked at Shiika as if only now recalling she was there, but soon dropped his gaze.

“Are you doing something dangerous?”

When Shiika asked, Munakata smiled bitterly.

“Rather than dangerous, I’m trying to do something unreasonable for my age. It might not end pretty.”


“No, you don’t need to worry.”

Noticing he was complaining, Munakata raised his face.

“To be honest, I’m still hesitating—but I’ll try doing it properly.”

At that time, Shiika had no idea what any of Munakata’s words meant.

But he was trying to do something in his own way. He had enough confidence to do that, and probably didn’t hesitate.

The man who kept loving a person who was dead, Munakata Kaiji.

He went missing a few days following that conversation.

The blazing sun’s early heat scorched the white beach.

The deep ocean spreading all around was calm and the waves hitting were also small. The boundary between the endless horizon and the blue sky swayed faintly as if in dance. Turning to the right there was a cliff, turning to the left there was a forest, turning back there was a shack, and all of them were distorted with heat haze.

A private beach.

She thought that this term only existed on TV or in books, but now she actually viewed it with her own eyes. The fact that it wasn’t overseas and that there was actually such a place inside the country was also a surprise.

Sweat dripped from her chin. Falling to the ground it drew a black line but soon evaporated.

As she vaguely stared at that, her vision suddenly shook.

“Here you go.”

“Ah… thank you, Aijisupa-san.”

Looking up at the boy that came to her at some point, Anmoto Shiika thanked him. Touching her own head, it now had a straw hat. Her two-piece swimsuit was sky blue and the bottom part was skirted. Adding the hoodie she wore on top of her swimsuit and the straw hat, she felt as if the sea ahead of her was even further.

“Can’t you swim?”

The boy wearing standard swimming trunks inquired in his usual flat tone. Because he’d removed his trademark hairband, his bangs were spilling out. It was Aijisupa, the boy who told her he’d protect her—Shiika didn’t know his real name.

“I-I still haven’t done my warmup exercises… please don’t mind me and go to swim.”

Shiika unconsciously averted her gaze. Her being unable to swim was a secret.

“I see,” said Aijisupa curtly. Standing still next to Shiika, they watched the resort-like scenery.

She saw the infinite ocean, a girl wearing a fashionable swimsuit and a tired-looking boy. Stuffing her cheeks with an extra-large serving of ice cream on top of a floating mat was Lucifera, and the one swimming and pulling that mat was the boy called Chouya Nihei.

In the space between the beach and the shack, a place covered in gravel, there was a roofed kitchen set. It was a full-fledged set that even had an ice cream-making machine on a metal board. A tall woman was there, receiving a drink from the chef.

The woman holding the drink came to Shiika. She wore the same kind of hoodie as Shiika, but even Shiika as a member of the same sex felt that it was a pity for the woman to hide her bikini-clad body like that when it looked so good on her.

“Are you not going to swim, Shiika?”

“T-the wind just feels nicer…”

As Shiika received the drink and averted her eyes, Namie nodded with “I see”. Not even noticing Aijisupa’s presence, she finished off all the remaining drink.

“It feels so strange.”

She mumbled this while seeing Nihei accidentally causing the mat to turn over and Lucifera slapping him.

“Munakata-san came back and it’s such an important time now. Should we be playing here like? I bet the other members of Mushibane feel bad…”

Namie smiled as she listened. Aijisupa smiled as well.

“You sure are kind, Shiika.”

“You don’t need to mind it too much. We’re simply participating in that selfish girl’s victory celebrations. Since this is rich people property, we also don’t need to fear the SEPB finding us.”


“Yeah. Also, it’s just a small breather. And if you think that’s bad, then start working even harder starting tomorrow so no one could complain. Let’s get some souvenirs for Halen who’s still on her expedition.”

Namie, who said that while smiling, used to belong to the SEPB. She was an older Mushitsuki and often helped the other members, so she was popular even within Mushibane. She helped them emotionally and carried duties that the others executives couldn’t handle.

Aijisupa was unparalleled in combat and Lucifera was somewhat capricious but helped them countless times in tactics. Halensis managed the entirety of Mushbane’s manpower and intelligence, and as for managing and making money, the boy called Chouya Nihei stood out from the crowd in no time at all as a definite authority.

Looking at the result of Munakata’s disappearance, it gave the organization called Mushibane a chance to reform itself from the very root. One could say it gave them the power to be reborn in the full sense of the word.

“Yes… right. This is so we could do our best tomorrow.”

“You have to relax sometimes. So, let’s swim? I’ll go with you.”

“Umm, I don’t really feel like swimming… what should I do? I don’t really know how to play.”

“We can bring out the boat, we have a banana boat as well. Apparently we can even go parasailing. Or should we go fishing? There’s also a diving spot nearby.”

“Will you die if you don’t keep moving your body…?”

“Thinking about it, when I went with my older sister to the beach, we built sandcastles together.”

Shiika recalled elementary school, the time from before she became a Mushitsuki, and narrowed her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Namie changed her expression. She used her finger to scratch her cheeks. She mumbled softly while facing the other way.

“Sh-Shiika… I mean, if you’re lonely, umm… I-if you’re fine with me, ah… you can refer to me as your si—”

“Oh wow! Did you see it? Nihei-san just suplexed Lucy-san. They’re getting along so well.”

“Nihei was probably just pissed off.”


“Namie-san? Oh, I’m sorry, you were just saying something, right? What was it?”

Shiika tilted her head while Namie flapped her mouth. The older girl then suddenly pushed her drink to Aijisupa, took off her hoodie and flung it away. “I’m going to swim!” she yelled, dashing toward the sea.

She probably couldn’t hold herself back any longer. Shiika looked around, her eyes going to one of the parasols laid on the beach.

“Umm, I’ll go there. I’ll be fine alone.”

Aijisupa followed Shiika’s gaze and sighed. “Maybe I’ll take a nap…” Seeing off the boy walking toward the sun shelter, Shiika walked ahead on the sandy beach.

As she approached the parasol, she saw the girl around her age lying in a tube bed. She wore a floral bikini and was covered by pricy-looking accessories, including sunglasses.

“Are you not going to swim, Nanana?”

The owner of this beach and the one who invited Shiika and the rest—Akasegawa Nanana—lowered her sunglasses a bit with sluggish movements.

“I’ll get my swimsuit dirty. Doing warmups is also a bother, so being in the wind feels nicer.”

“…! Hehe.”

“Don’t do that ‘oh, you’re just like me!’ face… I’ll have you know that I can swim.”


“Well, sit down.”

Doing as she was told, Shiika lowered herself on the bed next to Nanana. Nanana gestured as if she was holding a glass, and the boy near her, Pochi, poured some wine for Shiika.

Looking at another further parasol, she could see that under it was Nanana’s secretary, clad in a one-piece bathing suit. She lay on one of two beach chairs side by side, while the other was occupied by a teddy bear with sunglasses.

“Well? Are you having fun?”

“Yeah. Thank you.”

Clink, the two glasses touched and a light sound echoed.

“But is it really fine? We’ve done nothing for you and yet you do this… You’ve even rescued Munakata-san, so in the end, you’re not even contracted with us.”

“I’ve still not given up on it, and it was decent for passing time.”

Nanana slid toward Shiika a card that was left on the table.

“What’s this?”

Pinching the card in her fingers, she fixed her gaze on it. It was about as large as a prepaid card, but its pitch-black surface had a golden circle that was surrounded by small stones embedded. They numbered twelve. They were precious stones unknown to Shiika, and one of them was larger than the others, probably made out of something like silver. The letters “XII” were carved on the edge of the card.

“This is my Round Table member card. The one I’d kicked down was apparently the twelfth member.”

“The Round Table was that group with only rich people in it…”

“I’ve snatched a whole lot from that bearded chin, and thanks to my new title as the Round Table I can advance any business I wish. I no longer have enemies. Maybe I’ll buy a submarine or something to reduce my taxes, yahah.”

“You’re incredible, Nanana.”

“Hehe, flattering me won’t get you anything—no, I won’t say anything as stingy as that. Right, shall I gift you whatever it is your heart desires?”

“I-I don’t need anything.”

Shiika hurriedly shook her head.

Don’t need anything—Nanana erased her smile at those words.

“You’ve already given us plenty. You’ve rescued Munakata-san and helped Mushibane as well.”

“…Is that it?”


“Haven’t I given you some other things as well?”

As Nanana said this and laughed, Shiika desperately searched her memory.

“I’m joking.”

Seeing Shiika keep groaning as she thought, Nanana narrowed one eye.

“After all, I can’t give people anything other than money.”

Why was it?

When Nanana smiled while narrowing one eye she showed her true self much more when cackling drunkenly or when she wore her business smile—but even so, her face looked lonely.

“Oh, but you did give me a certain something.”


“Umm… You became my friend…”

Shiika spoke, fidgeting with her wine glass in hand.

Silence fell.

As her ears reddened Shiika thought it was strange and raised her face to see Nanana wear an odd expression.

“Haa? When have I become your friend?”

“Well, I mean… We’ve spoken a lot… And about me unable to swim as well…”

“You’re the one who spoke to me all on your own. Who’d even want to be a friend of a Mushitsuki?”

Nanana roused her body, pushing her wine glass against Shiika’s face. Shiika had noticed it during the party, but Nanana was very much a bully.


“Yahah, you look so weird! Now, you come here too. Isn’t it amusing?”

The secretary slowly rose from her chair. Approaching them wordlessly, she obeyed the order and snatched Shiika’s glass from her hands. Now her face was getting squished by glasses from both sides.

“So squishy. Yahahah, what a strange face! I definitely don’t want you to be my friend!”

“Auu, s-stop it… i-it hurts, why’s the secretary doing it so seriously—”

“Will you please stop at this point? I do not wish for this beach to turn into a battle zone.”

Hearing a familiar voice, Shiika turned around.

The man, sitting in an electrical wheelchair, came to them. The only physical evidence of his age seemed to be the white mixed in his hair. He wore a hoodie and shorts.


Munakata raised his hand to the side as if to stop something.

Looking around, she saw Aijisupa having approached them at some point. Namie was also fiercely walking toward them, but she stopped with Munakata gesturing to her. They were probably going to save Shiika from being bullied. With the pair glaring at Nanana, they returned to their previous spots.

“Is your body alright?”

“Yeah. Sorry for making you worry.”

Munakata Kaiji was safe.

After the party, Nanana had questioned the man she’d kicked out of the round table. —Shiika hadn’t heard any details about the interrogation and whether the man had honestly confessed. However, just as expected, Munakata having gone missing during a certain negotiation was a crime arranged by the bearded man.

Munakata had been taken captive and was under house arrest at a certain hotel. But because his guard slacked off on the job, he’d apparently not received enough nutrition. When Pochi and the rest attacked the place, he was quite weakened. He was promptly taken to a hospital connected to his company, and had been recuperating until this very day.

Shiika had heard all this also after she’d received the invitation to this beach.

Today, Munakata had been “handed” to them by the Akasegawa Group.

“Please do not overdo yourself. You are quite old, after all.”

As Nanana wore her business smile, the white-streaked gentleman also smiled.

“How lovely. Being greeted by two beautiful flowers is a blessing for an old man as me.”

“Oh my, what a flirt.”

“Oh, you don’t have to wear a mask at this point. I have already heard the rumors about you.”

“Then I will oblige. You lecherous old man.”

“One should always compliment women. A person who doesn’t know women will never succeed in business.”

Munakata Kaiji and Akasegawa Nanana.

The two distinguished businessman even within the country smiled at each other, raising sparks. Was it a mere greeting or were they both exhibiting their displeasure for one another? Shiika timidly glanced between them.

“—No, this is not the time to badmouth one another.”

Munakata loosened his expression and lowered his head.

“I am indebted to you. I am grateful to you for saving me.”

“As long as you understand that. Yahah.”

Nanana seemed to become uplifted.

“Will you give me all of your money as thanks?”

“Please spare me. I will thank you, however.”

“I’m glad you’re safe, Munakata-san… I really do.”

Shiika mumbled, feeling a bit teary.

Munakata smiled bitterly—and averted his gaze, perhaps not to see the crying Shiika.

“I’ve also caused problems for Mushibane. I apologize, it was my complete defeat. I never thought they would use so blatantly illegal methods… he probably got carried away with the Round Table backing him up.”

“Things were chaotic while you were gone… it made me feel just how dependent we were on you. I wonder what would’ve happened to us if Nanana hadn’t saved us.”

“I didn’t volunteer to help you. I loaned my help, alright?”

