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The human was young; she seemed about halfway through her teens, or perhaps a bit less. Her blue trousers were covered with dirt and she wore a somewhat thick, green-colored jacket. She wore a hat whose brim covered her ears, and for some reason wore goggles over her eyes. The expression behind the goggles was rigid, and she appeared fearful.
The human was young; she seemed about halfway through her teens, or perhaps a bit less. Her blue trousers were covered with dirt and she wore a somewhat thick, green-colored jacket. She wore a hat whose brim covered her ears, and for some reason wore goggles over her eyes. The expression behind the goggles was rigid, and she appeared fearful.
The human, watching the deer disappear, let out a breath. After a short break, she ran off once again. The persuader she held was a slide action shotgun, and it had a tubular cylinder attached underneath the barrel.
The human, watching the deer disappear, let out a breath. After a short break, she ran off once again. The persuader she held was a pump-action shotgun, and it had a tubular cylinder attached underneath the barrel.
After running for a bit, the human slid behind a thick tree, as if hiding. Promptly, she aimed her persuader in the direction from which she had come. Opening her large eyes wider, subduing her breath, she searched for something.
After running for a bit, the human slid behind a thick tree, as if hiding. Promptly, she aimed her persuader in the direction from which she had come. Opening her large eyes wider, subduing her breath, she searched for something.
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Finally, a thicket wavered softly. The human reflexively aimed at it and fired. With a thunderous roar, the grass of the thicket danced wildly. There was no one there.
Finally, a thicket wavered softly. The human reflexively aimed at it and fired. With a thunderous roar, the grass of the thicket danced wildly. There was no one there.
The human clicked her tongue without raising her voice and fled from behind the tree. She put her left hand back on the foregrip underneath the barrel. Shots flew out, and then were reloaded.
The human clicked her tongue without raising her voice and fled from behind the tree. She put her left hand back on the fore grip underneath the barrel. Shots flew out, and then were reloaded.
Holding her head low, she ran desperately without looking behind her. She hid herself just as she had earlier behind the tree. Her breathing became rough.
Holding her head low, she ran desperately without looking behind her. She hid herself just as she had earlier behind the tree. Her breathing became rough.

Revision as of 03:58, 27 July 2012

"Power of Persuasion" —Persuader—

There, numerous seedlings, grass, and trees flourished. It was a tall, dense forest. The afternoon light peeked faintly through the cracks of fresh verdure. The soft voices of birds could be heard.

A deer and its child chewed at the lined up grass slowly, savoring the meal.

Suddenly, the parent raised its head. The child was still engrossed with the grass. Along with the sound of grass being mowed down, a human suddenly appeared from a thicket.

The deer, startled, became petrified. The human, also startled by the figure, pulled out her persuader (Note: A gun), and reflexively aimed it forward.

The human was young; she seemed about halfway through her teens, or perhaps a bit less. Her blue trousers were covered with dirt and she wore a somewhat thick, green-colored jacket. She wore a hat whose brim covered her ears, and for some reason wore goggles over her eyes. The expression behind the goggles was rigid, and she appeared fearful.

The human, watching the deer disappear, let out a breath. After a short break, she ran off once again. The persuader she held was a pump-action shotgun, and it had a tubular cylinder attached underneath the barrel.

After running for a bit, the human slid behind a thick tree, as if hiding. Promptly, she aimed her persuader in the direction from which she had come. Opening her large eyes wider, subduing her breath, she searched for something.

Finally, a thicket wavered softly. The human reflexively aimed at it and fired. With a thunderous roar, the grass of the thicket danced wildly. There was no one there.

The human clicked her tongue without raising her voice and fled from behind the tree. She put her left hand back on the fore grip underneath the barrel. Shots flew out, and then were reloaded.

Holding her head low, she ran desperately without looking behind her. She hid herself just as she had earlier behind the tree. Her breathing became rough.

She hurriedly wiped the sweat off of her eyelids and touched the lens of her goggles with the back of her hand. Not knowing how events had unfolded herself, she repeated this action several times.

