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-Still working (wow this chapter is really long too)
-Still working (wow this chapter is really long too)
| Kino no Tabi
| [[Kino_no_Tabi:Volume2_Chapter2|Chapter 2]]
| [[Kino_no_Tabi:Volume2_Chapter4|Chapter 4]]

Revision as of 20:16, 4 July 2012

"Step right up! Welcome to our country, traveler!"

The guard said this with genuine enthusiasm.

"These are some questions we ask people entering the country. Please answer them. It's nothing serious, just write the first thing that you think of."

By himself, the guard was waiting inside a small post in front of the gates of the tall castle walls. As soon as the traveler arrived he immediately presented a thick packet of papers. A pen too.

(The author does not explicitly give away Kino's gender, but this is not possible to do in English without being explicitly ambiguous as well)

The traveler, being taken aback, stared at the papers.

The traveler was in her teens. She had short, black, unkempt hair, but her face with its big eyes had a fearless look. Goggles hanged around her neck and she wore a black jacket. Around her waist was a wide belt with some pouches. On her right thigh was a hand-persuader in a pistol holster. The gun had an octagonal barrel and a revolver installed.

The traveler asked the guard, "Just me is OK? He is also going to be entering." The traveler then pointed with her thumb to a motorrad parked behind her.

"Just you is fine, let's see... what was your name?"


The traveler said this, then pointed once again to the motorrad.

"Over there is my partner, Hermes."

"Pleased to meet you," the motorrad named Hermes greeted from a distance.

"Again, welcome to our country. As for the papers, just Kino will be fine. It may take some time, but if you can please try to answer everything. You may use the chair and table over here."

"I see, this is needed to enter the country?" confirmed Kino.

"That is correct," the guard nodded.

Kino said she understood, sat down at the chair, and began looking through the stack of papers.

It asked things like name, age, sex, height, and weight. Then it asked about hobbies, favorite foods, favorite colors, music tastes, self-conscious qualities, what kind of thinker are you, and clothing preferences.

Then it asked what you can see in a picture that looked like an ink spill; what kind of animal would you be; how do you feel about watching boxing; what do you think about farm work; do you like children; do you wake up early; do you like raising pets; have you ever cried when watching a play or reading a story; do you prefer cats or dogs; do you dream in color; do you worry about being judged by others; do you mind living together with elderly people; do you like to gamble.


Although Kino gave several sighs doing it, all of the questions were answered. Then she returned it to the guard with a smile.

Afterwords, Kino's picture had to be taken to complete the inspection papers. One of the front of her upper body, and one of the whole body. She was asked to smile, but no matter how you looked at it she had a sour look.

"OK, thank you very much."

At long last, permission to enter the country was granted, and the thick and heavy gates were opened. Kino tapped on Hermes, who was soundly sleeping, to wake him up.

It was nearly sunset by the time Kino entered the country. To make matters worse, dark clouds were forming. Kino looked for a cheap hotel and went in. Before long it was raining. Kino gave up on going out for today. She ate a meal, took a shower, and went to bed.

The next day, Kino woke at sunrise. The rain had dried up. Kino did some light exercises in her room, and after that practiced with her persuader known as "Canon".

Kino had breakfast at the hotel, then tapped on Hermes to wake up. The luggage was left with the hotel, and Kino decided to go out for some sightseeing.

It was not a very big country. Castle walls surrounded the level earth. Streets were neatly divided and plain concrete buildings that didn't seem to have any history were abundant.

"It's not a very pretty country, is it?" said Hermes.

Kino asked people walking down the street about the country's highlights. The replies were are about the same.

"What would a traveler find interesting... Well, it's a very safe country."

"......That's a tough question, but if I had to say then.... That really is a tough question."

"The alcohol is good, huh? You don't drink? Then there's nothing really special."

"There aren't any. This is a new country, so it's not very good for sightseeing."

Kino rode Hermes around randomly. Eventually they reached the edge of the country, and turned back.

