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"Sorry. I don't think the noise reach the upper fl - "
"Sorry. I don't think the noise reach the upper fl - "
"Oi, oi, senpai. Isn't that quite a cruel false accusation you speak about there?"
Just when I was about to bow down my head, Yuuji came.
"Eh? Yuuji. What do you mean by false accusation?"
"To create an accusation that is wrong. Or in other words, to find faults."
"I wasn't asking about the word's meaning! On top of that, you really thought I'm an idiot aren't you!?"
"What's with that [he just realized that now?] kind of face!? The only one who think I'm that stupid is definitely only Yuuji!? Everyone else must have - er, wait a minute!? Why do everyone awkwardly avert their eyes!? Look at my eyes!"
"Akihisa. Let's talk about this matter slowly next time. We have something we have to talk about now, okay?"
Yuuji's consoling-a-child way of talk is really exasperating.
"Well then, umm...what were we talking about again?"
"Whether the third years' complaint is a false accusation or not."
Ah, that's right, whispered Yuuji before turning back toward the senpais and continue to explain.
"I admit we were making some noises, but this is also an accepted way to use the summoned beast for studying. Even the headmistress approves this."
Indeed, even this is also a study event using the summoned beast system. To deny this event means denying not only the summon war, but even the whole summoning system itself. Since we have the headmistress's seal of approval, there's no reason to deny us from doing this unsparingly.

Revision as of 17:49, 2 August 2011

The Second Question

Put the correct word into the (_______) below

The Russian writer Dostoyevsky in his novel [ The Brothers (______) ] and [ (______) and Punishment ] depicts the nihilistic figure of modern person who has lost his piety.

Himeji Mizuki's answer

①[ The Brothers (Karamazov) ] ② [ (Crime) and Punishment ]

Teacher's Comment

Correct. Those two titles along with [ The Idiot ], [ The Devils ], and [ The Adolescent ] are masterpieces that are often called Dotoyevsky's 5 great works, so if you're interested, it'll be good for you too if you read those books.

Tsuchiya Kouta's answer

①[ The Brothers (Mazo) ]Reference for the joke added later

Teacher's Comment

What a part to remember with such a pinpoint accuracy on the correct answer.

Yoshii Akihisa's answer

②[ (Whip) and Punishment ]

Teacher's Comment

The Brothers Mazo will be happy.

[Oii! Someone please get those nails!]

[We don't have enough black curtains! Take some from the gymnasium!]

[Hey, is it okay if the ornament placed here is just this dried-up well?]

"This sure is another great commotion isn't it?"

"Un. It's because Yuuji seriously make the necessary preparation in order to skip iron man's supplementary lesson."

The next day, the third floor of the new school building is crowded with people doing remodeling work for the test of courage.

"Even so, I didn't think even class A will help us with this."

The place used for the test of courage is class A's through D's. "Since we're doing this, we should choose the class that can produce coldness" is the reason we suggest this idea, I didn't think we will really get the permission to use the classes.

"Even the student of A class are high-school students with the same age as us. They will feel jaded too if they only keep studying. The final exam is just over too, so this should be a life-saver for them too."

"You're right. There should be almost no high-school student in the world who like studying more than playing right?"

There's many types of person in this world though so I can't deny the possibility of one existing.

"I-if possible, rather than test of courage, I prefer studying more...."

The troubled Himeji-san murmured. Even if we say it's playing, since this is a test of courage, for Himeji-san who doesn't like scary things studying is more preferable for her isn't it.

"I-It should be fine Mizuki. In any case, everything is made-up things, and the ghosts are our summoned beast, there's nothing to be afraid at all."

"You maybe right, but even so, I still hate it..."

I somehow thought that Minami's words sounds more to to convince herself rather than Himeji-san.

"Are? Minami also hate things like this right?"

"N-Not at all! These kind of things, I'm not afraid even a little bit so there's no problem even if I have to close my eyes!"

No, isn't closing your eyes the prove that you're scared....?

"Aki, w-what's with that look! Are you saying that you don't believe what I said?"

"Uuunnnn.... But, I can't see Minami other than being scared since earlier."

"D-Don't kid around with me! There's no way I'm afraid!"

Minami's agitated on the level that she can't get even more agitated than this. How interesting. Let's tease her a little.

"Now that you mention it, I heard some rumors."

"W-what rumors?"

"The place that this school is built on.....actually there's a reason why it's chosen for the school."

"W-what do you mean by reason.....?"

Himeji-san, who's at Minami's side, uneasily look this way.

"Ahaha. Actually, a ghost really do appeaaaarrrrrr!"


This is Himeji-san's voice from being frightened by me.


And this is Minami's voice who's also get frightened.


By the way, this is my voice whose vertical vertebrae get a huge damage due to Minami jumping vigorously at me from getting frightened. I see. Minami's fear is conveyed to me...literally.

"S-sorry, Minami... I was just joking, that's why, could you....please get away...?"

I talked to Minami while smiling in order to calm her. If I don't get released now, my life will be in danger.

