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[Here are 10th and 11th pages. Pretty sure they can use some editing here and there] --[[User:Sinon|Sinon]] ([[User talk:Sinon|talk]]) 01:14, 8 December 2012 (CST)
“I will dare say it has been a big fiasco. During this unprecedented havoc, what kind of measures are being taken? We want to hear your thoughts, Your Majesty."
Senator Marquis Casel, who is also one of the aristocrats, shoved thous word towards at the emperor Molto Sol Augustus, while standing in the center of the parliament building.
Senator believed that if it is within this chamber, then thous questions can not be left unanswered, even by the one who occupies an emperor's seat.
Even the parliament building carved with ornate stone decorations, lost it's solemn, stately and serene feel. The terraced aligned along the circular wall, with men sitting on them with stern looks, while one of them stood in the circle clearing in the middle of the room.
Their number was about three hundred people. Senators represented the ruling class of the empire.
There are several routes to become a senator in this country. One is to be born in a house with authority. It's said that in the capital of this huge empire, if you were to throw a stone somewhere, you'll probably hit a noble. Thus, just by being born a noble, is not enouth to get you a senator's seat. One must first gain enough recognition among the aristocracy to even hope gaining access to the senate.
Aristocrat who were born in a prestigious house can usually occupy their position forever. Whenever it was a position of a minister in the senate or an army general.
Bureaucracy is essential for the administration of the enormous complexity of the existence of the State. If the person was gifted with enouth standing, then the choice of the path of bureaucracy or military were present. The deciding factor between military or bureaucracy was usually practical skill. Even for third son of titular nobility, this way it was still possible to attain good position if they had good luck, talent and work ethic.
There are six job positions inside the palace: minister, prime minister, Interior, Finance, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs. Those who chose to become a bureaucrat or soldier and reached the rank of general or minister, were guaranteed to automatically recieve senator position after leaving their job. This way even as a commoner one had chance to receive higher position. The knights often jostle to become officers as it can also be lined with the nobleman name to advance their rank.
Marquis Casel, was born into a noble family of a Baron, which can't be said to be a very high rank. From there, he got his senator seat through serving as a minister. Senator who had to spend such efforts, usually had a tendency to take their own position and responsibilities very seriously. As a result they often may appear too enthusiastic.

Revision as of 09:14, 8 December 2012

20××, Summer

According to records, the day was humid and hot. The temperature exceeded 30°C, the level of humidity was high too, and due to the influence of a heat island the streets had turned into a scorching hell.

Nevertheless, it was Saturday. Lots of people went to the city centre and had fun buying things or window shopping.

11:50 am

The sun was approaching the zenith, and when it seemed like the temperature would reach a new record, in Ginza, central ward of the Tokyo metropolitan area, suddenly a "Gate to Another World" appeared.

Knights and infantry that, from the looks of their armor, seemed to be straight from medieval Europe came pouring out. And then... What came then seemed like it belonged into a fantasy story or movie: Fantastical beings like orcs, goblins and trolls.

They charged the people that, by chance, happened to be present.

Young and old, men and women, no matter the race or nationality, slaughtering everyone seemed to be their objective.

The people, having gotten used to this peaceful country in these peaceful times, had no way to resist. In this pandemonium of shrieks, one by one they fell.

The shoppers, the parents with their children, and tourists from overseas, one by one they were trampled down under horse's hooves, pierced by lances and cut down by swords.

Heaps of corpses covered the streets, and the asphalt of Ginza turned the dark red colour of blood. "Hell" would have been a fitting title for the scene.

The troops of the other world stacked even more corpses on top of the piled up ones. Then, on this hill of meat, a jet black battle flag was hoisted. And with their loud voices, in their own language, they declared this place conquered and in their possession.

Although, since there was nobody to listen to them, it was a one-sided proclamation of war.

"The Ginza Incident"

This is what history would later call this touching of the other world with ours.

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Shigenori Houjou, then Prime Minister, is giving the following answer in the National Diet:

"It should be obvious, but we have no maps of that land.

How is the nature is there? What animals live there? And what kind of people live there?

What is their cultural level? What is their scientific and technological level? Their religion? We do not even know their form of government.

During this incident, a lot of criminals were arrested.

Using vague words like 'arrested' feels irritating. I used it, since our constitution and other laws weren't written with a situation such as this in mind. Thus, with this emergency at hand, our country has not decided on laws concerning the handling of prisoners of war. If we apply the current laws of our country, they are nothing more than criminals who violated criminal law.

That being the case, at the risk of this being called far-fetched, my decision is to consider the Special Region a part of domestic Japan. On the other side of the 'Gate' lies—so far unconfirmed—soil of our country. It can be considered to be populated. Even if a government exists on the other side, if we haven't negotiated with them, decided on national borders and established diplomatic relations, they cannot be recognized as an independent nation. At the current stage, they are an armed group of terrorists that took the lives of innocent citizens and foreign tourists.

