Editing Hidan no Aria:Volume11 Chapter2

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== 2nd Ammo - Sports Festival -La Rissa- ==
== 2nd Ammo - Sports Festival -La Rissa- ==
Kaname had experienced two failures recently: Arcanum Duo, and the Lumberjack. It seemed that these experiences had 'cured' her, so to speak. She realised that she was worthless as a weapon, and losing in the duel broke her self-confidence. She seemed to living a normal middle-school life. The middle-school she's going to is far from normal, though. I started to see less and less of the scientific swords she was so proud of. Well, that's a good thing. Aria, who starts firing over who gets to use the remote, or Riko, who sets up landmines for fun, were the ones in the wrong. Kaname should live like a normal person. That was my conviction. She was at an age where she could still turn her life around.
Kaname had experienced two failures recently. Arcanum Duo, and the Lumberjack. It seemed that these experiences had 'cured' her, so to speak. She realised that she was worthless as a weapon, and losing in the duel broke her self-confidence. She seemed to living a normal middle-school life. The middle-school she's going to is far from normal, though. I started to see less and less of the scientific swords she was so proud of. Well, that's a good thing. Aria, who starts firing over who gets to use the remote, or Riko, who sets up landmines for fun, were the ones in the wrong. Kaname should live like a normal person. That was my conviction. She was at an age where she could still turn her life around.
I also felt like Kaname's attitude towards me had changed dramatically. It sort of seemed like she had started keeping a little bit of distance from me, appropriate to the brother-sister relationship she insisted we were in. She stopped clinging to me the way Riko did at least, which was a huge relief. But still, she was a total kid, and very attached to me. From time to time I would catch her doing some incomprehensible things, like staring at me from hiding. That was the kind of thing that I'd see in Jeanne's shoujo manga, plotlines like: "I've fallen in love, but my crush is my brother so I can't express it." There were a lot of things like this that made it hard for me to stay home, but it was better than when she used to threaten to stab me thirty times because I was hanging out with other girls. I supposed that I could bear it.
I also felt like Kaname's attitude towards me had changed dramatically. It sort of seemed like she had started keeping a little bit of distance from me, appropriate to the brother-sister relationship she insisted we were in. She stopped clinging to me the way Riko did at least, which was a huge relief. But still, she was a total kid, and very attached to me. From time to time I would catch her doing some incomprehensible things, like staring at me from hiding. That was the kind of thing that I'd see in Jeanne's shoujo manga, plotlines like: "I've fallen in love, but my crush is my brother so I can't express it." There were a lot of things like this that made it hard for me to stay home, but it was better than when she used to threaten to stab me thirty times because I was hanging out with other girls. I supposed that I could bear it.
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"You're such a pain..." As we were speaking, Watson blinked at me ''thrice''. Pretending to help put away the sports equipment, the two of us entered the sports shed, making sure that no one was watching...
"You're such a pain..." As we were speaking, Watson blinked at me ''thrice''. Pretending to help put away the sports equipment, the two of us entered the sports shed, making sure that no one was watching...
"What is it? Did you figure out where G-Third is?" I sat on the pile of foam mats used for the pole vault.
"What is it? Did you figure out where G the 3rd is?" I sat on the pile of foam mats used for the pole vault.
"No. Not even MI5 knows. He ''disappears'', after all. Traces of his movements or communications simply cannot be seen."
"No. Not even MI5 knows. He ''disappears', after all. Traces of his movements or communications simply cannot be seen."
"Ah...I did see him do that twice. Sounds about right." Guess there was no way to find someone like him.
"Ah...I did see him do that twice. Sounds about right." Guess there was no way to find someone like him.
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"I-I wasn't looking. Who would want to?"
"I-I wasn't looking. Who would want to?"
"You're rude." We had this conversation just a minute ago. Watson was looking at me seriously with her - if you looked closely - big, feminine eyes.
"You're rude." We had this conversation just a minute ago.
"Liberty Mason passed this data to us. They want to know, as part of Deen, how they should approach G-Third in the future. And they want the Baskervilles' leader's opinion. Namely, you."
"My opinion's not even worth two cents. What do they have written there?"
"Hmm...first of all, 'The Third is not evil.' Not for the English government, at least."
"Not evil...? The same guy who used Kaname to attack Aria and the others?"
"He's clearly evil from your viewpoint. However, from a wider perspective...you could even see him as good."
"?" I had no clue what Watson was talking about. She pointed at the paper, showing it to me.
"Like this, for example. After escaping from Los Alamos, G-Third has been annihilating the military forces of terrorist groups, pirates, and human traffickers across the globe, saving innocent civilians. He's been doing this uncompensated. Thinking that he had some ulterior motive, intelligence had been focusing their efforts in digging it out - but they couldn't find one. His M.O. is simply 'charity'."