Kino decided to stop by an open street cafe for some tea. Kino finished her break, and when she returned to the sidewalk where Hermes was parked she heard someone shouting. Kino and Hermes turned towards the voices. In front of a ramp leading to the roadway was a young couple yelling at each other. Things quickly became violent.

"What's going on?" Kino said, seeming surprised. Hermes who seemed to be enjoying himself said "It's exactly what it seems like, a street fight. If I had to say then the man has the advantage with the hooks he keeps sending. But the girl's kick is pretty good. Ah, that left high kick just decided it."

"Nobody asked for a play by play..."

"Should we stop them?"

"Hey, break it up. Let's just talk this out," said Kino as she approached them.

"Ah! Traveler, what is it you intend on doing?"

Kino turned around to find a young officer in uniform halting her.

"You're just in time officer," Said Hermes.

"There's some people fighting. You can stop them instead," said Kino.

The officer shook his head.

"It's probably best if we leave them be"

"That's really OK?"

"Yes, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Besides, it looks like they're already finished."

Kino looked again and the fight was settled. The couple were walking away together.

The officer warned Kino, "Traveler, there's one request I have of you. Even if you see a man and a woman fighting, you must never interfere. In this country nobody gets involved in couples or spouses who are fighting. The fights settle before becoming serious anyways."

"That's really how it is?" Kino asked doubtingly.

The officer smiled and said, "Even if by chance you did get involved, I'm not sure you would gain anything from it. But besides that, please enjoy your visit in our country. There's no place like it, and there are many good parts. Now then, if you'll excuse me."

The officer saluted and left.

"Good places? Where?" muttered Hermes.

Kino had a satisfying lunch then refilled Hermes fuel. After that they both agreed to end the day's sight seeing and rest at the hotel.

While waiting at a stop light, a voice from the car next to them called out.

"Hello traveler!"

The driver was a man in his thirties wearing glasses and a suit with a tie.

"Traveler, if it's OK with you, I'd like to invite you over for some tea. I'm on my way home right now, it's very close. What do you say? You can meet my wife too, we'd love to talk with you about traveling and our country."

"We're free now so why not?" said Hermes. Kino nodded. She told the man that they would follow his car.

The man's house was connected to a series of two story buildings side by side. It was a housing complex.

The man's wife came out of the entryway to greet them. She was a long haired and quite attractive.

"This is my wife. A beauty isn't she?" The man said this quite happily then kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Please make yourselves at home traveler, motorrad," greeted the wife with a smile. Kino returned the greeting, and introduced herself and Hermes.

The man showed everyone in, and the wife, who had stayed behind to close the door, caught a glimpse of "Canon" on Kino's right hip. She said quietly, "Traveler, you carry a persuader?"

"Hmm? Ah, if you don't like it I will put it away," Kino hastily said. The woman shook her head with a smile.

"Not at all, I'm fine with it as is. Traveling is dangerous isn't it? How long will you be in this country?"

"Until tomorrow, I will probably leave in the morning," answered Kino.

"I see..." said the woman in a small voice.

The man offered Kino a seat in the dining room. Hermes stood behind on his stand.

The man called his wife who was in the kitchen, "Bring our guests something to drink."

"Of course, sorry to leave you waiting," responded the wife with a lively tone.

The man said to Kino politely, "Welcome to my house. I don't get many chances to speak with foreigners. Traveler, Motorrad, what do you think of this country?"

"It's boring," Hermes immediately said.

The man laughed and said, "Motorrad is quite honest. Truthfully this country is boring. Beautiful scenery or a deep history won't be found here. But, it's still a good place. It's peaceful and there's little crime. We can live our lives carefree. On my days off I always play tennis with my friends."

The woman set down a tray, and carried over a bottle and cups. It was alcohol. She filled the man's cup to the brim. The man gave a surprised look, but then quickly emptied the glass in a single gulp and let out a gasp. His face slowly began turning red. The man asked his wife who was to his side, "Hey, where's the snacks?"

"Ah, sorry, hold on," the wife said as she turned back. Suddenly the man shouted with anger, "Why am I waiting!? It should already be out you idiot!"

The man stood up and grabbed his wife's hair with both hands and pulled her.