“Oh, also, there’s a new—eek.”

Trying to point at the boy playing with Lucifera at sea, Shiika raised a shriek. Although he was far out in the sea until now, Chouya Nihei was now sitting seiza-style on the sand right near them.

“My name is Chouya Nihei! Wooow, you’re the real Munakata Kaiji-san, right? I didn’t know it when we spoke on the phone, but to think that you were the one who gave me a helping hand… I’m so moved! As a fellow businessman, I deeply admire you! Can I shake your hand?”

“Y-yeah. I don’t mind, but… this is the boy I introduced you to, right? Sorry for being unable to get to the campsite. I’m glad you were able to safely meet up with Mushibane regardless.”

“Wow, you’re so kind! As expected from an adult! You’re completely different from that bully who instantly threatens people! You’re completely different from that bully who instantly threatens people! “

“Why did you say that twice…” Nanana muttered angrily.

“Chouya-san was a great help to us with matters relating to money. He helped us make do with what small funds with have, so we were able to start over again somehow.”

“Ho? If you managed to grasp Mushibane’s accounting without even an account book, it’s quite impressive.”

Being praised by Munakata, Nihei’s face instantly glowed.

“Yes! I am a businessman, even if a small one! My motto is three-way satisfaction!”

“Three-way satisfaction? That is quite… rare, nowadays.”

Apparently troubled over what to say, Munakata smiled wryly. —Although his words were different, his response was similar to how Nanana rejected Nihei’s motto in the past.

Nihei probably also felt that. Although he’d gotten excited, his expression now became clouded.

“By the way, you can stand already. Isn’t the sand hot?”

“…No! What is this, a teppanyaki-style fried human? Or so it feels, but I don’t mind it! Let me study from you like this!”

“I-I see, so you’re very persevering. Well, the handyman who introduced you to this place is someone I trust. If you need anything, you can rely on her.”

“Yes! Right now I’m trying to earn money to pay her!”

“You too, Snow. I might have spoken to you a little about this before, but the girl called Ikarino Kirari could prove to be a huge help, so please remember her. She’s a rare person who helps Mushitsuki out of goodwill.”


Why was he talking about this now—

Although she harbored these doubts, Shiika nodded, while next to her Nanana raised an angry voice.

“Ikarino Kirari, you say?”

She turned around and glared at him. This hateful stare pierced Munakata. This was an expression of pure, unconcealed hatred the likes of which Shiika had never seen before.

“Don’t screw with me. If you plan to involve Kirari I’ll be merciless.”


“Well, since she seems to have some connection to Akasegawa, when you talk to her, do so in secret.”

As the gentleman drank wine while wearing a bitter smile, Nanana snorted with a displeased face.

“I tire of this collusion. Let us resume what we spoke about before. That is why I let you recover while waiting here.”

Looking at Munakata, Nanana spoke with a serious expression.

Or rather than serious, perhaps it was more accurate to call it desperate. As if she had been looking for that answer for years upon years.

“Munakata. Why have you been confined by the Round Table’s underlings?”

“Hmm? Have you not heard? We’ve had a bit of a trouble in our business—”

“Enclosure. Bubble. Paradigm Shift.”

Munakata’s expression changed.

“That’s the real reason you were captured, right?”

“…You got me. So you already knew what I finally got hold of.”

Munakata easily surrendered. Yet Nanana didn’t seem to mind this sort of small victory.

“Why on earth have you been trying to investigate that? Why did you think it is related to the Round Table? And—how did you come to know these words in the first place?”

Munakata looked surprised. He raised an eyebrow.

“What a strange question. Have you not started investigating it for the same reason as me? Your way of saying it sounds as if—you only heard these words from someone.”

“Have you reached them with your own powers?”

“Of course. That is why this happened to me.”

“…Was a certain person involved in your way of investigating this? With long hair, always wearing a coat, at times covered in wounds, always wearing headphones—”

Even to Shiika it was obvious that Nanana was acting abnormally. She listed the characteristics of a certain person—but she expected a certain answer, and despite how desperate she seemed, she lowered the tone of her voice.

Munakata Kaiji shook his head to the sides.

“No, I don’t know anyone like that.”

Nanana was stunned. For an instant she looked about to cry—and scowled.

“There’s no freaking way—”

Rising up, she closed in on Munakata. Nanana’s hand grabbed his hoodie.

“You were looking for the same thing, right? There’s no way you don’t know! Now remember already!”

“I’m sorry, but I really have no clue.”

Munakata repeated this, looking disturbed. But Nanana still didn’t give up.

“Stop lying! Why do you think I’ve saved you?”


“Nanana-chan, stop! Munakata-san was only just discharged!”

Shiika and Nihei pulled Nanana away from Munakata.

“Why do you think…”

Glaring at Munakata angrily, Nanana bit her lips so hard they turned pale. She probably knew that Munakata wasn’t lying at all. Shaking off Shiika and Nihei, she hugged her legs on top of the chair, burying her face in them.

“Nanana? D-did something happen with that woman?”

“…It has nothing to do with it. Now keep explaining already.”

Apparently receiving a large shock, Nanana’s voice was shaking.


Only Shiika next to her heard her small sob. She had no idea about her circumstances, but this was probably something important for her. Thinking back, Nanana had agreed to help them rescue Munakata after hearing those terms from Shiika.

“Can you continue your story, Munakata-san?”

The one to pierce the silence was Nihei. He seemed to be trying to not look toward the silent Nanana as if to not embarrass her.

“You’re… no, it’s fine. Please listen to it as well. Since you appear to be a person involved with money as well.”

Namie swam beautifully in the sea distorted by the heat shimmer. As if on a competition, Lucifera on a dolphin-shaped float kicked the water in pursuit.

As for Aijisupa, he was breathing softly while sleeping at the sun shelter. He apparently had no interest in either swimming or tanning.

“This is something that all of us people who always count money have probably considered once.”

Munakata sounded calm.

“Money is the devil. —I have talked about this with Snow before, but people always take each other’s money, and so money, at any given era and time, serves to monitor people.”

What was Munakata actually seeing as he gazed into the sea? Shiika had no idea.

“Snow, you also understand this, right? You were with Akasegawa, even if only for a short while. She showed you how good at using money she is. With money, she found out Mushibane, found out where I was and rescued me.”

It was just like Munakata said.

Nanana used a form of power invisible to the eye and found the people she was looking for, rescuing Munakata in no time at all. She was just like—

“Right. Nanana was exactly like a… magician.”

Nanana’s shoulders twitched.

“Magic, huh? Perhaps all of us businessmen are entranced by that magical power.”

With a serious face, Chouya Nihei listened to Munakata.

“I also spoke about Snow about that. —Is it fine for me to simply distribute this magic power to Mushibane? I suddenly thought about this. Wasn’t there anything else I could do for the person I loved? And then I recalled her words.”

Munakata gazed at the horizon on the sea as if gazing even further than that.

“’I wonder what Mushi are?’”

Shiika widened her eyes.

“She would often say that. —I finally found what I need to do.”

“What you need to do…?”

“Finding out the roots of Mushi.”

The roots of Mushi—

Meaning, to find out when, where and how they were created.

In front of the man announcing this, Shiika was speechless.

“The roots… of Mushi.”

“The devil known as money had definitely observed the moment they were born. Starting then I thoroughly investigated the economics of this country. Eventually I discovered that at a certain time over ten years ago, there was a strange disturbance in the markets. You could say that it shook the entire country.”

Munakata calmly explained.

“It caused three movements. Vast amounts of money vanished as if stolen, and this backlash expanded the entire country’s economy, which then burst—causing the alternation of generations among those who ruled money. Naturally there were similar movements in the past as well. Those were the periods of economic turbulence that appear in history books. But that thing I noticed was obviously not recorded—and there was seemingly no cause for it to happen.”

“No cause at all… that’s impossible.”

Nihei interjected, sounding puzzled.

“There definitely should have been some opportunity. Whether some minor matter to something affecting the entire world, during both prosperity and depression, people will not move money without a reason behind it.”

“Exactly so. There definitely should have been one. So let me rephrase. For one of those movements, there was a reason—but it had been skillfully hidden.”

“Hidden…? I see, the Round Table!”

Shiika couldn’t follow the two men’s conversation.

“The Round Table was there even ten years ago! They obviously knew about the state of the economy at the time!”

“That was my expectation. But out of all members at the time, more than half fell out during the shift of the third and final movement. And that includes the ones who were thought to have participated in the chaos.”


“The fallen members from back then vanished without a trace. Some are missing, some killed themselves. Even now most of their old stocks belong to those who watched the third wave from the sides. Even if they know of the three movements, they don’t know the truth behind them.”

“Then… are there no other clues?”

“No. There’s a reason the Round Table persevered despite losing most of its members. You could say these are the ‘aftereffects’ of riding those three waves a decade ago…”


“Among them, they secretly called these three movements thusly. ‘Enclosure’, ‘Bubble’, and ‘Paradigm Shift’—”

The period of monopoly caused by Enclosure.

The excessive economic expansion of the Bubble.

The period of revolution caused by changing generations, Paradigm Shift.

Shiika burned these three words in her memories.

“As much as I could gather by investigating, everyone in the Round Tables knows these three words. Even those who were unrelated to the business at the time. Why do they all know it and made it a taboo? —I have the feeling that the gathering called the Round Table are all hiding something together.”


“The aftereffects. They have inherited something born from these three movements and keep hiding it to this day. I heard that their membership fees are enormous. The steps taken to pursue the flow of that enormous money—ended up confining my own movements.”


Hearing this mumble, everyone turned to look at the girl.

At some point Nanana raised her face, gazing absently at her feet with reddened eyes.

“What was that?”

“That money all flows to where the first Mushitsuki Alpha is…”

The first Mushitsuki, Alpha.

Shiika and the rest became speechless.

At present Mushitsuki existed in this country. Since they existed, there had to be a first one among them. But where was that person right now?

“Akasegawa… did you join the Round Table because you knew something?”

“I don’t know anything about the Round Table. I just heard about this from that person.”

“That person? Was there someone other than me that also investigated the Round Table?”

“There isn’t. I mean, she’s already—gave up there. She’d said that someone else had already found it.”

“I can’t believe this so easily. I thought that I was the only one who could investigate it from the outside… Alpha, huh… so this is my limit.”

Seeing Munakata distort his face in pain, Shiika looked at the girl next to her.

Nanana was staring at the sand with a powerless expression, not moving at all.

“Nanana… why did that person tell you about this?”

“For no reason. It was more like she was speaking to herself.”

“What kind of a person was she?”

“Just a Mushitsuki… the kind I hate the most.”

Nanana muttered in a completely flat tone, void of any emotion.

“Akasegawa. You might not know anything right now, but it might not stay that way forever.”

Munakata said.

“Now that you are also part of the Round Table, you will probably receive a greeting as well.”

“What the heck’s that…”

“Something that forces you to keep the secret. —But thinking another way, this might be your chance. You might be able to understand the meaning of the three movements from within the Round Table. And that is most likely…”

“I have no interest in it. It matters not.”

Nanana again lowered her gaze. She buried her face into her knees.

“I mean, there’s no way that person would be there after she gave up…”

The words of the despondent girl silenced Munakata. Even Nihei, who fervently listened to Munakata’s story, did not call out to Nanana.

When the three businessmen went silent, Shiika opened her mouth.

“U-umm, Nanana. Do you like that person?”

Nanana made no move.

Shiika clasped both hands together, fidgeting. Recalling her own love, her cheeks were blushing.

“I heard from Munakata-san. If you only think about a certain person all the time, then it’s love.”

“…She’s a woman. Can we keep the love gossip for later? I’m not in the mood.”

“He said that admiration is the same. Also, umm… if you do something with that person, or do something for them, that’s also called loving them.”


“She might not be there if she gave up, but—”

Shiika smiled, speaking to Nanana who kept her gaze down and didn’t move at all.

“There is… what she’s been trying to find.”

Nanana’s fist hugging her knees—clenched tightly.

“…You don’t even know anything about her.”


“All of you are only interested in those secrets. Don’t push it on me.”

“I do want to know, but… I’m also envious.”

Nanana sank into silence again.

“I have no idea… what the person I like wants to do or wants to know.”

The boy called Kusuriya Daisuke did many things for her. Even so, Shiika knew practically nothing about him.

But Nanana knew.

And Shiika was jealous of that.

“Even if she’s not by your side right now… if you can achieve what she couldn’t, wouldn’t it be the same as if you’d done it together?”

“…No way. If she gave up there’s no way I could it.”

