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初めまして BT の みんなさん。 何が言えばいいかな。 分からないんですけど、まー やってみようか

Hi. 18, Chinese, NYC. I like dogs more than cats and prefer boxers over briefs. Closet Otaku, hardcore romance fan. Screw you pointless Shounen violence!

I might start translating novels in my own time and posting them on BT if I get a little bit more comfortable with Jap, but I will help with editing in projects here and there.


Japanese (Still learning, but been studying for about 4 years now. Still not that great at it, especially kanji.)

Chinese (Well mostly Shanghainese (woo! shanghai ftw!), but I can for the most part understand Mandarin.)

English (The language I am strongest in. I'm pretty decent at getting the meaning of the original text across in English.)

For now, I guess I'll help with Aria's editing since it's being resumed. Might work on PapaKiki, since I really enjoyed it and it's dead except for whoever uploaded chapter 2.

では、よろしくおねがいします。クウォン の バカ。