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=== Part 2 ===
=== Part 2 ===
===References and Translation Notes===
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Chapter 3: A New Mask

Part 1

These past few days, Tarkas had indeed been busier than normal, bustling about all over the place. And the busier the busy man became, the livelier he got too. So light on his feet as if they’d grown wings, he showed them the peak of pride.

Whether it was building a stadium exclusively for the use of the Tarkas Gladiatorial Group, or planning to buy a dozen of a new dragon species, Tarkas had large-scale future plans for his sword-slaves. As usual, Orba wasn’t of the same mind.

“If you’re able to get appeal in front of the imperial families, I might think of rewarding you, Orba. The opponent, too, will be exceptionally prepared. Make a good fight. What? If you can’t get worked up, you’ll just have to do like you always do.”

Although he smacked his shoulder with an ear-to-ear smile, it honestly had a weird taste to it. When he heard with even Gowen having a bitter smile, it immediately turned to a serious look,

“I have no doubt that the Tarkas Gladiatorial Group is a major company in this industry. Even so, I never heard of Tarkas having connections with the imperial family and other top brass. He’s only worked with nobles like Fedom, the Lord of Birac and director of the Gladiator’s Guild. Although Tarkas has apparently only met him face to face during meetings. Nevertheless, until now, he had never even received a single direct job from Fedom. But I think it’s such an enormous job, this. I constantly told him that it’s better to request the cooperation from other places, but Tarkas has refused them all.”

“You’re prone to worry, old man,” Shique said, shrugging his shoulders. “Isn’t it fine? Even if we get their disapproval, it won’t be our heads that roll. It only means we’ll have to find another place to fight as gladiators.”

Orba, too, shared the same sentiment. It made little difference where he was. The only way for a gladiator to secure his life, was to earn gold. And if it means his road to freedom gets even one step closer, he would continue to fight wherever. That was all there was to it.

Several more days passed after that, and the preparations for their departure to Seirin Valley had finally started. They loaded their weapons and armour onto carts, and performed the arduous task of taking the dragons from their cages.

Inside the spacious dragon’s abode, Orba was wordlessly watching over Hou Ran guiding the dragons. Although he’d seen several animal trainers here, he didn’t know another human being who could handle dragons like this.

There was one such expert trainer who could ‘make three Sozos’s dance to music” using a flute, who fed them every day at a fixed time, gently brushed their snouts, and kept doing just that as a daily routine. He was killed easily, eaten by the Sozos’s on a whim.

That was primarily a dragon’s nature.

A human showing affection and training them, could achieve results to some extent, but there was never something like complete certainty. Even dragons that should have been domesticated for a long time, nested feelings within. In reality, they were not so sure about their intelligence, after being tricked by humans who’ve set up elaborate traps of, for example, pitfalls and collapsing walls.

But as far as he knew, among these dragons, Orba had never seen a time where Ran’s orders didn’t seem effective. And she didn’t use a whip or lure them with bait. Ran only blew them a low whistle and they stood in line like orderly trained soldiers, carrying their huge bodies one by one into the direction of Ran’s beckoning hand.

But, there seemed to be individual differences among them.

“Orba. Help me out without just looking.”

With slightly irritated words, Ran folded her arms near one medium-sized Baian dragon. Having dropped its waist in the corner of the cage, it didn’t seem to try to move at all. Although Orba didn’t think it was his place to blame him for ignoring Ran’s orders, as he turned to the corner, it looked like it wasn’t going to head the other way no matter what happened.

“What should I do? Tie a chain around its neck?”

A tranquilizing gun had hardly any effect on a Baian. However, it took a lot of manpower to pull it by the chains. The medium-sized Baian was quite short compared to a Sozos, but the its shoulders were still at about the same height as the head of a grown man. It was about three metres long, and the rugged hide of its body was much like armour to the touch. Small angular comb-like scales sprang up in a line, giving it the appearance of an atrocious lizard.

“You should get on, Orba.”

“What do you mean?”