I am also aware that some hold the opinion that we should peacefully negotiate with them. However, to do this, we must make the other party sit down for the negotiations. But how can we do that? Realistically, we're not having negotiations with those on the other side of the 'Gate'.

We must make the power that exists beyond the 'Gate' sit down with us at the negotiation table. By force, even if we have to pin their heads down.

Before we can negotiate, we also require more information about them.

Regarding the arrested criminals... Since we don't have a common language it has been slow, but little by little we managed to get some information out of them. However, there is no way we can rely solely on that. Somebody will have to go and confirm things with their own eyes and ears.

Therefore it will be necessary for us to set foot on the other side of the 'Gate'.

Still, we proceed towards uncivilized soil and savages that massacred nonresisting civilians. We have to be prepared for a corresponding amount of danger.

In any case, going in unarmed is impossible. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances inside the Special Region, the possibility of war has to be considered. Who in that savage land is friend and who is foe, this judgement has to lie—to a certain degree—with those on the scene.

Going into a dangerous place on purpose is not necessary. Rather, it'll be fine, if we destroy the 'Gate' to prevent it from ever opening again. I know that a part of the opposition holds such views. 'If we just close the gate, we are safe', is what they are saying, right?

From now on, the Japanese citizens will have to live their lives embraced by the insecurity of where a similar 'Gate' might appear next time. Maybe this time the 'Gate' will open in front of your house, in front of your family? Furthermore, there's also the question of how to compensate the victims and the bereaved.

If there is a government in the Special Region and somebody there is in charge, as the government of our country we must firmly demand a sincere apology, reparations and the extradition of personnels responsible from them.

If the opposing party doesn't comply, we will capture the mastermind with our own hands and bring them to justice. If they have assets, we will seize them, even by force, and use them to give reparations to the bereaved families. This is, also when looking at the feelings of the victims and their families, natural. Therefore, we, the Japanese government, have decided to dispatch the the JSDF to the other side of the 'Gate' in the necessary scope. The objective is to investigate, to search and apprehend the mastermind behind the Ginza Incident, and to forcibly execute the acquisition of reparations."

While parts of the opposition objected, both houses of the Diet approved the Special Region JSDF Dispatch Special Bill.

Furthermore, the government of the USA announces: "Regarding the investigations inside the "Gate", you have our full cooperation." To this, Prime Minister Houjou's reply is: "At the present time, there is no need, but depending on the circumstances, it is also possible that we might request assistance. In that case we'll get back to you."

Additionally, the Chinese government considers it most appropriate if the supernatural existence called "Gate" is put under international control. Just because it appeared in Japan, they say, a single country shouldn't have sole control of it. Least of all, so their comment, can anyone be allowed to monopolize the profits gained from there.

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[Here are 10th and 11th pages. Pretty sure they can use some editing here and there] --Sinon (talk) 01:14, 8 December 2012 (CST)

“I will dare say it has been a big fiasco. During this unprecedented havoc, what kind of measures are being taken? We want to hear your thoughts, Your Majesty."

Senator Marquis Casel, who is also one of the aristocrats, shoved thous word towards at the emperor Molto Sol Augustus, while standing in the center of the parliament building.

Senator believed that if it is within this chamber, then thous questions can not be left unanswered, even by the one who occupies an emperor's seat.


Even the parliament building carved with ornate stone decorations, lost it's solemn, stately and serene feel. The terraced aligned along the circular wall, with men sitting on them with stern looks, while one of them stood in the circle clearing in the middle of the room.

Their number was about three hundred people. Senators represented the ruling class of the empire.

There are several routes to become a senator in this country. One is to be born in a house with authority. It's said that in the capital of this huge empire, if you were to throw a stone somewhere, you'll probably hit a noble. Thus, just by being born a noble, is not enouth to get you a senator's seat. One must first gain enough recognition among the aristocracy to even hope gaining access to the senate.

Aristocrat who were born in a prestigious house can usually occupy their position forever. Whenever it was a position of a minister in the senate or an army general.

Bureaucracy is essential for the administration of the enormous complexity of the existence of the State. If the person was gifted with enouth standing, then the choice of the path of bureaucracy or military were present. The deciding factor between military or bureaucracy was usually practical skill. Even for third son of titular nobility, this way it was still possible to attain good position if they had good luck, talent and work ethic.

There are six job positions inside the palace: minister, prime minister, Interior, Finance, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs. Those who chose to become a bureaucrat or soldier and reached the rank of general or minister, were guaranteed to automatically recieve senator position after leaving their job. This way even as a commoner one had chance to receive higher position. The knights often jostle to become officers as it can also be lined with the nobleman name to advance their rank.

Marquis Casel, was born into a noble family of a Baron, which can't be said to be a very high rank. From there, he got his senator seat through serving as a minister. Senator who had to spend such efforts, usually had a tendency to take their own position and responsibilities very seriously. As a result they often may appear too enthusiastic.

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