Suddenly, the face behind the lens slackened.

"'Settle down, Kino. Always, quietly. Save your nervousness and fear for later.'"

The human, as though someone was instructing her, said something quietly and sighed.

The human who called herself Kino, smiling softly, grasped her persuader again. She produced a single bullet from the pouch on her waist, and placed it into the cylinder.

Holding her persuader reverently in both hands, Kino closed her eyes. She seemed to be in a meditative state under the shadow of the tree.

Several seconds passed as she sat there, quietly.


From a place not far from where she was, the sound of something lightly stepping through grass could be heard.

Rustle. It sounded. The small sound became louder.

Rustle. Again. It came closer and closer.

Rustle. One more time. Kino slowly opened her eyes.

Upon hearing the next sound, Kino pointed her persuader in the direction it came from. She fired. The shots only went through the blades of grass. There was a slight twitching on the left side of the thicket. Kino refilled the next shots, and aimed. The instant she fired, a person's hand appeared in the shadow of a tree to the right, aiming a hand persuader of its own at Kino. Kino desperately shifted her aim, and was shot at just before she switched her aim in the line of fire.

The bullet hit her forehead from the top of her hat, and bounced back. It went all the way back to the tree branch from whence it came, bounced off of it, and fell a ways to the ground below. It was a spherical rubber bullet, with a diameter of about ten millimeters.

"How was that, Kino?"

Asking this, the human who had shot Kino could be seen from behind the tree.

It was an old woman with a smiling expression. She had a slender body and orderly blond hair. She had slim trousers on, and wore a light green cardigan above her shirt. She had goggles just like Kino. In her right hand was a high-caliber revolver.

"It hurts. But in any case, it's regrettable."

Holding her head, Kino responded while only glancing upward.

The old woman took Kino's hat and goggles. The skin was torn a little bit on her forehead, and a small amount of blood was flowing out. From Kino's jacket pocket, the old woman took out a small cloth and a tiny bottle of antiseptic solution. She wet the cloth with the solution and attached it to Kino's forehead with tape.

"Since you're still young, you've got to take care of your face," said the old woman with a kind smile.


There was a thin path in the forest.

There, a motorrad (Note: A two-wheeled vehicle, simply denotes that it cannot fly) was propped up on its center stand.

"Welcome back," it said to Kino and the old woman as they pushed their way through the grass.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Hermes."

The motorrad asked one word to the old woman regarding Kino, who wore a heavy expression.


Kino, not saying anything, pointed to her forehead.

"Never mind, there's still much more to do. Well, let's make something to eat now that we've returned."

Saying this, the old woman put away her revolver in a handbag resting on Hermes.

As Kino passed her persuader to the old woman, she climbed onto Hermes and turned on the engine. A noisy explosion could be heard in the forest.

The old woman sat sideways on a cushion spread across the rear carrier. Kino rode off on Hermes.

"Kinooo, it's no good to be depressed like that," said Hermes as they ran. Kino remained silent despite Hermes' words. The old woman looked behind them with a nonchalant expression.


After running for a while, Kino finally stopped Hermes.

"Three people, huh?" said Hermes shortly as they slowed down. There, just as usual, was the path that cut through the forest. However, a bit further off into the distance, the path dissolved into a garden. Up ahead, a small house could be seen, if only slightly so.

Kino turned to the old woman and asked,

"Are we going to the gun powder shop today?"

The old woman shook her head.

"No. There's no such plan... Kino, get down."


"On my signal, don't move when those people come. It will be better if I speak alone..."

The old woman handed Kino the persuader that she had used earlier.

"I... I don't have the confidence for that."

"If something happens, then, and only then, will I help you. Whatever the case, it's good practice."


"Kino. Don't you want to become stronger?" said the old woman to the hesitant Kino, a smile across her face.

"... Yes."

Kino grabbed hold of the persuader, and nimbly disappeared into the forest.

The old woman sat in the rider's seat on Hermes.

"Um... please be sure to not mishandle me," Hermes said in a feeble voice as the old woman gripped his handlebars.