Orba was taken by surprise. It wasn’t like there weren’t any gladiator games where they rode atop Baians, but it took great pains to put someone who was not familiar with it on a Baian’s back. In short, you just didn’t know when the dragon was going to shake you off and trample you underneath, and in the meantime you had to try and kill your opponent. It was of intended to entertain the audience with the thrill of the situation but, without magic or the efficacy of drugs, it was impossible to handle the heavy tank-like Baians.

“Dragons are different from beasts. Even if they’re degenerated, dragons have a dragon’s intellect. Humans simply cannot understand it. But you’ll be fine, Orba. They’ve surely opened their hearts.”

When the girl’s lips started to come apart, she spoke as if she was singing. However, because of the contents, virtually ordering Orba to ‘die’, it was incomprehensible even for a gladiator. But, as aforementioned, the truth was that he’d never seen someone more skilled in handling dragons than her. Besides, if he saw her characteristic defenceless smile, for some mysterious reason he was willing to believe any outrageous thing she said.

Orba slowly approached the Baian. The dragon started kicking his hind legs onto the floor, raising a single growl and pulling its tongue, which was split in two, in and out restlessly, as he looked down at Orba with eyes similar to glass beads.

Orba instantly gathered his courage. As he moved aside, he transmitted it to his legs and jumped towards its back. In an instant, he landed on the dragon’s backside. To avoid being thrown off, Orba swung both his arms around the thick neck. Although unexpectedly, it seemed almost as if the dragon’s hot blood got transmitted when he touched it, and Orba naturally didn’t know whether or not there was a change to the dragon’s mindset. However, the Baian sluggishly came to its feet, and started walking to the place guided by the young woman.

“This child was born only half a year ago,” Hou Ran said as she led the beast. “Even after half a year, its body is no longer outsized by an adult’s. However, they’re still children at heart. Even so, among animal trainers, there are those who can’t see the distinction.”

The four Baians were put into a new cage with a pulley. That cage could be pulled by either two Sozos’s or a single Houban. But, because Sozos’s were considered to be unpredictable – although Hou Ran said the Baian dragons were actually the most capricious variety because it was impossible to perfectly suppress one – they would spend the journey in a cage.

So, as everyone was pressed for a hurry on the preparations, when it was only one hour before departure, small-sized dragons suddenly rushed into the parade grounds.

They were three Tengo’s in a row. They were even one size smaller than the Baians and, because of their manoeuvrability in tight turns, often used on the battlefield instead of horses. Their big heads resembled that of a bird’s, its long neck nearly bent to the ground, and it bounced about running on two thin legs.

When the dragons suddenly made their stop, the lead dragonrider, nearly sent flying by the force, tumbled off.

“S-Shit, that’s why dragons—”

The man, spitting out sand that seemed to have entered his mouth, had his plump body covered with a purple robe. Judging from his appearance, he looked like a wealthy merchant making easy money. The two figures behind him, also two people sitting on their respective dragons, quickly got down and lent a hand to the man who seemed to be their employer, and Hou Ran ran over to their position.

The front Tengo had bent its legs and was crouched down. It had probably been overworked, as white vomit came from its mouth. Ran was about to stroke the back of its neck when,

“Don’t come any closer to His Excellency, slave!”

There was the single blow of a whip. Although Ran immediately tried to jump back, she fell and skimmed her ankle. Ran didn’t run however, but glared at the armed soldier right in front of her. He was still a young soldier, and when he noticed Ran’s hair and skin, he got an even more furious expression.

“The tribe worshipping the Dragon God, huh? Damn impertinent savages…”

The tendency to look down on the nomads, who held no fixed territory, as an uncivilized people was strong in all lands. In that sense, as was the same for Orba’s case, Tarkas was thoroughly pragmatic.

The soldier once more brandished his whip.

But soon after, he raised a low groan and became rigid. Orba’s hand came from the side, grasped his wrist, and twisted it upwards. As he writhed in pain, bending his spine, he got kicked forward.

“I do not know where your ‘Excellency’ is, but we have our own ways here. If you say you hate having to mingle with the likes of slaves, you shouldn’t purposely set foot in a slave den. Please make your leave.”

He snatched away the soldier’s whip, and struck it to the ground.

“D-Do you bloody know your place!?”