"...Yeah, his '''charity''''s pretty dangerous." I folded my arms. G-Third...he was so evil...but if you just twist the words a little, he's an ally of justice? Why would he act against us then? Are Aria, Shirayuki, Riko, Reki and I an evil military force? Well, it was sad that taking into acccount the violent personalities of the Baskerville girls, I couldn't 100% deny it.
"These superhumans have existed since olden times. With the power they wield, they self-righteously save the powerless. In doing so, they mostly ignore the law." Hearing this, I imagined samurai from a period drama, or heroes from Marvel or DC. And I also thought about a '''certain person'''. I shook my head to clear the thoughts away.
"Your sister is sort of like that." Watson spoke the words I had been thinking. My sister...or more accurately my brother, Kana. Kana was one of them. When he was active as a Butei, he wouldn't accept money from the poor. In truth, this was not allowed, for some very adult reasons, such as upsetting the industry's market rate. Kana was indicted by the Butei Office after he had done this too many times, but he didn't really care. 'I'll take an onigiri as compensation, then." and he really did take one as compensation for saving a poor family from a building which had been occupied by heavily armed criminals.
"Though G-Third and Kana are very different in temperament, they, being the monsters they are, are somewhat similar. You probably won't admit it, seeing as you respect Kana." Watson said. Though I couldn't put it into words, I understood on a more primal level. I had sort of felt it from the beginning. Though his personality was screwed up, G-Third shared some traits with Kana, Kaname, and...I.
"If G-Third's objectives are aligned with America and England's, they will hire him. They intend to provide and maintain weapons as compensation. 'You may not be able to chain the beast, but you can feed it for helping you.' Currently, you could say that the simplicity of G-Third's actions is lost on the major countries. Which is why they're asking you. Is G-Third good or evil?" Watson asked me. I thought for a moment before answering.
"From my perspective, it's simple." I chose to give my simple opinion.
"Good and evil are entirely dependent on time and place. Even in a fight between two people, your idea of which one is right is entirely dependent on which side you see things from. Even middle school students know that."
"So he's neither good nor evil?"
"Yeah. But he's a criminal." I said clearly as Watson's eyes bored into mine.
"If he comes to Japan with the intent to commit crime, I will arrest him. Because that's what Butei do." Watson nodded.
"And regarding Far East Warfare?" Oh, right. Forgot about that. I had already come to a conclusion long ago.
"...Tamamo told me to recruit G-Third into Deen, and I do understand her strategy. If he's willing to negotiate, I'm willing to try."
"So it all depends on him..."
"There's no substitute for violence. Cao-Cao and Aria always say that I'm a pacifistic idiot, but even the Japanese brain isn't so filled with butterflies as to keep trying to talk to someone who doesn't bother responding." I spit out.
"You can't win, Kinji." Watson and I spun around.
"K-Kaname." She sprung out from inside the bulletproof vaulting horse that had saved Aria and my lives in April. Was she in there the whole time? This was a bad conversation for her to be listening in on. Watson had hidden behind me, almost reduced to whimpers...Kaname, still in spats, ignored her, sitting on the vaulting horse.
"The Third is strong. He's the perfect outcome of {{Furigana|the artificial savant project|Genioso}}. I wouldn't even call him a human." Not like we could do anything about the fact that she had heard. And Kaname's eyes were serious, so I turned to her.
"G-Third's brain was a complete failure. We've done our own investigating. And if he isn't a human, what is he?"
"A superhuman." Kaname spoke.
"He's not someone you can hope to win. Not even with HSS or {{Furigana|abilities|Stealth}}. And fighting against something strong than you is the most idiotic thing you can do, Kinji." I had heard these words hundreds of times, but I couldn't laugh it off. Not with the memories of Geo Shinagawa fresh in my mind. He's strong. Very strong. I could sense that much. Butei don't live long if they don't learn how to judge the enemy and their own strength.
"Kinji, please don't fight with the Third. He's strong, and he's in the right. He only has two wishes...and I support him in both of them."
"Two wishes...?"
Kaname's eyes, a deep sea blue colour, swam with sadness. Seeing that, I couldn't help but ask.
"The first is what Dr. Sara, the scientists in charge of his education, taught him - fight to save the weak tyrannised by evil. He's trying to suppress violence with an overwhelming show of force. That's what he believe's is the raison d'etre for a human weapon. <!--furigana is some stupid shit ヒューム アモ (Hume Ammo)? This isn't FFT for god's sake. -->
"But...he nearly killed you!"
"To be at his side, you need to understand him. And at times, you'll only be a burden. If that happened, I was okay with being a martyr for the Third and Dr. Sara's convictions. That's what I swore before I followed him." I could feel the utter loyalty in Kaname's voice. This...isn't a good situation. A loyalty so deep that she would die for the Third...that wouldn't be easily broken. Not unless that life is brought to an exchange - a fight to the death. In some ways, loyalty is like faith.