The old woman nodded several times. Holding the levers in her hands on both sides, she said, "Don't worry about it! I'll remember. This one's the brake, and this one's the clutch."

"It's the other way around..."


In the middle of the forest and the garden, there was a small house made of logs.

In front of the entrance, from wherever you looked inside, you would see nothing but three men. Thieves; a fat man, a thin man, and a man with a scar on his face. They were each holding long, rifle-type persuaders. The horses they had ridden were tied to the entrance.

The men heard the roar of a vehicle's engine, and soon saw an old woman riding unsteadily on a motorrad. They gave a hefty sigh.

The woman somehow managed to stop Hermes in front of the house and the three men.

"No, that's not how you do it! Put the kickstand down with that foot..."

"This one? Oh, this protrusion. Now I remember."

"That's right. Ah, but be a little gentler on the ground with the center stand..."

"All right."

The old woman eventually managed to put out the side stand, and she picked up her handbag and dismounted. The side stand slowly sank into the dirt, and Hermes fell over.


One of the thieves stepped forward.

"Is this your place, old lady?" he asked in a loud, crude voice.

The old woman greeted him.

"It's rare to see a customer these days. Come in and I'll make you some tea!"

The thieves snorted.

"Tea would be great, since, after all, we'll be taking all that you have that's of any value! Do as we say, and we'll spare you your life. Or else——"

"Or else what?"

"If you're beaten up in this place, you'll expose the air to the stench of your putrid corpse."

"You are threatening me, are you not?" the woman asked as if seeking confirmation.

"That's right! Old lady, is your Alzheimer's kicking in? Can you even hear me?"

The old woman put her handbag in front of her.

"I can hear you. ——Kino, do it."

Kino jumped out from the forest and fired. A rubber bullet hit the fat man squarely in the head, and he fell over sideways. Crashing into the tall man's chest, she hit him hard in his nether region with the stock of her persuader, then whirled around and delivered an uppercut to his jaw. Using the fallen body as a shield, Kino went for the last man, shooting both of his hands.

"Ugh... huh?"

Dropping his weapon, grabbing his pained hands, the man with the scar on his face let out a yell. His two partners were lying horizontally on the ground, completely unconscious.

Kino continued to aim at the man carefully. To his side, the old woman spoke.



The man winced.

"Don't be afraid, we won't take your lives. Instead..."


"Please take out anything of value that you have."

"If you've done other jobs before this, you must have something, right? So, as I asked before, give me your valuables please. Or else..."

"... Or, or else what?"

The old woman gave a sweet smile.

"Oh my, you understand, don't you?"

Seeing the man nod over and over, Hermes, still on the ground, let out a small sigh.

"You're a demon!"


"If you go on from here for about half a day, there's a river. It's pretty shallow, so I'm sure you can cross with a horse. ——And then, until you reach there, you must never look back."

Listening to these last few words of the old woman, the pale-faced thieves took their leave.

Kino made a strange face, and followed them with her eyes.

"You did wonderfully. Well, let's get prepared to make some food."

Kino looked at the old woman and nodded.

The two started on their way home.

"Pick me up, first..." said Hermes.


It was evening inside the forest.

Kino was going behind the house, holding an adze. Hermes was propped up next to the window.

In a nearby clearing, there was a circular mountain of firewood and several obliquely chopped tree stumps with their annual rings facing toward the pile.

"Hey, Hermes."

Kino spoke suddenly as she selected several pieces of firewood.


"If those thieves are so weak, why are they going around stealing stuff?"


"I don't really want to say this, but... was I really in any danger?" Kino had a doubtful look on her face.

"Not really, they weren't trying on purpose..." said Hermes in a suppressed voice.


Kino turned around. There was a small, blue bruise on her forehead.

"No, it's nothing. Let's just finish chopping the wood."


Kino placed the firewood on one of the oblique stumps.

She went over to where Hermes was, and picked the adze back up.


She threw it at the firewood.

The adze spun twice in midair, and cut two pieces of kindling clean in half.