The soldier was about to stand up and unsheathe the sword at his hip when,

“Wait! Wait, Orba!”

Tarkas was running up to them from behind. It took all his strength to spur on his stout body, which was evenly matched with that of the robed man.

“Y-You, utter moron! Basically, you’re not even supposed to speak out of turn. Hurry and get back to your preparations!! …Ohh, Fedom-sama, if there’s been any discourtesy, I humbly ask for forgiveness. Especially considering you’ve directly come to visit such a squalid place like this, I think—“

“Ahh, at ease. You don’t have to bow, Tarkas,” the robed mand said, as he rubbed his hands and proceeded shake hands with the slave trader. “I have business with this man here. Orba? Yes, it was Orba. You.”

He pointed his finger at the mask Orba, who was about to leave supporting Ran’s shoulder, was wearing.

Naturally, Tarkas was taken by surprise, but so was Orba himself. In the first place, it was quite rare for a person from the outside world to refer to a sword-slave by name.

Orba stopped in his tracks. When he tried to recall where he’d heard the name Fedom before, the face got bizarrely distorted, as it didn’t resemble the face of any person Orba had seen until now. Only much later did he notice that it was a smile, stifling the usual scorn for slaves as if to guess his overall mood.

At that time, he forgot all about that strange expression, for he starting speaking unexpected words directed at Orba.

“Do you remember me? No, you may not remember it. At the time, you were hardly even conscious. I’m a council member of the Imperial Dynasty of Mephius, the Lord of Birac. I’m also acting as the head of the Gladiator’s Guild, and I’m the one who made you wear that mask.”

It was the first time he’d entered Tarkas’s office without the owner himself present. But of course, he didn’t care about something like that. Above all, Orba devouring eyes were staring at the man before him – the one who called himself Fedom, a leading Mephius aristocrat.

“What’s with those eyes? It looks like you’d immediately draw a sword and cut off my head, if you had one.”

I could even strangle you to death barehanded, Orba thought, but of course he didn’t say those words out loud. Next to Fedom stood a boy who might be a page, a pallid-faced houseboy-like youth, and a soldier who was the only one armed. It would really be careless.

“Even if you bear a grudge against me, it’s like you’re barking up the wrong tree. It is not on my behalf that you were imprisoned, but because of your own crimes.”


It was the first time Orba opened his mouth since this man had called out his name.

Rakuin no Monshou v01 121.jpg

“Why did you make me wear this mask? Is this what you nobles call fun? Doesn’t it matter how much I suffer, because I’m just a slave!?”

“Mind your words, you!” the soldier angrily shouted.

But Fedom said, “I don’t mind.”

“I do not have the liberty to play around with slaves who aren’t certain of their tomorrows,” he continued. “However… Just because your days were uncertain, yes, how admirably it is that you survived to this day. Back then, you were nothing more than a child. Having survived as a gladiator for two years… can it be called luck? No. Rather than something like luck, this is, as you explained so well – the destined golden mean of fate, that’s said to have decided all humans lives from the instant of the universe’s creation, right?”

He turned his head to the youth behind him. The young man gave a thin smile and slightly stroked his chin. Although, in a sense, it was more disrespectful than Orba’s attitude among Mephius’ nobility, Fedom showed no signs that he was bothered by it.

“Besides, you were practically a child at the time, but your physique has also gotten considerably more adult in these two years. You wouldn’t be the same person if it weren’t for the mask… Hmph, the timing’s a bit off, though. Give it another year and your body would’ve developed more and more, but it could also have ended up badly.”

Of course, Orba had absolutely no idea what this man was talking about. Fedom was talking as if he’d met up with an old friend he’d missed, while it had been a curse for Orba, so to speak, due to the mask always separating his face and the outside with iron during those two years, in which it had continued to fiercely smoulder his face for a period of time.

He’d floundered about, stained with blood because he’d tried to pry off the mask with his nails, and broke the ankles where the chain connected his feet because of his struggles. And each time, Orba had cursed everything for the fate he had lost, and the fate he had gotten in return.

Indeed, for two years that mask had been with Orba, who had yet to accept the hardships and deaths, and it had become the very symbol of his determination to take back that what was bereft of him from the same hand that took his mother, brother, and Alice.