"The Third has saved my life countless times since the escape from Los Alamos. All of his subordinates are prepared to die for him." Kaname put her hands on her chest.
"Do you...love him?" Watson, who had been silent all the while, asked her a very...feminine question. Kaname shook her head.
"It's not like that. And there's only room for one person in his heart."
"Who?" You could use your enemy's lovers to your advantage. Watson asked reflexively, stuck to her Butei habits.
"The scientist I mentioned earlier, Dr. Sara. The Third was taken to Los Alamos from Harvard Medical School when he was fourteen years old...she was the only one in the laboratory that treated him nicely. She believed in {{Furigana|the artificial savant project|Genioso}}'s power to stop conflict." Kaname produced a Butei handbook, as good as new, and took a photo from inside. It was a Caucasian woman in a lab coat, a gentle smile on her face. She was beautiful - no artist would be able to see her without wanting to preserve her on canvas. Looking like she was in her twenties, she looked extremely intelligent, but simultaneously her eyes sparkled with the innocence of a little girl. It seemed that Kaname had met her before. She was staring at the photo, seemingly lost in reminiscence.
"Where is she now? Still at Los Alamos?" Watson probed further.
"She's dead." Kaname answered.
"She died at the laboratory in an accident while training the Third. The Third has always believed that that was his fault...he became a different person ever since then. The escape from Los Alamos took place the following month." Hearing this, Watson looked extremely ashamed.
"I'm sorry. I apologise. I was too nosy regarding the private affair of people not with us." Well, Watson might have asked, but Kaname seemed to be urging us to sympathise with G-Third through these stories. She didn't want us to go against him.
"You said that he had two wishes...what's the other one?" Kaname was in the mood to tell us more about G-Third, though maybe not everything. I took advantage of this to probe further.
"He wants the Irokane's power." Her reply wasn't as concrete as I had hoped - it was even moreso. Irokane! That was the metal Sherlock was researching in IU. A material that could give humans power to make all the {{Furigana|abilities|Stealth}} in the world look like a four year old's toy...and G-Third is looking for it?
"When the Third hears about Irokane...well, if you did your homework, then you'd know. He acts like a different person. I used to be terrified of it, but ever since I met you...I feel like I've begun to understand him."
"Ever since you met...me?"
"Love is definitely...right. That's why I want to support the Third. For his love's sake, I want to give him Irokane." I couldn't understand what Kaname was saying.
"So please Kinji. Don't fight with the Third. He's strong. And he's right. Fighting with him is just illogical. You understand, don't you?" Kaname's voice trembled near the end. She didn't only pledge her loyalty to G-Third, she also sympathises with him for some other reason. And because of this, she doesn't want to let her beloved brother, me, and G-third fight. That was her wholehearted wish.
What is he trying to use Irokane for? That's also why he attacked us, isn't it? It's buried inside Aria's body, after all. Buried close to her heart, irremovable even through surgery. I feel bad for Kaname, but...if it comes to that, I don't think we'll be able to see eye to eye.
"Humans are illogical, Kaname. It's not like I want to fight with a superhuman, but depending where and how he makes his move, I have to act. Even if the odds are stacked against me." I replied, making it clear that we might still have a confrontation. Tension ran through the air of the sports warehouse.
"I see." Kaname hung her head and muttered before looking sharply at Watson.
"What are you planning, Kaname?"
"There's going to be a little accident, Kinji. First, Watson will be injured, rendering you unable to use HSS. Then your limbs will all be broken, rendering you unable to fight. Don't worry, I'll take care of you all the way." Kaname's sneakered feet hit the warehouse floor. Her hands were twisted into claws.
"..." Kaname wants to rip apart Watson's face with her bare hands. Hearing a soft thud, I glanced back. Watson was crouching on the matt, a two and a half centimetre folding knife clasped between her fingers.
"H-hey, cut it out." I tried to stop Watson, whose eyes were shooting knives. She was hiding a knife? Where did she hide it? It was against the rules today...the grip was wet. Her mouth? She might even have swallowed it. I wouldn't put it past{{Furigana|this western ninja|Vein}}, {{Furigana|her whole body a weapon|Plenty}}.
"I don't want to do this. Tohyama Kaname - G-Force - is strategically important to Deen. I don't want to hurt her. However, I have my priorities. Your and my safety takes precedence." Watson had come to a logical decision immediately. She was telling me to fight as well. Kaname and Watson glared at each other. Stuck between them, I reached into my pocket, preparing my secret anti-Kaname weapon. At that moment, serendipity itself reared its head. The school broadcast system boomed out.
"All students, please prepare for {{Furigana|the second phase|Marni}}."

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