“Well, I understand if you didn’t want to—but if it’s something you can do, I’m sure you could do it.”

Shiika spoke what she truly thought.

“Because you’re like a magician, Nanana.”

Nanana slowly raised her face.

She bit her lips to stop herself from crying again.

“She… was also a magician.”

Nanana whispered in a hoarse voice as it happened.

“—Who’s that?”

This sharp voice belonged to Aijisupa. At some point he came out of the sun shelter and stood on the beach. He was looking at the area of the cabin, next to which was the road connecting to the entrance to this private area.

Shiika followed Aijisupa’s line of sight. The others did the same.

“I’ll have the gatekeeper check.”

Nanana’s recovery was quick. Grabbing the stick that lay nearby, she rose up.

“…Apparently no one has passed through the entrance.”

Hearing the secretary’s response, everyone stiffened their expression.

“Then who…?”

Seeing that abnormal thing, Shiika muttered in an unconsciously shaky voice.

It was—a dark mass.

Originally it was perhaps a suit. That pitch-dark cloth was now extremely worn out, so it preserved nothing of its original shape. The same went for the leather shoes and gloves. Also, wearing a large coat like that when it was so hot was also unnatural. That person’s entire face was hidden by tattered cloth and a wide-brimmed silk hat. The clock wrapped around their wrist was broken, turning into nothing more than a golden cord.

All of those clothes were probably originally of a high quality. However, as that person slowly turned and approached while covered in these rotten garments, it was much more like a vengeful ghost out of a nightmare.

If he didn’t pass through the entrance, where had he appeared from?

At the very least it seemed that Nanana didn’t invite him. Namie and Lucifera also came running.

“Who are you? I have no memory of inviting a bum such as yourself.”

Nanana asked with a cold voice.

The black mass continued slowly advancing. Dragging his feet audibly on the ground, he approached Shiika and the rest.

“If you approach us any further without saying anything, I will acknowledge you as an intruder. I’m going to attack you, is that clear?”

The shadow kept walking.

“Understood. You can go, Pochi. Attack—”

Aijisupa started moving even before Nanana issued her order. He thrust out his arm forward and flicked a finger. Pssh, a sound like pulling the tab of a carbonated beverage echoed.

The moment some cold moisture was produced—bright white light dyed the area. The bombardment of steam bursting from Aijisupa’s fingertips pierced the creepy figure.


Everyone there widened their eyes.

It was probably meant for intimidation. Aijisupa’s attack was such that it could be easily evaded, and he aimed for the arm. Even so the figure in black hadn’t evaded at all and the white steam scored a direct hit on his arm.

The figure’s arm should have been blown away.

But only his sleeve was ripped off—and it had nothing inside.

The ripped suit gathered again and covered the empty space. While they watched this sight, stunned, the black human figure retrieved its previous form in no time. Shiika had the feeling that she glimpsed small, golden glints mixed in with the clothing.

“T-this is no human…!”

Nihei’s shout stopped the figure.

With dull movements as if moving in slow motion, the black figure put one knee on the ground.

“I congratulate you…”

It was a low man’s voice that oddly lingered in their ears.

“Congratulations, Akasegawa Nanana-sama, for your joining the Round Table…”

It was an excessively slow way of talking, invoking an insolent feeling. It was impossible to even tell if that voice was made by a human’s vocal cords.

Mushi Uta 9 p181.jpg

“Munakata. Was this what you meant by the Round Table’s ‘greeting’?”

“Who knows? I obviously hadn’t imagined anything like this.”

As Nanana and Munakata cracked jokes, both stiffened their faces.

“Akasegawa Nanana-sama, as you have been appointed as the newest member… I have come to invite you to the auction.”

“An auction?”

“Pardon my late introduction… I am the auctioneer, Sotheby… As I am acquainted with the Round Table, I am also pleased to make your acquaintance…”

The person calling himself Sotheby slowly lowered his head again.

Although it was humid, it suddenly felt as if the temperature sank. Shiika’s body sweated all over and a chill ran through her spine.

“Hmm, you call yourself an auctioneer? Don’t you look a bit too seedy for that? Do you have any proof that you’re related to the Round Table?”

“Kukuku. Pardon me…”

Reaching to his pocket, Sotheby pulled out a black card.

It was the same member card like the one that Nanana possessed. Yet Sotheby’s card lost all of its gems and there wasn’t even a number written on it.

“If you doubt even this… you may ask me whatever you please about the Round Table… it does not have to be about the present; I do not mind talking about the past as well…”

Nanana’s eyebrows twitched.

“Oh? Then do you know these words? Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift.”

“I have heard that this is how they currently refer to what happened at that time…”

Sotheby answered smoothly without looking perturbed in the slightest.

“Enclosure… that refers to when everything started. It began slightly more than ten years ago from now, when the Round Table of the time had sought to finance a certain something…”

Nanana’s expression changed.

“…Do you really know about it?”

“But of course… at the time, several Round Table members financed it. That amount was incalculable, so to the world it appeared as though vast amounts of money vanished overnight… but in actuality, they were all used in order to isolate a certain something… and today that is called Enclosure…”

Nanana and Munakata exchanged glances.

Perhaps judging it to be true, or just wishing to drag out further information, Munakata spoke.

“And what was that thing?”

“That is the item of our current auction…”

“You really are a pompous jerk. Answer the question; tell us plainly the identity of that item.”

The black figure delayed for a while before answering Nanana’s question.

And then he spoke.

“…The original Mushitsuki, Alpha.”

Nanana widened her eyes at Sotheby’s declaration.

“Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift… Alpha was the origin to all of those phenomena… Alpha could be called the pandora’s box to all disasters…”

“Is Alpha still… there? Really?”

Even Nanana was shaken, as expected. She repeated her question.

“But of course…”

The beach was wrapped in silence.

Shiika knew a bit about auctions. People who wanted the item would compete over its price, and the one who gave the most amount of money would end up possessing it.

“The starting price for bidding is—”

At first Shiika couldn’t understand the meaning of the amount stated by Sotheby. She only understood that all other people, especially the members of Mushibane, were speechless.

Even Nihei who prided himself as a merchant was frozen. Going back to his senses, he let a dry laugh.

“Ha…haha… so stupid. Will anyone pay that much for a complete unknown? Impossible.”

“…I would like to make sure of something. Are there any other bidders?”

“I cannot tell you.”

Sotheby answered immediately.

“However, for these last ten years… none have tried to get involved with Alpha…”

The expression Nanana wore upon hearing the answer—was a smile.

Narrowing one eye, she spun her stick again and again. She started walking in circles while humming a tune as if she truly enjoyed the situation.

She looked to be thinking.

No, Nanana was only pretending to think.

“N-Nanana-chan, don’t tell me that you…”

Seeing Nihei almost speechless, Nanana snickered.

“Wait, Akasegawa.”

Stopping the girl who was about to open her mouth was Munakata Kaiji.

“There’s something I’d like to check.”

Akasegawa Nanana, the new member of the Round Table. The bodyless auctioneer, Sotheby, was gazing at her from within the cloth that hid his face.

“Will you bid or fold?”

Would she bid—offer money, or else fold—drop out?

The mysterious auctioneer pressed Nanana for a decision.

2.02 Nanana Part 6[edit]

There’s something I’d like to check—

Saying this, Munakata Kaiji had brought Nanana and Nihei into the shack.

Sotheby waited for Nanana’s answer outside and Mushibane were watching over him. They were probably staring at that creepy visitor now.

“Do you all feel proud of your business?”

With the young merchants Nanana and Nihei in front of him, Munakata asked this.

It went without saying. What Munakata wanted to make sure of was their resolve, or perhaps their determination.

Who was going to bid in the auction?

Munakata probably wanted to confirm that. Thinking of the possibility of Nanana monopolizing it, perhaps she intended on asserting some sort of ownership.

But while talking with Munakata, Nanana thought of something entirely different.

The words she’d heard from Shiika just before reverberated in her head.

—Also, umm… if you do something with that person, or do something for them, that’s also called loving them.

This was apparently a speech she heard from Munakata, but right now that didn’t matter at all.

Doing something for someone was love.

“What do you need out of the thing called money?”

She was loved.

Without doubt, Nanana had been loved by the Kind Magician.

As well as her grandfather.

She was very important for the both of them. They protected her, expecting nothing in return.

And what about Nanana?

—Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift… these are history. As I am a mere duckie, I gave up on trying finding the swan who caused that.

Nanana had merely listened while the Magician said this.

And so—was this why she vanished?

Even back during their first meeting, the Magician had said she “didn’t want” any reward from Nanana. From then onwards, she also refused to receive anything from her.

Her grandfather was the same. Not accepting anything from Nanana, he showered her with unconditional love.

However, at that time…

Even if it was useless, shouldn’t Nanana have presented something to them?

“What do you think business—money is?”

On the other hand, all around Nanana were people who’d never leave her. Those of the Akasegawa Foundation, her secretary, and Pochi. As long as Nanana kept giving them money, they would stay at her side even if they hated it.

Meaning, wasn’t the truth like this?

Both the Kind Magician and her grandfather had left Nanana.

Those who lusted for money would always stay at her side.

—It’s fine. I’m better off protecting the swan in front of me.

If, at that time, Nanana had given to the girl something—would the Kind Magician have stayed at her side?

“Since I was saved by you, Akasegawa, I greatly respect your opinion on this.”

—Because you’re like a magician, Nanana.

Anmoto Shiika.

She felt no discomfort with that girl at her side. Nanana still loathed Mushitsuki, but that girl wasn’t to blame. Perhaps because she never wore a sorrowful, self-pitying face like the others? She’d probably actually went through a happy life with no major disasters. It was obvious just by looking at her.

When she was next to Shiika, so innocent and unreliable, she felt like looking at a poor younger sister.

What did Shiika think of Nanana?

—I-I don’t need anything.

Just like her precious person before, Shiika also refused getting anything from Nanana.

At this rate, she would lose Shiika as well.

If she made her accept anything right here and now, even by force, she would never vanish without a word like the Kind Magician or Nanana’s grandfather—

“So it’s settled then.”

Nanana grinned, clasping her hands.

Opening the shack’s door, the swimsuit-clad Shiika poked her face in.

“Umm… have you reached a decision? Sotheby-san’s still waiting.”

“I will be the one to bid on this auction.”

Declaring this, Nanana left her seat.

“Say, Shiika. Do you want to know about Alpha—about the roots of Mushitsuki?”

She stealthily asked Shiika who stood in front of the door. Shiika thought for a bit, then answered.

“Yeah. I do.”

The forsaken desire of the Kind Magician.

The secret desired by Anmoto Shiika.

Nanana was trying to obtain those. —She felt as if she finally found a way to use her money that was no more than trash unable to even buy back the sweet crepe.

“Leave it to me. I’ll definitely buy it.”

Using the magic known as money, Nanana looked like a magician, and if so…

Nanana would become just that.

Without turning into a Mushitsuki, Nanana would become a magician—

Shiika looked at Nanana, surprised.

Watching the two girls whispering among themselves, Munakata smiled.

“Perhaps there is no longer anything I can do for Mushibane.”

I no longer have any regrets—

The man’s calm face looked as if he was saying that.

As Nanana returned to the beach, Sotheby and Mushibane were glaring at each other just as expected.

No, actually only Mushibane was cautious while Sotheby’s face was calm. —Well, she couldn’t see his face that was hidden by the black cloth, but so it seemed to Nanana.

Nanana and the rest once again faced the abnormal auctioneer.

“This really isn’t normal… I’d never heard of conducting business with non-humans.”

Although everyone claimed to have resolved themselves, Chouya Nihei alone was as always hesitant. He was watching over them from a little way off.

“Have you finished your consultation…?”

Sotheby, body completely clad in decayed suit and accessories, spoke with a low voice. He was apparently looking at their faces with a slouched posture; everything about his stance seemed servile.


Nanana was about to say this and nod.


For some reason Shiika started the conversation.

“Can only members of the Round Table participate in that auction?”

She probably had something to say. Even though she was scared of the monster in front of them until now, for some reason she stared at Sotheby with a desperate expression.


Sotheby stopped moving as if thinking a bit.


Seeing him act like this, Nihei raised an eyebrow. Perhaps there was something that bothered him.

“…Those aware of the true worth of Alpha are those who possess the most assets in this country, the Round Table… are you hoping to participate as well…?”

“Can I?”

Nanana couldn’t understand why Shiika with her sparkling eyes wanted to do.

It wasn’t only Nanana that didn’t understand her actions. Even Munakata and, of course, the other Mushibane members, the secretary and Pochi also looked confused.