"Y-you lie....! Because, I've been hearing something since earlier...! Something like [I'll curse you, I'll kill you]....!"

Ahaha. Minami seems to be very frightened to the point of hearing an auditory hallucination. That kind of words, there's nothing like that could be heard from any -

[Yoshii Akihisa....! To be hugged by onee-sama, a detestable male to the utmost....! I'll curse you...! I'll kill you....!]

On the corner of my vision, a ringlet curls haired short girl can be seen. She is Shimizu Miharu-san who belong to class D. A troublesome person who hold the feeling of love toward Minami even though she's also a girl....it seems my situation now is something enviable enough to make her want to curse and kill me.

"A-Akihisa-kun...! I can hear it too....!"

Could it be because she also heard Shimizu-san's voice, Himeji-san looks this way in a frightened state. The surrounding is made to be a little dim too for test of courage purpose, so this might indeed be frightening isn't it.



Along with Minami and Himeji-san's screaming voice, a crisp sound could be heart from my hip. This sound is probably something that must never come out from your hip bone isn't it?

"I-I was wondering who it was but it turn out to be Tsuchiya-kun isn't it..... Please don't startle us like that....."

"R-really..... Thanks to that, Aki's hip turn to face an unnatural position isn't it...."


Mustsulinni apologetically answered.

By the way, I always wonder why is it that the one receiving heaviest casualty is always me....

"Well then, Mutsulinni, is there anything you need me to do?"

I inquired Mutsullini while being released from the hug of death. Being hugged by girls should have been something to be happy about, but it's strange that in my case the feeling of fear precedes the happiness.

"....Please move that locker over there."

Mutsulinni pointed at the locker on a corner of class A's classroom. As expected of class A. Whether the lock or the storage space, it's a splendid locker that couldn't be compared to our class'. If it's that locker, it should be hard to move it using a person's power isn't it.

"....I already asked for permission."

The world history teacher, Tanaka-sensei's figure can be seen behind Mutsullini. To be able to smoothly get the teacher's permission during doing odd jobs like this really helps a lot.

"Okay. Well then, summon!"

A geometric array was drawn on the floor, and once more my summoned beast figure appeared. Unlike the summoned beast up until now, its limbs are long, so it should be more handy when doing this kind of task.

The summoned beast moved with a rustling sound and stand in front of the objective locker.

"I just need to move this locker out of the way right?"


When the summoned beast which has received the instruction put its hand on the locker, its head came off.


I saw Himeji-san and Minami get their breath taken away. I have to admit that in a dim room like this, the spectacle is a little scary.

"It's really inconvenient to have the head keep coming off isn't it......"

".....How about fixing it in place with a packing tape?"

"Uuunnn.... It's tiresome when I have to stick it again once I let it disappear, and since this is test of courage, there's no meaning if its head can't come off too..... I guess I'll just leave it as it is."

Leaving the head rolling on the floor, it start to grab the locker firmly using both of its hand. The summoned beast, who possess power many times bigger compared to normal person, lift up the heavy locker. Now, all that's left is bring the locker that way - ouch! What happened!? There's suddenly an intense pain on my head!?

"Punishment for hugging onee-sama even though you're just a pig.....redeem yourself by dying....!"

When I take a closer look, my summoned beast's head is stepped on by Shimizu-san with all she got. What a cruel thing to do!

But even if I said that, since my summoned beast is holding a locker currently, it's hard to take back its head. The summoned beast's hand is fully occupied, and to move my body while controlling it is too hard.

I have to do something, while I think that, my friends over there come to help.

"Shimizu! Hand over Yoshii's head!"

"S-Sugawa-kun! And everyone too....! Thank you, you really save me!"

Sugawa-kun and the guys on class F block Shimizu-san's way. I'm really happy. Friends really are something that every people should have.

"Don't stand in my way. This pig need some punishment."

"Just hand it over!"

"That's right! Hand over Yoshii's head!"

"That's not something that can be entrusted to you!"

Everyone from F class unanimously say this.

"""We'll show you what real teasing looks like!"""

Eh? So that's the reason?

"I understand. If it's like that I'll hand you over this pig's head."

"Wait a minute! You can't hand it over to them, Shimizu-san!"

"Thanks Shimizu! Well then, let's go everyone! Punishment for the betrayer who get hugged by girls! Summon!"


The summoning field is flooded by zombies.

"I'm going to pass! Oraa!"


"Nice pass. Eat this, you jerk....! Doryaa!"


"Okay! Shooottt!"


The Durrahan's head is made into soccer ball by the zombies. What kind of drawing of hell this is.

Earlier, it was only Shimizu-san herself who steps on the head so it's still better than this, to be attacked by summoned beasts who possess far more power than a person really hurts a lot. Someone....help...

"Stop that. If you're going to bully Yoshii-kun even further, I'll be your opponent instead."

Suddenly, a ray light of hope can be seen over there. That is.... class A's runner up Kubo Toshimitsu-kun!? To lend a help even though he belong to different class, what a kind person!

"Thank you Kubou-kun! You saved me!"

"Don't mind it, Yoshii-kun! I'm going to protect you - forever!"