The woman gave a slight scream and the two of them disappeared into the next room.

The sound of something being hit could be heard several times.


The man's shouts could be heard. The slanders continued.

"You fool! Be more considerate! Are you trying to embarrass me? Are you trying to be lazy? You think people are just going to feed you! Hey! Are you listening? Sandwiches!"

For a short moment there was no noise, then suddenly, "Whatever, just hurry up and cook something. Make it snappy. I'm in a good mood today so I'll let you off with this. Now hurry up stupid!"

There was a thud, it sounded like something dropped.

The man returned to the dining room completely red faced. He sat down and quickly acted very shameful and courteously said, "I'm very sorry you had to see such an unsightly thing. She tries a little harder every time, but she can't help being a fool. Please don't think badly, and if you can, please forgive her. Ah, that's right, traveler how about a drink?"

"No thank you, I don't drink alcohol," said Kino who's expression had not changed from before.

"Ah, well would you like one of these?" The man offered the biscuits sitting on a small plate on the table.

Kino thanked the man, picked one up, and put it in her mouth. At that moment the woman came staggering into the dining room. Her hair was a mess and she was holding the side of her forehead. She walked towards the kitchen like a ghost.

"Bring the traveler some tea! Hurry up!" The man shouted at her back.

Staying in a good mood, the man poured himself a drink and gulped it down. He became talkative, and his tone cheery.

"Man, I'm jealous of travelers! Really jealous! They travel around, going to all sorts of places. Yep. You know, I've also ridden on a motorrad before. The engine had exhaust pipes on both sides.... I don't mean to brag, but I was pretty good at it too. But, to be honest I did fall over too. I was only borrowing it so I was only able to ride it a bit. Yep...*hic*! I wanted to go on a journey. Traveler! Traveling is fun right?"

Kino gave the man a smile.

"Yes, very. The differences in each country's customs, right before your eyes you can"

"Kino thinks so too," Said Hermes as if he can't hear anyone.

"That's right!"

The man slapped his knee, and his upper body was staggering.

"Different countries. There's so many of them and you get to tour them. Yep. It sure is nice... You have to do it when you're young!"

The man leaned, started leaning forward and lost his balance. His arm hit his wife who was carrying out the food. The woman dropped the plate, and the food completely scattered on the floor.

"Ah!" shouted the woman.

The man's expression quickly changed. He glared at his wife with an almost demon like rage.

"What do you mean 'Ah!?' Hey! Stupid! Don't just stand there! The snacks are ruined! Ahhh! You're useless! pick up that garbage and eat it!"

Kino ate another biscuit.

The man grabbed the woman's long hair, and dragged her off into the next room.

"You stupid bitch!"

A number of slapping sounds could be heard, and the man's jeering continued.

"Seriously! You can't even bring one snack to our guest! You're useless, a burden to everyone! I can't believe I'm even with someone like you! Say something! Hey stupid! Are you listening?"

For a moment it was silent.

"You're stupidity makes me sick! Our guests came all this way! Thanks to who do you think you're able to keep eating? Who's money is keeping you alive? Who works? Hmm? Forget it, I'm tired from work! I'm going to sleep! I want you to clean up! Make that floor sparkle! Got it?"

Then, the sound of something dropping could be heard again.

The man came back to the dining room.

"I'm very sorry to trouble you, traveler, motorrad. I'll have to say goodnight here. I enjoyed our conversation. Please make yourselves comfortable, and if you need anything feel free to tell my wife. She really is useless though."

The man said this very courteously, and entered the next room.

"Get to work!"

The wife was dragged back out. The spot on her forehead where she was first hit had swollen. Her lip had a cut that was bleeding. The man let go like he was throwing her on the floor.

The man staggered out of the room. He could be heard going up the stairs.

Kino glanced at Hermes, then stood up from her chair. Kino started to help the woman who was cleaning up the food which had fallen on the floor.

"It's fine, please stop."

The woman held back Kino.

"Sorry, but it's really OK. Please take a seat."

-Still working (wow this chapter is really long too)