User talk:Nightsky87

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Image Quality[edit]

Nightsky87 Can you do a little cleanup on those pics before you upload. I still see some nasty seems on the covers.

Can you also shrink the picture down some. Bandwith is an issue. --Darkfire 21:17, 7 May 2006 (PDT)

Yeah, I noticed those seams after I uploaded them. working on it as we speak. As for image size, what would be good? (in both resolution and file size)

Well I velocity7 and me have a 800 for the vertical res. I also level the pictures since the white is a little off. I fixed the cover for 5. Around 200-300kb for file size --Darkfire 21:22, 7 May 2006 (PDT)

Yosh! Ok then, fixing the cover for 6 at the moment.

All done![edit]

Well that's all done now. By the way, how do I delete previous uploads? I want to delete v3_001.jpg and v3_002.jpg since they have no use already.

Sorry I don't even know that my self --Darkfire 21:59, 7 May 2006 (PDT)

Not a problem. I guess whoever is supposed to do the cleaning will eventually get to that anyway.