“T-then… how about this.”

Shiika cheerfully brought something out of her hoodie pocket and handed it to Sotheby.

It was almost as if a question mark appeared over the heads of everyone there. Similarly, Nanana’s head was stuffed full of question marks.


The sound of waves coming nearby echoed on the beach.

The thing that Shiika had presented to him.

It was—several coins.

If she put them into a vending machine, she would probably be able to buy about two juice cans. Or possibly a single 500-ml large water bottle.

“I just want to do something for Alpha as well… umm, I know there’s no way I’d win, but if I can just try and participate—”

As Shiika mumbled this while fidgeting, Nanana stared at her with shock.

None of them had been able to foresee this action.

And even if they saw this action—as expected, none of them understood its meaning.


Having stood there as if frozen, Sotheby’s body suddenly started shaking.

“Pff… Kuku…! What an amusing jest… I wonder if your ears have gone deaf while I spoke just now… h-however, it is not often that I see such a poor person… pfft!”

Just before, Sotheby had clearly announced the starting price of the bid. While everyone was shocked at that time, Shiika was probably troubled by something else entirely.

Bidding starting price meant that they would start the auction from that amount. Shiika had apparently not known that.

“Eh? Eh?”

Her cheeks blushing, Shiika glanced at the people around. Nanana and the rest of the Akasegawa Group were shocked, while Munakata, Aijisupa and the rest looked troubled, as if thinking who should explain to her.


This low voice was heard from afar.

“Merchants shouldn’t laugh at their clients.”

It was Chouya Nihei. His vision was focusing at none other than the one he was cowering from before, the abnormal auctioneer, glaring at him. —But looking more closely, his knees were shaking.

“Pff… cough,” while the surprised people all looked at Nihei, Sotheby recovered.

“I do apologize, it was simply such a surprise… I offer my most sincere apology. Currently only the members of the Round Table are invited to this auction…”

“I-I see.”

Seeing Sotheby stifle his laughter and bow, Shiika looked regretful. She apparently actually wanted to participate in the auction.

“Jeez… just leave it to me and watch from the side.”

Tapping Shiika’s shoulder, Nanana took a step forward. “Y-yeah,” Shiika drew back, nodding.

Facing Sotheby, Nanana spoke.

“I’ll pay the following sum.”

Hearing the sum she mentioned next, the people behind her were shocked.

“You fool…! That’s double the amount of the opening bid!”

Other than Munakata, no one could speak.

She wouldn’t feel sorry.

No matter how much money she’d lost, she could make it back.

In exchange, Nanana would obtain that which she could never get again.

Sotheby also had his entire body shaking. But unlike the time with Shiika, this time it looked like he was shaking from happiness.

Sotheby straightened his slouch, looking straight at Nanana.

“Will you bid or fold?”

Spinning her stick, Nanana declared.


—Apparently, the first person who had this sort of power was called Alpha.

The Kind Magician so told her.


The first—the original Mushitsuki.

According to Sotheby, Alpha was the pandora box starting all disasters.

If that was actually true, then Nanana was a worthy owner.

“Thank you very much for your bid…”

Sotheby politely lowered his head.

“Charging will be in three days… as long as there is no other bidder to make a bid during that time, you will be the winner…”

Saying this with a happy voice, Sotheby rotated his body. Dragging his leather shoes on the sand, he was walking back the direction he came from.

“For close to ten years, none have touched Alpha. —Now it’s settled.”

Hearing Munakata’s mumble, Nanana kept cheerfully spinning her stick.

2.03 Nanana Part 7[edit]

“The risks are too high.”

Immediately after they came to the main offices of the Akasegawa Group from the private beach, the secretary spoke.

Nanana asked back without even looking back while walking through the corridor of the highest floor.

“Did you say anything?”

The large building over 200 meters tall was built in order to display the Akasegawa Group’s power. At present, after inheriting the money lending business of her grandfather, it was mainly involved in funding and managing the assets of multitudes of enterprises.

“Paying so much money for such a suspicious auction is not realistic.”

“As long as we pay there’s no problem. Yahah.”

This building, called the Akasegawa Offices, was full of empty rooms. Since the business grew too fast, the funds and the number of employees did not match. Although about half was divided to businesses affiliated with them, more than half was used by few clerks directly employed by the Akasegawa Foundation.

Although empty, it was gigantic.

Ironically, the building Nanana was in had also been under the situation that could be called a Bubble.

“Paying would only lead to problems. The Chairman’s personal assets also includes stocks from the Akasegawa’s Group affiliated companies. If you lose that, the Foundation itself will…”

“See that building?”

Nanana stopped in place, pointing her stick at the glass wall.

The entire topmost floor of the Akasegawa Offices was for the use of Chairman Nanana. The walls of the corridors were all covered in glass. The figure of Nanana wearing a dress was reflected on the glass.

The time was night.

The nightscape one could glance at from the height of 200 meters looked like a jewel box adorned many colored lights.

But there was a certain space that looked as if swallowed by darkness. Although this was the capital, that vast place alone had no lights.

It was a project the Akasegawa Foundation started trying to manage—a composite university facility. It was called MOCC, and would come into use only starting next year.

“Isn’t it pretty? I wanted that.”

Hugging her teddy bear, the secretary looked at Nanana with a deadpan face. Like always Pochi mumbled something softly, but she couldn’t hear him.

“I’ll get it next week. Yahaha.”


“That and… oh, that place as well. They’ll become the Akasegawa Group’s. Thinking about it, didn’t it look likely that I could buy that stadium’s naming rights as well? Also, over there, the preparations to make MOCC function proceed swimmingly, no?”

After using the stick to point at the townscape she spun it once then leaned it on her shoulder.

“The Akasegawa Group is doing great right now. We can easily retrieve whatever we will lose. Yahah.”

Nanana laughed cheerfully, walking again. But the secretary still hounded her.

“For a person involved with those called Mushitsuki it must be invaluable. However, I do not think it is needed for the Akasegawa Group.”

“It has nothing to do with the Foundation. It is I, Akasegawa Nanana, who desires it.”

“The Board will not stay silent.”

“None of their business.”

“Why are you so obsessed with Mushitsuki?”

“Because they’re a source of business.”

“Is that—really just this?”

“…If you’re too annoying I’ll just fire you, you know? If I stop paying you, how will you keep providing for your cute bear? Yahah.”

While laughing, Nanana continued walking. Putting her hand on the door to the Chairman’s office, she turned around.

“Please watch over the movements of the Round Table. If they intend on participating in the auction, there would definitely be a movement of money for the bidding. And if someone makes a move—tell me immediately.”


The secretary and Pochi bowed, leaving the place.

Nanana passed through the door, going through the secretary’s waiting room, and opened yet another door.

The Chairman’s Office, with a thick carpet laid out on the floor, was bigger than the classroom of the high school Nanana went to. She had an antique desk brought from overseas, and on top of the leather chair was a notebook-type pc used for information management.

This room was for the exclusive use of Nanana, but she only rarely came to it. She could issue her orders from wherever she was. Because today was the bidding day, she returned here to manage her stocks.


Sitting on the sofa as if jumping onto it, she flung her stick away.

Her drunkenness was long gone. —Since she calmed down when she was sober, she hated it. She became extremely lonely.

Just like she herself had said before.

Right now Nanana was in a great position, almost invincible. Her assets today would swell by tomorrow. And they would swell even further the day after tomorrow.

Even so—she was never fulfilled.

Nanana herself was like this building.

There was a large, empty space in her chest.

When had her insides become so empty?

It went without saying. It happened when she’d lost her grandfather, the Kind Magician and her one and only friend. Ever since then she wore a mask made of money and ways of deceiving people and kept swelling more and more.

Nanana kept pouring wine to fill what was empty.

If she didn’t, her heart might become like a bubble—and burst upon the softest touch.

“…Miss Magician.”

Folding her knees on the sofa, she rounded her body.

“I’m a swan, right…?”

It was a shock for her that Munakata knew nothing about Kidou Tsukasa. She was so sure that if she saved him, she’d get a clue as to her whereabouts.

Once again, that existence had slipped away from within her grasp.

Although she should have hated the Mushitsuki that betrayed her—in the depths of her heart she kept waiting for the Magician to reappear.

But she was unable to find a single clue about her location.

Nanana bit her lips.

“I have the right to create fate itself, right…?”



Paradigm Shift.

Once, these fates have changed the country.

By buying the primal Mushitsuki Alpha in the auction, she’d be able to solve these mysteries.

Honestly, Nanana had no interest in the origin of Mushi.


“I’m going to handily win this auction…”

To make Anmoto Shiika connected to her, she would obtain that.

What was that girl to her? Even she herself didn’t know yet.

Yet Shiika called Nanana her friend, and said she didn’t need anything from her.

Just like her grandfather and the Kind Magician did.

Because it was the same, she recalled her fear. Shiika, too, would perhaps vanish.

If that happened, it would prove that the money Nanana so desperately accumulated was all for naught.

She would definitely buy back the sweet, sweet crepe.

That was the only reason for Nanana to collect the trash called money.


Raising her face with a lonely expression, she noticed something left on her desk.

A memory device in its case. A small memory card.

Thinking about it, she recalled what it was.

She’d bought it from Chouya Nihei upon first arriving at Mushibane’s camp.

“If I’m not wrong… this was the Chronicler’s something?”

Booting her computer, she stuck the memory card inside.


Without any prior warning, the video started. There wasn’t even a title.

Monsters were fighting.

They were Mushi.

The footage was of two Mushitsuki fighting. Nanana, who’s actually seen Mushi many times, knew that this wasn’t special effects or computer graphics.

Ugly and scary Mushi fought while spraying blood. Normal humans would have perhaps stopped the video.


In her seat, Nanana rested her cheek on her hand supported by the desk.

Nihei said he’d bought this from a video freak who got it from an amateur satellite transmission. It was likely that someone for whom normal broadcasting would be too dangerous secretly transmitted this video.

For an enthusiast, this would be a rare item that he would want very badly.

But Nanana who was used to seeing Mushi had no interest in it.


Since she had nothing else to do, she kept watching.

As she did, she noticed that the content was slightly different from what she expected. She thought it was a mere collection of rare videos, but then the person called Chronicler started interviewing Mushitsuki.

“Oh, not bad for an amateur.”

There were different situations. There were videos in the middle of fighting, as well as many that looked like they were running away. Regardless, this Chronicler found many Mushitsuki and questioned them.

“Her voice is young… a child? Being so reckless is also childish.”

Nanana imagined Chronicler to be around middle school age. Judging from the date said in the interview, perhaps by now she was the same age as Nanana.

“Still, what is she trying to… do—”

She snorted but then her expression froze.

Someone was again fighting in the video.

She soon understood who they were fighting against. She didn’t know what branch it was, but the goggles hiding their eyes made it clear this was a member of the SEPB.

The issue came from the person fighting against the SEPB member.

The slim and tall silhouette with long hair was instantly recognizable. She was fighting against two people in the gloomy alley. She skillfully danced around the two Mushi which were more than double her size.

Suddenly a leg was blown off of one Mushi. The host Mushitsuki held his ears, screaming, and the other Mushitsuki was blown away by something. The other member also fainted in agony, collapsing.

The long-haired person just avoided the Mushi’s assault. She made gestures as if flicking something with her fingers from time to time, but it didn’t look like she was doing anything in particular. Seeing the groaning members now unable to move, she gracefully turned around. Even just dodging her opponent’s attacks, she didn’t have to land a finishing blow. She was clearly on a class of her own.


When that person turned back, Nanana thought her heart stopped.

Actually, she knew this even just seeing her from behind. After all, the headphones hanging on the girl’s neck were awfully familiar—


When Chronicler approached the person for an interview, the screen vanished.

Nanana had unconsciously reached out with her hand and knocked off the notebook computer from the desk.

“Ah… ah!”

Losing her composure like never before, she hurriedly picked up the computer. She plugged it back again and replayed the video.


Seeing the person appearing there, Nanana clung to the display.

Her vision blurring, she gritted her teeth. She shed so many tears she was almost unable to see her.

“Miss Magician…”

She looked younger than how she’d been the last time she’d seen her, probably because Nanana had grown up. The one being surprised by Chronicler in the video was a girl about the same age as Nanana currently was.

The Kind Magician.

Although she’d treasured Nanana more than anyone, that Mushitsuki who’d left without saying anything was there.

According to the date this was a few years back. A while after Nanana had last seen her.

“And you are…?”

“I am Chronicler. Are you a Mushitsuki?”

