
From Baka-Tsuki
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Hallo, here a short summary about me,

   -Aerospace Engineering student
   Bad with text and other non-technical stuff

So you question will be "What the fuck is he doing here?" and that is totally valid question, I do not speak Japanese and will not be able to correct spelling and advanced grammar in English. But I like this community very much and think that I’ll be able to help out some of the projects. I would like to assist in making the reading experience more smooth and edit content. I hope to learn from participating in these projects and of I am open to critic. My writing experience comes from writing technical reports (although English isn’t my mother tongue it is what I normally write in). The things I could assist in are mostly related to changing translation who are already correct in English but could improve by reading experience. With that I mean that an English translation should have English puns and it should allow for smooth reading. I would be honored to help with that.