Talk:Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai:Volume 9 Chapter 7

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Chaos (talk)I'm very sorry for the delay. There is no need to worry, I still working non-stop. Volume 11 will be done in 10 more days at worse. Everyone, thank you for you support until now.

Also, Kirino's brocon is beyond cure :)

Missing translations[edit]

 Since I made my job my priority, I had no choice but to give up on the concert.

Following sentence missing in translation:


(sure, it is kind of redundant; but if original had those redundant repetitions, translation should do it too). 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 I had taken an opportunity during a quick break to send that message, but right now I had to return to my work.

Missing: だってこれは、あたしが引き受けた仕事なんだから。 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 My maiden heart was racing! I wanted to marry as soon as possible."
 ...結婚したい気分! 超イケメンと!

I don't see "as soon as possible" here. There are "... With super-cool-guy!" (ikemen). 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 He was addicted to Meruru… Well, I guess that sort of dedication was expected from a god-like anime like Meruru.
 Original: ちゃんとメルルにちなんでるよ……まあ、メルルも妹モノだし、好きなんだろうなあ。

Where this "god-like anime" came from? Nothing like that said in original (roughly, "...Well, Meruru is also from imouto-things, so (Mikagami) loves it too."). 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 "Even still, the wheels are kind of scary."
 Missing: 腕のいいクリエーターってキチ●イ多いよね。そのうちネタ画像として紹介されそう。

(I think キチ●イ = 基地外/きちがい) 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 I wanted to get one for my room.
 Missing: ディスクホイールぺろぺろしたい衝動《しょうどう》にかられるもん。 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

 Translation: How should I put it… Right now, I feel like I'm a princess.
 Original: なんというかいまのインスタントな処置によって、二次元世界で、ファンタジーもののヒロインが着るような衣装になっている。職業はプリンセスって感じ。

Central part of sentence simply omitted in translation?

Usual disclaimer: my Japanese is lacking (and English is not quite good too), so I could've missed something, confused something, etc, take it with a grain of salt. And thanks for translation anyway. 15:24, 24 May 2013 (CDT)

Chaos (talk) Noted and fixed. Thank you for your opinion.