No, just for now is enough though....

"Class A's Kubou-kun...wasn't it? Please don't disturb us."

"I can't do that Shimizu-san, everyone from class F. Even if you gang up on me, I won't budge even a step. Because the thing I want to protect is right here....!"

"Good then! The I'm going to bury you together with that pig. - Summon!"

"I'm not going to lose....! The reason for me to study hard up until now, it must be to protect Yoshii-kun during this kind of time - Summon!"

Kubou-kun and Shimizu-san start to summon while glaring at each other. And then, the face of the each of the summoned beast is that of of the summoner, but both of their summoned beast has the exact same equipment. Wearing things like straw or worn out piece of clothes, somehow it kind looks shabby... What kind of monster is that?

"Mutsullini. Do you know what kind of specter is that?"


Without caring about the head of my summoned beast that is still being kicked even now, Hideyoshi and Mutsullini leisurely chat with each other.

"....A god that make people get lost. According to one theory, it's the soul of people who perish from getting lost searching for companion."

"I see.... So they're people who get lost their way as a person and drag in their friends along aren't they..."

By the way, why is Kubou-kun's summoned beast is the same as Shimizu-san's. Is there some kind of similar characteristic between them or something?

"Eei! Everyone, engage Kubou Toshimitsu at once!"


"Come at me anytime you want! I absolutely won't lose!"

Zombie & Mayohi-gami vs Mayohi-gami battle starts. The Mayohi-gami starts to attack the groups of zombies who still hold on to the severed head, the zombies also fight back by repeatedly scratching and biting. Spoiled body scattered everywhere. Severed head danced around in the air. Split limbs fly around.


Toward this kind of gruesome view, From Himeji-san and Minami to everyone else in the class start to raise some screams. The fact that the summoned beast is ill-advisedly made to be life-sized made it even worse.

[H-hey, don't come this way! Summon!]

[Are you okay, Miho!? Damn it, how dare you to frighten my girlfriend....! Summon!]

[Girlfriend...? This guy said girlfriend just now! Traitor!"

[Kill him!]

In just a moment, the sphere of chaos spreads. Now, the summoning field that center at the teacher become the scene of a pandemonium monster battle.

At the instant I thought that the teacher is going to erase the summoning field because it becomes too rowdy -


Some people that rarely seen on 3F storm in with a yell. There's some face that I've seen before... if I remember correctly, those guys are in the third year right....?

"You really are an eyesore aren't you....!"

The priest haired senpai and the mohican haired senpai's face distort grouchily when they set their eyes on me. Ummmm, those guys are -

"Perve - pervert-senpai right?"

"Oi!? Just now you were thinking about changing your remark, but upon affirming our face you change your mind about changing it aren't you!"

"You thought of us as perverts from the depth of your heart aren't you! It's Tsunemura and Natsugawa! At least remember our names right!"

Aah, that's right. It's the Tokonatsu pair.

"And, Tokonatsu-senpai? What's the matter?"

For the time being, I let the summoned beast put down the locker for a moment and face those two senpais.

"You bastard.... you can't remember our names individually so you put them together like that aren't you!"

"Just expected of that Yoshii Akihisa. His brain's capacity is too small."

What a rude thing to say.

"Rather than that, you guys are really noisy! Are you trying to insinuate us! Huh!"

"We can't concentrate on the summer short course!"

The third years beside Tokonatsu pair also raise some "That's right!" voices. Could it be that the reason they become seething with anger like this is because they become tense from studying for the entrance exam? Indeed, this is an important period for the entrance examinees who were said to be "he who master the summer will master the entrance exam". To have people from the lower floor to make Gyaa Gyaa noise like this is something unbearable isn't it? It's no wonder the senpais get mad at us. We should apologize here shouldn't we.

"Sorry. I don't think the noise reach the upper fl - "

"Oi, oi, senpai. Isn't that quite a cruel false accusation you speak about there?"

Just when I was about to bow down my head, Yuuji came.

"Eh? Yuuji. What do you mean by false accusation?"

"To create an accusation that is wrong. Or in other words, to find faults."

"I wasn't asking about the word's meaning! On top of that, you really thought I'm an idiot aren't you!?"


"What's with that [he just realized that now?] kind of face!? The only one who think I'm that stupid is definitely only Yuuji!? Everyone else must have - er, wait a minute!? Why do everyone awkwardly avert their eyes!? Look at my eyes!"

"Akihisa. Let's talk about this matter slowly next time. We have something we have to talk about now, okay?"

Yuuji's consoling-a-child way of talk is really exasperating.

"Well then, umm...what were we talking about again?"

"Whether the third years' complaint is a false accusation or not."

Ah, that's right, whispered Yuuji before turning back toward the senpais and continue to explain.

"I admit we were making some noises, but this is also an accepted way to use the summoned beast for studying. Even the headmistress approves this."

Indeed, even this is also a study event using the summoned beast system. To deny this event means denying not only the summon war, but even the whole summoning system itself. Since we have the headmistress's seal of approval, there's no reason to deny us from doing this unsparingly.