Bringing her to an empty lot, Chronicler forcibly asked her. Her way of speaking was prideful, as if saying that as a journalist she was entitled to know everything.

On the other hand, the Magician—Kidou Tsukasa—looked very tired. Her body was covered in wounds here and there, and she made a gloomy face the likes of which Nanana had never seen before.

“This is an interview.”

“Please stop… if you involve yourself with me, you’ll be in danger.”

“Are you doing something dangerous? What exactly are you up to?”

“Why are you asking me this… will you not leave me alone?”

“Us, members of the general public, have the right to know about Mushitsuki. That is why I am investigating just what Mushitsuki are.”

“What a dangerous thing to do…”

“I am aware of the danger. But I’m the only one who can do it.”

She probably turned to glare at the prideful Chronicler. Tsukasa’s gaze turned toward the screen.

Nanana forgot to breath, and Tsukasa kept staring.


“Why are you laughing? Is something funny?”

“Just thought that you look like Hunter. You’re making a face like you’re being cornered by your own duty.”


“You wanted to know what I’m doing, right? The answer’s simple. —I’m protecting someone.”

Protecting someone.

Nanana knew who she was thinking of. Only Nanana could.

She was here.

The person the Kind Magician wanted to protect was right here and now.

“Who’s that person? What are they to you?”

“I can’t tell you who it is, but that person’s important to me. The benefactor that taught me my own value… an irreplaceable existence to me.”

“Your value?”

“…At that time I was a person who couldn’t do anything well. I was small, weak, incompetent; simply a loser. I continued living like that, so I was worthless.”

Perhaps recalling the past, the Magician smiled.

“But… I was told a simple phrase. ‘Thank you’—”

Nanana gulped.

“I was saved… even someone like me could do some things.”

Thank you—

Nanana certainly said this.

When she first met the Magician, when she’d been saved by her, she said it.

“And so my life has been given value. So I had protected that person.”

Because of such small words—

Just because of Nanana having thanked her, the Magician had protected her—

She unconsciously tightened her grip on the display.

They were a very good match.

The reason why the Kind Magician treasured Nanana was over something so minor.

“Protected? In past tense?”

Tsukasa looked pained.

Nanana didn’t know why she was doing that face.

“I’m atoning for my sins…”


”I have committed a sin that I can never be forgiven for. Because of that, my reasons for protecting that person changed… and since they changed, we can’t meet up anymore.”


“Dying while hiding that sin is my second sin. I will probably never be forgiven…”

“Die? Are you going to die? Why?”

“I can’t tell you. Right, I can’t even tell that person… obviously, since she’ll just hate me. But if she—what if she will be unable to bear a grudge against me? That scares me the most. Since she’s kind, if she can’t hate me… she might get distorted with all the conflicting emotions… I can’t commit this third sin.”

Dying? Why did the Kind Magician have to die?

There wasn’t even a single reason why she had to die.

“No, I’ve already committed this third sin… I’ve asked something truly unforgivable from ‘that girl’. Perhaps that girl will be hated by her instead of me… why is it, I wonder? In the end, I really was unable to do anything well.”

“…? …?”

“And so—I’m glad I didn’t have to do that.”


“Didn’t you say it? That you want to know what Mushitsuki are.”


“I went just a step before that, but I’m glad I quit. Since I’m not a magician or anything like that, there’s no doubt it wouldn’t have gone well…”

Nanana shook her head.

Don’t say that—

For Nanana, Tsukasa was a Magician.

Since she was a Magician, she could do anything. Ever since she met Tsukasa she had deeply admired her, and even now she was attempting to grasp the identity of the thing she was trying to obtain before.

“Someone like me was meaningless…”

“…There’s… no… I… just…”

No way she was meaningless. If the Magician was meaningless, Nanana couldn’t understand anything in the entire world.

“I couldn’t do anything right… my life had no value…”

“No way… for me… I still haven’t… I want to see you again… so even now I’m…”

There was no way she had no value. If Nanana could meet the Magician again, even gathering all the money in the world wouldn’t be enough.

“And so, this mission of finding what Mushitsuki are—I leave it to you all.”

Tsukasa smiled.

“To those of you who are alive now and will keep on living.”

The Magician held out a dirty notebook toward the one filming.

“What’s this?”

“You could call it the SEPB monitoring network. I wanted to avoid needless strife, so I took memos of everyone I met. Since I’m an idiot, I would end up forgetting it, otherwise. I won’t use it anymore, so I’ll give it you. If you plan on continuing your interviews, it would definitely be useful.”


“Will you not take it? You’re also one who wants to find out what Mushitsuki are, right?”

After a while of silence, the Chronicler’s hand became visible on screen.

After handing over the notebook, the Kind Magician smiled. She turned back and left.

“…Over. This interview has come to a close. The interviewer is Chronicler—”

Speaking detachedly, Chronicler closed the interview with Kidou Tsukasa.

The footage changed and another Mushitsuki interview was recorded.

She noticed that Chronicler’s tone, while at first prideful, gradually became gentler.

At one point the date jumped and another Mushitsuki interview started. The voice of Chronicler interviewing the boy Mushitsuki sounded even like she was having fun.

The final interview was directed at a person who wasn’t even a Mushitsuki. An interview with a girl who looked like a demon lord commanding a gigantic mantis that was beautiful like nothing she’d ever seen before.

The video ended and Nanana bit her lips. Perhaps she even forgot to breathe and blink while watching.

Closing her notebook pc, she hugged it.

“Chairman. Have you not gone home yet?”

From the other side of the door, she heard the secretary’s voice.

Seeing she didn’t receive an answer no matter how much she waited, the secretary opened the door.

“…Is something the matter?”

It seemed like quite a while passed ever since she finished watching the video. Perhaps even several hours.

During that time, Nanana did nothing but hug her notebook computer.


Why did the Kind Magician vanish? She still didn’t know.

She also had no idea what was the sin that she had committed.

But what the Magician herself said was a mistake. Nanana had to fix that.

—Someone like me was meaningless…

She did have meaning.

—I couldn’t do anything right…

As a Magician, there was nothing she couldn’t do.

—My life had no value…

She had value.

At first she did this to obtain clues about the Magician.

Now that she knew she wasn’t there, she had lost her purpose once. Then, she acquired the new motive in the form of Shiika.

Now, however, she gained a new, robust reason to know the origin of Mushi.

Inheriting the Magician’s will, Nanana would obtain it—

She would ascertain the value of what Kidou Tsukasa sought after, and prove the worth of the one important to her.

“I’ll definitely get Alpha…”

Nanana mumbled, still holding the computer tight.

2.04 Nanana Part 8[edit]

“Did you see it? It was shining now, right? It was definitely a deer! Yahah.”

Inside the limousine driving through the forest, Nanana clung to the window. Since she hadn’t changed clothes after attending a certain party, she was still in a dress.

“You saw it, right Pochi? It was a deer for sure!”

“Ah… umm… I’m sor… Miss…”

The boy sitting at the back seat wore a vague smile and averted his gaze. Although he wore a formal suit, he was unable to fix his hair at several spots.

Nanana puffed her cheeks. Her drunkenness was no act.

“You didn’t!? You idiot! You saw it, right? It was a deer, right?”

“Probably a boar. Since its eyes were positioned low.”

The young woman wearing a cardigan on top of her dress said while adjusting her glasses. Next to her was a teddy bear wearing a suit.

“Geez! That’s why I loathe Mushitsuki!”

“I am not a Mushitsuki. —Must we have this exact same conversation every time we come here?”


Inside the limousine driving in the dark road, Nanana’s laughter echoed.

Nanana was in a good mood.

She managed to preserve the Akasegawa Foundation as well as always. She had no enemies and her laughter wouldn’t stop.

Also, today Nanana would finally get it.

The Pandora’s box sought after by the Magician—

Since she would obtain it, she no longer hesitated. The fact that Nanana kept growing her assets would finally have meaning.

“Have you properly cleared up my schedule afterward like I told you to?”

“Of course.”

Ahead and behind the long limousine were several cars painted black guarding it. Since this empty road was completely pitch dark, the car’s headlights illuminated the path ahead.

She came back to visit this mountain for the exact same reason as the first time.

To meet up with Mushibane in the camp ahead.

“Good! For a change, the great Nanana will praise you! You were excellent, so I’ll pet your head. You must be happy, so purr for me.”


“Don’t just say it! By the way. Weren’t you recruited by some CEO during that party just now? You were probably told to become his lover, right? What if you did? Wouldn’t he be your sugar daddy?”

“I live only for myself. I have no intention of becoming another person’s property.”

“Say whaaat? I give you a high salary, so don’t you belong to me?”

“I am ‘the secretary of the Akasegawa Foundation Chairman’. I only work to protect my current occupation.”

“So boooring. You cold-blooded woman. Teddy bear freak. Please just marry that stuffed thing.”

“He’s not a thing. His name is Coccinella Septempunctata-kun[1].”

“What’s up with that important-sounding name!? It’s so creepy that you’re giving names to toys at your age!”

“Umm… I… Miss… uh…”

“Say something? Pochi, just look outside until you see a deer.”

Tonight, Nanana came to Mushibane because of her promise to them.

While tilting a wine glass, Nanana checked in with the secretary.

“You’re prepared the cheque, right?”

“Yes, ma’am. But will he really appear?”

“He will. I know he will. He’s really greedy. Because of that, he’ll keep waiting for bidders until the very end—until the date itself changes.”

She would spend the night with Munakata Kaiji and Mushibane.

Nanana had promised them that on her private beach a few days ago.

The payment time for the aforementioned auction—for the first Mushitsuki, Alpha—was tonight.

For some reason, it appeared that Sotheby, the monster calling himself an auctioneer, knew where Nanana was. Since her visit to the private beach had been a secret, he would definitely appear to her no matter where she was. After all, he was to gain an absurd amount of money. And even if he didn’t, that servile monster would certainly search for her in a frenzy.

“But—there would be no other bidders.”

Narrowing one eye, Nanana grinned. The secretary nodded.

“I have continued my monitoring of the other Round Table members… but there was no noticeable movement of assets.”

“If they intended on bidding, they would have to move large amounts of money. And since I moved a lot of money… there’s no way they wouldn’t be noticed by us.”

She’d been told that only the twelve Round Table members were invited to the auction.

But excluding Nanana, the eleven other members showed no signs of acting.

None of them attempted to take part in the auction.

For more than ten years, no one tried touching Alpha.

The only one bidding was Nanana.

“Alpha belongs to me. I won’t hand it over to anyone.”

What the Kind Magician wanted, Nanana would gain instead.

She finally found the way to use her accumulated money.

“I look forward to it.”

They emerged out of the woods.

Arriving at the camp, the Nanana’s limousine parked.

Coming off the car, Nanana noticed there was shouting near the camp.


Taking the secretary and Pochi with her, she walked toward the center of the camp.

People gathered in front of the cottage.

There were familiar faces there as well. Shiika and Aijisupa, Namie, Lucifera, Nihei and Halensis, all stood side to side as well as the wheelchaired Munakata Kaiji. In front of Shiika and the rest gathered on one side, several boys and girls were clamoring. “No!” “Stop it!” they were shouting.

“They seem to be in the middle of something.”

Nanana decided to watch for a while.

One person was rampaging and was held back by his comrades. He was probably about Nanana’s age. Blood was streaming down from his forehead and dirtying his clothes, so he’d probably fought against something somewhere. Namie, Lucifera and several other people bore similar wounds.

“It’s fine. Release him.”

Shiika spoke calmly.

Although hesitating, the people holding the enraged person let go. As expected, that person lunged toward Shiika. He violently grabbed her cuffs.

“Why did you do this!?”

Shiika’s small body was pounded against the cottage wall. Shiika’s grimace held back the executives who were immediately preparing to stop this.

“Why did we have to let them kill our comrades back there?!”

The boy, tall and with chiseled features, mercilessly pushed Shiika against the hard wall. The piercing on his ears reflected the illumination around.

“We could’ve still made it in time! Dunno if they were the SEPB or whatever, but why’d we have to run away while they slaughter us?! Even if we managed to secure one Mushitsuki, it’s fucking meaningless if we lost a comrade! Are you all idiots?!”

With blood streaming down his forehead, the boy shouted.

“Why’d we have to be taken there by force and have this shit happen?!”

“Impossible. Unfeasible. Too late. It would be meaningless to go back there, and if we do we’ll end up directly clashing against the SEPB. We simply had bad luck, bumping into them there.”

While shaking off the dust from her dirty clothes, Lucifera spoke as if none of it related to her.