And then, suddenly an unfamiliar noble came before him, saying he’s the one made him wear it. It was as Fedom said. If he’d had a sword at hand… No, it could be a sword or a dagger, or just a very heavy vase – anything nearby that could be used to kill. The instant Fedom showed an opening, he would’ve jumped up and smashed it into the man’s face. Of course, even now, it still wasn’t too late for that.

But, whether or not Fedom knew about Orba’s potential double suicide, the man continued to stall.

“Very well, Orba. I’ll take of that mask, right here in this place.”


“And that’s not all. From now on, you will also be released from your status as a slave. There’s no longer the need for you to pick up a sword and kill. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll be a free man. It’s simple. These are the conditions. In just a little while from now, Tarkas will leave you in my custody. But it’s no more than that.”


“And during that time, you don’t go against my words and do as I say. There’s no need to be afraid. It’s much easier than being among slaves and killing each other. You will only obey me like a puppet. However—”


Orba unintentionally let a shout escape his mouth. He shook his head in irritation before the tongue-tied Fedom in front of him.

“If you are the one who made me wear the mask, why do you now suddenly come to remove it? And why would you free me from slavery if I still have to follow your orders? Just what kind of joke is this!? What’s the reason you suddenly want to remove my mask here and now? How come you made me wear it in the first place? You bastards so easily manipulated a person’s fate to your own whimsical satisfactions. Just, how much more entertainment do you seek!?”

While he was uninterested in the words themselves, probably because he couldn’t grasp how much anguish had been included in that two-year period, Fedom shrank away, startled. He changed places with the soldier, who stepped forward to protect his master. Orba was glaring at Fedom’s figure over the soldier’s shoulder, as a sharp glint lit up in his eyes behind the mask.

“What do you intend to do by taking of the mask, freeing me from being a slave, and buying me over? Are you raising some sort of child assassins!?”

“W-Wait. Wait, I tell you.”

This time it was Fedom’s turn to take over control. Hidden behind the soldier’s back, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“I understand. However, we do not have enough time and this isn’t the place. Would it be better if I tell you that you’ll be killed if you don’t follow my orders?”

“Then you’d better hurry up and start talking. About what you intend to do with me.”

The soldier’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. Even though it was just an unarmed person in front of him, it looked like he was facing a carnivorous animal with those glistening, golden eyes glaring at him.

Noble and slave. Basically, the two weren’t even supposed to meet eye to eye, but the air of intimidation that reversed these positions between them was gradually occupying the room. Then,

“Fine, just wait a bit.”

The student-like youth cut into the conversation. He took one step forward, standing between Orba and Fedom.

“This is not an extremely complicated story. But to explain it from the beginning, surely takes precious time. What should I do in order to try and convince him first? Can I start by taking off the mask?”

“Once it is removed it cannot be used again,” Fedom said unhappily. “If this guy says he won’t obey afterwards, any leverage but killing him disappears.”

“There’s any number of ways in doing this. I’d like you to have faith in me.”

While he heard the strange exchange between the two, Orba noticed that the man, who looked like a youth, actually carried a considerable age. He had a somewhat hoarse voice, and his hair was mixed with white.

“I understand, Hermann. Go ahead.”

Receiving Fedom’s permission, the man called Hermann headed over to Orba’s side. Orba backed off by reflex and got surprised when he felt the man’s fingers fix closely on his mask.

Orba was able to ascertain the distance of his own sword and spear, and also instantly gauge his opponent’s attacking range. That was the talent Orba also had two years ago, and what made him live that long.

And yet, Hermann had quietly and easily been able to creep up to his chest.

“Don’t be afraid,” Hermann said with a grin. Having applied his fingers to the mask, he came even closer to his face.

“That mask does not come off even with superhuman strength. Also, there’s no such thing as a key to take it off. But I guess you know that best yourself after these two years, right?”

Orba doubted whether the one wearing the mask wasn’t Hermann instead. Was it because it looked like he’d stuck human skin onto his face and was in fact hiding his true face behind it? The skin was strangely stiff and, depending on the angle of light, he might not look like a young man after all.

