Template:Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 2 2

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Happenings And Heading Out Part 2[edit]

Because this was her first trip abroad, Yumi was ready for trouble. But getting out of the country was easier than she thought.

"From here on out we're not in Japan anymore."

That's what a teacher announced in a loud voice. Even though my passport was stamped at the departures counter, this is still Narita Airport. It doesn't feel like that at all. For example (and not a very good example), if there were a big earthquake right now, this airport would be demolished. Of course, in this story, I would survive, and eventually be able to make it home through my own efforts.

Upon hearing Yumi's mumbling, Yoshino-san laughed.

"But that is a very Japanese-esque feeling, isn't it?"

There was still a little time until departure. Long enough for a 15 minute bathroom break, which Yumi finished right away. Quickly peeking into a store on the way back, she spotted Yoshino-san, and walked in. Book, cosmetics, drinks, souvenirs, all jumbled up side-by-side; it was hard to call this store a "store." Other than Yoshino-san, there were a few other students scattered within, and a teacher warning them, "Don't run out of money before we get to Italy."

"Japanese-esque?" Yumi asked again while chasing after Yoshino-san at the register.

"Yes. Japan is an island nation surrounded by the sea: no other nation has adjoining land. So, you don't think that there is any other country that you can just walk to?"

"Nation has adjoining land, huh. . . ."

I see.

"Take for example a French person, who lives in France, was traveling in Italy when a big earthquake hit. All transportation systems stopped. But, theoretically, they could walk home."

"Because the nation has adjoining land?"

"Exactly. For somebody born and raised in such a land, wouldn't they feel like every foreign country is eventually reachable under their own power? Or, as an extreme example, a house built on a border would have one room that crossed two countries. Things like that."

"Eh . . ."

"But thanks to our island nation, you really notice when leaving our country. I think that's a good thing."

This is not Japan anymore. But it would be completely incorrect to say this was Italy. It's not Italy any more than it is America. What is the currency of a place that is not any country?

Although Yumi's head was swimming in such thoughts, Yoshino-san pulled out some Japanese coins and bought a lip balm.

"Really? The price in yen was written on the tag. Just like in a regular store."

"No it isn't," Yoshino-san said, laughing it off. She turned and handed the receipt to Yumi, adding, "Duty-free. No sales tax."

I see. Sure enough, this must be outside of Japan.