“Also, you were brought along because you’re fit for battle. If you hate us, how about hating your own ability? —Rather, I’m honestly disappointed. Your fighting techniques were perfect, but once you saw the enemy numbers you were already ready to flee, so isn’t it your group’s fault?”

“Wha—how dare you…!”

“I’m sorry…”

Having remained silent until now, Shiika spoke with a pained expression. The boy widened his eyes.

“This is no time to apologize! I’m asking you why! Wasn’t Mushibane meant to save Mushitsuki? Ah?!”

“I do want to save them. But if we fight against the SEPN there, there would be even more casualties of the two—”

“You ain’t saving anyone! Casualties of both groups? Are you saying you’re so worried about our enemies you don’t mind us being picked off?!”

Shiika was pushed to silence. She bit her lips in anguish, raising her face.

The girl’s sight stared directly at the boy.


From time to time, Nanana couldn’t understand the girl called Anmoto Shiika.

She thought she was an airhead who grew up without knowing hardship, but at times she would show completely different sides of her.

Just like now.

Although usually she looked so fragile that she could break from a simple touch, she now accepted the boy’s anger and even returned his gaze. It wasn’t like her core was strong; it was as if there was a single pillar that supported her, that let her rise no matter what happened—something so certain was packed inside her small body.

“Why you—”

Unable to withstand this any longer, the boy swung his fist down to Shiika.

Shiika made no attempt to dodge.

Aijisupa next to her immediately caught that fist, but didn’t make it in time. The remaining momentum caused the back of Aijisupa’s hand to strike Shiika’s face.

“…Please endure it.”

Her eyes reddening and swelling, Shiika mumbled. Probably desperately holding back the pain, as she looked back at the boy her shoulders trembled.

“We need to endure it… and become stronger. Until we can protect those who can’t fight as well as ourselves—if we don’t become stronger, this fight will never end.”

The boy was lost for words. But he was still probably unable to settle his feelings. His fist stayed clenched.

Namie grabbed his shoulder. She glared at him.

“If you’re still not satisfied, then hit me. I was the one who served as commander back there. The responsibility for not protecting my comrades goes to me.”


He too probably couldn’t understand anything either. He reflexively tried hitting the side of Namie’s head. However—


Namie dug her own fist in his solar plexus. With this ruthless counterattack, Shiika and the rest widened their eyes.

“You also have some responsibility, you bastard. If you don’t want to see anything like that again, become stronger.”

Namie blurted while wiping the blood from her split lip. With the air of a commander in charge of an army, she resolutely looked down on the kneeling boy.

“If you actually don’t want to fight—I will not tell you to fight ever again.”

Everyone stared at Shiika after she said those words.

Nanana was also surprised. That was different from what she’d promised.

“We’re not the SEPB… We will not drag unwilling people to the battlefield. —However, if you became stronger with us… there will come a day when we can avoid what happened today.”


“Since Lucy-san thinks so, I believe you have that power. So… will you please consider whether you will lend us your strength or not once more…?”

His shoulders shaking, the boy shouted.

“…Shit! Shit! Fuck!”


A moment later, a strange thing happened around the camp. The lights around the cottage warped, distorted and began to assemble little by little.

The light gathered on Shiika, Namie and Lucifera’s foreheads. The wounds illuminated by the light were being slowly healed.

“This is…?”

After healing the wounds of Shiika and the rest, the light burst. Just like before, the camp was once again lit by the lights above the trees.

“Shit… Shit… I can’t agree to this… I just can’t…”

The boy rose up and turned around. While painfully holding his stomach, he pushed off his other comrades and left.

“W-wait…! Please also heal yourself…!”

Hearing Shiika’s voice, the boy spat “Shut your fucking mouth!” and vanished into the darkness. Just like Lucifera said, he was a valuable asset in battle. Mushitsuki with healing abilities, not to mention one who could affect multiple people at once and without touching them, were extremely rare.

Nanana spun her stick and laughed.

“Quite a show you’ve given me, yahah.”

“Oh… Nanana.”

“You’ve just started and already there’s internal issues? I’m worried about your future.”

“Y-yeah. But… I’ll do my best.”

Approaching Nanana, Shiika wore a strained smile. That saddened expression meant that she was probably made anxious by the loss of even a single comrade.

“Why are you here, Nanana? You came to hang out?”


Munakata smiled bitterly.

“Snow. Today is the payment day for the auction.”

“Oh! I see. That’s right.”

“Have you really forgotten something so important? Huh? Huh?”

She pushed the end of her stick against Shiika’s cheek.

“I-I’m sorry… so Nanana, does it look like you’ll win?”

“Easy peasy. Obviously.”

It happened just as Nanana claimed this, full of confidence.

There was the sound of something dragging on the ground from somewhere.


Nanana immediately looked back the road she came from. But she couldn’t see anything.

She heard the sound again.

This time it was heard much more than before. All people turned to the direction of the sound—to the forest wrapped in darkness.

They could see a small light from afar.

“This is… definitely no deer.”

When the sound of dragging came closer, the light did as well. From within the many packed trees emerged the figure of someone wearing a worn-out suit.

The source of light was an old-looking lantern. The lantern held by the person with tattered clothing had one of its four chains missing, so it was tilted.

While everyone watched this with bated breath, the strange auctioneer came in front of Nanana.

“How do you do, Akasegawa Nanana-sama…?”

Sotheby slowly bowed.

“You really stick out like a sore thumb as usual. Shall I buy you a better suit?”

“My, my… what an honor would that be…”

“Well, we can talk about that after I win Alpha, though.”

Nanana took the end of the spinning stick and thrust it into Sotheby’s shoulder.

“I have prepared the money. Bring out the merchandise already.”

She wasn’t even going to hear about her own victory.

Nanana’s victory was undoubtable. None of the Round Table members—those with the right to bid—seemed to make any move. Meaning, none have joined the bidding after Nanana’s initial bid.

Sotheby’s shoulders shook.

Was he laughing at her? Nanana frowned.

“A new bid has been announced by another bidder.”


Nanana’s eyes widened in shock.

“The amount is—”

The amount mouthed by Sotheby vastly surpassed that of Nanana.

“Seriously…? What’s up with that cost.”


It was natural for Nihei and Munakata to freeze like that. It was an amount enough for an ordinary entrepreneur to become bankrupt.

Nanana turned back to the secretary, narrowing one eye.

“…What does this mean?”

“I have seen nothing of the like in my investigation. I cannot say that any Round Table member made a move.”

Nanana turned back to Sotheby, hitting his shoulder with her stick.

“Say, there’s no way, right—are you sure it’s not a lie? If this is just a bluff to raise the price, your head’s going to roll off.”

“I would never do such thing… I simply sell the item to the one who raised the price…”

“Who on earth is that? Who could have bidden on this except for me?”

“I am unable to reveal any and all information regarding the bidders… Because if you know their identity, the bidders could haggle among themselves…”

She knew he’d say something like that.

Actually, once she found out who her opponent was, Nanana was going to send an assassin after them. If they’d quietly hand over the merchandise to Nanana it was fine. If they refused, she didn’t fear using her true power.

“Will you bid or fold?”

Sotheby’s subservient question permeated the campsite.

Shiika and the rest all looked at Nanana.

“Stop, Akasegawa. This auction is too suspect.”

Munakata put a hand on Nanana’s shoulder.

But Nanana smacked it off using her stick.

“I’ll bid.”

She declared and quoted her bidding amount.

A silence fell.

“Akasegawa Nanana will not drop off so easily.”

Narrowing one eye, she smiled bewitchingly.

“I told you, no matter who I’m up against, my victory is set in stone. Even as we speak, I keep on making money.”

“…Sotheby. A question.”

In complete contrast to Nanana who sounded calm, Munakata’s expression was severe.

“Even if one made a bid… if they couldn’t pay that amount, what happens?”

“Bfh…” Sotheby laughed.

“Of course, they will incur a penalty… I cannot tell you what it portends, though…”

“Yahah, what a show-off! Not like you’re going to kill us!”

The penalty meant nothing.

Nanana was always protected by Pochi and the rest. They were elite troops, so that penalty or whatever would need to bring along an entire army, and yet still be unable to land even a single scratch on her.

Sotheby calmly lowered his head.

“Thank you very much… the next payment will be in three days. Now then…”

Turning around with movements as stiff as a statue’s, the auctioneer dragged his shoes as he vanished into the forest.

“Hehe, my opponent will be raising a fuss soon. I look forward to it.”

She didn’t like the fact that everyone went quiet.

Did they really think Nanana would fear that much?

“Akasegawa… you’re treating this auction too much like a game.”

Munakata glared at Nanana.

“We don’t even know if that guy’s a human being. We have no idea what’s going to happen…”

“Yahah. I really am glad I took the bid. If I left it to some old fart or coward, they’d definitely shake their knees and fold at the earliest opportunity!”

Perhaps hitting the nail on the head, Nihei groaned in front of her.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, have a good night.”

Giving an elegant greeting, Nanana turned her body.

While walking back to her limousine, she scowled.

It still wasn’t an amount she couldn’t pay.

However—her blood was boiling.

Being so cheerful about her certain victory now felt as if she’d been made fun of. She was embarrassed after meeting up with Mushibane in such high spirits.

“I don’t care what methods you use.”

While walking, she spoke to the secretary.

“Until the next payment comes, we must find the other bidder.”

Ignoring Shiika calling out to her, Nanana walked to her limousine.

2.05 Shiika Part 2[edit]


Shiika didn’t really understand them, but they could be said the reason for Munakata’s disappearance.

Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift.

Munakata Kaiji investigated those mysteries, and now Akasegawa Nanana inherited them and tried solving them.

Money. Business.

Both were completely outside of Shiika’s understanding. She’d probably never understand what sort of movements occurred in this country even if she asked for an explanation. She also had no idea what the people of the Round Table were like, and she couldn’t even imagine the identity of the mysterious auctioneer called Sotheby.

So Shiika focused her thoughts on Alpha.

The phenomenon called Enclosure was said to have been as a result of monopolizing Alpha.

Then what about Bubble? And Paradigm Shift?

Once, there was a large incident involving Alpha. Since Nanana and Munakata said so, it had to be true.

However, thought Shiika.

In the end, had the Mushitsuki called Alpha wished for it to be so?

Shiika herself was a Mushitsuki. In addition, she’d met many Mushitsuki until now. Met and at times clashed with. Because of Shiika, many became Fallen.

A certain boy was hailed as the strongest Mushitsuki and feared as a demon.

A certain girl lent her help to anyone with kindness, thus providing courage and hope to countless people.

The girl who was scorned as the weakest fought all alone against many Mushitsuki. There were also assassins who criticized Shiika for not doing anything. There were also Mushitsuki who screamed at the top of their lungs that they would capture her. And now, she was being protected by Mushitsuki who decided to move forward despite still hesitating.

People spoke of them, especially about the demon and her friend, as legends.


And Tachibana Rina.

Was Shiika the only one to feel discomfort at people feeling awe at them from completely opposite sides as if they were a devil and god?

When Kakkou had appeared in front of Shiika, he was supposed to have only been following the mission of defeating her. Even so, he’d asked for her dream, and was surprised at her having the same dream as his. And he hesitated.

Rina became Shiika’s friend. In front of Shiika she laughed, cried, and spoke of love. It made Shiika think that Rina’s usual gallant self was her pushing herself too hard.

To Shiika they were simply a normal boy and girl. If people who laughed, cried, worried, got hurt and yet still tried rising up weren’t normal, then what were they?

And so, she thought.

Wasn’t the Mushitsuki called Alpha just as normal of a person?

They too laughed and cried, worried, got hurt and still tried rising up?

I want to speak to them—

So she thought.

Why did you become a Mushitsuki?

When you first became a Mushitsuki, what did you think?

What did you see at the time?

And—what sort of dream did you have?

She wanted to meet them and converse.

In accordance with these feelings swelling in her chest, a different emotion was born inside Shiika.

When the auction first started, Shiika had only been barely able to follow the conversation. But as she started understanding it, she knew the auction’s true meaning.

There were people who used Mushitsuki as merchandise.

Even the fact that perhaps the first Mushitsuki knew the secrets about Mushi had nothing to do with it anymore.

Each and every Mushitsuki was actually just a person that could be found anywhere.

Even so—

Even now they were captured at some place—

Waiting for years and years for someone to bid on them—

Like they were mere property—

“…taru! Fuyuhotaru!”

The voice heard from afar caused Shiika to come back to her senses with a start.