But above all, it was those two eyes gazing his way. Unlike his facial expression, only the eyes gave a sharp light similar to that of a sword. The man resembled none of the many formidable opponents Orba had been confronted with, but he was struck with fear that surpassed all of them.

“Don’t touch me,” Orba said shivering, he did not want to admit to himself that he’d lost his fangs. “Besides, if you don’t have a key, how are you going to remove the mask?”

“The key was just something I made up. I told you not to be afraid. Now, after two years, I’m going to release you.”

Before Orba could retort, there were signs of wriggling and touching. It came from none other than Orba himself.

A fierce sound rang out. It sounded as if the world itself had started to crack, as Orba’s mask began to move. As he realised he felt no lingering feeling for being together these two years, while it slowly moved from the sides, it suddenly dropped down. It fell with a strangely sweet, clattering sound on the floor. Unable to move after that, Orba gently stroked his cheeks.

It was a dazzled feeling, giving no sound and he immediately covered his eyes with his hand. Although it felt like Hermann had used some kind of magical attack, truthfully, he already knew the answer. In some way, this was more shocking to him than someone aiming for his life at short range, which caused his body to shudder.

Orba – widely recognized as a top-class swordsman who, once he picked up a sword, was not afraid of anything, - got irritated with himself that he was now getting frightened like a child, and slowly opened his eyes.

There was the figure of Fedom standing stock still. No, it wasn’t only him. The soldier present and the page boy too, were staring blankly with their mouths open. They didn’t move a single muscle.

Then, suddenly the young soldier stirred. It looked like he had come back to his senses, when he suddenly kneeled down on the floor.

“C-Crown Prince!?” the young man said in a shivering voice. “This… e-excuse me for my rudeness. I didn’t know you were the prince at first. Please, I beg you for forgiveness!”

“Impossible,” Fedom said. His fat body was trembling all over. “It’s impossible! But… but, Hermann. The previous ones didn’t look nearly as much alike. Even taking two years into account, I never expected a mirror-image like this…”

“That’s why it’s called sorcery,” Hermann laughed with a muffled voice. “Didn’t I tell you? With luck at your side, this man will certainly become of use to the master.”

For a while, all sound ceased to come out of anyone’s mouth.

Orba had clearly lost awareness of his voice and body. He was timidly touching his flesh-and-blood cheeks. There was no touch of iron. That hard, cold mask was completely absent and replaced by a warm and tender skin. Half in a daze, Orba wondered whether this all might just be a dream.

“Do you want a mirror?”

The only calm one, Hermann, indiscreetly fumbled through Tarkas’s desk, took out a hand-mirror and tossed it over at Orba. As he caught it in his hands, Orba looked at it with held breath.

A pale faced, slim-eyed man was staring back at him. These two years, whenever he looked into a mirror, only that iron mask mimicking a tiger appeared before him. He initially felt that there was no mistaking this as real, but soon, Orba had a certain uncomfortable feeling that obstructed his happiness.

It was definitely his own face. And yet, something was different. While his eyes, nose, and mouth had surely remained the same, he had a suspicion that certain subtle angles had changed.

Two years had passed. Was it possible he’d forgotten about his own face?

No… but he didn’t know the reason for this. After all, he had a feeling that his eyes were strangely sharp compared to before, his lips had become a little bit thin, and his nose seemed to have gotten slightly bigger.

“Well then.”

Fedom awkwardly and abruptly broke the silence that was flowing so far.

“If it’s like this, your intentions will no longer pose a problem. It looks like you were decided on two years ago. By some power of the gods, demons, the Dragon God of old, or maybe even an existence we don’t know the name of. Without it, you could never be so much alike.”

The moment Orba felt like asking what he was talking about, Fedom immediately made a declaration.

“You are already no longer this Orba. Of course, you’re also no longer some sword-slave. From the moment the mask was removed, you were born anew as a different person. What’s more, you’re not even a common man one might find anywhere either. Got it? From today on, you’ve graciously become the one known as the heir to the throne of the Imperial Dynasty of Mephius, Gil Mephius!”

Part 2

References and Translation Notes

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