“Stop it! Cancel your ability!”

It was Namie’s voice. Shiika hurriedly stopped her ability.

“Hah… Hah…”

Shiika was standing in a basin some distance away from Mushibane’s camp.

Absolving her ability and walking along the ravaged earth, she returned to Namie inside the forest.

“This isn’t good… I can’t save anyone with this.”

Turning around, Shiika bit her lips. Her hair stuck to her cheeks with sweat, and due to her fatigue and mental exhaustion, even her limbs clad in T-shirt and short pants felt lethargic.

Namie followed Shiika’s gaze. Her great figure was covered by work clothes.

“…It would certainly be no use like this.”

“I’m sorry. I was the one who asked for training and yet I can’t do it properly…”

“No, I also find it a pity I can’t help. I can give basic training to the entire Mushibane including you… but for any more than that we need a specialist. —No, with a strange ability only the user themselves could understand it. One of my juniors underwent training under a certain woman, but…”

“T-then, if she teaches me maybe I’ll be able to do something?”

“No—there’s a rumor… that she died in battle. Quite recently at that.”

Hearing the words of died in battle, Shiika felt her heart throb. Another person—another Mushitsuki died. Rather than simply seek her teaching, if she could meet her even once, what sort of tale would she have?

“Also, the SEPB gives up on training those who go berserk and they started turning them into Fallen immediately… anyway, we can’t start relying on people who’re no longer there. If we keep doing our best without giving up, at some point we’ll succeed.”


Although Shiika nodded, her pain wasn’t gone.

Munakata and Nanana, as well as the people of Mushibane, did their best to help Mushitsuki.

Even so, she herself—was unable to do anything. She was only being protected.

But she wasn’t going to give up.

She too would attempt to grow up even a second earlier—

As she tried going back to the camp after this resolution of hers, a lone boy appeared from the forest.

“…Report. Returned just now. Saved a single person. No wounded.”

Speaking sullenly with a cold face was the boy with pierced ears. The boy who’d wailed while hitting Shiika just the other day.

“G-good work.”

Next to Shiika who lowered her head, Name stepped forward. She wordlessly beat the boy’s head.

“Ouch! What the fuck are you—”

As he held his head and raised it, he was speechless. Because he’d looked at Shiika sullenly until now, he hadn’t noticed what happened right behind them.

“What the hell.”

The basin that they were standing in was not a basin at all just an hour ago.

It was a forested area, just like the place the boy was standing at. However, Shiika’s ability turned a space as large as a baseball stadium to a wasteland.

Trees were knocked down, broken, and distorted until not even a single branch retained its form. Ground was lifted up, rocks broke and scattered about. Perhaps reaching into underground water channels, some parts of the ground had large water spouts. All plants met their death and all animals ran far away—it became a space with no remaining signs of life.

If Shiika participated in battle—other than her none would survive, with no regard to either friend or foe.

“Please speak more politely to someone above you in position.”

“U-umm, Namie-san. I don’t really mind…”

“We have to. One day, we’ll make him into a commander. Regulations are important. —What are you spacing out for? If your report is done, go back.”

The boy standing there with an empty face had his butt kicked and came back to his senses.

“Err, I… apologize for hitting you…”

“Eh? O-oh… please don’t mind it.”

Shiika talked to the boy who turned around back to the camp. Starting that night, while he still complained, the boy helped Mushibane. Since she kind of made up with that boy, she was happy.

When the three of them back in camp, a familiar girl was waiting for them.


“Yes! Akasegawa Nanana present! Yahaha.”

The rich girl looked drunk and cheerful today as well. While leaning on the limousine, she held up her stick as if this was a classroom roll call.

“Is today a payment day as well?”

“Wow! You actually knew it! I’m going to wait here until Sotheby comes.”

The girl had a bad reputation with Shiika’s other allies, but she didn’t hate Nanana. She knew many things that Shiika didn’t.

Looking at the corner of the cottage, Munakata on his wheelchair was there like always.

He probably hadn’t recovered yet—

Even asking him, he’d only reply “I’ll recover in due time” while smiling. Shiika couldn’t help but feel anxious at seeing Munakata like that.

“I’ll definitely win the auction.”

For an instant, Nanana showed a serious expression.

The surprised Shiika stared at the girl, but Nanana immediately blurted, “Nyahaha, I’m going to pray,” and headed to the cottage.

Nanana always looked like she was increasing her bids as if it was a game. On the other hand, her obsession about this was not half-hearted in the least. Perhaps she had her own kind of strong motive to participate in this auction.

Feeling reassured by Nanana’s confidence, Shiika turned to the secretary.

“Looks like we’ll win this time, then.”

“I was unable to grasp the identity of the other bidder.”

As always, the secretary spoke in a mechanical tone.

“The current situation will only bring about the ‘winner’s curse’.”

Unfamiliar words. Shiika tilted her head.

“The winner’s… curse?”

“It means becoming obsessed with the competition and bidding on an impossible price. At this rate, even if she wins the bid, the Akasegawa Foundation will…”

Even while explaining calmly, the woman’s expression looked stiff.

Even if Nanana won the auction, a curse would be cast on her—if it went according to what the secretary said, it would mean no winners existed in the auction.

It became night and the cottage’s door was opened from outside.

“Sotheby’s here.”

It was Nihei. He had apparently been waiting for the auctioneer outside.

Sotheby appeared and stood in front of the door.

“A new bid has been announced by another bidder…”

Those words sent the lobby to silence.

Shiika unconsciously looked at Nanana’s face. The girl with her cheeks dyed red due to alcohol stared at Sotheby while grinning.

“Who on earth could that be? Who’s that bidder? Do they even actually exist?”

“Why, I would never make this up…”

“Even though only the members of the Round Table have the right to participate? Even though none of the members made any move?”

“I have invited only the members of the Round Table…”

“…That was a funny way of phrasing it. How many people of the same caliber as the Round Table are there in the country?”

“If you have some idea, then you are free to try asking those people… I am unable to reveal the name of the bidder, but no matter what the bidder does, I cannot influence them…”

“I’ve already investigated every possible avenue. Couldn’t find anyone that was likely to be the bidder.”

Shiika had heard about this from Nanana when they waited for Sotheby.

The eleven Round Table members other than Nanana made no move.

Although no match for the Round Table, there were other millionaires with similar spending power. But she had thoroughly investigated all of them and found no hints of any of them bidding.

Not one of the other eleven Round Table members, nor one from the outside—

Did that person actually exist?

“Oh my… how mysterious indeed…”

Sotheby’s insolent behavior made Nanana erase her smile.

“Should I drop here? If that other bidder doesn’t exist, you’ll lose your chance for a big juicy cheque, right?”

For a moment Sotheby was silence.

But without any movement about, he started speaking with a creepy voice.

“Enclosure had happened due to an attempt to monopolize Alpha… the wealthy, including the Round Table, all took together to invest against this ‘omen’… For people who knew nothing about the situation, it probably looked as though mountains of money were swallowed by the ground…”


“And then Enclosure transformed—into Bubble. That Bubble was, so to speak, ‘greed’… those who felt something in regards to Alpha became ecstatic… the people involved with Alpha exploded with happiness, were elated, and threw around money as if in a trance… that whirlpool of bliss infected those people who were anxious from Enclosure, and suddenly the economic situation turned gleeful indeed… Bubble involved even those people who knew nothing about Alpha, and all the country basked in this senseless happiness…”

Shiika and the rest listened silently to Sotheby’s sermon.

“This bubble of greed led people astray… adding to Alpha—who could be said to be the prototype, it dragged forth three new possibilities… these should have all led toward the next step… however, the three had thorns, and they pierced the bubble of greed that swelled without end… soon, the bubble collapsed…”

“What happened when it collapsed?”

Sotheby lowered his head at Munakata’s question.

“This I shall tell you… at our next meeting…”


Nanana wore a defiant smile.

“My goal is not to deceive my precious bidders… my duty as an auctioneer is simple: to sell my merchandise… if you drop out of the bid and the other bidder does not pay the promised amount—you will incur the penalty…”

“But if they did pay, their victory would be certain?”

“That is indeed the case…”

Everything that Sotheby said was so abstract. He seemed to be explaining something, but hadn’t actually revealed anything. He was probably telling them that if they wanted to know the truth, they had to win Alpha.

But Shiika couldn’t help but ask the auctioneer in front of them.

“I don’t know what kind of a person Alpha is.”

Nanana and the rest all looked at Shiika.

“But you’re trying to sell them for money…”

“Alpha is an extremely invaluable item… if you win the auction, you will be able to learn all that you wish to know…”

“I don’t understand this value. But—”

Shiika glared straight at Sotheby.

Her black widened pupils reflected his form.

“Why can you call a human being, an item?”

Probably unconsciously, Sotheby took a small step backward.

The emotion Shiika had upon discovering Alpha was a Mushitsuki...

Was anger.

The more she heard from Sotheby—the more her desire to meet up with and speak to Alpha swelled like a bubble, the stronger those emotions grew.

She didn’t know the true identity of the auctioneer called Sotheby. But he declared the value of a Mushitsuki loudly and tried to raise the price even further. It was also obvious he was exhilarated at it working.

While the release of the Mushitsuki Alpha was delayed by another and yet another second, what were they thinking about, wherever they were?


As if to escape from Shiika’s gaze, Sotheby turned his body. He spoke to Nanana.

“Will you bid or fold?”

Nanana narrowed one eye.


Shiika turned to Nanana.

“I told you I’ll definitely win this, right?”

Nanana apparently made up her mind. Even if she didn’t know the identity of the other bidder even until the very end, she was resolved to win in this battle of bids.


Shiika bit her lips.

Although she wanted to meet and speak with Alpha, she couldn’t do anything. About the only thing she could do was believe in Nanana.


Laughing at Shiika who directed an imploring look at her, Nanana spun her stick.

“Well then, when’s the next payment?”

Sotheby let out a vulgar laugh as he lowered his head.

2.06 The Others[edit]

“—Will you bid or fold?”

Sotheby asked inside the high-class clothing shop. Seeing how inappropriately he was dressed, other customers scowled.


Akasegawa Nanana declared while choosing an elegant dress.

“—Will you bid or fold?”

Inside a soccer stadium that could house 40,000 people there were the echoes of loud cheers. Uniformed players were running atop the artificial grass kept in perfect condition at this cutting-edge facility.

The super-large display hanging from the center of the stands showed the word “GOAL!” dancing on it.


Nanana announced, watching the soccer national tournament from her VIP quarters. The seedy-looking auctioneer behind her bowed respectfully.

“—Will you bid or fold?”

The opera singer illuminated by a spotlight sang in a high-pitched voice. Mixed with the darkness of the spectator seats, Sotheby came to inquire.


Nanana declared, sitting in the special seat at the highest spot. All lights in the theater turned on and an applause rose from the audience.

“Thank you for your continued bidding…”

Sotheby bowed his head low.

How many days have passed already since he started this auction?

The bidding price was gradually rising. It was already several times the amount that it started with.

Nanana never retreated, and the other bidder also never withdrew.

The battle revolving around the primal Mushitsuki Alpha turned into the form of clashing large amounts of money and kept expanding. Like a balloon, ready to burst at any moment. Or like an ephemeral bubble—

Yes, a bubble.

“The next payment will be three days from now…”

Even as he lowered his head, Sotheby was gazing at Akasegawa Nanana from inside the cloth.

The girl was arrogantly and calmly looking down at the field.

What Sotheby felt toward Nanana who was like a king—was neither gratitude nor happiness for her bidding on his item.



Even while inwardly grinding his teeth, he kept the pleasant facade toward the bidder.

Everything was the fault of the Paradigm Shift that happened in the past.

That time everything went crazy.

At the time, everyone screamed. Not only those who flocked around the honey. Those who offered the honey, those who pretended to have the honey—everyone screamed from the bottom of their hearts.

The aftereffects that could be called a curse continued even now.

All of the people related to Alpha were being cursed.

Sotheby was also one such person.

The contempt and anger inside him kept growing. It was finally time to unleash them.

And he wasn’t simply going to unleash them.

Sotheby was going to sell—even this curse itself.


After looking at the field, Nanana now turned to him. These condescending eyes of hers got his blood boiling. But he bit off his shame and lowered his head. —For now.

“Do you require anything…?”

“Who on earth are you?”

I am you—

He wanted to say so with a sneer.

Nanana truly was just like Sotheby in the past.

Sotheby too had a bubble. At the time anything and everything was his. There was nothing that he couldn’t obtain.

But the present Sotheby was a far cry from what he used to be.

Just because he couldn’t survive the Paradigm Shift—

“I am but a mere auctioneer…”

“Liar. You’re telling me that a mere auctioneer would hold the Round Table card and sell away Alpha like that? I have excellent eyes. The card’s genuine, and you know way too much about the Round Table’s situation—”


“Enclosure, Bubble, Paradigm Shift—you are related to these past disturbances as well, right? And that result is your current shabby appearance.”

Sotheby made no reply.

“—What a wretched being.”

Nanana laughed with one eye narrowed.


He hid the anger and resentment about to burst from inside with a creepy laugh.

Even the girl in front of him was going to become just like Sotheby.

No, not just Nanana.

Everyone should keep getting carried away.

The Paradigm Shift was not yet over. Its curse continued even now, and one day it would affect everyone in the world.

The curse would rain upon everyone in the world. That was an inevitable destiny.

That was why Sotheby began the auction.

In order to steal the bidders’ throne—

To replace himself with the rulers residing over the winner of the auction—

To have only himself overcome the Paradigm Shift, this time—

“I eagerly await the next payment…”

Burying the contempt and rage he’d accumulated for many months and years, Sotheby bowed.

2.07 Shiika Part 3[edit]

This was Shiika’s second time being invited to a party by Nanana.

The first time was the party conducted on top of the pleasure boat floating in the lake. That party sponsored by the Round Table was chic and had a calm atmosphere.

This night, however, the party she’d been invited to was extravagant and its scale was much larger. It rented an entire floor in a high-class hotel and everything there was sparkling. The center of the hall had a champagne bottle tower, and the jewels sunk into the glasses reflected the illumination, shining in all seven colors.

Shouts rose from somewhere around.

A lady was being ecstatic about something she was holding up. Apparently, she’d found a diamond ring inside the cake she was eating. A round of applause thundered at the hosts’ generous plan.

“Oh wow…”

Shiika, clad in a dress borrowed from Nanana, tried digging in her own cake. It had only strawberry mousse inside it, but no ring.

“Yahah. It’s plain impossible. It’s obviously all an act. That woman’s a major stockholder of the jewelry company sponsoring this party. She probably ate the cake brought to her by the waiter.”

After drinking the entire glass of champagne, Nanana snuggled her reddened cheeks to Shiika. The disappointed Shiika brought the ruined cake to her mouth.

“I-I see.”

“Well, we can’t know unless you eat all the cakes here. If you want a ring, should I buy you one?”

“No. I just thought it’d be fun to find one in a cake.”

Other than Shiika and Nanana there were Aijisupa and Pochi clad in formal suits, and Nihei was also there for some reason. Nanana’s secretary was apparently conducting business at some other place, so she wasn’t coming.

“I’m glad you invited me to a party, but is it fine? I mean, I’m… the SEPB might…”

“It’s fiiine, this place is beyond the law. If you’re near rich people, nothing can get you. —Well, the Central Headquarters are the only exception. But if you stay out of their jurisdiction and stay near me it’s fine!”

“…Rich people sure are amazing.”

If what Nanana said was true, she was like a goddess. Shiika feared the SEPB, but they could even keep away from such an organization.

“See that white beard over here? He’s the prime minister of a small country. That uniformed man over there is the major general of an oil-producing country. Oh, we also have the religious leader of a disputed territory. Everyone in the jewelry business have such vulgar faces.”


“This place has no conflict or wars. Those who’d normally shoot missiles at each other can smile here and raise glasses. Yahah, isn’t money incredible? In a certain sense, don’t you think this is the very image of world peace?”

Money makes one forget wars.

If that was truth, would money also erase the fights between Mushitsuki?

Shiika couldn’t fully say it was impossible. If she was rich, even if she announced herself being a Mushitsuki, the people here would probably outwardly greet her with a smile.

“And if… the money’s gone?”

“Oh. Then they won’t even be looking in your direction.”

Nanana’s index finger poked the nose of the now-silent Shiika.

“Ah… w-what?”

“You’re making that face only because you don’t know the power of money. You’re thinking that this connection is superficial anyway, right?”


“Even so—it’s much better than vanishing without saying anything. As long as I make money, it’ll never vanish.”

A shadow befell Nanana’s drunken expression. Perhaps something like that happened to her before.

Shiika left the cake and intertwined her fingers.

She could understand what Nanana said. She had no intention to deny the fact that there were these kinds of relationships and that people treasured them.

“What is iiit? You look like you wanna say something. Do you think I’m lonely? Pokey poke.”

“Uh… I do think there are such relationships.”


“I just wonder if they have any other important things… like family, friends, or lovers—”

“That also depends on money.”

“T-that’s not true.”

“Don’t misunderstand. I too had family, friends and other people important to me. —But they’re all gone.”


“That’s why I’m trying to buy them back with the power of money.”

Nanana grinned. Was she actually drunk or just acting? Her tone was certain and Shiika knew that the girl really believed she could do it.

Even so Shiika simply couldn’t agree with her. She fidgeted.

“Did the people important to you want money…?”

“…What does that mean?”

“I can’t say that relationships made with money are bad… but buying people who want other kinds of relationships… isn’t it a betrayal?”

Nanana’s face stiffened. Her cheerful smile vanished and she glared at Shiika.

“Then what are you telling me to do—”

What are you telling me to do then.

About to say this, Nanana was surprised at the man who suddenly appeared right in front of her eyes, becoming speechless.

It was Nihei. He held a plate with a mountain of food on it, stuffing his cheeks full. He hadn’t a shred of manners.


“Eek…! W-what do you want? You’re looking like a squirrel there with all that food!”

“Ngh… Mm. Say, isn’t it about time to tell me? Why did you bring me here?”

“T-there’s no reason in particular. I just wanted to show a wannabe businessman how the top looks like.”


As Nanana spoke while backing away, Nihei looked around the venue with a cold face.

“I can’t sense any value from what I see around, though. …Oh, but the ring that lady got just now was nice.”

“Acting like you’re a hotshot is fine and all, but your legs are shaking… aren’t you eating to hide your nervousness?

“A-at least say I’m excited.”

While Nihei tried acting brave, Nanana lowered her voice and spoke.

“—Have you been able to find Chronicler?”

“Oh, so you’ve seen that video. Wasn’t it amazing? You could feel her conviction.”

“I want to meet up with Chronicler. Could you get in contact with the one you bought the video from?”

“Hmm, that’s impossible. Apparently he was caught by the SEPB.”

“What about the possibility of other such videos? Even word of mouth from other aficionados is fine; just find someone who looks like they have such a video, can you get their information?”

“Oh, to think the great Chairman of Akasegawa Foundation would have a request for me… did something happen?”

“I don’t want the company to know about it. There’s not much money in it, and you should know better how to get in contact with those people, right? I’ll pay you, of course.”

As Nanana glared at him, Nihei’s face turned serious and he lightly slapped his own cheeks.

“I am very sorry for being rude and making fun of my client. —Fine, I’ll do it. Three-way satisfaction is my conviction.”

“Not that three-way satisfaction again? Won’t you stop that? It’s not going to end well.”

“It’s fine. I told ya I’ll do it.”

Finishing the conversation that Shiika didn’t understand, Nihei who was about to go load up on some food again stopped his legs.

“Oh right, Nanana-chan. How’s the auction going?”

“I’ll win this time.”

“Oh, how much did you bid?”

Nanana responded to Nihei’s question with only a grin. Her face was full of confidence.

Shiika tilted her head.

“Who was the other bidder anyway?”

“Who knows… but it doesn’t matter anymore. There won’t be any next bid.”

“Whoa, it means that no one can pay any more than that? I’m glad I didn’t ask the sum.”

It happened as Nihei groaned with a shudder.

Pochi noiselessly approached Nanana, handing her a cellphone.

“—Say what?”

Nanana speaking with someone, her face changed.

“I’ll head out.”

Pushing the cellphone back to Pochi, the girl spun her dress. Shiika and Nihee hurriedly followed her.

“W-what’s wrong?”

Shiika asked, but Nanana stayed silent.

Cutting through the party hall as if running, she leapt to the elevator. Arriving at the first floor and ignoring the hotel worker calling out to her, she entered the limousine waiting at the entrance.


Even inside the car Nanana kept being silent. She didn’t even touch her wine, but bit her fingernails with an angry face. Shiika exchanged glances with Aijisupa and Nihei.

The white limousine and escorting guards rushed through the night capital.

The blinding lights outside the window passed as if being blown away.

Soon the limousine arrived at a large, circular building. The relief engraved on the main gate informed that this was the Akasegawa Group’s headquarters.

As it was way past office hours, the lighting was very sporadic. There were no people walking at the gate.

After the limousine parked right in front of the building, Nanana leapt out of the car. Shiika followed her.

“—What does that mean? Explain, now.”

The woman standing at the center glared at Nanana.

“Just like I explained on the phone.”

The woman holding the hand of a teddy bear—Nanana’s secretary—spoke in a mechanical tone.

“The affiliated businesses of Akasegawa Foundation are being bought.”

“I’m asking how come you haven’t noticed!”

“They were aiming for the drop in the Foundation’s stocks these last few days.”

“As if that sort of sniping could be so convenient! I don’t even know why the Foundation’s value dropped, and yet you look as if you already—”

A light shone on Nanana’s profile. She became speechless.

A new car appeared, driving through the Akasegawa Offices’ gate.

Getting off the car parked at the entrance was a gentleman in a wheelchair.


The surprised Shiika looked at the man, Munakata Kaiji. Nanana furrowed her brows at this sudden visitor.


Without any greeting, Munakata slowly rolled himself beside the secretary.

And that was when that appeared.


The sound of shoes being dragged made everyone look back.

Appearing at the gate was the abnormal auctioneer clad in shabby suits and coat, Sotheby.

“Sotheby…? Today’s not a payment day, though?”

Nanana welcomed him with a puzzled expression. But Sotheby just passed by her.

He dragged his decayed leather shoes in front of the wheelchair man—Munakata Kaiji.


Perhaps realizing something, Nanana gasped.

Shiika recalled at the same time.

Aiming for a person’s assets as if one knew something like this was going to happen—

She’d already heard of this way of doing things.

That was definitely when Munakata Kaiji went missing—

“The payment’s deadline presses closer…”

In front of Sotheby lowering his head, Munakata pulled a card out of his pocket.

Its pitch-black surface had a golden circle on it. And it was studded with jewels that spelled the letters “XIII”—

“The board meeting has reached a decision about the responsibility for the losses of assets.”

Hearing the secretary’s words, Nanana’s shoulders trembled.

Shiika too was speechless at this sight.

Why did Munakata have the Round Table card?

Not to mention it was the thirteenth member card that wasn’t supposed to exist—

The secretary and Sotheby’s voice overlapped.

“Akasegawa Nanana, you will now be removed from your position as the Chairman, and the entirety of your assets will be used to provide for the losses under the jurisdiction of the Foundation.”

“Will you bid or fold?”

Nanana widened her eyes, shouting.


There was one.

They existed there.

A person who was neither one of the twelve members nor a rich outsider—

The thirteenth Round Table member, the unbelievable rich person among their allies, was right in front of them.

“W-wait, so Munakata-san was—the other bidder…?”

Shiika groaned in shock.

Even in such a situation Munakata Kaiji couldn’t look Shiika in the eyes. He just spoke calmly.


Nanana’s expression froze.

Sotheby turned back.

“The other bidder declared he was folding!”

The auctioneer’s declaration echoed through the empty building.

“Congratulations! Just now, Akasegawa Nanana-sama had been declared as the winner of the auction!”


Nanana’s expression kept twisting.

“Please pay up, Akasegawa Nanana-sama!”

“—She can no longer pay.”

The secretary said mechanically. Sotheby’s movements stopped completely.

“Why, this is a breach of contract! The violators must be penalized!”

“Aaah… Uaaaahhhh!!!”

Nanana, shocked at losing all her assets, held her head and crouched.

A singing voice echoed around.

It sounded somewhat familiar. A beautiful soprano—came from above.


Looking up the night sky, Shiika became speechless.

She could see a woman clad in an evening dress falling down like dancing flower petals. Her lips, adorned with lipstick blacker than the darkest night, were singing high above.

“Christy! Punish the violators!”


Sotheby’s declaration.

Christy’s song.

Nanana’s scream.

Aijisupa, Pochi and the other bodyguards of Nanana moving at the same time.

While watching this scene straight out of a nightmare, Shiika—

Felt like she could hear the popping sound of the bubble of greed.


  1. The scientific name of the seven-spot ladybird.

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